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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations

Table of Contents
Objective ........................................................................................................................... 4 IMG Menu The Starting Point ......................................................................................... 5 An Overview of the SAP Production Orders ...................................................................... 6 The Bills of Materials in relation to the Shop Floor Production Order ................................ 7 Start of the SAP Production Order Configurations ............................................................ 9 Define the Production Order Types ................................................................................... 9 How to configure the Production Order User Status?...................................................... 12 Where-is the Production Order Type used? .................................................................... 16 Define the Production Order Type-dependent Parameters ............................................. 16 Define Checking Control.................................................................................................. 24 Define Confirmation Parameters ..................................................................................... 25 Define Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders..................................................... 30 Define Number Range..................................................................................................... 33 Define selection profiles for the Order Information System ............................................. 35 Where-is the Selection Profile used?............................................................................... 36 Define the Production Operations Control key ................................................................ 37 Where-is the Control key used? ...................................................................................... 38 Define formula parameters for Work Center.................................................................... 39 Where-is the Work Center Formula Used?...................................................................... 42 Define the Production Scheduling Profile ........................................................................ 42 Define Production Scheduler........................................................................................... 45 Where-is the Production Scheduling Profile and Production Scheduler Used?............... 45 Define User Exits Selection ............................................................................................. 46 Select Routing Automatically ........................................................................................... 47 Where do you define the Usage and Status? .................................................................. 48 Define Default Values If No Routing Exists ..................................................................... 48 Define Priorities for BOM Usages.................................................................................... 50 Define Applications for BOM Explode.............................................................................. 50 Define Alternative Determination for Production.............................................................. 52 Define Checking Group ................................................................................................... 53 Define Checking Rule...................................................................................................... 54 Define Scope of Check.................................................................................................... 54 Define Checking Rule for Backorder Processing............................................................. 56 Specify Scheduling Type ................................................................................................. 57 Define Standard Value Keys ........................................................................................... 58 Where-is the Standard Value Key used?......................................................................... 60 Define Scheduling Margin Key ........................................................................................ 60 Define Capacity Categories............................................................................................. 61 Where-is Capacity Categories used? .............................................................................. 62 Define Single Screen Entry for Time Ticket Confirmations.............................................. 63 Maintain Language-Dependent Texts.............................................................................. 66 Define Reasons for Variances for Production Scrap ....................................................... 67 Where-is the Production Reason Code used? ................................................................ 68 Define Print Control for Shop Floor Papers ..................................................................... 68 Preparing the Initial Implementation of the PP Shop Floor Control Module..................... 72 Static versus dynamic data conversion ........................................................................... 73 A Sample Note to users regarding the Uncompleted Production Orders......................... 73 @ Page 1 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Appendix A: The Production Order Status Business Process Flow................................. 74 Appendix B: How to make enquiry on Open Production Orders?.................................... 76 Appendix C: What is Backflushing and Where is the Indicator Set?................................ 77


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations

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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations

The objective of this paper is to provide the SAP PP consultant with a step-by-step guides at configuring the SAP PP Shop Floor Control module. It is structure in the form of howto-do configurations method. When you do the SAP configuration, sequence is not really important as long as all the PP Shop Floor Control modules Features that need to be used have been configured. Notes: Initial IMG Action : Required (this are dynamic data which are unique to the company) Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required (it depends on the customer requirement) Initial IMG Action : Not required (normally this kind of configuration is quite static, most of the customer will accept the SAP default and may request for changes after going live for a period of time)


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IMG Menu The Starting Point

Before doing any SAP Configuration, all SAP consultants MUST be aware of the transaction SPRO. This transaction code is the heart of the whole SAP configuration. Click the button and you will be shown all the configuration tree for the various SAP modules like SD, PP, FI, CO etc. Transaction SPRO

The SAP IMG configuration tree for all the modules


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations

An Overview of the SAP Production Orders

As the name implies, Production Orders is a work processes that a company uses to produced the Finished Goods that the Customer Need. In the Production Orders, the Production Planner (after finding out from the Production staff) will define the raw materials, semi-finished materials required to be processed (Bills of Materials), at which location, at what time, how much work is required and the work sequence that need to be carried out (Routing). It also defines which resources are to be used and how the costs are to be settled. The Materials Requirement Planning will generate a Planned Orders from the Customer Sales Orders or a Company-Internal Requirement (known as Planned Independent Requirement for Orders that are not firmed). The Planned Orders will be reviews by the Production Planner who will decide whether to convert the Planned Orders into Production Orders and then RELEASE it for actual Production. A firm SAP Production Order will contains information such as: What is to be produced. When the Actual Production will take place. Which Machine or Labour capacity to used to process the Order. How much will it cost to produce the Finished Goods? In the SAP system, a Production Orders can be created in the following methods: Convert from the Planned Orders generated by the SAP MRP system. Using an assembly order. Creating it manually from the SAP system. Once a Production Order is created, the system will perform the following actions: Select the Routing that contains the operations and sequences and copy it to the Production Order. The Bill of Materials is exploded and the items in the BOM are transferred to the Production Order. Reservations are created for those Bill of Materials Item held in stock. The planned costs for the Production Order are generated. The Capacity requirements are generated for the work centers define in the Routing. The Purchase Requisitions are generated for non-stock items and externally processed operations. The Master data for the Routing and BOM will only be copy once during the Production Order creation UNLESS you click the Re-COPY functions (CO02 Functions Read PP Master Data). Any further changes done to the Production Order for the Routing and BOM etc. will ONLY affect the Production Order and vice versa. Therefore, dont be surprised if you found that the Original Routing and BOM structure to be difference with the one in the Production Order as users have the right to change it, if necessary. @ Page 6 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

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The Bills of Materials in relation to the Shop Floor Production Order

As you know, a bill of material is a complete structure list of the components (or raw material/semi-finished) that make up a product (Finished Good). In SAP, you create the BOM level by level with Tcode CS01. The system can cater for different type of BOM (referring to the different modules of SAP). For production youll choose BOM usage 1. This BOM will be copied into the Production Order whenever a new Order is created.

As you can see after you enter the screen, you define the BOM level by level.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Now, let us look at a simple example: FERT requires the raw materials RAW 1 and semi-finished goods SEMI. SEMI requires the raw materials RAW 1 and RAW 2. Therefore, youll define two single BOM with Tcode CS01. The SAP system automatically LINK the Multi-level BOM structure for you. Now, when a user create a Production Order for FERT, two different Production Order will be created. One for FERT, and the other for SEMI. The reason is because FERT and SEMI requires different manufacturing process to be completed. FERT





You can used Tcode CSMB to view the Multi-level BOM. Click the button Start the Material BOM Browser.

