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FSA “stonew alling” of NAD appeal
decision condemned
In a sweeping victory for lenders with FmHA/FSA loan guarantees—as well as
agricultural producers who are successful in appeals to the USDA National Appeals
Division—United States District Court Judge Sam R. Cummings of the Northern
District of Texas has declared unlawful FSA’s long-standing practice of failing and
refusing to properly and timely implement NAD appeal decisions. In a written

INSIDE opinion and judgment entered April 3, 1998 in First National Bank v. Glickman
(Civil No. 5-97-CV-133-C), Judge Cummings held that FSA “violated (the agency’s)
governing statutes and regulations” by refusing to implement the NAD appeal
determination, or to timely process the Bank’s loan guarantee application following
the NAD determination. Rather, said the judge, the FSA “stonewalled” the NAD
• FSA Emergency Loans determination altogether, conduct he declared to be “arbitrary, capricious and not
in accordance with the law” (under the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 USC §706).
and FSA Disaster The Plaintiff, First National Bank of Haskell, Texas, submitted a loan guarantee
Set-Aside application to FmHA/FSA in September, 1995, seeking a guarantee of a $400,000
loan to a Texas cattle rancher. The rancher’s farm plan submitted with the
• Federal Register application demonstrated a positive cash flow that included income from the sale of
in brief some wheat. Although this rancher had previously grazed his wheat production,
cattle prices were down and wheat prices were up in 1995, leading the rancher and
the bank to conclude that it made better business sense that year to sell the wheat.
Without inclusion of the wheat income, the plan would not have been feasible.
FSA/FmHA issued an “adverse action” decision October 20, 1995, denying the
bank’s guarantee application. The decision contained several grounds, including a
determination that none of the projected wheat income could be included in the
rancher’s farm plan since he had historically grazed the wheat and that, without that
income, the rancher could not demonstrate repayment ability.
The bank appealed this decision to the USDA National Appeals Division (NAD)
Solicitation of articles: All AALA pursuant to 7 USC §6991 et seq. At an appeal hearing held April 2, 1996, the agency
members are invited to submit withdrew on the record all of the grounds stated for its denial of the bank’s loan
articles to the Update. Please in- guarantee application except the determination that income could not be counted
from the sale of any wheat. On May 3, 1996 the NAD hearing officer issued an Appeal
clude copies of decisions and leg-
islation with the article. To avoid Continued on page 2
duplication of effort, please notify
the Editor of your proposed ar-
ticle. overnment
Go prev
vernment pr evails
evails in
bankr uptcy
uptcy setoff case
IN FUTURE The Bankruptcy Appellate Panel for the Tenth Circuit recently reversed the
bankruptcy court decision in In re Buckner, 211 B.R. 46 (D. Kan. 1997), a case that

I SSUES had limited the government’s right to setoff Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
payments in bankruptcy. The appellate panel held that the bankruptcy court
“abused its discretion in failing to follow the law of the case”and that “the decision
denying the government’s right to setoff was incorrect.” In re Buckner, Nos. 90-
42105, 93-40549, Adv. No. 93-7189, 1998 WL 97233 (B.A.P. 10th Cir. Mar. 5, 1998).
• In so doing, it affirmed the dramatic holding that all CRP payments earned
throughout the duration of the ten-year contract are considered as prepetition
obligations so long as the original contract is signed prior to bankruptcy filing.
Moreover, it implied that a confirmation order establishing the amount of a secured
creditor’s claim might not be determinative with regard to a creditor’s future setoff
rights. This decision, and the tortured procedural history of the case, highlights the
difficulty encountered in litigating controversial issues, particularly against the
government, while the business of running the farm must continue.
The Buckner decision is the result of consolidated appeals brought by the
Continued on page 3

Determination reversing the agency’s denial of the guarantee that had been Newcomb, 995 F2d 620, 624 (5th Cir.
denial of the bank’s application. The raised, but withdrawn by the agency in 1993) and that, because it was reviewing
hearing officer noted FSA’s withdrawal the previous appeal. an agency decision where the court
of all grounds for denial other than the The bank objected to the agency concluded that facts were not at issue,
wheat income, and concluded that the demanding new, revised, and updated the Court “owes no deference to the
bank met its burden of proving that the financial information and wrote to the agency’s determination.” Institute for
wheat income should have been consid- agency on several occasions asking that Tech. Dev., 63 F3d at 450; Pennzoil Co. v.
ered by the agency and that the rancher’s the hearing officer’s appeal decision be Federal Energy Regulatory Comm’n., 789
plan was thus feasible. The hearing of- implemented on the basis of the original F2d 1128, 1135 (5th Cir. 1986).
ficer remanded the appeal back to the 1995 application. In doing so, the bank The court further held that the agency’s
agency “to implement this determina- relied upon statutory and regulatory effort to supplement the record in this
tion.” provisions requiring FmHA/FSA to timely case would be denied for two reasons.
