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The Letter that was never opened

Flashback Congratulations to all of you for all your work. May God bless all of you on your next journey to success! said the principle of St Ignatius High School to all the students who were graduating that year. After the ceremony, Jane went to gather all her books in her locker when a familiar voice called out to her. Jane! She turned to see who it was. It was John Michael, her comrade in the Music Club waving to her. Yes? said Jane with a high voice as she placed her books in the box. Are you going to the Graduation party in the auditorium later? asked the brunette with hopeful eyes. Yes. But first, Im going to send this off to my parents. Ill see you later. I promise, said Jane as she smiled at John before continuing packing her books. While Jane was busy packing her books, John slipped an envelope in Janes magazine. After slipping the letter into the magazine, John decided to head for the auditorium. Im heading to the auditorium first, said John as he placed his hand on Janes shoulder. Jane looked towards John and said, Ok. Ill be right there. Wait for me. John smiled and left Jane. That afternoon as Jane sent her books to the car, her parents told her that she cannot stay for the Graduation party for she was accepted into St Andrews University in Scotland and was to transfer that evening. Jane was really happy that she had forgotten all about John who was waiting for her in the auditorium. She left and John never knew. Jane too, never opened her magazine. It was left there to rot among the books. Until 7 years later

It was afternoon and Jane had just finished her paperwork of the hospital documents when suddenly a familiar voice said, Is that really you? Where have you been all these years? Jane turned back and to her surprise, it was her ex-schoolmate and friend, John Michael. She was about to leave the hospital when he approached her. Jane, I cant believe youre a doctor now, exclaimed the brunette male as he observed Jane from top to bottom. And you are slimmer now. Back then, you were chubby with your short hair, said John as he smiled. Its good to see you again, John. I was about to have my lunch. Would you care to join me? Jane asked the joyful brunette. He agreed and they went off to a nearby restaurant.

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