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The check list below will help to direct areas of questions for baseline rice value chain survey

in Northwestern states of Nigeria. After checking your interview /questionnaire /discussion guide against the twenty point it will shown an area that require additional work or areas not covered in the survey. S/N 1.6 Check List Support Services for rice value chain actors enhanced Proximity to market for domestic rice Availability of market information for domestic rice Increased Consumption of domestic rice In what forms do you use rice Work to be done on domestic rice to increase it consumption What category of rice do you consume? a. Imported b. Domestic What purpose do used rice for a. Ceremony b. household consumption c. Restaurants d. School feeding Yes No Need work


Major characteristics that attract you to buy rice: a_________________b_________________c____________d______________ 1.8 Usage of Rice diversified Products (recipes) made from rice Type of rice most preferred for the product (recipes) made from rice Purpose for purchase of a__________________b_______________c.___________d.___________ Improve standard of living among stakeholder What is your occupation Can you estimate your earning per day/week/ month? Yes ___________No___________________ If yes what is the earning Additional Job generated Do you have other source of earnings beside that of your occupation Yes ________No__________ If Yes What is the source _________________________________How much earn ________________ Rural urban migration reduced Willingness to have additional job in a village a rural areas Domestic rice value chain highly competitive with imports What are the essential features that encourage buying of rice: a ________________b________________c_______________d____________ Where did you buy rice you use Frequency of consuming rice as recipes a day/week/month/






Quantity of rice consumed per meal/ day/week/month Number of people consume the rice prepared Linkages among stakeholders improved Flow of information from buyer to the rice saller on the type of rice most prefer to bring by consumers Information flow between rice farmers and consumers on exactly the type of rice and the features that buyers prefer

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