On May 8, 1996, the FSA state office implement NAD’s appeal decision on the First, the court concluded that the
requested that the national office seek effective date of the application, or the government had failed to comply with
review of the hearing officer’s decision by date of adverse action appealed from. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56 and the local rules of the
the Director of the NAD. The national The agency refused to implement the court when it asserted unsupported
office declined to do so, but instructed the decision and, through the end of 1996, factual allegations in response to the
state office to “update” all financial “stonewalled” the bank by continuing to bank’s summary judgment motion.
information, and to create a “revised” demand new and updated information Second, the court concluded that, even if
financial plan based upon “current and refusing to process the original the government had procedurally
marketing plans.” On June 21, 1996, the application. complied with these rules, the
agency wrote to the bank demanding this The bank filed its action in federal government’s evidence submitted in
information, insisted that then current court April 10, 1997. In the complaint, opposition to the bank’s motion for
prices and appraisals be used in its the bank claimed that, for nearly a decade, summary judgment was inadmissable as
“implementation” of the appeal decision, the FmHA/FSA had routinely ignored a matter of law under the Administrative
and preemptively asserted a ground for and refused to implement NAD/NAS Procedures Act because “courts may not
appeal decisions with which it disagreed. accept counsel’s post hoc rationalization
The agency had done so, the bank alleged, of agency actions,” citing Doty v. United
through a “revolving door” procedure of States, 53 F.3d 1244, 1250 (Fed Cir. 1995).
demanding “new,” “revised,” or “current” The court next held that, on the basis of
information upon which it would then uncontroverted facts established by the
issue a new denial of the application, or bank, the agency violated the appeal
by “stonewalling” the decision altogether statutes and regulations cited above when
by never acting on it. The bank asserted it failed to implement the NAD decision.
VOL. 15, NO. 7, WHOLE NO. 176 May 1998 that this conduct violated 7 USC §6998 The court squarely held that those
AALA Editor..........................Linda Grim McCormick
and 7 CFR §11.12(b), which provide provisions required the agency to
Rt. 2, Box 292A, 2816 C.R. 163 identically that “a final determination implement the decision “on the basis of
Alvin, TX 77511 issued by the Director shall be effective the facts existing at the time the
Phone/FAX: (281) 388-0155
E-mail: as of the date of filing an application, the application was made or the original
date of the transaction or event in adverse decision was issued.” Those facts,
Contributing Editors: James T. Massey, Sisters, OR;
Stephen Carpenter, St. Paul, MN; Susan A. Schneider, question, or the date of the original concluded the court, demonstrated
Hastings, MN; Linda Grim McCormick, Alvin, TX. decision, whichever is applicable.” The feasibility of the rancher’s operation. “The
For AALA membership information, contact
bank also relied upon 7 CFR agency clearly did not implement the
William P. Babione, Office of the Executive Director, §1900.59(l)(1994), a regulation that NAD decision within its own governing
Robert A. Leflar Law Center, University of Arkansas, applied to the bank’s appeal under 7 USC statutes and regulations” said the court;
Fayetteville, AR 72701.
§6995 and which required the agency to “what the agency did was essentially
Agricultural Law Update is published by the “implement” the NAD appeal decision by ‘stonewall’ the appeal determination.
American Agricultural Law Association, Publication
office: Maynard Printing, Inc., 219 New York Ave., Des taking “the next step in a loan These actions are arbitrary, capricious
Moines, IA 50313. All rights reserved. First class processing...required by FmHA and not in accordance with the law.”
postage paid at Des Moines, IA 50313.
regulations that would occur had no Finally, the court held that
This publication is designed to provide accurate and adverse decision been made and appeal This case will be resolved upon the
authoritative information in regard to the subject filed.” The bank asked the Court to issue merits, and will not be remanded for
matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that
the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, a judgment declaring that the agency’s further administrative proceedings, as
accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice refusal to implement the NAD decision this case is purely a question of law.
or other expert assistance is required, the services of
a competent professional should be sought. was unlawful and that the agency was Where the record of a case leads to only
Views expressed herein are those of the individual required to issue the guarantee. one conclusion, as it does here, the
authors and should not be interpreted as statements of
policy by the American Agricultural Law Association.
The court did just that in its sweeping district court need not remand to the
decision. First, the court held that the agency for redetermination, but may
Letters and editorial contributions are welcome and agency decision “must be upheld, if at all, declare the plaintiff’s entitlement under
should be directed to Linda Grim McCormick, Editor,
Rt. 2, Box 292A, 2816 C.R. 163, Alvin, TX 77511. on the basis articulated by the agency the particular USDA program. Justice
itself,” citing Institute for Tech-Dev. v. v. Lyng, 716 F.Supp 1570 (D. Arizona
Copyright 1998 by American Agricultural Law
Association. No part of this newsletter may be Brown, 63 F3d 445, 449 (5th Cir. 1995) 1989).
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, and Motor Vehicles Mfrs. Ass’n. v. State
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29, To effect this determination, the court
system, without permission in writing from the 50, 103 S. Ct. 2856, 2870, 77 L.Ed.2d 443 issued a judgment reversing the findings
publisher. (1983). The court declared that this of the Secretary, stating that “plaintiff is
determination must be based upon the entitled to the loan guaranty in question
agency record that was before the and “ (the Court) ORDERS the Secretary
decision-maker at the time of decision, to issue said guaranty.”
Milena Ship Management Co. v. C ontinued on page 3


“Stonewalling”/Cont. from p. 2 implement NAD appeal decisions in —James T. Massey, P.O. Box 1689,
The decision in First National Bank v. which producers and guaranteed lenders Sisters, OR
Glickman is the first clear federal court have succeeded. The decision should serve Editor’s note: First National Bank is
recognition and correction of a decade- as a warning to agency officials that this represented by James T. Massey.
long systemic FSA policy of refusing to policy must come to an end.

