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UNT Masters Program in Curriculum and Instruction

Date of Activity: Spring 2013 Title of Artifact: The Ron Clark Story Course: EDSE 5001

Course objective(s) addressed

A. the impact of culture, history, and philosophy of schooling in America B. the roles, rights, and responsibilities of classroom teachers C. the importance of context in educational decision making D. the impact of current trends on the politics, organization and control of American education

Artifact Description
This work sample was completed in EDSE 2001 as a class requirement. After watching the movie The Ron Clark Story, I summarized the movie with detailed descriptions of what Ron Clark did to see improvements in his students. I also reflected on what I thought of the situation and teaching in general.

Relationship to NBPTS Standards

This artifact demonstrates knowledge of three Middle Childhood/Generalist Standard(s). I. Understanding Students The artifact helped me understand woe different students learn VI. Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Fairness The artifact shows how to be fair when diversity is present X. Reflecting on Teaching and Learning My reflection of my teaching in regards to Ron Clarks story is part of the artifact

Background of Artifact
When I was given this assignment, I was intrigued that it was based off a video and not a book. I went with it and was surprised that it was actually an inspiring video. The man did great things, there is no denying that. However, his situation was not practical. He had to give it his all, morning noon and night. Teachers that do this burn out quickly. I will be the first to advocate for education, but it is impossible to expect a teacher to continue such devotion to student success over a long period. We are people, not machines. I believe the assignment was given to us to inspire, which it did, but the movie did not show the continuation of his story.

Reflection on Learning Demonstrated in this Work Sample

From completing this assignment, I have learned how important it is to believe in and advocate for my students. I think good teachers naturally do this. We invest in our students because we do believe in them. I have benefited from this artifact by being inspired to do more for my students. I will use the inspiration from the assignment to strive to be the best teacher possible.

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