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Completed the reading and Videos


3 The student demonstrated that he/she read all of the articles and watched all of the videos through Landschool Evaluation. The student listed five facts that he or she learned about the Dewey Decimal System. The student got all of the questions correct and was able to defend all of his or her choices The student labeled all five books correctly and put all five books in the appropriate location.

Kazuls Cave Test (Student will also receive a score on the test) Label Library Books

2 The student demonstrated that he/she read three of the articles and watched two of the videos through Landschool Evaluation. The student listed three facts that he or she learned about the Dewey Decimal System. The student got six out of the ten questions correct and was able to defend those responses. The student got three out of the five books labeled correctly and put three out of the five books in the appropriate location

1 The student demonstrated that he/she read one of the articles and watched one of the videos through Landschool Evaluation. The student listed two facts that he or she learned about the Dewey Decimal System. The students got three out of the ten questions correct and was able to defend those responses The student got two out of the five books labeled correctly and put two out of the five books in the appropriate location

0 The student demonstrated that he/she read none of the articles and watched none of the videos through Landschool Evaluation. The student did not complete the Survey.

The student did not complete the task.

The student did not complete the task.

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