Setoff/Cont. from p. 2 court in Buckner. Therefore, in January contract between the government and
government in the Buckner and the Tuttle 1994, the bankruptcy court stayed the the debtors. Under § 553, setoff rights
farm bankruptcy cases. Both cases in- Tuttle proceedings on the setoff issue are limited to situations where both the
volved CRP contracts that were signed pending the result of the Buckner ap- debt and the claim existed prepetition.
prior to the bankruptcy and CRP pay- peal. Buckner, 211 B.R. at 51; Buckner, The critical issue to the bankruptcy court
ments made after the bankruptcy filing. 1998 WL 97233 at *2. Pending the results was whether the debtor’s “claim” to the
In both cases, the debtors were in default of the appeal, the court ruled that the CRP payment. existed prepetition.
on farm loan obligations to the former Tuttles could use the CRP payments pro- 52 (citing 11 U.S.C. § 553).
Farmers Home Administration (FmHA). vided that they give FmHA a second With this test in mind, the court ana-
The Buckner case was a Chapter 13 bank- mortgage as adequate protection. Id. lyzed the rights and obligations of the
ruptcy filed in 1990. The issue of the The district court did not issue its parties throughout the term of the CRP
government’s setoff right initially arose decision on the government’s right to contract. Relying upon both the contract
in early 1991 as a motion for relief from setoff until almost three years after the itself and the regulations governing the
stay brought by the government. The Buckner plan was confirmed, near the program, the court found that the annual
government sought permission to setoff end of Mr. Buckner’s plan period. In re payments made to the debtors were not
CRP payments due to the debtor against Buckner, 165 B.R. 942 (D. Kan. 1994). due until the government’s fiscal year
the FmHA debt. Buckner, 211 B.R. at 50. That decision reversed the bankruptcy ended, the debtors were found to have
The bankruptcy court held that the gov- court, held that the government was en- complied with their obligations under
ernment could only setoff those payments titled to setoff payments coming due the contract, and until Congress appro-
that were due as of the filing of the postpetition, and remanded the case for priated funds. Accordingly, the court con-
bankruptcy; subsequent payments were consideration of the government’s request cluded that the only the payments that
postpetition payments that could not be for relief from the automatic stay. The were actually due to the debtors were
setoff against prepetition debt. Id. (rely- debtors appealed to the Tenth Circuit, those for the year before the bankruptcy
ing upon 11 U.S.C. § 553(a)). The govern- but the appeal was dismissed as inter- filing. Only this payment could be con-
ment appealed to the federal district locutory because of the remand order. sidered a prepetition obligation subject
court. Meanwhile, Mr. Buckner completed mak- to setoff. Buckner, 211 B.R. at 52, 56.
While the appeal was pending, Mr. ing his plan payments. The government The government appealed the bank-
Buckner and the government entered brought an action to seek the final CRP ruptcy decision to the bankruptcy appel-
into an agreement regarding a plan of payment, due after the debtor’s plan was late panel, arguing that the bankruptcy
reorganization. This plan set the FmHA’s completed. court was not free to revisit the setoff
secured claim at the value of their collat- The bankruptcy court held a hearing at issue in the Buckner’s case because it
eral, Mr. Buckner’s home. Although the which it took testimony regarding the was bound under the law of the case
plan provided that Mr. Buckner’s CRP CRP and again ruled that only those doctrine to apply the previous district
payments would be applied each year to payments due as of the bankruptcy filing court order allowing setoff. The appellate
his FmHA debt, the plan did not reflect could be setoff, despite the previous dis- panel agreed and held that the failure of
an increase FmHA’s secured claim due to trict court reversal on this issue. The the bankruptcy court to apply the ruling
its claimed right of setoff. Although the court held that the government had no of the district court to the Buckner case
court stated that FmHA agreed to the right to setoff against either Mr. Buckner was an abuse of discretion. Buckner, 1998
plan, the government requested a con- or the Tuttles. The court held that the WL at *3-*7. The court further held on
tinuance of the confirmation hearing, law of the case doctrine was inapplicable the merits of the Tuttle case that the
arguing that the district court should be on several grounds. First, while the ap- judgment of the bankruptcy court deny-
allowed to resolve the government’s set- peal was pending before the district court, ing setoff rights to the government was in
off rights. The court rejected the request the government failed to appeal the con- error. Id. at *7- *12.
for a continuance and confirmed the firmation of the plan that treated FmHA The appellate panel initially referred
debtor’s plan. However, the court in- as a secured claimholder only to the to the law of the case doctrine as a “dis-
structed the government that it could extent of the value of the debtor’s home. cretionary rule of practice in the courts.”
