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Change v/s Planned Change

(Class assignment)

Change Models
Lewins Change Model Action Researc h Model

Positive Model

Lewins Change Model

Unfreezin g

Movemen t

Refreezin g

Problem Identification Consultation with Behavioral Science Expert Data Gathering & Preliminary Diagnosis Feedback to Key Client or Group

Joint Diagnosis of Problems

Action Research Model

Joint Action Planning


Data Gathering after Action

Initiate the Inquiry

Inquire into Best Practices

Discover Themes

Positive Model

Envision a Preferred Future

Design and Deliver Ways to Create the Future

Generic Model of Planned Change

Entering and Contractin g


Planning & Implementi ng Change

Evaluating & Intuitionalizi ng Change

Magnitude of Change
Incremental Change
(Fine tuning) Purpose: To improve status quo

Quantum Change
(Fundamental alterations) Purpose: To eliminate status quo

Degree of Organization
Over organized Under organized
Lose Tight

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