The system will quickly find the BOM relationship automatically for you.


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Start of the SAP Production Order Configurations

The SAP PP modules is closely related to the Controlling modules which takes care of the Costing for the Production Order. Therefore, a PP consultant will have to work closely with the CO consultant and try your best to learn how Cost is being calculated for the Production Order.

Define the Production Order Types

Initial IMG Action : Required In this configuration, you need to find out from your FICO consultant which Settlement Profile (under the Cost Controlling section) are you using although most of the time the default standard SAP profile PP01 is used. You have to assign every Production Order to an order type. An order type contains control information that you need for managing orders. Most customers will request more Production Order Types to differentiate the different Production Order for report analyzing purpose. For e.g. PPRW Rework Production Order PPPT Trial Run Production Order etc To create New Order Type, copy it from the Standard Order Type PP01. Listed below are all the transaction for each New Order Type that you need to create. All these configurations will be copied to the Production Order in transaction code CO01 when the user create the production order. Transaction : Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define OPLH Order Types IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define OPL8 order type-dependent parameters IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability OPJK Check Define Checking Control IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Confirmations OPK4 Define Confirmations Parameters (this will determine whether confirmation is allow for this Order Type) IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Scheduling OPU3 Define Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define CO82 number ranges for order (if different number range are required for different Order Type)


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations In the Production Order type, you define the following: CO (Controlling) partner update You can specify whether a totals record is to be written per order if a CO partner object (for example, a cost center) is assigned to an order of this order type. This indicator is used to reduce the number of totals records and thus the storage capacity needed in the database. Order classification Here, you specify whether orders of this order type are to be taken into account in classification for order summarization and the order selection. Order residence time Find out from the user how long completed orders are left in the SAP System before they are archived. Reorganizing an object (e.g. order, project) normally requires three steps: 1. Setting the delete flag (can be reset) 2. Setting the final deletion indicator (cannot be reset) 3. Reorganizing (writing the object to a sequential dataset and physically deleting it from the system) Residence time 1 determines the time interval (in calendar months) that must elapse between setting the delete flag (step 1) and setting the deletion indicator (step 2). If you leave this field blank, you can still archive the Production Order using the Archive Management transaction SARA Object Name - PP_ORDER Settlement Profile (IMG Controlling Product Cost Controlling Cost Object Controlling Product Cost by Period Period-End Closing Settlement Create Settlement Profile) Find out from the FICO consultant which settlement profile are you using to settle this Order Type. Collective order with goods movement This indicator controls whether goods movements can take place for production orders that are linked to a collective order. Status Profile Management An order can go through several processing statuses. Among other things, the status controls which business transactions are allowed in the order. Number Range General SAP have pre-assign the number range. If you want to change it, you can re-assign it to a new number range for each new order type. Transaction : Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define Order Types OPJH Double click on the Production Order Types to reach the definition screen.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations The order category 10 which stand for production order is a fixed setting and cannot be changed. The order categories are predefined in the SAP System and characterize the technical properties of the orders. Click the Number range general button to assign a different number range to each order type. Refer to the section on Define Number Range if you need to assign a Number Range for the Production Order Type. Youll notice that the IMG for the Production Order type is quite straights forward.


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How to configure the Production Order User Status?

A user status is activated by the user and can be created as an addition to the existing system status. You can define and activate any number of user statuses. To define a user status, you need to have created a status profile, which is created per order type in Customizing. You can activate any number of status in a production order. The steps to configure the User Status: 1. First create a Status Profile. Transaction : Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define Status Profile BS02 Click the Create button and type the followings:

2. Type in the followings User status and Click the Object types button to assign the corresponding to the status profile. This means that User Status 1 will be active first, then follows by the next 2 User Status.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations 3. Scroll down and Tick the followings so that the status profile can be used in Production Order Header as well as the Operations Level. Finished, click the Back button to goto the Step 2 Screen.

4. Assign the corresponding Business Transaction to each of the User Status except User Status1 as the Initial Status was tick. Double click on User Status 2 in the screen for Step 2.

You will then see a screen with no information. Click the Create button to view the all the Business Transactions.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Auto move the User Status Now, we assume that once the Order is release, it will automatically move from User Status 1 to User Status 2. On the Line Item Release, you click Allowed and Set button. This means that On Release of the Production Order, the status will changed to 2. Restrict the Business Transaction To restrict any Business Transaction on a particular User Status, scroll down to the Business transaction line item and click Disallowed and No action. Upon User Status 3, which is the Complete Process, you can tick Disallowed for those Business transaction that you do not want the user to do.

5. Finally, assign the New Created Status Profile to the Production Order Type (OPJH). For this demo, we assign it to the Production Header.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations This is how the Production Order Screen will look like with the User Status just below the Business transaction status.

You can click the Status button to view the Status Details.


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Where-is the Production Order Type used?

Users have to choose the Production Order Type in order to create a Production Order in transaction CO01 and the configuration will be copied to the Production Order.

Define the Production Order Type-dependent Parameters

Initial IMG Action : Required For each Production Order Type, you can define their unique IMG behavior. For eg. whether this Order Type allow automatic or manual selection of Production Version. Transaction : OPL8 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define order type-dependent parameters

Double click on the Production Order Types to reach the definition screen.