appeal the confirmation and seek con- The court noted that absent an appeal, Id. at *3. Citing United States Supreme
solidation of the case with the pending an order of confirmation “has all of the Court authority as well as Tenth Circuit
district court setoff appeal. The govern- preclusive effects of a final judgment law, however, the panel noted that
ment elected not to appeal the confirma- from a federal court.” Buckner, 211 B.R. “[u]nder the law of the case doctrine,
tion. Apparently, the district court was at 55. When the plan was confirmed, it when a court decides upon a rule of law,
not notified of the confirmation of the negated the government’s setoff claim that decision should continue to govern
debtor’s plan. The appeal remained pend- and mooted the appeal on that issue. the same issues in subsequent stages of
ing before that court. Id. Second, the court found that there was the same case.” Id. at *4. Applying this to
The companion case, In re Tuttle, was evidence that was not part of the record appellate decisions such as the district
filed in 1993. The debtors brought an on appeal that had been presented to the court order in Buckner, the panel stated
adversary proceeding seeking turnover court. This evidence “clearly showed that that there were only three exceptions to
of CRP funds previously setoff by the except for the 1990 payment, no CRP the application of the law of the case
government and also sought an injunc- money was available to be set off” at the doctrine. The court would not have to
tion prohibiting future setoff. With re- commencement of the case. Id. apply the decision if “the evidence on a
gard to the postpetition payments, the Freed from applying the district court subsequent trial was substantially dif-
government’s right to setoff depended on opinion, the bankruptcy court launched ferent, controlling authority has since
the same issue on appeal to the district into its own detailed analysis of the CRP Cont. on p.7


FSA Emer gency
genc y Loans and FSA Disaster Set-Aside
By Stephen Carpenter property. Some types of physical prop- farmer’s expenses may be considered as
erty that can count as the basis for a a physical loss.19
This article summarizes briefly two FSA physical loss include:10 (1) damage or
programs that can be important for farm- destruction to farmland;11 (2) damage to Hazard insurance requirement
ers in a disaster year. The Emergency the farmer’s home and other structures In general, EM loan funds cannot be
Loan program provides loans to farmers on the land, such as buildings, fences, used for physical loss purposes unless
affected by a natural disaster. The Disas- dams, and so forth; (3) damage to ma- that physical property lost was covered
ter Set-Aside program allows current chinery, equipment, tools, and supplies by general hazard insurance at the time
FSA borrowers to set aside an annual on hand; and (4) damage or destruction of the damage caused by the natural disas-
FSA installment and move it to the end of livestock and livestock production, ei- ter occurred.20
the loan. A more detailed description of ther on hand or stored. The property that
these programs, as well as other pro- was damaged or destroyed must be es- Insurance and other disaster assis-
grams, can be found in Farmers’ Legal sential to the successful operation of the tance
Action Group’s publication, Farmers’ farm.12 Property must have been dam- In general the maximum physical loss
Guide to Disaster Assistance (2nd edi- aged or destroyed by the disaster or as a loan is the amount of actual physical loss
tion). result of the disaster.13 minus any financial assistance received,
and minus all compensation for disaster
Emergency loans Measuring physical losses losses from any source.21 Insurance com-
The Farm Service Agency (FSA)— FSA measures the extent of the physi- pensation for losses to nonessential prop-
formerly the Farmers Home Admin- cal losses caused by the disaster. In gen- erty is counted as compensation for es-
istration (FmHA)—provides emergency eral, FSA uses the market value of the sential property and therefore reduces
relief for farmer disaster victims in the damaged, destroyed or lost property— EM loan eligibility.22
form of loans, called EM loans. EM loans measured at the time of the disaster—as
are intended to allow farmers to continue a basis to determine the farmer’s loss.14 Physical losses to dwellings and
farming despite the disaster.1 This is the method used for machinery, household property
equipment, and supplies on hand. EM loan assistance is available to re-
Deadlines Special rules apply for measuring the place or repair dwellings and household
Applications for all EM loans are farmer’s losses on livestock. When the contents.23 These losses count as physical
accepted for eight months from the date death of an animal is caused by the losses. The damaged or destroyed house-
the disaster was officially declared or disaster, the physical loss is measured as hold property must be essential to the
designated. This declaration or the market value of the animal at the maintenance of the household.24 Ex-
designation may vary from county to time of the disaster.15 When animals are amples of household items considered
county.2 sold because of the disaster, the regula- essential to maintaining viable living
tions are more complicated. In general, quarters include a stove, refrigerator,
Basic EM eligibility disaster-related damage to the animal’s furnace, couch, chairs, tables, beds, and
To be eligible for an EM loan the farmer health which impairs or reduces the lamps. The loss is the amount needed to
must: (1) be unable to get credit else- animal’s normal production capacity and repair or replace the dwelling or house-
where;3 (2) be an established family its market value qualifies as a physical hold contents with items of a similar size
farmer who intends to continue farming;4 loss.16 This includes forced reductions of and quality.25
(2) operate in a disaster area;5 (3) not foundation breeding stock caused by the
have received debt forgiveness from FSA;6 disaster. If farmers decide to sell feeder Maximum loan amount
(4) not be delinquent on any direct or livestock early because of a feed short- The maximum EM loan a farmer can
guaranteed FSA loan;7 (5) be creditwor- age, the loss on the sale probably does not receive for repair or replacement of per-
thy;8 and (6) have suffered a qualifying qualify as a physical loss. Valuation is sonal household items is $20,000.26
loss.9 There are two different ways to complex when the animal survived the
show such a loss: physical losses and disaster but the disaster affected the Flood and mudslide prone area re-
production losses. Farmers can qualify animal’s health and impaired its produc- strictions
on the basis of either or both. tion capacity and market value. The physi- FSA regulations restrict the use of
cal loss is the difference between the funds on farms in flood or mudlside prone
Physical Losses dollar value per head, or unit, at the time areas.27 FSA EM loan regulations say
Farmers may be eligible for an EM of the disaster, and the dollar value re- that if EM loan funds are to be used to
physical loss loan to replace or repair any ceived from a disaster-caused sale of the construct or improve buildings, certain
essential property. There is no minimum animal. In order to count as a physical flood and mudslide restrictions apply.28
amount of loss required for eligibility. loss, the livestock that was sold because
of the disaster must be over and above Production losses
Defining physical losses the number culled in a normal year. Qualifying for a production loss loan
FSA regulations limit the availability Farmers can claim as a physical loss the To qualify for a production loss EM
of a physical loss EM loan. Physical losses amount of money needed to repair or loan, farmers must meet two require-
are damage to or destruction of physical replace farm buildings and farm real ments. First, to qualify as a production
estate.17 Most crop losses will be figured loss, the reduction in a farmer’s output
as production losses. Under some must be directly caused by the disaster.29
Stephen Carpenter is a Staff Attorney at circumstances, however, the loss of Second, the disaster must have reduced
the Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc., in growing crops or pasture may be counted crop or animal production by at least 30
St. Paul, MN as physical losses. 18 If the disaster percent in a single enterprise which is a
prevented a farmer from planting, the basic part of the farming operation.30 An


enterprise is any single crop or livestock losses from every enterprise—even those cessibility of the livestock, the loss in
enterprise.31 An enterprise is a basic part which are not a basic part of the opera- livestock production may qualify as an
of the farming operation if it generates tion and that do not suffer a thirty per- EM production loss. If this occurs, losses
enough income to be essential to the cent loss—are counted toward the total in production of milk or eggs, weight
success of the total farming operation. production loss.38 Once a farmer quali- losses, and so forth, may be considered
fies for an EM loan, FSA calculates total production losses.
