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RESERVOIRS NORMAL POOL LEVEL maximum elevation to which the reservoir surface will rise during ordinary operating

g conditions. MINIMUM POOL LEVEL lowest elevation to which the pool is to be drawn under normal conditions. USEFUL STORAGE the storage volume between the minimum and normal pool level. DEAD STORAGE water held below minimum pool level. VALLEY STORAGE the water in the natural stream channel. SURCHARGE STORAGE exists only while a flood is occurring and cannot be retained for later use.

The water supply for a city is pumped from wells to a distribution reservoir. The estimated hourly water requirements for the maximum day are as follows. If the pumps are to operate at a rate, what distribution reservoir capacity is required?

What reservoir capacity is required to assure a yield of 75,000 acre-ft/year for the inflows shown?

What yield will be available if a reservoir of 30,000 acre-ft capacity is provided at the site for which the mass curve shown applies?

Reservoir-site Selection General Rules for choice of reservoir sites: 1. A suitable dam must exist. The cost of the dam is often a controlling factor in selection of a site. 2. The cost of real estate for the reservoir (including road, railroad, cemetery, and dwelling relocation) must not be excessive. 3. The reservoir site must have adequate capacity. 4. A deep reservoir is preferable to a shallow one because of lower land costs per unit of capacity, less evaporation loss, and less likelihood of weed growth. 5. Tributary areas that are unusually productive of sediment should be avoided if possible. 6. The quality of the stored water must be satisfactory for its intended use. 7. The reservoir banks and adjacent hillslopes should be stable. Unstable banks will contribute large amounts of soil material to the reservoir. 8. The environmental impact of the proposed reservoir must be studied and made available to the public to ascertain the social acceptability of the project. Assignment Xerox copy of page 212-218 Answer problems 7.5, 7.6, 7.12

Values of roughness coefficients, n Channel Material Plastic, glass, drawn tubing Neat cement, smooth metal Planed timber, asbestos pipe Wrought iron, welded steel, canvas Ordinary concrete, asphalted cast iron Unplaned timber, vitrified clay Cast-iron pipe Rivited steel, brick Rubble masonry Smooth earth Corrugated metal pipe Firm gravel Natural channels in good condition Natural channels with stones and weeds Very poor natural channels n 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.022 0.023 0.025 0.035 0.060

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