You define the parameters that are valid for each order type and plant. The parameters are split up as follows on the tab pages:


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Planning Tabstrips
Master data For you to define the data that influences master data selection or order master data maintenance: Production Version You can decide whether production versions are selected automatically or manually. For manual production version, you can change the Production Versions in MRP 4 screen in MM02. Click on the ProdVersions then click the Details. For e.g. here you can set validity dates for the version or you can also set lot sizes. Based on the quantity of the order, a certain version will be picked. Or, the version will be picked if it falls in the date range. Routing Application The task list application is predefined as 'P'. However, you can also specify an additional task list application. Selection ID The routing selection ID defines, for example, the ranking order for routing selection. Routing selection defines whether routings are to be selected and if so, how (manually or automatically) and whether reference operation sets can also be selected. Sequence exchange Alternative sequences and sequence exchange define whether alternative sequences are permitted and how the sequences are to be exchanged. Task list type The task list type defines which routing type is permitted for production orders. Operation dtl check Operation dtl check defines whether operation detail screens are to be checked when the operations are transferred to the order. Routing text Routing text defines that the text from the routing header is copied into the order. Operations Entry/tool You can activate the entry tool for operations to help you when you create operations. Increment for automatic operation/activity numbering Increment used when operations or activities are automatically numbered. Reduction strategy per operation/activity Key which specifies the strategy for reducing the lead time of an operation or activity (PS). For each reduction strategy you can define up to six reduction levels. BOM application BOM application defines how the BOM alternatives are to be automatically selected. (point to the configuration OPJM Define Applications)


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Batch Determination Search procedure defines how batch determination is to take place. General Assignment Substitute MRP ctrl Substitute MRP controller/substitute production scheduler are proposed when you create production orders if an MRP controller or production scheduler are not specified in the material master (MM01 / MM02), or if there is no reference to material. Purchase Requisitions Reservation/Purch.req. Reservation/Purch. req. specifies whether certain order objects (operation, components) are relevant to MRP. Collective purch.requisit Collective purch.req. enables collective purchase requisition per order for externally processed operations or non-stock items. Quality Inspection Inspection type Inspection type defines how a quality inspection is to be carried out.


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Implementation Tabstrips
Status change documents Here, you define whether you want change documents to be written if a status change occurs. You also define the level at which the change documents are to be written. A status change document contains the following: which status has been changed who changed the status whether the status has been activated or deactivated the transaction in which the status change has been carried out In the production order , you can define the status at the following levels: order header level operation level material component level production resource/tool level Status change documents can also be defined independently of each other, at each of these four levels. Note: If you have defined these parameters such that status change documents are written for a particular order level, the SAP System only writes a status change document for a status change from this point in time if the order (or operation/component/PRT) has been created since the status change documents have been activated. Please take note that SAP does not keep track of every Fields changes done to the Production Order. Shop Floor Information System You can specify, for example, whether order data is to be stored in the Shop Floor Information System. The user can then generate reports using transaction COOIS for example, by materials, orders and work centers. Documentation of goods movements Here, you can specify that goods movements are to be documented with reference to an order. Then you can display goods movements, for example, using the order information system (Tcode COOIS). You can enter a profile for displaying documented goods movements on the tab page "Display profiles". PDC PDC active allows data to be exchanged with a PDC system. Workflow Workflow for PO chg. defines that a workflow is generated when quantities or dates that affect existing purchase orders are changed in the order. In addition, a default rule for the split is displayed on this screen. So that this indicator is also valid for production orders the appropriate settings must be made in Customizing for the Project System. Progress confirmation in orders You can determine that progress values are calculated for order progress reports. @ Page 20 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

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Controlling Tabstrips
Controlling Here, you define the parameters relevant to controlling, such as, for example, costing variants for planned and actual costs and a results analysis key. Controlling To set the Costing Variants (The costing variant refers to a valuation variant) IMG - Production - Shop Floor Control Order Costing - Define Costing Variants Costing variant for planned costs Key that specifies which costing variant is used to determine the planned costs. Use Product Cost Collector as Cost Object Specifies whether the costs are collected on a manufacturing order, (production order, process order), or product cost collector. Costing variant for actual costs Key that specifies the costing variant that is used to determine the actual costs. Results Analysis Key Key that defines the valuation of the order during period-end closing. Cost Collector - Indicator: Determine plan costs: 1/2/3 Determines whether planned costs are automatically calculated when you save the network. Net Order Price - Ind.: Copy net price from requisition into purchase order Indicator which specifies that the net price cannot be changed when copied over from the purchase requisition into the purchase order. Distribution rule Default rule Default (distribution) rule defines an automatically generated distribution rule for CO settlement.


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Display profiles Tabstrips

Collective order display Graphics profile defines how the collective order is to be displayed. Graphic Here, you define parameters for displaying graphics of operations and sequences in the order. Missing parts list ProfMissPrtsLstOrdNo/PrfMissPrtLstCollOr defines how the missing parts list is to be displayed. Documentation of goods movements Goods movements defines which profile is used for displaying documented goods movements.


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Define Checking Control

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Normally, companies will used the same checking rule for all the Production Order Type. The following are the purpose of defining the checking rule: whether an availability check is to be carried out when you create or release an order whether an availability check is to be carried out when you save an order that has been created or released which checking rule is to be used what effect a material shortfall is to have on the creation or release of an order Transaction : OPJK Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability Check Define Checking Control

Here, you define the check control. The checking rule together with the checking group specify the scope of the check. The checking rule as well as the actual check itself dependent on the following parameters: plant order type business functions this control whether the check is done during production order 1 Order Creation or 2 Order Release Control parameters for the Business functions 'create' In addition to this, you can specify whether a planned order can be converted to a production order or process order using collective conversion in the case of: missing parts missing PRTs or insufficient capacity 'release' control parameters for Business functions In addition, you can control whether an order can be released in the case of missing materials missing PRTs insufficient capacity


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Define Confirmation Parameters

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you define the confirmation parameters for each plant and order type. This affect the user confirmation transaction screen CO11N Enter time ticket for production order. The parameters are split up as follows on tab pages. Generally valid settings Control data The properties of the control key Process control are defined elsewhere in Customizing (it can also be called using the symbol next to the control key). It controls the execution of the confirmation processes. You can define how quantities are determined for automatically generated confirmations (milestone/progress confirmation). Page 25 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c @