Maximum amount production losses. These losses include FSA regulations acknowledge that in
The maximum amount of an EM loan all production losses due to the disaster. the case of foundation herds of breeding
for production losses is 80 percent of the Total production losses are reduced by animals, the value of feed produced on
farmer’s total actual production loss.32 disaster assistance provided for the farm- native rangeland and pasture accounts
ing enterprises which contributed to the for a small portion of the total input costs
Calculating production loss eligibility total production losses. This assistance of maintaining a foundation herd of breed-
In general there are four steps to calcu- includes all financial assistance already ing animals and their offspring. In these
lating production loss eligibility. received or to be received. It also includes cases, therefore, normally production
Step one: figure normal production for disaster relief programs and all compen- losses will be based on reductions in the
each enterprise. The first step is to figure sation for disaster losses provided by a natural increase in numbers and animal
the farmer’s normal yield for each enter- source for those enterprises. unit weight of the offspring.45
prise. In general, the normal year’s pro- Feed crop losses, including pasture
duction is calculated by eliminating the losses, may be claimed as a production Maximum EM Loan Eligibility
poorest year of the five-year production loss.39 The FSA regulations specifically Several different types of maximum
history immediately preceding the disas- say that losses may be claimed on crops loan limitations affect EM loans. A farmer
ter year and averaging the remaining that were to be fed to the farmer’s own cannot borrow more than the calcula-
four remaining years of production.33 livestock. These losses can be important tions for production loss loans and physi-
Step two: measure actual losses for because FSA regulations make it some- cal loss loans created.46 In addition, no
each enterprise. The second step for cal- what difficult to claim a production loss borrower may have more than $500,000
culating production losses is to measure because of failed feed crops. total outstanding EM debt.47 The maxi-
the actual losses for each farm enter- In general, FSA regulations make it mum EM loan for replacing household
prise. Actual loss figures serve two im- difficult to claim production losses in contents is $20,000.48
portant purposes. First, they are used to livestock that are due to feed crop and
establish that the farmer has at least a hay losses. FSA rules instead encourage EM Loan interest rates, terms, and
thirty percent loss in a single enterprise. farmers to claim feed crop and hay losses security
This establishes that the farmer is eli- for EM purposes. In some cases, how- Must either obtain crop insurance or
gible for the EM production loss loan ever, livestock producers will be able to waive emergency crop loss assistance
program. Second, they determine the to- qualify for an EM production loss solely The 1996 FAIR Act requires that farm- b
tal amount of actual production losses for on livestock losses.40 ers getting an EM loan must comply with
all enterprises. This becomes part of the The calculation of production losses to USDA linkage requirements. 49 This
formula that determines the maximum livestock may be based either on loss of means that the farmer must either: (1)
amount of the EM loan.34 When calculat- production in feed crops to be fed to the obtain Catastrophic crop insurance
ing the actual production loss for a single farmer’s own livestock or on losses from (CAT), if it is available, for each crop of
enterprise, costs not incurred are sub- normal weight gain of the livestock or economic significance; or (2) waive future
tracted from the gross dollar amount of livestock production—but not both.41 eligibility for emergency crop loss assis-
production losses for the enterprise.35 According to FSA, normally produc- tance in connection with uninsured m
Other financial assistance does not affect tion losses on livestock enterprises will crops.50
the gross dollar amount of production be based on feed crop and pasture losses.42
loss for an enterprise.36 It does affect the Several restrictions in the regulations Farmers must pledge property as
farmer’s total loan eligibility. make it difficult to claim production losses security
Step three: determine if the farmer on livestock. If a farmer sells feeder live- Each EM loan must be secured by farm
suffered a thirty percent loss.To qualify stock earlier than usual because the feed assets. In general, FSA requires that
for an EM loan, the percentage produc- crop was lost due to the disaster, accord- security for the loan be at least equal to
tion loss for any single enterprise which ing to FSA regulations, this is a manage- the value of the loan. When practical,
is a basic part of the farming operation ment decision. The difference between FSA will not take more than 150 percent
must be at least thirty percent.37 The what the sale weight would have been if of the value of the loan as collateral.
total percentage loss is the dollar value of the livestock had been fed for the normal
the actual production loss (calculated in period and the disaster year’s lighter Interest rates
Step Two) for the single enterprise di- premature sale weight may not be claimed For all EM loans the interest rate is 3.75
vided by the normal dollar value of nor- as a loss.43 percent.51 This rate is subject to change.
