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[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal



JUNE 13TH, 2013


[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology
Introduction Educational Background Extra C Work Ex Inception Information Study Momentum Hours Strategy: CSAT (Aptitude) Strategy: General studies Mains 2013 Public Administration and Sociology Optional Subject in Mains 2013? Compulsory papers Essay Insecurity about Profile Interview Marksheet Wisdom Career backup Family and Friends Bogus marketing propaganda

Name Roll number Rank (CSE 2012) Optional Subjects Number of Attempts 1 Tripti Bhatt 38836 165 1. Public Administration 2. Sociology

Medium for Mains Exam English Schooling (Medium) Centre for Prelim exam Centre for Mains exam English New Delhi New Delhi

Name of home town/city Almora (Uttarakhand)

Educational Background
% in class 10 % in class 12 Graduation course and % 94 90 B.Tech (Mech. Engg.) 78.7%

Name of college and year of passing out G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar, Graduated in May 2010

Extra C
// extracts from my DAF// 1. Particulars of prize, medal, scholarships etc. a. National level merit certificate in hindi from CBSE board b. First prize in debating at state level c. University merit scholarship holder d. various accolades in conferences, symposia etc. e. Kho-kho team captain at school level. 1/8


[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal

2. Position of distinction/leadership held in school/college a. Member of school Editorial board b. Co-chairperson SPIC-MACAY Pantnagar c. Coordinator of College Alumni Cell d. General Secretary of Hostel 3. Hobbies a. Composing poems, photography, singing, swimming

Work Ex
Q. Provide details of your job experience, name of post, months/years. Joined NTPC Ltd. in Sep 2010. Presently Asstt. Manager at NTPC Engg. Office Noida. Q. Did you leave the job to prepare for UPSC? No Q. Your advice to fellow working professionals whore preparing for upsc simultaneously. There are different reasons for preparing with job. Explore yours and take a call about the relative risks and may have a short term or long term plan, may prefer a low profile prep or adventurism but never feel any strong disadvantage. There are many people who are cracking civil services year after year without quitting job. You are no different. Just try to hang on to a cool natured job ..long working hours or travel time=strict no no even if it means settling down on lower packages. You should be able to extract time to read newspaper in office itself. Prioritization is very important and you will have to put UPSC before your job at least during the prep phase. Dont try to be perfect at everything, you will end up at being none. Prioritization means being mentally prepared for getting transferred, being dropped in promotion, being labelled a sloth, spoiling your terms with bosses or simply resigning on your own but NOT compromising on certain basic premises: come on time leave on time, no critical assignments which need extra efforts/late hours of work even if its for few days (it drains your mental energies plus time..make excuses or deny flatly), availing leaves you are entitled for.. etc etc. one can add or remove items from this list depending on job nature and your personality but the bottomline is that dont try to become rajnikant. Utna hi kaam karo jitne me kaam chal jaaye. Focus on cracking the exam. Stay cool. Coaching Did you join any Coaching? Did you join any postal courses? Did you join any Mock test series? Yes No Yes

Did you appear in any other competitive exams? Yes


It was somewhere in my head since school days since there is a sense of awe associated with services specially in north india and if you are reasonably ok in studies everyone expects you to clear it. I had a vague appreciation and inclination but it was only during graduation final year that I finally decided to go for it due to multiplicity of reasons. Desire to do something worthwhile and big, sense of responsibility towards society ( I know it sounds cliched but it was so), happiness it would bring to my family and wellwishers to quote few.



[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal

Q. Outside Delhi, its hard to dig how to prepare for civil service. So How did you gather the necessary information / strategy / booklist? Before Noida, I was at Rihand during the initial phase of my prep and believe me its one of THE remotest in India. You need to travel 220km to watch a movie :P it used to be an open air jail of the royalities. But digging info is no big deal in internet era. And most importantly, one should be in touch with serious aspirants and share/discuss strategies,booklist etc. as much as possible. Travel to coaching hubs of Delhi once in a while if you feel too lagged behind. Even the chaiwala and paanwala will be able to give you strategies out there ;)

