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ME 290 Mechanical Engineering Seminar Practice Interview Preparation

Preparing for interviews is possible and important. Knowing the questions ahead of time is a big advantage. Here is one of the most dependable guides to questions you can expect in almost any interview. Twenty Questions---The Most Commonly Asked Questions in Job Interviews From:Conducting the Interview section of Richard Nelson Bolless What Color is Your Parachute? 1.Tell me about yourself. (Why did you choose Purdue? Why did you choose Mechanical Engineering?) 2.Why are you applying for this job? 3.What do you know about this job or company? 4.How would you describe yourself? 5.What are your major strengths? 6.What is your greatest weakness? 7.What type of work do you like to do best? 8.What are your interests outside of work? 9.What accomplishment gave you the greatest satisfaction? 10.What was your worst mistake? 11.Why did you leave your last job? 12.Why were you fired (if you were)? 13.How does your education or experience relate to this job? 14.Where do you see yourself five years from now? 15.What are your goals in life? 16.How much did you make at your last job? (What salary are you looking for?)
These questions are used to get answers to the following:

17.Why are you here? 18.What kind of person are you? 19.What can you do for us? 20.How are you different from the others?
ME 290 Additions to the Bolles list:

21.How do you like working on project teams? 22.How do you handle conflict? 23.What have you done to prepare for this interview? 24.How would you design a popcorn factory?(actual question to Purdue ME senior)
Job Fair/Screening Interview Essentials: Binder with pockets, resumes and paper.Also company information, Industrial Roundtable or Intern/Expo brochure, pencil/pen.

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