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9/11 Personal P r i v a c y


111 Intercultural Center

Security Studies Program
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057
(202) 687-4095


Assistant Professor, Security Studies Program, Georgetown University, 2003-present

Teach classes on terrorism, Middle East security, and national security issues. Research includes
U.S. counts-terrorism strategy, terrorism in the Middle East, Persian Gulf security, U.S. uses of
force, and the management of internal conflict.

Professional Staff Member. Joint 9/11 Inquiry, U.S. House and Senate Intelligence
Committees, 2001-2002-present.
Lead team responsible for assessing U.S. intelligence agencies' efforts against terrorism since
1986. Draft report describing the events of September 1 l lh , identifying systemic problems in the
intelligence community, and recommending changes to avoid future calamities. Organize
hearings and brief Members of Congress on counterterrorism-related issues.

Policy Analyst and Director for Research, Center for Middle East Public Policy, The RAND
Corporation, 1997-2002.
Lead teams and conduct research on a range of Middle East security and political issues. Review
research plans for Center projects. Provide area expertise for functional experts working on the
Middle East. Identify outside experts for Center research and conferences. Direct, manage, and
research studies for U.S. policy makers and military officers. Lead research teams of 5-30 people.
Administer budgets between 5100,000 and S2?000,000. Brief senior U.S. policy and military
officials research results. Topics of studies included Middle East security, counter-terrorism,
sources of ethnic conflict, and other issues related to U.S. foreign policy and the use of force.

Political Analyst. Central Intelligence Agency, 1990-1993

Lead political analyst on several Near Eastern countries. Analyzed the domestic politics,
political stability, and foreign policies of Near East states for U.S. government policy makers.
Member of task force overseeing CIA analysis on Persian Gulf crisis.

9/11 Closed by Statute

f-L'tirings ami Appeals Analyst. Department of Energy, 1989-1990

Evaluated energy conservation proposals. Wrote and researched DOE legal decisions.

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