Shabbat News 27th July 2013

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Saturday Christian Fellowship

Shabbat News

Friendship Lounge at the Central Baptist Church Charlemont St. Hamilton; every Saturday at 10:00 am.

Prayer for Israel: Every 4th Monday 7:30p.m. At the home of Geoff and Shirley Jensen, 13 McInnes Place, Hamilton. Ph.855 7270. Next meeting: 22/7/2013

Shabbat Meal. The next Shabbat meal will be on the 2nd August 2013 at 25 Alderson Rd Hamilton Bible Meeting: The Study will be on Tuesday at 7.00p.m. at Pams house. Mens Morning Tea Chartwell, Fridays at 10:00 am. Mens dinner: 6.00p.m. The next meal will be at Chartwell Food Court on Wednesday 21st August 2013 Ladies Afternoon Tea: 3:00 pm at the Hollywood Chartwell. This takes place after the mailing which all are welcome to attend. 1:00 pm 22nd August 2013: Mens Shelter. We ask that non-perishable food items be brought to the Fellowship on each fourth Shabbat. 24th August. Committee Members: Dennis McLeod 854 7077- 021384452 Ken Stone 850 9252 Pam Neilson 853 9733 th Next meeting: 5 August 2013.
Prayer Chain coordinator: Karen Ladd 846 0675 Pray for Gary Woodward. He has a very bad case of the flu.

Memorial Service for Kenneth Watts is on the 24th August at the Horsham Downs Church 1330hrs (1:30pm) Prayer time. Israel is facing enemies on four fronts, Lebanon in the North, Syria to the East, Egypt to the South and Gaza to the West. Add to this the need to protect its newly opened Gas field in the Mediterranean Sea, which needs protecting from those who are placing a claim on this field for themselves. Now we have the Israeli Arabs being stirred up within the country over the ousting of Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Added to this is Americas force coming upon Israel to enter into new peace talks. This while the very people that Israel is being asked to make peace with are down crying the Palestinian Authority for even thinking of doing so. When the people left the Mosque on the Temple mount this peaceful religion were so aroused they started calling for the destruction of the three countries, which are placing pressure on Israel to capitulate in the face of world pressure. All three countries America, England and France, have bent over backwards to keep Islam quiet. Pray the God of Israel will continue to place that hedge of protection around Israel. Pray the enemies of the God of Israel will repent before it is too late to do so. Pray Mr. Netanyahu will lead from the Word of God. 1

Pastors Corner.
Fifty years ago to mention the name of God was not a crime, but today you can be arrested or stopped in any country in the World if you stand up and talk about the God of Heaven and Earth, our Heavenly Father. [Genesis 14:19] In every walk of life His name has been taken down, from Kindergartens to Law Courts you can no longer talk of God or Jesus. [John 15:25] The very one who wrote the Book on which the Laws of the Western countries of the World are based is no longer politically correct to mention. One has to ask why, when the whole world is falling apart, the Governments of the world are so eager to do away with the answer of all their problems. If Gods word was so important to the founding Fathers of the western countries why is it now being removed? Has God changed? Has Gods Word changed, and should it change? [Hebrews 13:8] If it does change where does that leave our security in the One who saves? [Exodus 6:6] Gods Word is the truth that most people are looking for when they go off the rails and find themselves either poisoned with drugs or following man-made religions. [Psalm 115:1-8] God is calling the people His Son died for to repent and return to Him. [Mark 1:15] But the louder this cry the louder the leaders of the world shout foul. [Psalm 53:1] In America it has been reported the number of Believers in God far outnumber those who do not. However the voice of the few overpowers the majority, why? Today a person standing for the Government is more likely to be asked questions on abortion and homosexuality than they are to be asked questions on the state of the nation. So has God changed? I hope not, has His Word changed? I hope not. Because if these two have changed where does that leave us in our salvation, if we have placed our faith in a changing God. [Numbers 23:19] Has our salvation changed? Was Jesus sacrificed for the sins of the world? Did He die and was He buried? Did He rise from the grave on the third day? All historical facts point to these events really happening. There is only one way to be forgiven by God for our sins and that is to accept Jesus the Lamb of God, [Acts 16:25-34] the very one the World is trying to destroy as they did when they cried crucify Him. [John 19:6] To understand how this came about we need to go back into the Temple period and see that blood sacrifices were required to remove sin. [Leviticus 6:25] This was temporary and a forerunner of what was to come. It was God painting a picture for us

to be able to fully understand what He was going to do in some future time. God did not allow human sacrifice, [Leviticus 18:21] nor did He allow Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac but was just testing Abrahams loyalty. [Genesis 22] We may think this was a very hard test but many times in life we have to face hard decisions and if we take them to God He can work them out for us. However as we draw closer to the return of Jesus for His Bride [Revelation 19:7] the battle is getting stronger every day. The world today is in a battle with even human sacrifice taking place with the death of millions of babies either through abortion or the killing of girl babies in far eastern countries because of lifestyles. In the time of Noah the people were doing the same things they are today and God said Enough! Reading of the time of the flood there was only one righteous man found, [Genesis 6:18] but instead of destroying His creation God cleansed the earth and started again giving us another chance. However the people soon started to follow their own way again and sin flowed back across the earth. This meant there was but one way to give us a chance to rid our lives of this sin and that was that He alone would have to be the sacrifice to set us free and be able to come back to the Father. So He sent His Son to be that Sacrifice for sin, [1 John 4:9] it could not be animals, it could not be people, the sacrifice had to be perfect. [Hebrews 9:14] You might say how could this be that God Himself would come to earth as man to be sacrificed for my sins? There was the story written of a man during the time of the French revolution that took the place of his friend who was to be executed. He died in his place so his friend would live and this is how it was with Jesus our friend [1 John 2:1] who died in our place so we can live, not just now but forever. John 3:16] It is with knowledge the evil one is using the people of the world to destroy this truth from the mind of the people. A book written many years ago talked about an old devil and a young devil. The old devil said to the young devil our best weapon is to convince the people that we do not exist. This has come to pass and people are denying their sin. [Jeremiah 8:6] We need to stand firm in the Word and take the truth to the people of that promise that the healing hand of Jesus is there for all, [Luke 4:16-24] to finish the race and to collect the prize of salvation. [Acts 20:24]