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Checks Using checks you can define what happens when the sequence of operations is not adhered to during confirmation For e,g, there are two operations 10 follows by 20, user tried to confirm operation 20 first before 10, if you configure as an Error, system will not allows it to happened. or what happens when you want to confirm a larger quantity than was confirmed for the preceding operation You can choose between a termination message, an error message, a warning message and an information message. whether you want the total confirmed quantity of an operation checked for underdelivery or overdelivery tolerance in the order header what effect a QM result recording has on the confirmation. whether dates (for example, posting date, end of lead time, etc) should also be displayed with a date that is further in the future than the time of creation HR Update You can decouple HR and PP with the No HR update indicator. Selection You specify that only open orders are selected in the collective order. Propose time units You can select a time unit that is to be proposed during confirmation. Goods movements Using the all components indicator, you can specify that the system should display all the components assigned to the operation in the goods movement overview (in other words, not only backflushed components). However, if you do not branch to the material overview at confirmation, the system only posts backflushed components. General individual entry Confirmation function except fast entry You can define here whether a partial confirmation, a final confirmation or a final confirmation with clearing of open reservations is to be proposed for the confirmation. Error handling/logs You can use the indicator Actual costs to specify that the log is also displayed if there are no error messages (thus only warnings or information messages). You can use the Error handling indicator to specify that an error log is displayed for incorrect items in goods movements (for backflush or automatic goods receipts). You then have another opportunity to correct the items with errors before saving, with the aid of the material overview. Operation indiv. entry using initial scrn Tabsrtips Propose data to be confirmed You can have the system propose the open confirmation data for entry. For the quantities and activities, the SAP System proposes the difference between the standard values and the confirmed values. Otherwise, the standard values are proposed as confirmation data. Display confirmed data/display standard values You can have the system display both the confirmed data and the standard values for information purposes. Screen control time ticket @ Page 26 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations If you do not select an entry screen on the initial screen, you can control the following alternative entry screens by parameterization: Screen with the most important actual data without a display of the values already confirmed and the standard values Screen with quantities and activities and a display of the values already confirmed and the standard values Screen with quantities and activities, forecasted standard values and a display of the values already confirmed and the standard values You define that confirmable or confirmed operations are also selected during the execution of the confirmation processes Transaction : OPK4 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Confirmation Define Confirmation Parameters

Define the parameter settings for the confirmations in your plant for the possible order types. Double click on the line items to configure the detail settings.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations General individual entry Tabstrips

Operation indiv. entry using initial scrn Tabsrtips


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Define Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you define for each plant, order type and production scheduler the parameters for scheduling production orders. This comprises maintaining scheduling levels (detailed, production-rate and rough-cut scheduling) date adjustment when dates are exceeded date control for detailed scheduling reduction The parameters are described in what follows in details: In detailed-, rate-based and rough-cut scheduling you define for every scheduling level how production dates are to be calculated whether capacity requirements are generated which routing is the basis for scheduling If a production version exists in the material master then the routing is selected using this version. If no version exists for a scheduling level then a routing is selected according to the selection ID that you have given for the scheduling level. In Adjust dates you specify whether and how the basic dates are adjusted to the production dates (for example, when deadlines are exceeded) and how dates for dependent requirements are to lie. In Scheduling control for detailed scheduling you specify the control parameters for detailed scheduling, among other things the scheduling type (most manufacturing companies will used the Backwards Scheduling where the system will calculate bottom up from the lowest BOM level to determine the Basic Start date required by the Production Order for producing the Finished Product). Start date in the past Here you specify how many days an order may lie in the past before today scheduling is triggered. Automatic scheduling Here you specify whether scheduling is carried out automatically on saving. Automatic log Here you specify whether the log is displayed automatically on scheduling. Latest date f. material Here you specify where the required date of a component should be with respect to an operation. Scheduling with break Here you specify that the exact time a break occurs must be taken into account. From production dates Here you specify that when you create or change an order the user must enter schedules dates (production dates) instead of basic dates. Shift order Here you specify whether the order can be moved if partially confirmed operations exist. Reduction type @ Page 30 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations whether in the order or in the collective order all the operations are to be reduced or only those along the critical path. Reduction along the critical path is only possible for networks, production orders and planned orders with parallel sequences and for collective orders that contain production orders or planned orders. Maximum Reduction level up to which maximum reduction level the reduction takes place % reduction in floats to what percentage the float before and after production in every reduction level is to be reduced.

Note that scheduling is always carried out for all scheduling levels that you have specified. For example, if you make changes in the order that are relevant to scheduling (basic dates, quantities) and schedule it again then scheduling is carried out not only for detailed planning but also for production-rate and rough-cut planning. This is very performance-intensive because data must be read from the database. Therefore it is recommended that you only maintain levels relevant to scheduling. Whereas you can choose between several scheduling types for detailed scheduling, rough-cut and production-rate scheduling always use backward scheduling. Reductions are also only relevant for detailed scheduling. Transaction : OPU3 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Scheduling Define Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders

Define the scheduling parameters for production orders. When finished, you can test the scheduling parameters by creating a Production Order with transactions CO01.


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Define Number Range

Initial IMG Action : Required Number ranges for Orders The Number ranges for orders are preset in the SAP default settings. Some companies may request to have different number range for different Order Types. This is an example on how to define the number ranges for order: Transaction : Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define number ranges for order CO82

Click the Intervals button to configure the number ranges.

Click the Groups button to assign the Production type to the number ranges If you have a new Production Type, scroll down to view those Production Type not assigned. To assign the Production type, park your cursor at the Production Type and click the (Select Element) button. Finally, tick the box of the main group and click the Group) button to assign the Production Order Type. @ Page 33 of 79 (Assign Element SAP Version 4.6c

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To Change the Group text, tick the group box and click the Menu Group -> Maintain text

In the standard SAP R/3 System, number ranges for the followings are preset. Transaction : Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define CO80 number ranges for confirmations IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define CO83 number ranges for reservations IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define CO81 number ranges for operations IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define CO84 number ranges for capacity requirements


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Define selection profiles for the Order Information System

Initial IMG Action : Not required Here, you define the selection profiles that you can use to specify status combinations for selecting objects (for example, orders or operations). A selection profile is especially useful if you select a large number of objects repeatedly according to the same selection conditions (for example, orders for printing shop papers, for collective release, or for creating order valuations). Transaction : BS42 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Order Define selection profiles

To view the Selection conditions screen, select the SelProf you want and click Selection conditions

This is the Selection conditions screen where you configure the pre-define Status.


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Where-is the Selection Profile used?

Transaction : COOIS SAP Menu Path : Logistics Production Production Control Information System Order Information System

Look at the field name Selection profile status.


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Define the Production Operations Control key

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Using the control key of the operation you determine which business functions you want to carry out how an operation should be dealt with The most important functions are: Scheduling With this indicator you control whether the operation is scheduled Det. Capacity planning With this indicator you control whether capacity requirements records are written for the operation Inspection characteristics required With this indicator you control whether inspection characteristics have to be maintained for the operation Automatic goods receipt With this indicator you determine that the yield quantity is posted to the warehouse automatically when the operation is confirmed Printing time tickets You can use indicators to control whether time tickets or completion confirmation slips (referring to shop floor paper) should be printed for an operation Cost With this indicator you control whether the operation is to be taken into account in costing. Sched. external op / External Processing With this indicator you control whether the operation is to be processed externally. Confirmations With this indicator you control whether the confirmation of an operation is allowed, possible or required whether the operation is to be marked as a partial completion confirmation Transaction : OPJ8 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Routing Data Define control key

Double click on the Control key to configure the settings.


