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Preposition of Place 1. A preposition connects one part of speech with another: That book on the table is mine. The woman with the big hat is beautiful. 2. A Place Preposition is used in a prepositional phrase to indicate where a person, place, or thing is. Some place prepositions are in, on, at, and between. a. In gives the idea of place that is an enclosure (a box, a container, a pocket, a closet) e.g.: My money is in a little box in the closet. My keys are in my pocket. In is also used to refer to a system, Organization, or formula. e.g.: The earth is in a solar system. There is a mistake in this formula. b. At refers to an area or place (a school, a home, an office) e.g.: He is at the National University of Mexico. They arent at home. c. On suggests a surface of some thing (a floor, the earth, a street) e.g.: Your pencil is on the floor. Over: generally higher than a point. Above: directly higher than a point. Under: generally lower than a point. Beneath & below: directly lower than a point. Between is for a person or thing that appears in the middle of a unit of three. e.g.: She is between him and me. The patient is between life and death. 3. Note: sometimes, in, on, and at are interchangeable; in other words, we have a choice. e.g.: they are at the beach. Or. They are on the beach. The prepositional phrase at the beach suggests a place; while on the beach suggests the surface (the sand of the beach). e.g.: he is at the library. Or. He is in the library. at the library suggests a place; while in the library suggests an enclosure (building) 4. A prepositional phrase that is an expression of place may content more than one preposition. e.g.: The Eiffel tower is in the middle of Paris; We are in a small room in a big building; The sun is in the center of our solar system. d. e. f. g. h.


An expression of place usually contains a preposition + the + noun + of e.g.: The North Pole is at the top of the world. We are in the middle of a conversation 6. In the front of and in the back of sometimes appear without the. When this occurs, the meaning is completely different; for example, We are in the front of

the theater means We are inside the theater in the front part, but We are in front of the theater means We are outside the theater in the front. Another example: We are in the back of the car and we are in back of the car. The uses of in preposition are to show: A large area. e.g.: in Asia, in Europe, in America. Towns/ part of town e.g.: in Jakarta, in Paris, in London, Outside area. e.g.: in the garden, in the street, in the park. Rooms e.g.: in the waiting room, in the bath room, in the toilet. Nouns without articles e.g.: in church, in bed, in hospital. The uses of at preposition are to show: Public places e.g.: at the station, at the station, at the bank. Address e.g.: at my house, at 35 East Road, at Jalan Manyar 25. Noun without articles e.g.: at school, at home, at college Events e.g.: at a concert, at a party, at a wedding The uses of on preposition are to show: Address e.g.: on Jalan Manyar Place of a thing or something. e.g.: on the table, on the floor, on the chair. Preposition of Time We use in, on, and at to show the time. The uses of in preposition are to show: Part of a day (considered as the part of a day) e.g.: in the morning, in the evening. Months e.g.: in January, in March, in June. Years e.g.: in 1990, in 1945, in 2008. Seasons e.g.: in spring, in summer, in winter.

Centuries e.g.: in the 15th century, in the 18th century. Period e.g.: in three years time, in seven days time

The uses of on preposition are to show: Days e.g.: on Monday, on Tuesday. Parts of a day (considered as point) e.g.: on Sunday morning, on Tuesday evening. Dates (The month and the date) e.g.: on June 21st, on August 5th Particular occasions e.g.: on New Year day, on Christmas day. The uses of at preposition are to show: Time e.g.: at 9 oclock, at 2 oclock. Festivals e.g.: at Christmas. Part of a day e.g.: at night, at midnight. Age e.g.: at the age of 70, at the age of 20.

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