Drugstudy Last Duty

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Generic name

Brand Name

Mechanism of Action



Adverse Effects

Nursing Consideration

Ranitidin e Classifica tion: Gastointes tinalagent; Antisecret ory(H2receptor a ntagonist) Dosage: 50mg Frequenc y: Q8 Route: IVTT whileon NPO


Competitivel y inhibits theaction of histamine at H2receptors of the parietalcells of the stomach,inhi biting basal gastricacid secretion thatstimulate s by food insulin, histamine,ch olinergic agonist,gast rin, and pentagastrin .

Used to prevent ulcer while patient is on NPO.

Hypersensitivity toranitidine or anycomponent of theformulation.

Constipation Diarrhea

Observe 10 rights in giving medication Inform patient that the medication may cause drowsiness, dizziness, or fatigue (use caution when driving or engaging in tasks requiring alertness). Instruct patient to avoid taking any new medication during therapy without consulting prescriber. Instruct patient to avoid alcohol and follow diet as prescriber recommends.

Fatigue Headache Insomnia Muscle pain Nausea Vomiting Agitation Anemia Depression Easy bruising or bleeding

Generic Name Cephalexin Dosage: cephalexin for most types of bacterial infections is 250 mg to 1000 mg, taken four times a day for 7 to 14 days.

Brand Name ApoCephalex (CAN), Biocef, Keflex, Novo-Lexin (CAN), NuCephalex (CAN)

Mechanism of Action Bactericidal: Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall, causing cell death.

Indications Respiratory tract infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, group A betahemolytic streptococci Skin and skin structure infections Otitis media caused by S. pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus, staphylococcu s, Moraxella catarrhalis Bone infections caused by staphylococcu s, Proteus mirabilis

Contraindications CNS: Headache, dizziness, lethargy, paresthesias GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, flatulence, pseudomembranou s colitis, hepatotoxicity GU: Nephrotoxicity Hematologic: Bone marrow depression Hypersensitivity: Ranging from rash to fever to anaphylaxis; serum sickness reaction Other: Superinfections

Adverse Effects Contraindicated with allergy to cephalosporins or penicillins. Use cautiously with renal failure, lactation, pregnancy.

Nursing Consideration >Observe 10 rights in giving medication >Monitor for manifestations of hypersensitivity (see Signs & Symptoms, Appendix F). Discontinue drug and report their appearance promptly. >Take medication for the full course of therapy as directed by physician. >Keep physician informed if adverse reactions appear. >Determine history of hypersensitivity reactions to cephalosporins and penicillin and history of other drug allergies before therapy is initiated. >Lab tests: Evaluate renal and hepatic function periodically in patients receiving prolonged therapy.






Adverse Effects

Nursing Consideration

Name Levofloxa cin AntiBacterial Dosage: 750mg OD (8am)

Name Levox

of Action A synthetic fluoroquinones Anti bacterial agents that inhibits the supercoiling activity of bacterial DNA gyrase, Halting DNA replication. Community AcquiredPneu moniaNosocomi alPneumonia Contrain dicated ifpatient is hypersensitive to drug, its components, orother fluoroquinolones Use cautiously in patients with history of seizure disorders or other CNS diseases, such as cerebral arterio sclerosis Use cautiouslyand with dosage adjustment in patients with renal im pairment. CNS: encephalop athy, seizures, dizziness, headache, insomnia, pain, paresthesia CV: chest pain, palpitations, vasodilation GI: pseudomembrano us colitis,abdominal pain, constipation, diarr hea, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, vomiting GU: vaginitis HEMATOLOGIC:l ymphopenia,eosi nophilia, hemolyticanemia MUSCULOSKEL ETAL: back pain, tendonruptureRE SPIRATORY: allergic pneumonitis: Adverse Effects >Observe 10 rights in giving medication > Test if the patient is allergic to the drug. >If patient experiences symptoms of excessive CNS stimulation (restlessness, tremor, confusion, hallucination), stop drug and notify prescriber. Begin seizure precautions. >Patients with acute hypersensitivity reactions may need treatment with epinephrine, oxygen, IV fluids, antihistamines, corticosteroids, and airway management. >Most antibacterial can cause pseudo membranous colitis. If diarrhea occurs, notify prescriber. >Drug may cause an abnormal ECG .Obtain specimen for culture and sensitivity tests before therapy and as needed to determine if bacteria






Nursing Consideration

of Action It belongs to a Diclofenac Voltaren, class of drugs Ca called nontafl steroidal antiDosage: am inflammatory , drugs Tablets Vol (NSAIDs) that (del tar are used for aye en- the treatment d XR of mild to rele moderate ase) pain, fever, : 25, and 50, inflammation. and It reduce the 75 production of mg. prostaglandin. Tabl NSAIDs block ets the enzyme (im that makes med prostaglandins iate (cyclooxygena rele se), resulting ase) in lower : 50 production of mg. prostaglandins Tabl . As a ets consequence, (ext inflammation, end pain and fever ed are reduced. rele ase) : 100



Acute or longterm treatment of mild to moderate pain, including dysmenorrhea Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis Ankylosing spondylitis Treatment of actinic keratosis in conjunction with sun avoidance Ophthalmic: Postoperative inflammation from cataract extraction

Active peptic ulcer; hypersensitivity to diclofenac or other NSAIDs. Treatment of perioperative pain in CABG surgery. 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Topical: Not to be applied onto damaged or nonintact skin.

It can cause ulcerations, abdominal burning, pain, cramping, nausea, gastritis, and even serious gastrointestinal bleeding and liver toxicity. Rash, kidney impairment, ringing in the ears, and lightheadedness are also seen.

History: Renal impairment; impaired hearing; allergies; hepatic, CV, and GI conditions; lactation, pregnancy Physical: Skin color and lesions; orientation, reflexes, ophthalmologic and audiometric evaluation, peripheral sensation; P, edema; R, adventitious sounds; liver evaluation; CBC, clotting times, renal function tests, LFTs, serum electrolytes, stool guaiac BLACK BOX WARNING: Be aware that patient may be at increased risk for CV events, GI bleed, renal insufficiency; monitor accordingly. Administer drug with food or after meals if GI upset occurs. Arrange for periodic ophthalmologic examination during longterm therapy. WARNING: Institute emergency procedures if overdose occurs (gastric lavage, induction of emesis.


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