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Tuesday, July 30th 2013 Reported by: Bro. Darrell W. Jenkins Junior Warden of Falcon Lodge No. 6 Worthy Brother/ Regular Grand Lodge of Maryland (Largo, MD) The Regular Grand Lodge of Maryland (RGLMD) Regularizes New Jerusalem Grand Lodge of Georgia (NJRGLGA). In a monumental occasion on Saturday, July 27th 2013 (6013) The Regular Grand Lodge of Maryland's Most Worshipful Brother Carlton Brigham, Grand Master, called a Special Grand Lodge meeting for the purpose and intent of Regularizing {Healing} New Jerusalem Grand Lodge of Georgia, headed by Most Worshipful, Brother Gregory Davis, Grand Master. GM, Davis along with 15 worthy Brethren from the State of Georgia, representing King of Tyre Lodge No. 2, Elijah Lodge No. 3 and Gideon Lodge No. 4 with their respective Worshipful Masters traveled as "Travelers" should to the Great State of Maryland to be Regularized in Ancient Craft Masonry; which is neither of the Scottish nor the York Rite. For the Brethren to undertake such a quest at the risk of being ridiculed speaks volumes of the Power of Brotherhood, Masonic Brotherhood gained at the expense of Light (knowledge, wisdom and understanding). Clearly the Brethren from Georgia where indeed "craving" as the bee goes about its business flying from flower to flower collecting pollen to be returned to the Beehive and the queen (Master) for its proper use and application. The example set by Georgia, now recognized and known as New Jerusalem Regular Grand Lodge of Georgia (NJRGLGA), is a testimony of the Mark of the Master and to the attraction of the cable-toe and honey in respect to the sweetness and power of Brotherhood and Brotherly Love. How good it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity. We are not referring to the quantity but rather to the quality- the quality of Unity and the Harmony and Peace of the collective Builder's minds. The honey that Georgia has labored to prepare and produce and that which will soon be tasted is BUILDING at its essence. In addition to making good men better the work is also about making good lodges better! SMIB x3

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