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Goal-driven Open-minded Great talker Quick learner

No self-belief Envious Reckless Wearisome Mischievous Petty


(office works) - Administrative - Managerial - professional



Better people Distractions Pressure Expectations Health problems

As human persons, we are all unique and that makes us all the same. We all possess within us assets that equip us for our individual battles in life. And to complement with those strengths are flaws and impairments which would improve us if handled properly. They can be transformed into strengths by way of perseverance. These internal capabilities and weaknesses would eventually help as we come out and face the real world.

I am competent but sometimes I hate being compared with the people I know I cant compete. In my SWOT analysis, I have written some of my attributes. My strengths are always my advantages. These are God-given gifts that I should continue to nourish, and factors that I may be able to exploit to the external environment. On the contrary, I never fail to recognize my weaknesses because they are just so strong to be ignored and they often knock me down. In the process, I have come to realize that the root of all these shortcomings is thinking that someone can do better than me. Although this may be true, I also believe that I can conquer these fears and make my way to believing in myself. Many times have I asked myself, How many things have you not done because you lacked belief in yourself? Self-belief therefore, is vital. And by achieving this, perhaps, Id be able to turn these negative attitudes into optimistic ones and make these as stepping stones towards achieving my goals. Along the way, I know Id meet opportunities but that doesnt mean the absence of obstacles and hindrances. I cant be too specific on how Id deal with the threats but I am sure that Id take everything as a challenge. To be able to recognize and properly assess all attitudes, good or bad, it is very important that one knows himself. Weaknesses are human and so are strengths. And for all we know, all the frustrating endeavors are only rarely opportunities in disguise.

Rosalejos, Beverly S. BSA-IID

BA 101/105 1:30-3:00 MW July 14, 2013

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