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Bilet 32

Everybody can work in a way or another but being your own boss it’s another thing
and a different matter; on the other hand this really on the fact that being your own
boss or not being your own boss implies a lot of points of view, from the idea that
you can earn a lot of money during a short period of your life and become your own
,,boss’’ to the idea that you can be your own,, boss ‘’if you do all the time what
ever you want to do whenever you want to do that thing. But as a main idea I must
said that everyone can be their own boss ,they have just to look upon themselves
and see the boss that it’s inside them and put a new light upon him , upon there
lives .

I do think that being your own boss it’s not a hard thing to realize having in mind
that we all are equals , and no human being it’s superior to the other one.

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