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PPL Circuit Notes

On the Upwind Leg

Rotate @ 50kts Initial climb@ 65kts Commence climb to 1000ft @300ft; Carburettor Heat Cold Flaps Up (Initial climb now @ 70kts) Fuel Pump Off Engine Instruments Check At the turn onto crosswind, use bank angle of 15 degrees (rate 1 turn) until at a right angle to runway.

On the Crosswind Leg

Level off at 1000ft Throttle back to 1800rpm When runway is at 7 oclock position, commence a left 30 degree back turn onto downwind. Left wing should look like nearly touching the edge of runway. A few cm away.

On the Downwind Leg Make radio call, Scrabo - -, downwind to runway - -. Do the following checks; Brakes Push & Release Carburettor Heat Hot Fuel Sufficient

Undercarriage Undamaged Direction Indicator - Check & Set Harnesses Check Flight Instruments Check Carburettor Heat Cold

Before turning onto base, have a look to long final in case of any incoming traffic. When clear, make a 30 degree turn onto base leg still at 1000ft

On the Base Leg

Carburettor Heat Hot Reduce power 1200rpm Put first stage of flaps Reduce speed to 60kts Once established, commence a final 30 degree left turn onto your final.

On the Final Leg

Full flap down, keep speed in white arc, keep runway numbers two fingers above the dash bored Radio call, Scrabo - -, cleared to land runway - - for touch and go. Three things to remember on final; Is runway clear of aircraft? Have you got permission to land? Is your approach stable? At the flare, keep aircraft about 5ft above the runway, pull power back to idle.

PPL training notes by Shannon Mcauley

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