JEEP Reflection 1

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Via Jucille Roderos 113382 Last Monday, we had our first JEEP area insertion and we got to experience what its like working for a barangay health center. When we arrived at our assigned area I was quite surprised with the number of people lining up outside listening attentively to the lecture given by the barangay doctor. Inside the health center was a different picture. On one corner, there were health workers taking the height and weight of children and on another a health worker whom I call Maam Joni, was talking blood pressure. I was assigned to work with Maam Joni and I was quite excited since I get to practice what Ive learned from the JEEP training seminar. In between taking blood pressures of the residents, I constantly chatted with Maam Joni and I learned that she has been working for 20 years in the health center. I was more amazed with the fact that shes very diligent with her work without even expecting something in return. She told me that helping others, even in the little ways that she can, is her passion. There had been times when she found it difficult to continue with this job but she stayed because it gives her a sense of fulfillment knowing that she helped. In a way, she inspired me to be more passionate about the things that I do no matter how hard it will be. This made me look forward to the rest of our JEEP insertions knowing that in the most simplest and basic things that I can observe in the community, I may learn something that I may find useful in my future endeavors in Health and Medicine.

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