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Topic for School Debate Letters or MaiL? Whats your caLL?

Theres an old saying Old is Gold. In this 21st century, we dont even have enough time for ourselves let alone peeking into the past. From the advent of human civilization, we needed a medium to communicate with each other, to exchange our thoughts. Consequently, we developed language stepping ahead of our other fellow beings. Letters were another remarkable medium to exchange our thoughts. People carved their emotions into them. They were the best medium for people to remain in contact with their loved ones. Then came the generation of computers, bringing the fast and reliable world of electronicmail, abbreviated e-mail. E-mail revolutionized the century, just a click and your message is sent. But whats your take? Letter or E-mail? Blatantly, e-mail is the fastest medium of contact but do we quench our thirst of flowing emotions through it? There are still many parts of the world where computers are never seen leave alone e-mail. One does not get that satisfaction in sending e-mails as in writing down his thoughts flooding his heart on a sheet of paper. The person at the receiving end also feels important that in such a hectic world the person has taken out time for it. It takes one down the memory lane. I prefer Letters, whats your take?

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