Study Momentum
I am a highly erratic person when it comes to momentum. I dont even have the habit of reading newspaper dailyi would read 12-14 of them on alternate weekends. (caution: dont try this at home :P) boredom is ought to creep in during prep.. talk to friends, go out and have a walk, watch a good movie, listen to good music, send sms while having tea/coffee,have an awesome meal,write a poem or story, paint something, go shopping, clean your studytable/room, simply doze off over books I mean thousands of things. Just close the books and give yourself a break. Just ensure that the break is not too long. Read some motivational books, paste motivational quotes in and around your room..create an exam helps :)

Q. On an average, How many hours did you study per day? Ans. Varied from 2 to 8 hours. 8 hours is the max I could achieve. Overall avg would be 4 hours. Q. How many months did it take you to complete the core syllabus of GS and optional subjects? Ans. Technically speaking it took me about 1.5years i.e. after I entered my job in 2010 to my prelims in may 2012. But quality of prep in pubad and socio was abysmally low. I had just completed syllabus superficially and selectively. I focussed on completing it in depth and totality after prelims were over.

Strategy: CSAT (Aptitude)

Last year I solved few sample papers from arihant publication book and used to do some questions online to come in flow but paper was way too easy than what I had prepared. I could manage a score of 160. I think the challenge is to manage time rather than difficulty level. A fair degree of practice would produce same result for non science students. Now please share the tips regarding aptitude preparation, especially the comprehension and decision making portion. As I told my preparation was almost zero for apti paper but in the process of preparation one has to read so much that reading speed and comprehension develops gradually even if one lacks it in the first place. Just come in flow before exam so that you work smartly and know the manageable and unmanageable areas at a glance. For decision making, thumb rule is to think like an officer. Honest upright decisive officer. You will get the option right from a gut feeling :)

Strategy: General studies

Book/ source Ancient History Modern Culture Mains Basics Polity Current mains Basics Economy Current mains Physical Indian Geography World mains nothing spectrum+TMH manual Nothing but ppl refer spectrum same Laxmikant, bare acts Hindu+pib Same Sri ram material, mrunals articles Hindu+internet sources Same GCL, NCERT, book fr prelims geog by wizard publication NCERT,wizard GCL, wizard Same excluding wizard(in retrospect I felt I devoted too much time and energy for geography while upsc didnt ask much from it. Wizard may be skipped if you so wish, it takes lot of time but has a lot of gud info too. Discretionary)

Medieval nothing


[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal

Environment, Biodiversity

Basics Current Mains Basics

NCERT, book: Environment studies (oxford publication) Hindu, mags spcl issues Same NCERT Hindu, science reprter, coaching (pirated) material available in market, random surfing and digging wikipedia Same Self made notes, vishals summary, pib, sarkari ads in newspapers Self made notes from miscellanous sources, World focus magazine annual issue, coaching material photstats from market

Science Tech

Current Mains

Yearbook / Govt. schemes etc. IR/diplomacy

I didnt have separate strategy for prelims and mains.. focussed more on factual parts for prelims and analytical parts for mains. But one mistake I would like to share, I devoted tooooo much time towards covering current affairs, the materials flooding in market during April-may, many other so called sme se pakka aayegastuff before pre :P was disappointed to find not a SINGLE question from my high priority areas. It made me wiser for mains perhaps :) I relied only on my own reading of newspaper for current affairs, didnt even refer magazines, banked on standard books and self made notes and It seems to have worked. (got 268 in GS mains)

Mains 2013
UPSC has changed the GS syllabus for Mains 2013. So if you were to prepare for it, whatd be your approach/strategy/booklist? Approach would be to keep it simple. The kind of paper they are setting in GS, it isnt about sophistications or exploring treasure troves of some mystical knowledge. Its more about the length and breadth of your general reading, sense of observation, presentation skill and ability to think comprehensively even under pressure. Specially the 25markers are way too open ended and familiar. The broader you read, the better marks you fetch. Hindu is THE bible for mains ( I know many people criticise its leftist orientation but it works) I spent lot of energy in the process of exploring the refined booklist or getting hold of a few of them but suffered from information overload due to diverse opinions. To add to miseries most of these exotic names are out of stock at flipkart and unavailable in rajinder nagar market (the hub of aspirants material) Was suggested by someone to calm down and wait for the right books to surface in the market on their own. Now I am doing that :) In the meantime going through Global Politics by Andrew Heywood. It would definitely help I am sure. Another book is India After Gandhi by Ram Chandra Guha widely recommended by everyone. I read it a year ago so will revise later.

