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Leslie N Johnston, DVM

Copy righted 2002 Email:

I have read article after article over the years about iron and the problems associated with it in the body, but I have found very little information about iron and the problems it may cause in the gut. It is not just what happens with ferrous sulfate and reduced iron in the gut, but the reactions that these iron products have on the foods we eat and what these end products may have to do with disease processes after being absorbed or further on down the bowel. I feel that there are very many problems associated with iron in the gut and that they have been overlooked way too long and these problems should be addressed quickly. I did a few experiments with household fats, and vitamin e and c by mixing them with either ferrous sulfate or reduced iron, and I will try to describe some of them as

No. 1 Crisco Natural Blend Oil No. 2 Crisco Natural Blend Oil plus water No. 3 Crisco Natural Blend Oil plus hydrochloric acid No. 4 Crisco Natural Blend Oil plus ferrous sulfate No. 5 Crisco Natural Blend Oil plus ferrous sulfate and hydrochloric acid No. 6 Crisco Natural Oil plus ferrous sulfate and Pancreazime. Pancreazime is a trade name for pancreatic extract made for and used in veterinary medicine. Note that the oil floats to the top. There is only oil in bottle No. 1. Note the natural color of the oil in bottle No. 1. Note there is no color change of the oil in bottle No. 2 where the oil is floating on water. Note the slight color change of the oil in bottle No. 3. This oil has been exposed to hydrochloric acid and the oil has turned in color to a slight tea color. It took some time for this color change to occur to this degree let us say over a two or three week period of time. I would call this only slight oxidation of the oil by the hydrochloric acid. Note that the oil in No. 4 has changed color very little and ferrous sulfate and water has been added to this oil. This indicates to me that ferrous sulfate by itself will not do much damage to oil - now, observe bottle No. 5. Note in bottle No. 5, the deep dark brown or black color of the oil in this bottle. This oil has been exposed to ferrous sulfate and hydrochloric acid. This severe color change of the oil indicates to me that there has been severe oxidation of the oil in this bottle. It did not take much time for this color change to start occurring either the next day after mixing, a color change could be detected and the color change got progressively worse in a short period of time.

Note that the color of the oil in bottle No. 6 has very little color change to the oil. This bottle contains the oil plus ferrous sulfate and Pancreazime. This is interesting in that no acid was added to this mixture. I should have added hydrochloric acid to a bottle containing all of these to see what would happen. I had total iron in parts per million done on the oil in four of these bottles. The results of these tests are astounding to me: Bottle No. 1 - Plain Crisco oil 3.60 ppm. Bottle No. 3 - Crisco oil plus hydrochloric acid 7.30 ppm. Bottle No. 5 - Crisco oil plus ferrous sulfate and hydrochloric acid 455.60 ppm !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bottle No. 6 - Crisco oil plus ferrous sulfate and pancreazime 3.5 ppm. Tests done by: Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Stillwater, Oklahoma. accession # 01061334, dated 6-27-01WCE These data bring up a lot of questions to me: What goes on in the No. 5 bottle containing the ferrous sulfate and hydrochloric acid with the Crisco oil? How is this iron mixed with this oil and why? Is the iron suspended in the oil? Is the iron chemically bonded to the oil molecules? Or just why is the iron attracted to the oil? Is this oxidized fat with the iron atoms chemically bonded to the fat molecules? If the iron is bonded chemically to the fat molecules, then what happens to these molecules if it is absorbed into the body from the gut? Do these iron-fat molecules travel to the liver, pancreas, heart arteries, brain arteries and all over the body? and would this be bad for the body? I would say it would be insidiously bad for the body. Is this what the plaque of the brain and heart arteries is made up of? Could this have something to do with the development of fatty livers? Tissues throughout the body? YOU BET IT COULD!!!!!!!!!

