161 Return For Purchase Order

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161 Return for purchase order If a purchase order item is marked as a returns item, the returns to vendor are

posted using movement type 161 when the goods receipt for purchase order is posted. Movement type 161 has the same effects as movement type 122. 311 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in one step The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing storage location to unrestricted use in the receiving storage location. Possible special stock indicators: E, K, M, Q See also 321, 343, 349, 455 for other stock types. By: | 24 Aug 2009 I wish to know the movement type for transferring the stocks from unrestricted to blocked stock By: | 21 Sep 2009 HOW I CAN TRANSFER ITEMS FOR USER AFTER MAKING OR CREATE RESERVATION USING MOV 201 ITEM NOT AVAILABLE IN MY SLOC THAN I NEED TRANSFER FROM NEAREST WHSE WHICH MOV TYPE I USE By: | 05 Oct 2009 - See more at: http://www.saptechies.org/goods-movement-type-in-sapmm/#sthash.bLPhWODl.dpuf

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