Public Administration and Sociology

The shift in questions paper is very visible, lesser degree of predicability, no 60markers, need to write more to get same marks (also elaborated by mrunal somewhere), analytical questions, higher relevance to contemporary socio-political scenario and so on. Just pick up last year papers and see the trend before 2008 and in last two-three years. There is no dearth of booklist/ study material on both of these optionals and I actually have nothing to add to what has already been repeated in this blog and elsewhere multiple times. Morever, my actual list might appear farcical since I referred VERY few books :) And perhaps this is the only get away I have for the readers. Its possible to fetch 147 in pub ad paper two by JUST reading rajni goyal,laxmikant and newspaper (that too my alternate weekend style ;) ) what is more important than reading multiple books is to read from limited sources and get it cemented in your brain,think, analyse, put things in perspective and write well. Any set of basic books that covers your syllabus is wonderful.

Optional Subject in Mains 2013?

Q. Instead of two, now UPSC will have only one optional subject. So if you were to give Mains 2013, which optional would you keep and why? Ans. I would keep socio. My pub ad ppr 1 marks were 77. I heard of scores like 25, 37, 45,52,61,93 in ppr 1 secured by ppl in my extended circle. Highest I heard so far is 108. I think it explains my choice ;)

Compulsory papers
Q. Your booklist/strategy for compulsory Regional language paper. Subscribed a hindi newspaper ten days before exams. Got sick with trivial/crime news,that too in pressure of mains. Didnt read it ever. You can try this strategy at your own risk :) Q. Your booklist/strategy for compulsory English language paper. Nothing. 4/8


[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal

Q. How did you prepare yourself for the essay? Wrote two essays as practice and got them evaulated by a sirgot 118/125 marks and was happy with my writing skills till I saw my mains marksheet :) Q. Which Essay did you write in Mains-2012? I wrote the one on PPP but got a pathetically low score of 50marks !!! Q.Provide some keypoints/highlights of your Essay. If you want it for how NOT to write an essay I would be happy to give it :P but I dont remember the exact framewrk and content. I wrote a looooong one. I can tell you the good points and bad points as I have analysed so far: Good Points: 1. 2. 3. 4. could manage a good handwriting even when I filled some 23-25 pages Made relevant diagrams Good vocab, coherence and presentation Covered topic very broadly and with variety of angles.

Bad Points: 1. In attempt to be broad in view, didnt focus exclusively on PPP but on other keywords equally (I dont know if its a drawback though :( ) 2. Probably social aspects of PPP didnt please the examiner. They had some eccentricity in views inspired from neoliberal analysis of indian society I read long back. 3. Covered topic, perhaps, VERY broadly. Score: 50. Lesson: Play safe. Write a down to earth basic essay. An attempt to fetch better marks writing a flamboyant essay or presenting an out of the crowd view may backfire.

Insecurity about Profile

Many aspirants fear the interview, thinking that my profile is not good because Ive low marks in SSC/HSC/College, I dont have any extra-curricular certificates, I dont have work experience,.I graduated from some unknown college, Im from non-English medium and so on Whats your take on that? Ans. Candidate has to appear better than a sheet of paper and not vice versa. A moderate profile with moderate performance would fetch better marks than too heavy a profile with a disappointing performance. Good profile is of course an advantage but only to the extent you prove yourself to be upto it. How much portion of your interview centered on your profile? It had a fair share of my profile,esp hobbies, job, home state etc. Did they ask any uncomfortable question from your profile during the interview? No.

Q. How did you prepare for the interview? I gave mock interviews at Sankalp and Vajiram. Other than that I worked on my DAF and collected relevant info about my homestate, hobbies, extra curricular activities, job etc. to the extent I possibly could. Q. Who was the chairman of you interview board? Dr. Reddy Q. How long was the interview? About 30minutes Q. Provide the list of questions asked (and if possible answers also) Transcript provided on this link: 5/8


[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal

Q. Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or Did they ask you totally unexpected questions? If yes, how did you handle it? One can never prepare for the exact questions they ask..its a matter of their whims and the words you utter. You can only get prepared to ensure that you gain some confidence, are able to defend DAF, do not appear dumb at something you are supposed to know and polish yourself up on your body language or tone of speaking.

