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WHAT IS EMBRYOLOGY? The study of embryo and fetus is called embryology. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF EMBRYOLOGY? It tells us how life begins and what are events of development in the intrauterine life.

Ovary in female Oogenensis Testis in Male Spermatogenesis

Ovum (Haploid)

Sperm (Haploid)

This process is called fertilization

Zygote (Dipliod)

Sex cell produced in GONADES. Ovum: From the beginning of week-1 to the end of week-2 of gestation. Embryology: From the beginning of week-3 to the end of week-8 of gestation. Fetus: From the beginning of month-3 to the end of month-9 of gestation. Gestation: period in the uterus between conception and birth. DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO There are three steps of embryology development. 1)- Cleavage ( first 2 weeks) 2)- Embryology Development (3rd to 8th week ) 3)-Fetus Development(3rd month to 9th month) CLEAVAGE: 1-Zygote undergoes a series of mitotic cell division. 2-Total mass does not increase but daughter cell increase in number. 3-Occure in zone pellucida. EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT Also called embryonic period.

1-Gastrulation: development of embryo comprise of a trilaminar germinal disc. 2- change in intraembryonic mesoderm i-Paraxial mesoderm: 35 pairs of somites are formed for determining age of embryo. ii-intermediate mesoderm: form urogenital ridge which is involved in formation of future kidney and gonads. iii- lateral mesoderm: two parts and covering yolk sac. iv-Notochord: it induce the formation of vertebral bodies. v- cardiogenic region: horseshoe shaped region of mesoderm. Involved in heart formation. CHANGE IN ECTODERM Involved in formation of future nervous system and epidermis of skin. CHANGE IN ENDODERM Formation of future digestive system and respiratory system. FETUS DEVELOPMENT AMNION: a fetal membrane which surrounds the embryo and later the fetus. 2-formation of amniotic fluid 3-amniotic cavity

CHORION: Encloses not only fetus but also other membranes. Formed by parietal extraembryonic mesoderm. YOLK SAC: Formed by primary yolk sac. It serves also as a transport medium for the transport of nutrients. UMBILICAL CORD: 1- Formed of three structures. 2- Connecting stalk 3- Allantois 4- Yolk stalk ii)- connect fetus to the placenta iii)- 30-90 cm long and 1-2cm thick. PLACENTA: 1-cake like structure and provide nutrients to fetus. 2- formed by trophoplastic villi. 3- discoid in shape 4- 3cm thick and weight nearly 500-600gram.

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