Electronic Support System 2013

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Student(s) Margie A Joshi, Vishal M Patel, Chirag J Patel, Jay M Patel Guide Dipti N Patel Insitute Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad
Gesture Vocalizer is a large scale multimicrocontroller based system being designed to facilitate the communication among the dumb and deaf communities and their communication with the normal people. This system can be dynamically reconfigured to work as a smart device. In this project, microcontroller and sensorsbased gesture vocalizer is presented. It is basically a data glove and a microcontroller based system. Data glove can detect the movements of a hand and microcontroller based systemconvertssomespecifiedmovementsintohumanrecognizabledataanddisplaysit.



Profile: These are final year students of B.E. Electronics & Communications Engineering at Gujarat Technical University. They like to work on projectsthataimtobenefitsocietyandarealwayskeentoputtheirclassroomknowledgeintopracticaluse. Inspiration: The inspiration was in daily life. We could observe how difficult it is to communicate with deaf and dumb people, Real world problemsinspireustodosomething.Andthisisoursmallcontributiontotheworld. FuturePlans:WewouldliketoworkonfurtherR&Dtomakethisdevicemoreefficientanduserfriendly.


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