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Course description: This course develops the mathematical foundation and computational tools for processing continuous-time and discrete-time signals in both time and frequency domain. Key concepts and tools introduced will include linear time-invariant systems, impulse response, frequency response, convolution, filtering, and Fourier, Laplace and Z- transforms. The course provides background to a wide range of applications including speech, image, and multimedia processing, bio and medical imaging, sensor networks, communication systems, and control systems. This course serves as entry and prerequisite for any higher level course in the fields of signal processing, communications, and control systems. Course Objectives: Coverage of continuous and discrete-time signals and systems, their properties and representations and methods that are necessary for the analysis of continuous and discrete-time signals and systems. Knowledge of time-domain representation and analysis concepts as they relate to difference equations, impulse response and convolution, etc. Knowledge of frequency-domain representation and analysis concepts using Fourier Analysis tools, Z-transform Concepts of the sampling process Mathematical and computational skills needed in application areas like communication, signal processing and control systems, which will be taught in other courses. Course Pre requisites: A thorough knowledge of integration and differentiation is necessary. The student must be familiar with the partial fraction and infinite series expansion. The student must be familiar with the rectangular and the polar co-ordinate system.

Course Contents: Text book / Reference book / Web sources


Topics to be covered


I Signals & Systems

II Fourier Transforms

Introduction to signals & systems: Definition and classification of signals in time domain - Continuous time & discrete time signals, representation of CT and DT signals .Transformation of independent variable. T1/ Chapter 1 Exponential signals and sinusoidal signals, T unit impulse & Chapter 2 and unit step functions. Systems: Characteristics of CT and DT LTI systems and their properties, convolution sum and convolution integrals, LTI System described by differential and difference equation singularity functions. Concept of frequency domain representation, significance of frequency domain representation.- Review of Fourier series . Various transforms .Fourier transform of continuous time signals (CTFT) : Definition , condition for existence of FT. Magnitude and phase plots of FT of a CT signal, Properties of CTFT-- linearity, time shifting, time scaling , Convolution, multiplication, differentiation and integration properties of CTFT-Definition, proof and significance. Inverse Fourier transforms, magnitude and T1/ Chapter 4 phase response, Parsvel's theorem Frequency response of & Chapter 5 a CT system. Fourier transform of discrete time signals(DTFT) : Definition , condition for existence of FT. Magnitude and phase plots of FT of DT signals, Properties of DTFT-linearity, time shifting, time scaling, convolution, multiplication, differentiation and integration properties of DTFT-Definition, proof and significance .Inverse Fourier transforms, Frequency response of a DT system, comparison between CTFT and DTFT.

III Laplace Transforms

Laplace transform (LT)- Definition, Region of convergence(ROC)-meaning and its significance .Relation between CTFT and Laplace transforms .Properties of LT-- linearity, time shifting , time scaling ,convolution, multiplication, differentiation and integration properties of LT-Definition, proof and significance. One-sided LT- time shifting property. Inverse Laplace -transforms. Poles and zeros of a system function of CT systems using Laplace transform, analysis of stability and causality of CT systems, Block diagram representation of CT systems.

T1/ Chapter 9

IV Z-Transforms

ZTransform (ZT)Definition, Region of convergence(ROC)-meaning and significance. Relation between DTFT and Z - transforms. Properties of ZT-linearity, time shifting, time scaling-definition, convolution, multiplication, differentiation and integration properties of ZT-Definition, proof and significance. One-sided ZT- time shifting property .Inverse Z-transforms. Poles and zeros of a system function of DT systems using Z- transform. Analysis of stability and causality of DT systems .Block diagram representation of DT systems.

T1/ Chapter 10

V Time & frequency Characterisation of signals & systems and sampling

The Magnitude -Phase representation of the Fourier transform, concept of linear and non-linear phase, group delay. Representation of the Frequency response of LTI systems, Time domain Properties of Ideal Frequency T1/ Chapter 6 Selective filter, Time Domain and Frequency Domain aspects of Non ideal filters, First Order and Second Order Continuous Time and Discrete time Systems. Representation of continuous time signals by its samples: T1/ Chapter Sampling theorem, reconstruction of a signal using 7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3 interpolation, effects of under sampling-aliasing.

Text Book: 1. (T1). V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and S. Hamid Nawab, Signals & System, Pearson Education, 2nd Ed. Reference Books: nd 1. (R1) H P Hsu, "Signals and System", 2 edition, Scaums out lines , Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd 2. (R2).Tarun Kumar Rawat , "Signals and System", Oxford University Press. 3. (R3) P. Ramesh Babu, Dr. R. Ananda Natarajan,"Signals & Systems", Scitech Publications, 4th Ed. 4. (R4) Mahmood Nahvi , "Signals and Systems" , Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. 5. (R5) Anand Kumar, "Signals and Systems"2nd Edition PHI Course Outcomes: Characterize and analyze the properties of CT and DT signals and systems Analyze CT and DT systems in Time domain using convolution Represent CT and DT systems in the Frequency domain using Fourier Analysis tools like CTFS, CTFT, DTFS and DTFT. Conceptualize the effects of sampling a CT signal Analyze CT and DT systems using Laplace transforms and Z Transforms.

