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Commission for Persons with Disabilities Medford Human Rights Commission June 12, 2013

Present: Chief Leo Sacco, Lois Bronnenkant, Steve Honeycutt, Henry Milorin, Diane McLeod and Dale Bryan Excused: David Harris and Charlotte Swartz Introductions May Minutes Chief Sacco moved to accept the May minutes, Henry seconded, all in favor. New Business Disability Awards Were just held and very successful. Old Business Commission Discussion Diane met with Mark Rumley and he is working on finalizing the ordinance. We wanted to have it done for the July Council meeting, but may not make it. Everyone felt we can move forward without the completion. Diane suggested we meet this summer and have a working dinner meeting where we finish some of our hanging work details and meet with Lynn. Boston Medical Fellow Diane received the poster from Hemaluck Suwatanapongched (Lynn) and she wants to present her results to the group. Diane told her that she wants to complete an RFP for a Tisch scholar to work on some of these results, so she sent it for review. She can come if we meet in the summer. Diane will arrange a time. Correspondence & Announcements We also need to meet on the Mass Humanities grant. Diane will send an email to determine interest. Diane read information on two variance issues; Bistro 5 wants to provide access, but cant make the slope in the front. He is putting in a variance, but it is incomplete as of yet.

Also, the AAB is scheduling a site visit for the Kitchen store, as a follow up on our variance agreement with conditions. It will be tomorrow at 4:00PM. Steve will go as well.

Diane handed out a copy of the 2012/2013 Annual Report. Next Meeting September 25, 2013

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