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Where-is the Control key used?

Transaction : CR03 SAP Menu Path : Logistics Production Master Data Work Center Work Center Display - Defaults

The Control key will be automatically copy when user create the Routing. The Routing will be copy when user create the Production Order.


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Define formula parameters for Work Center

Initial IMG Action : Required In the PRT management you need formula parameters to define: formulas that are used to calculate the required total quantity and the total usage value of a production resource/tool formula constants in PRT master records of the category "Other" You also need formula parameters for work center maintenance to describe standard values define formulas These formulas are used to calculate the capacity requirements, the lead times and the costs in capacity planning, scheduling and (general). Transaction : OPKL Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Production Resources/Tools Formulas Define Formula parameters

Click the New entries button to create a new Formula Parameters.


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Transaction : OPKM

Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Production Resources/Tools Formulas Define Formula


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Type in the Formula that you want. Refer to the Formula Parameters (Tcode OPKL) for the Fields Name.


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Where-is the Work Center Formula Used?

Transaction : CR02 SAP Menu Path : Logistics Production Master Data Work Center Work Center Change - Costing

To check the Formula, park your cursor at the Activity type and click Extras Formula Display. The Work Center formula will be copied to the Production Order during order creation (CO01).

Define the Production Scheduling Profile

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you can create the production scheduling profiles for specific plants. In a production scheduling profile, you can specify that in a production order or process order particular business transactions are carried out in parallel order auto release on order creation generation of document link from material master on order creation generation of document link from BOM on order creation auto printing of shop floor papers on order release scheduling on order release @ Page 42 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations generation of document link from material master on order release generation of document link from BOM on order release specify that only partial quantities are to be confirmed in an availability check specify that automatic goods receipt should take place enter an overall profile for capacity leveling specify how the capacity requirements of operations should go into the basic load specify when finite scheduling is carried out in the capacity availability check specify that for the confirmation no deficit quantities are updated no surplus quantities are updated neither deficit nor surplus quantities are updated an adjustment of the operation and component quantities to the actual values takes place make various specifications in the area of batch management: automatic batch creation on order creation branch to batch classification on changing a batch extended batch classification via Customer Function Call specify that only transport requirements are created if transport requirements can be generated for all components in the operation specify that when transport requirements are generated either the committed quantity or the required quantity are taken into account specify that the creation of transport requirements takes place automatically specify which order type is proposed depending on the business process (maketo-stock, make-to-order, engineer-to-order, order without material)

You can assign a production scheduling profile to a material (work scheduling view in material master Tcode MM01/MM02) production scheduler (Customizing Tcode OPJ9) The assignment to the material has a higher priority. The production scheduling profile is copied to the production order or process order on order creation. Transaction : OPKP Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Trigger Point Define production scheduling profile

Double click the Plant to configure the detail settings.


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Define Production Scheduler

Initial IMG Action : Required In this step, you define the production schedulers for your plants. In addition to this, you can assign a control profile to each production scheduler. By assigning production schedulers to materials within the application, you can define responsibilities for a materials within production activity control. Transaction : OPJ9 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Master Data Trigger Point Define production scheduler

Where-is the Production Scheduling Profile and Production Scheduler Used?

Create (MM01) or Change (MM02) Material Master (Work scheduling View)


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Define User Exits Selection

Initial IMG Action : Not required Most companies will choose not to implement any additional ABAP routines for selecting a routing or alternative routing unless really necessary. In this menu option, you can permit the user to select task lists. You can define separate ABAP/4 routines for each of the following parameters: Task list application Task list type Selection ID These parameters are then automatically used to select a routing or a routing alternative. Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Task List Selection Define User Selection Double click on the Application to configure the user-exits.


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Select Routing Automatically

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required In this menu option, you determine the selection criteria for the automatic planned selection of alternatives using the selection ID. You can define several selection priorities for every selection ID. You allocate the selection criteria to these priorities in each case. An alternative routing is searched for during the automatic planned selection of alternatives that corresponds to the selection criteria. Selection criteria are, for example: Routing type Task list usage Routing status If no alternative routing can be calculated, the SAP System continues searching with the selection criteria of the next lowest selection priority. The selection ID is determined by the order type within the production activity control. Define the following for every selection ID: Selection priority Routing type Task list usage Routing status Transaction : OPJF Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Task List Selection Select Automatically


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Where do you define the Usage and Status?

You define Usage and Status when you create the Routing in transaction CA01. The Task List Type will be default as N.

Define Default Values If No Routing Exists

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required In certain company, routing might not required as BOM is only required for the Production Order. For this kind of requirement, you will configure this settings in which you specify which data is contained in an operation that is automatically created during order creation. Within order creation, you can determine that an operation is created automatically if no routing exists for the material to be produced or no routing can be selected. The automatically created operation should contain the following data, for example: control key The control key specifies how an operation is processed (for example, whether it is scheduled, costed, etc.) operation number operation short text material group (only for external processing) work center where the operation is carried out @ Page 48 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Transaction : OPJG Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Task List Selection Define Default Values

Specify the data for operations automatically created by the system.


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Define Priorities for BOM Usages

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you can specify different sequences of priorities of BOM usages. Every process relating to automatic alternative determination is represented via an application. Among other things, a selection ID is calculated via this application. The selection ID conceals a certain sequence of priorities of BOM usages. When specifying the selection ID, you must know the required applications. If you use only one BOM usage, you must define a selection ID with priority 1. Transaction : OPJI Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Bill of Material Selection Define Priorities for BOM Usages

Specify different sequences of priorities of BOM usages according to your requirements.