Lab.EC -303 P
Course Objective: This laboratory course introduces students to various techniques, tools and methodologies of analyzing, designing and processing signals and systems. An introduction to MATLAB is first given to provide the students with the necessary foundation. Students will then be exposed to the applications of MATLAB and SIMULINK to signal analysis and system design to enable them to have a hands-on experience of implementing their knowledge about the subject .This laboratory is a complementary component to the EC-304 course. Course Pre requisites: It is helpful to have a background in Matrix algebra, Basic calculus, Engineering mathematics and experience with computer-aided design and analysis tools. Course co-requisite is EC 304 (Signals and Systems) Course Content: Exp. No. 1 Experiment Objective Expected Outcome

Introduction to MATLAB

1. To define and use variables and functions in MATLAB. 2. To define and use Vectors and Matrices in MATLAB. 3. To study various MATLAB arithmetic operators and mathematical functions. 4. To create and use m-files.

To get familiarized with MATLAB, its functions and basic programming skills.

Basic plotting of signals

1. To study various MATLAB commands for creating two- and three-dimensional plots. 2. Write a MATLAB program to plot the following Continuous time and discrete time signals 1. Step Function 2. Impulse Function 3. Exponential Function 4. Ramp Function 5.Sine Function

To understand generation of basic CT and DT signals using MATLAB and learn MATLAB commands for creating two- and three-dimensional plots.

Time and Amplitude transformations

1. Write a MATLAB program to To explore the effect of perform amplitude-scaling, time- transformation of signal scaling and time-shifting on a parameters given signal by defining functions. 1. Write a MATLAB program to obtain linear convolution of the given CT and DT sequence using the function conv. 2. Compare and verify the result obtained with the expected theoretical results. 1. Write a MATLAB program to compute autocorrelation of a sequence x (n) and verify the property . 2. Write a MATLAB program to compute cross-correlation of sequences x (n) and y(n) and verify the property. 1. To calculate Fourier Series coefficients associated with Square Wave and triangular wave. 2. To Sum the first 10 terms and plot the Fourier Series as a function of time. 3. To Sum the first 50 terms and plot the Fourier Series as a function of time. To study and interpret linear convolution

Convolution of given signals

Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation

To study and interpret auto correlation and cross correlation

Fourier Series and Gibbs Phenomenon

To be able to Understand Fourier series expansion of periodic functions Observe and understand Gibbs Phenomenon

Calculating transforms using MATLAB

1. Calculate Fourier Transform of a given signal and plot the magnitude and the phase spectrum. 2. Calculate the Z-transform of a given signal and plot the poles and zeros of the Z transform .

To be able to calculate Transforms using MATLAB commands

Impulse response and Step response of a given system

1. Write a MATLAB program to find the impulse response and step response of a system form its difference equation. 2. Compute and plot the response of a given system to a given input.

To be able to compute, plot and analyze the impulse response and step response of an LTI system

Pole-zero diagram and bode diagram

1. For the given system function write a MATLAB program to plot the poles ,zero configuration and Bode plot. 2. Analyze the stability of the system from the bode plot (practically and theoretically).

To be able to Plot and analyze pole-zero diagram Plot and analyze Bode diagram


Transfer function and frequency Response of a system.

1. Write a MATLAB program to plot the frequency response of first order system. 2. Also Write MATLAB program to calculate the rise time and band-width of the same system.

To be able to plot and analyze Magnitude and phase response diagram


Checking Linearity/Non-Linearity of a system using SIMULINK

1. Build a system that amplifies a sine wave by a factor of two. 2.Test the linearity of this system using SIMULINK

To be able to test Linearity/NonLinearity of the given system and understand the Principle of superposition

Course Outcome: This laboratory will significantly reinforce the concepts taught in the class and will lead to greater understanding of the material. On successful completion of this course, students will be able to develop skills in MATLAB to Analyze signals in order to understand their time-domain behaviour and calculate their frequency spectra. Analyze systems in order to calculate, estimate and classify their impulse, step and frequency response. Apply difference equations and the Z-transform in calculating the output of a digital system given any digital input.

EEC 752 Electronic Circuit Design

In this practical course students will carry out a design oriented project work using various analog/ digital building blocks which they have already studied in their analog electronic/ digital electronic courses such as Electronic circuits, integrated circuits and filter design. The project may include but not restricted to any of the following: 1. Universal op-amp based biquad 2. Universal OTA biquad 3. Amplitude control or stabilization applied to any sinusoidal oscillators 4. Op-amp/ OTA based function generator 5. Any application of log/antilog circuits 6. Any applications of analog multiplier/ divider 7. Any digital system design and its hardware implementation using TTL/ CMOS ICs 8. Any circuit idea (not studied in the course) using 555 Timer in conjunction with any other ICs The above must include 1. Design the circuit. 2. Make a hardware and measure various parameters. 3. Simulation in Spice of the designed circuit. 4. Comparison of measured and simulated results. 5. A report is to be made for evaluation.

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