mal yield (calculated in Step One) for FSA regulations say that reductions in
that enterprise. the production of feeder livestock and Submitting a feasible plan
This calculation establishes the per- livestock products, or reductions in weight In order to apply for an EM loan, farm-
centage reduction in production from gain of these animals due to homegrown ers must develop a Farm and Home Plan.
normal for that enterprise. In order to be feed crop or pasture losses, are not pro- It lists debts, assets, planned and actual
eligible for a production loss loan, the duction losses if replacement feed is avail- production and sales, any major changes
farmer must have at least a 30 percent able to purchase. This is true no matter that are planned in the farming opera-
loss for a single enterprise which is a how expensive the feed would have been tion, specialized farming practices, and a
basic part of the farming operation. to buy.44 complete cash flow analysis of farm and
Step four: measure total production If the disaster severely disrupts the family finances.52 FSA must believe that
losses. Once the farmer has established usual feeding schedule of livestock be-
production loss eligibility, all production cause of extended utility failure or inac- Continued on page 6


FSA EMERGENCY LOANS/Cont. from page 2 technically no longer exists and the loan tress, or requests primary loan servicing,
may be considered for disaster set-aside the borrower will be notified or the re-
this plan is feasible. under future disasters.63 If the set-aside quest processed normally.71
is later canceled through an FSA restruc- For more information on the Farmers’
Appeals turing, the set-aside technically no longer Guide to Disaster Assistance , contact
Adverse decisions in the EM loan pro- exists and the loan may be considered for FLAG at: Farmers' Legal Action Group,
gram may be appealed by the farmer.53 a disaster set-aside under future disas- Inc., 1301 Minnesota Building, 46 East
FSA Disaster Set-Aside Program ters. Interest continues to accrue on the Fourth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101; (612)
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) disas- principal of the loan that is set aside.64 223-5400.
ter set-aside program is intended to al-
low FSA borrowers who suffered from a Amount of the set-aside EM loans are authorized by 7 U.S.C. §§ 1961-1964.
disaster to use their income on expenses The amount of the set-aside is limited 7C.F.R.§§1945.154(a),“Terminationdate,”1945.162(d)
instead of payment on FSA debts.54 It to the lesser of the following:65 the amount (1997).
does this by allowing some FSA borrow- the borrower is unable to pay FSA from 7 C.F.R. § 1945.162(a) (1997).
7 C.F.R. § 1945.162(d), (l), 1945.154(a), “Established
ers to set aside one annual installment on the production and marketing period in farmer,” “Family farm,” 1941.4, “Family farm,” (1997).
an FSA direct loan and move it to the end which the disaster occurred, and the 5
7C.F.R.§§1945.6(b),(d),1945.20, 1945.162(d)(1997).
of the loan payment period. The purpose amount the borrower is unable to pay 6
FAIR Act § 648(b) (codified at 7 U.S.C. § 2008h(a)); 62
of the disaster set-aside program is to other creditors and/or expenses rounded Fed. Reg. 9351, 9356 (1997) (to be codified at 7 C.F.R. §
relieve some of the farmer’s immediate up to the nearest whole installment. 1945.162(a)). Debt forgiveness, for this purpose, includes a
financial stress caused by the disaster Expenses which the farmer is unable write-down, write-off, debt settlement, discharge of a debt
and avoid foreclosure by the government. to pay may include the following year’s as a result of bankruptcy, or a loss paid on a guaranteed
It is not intended to replace or circum- operating and family living expenses loan.
vent regular FSA loan servicing.55 Bor- under two circumstances. First, if may 62 Fed. Reg. 9351, 9356 (1997) (to be codified at 7
C.F.R. § 1945.162(a)). This barrier is not mandated by the
rowers may only be considered for DSA be included if the income or commodities FAIR Act.
once for each disaster.56 lost from the disaster year would have 8
7 C.F.R. § 1910.5(c) (1997). Certain problems in
been used for these purposes. Second, it making past payments do not indicate an unacceptable
Deadline may be included if the normal income credit history.
Farmers must request a disaster set- security from the disaster year is ap- 9
Other requirements also apply. See 7 C.F.R.
aside within eight months of the date the proved for release to the farmer under 1945.162(g)-(k) (1997).
disaster was officially designated.57 FSA regulations. 7 C.F.R. §§ 1945.154(a), “Physical loss,”
Any portion of the loan payment not set 1945.163(b)(1), (6) (1997).
Loans that may be set aside aside must be paid by the farmer on or 7 C.F.R. § 1945.154(a), “Qualifying physical loss”
In general, the disaster set-aside pro- before the FSA documents controlling 12
7 C.F.R. §§ 1945.154(a), “Qualifying physical loss,”
gram is available for FSA farm borrow- the set-aside are signed by the farmer.66 1945.163(b)(1) (1997).
ers who suffered losses as a result of a A portion of the installments may not be 13
7 C.F.R. § 1945.162(b)(1997).
natural disaster. This includes FSA Farm set-aside if a balance due is still left after 14
7 C.F.R.§§1945.163(b)(6)(i)-(v),1945.154(a),“Market
Ownership (FO) loans, Operating (OL) the set aside. value” (1997).
loans, Soil and Water (SW) loans, Emer- The amount of the set-aside will be the 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(6)(1997).
gency (EM) loans, and others.58 unpaid balance remaining on the install- 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(6)(i)(B) (1997).
ment at the time the borrower signs the 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(8) (1997).