Define Applications for BOM Explode

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you define the processes relating to automatic alternative determination. Every process is represented via an application. You need this application in order to explode a BOM during order creation. The alternative determination is controlled both by the application and the settings in the material master. In the material master, you can specify in the field "Alternative selection" whether you want an alternative to be selected according to one of the following parameters: order quantity date production version Via the application, you specify the following criteria: priority sequence for BOM usage (selection ID) @ Page 50 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations priority of a certain alternative for a special multiple BOM dependent on date

You can specify per application whether the settings should be taken into account for the alternative selection for multiple BOMs. These settings are only taken into account if you selected the alternative selection according to date in the corresponding material master. take production version into account If you selected the alternative selection according to production version in the material master, you can specify here for every application whether this setting should be taken into account. If this setting is not to be taken into account, the alternative selection is carried out for the corresponding material and application according to order quantity. Indicator of the BOM status During alternative determination, only those bills of material are taken into account whose status at least contains the indicators specified here. During order creation, the application is determined on the basis of order type. Requirements You must have processed the menu option "Alternative selection for multiple BOMs" (Transaction OS32). Define the applications according to your requirements. Double click on the Applications to configure the detail settings.


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Define Alternative Determination for Production

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required In this menu option, you define how automatic alternative determination is to run from the point of view of production. First process menu option "Define applications" (Transaction OPJM). Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Bill of Material Selection Define Alternative Determination for Production Enter an application depending on plant and order type.


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Define Checking Group

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you define the checking groups. You must allocate each material you want to checked for availability to a checking group. You can allocate the material in the material master. The checking group groups together materials checked according to the same criteria. Materials can be grouped according to material type and/or MRP type, for example. You can also use the checking group to control whether the quantities confirmed in the availability check are to be locked during the check the normal ATP quantity or the cumulated ATP quantity is to be used. You allocate the checking group to the material in the material master under the availability check field in the MRP data screen. If you have not maintained a checking group for a material, the material will not be checked for availability. Transaction : OVZ2 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability Check Define Checking Group

Define the necessary checking rules.


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Define Checking Rule

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you can define checking rules for the following applications: Sales and distribution MRP Production order processing Maintenance order processing Inventory management You can thus carry out various application-related checks for a material. Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability Check Define Checking Rule For the company, define whether there is a need to check on a differentiated basis for each application.

Define Scope of Check

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you define the check scope. Checking group and checking rule together specify the scope of the check. You can specify the following: which elements relevant to MRP (inward goods movements/outward goods movements) are taken into account (for example, purchase requisition, purchase order, planned order) which stock categories are taken into account whether replenishment lead time is checked Specify which inward goods movements and which outward goods movements are to be included in the availability check which stocks are to be included in the availability check whether the check should take into account the replenishment lead time whether the availability should always be checked at plant level. @ Page 54 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Transaction : OPJJ Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability Check Define Scope of Check

Double click the Checking rule to configure the detail settings.


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Define Checking Rule for Backorder Processing

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required Here, you can determine a checking rule per plant for backorder handling. The checking rule determines the scope of check for backorder handling. It is recommended that you use the same checking rule for backorder handling as you do for availability checks. Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability Check Define Checking Rule for Backorder Processing Define the necessary checking rules.


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Specify Scheduling Type

Initial IMG Action : Not required Here, you define the scheduling type, which determines how the SAP System should carry out scheduling. There are the following options: Forwards Backwards No scheduling "Today" scheduling Basic dates with times (only for process orders) You can save the scheduling type in the control data for scheduling depending on the order type. It is then proposed by the SAP system when an order is created. Scheduling types are predefined in the SAP standard package. It is recommended that you work with these predefined scheduling types. Transaction : OPJN Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Scheduling Specify Scheduling Type


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Define Standard Value Keys

Initial IMG Action : Required Here, you can maintain the standard value keys. The standard value key determines the meaning of the standard values. It is used to assign parameter IDs to the six standard values of operations and the work in network activities. These parameter keys determine the following: the key word displayed for the standard value on the screen, for example, setup, machine, labor, tear down the dimension (for example, time, quantity, volume) of the standard value At the same time, the parameter IDs are the names used for the standard values for the calculation of: execution time capacity requirements costs A parameter which is to be used in a standard value key must have the origin "2". Transaction : OPJQ Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Scheduling Define Standard Values Keys

1. Define the parameter IDs for the standard standard values. 2. Define the standard value key. Double click on Standard values to configure the detail settings.


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Where-is the Standard Value Key used?

The user define the Standard Value Key when they create the Work Center tabstrips Basic data (transaction CR01).

Define Scheduling Margin Key

Initial IMG Action : Not required The system will calculate a longer Start and Finish period when the user create the Production Order if addition buffer days are configured. In this menu option, you specify time floats for scheduling as well as the release period for order release. The following floats are defined: float before production This is the time between the order start date and the scheduled start date. float after production This is the time between the order finish date and the scheduled finish date. @ Page 60 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations The release date is calculated by adding the release period. The order release is carried out on this date. Via the release period key you can specify the following for each material: float before production float after production release period The following parameters are always defined in days: float before production float after production release period Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Scheduling Define Scheduling Margin Key Define the release period key for the material.

Define Capacity Categories

Initial IMG Action : Required You can assign several capacities of different capacity categories to a work center. Capacity categories can be, for example: Machine Personnel Setup personnel Emissions You have to define the availability for every capacity of the work center (for example, work start, work finish, calendar, etc.). You can create these values as default values for each plant and capacity category.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Capacity Requirements Planning Define Capacity Categories 1. Define the possible capacity categories. 2. Define the default values for the capacity categories.

Where-is Capacity Categories used?

The user assigned the Capacity category when they create the Work Center tabstrips Capacities (transaction CR01).


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Define Single Screen Entry for Time Ticket Confirmations

