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Taylor Lawson Professor Graham Paul Freshman Seminar 138 21 September 2012 Riverfest Critical Reflection I showed up at Owen

Park ready and excited to work. I had my gloves and my iPod. I was prepared to get dirty in the garden, come back tired and invigorated, and give an awesome first performance of the River Play. Things, of course, did not go according to plan. Shortly after arriving, I was asked to stay back from the garden trip, and instead post signs and keep an eye on the sound system in case of rain. I tried to take the setback in stride. I was disappointed, but I decided to see it as an opportunity to relax before the performance, maybe listening to some Korean lessons as I did, so I would feel productive. One by one, the groups left to work in the garden and clean the river, and I found myself alone. I took out my iPod and turned it on only to find it dead. I shook off the disappointment and got down to stapling posters to wooden posts. Before finishing, I ran out of staples, and realized that I couldnt leave to post the finished signs anyway because Id been asked to watch personal belongings, and there was no one else to keep watch. Trying to see the bright side, I decided to set up our listening booths, but once the tables were up, signs taped to them, I found myself at a loss for what to do. I sang to myself. I watched the families fishing across the parking lot. I read through all of the posters and pamphlets that had been brought. Soon, some of the management people came back, and we talked. No

sooner was the chance of rain mentioned than it started raining. We ran out, hauling in everything at record pace. Once everything was safe from the rain, the waiting began again. After it had rained for a decent length of time, groups started coming back, soaked and cold. It looked like the Riverfest was off, and while I was disappointed, I wanted to get out of the cold and wet and go to my room, where I could be warm and finish my homework for the next day. Groups came and left, but when Jerry came back and had us begin to set up the stage under the shelter, it was clear that the Riverfest would go on no matter what. The food arrived and I began to actually feel nervous for my performance as we ate and listened to music. Then, it was our turn on stage. Every line was full of first time jitters, and I could barely appreciate the crowds participation, wrapped up in my own head. Afterward, though, people gave me thumbs up and told me they liked it. A woman even introduced herself to us, telling her that wed performed her story. I thought that the goal of our project would be to fix up a garden, but I found that my goals were altogether different from the groups. My goal was to connect, somehow, despit e my lack of service. I feel like I achieved my goal, and not only through the play, but through just being, watching people fish and feeling the atmosphere of Swannanoas nature outside of Warren Wilson Property. Though I participated in something that could be considered communitybased performance, I dont feel like I achieved any of the goals laid out in the book. I feel like I only touched the surface, and I have to let myself meld more with Swannanoa the river, the town and the peoplebefore I can know it well enough to really understand it, and support or change it.

My own performance, as with all things, could have been better, but I feel like I learned something about how I want to experience Swannanoa. I realized that I really want to know the community here, and be a part of it. Now, I only need to find out how. I hope that through participation in the different events well attend throughout this course, I can really learn about Swannanoa, feel her heartbeat and become a part of her. Personally, I want to be outgoing and bold, but open to listen and learn no matter what. I want to make myself a part of the community in whatever way I can, be it learning the names of people at Chowtime or buying donuts from Boy Scouts. I want to see what Swannanoa has to offer, and how she can change me.

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