Eligibility FSA form allowing a set-aside.67 This 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(11) (1997).
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(12) (1997).
The following requirements must be amount includes unpaid interest and any 20
1996 FAIR Act § 621 (codified at 7 U.S.C. § 1961(b));
met to be eligible for a disaster set- principal that would have been credited 62 Fed. Reg. 9351, 9357 (1997) (to be codified at 7 C.F.R.
aside:59 (1) the farmer must be a direct to the account if the installment were § 1945.167(a)).
loan FSA borrower and have been out- paid on the due date.68 21
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(5) (1997).
standing at the time of the disaster; (2) In general, the installment to be set 22
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(4) (1997).
the farmer must operate a farm or ranch aside is limited to the first scheduled 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(14) (1997).
in a disaster area;60 (3) any nonmonetary annual installment due immediately af- 7 C.F.R. §§ 1945.163(c)(1), 1945.154(a), “Household
defaults with FSA must be resolved; the ter the disaster occurred. If, however, contents” (1997).
farmer must be either current on FSA that installment is paid, the next sched- 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(b)(7) (1997).
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(c)(5) (1997).
payments or no more than one install- uled annual installment after that may 27
For EM loan regulations, see 7 C.F.R. § 1945.173(b)
ment behind on FSA farm credit loans; be set aside.69 (1997). For general FSA regulations, see 7 C.F.R. pt. 1806
(4) as a direct result of the disaster, the The amount set aside, including inter- (1996).
farmer does not have sufficient income to est accrued on any principal set-aside, is 28
7 C.F.R. § 1945.173(b) (1997).
pay his or her expenses, and after the due on or before the final date of the 29
7 C.F.R. § 1945.162(f) (1997).
scheduled installments are set aside, all loan.70 30
7 C.F.R. § 1945.154(a), “Qualifying production loss,”
FSA farm credit loans must be current; “Production loss” (1997).
and (5) the farmer’s FSA farm loan must Interaction between primary loan 7 C.F.R. § 1945.154(a), “Farming enterprise” (1997).
not have been accelerated and the debt servicing and disaster set-aside 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(x) (1997).
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(1) (1997).
must not have been restructured with Pending requests for primary loan ser- 34
FSA sets the unit prices on a statewide basis. 7 C.F.R.
FSA loan servicing since the disaster vicing will continue to be considered. § 1945.163(a)(2)(iv) (1997).
occurred.61 Farmers are not eligible for servicing 35
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(v) (1997).
under both programs. The application 36
Thisrepresentsachangefrompastpolicy.See59 Fed.
Disaster set aside terms for the program not received is automati- Reg. 16,771 (1994).
Only one unpaid installment for each cally withdrawn at the time the install- 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(viii) (1997).
FSA loan may be set aside.62 If there is an ment is set aside or the loan restruc- 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(ix) (1997).
installment still set aside from a previ- tured. The automatic withdrawal is not 7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(xv), (xvii) (1997).
ous disaster, the loan is not eligible for appealable because the borrower is no 7 C.F.R. § 1945.154(a), “Qualifying production loss”
disaster set-aside. If, however, the set- longer delinquent. If the borrower again 41
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(xvii) (1997).
aside is later paid in full, the set-aside becomes delinquent or in financial dis-
C ontinued on page 7


FSA EMERGENCY LOANS/Cont. from p. 6 50
FSA EM loans are not considered emergency crop loss 60
7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(a)(1) (1997).
assistance for this purpose. 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(a)(7) (1997).
51 62
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(xvii) (1997). Farm Service Agency, Emergency Loan Assistance, 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(b)(2) (1997).
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(xvi) (1997). Farm Program Fact Sheet (May 1996). For relevant FSA regulations on restructuring, see 7
7 C.F.R. § 1945.154(a), “Qualifying production loss” 7 C.F.R. § 1945.154(a) “Feasible Plan” (1997); 7 C.F.R. § 1951, subpt. S
(1997). C.F.R. pt. 1924, subpt. B (1996). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.957(b)(2) (1997).
53 65
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(xvii) (1997). 7 C.F.R. pt. 11 (1996). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(b)(4) (1997).
54 66
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(a)(2)(x), (b) (1997). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.952 (1997). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(b)(4) (1997).
55 67
62 Fed. Reg. 9351, 9357 (1997) (to be codified at 7 7C.F.R.§1951.952(197).Fortheregulationscontrolling 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(b)(6) (1997).
C.F.R. § 1945.163(e)). FSA loan servicing, see 7 C.F.R. subpt. S (1997). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(b)(6) (1997).
56 69
7 C.F.R. § 1945.163(c)(5) (1997). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.953(b) (1997). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(b)(5) (1997).
57 70
FAIRAct§193(a)(2)(codifiedat7U.S.C.§1508(b)(7); 7 C.F.R. § 1951.953(b) (1997). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.957(b)(3) (1997).
58 71
62 Fed. Reg. 9351, 9357 (1997) (to be codified at 7 C.F.R. 7 C.F.R. § 1951.951 (1997). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.957(a)(2) (1997)
§ 1945.167(b)). 7 C.F.R. § 1951.954(a) (1997).