Initial IMG Action : Usually Not required In this step you define the confirmation profile for single screen entry of time ticket confirmations and also for reprocessing time ticket confirmations containing errors. You can define the layout of the entry screen. When you do this, you define which input and output fields are displayed and in which order. These definitions are saved in profiles. A profile is assigned to an individual user in the user parameter CORUPROF (transaction SU01 Click Changed button Parameters tabstrips Enter Parameters CORUPROF and Value Profile Name. Reprocessing The reprocessing indicator defines whether the profile is to be used for single screen entry or for the reprocessing of time ticket confirmations with errors. Under one profile name, you can have a definition for each application situation. Standard profile With the 'Standard prof.' indicator, you can define that the profile is to be used as the standard profile. Only one profile each can be defined as the standard profile for single screen entry and reprocessing of time ticket confirmations with errors. The standard profile is then used if no profile has been assigned to the user in the user parameter CORUPROF or if the profile that has been assigned does not exist. Area selection In the header area you can define which data is to identify the operation to be confirmed. Here, for example, you can define whether only the confirmation number and/or order, sequence, operation can be entered. In the detail areas, you define which information can be entered for the operation to be confirmed and in which order the fields in question are displayed. You can select up to seven detail areas, each containing one group of possible entry fields. Note that every input and output field can only be issued once. When you save, the system automatically checks whether this rule has been adhered to. To carry out this check beforehand, choose the pushbutton Check area selection. Titles can be assigned to the detail areas, which are reproduced on the pushbuttons above the corresponding area. You can use these pushbuttons to open and close the areas. This means that the number of fields on the screen can be kept to a minimum. With the "Closed" indicator you define that the area is to be closed when the function is first called up. You can display a preview of the individual area and also of the entire entry screen. To do this, choose the corresponding pushbutton (Header area preview, Detail area preview, List screen preview ) Defaults Confirmation function @ Page 63 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations You define whether a partial confirmation, final confirmation or a final confirmation with posting of open reservations is to be proposed. Default value You can define the time of default determination for quantities and/or activities: no proposal immediate proposal proposal when saving For default determination the quantity that is still to be confirmed is calculated the activities are calculated in proportion to the quantities Activities/forecast For both the activities and forecast values, you can define 6 texts that are displayed during confirmation entry. These texts are overwritten with the texts from the standard value key in the work center after you have chosen ENTER. If you want to prevent this from happening, set the indicator "Fix text". You can hide activities or forecast values for which you do not want to enter a confirmation by setting the indicator "Hidden". Maintain language-dependent texts The texts entered for the pushbuttons in the detail areas, as well as for the activities and forecast values, are saved in the logon language. If you want to process the texts in several languages, use the IMG activity "Maintain Language-Dependent Texts". Profile assignment The confirmation profile assigned to a user depends on the application and the CORUPROF parameter entry in the user parameters: Single screen entry A profile is used that agress with the CORUPROF parameter entry and in which the Postprocessing indicator has not been set. Postprocessing A profile is used that agress with the CORUPROF parameter entry and in which the Postprocessing indicator has been set. If the user has not been assigned a confirmation profile in the CORUPROF user parameter or the assigned profile does not exist, then the standard profile for the application is used. If there is not a standard profile, a firmly defined user interface is presented. Transaction : OPK0 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Confirmation Single Screen Entry Define Single Screen Entry

1. Define the confirmation profile. 2. Display the preview of each profile and check the profiles. 3. Enter the texts for the profile in other languages, if necessary (IMG activity Maintain Language-Dependent Texts). 4. In the user parameter CORUPROF, assign confirmation profiles to the individual users. For the detail areas, there are also 3 screens available whose layout you can define yourself. The definitions required for this are made via the user exit CONFPP07. @ Page 64 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Double click on the Confirm profile to change the screen setting for CO11N. Tick the Standard Profile if you want the settings to be default whenever CO11N is used.

After the changes, click the Preview button to check the screen layout. Area selection Tabstrips


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Maintain Language-Dependent Texts

Initial IMG Action : Not required This configuration are for those with a multiple language environment. In this step, you can maintain the texts in the profile for single screen entry of confirmations in several languages: Push button text in the header area Push button texts in the detail areas Activity texts Forecast texts Transaction : OPK0T Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Confirmation Single Screen Entry Maintain Language-Dependent Texts

Maintain the confirmation profile texts in the languages required.


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Define Reasons for Variances for Production Scrap

Initial IMG Action : Required In this menu option, you define the causes of variances. You thus define the reasons that can be given if a variance occurs, in order to document this variance. Variances might be: scrap on a quantity basis excess consumption of activities longerexecution time other resource, etc. Transaction : OPK5 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Confirmation Single Screen Entry Define Reasons for Variances

Define the possible causes of variances that could occur in your company.


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Where-is the Production Reason Code used?

The Reason Code is used when the user enter a Scrap quantity during the Production Order confirmations. Every Scrap quantity must have a reason attached to it.

Define Print Control for Shop Floor Papers

Initial IMG Action : Required In this step you make the settings necessary for printing shop floor papers (transaction CO04N) or directly from the production order (menu Functions Print). If you do not want to use the standard shop floor papers then you first have to design a new layout set (ABAP effort will be required). Use a standard layout set as a reference (for example PSFC_STD_LAYOUT) to write a new print report. Use as a reference a print program that belongs to the standard layout set (for example, PSFCCONF) Transaction : OPK8 Menu Path : IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Confirmation Define Print Control Page 68 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c


A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations To define the print control, proceed as follows: 1. Maintain the list names. 2. Define the spool parameters for the user. 3. Maintain the reference order types. 4. Maintain the layout sets and maintain the relevant parameters for them. 5. Maintain the print programs for each list. 6. Specify the transactions from which you can print and maintain the relevant parameters for them. (list control for transactions). 7. Maintain the printer specification. 8. Specify the spool parameters for the print procedure. 9. If necessary define the table accesses for the individual fields in the lists.

Click Spool parameters for user to reach this screen

Double click on the User Name to the Print List and Printer Name for each user. The control are Plant and User Login name. Listed in the Spool parameters for user are all the user names that are allowed to print the shop papers. Double click on the user name that are allowed to print the shop papers. Here you tick on the Print column the Print Shop Paper Layout that will be used. You can specify the default printer if you want. To print immediately, just tick the Immed. column.


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Click Reference order types to configure the RefOrdType for the Production Order.

Click Forms to configure any new SAPscripts that you may have.

Click on Print programs to configure any new Report name you may have.

Click on Printer Specification and configure how you want to control the Output device.


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Preparing the Initial Implementation of the PP Shop Floor Control Module

Before the live-implementation of the SAP system, there will be a cut-off day to turn-on from the OLD to the NEW SAP system. The PP Shop Floor Control module is one of the most important module although it belongs to the last process flow because the Production Floor will based on the Production Order Generated to produce the Finished Goods for the Customer. As a PP consultant, you have to inform the users that they have to get those CRITICAL data into the system before going live. Work Center Master Bills of Materials Master Routing Master Remember that when the user create a new Production Order, the system will READ from the BOM and Routing Master. Take note that the Master data can be input into the SAP system even BEFORE going live as long as there are no transaction postings such as Production Confirmation which will impact the Financial figures. Normally, in an on-going business, there will be existing OPEN non-SAP Production Order. You must let the EVERYONE know that as the days come nearer to the implementation date, they must try to keep the OPEN non-SAP Production Order quantity just enough to be CLOSE before going live. For e.g. if the ACTUAL production quantity is 10,000 and they estimate that they can only complete 3,000 by the time of the Implementation, they should only CREATE the production order to produce 3,000 only. The other 7,000 should only be created AFTER going live on the NEW SAP system. How about those Process Incomplete Production Order? In a manufacturing environment, Division of Labor means Jobs are separated in stages as to achieve maximum Productivity. There are certain cases of Incomplete Production Process where 3,000 was completed in Process 1. When it reaches Process 2, only 1,000 can be completed. In this case, the user still have to close the non-SAP Production Order and RE-OPEN a new SAP Production Order for the remaining 2,000 for Process 2. They have to take note of the difference either on the non-SAP Production Order or as a Text note on the SAP Production Order. Production Floor users are also recommended to return all those additional raw materials to the Inventory Stores. This will aid in the accuracy of the Physical Stock count. They can then re-draw the raw materials after going-live.