Note the line of separation between the oil and the water solutions below the oil. Take note of bottles 3, 4, 5, and 6 in particular. It is rather hard to see, but there is a precipitated layer in all of these bottles. The question is, what are these precipitated layers made up of? Are these harmful substances, like the plaque that is deposited in your heart and brain arteries, etc.? I would have to say that this layered material is potentially harmful to the body in many ways if absorbed. How about the iron that is in the fat in bottle No. 5? What happens to that if it is absorbed? Would this iron be a healthy form of iron and in if not in the right places? Observing bottle No.5 tells me a lot. For one thing, ferrous sulfate should not be added to our food period!!! If it is, all kinds of chemical and digestive reactions will occur that have potentially very serious effects. It may take a long period of time, say 10 to 30 or so years for these problems to develop, but to have a heart attack or stroke, or to develop nerve diseases at 30 to 50 years is a very serious matter, especially if these type of diseases would never have occurred if the ferrous sulfate was never added to our foods. Now there are those that will say that the iron that is added to our foods is in such small amounts that it would not make that much difference or have no ill effects. The thing is that it doesnt take but a small amount of plaque to block a major artery in your heart or brain for you to be a dead duck probably only about on millimeter of the crud in the right place to do the right job. And, how long would it take to produce such a small amount of this plaque material as a result of iron being added to our food? I added ferrous sulfate/hydrochloric acid solution to vitamin e oil and also to vitamin c solution and the results that I saw were essentially the same as for the Crisco oil in tube No.5. This to me, is seriously fantastic: I would have to say that these vitamins were oxidized just like the Crisco oil. So, does this mean that these same processes are going on in your gut that are going on in the test tube bottles? I would have to say a very big yes and say that not only does this ferrous sulfate mess up your fats, it also messes up at least some of your vitamins vitamins e and c for sure. Could ferrous sulfate

added to a persons food in some way cause a person to develop vitamin deficiencies? You bet it could and has already been proven in South Africa in the Bantu people with vitamin c, where they have or are still consuming large amounts of native booze made in iron containers and the booze has a very high iron content. It has been proven that in many of these people they suffer a vitamin c deficiency even though they have a adequate supply of vitamin c in their diets. Could this be happening to us folks here in our good old USA just because we are chronically force fed toxic iron substances every day in our foods? you bet it could!!!!!!!!! What do you get when you mix ferrous sulfate with hydrochloric acid? Not being a chemist, I would say one would get either ferrous or ferric chloride and hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide can be a deadly substance if enough is taken into the body. Of course, there would not be very much hydrogen sulfide produced in the stomach because of the amount of iron added to our food. What happens to this small amount of hydrogen sulfide produced in our stomach? Is it absorbed into the body or is it passed up or down in the gut for expulsion; probably some of both and would this be chronically toxic to some parts of the body? It has been proven that there are two factors in hamburger that influence the absorption of ferrous sulfate, a fat factor and a protein factor. (Reference for this is misplaced) Is this telling us that fats eaten by a person will influence the absorption of ferrous sulfate? I would have to say that the fats taken in with your diet would enhance the absorption of the iron of ferrous sulfate. The proof of this is seen, to me, in the hamburger paper and what goes on in bottle No. 5. If the person needs iron, this may be good, but how about if the person does not need the iron? How about the 1.5 million homozygous and 30 million heterozygous, or so, folks for hemochromatosis here in our country? What does the fat do that gets attached to the ferrous sulfate after it gets absorbed or as it travels on down the intestinal tract? We know that excess iron will cause these problems in the intestinal track: it will enhance the growth of Helicobactor pylori involved with gastric ulcers, and enhance over forty five other pathogenic organisms both in the gut and systemically, iron will interfere with the

micro flora of your gut helping stronger and unfavorable microbial growth or over growth, excess iron will interfere with lactase production making the patient have lactose intolerance; iron is now found to be detrimentally involved with Crohns Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Ulcerative Colitis; excess iron is proven to be associated with cancer of the colon. One might add The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) here; I say I have enough evidence to prove that excess iron is the cause of the symptoms leading to the diagnosis of what is diagnosed as IBS in too many cases and the physician never gives iron any consideration here and he should of course as with a lot of other problems! If a person is diagnosed having IBS and has hemochromatosis, the successful treatment of the hemochromatosis of lowering the body iron levels down to normal will probably cure the IBS. Now we can say we know of a cause for IBS and that is iron overload in too many cases. Iron overload should always be ruled out before a diagnosis of IBS is made. My tests using iron and fats proves that iron does not wait to be absorbed to cause oxidation, it does it in the gut and these oxidized products surely would not be good for the body. If iron can oxidize toasted soybeans so that the soybean oil will give milk from a cow a bad taste, then how about ferrous sulfate supplement given to a lactating woman, would it not do the same thing to her milk making the baby reject the mothers milk? I have been talking about the immediate effects of iron in the gut but how about when the iron builds up in the body so that the liver and pancreas get over loaded, then how about your digestion? Supplementation with ferrous sulfate or reduced iron would not help, for sure! When the pancreas gets overloaded with iron, digestion is affected in two ways; one would be a loss or reduction of digestive enzymes and two, there would be a loss or reduction of the bicarbonate molecules excreted by the parietal cells which line the ducts from the pancreas to the gut that are so important in ph control in the gut. I did these same experiments with peanut oil, butter, and olive oil and the results were almost the same. I did not have the iron content of these oils checked for ppm. The peanut oil seemed to hold up as well, if not better than any of them.