Setoff/Cont. from page 2

made a contrary decision of the law ap- ministration of the CRP, this evidence was absolutely owing and definite as to
plicable to such issues, or the decision did not fall within the exception. liability prepetition, but not yet due or
was clearly erroneous and would work a Finding that neither the “clearly erro- liquidated, because the contract require-
manifest injustice,” the law of the case neous” nor the “substantially different ments were contractual duties and prom-
must be followed. Id. at 5 (citations omit- evidence” exception applied, the appel- ises rather than conditions precedent.”
ted). The court noted that these excep- late panel held that the bankruptcy court Even a quick review of the Matthieson
tions were to be applied “narrowly.” Id. was bound by the district court order case reveals that the CRP program was
(citations omitted). holding that the government had a valid not at issue, nor was it even discussed by
The appellate panel interpreted the claim for setoff. Accordingly, the panel the court. Rather, that case dealt with
bankruptcy court decision as relying on reversed the bankruptcy court judgment the deficiency program, a one year pro-
both the first and the third exceptions: as to the Buckner case. Id. at *7. gram that is much different from the long
that the district court opinion was “clearly After reversing the bankruptcy court term CRP.
erroneous and would work a manifest judgment on the grounds that it violated In conclusion, the long procedural his-
injustice,” and that “the evidence on a the law of the case in Buckner, the appel- tory of this litigation has resulted in a
subsequent trial was substantially dif- late panel addressed the merits of the victory for government setoff rights in
ferent” than that presented to the dis- government’s setoff claim in the Tuttle farm program bankruptcies. Absent an
trict court. Id. With regard to the bank- case. It held that the Tuttle’s CRP con- appeal by the debtors, the issue that was
ruptcy court’s ruling that the appeal to tract represented a valid prepetition ob- first raised in 1991 is finally resolved
the district court became moot when the ligation for the term of the contract. seven years later when at least one of the
confirmation order was finalized , the *7- *12. farmer’s bankruptcies is over and one ten
appellate panel held that the district In reaching this conclusion, the panel year CRP contract has been completed
court was the appropriate court to decide relied on Tenth Circuit law that setoff and renewed. Surely the cost of the litiga-
whether the issue before it was moot, i.e., can be allowed if a debtor’s right to pay- tion to the government far exceeded the
whether it had jurisdiction. It was not ment is “an enforceable obligation,” or amount that was ever at issue in the
proper for the bankruptcy court to essen- “valid and enforceable.” The panel stated individual cases. Even if one assumes
tially vacate the district court’s decision, that a “debt for which liability attaches, that the court eventually reached the
holding that it had been moot. The appel- although the amount remains unascer- correct result, from the debtor’s perspec-
late panel acknowledged, but did not tained, is nonetheless subject to setoff.” tive, this case presents a troubling pic-
discuss the fact that the district court As an example, it referenced a pre-code ture of a slow and disorganized judiciary
was unaware of the plan confirmation. case that held that a tax refund, although and a government determined to create
Id. at 6. not yet claimed or due as of filing, was precedent in its favor.
As to whether the confirmed plan modi- subject to setoff. Id. at * 10 (citation
fied setoff rights, the panel noted that the omitted). Applying this to the CRP con- —Susan A. Schneider, Hastings, MN
law is “not settled.” The panel cited a tracts at issue, the panel found them to
Ninth Circuit opinion that held that constitute valid and enforceable contracts
prepetition setoff rights were unaffected as of the day they were signed. The con-
by a confirmed Chapter 11 plan as well as ditions on payment are “mutual prom-
a recent Third Circuit opinion contrary. ises” rather than conditions precedent.
On this basis, the panel stated that it was Id. at *11. F ederal Register
“arguable” that the bankruptcy court’s The panel noted the split in authority
confirmation order had no effect on the on the issue of CRP setoff rights and in br ief
government’s right to setoff. Id. It is adopted what it termed the majority po- The following is a selection of items that
likely that the court’s dicta on this issue sition. Unfortunately, its analysis of the were published in the Federal Register
may give rise to future litigation, given cases that it cited reflects not only a from March 27 to April 28, 1998.
the government’s recently vigorous pur- misunderstanding of the differences be- 1. CCC; Conservation farm option; pro-
suit of its setoff rights in and out of tween the various farm programs but posed rule; comments due 6/1/98. 63 Fed.
bankruptcy. also makes erroneous statements regard- Reg. 16142.
The appellate panel also rejected the ing these case holdings. For example, in 2. FSA; Subordination of direct loan
“substantially different evidence” claim a parenthetical explaining the holding of basic security to secure a guaranteed line
of the bankruptcy court, finding that this the often cited case of Moratzka v. United of credit; final rule; effective date 5/26/
exception only applied to evidence that States (In re Matthieson), 63 B.R. 56 (D. 98. 63 Fed. Reg. 20295.
was clearly unavailable to the parties Minn.1986), the court stated that the — Linda Grim McCormick, Alvin, TX
during the earlier proceedings. Although Matthieson court held that a “setoff right
the district court took substantial evi- exists because CRP debt is a prepetition
dence at the hearing regarding the ad- debt; obligation to pay CRP payments


AALA Award nominations sought
The AALA Awards Committee is seeking nominations from the general membership for consideration in the following
1. AALA Award for Excellence in Scholarship for 1998;
2. AALA Award for Excellence in Student Writing for 1998;
3. AALA Award for the Ag Law Update for 1998; and
4. AALA Distinguished Service Award for 1998.
The deadline for submitting nominations is July 1, 1998. Winners will be honored during the 1998 annual educational
conference on Oct. 23-24 in Columbus, Ohio. Nominations should be submitted to the 1998 AALA Awards Committee
Chairman: David C. Barrett, Jr., National Grain and Feed Association, 1201 New York Ave., N.W., Washington, DC
20005; phone: 202-289-0873; e-mail:

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