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Static versus dynamic data conversion

In general, data could be classified as begin either static or dynamic data. Static data includes items that are relatively stable such as vendor master, material master, BOM, routing, work centers, customer master, price agreement, material group, activity prices, cost centers etc. Dynamic data includes items such as inventory balances, A/R balances, A/P balances, GL balances, Open Production Orders, Open Sales Orders, Open Purchase Orders and Planned Independent Requirements. In general, we will have lots of time to convert the static data but insufficient time to rush the dynamic data into the system. This is because dynamic data must be converted with a clear cut-off date. This means that the balances must be that of the same point in time in order to ensure the integrity of data. Where the volume of data in relation to the number of end users is high, we will consider automating the conversion, provided that data is available from the old system. If the volume is low or if data is not available from the present system, users should key the data directly into SAP. This approach has an added and important benefit of training the end users in the operation of the SAP system.

A Sample Note to users regarding the Uncompleted Production Orders

This is the most complex area for conversion. We must take the following step to minimize the number of uncompleted production orders. Three weeks before the cut-over date, all un-started and newly created production orders will be marked with a special color code. A bold instruction Do not record component issue and labor cost until completion will be stamped on these production orders. We will withhold the recording of material issues and production activities in the Old System and related systems if the production orders are color coded. If the production orders are completed and need to be received into stores before the cut-over date, we will then enter the component issue and labor activity to the production orders before the goods receipts of the finished product. If the production orders are not completed before the cut-over date, we will manually create the production orders in SAP and enter the confirmation in SAP. Material issue will be performed in the SAP after the cut-over date. If stock take of raw material take place on the cut-over date, we must take care to add back the raw materials which issue has been withheld. For the purpose of general ledger, we will manually compute an accrual and reversal entry to ensure that proper cut-off are observed for accounting purposes. The entry to put through to FY19XX in the old GL system prior to its conversion is to Dr WIP, Cr Raw Material (for the material component) and to Dr WIP Cr Manufacturing cost for the labor component. The reversal entry for FY19YY should be Dr Raw Material Cr WIP (for the raw material component) and Dr WIP Change account Cr WIP for the labor component. @ Page 73 of 79 SAP Version 4.6c

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Appendix A: The Production Order Status Business Process Flow

The Production Order Status refer to the business process flow of the current Production Order. This is a way for the system to control the different activities of the user on the Production Order. An example of a Production Order Business Process Flow: 1. A Planner User convert the Plan Order to a Production Order, the initial status will be CRTD. The status CRTD means that this order is not firm for Production. 2. The Production User will not be able to Print Out the Production Order until the Planner User Release it which will change the status to REL. 3. The Planner User Release the Production Order (CO02 Functions Release) and the Production User will be able to print out the Production Order (CO04N) for actual Production. After printing the Shop Floor Paper, the order will include the status PRT to inform the user that this order have been printed. 4. Actual Production started and upon completion the Production User will input the Production information which they have collected and written on the Shop Floor Paper into the SAP system. This is called Production Confirmation (CO11). An Order which is partially completed, will include the status PCNF. Once it is Fully completed, the status will change to CNF. 5. A fully completed production order means that the materials has turned into a Finished Product which is really to be ship to the Customer. The Delivery User will receive the fully completed Production Order (which is the Finished Product - MB31) into his warehouse and he can then delivered it to the customer. Finally, the status will include DLV which means that the whole Production Order process have been completed. 6. In cases where the Production Order was stopped due to the Customer Order Cancellation, the Production User can closed the Order by setting the status to TECH (CO02 Functions Restrict Processing Technically Complete).


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Appendix B: How to make enquiry on Open Production Orders?

Transaction : COOIS SAP Menu Path : Logistics Production Production Control Information System - Production Order Information System

The default enquiry is by Order Headers. You can make enquiry by Operations if you want to by changing the List Profile. To list the Open Production Orders, make used of the System Status and exclude all status with CNF (Confirmed) and DLV (Delivered).


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations

Appendix C: What is Backflushing and Where is the Indicator Set?

In SAP context, Backflushing means to consumed those Materials that have been used during the course of the Manufacturing Process. To produce something, raw materials may be required. With reference to the Bill of Materials, the Purchaser will buy those materials based on the requirement prompt by the SAP MRP system. Upon finishing the Manufacturing Process, raw materials will be used up to produced the Finished Goods for the Customer. The Planner will determined at which Production Operation will this components be consumed and set the Backflushing indicator accordingly. To set the Backflushed Indicator: Transaction : SAP Menu Path : Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Standard Routings Create/Change CA01/CA02 Assuming that you have built the BOM and input the Work Center for each Operations. This is the first screen when you enter CA02. Now, click the CompAlloc button.

At the CompAlloc screen, you will see the Backflushing Indicator. A tick will indicate that the Components will be deducted when the Production User do the Production Confirmation. If the Backflushed Indicator is grey, this mean that Backflushing have not been assigned. To assigned it, click the New assignment button.

A New assignment screen will pop-up. Just input the Operations that you want the Components to be Backflushed. When the Planner create a Production Order, the system will read the Routing Master data and copied all this information to the Production Order.


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Ultimately, it still the Production Order will decide which Operation will the Components be Backflushed. At the First Screen in CO01/CO02 Production Order Create/Change, click the Components Overview button.

The Backflushed Indicator will be copied from the Routing but the Planner still can changed it in the Production Order.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations Checking the Backflushing Goods Movement Whenever the user post a confirmation with CO11N, the backflushing components goods movement will be tied to the production order. You can check them with Tcode CO02/CO03 by clicking the menu Goto Documented goods movements.


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