Pre: 84+160 Mains: GS:129+139 pub ad: 77+147 socio: 115+120 Essay: 50 Interview:221 Written Total:777 Grand Total:998

Q. Through this journey, what have you learned about life and competition? What is your message to future aspirants? Preparation for services is an enriching phase of life that shall quickly pass whether or not you get through. The real vast vistas of great works to be done lie beyond this phase, again, whether or not you get through. In your deep internal true realisations, you must be very humble and know that its just an exam and not a benchmark of your coming success or fulfilment. But your actions and attitude towards cracking it must be aggressive and adamant, with a fighter attitude, winner attitude. I had a poster of Bolt in my room where he hushed at the audience while comfortably leaping much ahead of his competitors at the Olympics. Below it I wrote in huge letters: shut up! I did it This is not arrogance, but a befitting reply he gave to people who doubted his performance and questioned his success. I loved it. A cursory glance at it would fuel me with passion after a tiring day at office. However, be careful not to swap the above feelings :) Be calm in thoughts and uncompromising in actions, not vice versa.

Career backup
I was already working so didnt have insecurities on that front but down the line I would have gone for higher studies and shifted to academics/research if could not clear civil services.

Family and Friends

Q. Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an aspirant. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific motivational/inspiration incidence that you would like to share with the readers? My family and friends have always put great trust in me and supported me throughout this journey. There was a time when I altogether abandoned the idea of preparation in the initial stage itself, as I felt I would not be able to cope with the working of the system when I get in, there are other better ways to do what one wants to do in life and other fundu ideas like that not related to cracking the exam but towards a sense of satisfaction I thought it lacked. It was almost a fullstop to this journey when a very respected teacher of mine brought me back to track with renewed vigour and zeal and a deep sense of faith in my capabilities. Looking back I realise my positive mental state and calmness had a lot to do with my success, and it could never have been possible without the genuine trust and care bestowed on me. I was reminded that brickwalls are there for a reason, they let you know how badly you want something. They are there to stop the other people, not to stop you :) ( courtesy randy pausch, the last lecture. You can watch it on youtube, worth it indeed.. )

Bogus marketing propaganda

You are well aware of the unwritten golden rule of conducting toppers interview. Final question has to be about bogus marketing propaganda. So, Q1. Were you a subscriber/ regular reader of If yes, then Since when? You can even say no, Ill publish it without editing, unlike certain magazines hahaha. Yes, I am a regular reader since 2010. I have seen this blog grow slowlyand now it has become so comprehensive and admired for its high quality , thanks to consistent efforts of Mrunal. 6/8


[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal

Q2. How did help you in your preparation? All the articles, especially economy, are full of knowledge yet so simplified. It helps one to be updated and focus on areas which otherwise may have been left/ignored. Some strategy type articles also act as eye opener and help you to refocus on studies. Previous Posts
[Topper's Interview] Frank Noble (AIR-157 /CSE-2012) Working Professional (TCS): Public Administration, Geography [Topper's Interview] Manikandan Soundararajan (AIR-759 /CSE-2012) First attempt, Public Administration, Geography [Topper's Interview] Gayathri PG (AIR 449 /CSE 2012) Public Administration, Law [Topper's Interview] Ramdhan Dagar (AIR 500 /CSE-2012) No Coaching, Public Administration, Commerce and Accountancy [Topper's Interview] Pankaj Kumawat (AIR 371 /CSE-2012) First attempt, Public Administration, Sociology [Topper's Interview] Mayank Agrawal (AIR 67 /CSE-2012) : Electrical Engineering, Chemistry [Topper's Interview] Raj Kamal Yadav (AIR-21/CSE-2012): First attempt, No coaching, Veterinary Science & Zoology [Topper's Interview] Chandrashekhar AIR-470/CSE-2012: Public Administration & Sociology [Topper's Interview] Shefali Singh (AIR 336/CSE-2012) Geography and Sociology [Topper's Interview] Tanu Priya (AIR 18 / CSE 2012) First attempt, No coaching: Political science, Sociology

