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Running head: Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine

Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine Ashley Muoz University of Texas at El Paso

Running head: Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine

Introduction This genre analysis was performed on two different genres, both of the genres having to do with the effects that may be obtained from receiving the influenza vaccination. The first genre analyzed was titled, Desiree Jennings & Flu Shot Mercury Poisoning. This was a video genre, taken from Fox News, DC. The video begins by introducing the story as a shocking side effect to a routine vaccination. The second genre is titled Pregnancy and Influenza Vaccine Safety. This article begins with the bold statement influenza vaccination during pregnancy protects newborns from getting influenza. This genre was a web article found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Audience and Purpose In Genre #1, the web video labeled as Desiree Jennings & Flu Shot Mercury Poisoning, I believe the intended audiences and discourse communities are people considering getting the influenza vaccine. Also, it may include people who are skeptical about the effects of vaccinations, and more specifically the influenza vaccination. At the point before watching the video, the audience may know that there are some side effects that stem from the influenza vaccination and other vaccinations. Nonetheless, they may want to know what exact rare side effects are possible or if they themselves can be susceptible to such side effects. They may also want to know how common these side effects are. Therefore, the audience will be allowed to observe a rare side effect of the influenza vaccination with this video, which is 3 minutes and 31 seconds in length. I

Running head: Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine

believe that the purpose of this video is to inform the viewer of the possible, but rare side effects of the influenza vaccine. Audience and Purpose In Genre #2, the web article titled Pregnancy and Influenza Vaccine Safety, I believe that the target audiences are pregnant women, women considering becoming pregnant and health representatives who advise pregnant women on their everyday health routines. Furthermore, what the audience may already know at this point is that there is some correlation between pregnancy and vaccinations, particularly the influenza vaccination. With this genre requiring less than about five minutes to read, it has a purpose of informing the reader. For example, this reading informs the target audience that pregnant women who get influenza vaccine pass their immunity to their babies in the form of flu antibodies. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011) Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos and Logos Genre #1, provides actual footage of the effects that have been said to be caused by the influenza vaccine. Also, towards the end of the video there is an interview with a health official who further elaborates on this issue. Consequently, establishing credibility of the video with the audience. I believe the emotions that this video is trying to arouse from its audience is sympathy for the recipient of the vaccine. On the other hand, they may be trying to convince the audience that this is a rare side effect from a vaccination that is not likely to happen to them, as a means to boost the appeal of the influenza vaccine. The evidence to support the claims made in this video include the individual who is experiencing vaccine side effects being interviewed, she is shown as being verbally and physically impaired.

Running head: Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine

Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos and Logos Genre #2 does a good job in stating its credibility from the beginning of the article. In the first paragraph this genre states that the information based off of research was presented at an annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, which was conducted in October 2011. Moreover, I believe that the emotions this article is trying to induce among the audience is a sense of trust and reassurance that it is safe to receive the influenza vaccine while pregnant. This reading is also logical. For instance, the reading affirms that babies whose mothers did not receive influenza vaccine while pregnant were shown to have no antibody protection. I believe that this is a means of using logic in order to encourage pregnant mothers to submit to the influenza vaccine. Structure This genre conveys its message with good organization. It begins with describing and introducing the individuals story. Furthermore, it goes into an interview with the individual and displays the symptoms she is experiencing. It concludes with an interview with a health official, as a way to establish credibility. I do not think there were any limitations here, due to the genre. In fact, I believe that there was more freedom to express the message. For instance, the fact that this genre is a video, which includes the possible side effects of this vaccine in a human being, makes it that much more convincing to the audience. To add, the structure of this video facilitates its purpose in that there are actual clips of a victim suffering from the side effects of the influenza vaccination. Structure

Running head: Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine

The information presented in Genre #2 is organized to convey a specific message. The message is in the form of text, with the main idea bolded before each explanation. I do not believe that there were any limitations placed on this genre because of it being a web article. There was enough freedom for this genre to get the point across. Although, since it was concise it may have seemed as if there were some limitations on the information that could have been given. The structure of this article facilitated its purpose in that the text was short and straightforward enough for the reader to understand. Style and Language In Genre #1, the use of language is formal. In other words, there are some medical terms used in this video; for example, the use of the word dystonia. This is a medical condition similar to that of Parkinsons Disease. However, this may be a word that the lay person would not know as familiar. Furthermore, the fact that this genre was a video allows for the viewer to capture many visuals of the physical and kinesthetic effects that an influenza vaccine can have on an individual. Style and Language The language that is used in Genre #2 is also formal. However, the vocabulary is general enough to understand the message that is being conveyed. In addition, the entire article is only a total of four paragraphs long. This also makes the reading simple enough to grasp. In essence, this article is very straight to the point and understandable. Also, in order to headline each new paragraph, there is a short sentence that is bolded and increased in text size.

Running head: Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine Conclusion In the final analysis, it is understood that both genres have a specific target

population, purpose, structure, style and language. Although dissimilar in certain aspects, such as one being a video and the other an article, they both aim to inform the audience of the effects that are possible when receiving the influenza vaccine.

Running head: Genre Analysis: The Effects of the Influenza Vaccine

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, October 20). Vaccine Safety. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

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