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Bilet 21

Personally, New Zealand is the way to go. There is a lot less red tape in New
Zealand; the standard of living is higher, multiculturalism is better (the relationship
between the Australian Aboriginal and the White Australian is still strained, much
better race relations in New Zealand); quality of education is great; cost of living is
less (in smaller cities/towns); free health care for those under 18, free dental for
school kids, not as busy, fast paced or over populated.

There are no poisonous things that will kill you - there is no long term drought but
overall the quality of life is much better.

I think living in Australia is more like being in Africa than it is in New Zealand.
Technology is better in New Zealand too--for a small country it is advanced in so
many areas.

Christchurch in the South Island has the beaches, city, good schools and university,
etc ,though you can live almost anywhere in New Zealand and be near enough to a
city for shopping, activities, restaurants and surf beaches.

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