141 comments to [Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology

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Reply to this comment Congos Tripti mam , proud to have graduated from the same college as yours :) .. You have made us proud and likewise every year there are atleast 5-6 candidates from our college .

saurabh singh somvanshi

Reply to this comment congr8s triptiji.. aur ap kitne bhi ache ho log hamesha apko criticize hi krne ki kosis krte h .. aise hi kch logon ne ap pr bhi comments kiye i hope ill enjoy their frustation on ur success,,,,,,,

Reply to this comment congrats!tripti .ur success is really an inspiration for wrkg professionalplz guide me as i find hard to manage btn my personal life and optional is sociology.

Reply to this comment congrats! triptiur success is really an inspiration for wrkg professionalplz guide me as i find hard to manage btn study and optional is email id is

Reply to this comment Dear Mrunal sir, please dont publish success story of some civil service candidates, because while seeing some candidates views on exam i feels that luck factor is playing well in success of UPSC cs-exam. Now a days, it seems that luck we need is 60% and hard work -40% enough. you should analyse the marks they scored before publishing their achievements, we can observe that here is less consistency in marks obtained and their performance. From past three year the achievers main exam score is not satisfactory to advise future aspirant.I will say that next time if they allowed to give main exam they will not maintain even their current performance. UPSC should should fix minimum qualifying marks for each papers and for overall total marks for final selections . Now a days no on can say that who will success in exam. Because question papers asked and evaluation of answer sheet at UPSC is seems like testing the luck factor of candidates. nowadays UPSC CSE question are very dynamic and very for away from conventional approach so evaluation methods should be very efficient. 7/8


[Topper's Interview] Tripti Bhatt (AIR-165/CSE-2012) Working Professional (NTPC) First Attempt, Public Administration, Sociology Mrunal

But seeing some excellent candidates unsuccessful results in particular papers,the doubt arises that the evaluation methods followed by UPSC is not good. First of all the main exam examiner should be equipped with certain qualities and full detailed knowledge about questions and answers before they perform their duty. Even some examiner may eminent in subject but if who could not set frequency with current trend of UPSC mains question papers, the life of the candidates whose answer sheets got evaluated by him will definitely spoil and some lucky inefficient candidates will get more marks that actual capacity. At present UPSC gives only instruction to examiner through meeting before evaluation process, i think this is not enough. So instead of publishing whole story of this lucky wining candidates please publish story of persons who got at least 60% of marks on concerned paper or papers/essay. If you publish the success story for that particular subject, really it will be usefull

Reply to this comment Hii Valan, I do not agree to your luck theory. I feel UPSC has changed form conservative to dynamic to only judge people with an overall personality refering to their hard and smart work, mental toughness, adaptation rather than a complete academic overhaul. The closest analogy that comes to my mind is criket.. MSD successful still short on tehnique..

Reply to this comment Plz provide proper guidence for AFCAT asap. waiting 4 ur response with bated breath

Reply to this comment @ kabirHonesty means whatever u commited in your life. express it to others neat and clean. and tripti told whatever she did. so, what is bad in this?

sunil kumar mehta

Reply to this comment its simple keep mrunal site fresh .. and focus on upsc exam.

sunil kumar mehta

Reply to this comment kabir 10 on 10 ..she is a wrong choice for civil job and those who support her lack administrator acumen.she is a misfit for upsc..

Reply to this comment really very overt and can put you in sulk.

Reply to this comment @tripti- could you give some more tips for people staying away from delhi and those who donot have any study circle as they are living in remote areas. As the course has changed this time, how to know what books/material to procure from delhi?

Reply to this comment have a keen eye on internet forums blogs and other communities which discuss prep strategies and booklists. There is a huge overlap in the names of proposed books/sources as of now. Since you are planning to procure stuff from delhi you can consider sriram/vajiram printed material which is usually considered to be good. ARC reports, old NCERTS and toppers notes are other must buys. hope it helps :)

Reply to this comment thanx a lot Tripti fr ur guidance

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