Health7 SummativeEvalPlan v4

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ID Dec 7, '14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Dec 21, '14 S T M

Pretest final learner group Gather old pretest data

Jan 4, '15 Jan 18, '15 T S W S T M

Feb 1, '15 Feb 15, '15 T S W S T M

Mar 1, '15 Mar 15, '15 T S W S T M

Mar 29, '15 Apr 12, '15 T S W S T M

Apr 26, '15 May 10, '15 May 24, '15 Jun 7, '15 T S W S T M F T S W S T

Gather old instructor survey data Gather prior end-of-course survey data Posttest final learner group End-of-course survey final group Instructor survey (3 of 3) Analyze data Develop report Develop recommendations Present to principal Communicate results with stakeholders

Task Split

Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only

External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress

Project: Health7_SummativeEva Date: Wed 7/31/13

Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone

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