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Of Cock and Hen By: Alejandro R.

Roces Setting: * Field where they found the chicken * Bario where they live * Alcala town where Mr. Eduardo Cruz live * Cockpit where the battle of rooster held Character PROTAGONIST * Narrator ANTAGONIST * Kiko STOCK * Mother * Father * Tenienteng Tasio Head of the village * Mr. Eduardo Cruz Operate a large egg farm Point of View * The narrator tells his own story. Conflict * When they are arguing about the sex of the chicken. Complication * When Kiko decide to bring the chicken in the cockpit to prove that the chicken is a rooster. Climax * When the author recognizes that the opponent of their chicken is a veteran of the pit. Key Moment * Resolution * Inevitability * Plot Early in the morning there are two brothers arguing about the sex of the chicken, the one said it is a rooster and the one said of is a hen. Because they dont agree in each other they consult their parent, the Tenienteng Tasio and Mr. Cruz. But they also cant tell what is the sex of the chicken, until Kiko got an idea. He decided to bring the chicken to a fight in the cockpit. He said

if the chicken win, his brother must agree that the chicken is a rooster and not a hen. When the cock fight begin and the chicken won, they both accept that the chicken is a rooster, but the chicken had other ideas. It began to quiver. Then something round and warm dropped on Kikos bother hand. He looked down and saw an egg. Theme * Tone * The author make the reader feel excite. Style * The author use simple word to let the reader easily understand the story. [continues] My Brothers Peculiar Chicken by Alejandro R. Roces

Theme: Exploring Filipino Humor

Humor: Only in the Philippines Filipinos love to laugh and have fun Laughing at problems Very low suicide rate Optimism roots from our religion Optimism in the midst of adversity Can often be self depreciating

Disadvantage of Filipino Humor Can be quite disturbing and disconcerting

MAIN ISSUES -Gambling Cockfights, card games, regular bets, karerahan- PUSTAHAN -Gender Equity Career preference Passion and Interest Abilities and skills Decision making

Elements of the Story Conflict: Is it a hen or a rooster? Complications: the chicken has characteristics of both a hen and a rooster. Rising action: the family tries to find answers to their questions Climax: the cockfight between the chicken and the red rooster Falling action: after the cockfight Characters Kiko says it is a rooster His brother says it is a hen Father says it is a hen, a lesbian hen Mother says it is a rooster, a gay rooster The teniente del barrio or chief of the village says it must be a bird of some kind Mr. Eduardo Cruz he has to kill the hen and examine its insights to determine. Setting: Cornfield; a barrio Style: richly-detailed and flowing Storys voice: comic Point of view: First person point of view

This is one of the stories written by Alejandro R. Roces , a Filipino writer, this story is about the chicken that was found by the two brother. They are fighting about the gender of the chicken whether its a hen or rooster. The older brother tells that its a hen but the younger tells it is not. The chicken was very peculiar because it has both the characteristic of hen and a rooster. The two brother had a deal that if the chicken win in a cockfight then they will consider it as a rooster, when the fight comes the chicken defeats the other chicken in just one lunge. When they already decided that the chicken is a rooster the chicken suddenly laid an egg making it a she. As you can see here the them of the story is "There are things that are not real as they seems to be" ,

You can't judge something just because of its physical characteristics , you should always look inside of it and have a deep understanding.

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