I also did some of the same experiments using reduced iron. I must say that most of these experiments were complete flops as far as trying to determine anything from them. There was one experiment that was very interesting though. I was using Crisco oil mixed with reduced iron, Crisco oil, hydrochloric acid, and Pancreazime. I got a very definite black (oxidized) color and there were stinking gasses formed from this bottle for sure. I had the cap on this bottle too tight evidently and the results were explosive. I arrived at my office one morning and my attendant greeted me at the front door and said, your cat done knocked over one of your bottles and caused a big mess. That is how my cat got the name of DC for dammed cat, but I soon found that it wasnt the cat, it was the dammed reduced iron. That bottle was blown into smithereens, and I mean all to hell, and all over the place. Glass and crud was found eight feet from the site. When they tell you that reduced iron is explosive, you better believe that, for it is and I mean very explosive and they put this stuff in your food!!!!!!! This very definitely proves that reduced iron is very reactive and explosive. To get the reduced iron for these experiments, I called a chemical company and they told me they would have to order it for me and that I would have to pay the freight on it. The reduced iron cost about $20.00 for 8 ounces and the freight was $24.00 astounding!!!! It had to be shipped by special freight with special handling. The shipping box had EXPLOSIVES stamped all over it. I found out that in this case, they meant what they said. These are some of the statements that were on the label of the reduced iron:
Iron Metal (Powder, Reduced, FCC) Iron 96 % Acid insoluble substances 1.25% Arsenic 8mg/kg Lead 10 mg/kg Mercury 5mg/kg Warning: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer Warning: This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Warning: Flammable solid, may cause eye irritation, may affect behavior, blood, metabolism and gastrointestinal problems. 7

WITH ALL THESE STATEMENTS AND FINDINGS, THIS POISON IS ADDED TO OUR FOODS IN TOO MANY CASES. There was also a statement that this product was food grade!!!!! I take it that California law is the next best thing to a US Supreme Court decision and I also take it that every other state in the union should agree and this would be good enough law and decision to stop the use of reduced iron in our foods. Iron is bad enough by itself, but how about the lead, arsenic, and mercury in this product? BAD STUFF PURE INSIDIOUS POISON. Do you know how some of the black olives that we eat here in this country are made to be black? Iron is used in too many times to do this. I ate black olives in Spain in several places but they were really not black, they were brown and allowed to be so by ripening on the tree, and they were delicious. I am not a preacher but, let me just talk to you a little bit about what the Good Book says about the blood or iron. We now know that that the blood of the body contains about 70% of the total amount of the iron in the entire body; the other 30% is contained and scattered all over the body such as in muscle tissue, enzyme systems and just about every cell of the body has a very small amount of iron in it. If this small amount is exceeded, then the body has problems. Verse #4 of Genesis tells us But flesh with the life [blood] thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat, and verse 10 of Leviticus tells us And whatsoever man there -----------that eateth any manner of blood [iron]; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood [iron], and will cut him off from among his people. So in other words, He is telling us to not eat blood or eat the main or principal ingredient there of or to add that ingredient (iron) to our food as by law or mandate, as is being done today. He does not tell us why not to eat the blood, nor do the stop signs along the roads tell us why to stop, they just say to stop. If any of us fail to obey these laws, we will someday be put away and that time may be sooner than expected. Critique this paper anyway you please or get someone else to do so. Our people should know about hemochromatosis and the poison (iron) that is being added to our foods.

For references you can use those listed for my previous papers or go to your search engine and type in there any word or words . . . and, have yourself a good old time of studying!!

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