David's Comment: Who is the REAL Monster ? Eph 2:2 .... according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, (NKJ) You may or may not be aware of the very controversial murder trial that has just concluded in Florida. George Zimmerman, a private neighbourhood security guard of Latin American background was charged with the murder of 17 year old Afro-American Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self defense after the two got into a scuffle when Zimmerman tried to apprehend Martin on suspicion of criminal activity in the neighbourhood he was employed to protect. I am not going to go any further into the circumstances of the case, but the jury found Zimmerman not guilty of murder, and he in now a free man. I have been following the court case for the last few weeks, leaning on the side of Zimmerman, after I realised that regardless of the truth, there were several groups which wanted to see him found guilty of murder and imprisoned for the rest of his life. This was confirmed by one of Zimmerman's lawyers after the notguilty verdict was announced. One group was the government working though the legal system, who I believe were in fear that if someone was not publically punished for the death of the young AfroAmerican, chaos and race riots would break out in many Afro-American communities across the USA, as happened several years ago after policeman Rodney King was found not guilty in similar circumstances. Even Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King, believes the NAACP and other groups, are race-baiting, with their call for a federal civil-rights case to be lodged against George Zimmerman, and believes they may be getting paid to do so. The other group who seemed to be desperate for Zimmerman to be found guilty was the news media. Right from the outset the news media people were

reporting the case with Zimmerman being the guilty party, and Martin being the innocent victim, regardless of whether he had been involved in criminal activity or not. Once again, as in almost every incident involving Israel, the news media set itself up as judge and jury, something that is has no right to do. I should really say the majority of the media, as after the not-guilty verdict was announced, a Fox News reporter who is also a lawyer, and who was one of the few on Zimmerman's side, stated that the prosecution case was very weak, and that the news media were guilty of turning George Zimmerman into a monster in the eyes of the American public. That is a very serious charge, and I agree with it 100%. The Jewish people know the damage that the lies of the news media can cause. The Nazi regime used the media to poison the majority of decent living German people against the Jewish people, opening the way to the genocide of 6 million plus European Jews. Over the 46 years since the Lord gave Israel a miraculous victory in the Six Day War, returning much of the Promised Land to the rightful occupiers, the God-hating media have used their powers of persuasion to poison most of the world and much of the Church, against Israel and the Jewish people. Now Israel is one of the most hated nations on Earth, and anti-Semitism is rampant in many nations, all because the media turned God's chosen nation into a monster. There are a number of other issues where the media has unilaterally decided who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. For instance the Gay issue, the right to life for the unborn, the Arab Spring and religions. If you are a Muslim you are safe, but woe if you are a Christian or a Jew. The media is very careful not to insult Allah or Mohammed, but the God of Israel and His Son are open targets of blasphemy, insults and a total lack of respect. If the media can get its claws into a Bible Believing Christian, it is like a pack of ravenous wolves around fresh meat. The other day I saw 3

a South African pastor on a panel with two pro Gay people and the interviewer. The pro Gay people were viciously attacking the pastor because of his Biblical position on homosexuality, and the interviewer was clearly with them, also attacking the pastor for his Biblical point of view. The biased, judgmental reporting of the media is nothing short of criminal, poisoning the public against people or causes because they dont agree with the reporter's perspective. Someone needs to teach the students who are studying journalism at university, that a professional journalist should give his/her audience the news, not their opinion, be it right or be it wrong. The other thing the media is often guilty of is harassing people. Even as I write this article, a media 'circus' is assembling outside St Mary's Hospital in London, awaiting the arrival of Princess Kate as she prepares to give birth to the probable future king or queen of England. Once the royal baby is born and ready to leave the hospital, William & Kate and the baby are going to have to face a frenzied crowd of media, many thrusting cameras and boom microphones in their faces. Apparently when Princess Diana was facing the same harrowing experience after the birth of William, she was said to have been 'petrified' at what awaited her outside the hospital. And of course there were even accusations that the paparazzi had a hand in the horrific car accident that caused Diana's death. With little or no regard for the privacy of people when it comes to a news story, the media are indeed guilty of harassment that often borders on torment. The news media have turned Israel and Zionism into a monster - the news media has now turned George Zimmerman into a monster - and there are many other instances. For me it is very clear to see who the real monster is!!! We need to heed the warning that Yeshua gave to the people of His time -"Be careful how you hear". The influence of the media is very powerful, we need to treat everything they say with suspicion until proven to be true.

The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist in the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Let us pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Let us also pray a for break-through to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for the soon coming Kingdom of God. Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie

Task Sheet 3/8/13 Speaker: Gary Woodward Communion: Dennis McLeod Service Presenter: Dennis McLeod OHP: Penny McLeod Music: Magi Tawhai Morning Tea: Ross Gilling Karen Ladd Greeting: Lois Macrae Audio Control: Pam Neilson

Please remember to pray for Jamie, she is now at home but the Lord can still heal her. Also prayers are still needed for Abby, Marley, Elijah and Sean. Shalom Dennis and Penny, On the 30th and 31st of August I have booked at the Kawhia town hall to have a signs and wonders healing meetings starting at 7pm each evening I would appreciate prayer leading up to and for these two nights. God bless you all, John Bayliss

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