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Name: _______________________________________

Webquest: Redwood Forest

Coast Redwoods:
1. How long can redwoods live?
2. How can people tell how old a tree is?
3. What can redwoods be used to make?
4. How many acres of redwoods were there?
5. How do redwoods create their own rain?
6. Name four animals that live in the redwood forest?
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
Giant Sequoias:
1. What is possibly the oldest documented living tree called?
2. Name two plants that live in the shade of the giant sequoia trees?
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Where is the only place the giant sequoias grow naturally?
4. What is another name for the giant sequoia?
5. Giant sequoias need naturally occurring ________________________ to reproduce.
6. Name four animals that live under the giant sequoia trees
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________

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