Predisposing: Precipitating:: Family History Age Diet/ Sedentary Lifestyle Stress

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Predisposing: Family history Age

Precipitating: Diet/ sedentary lifestyle Stress

Increase vascular resistance/ vasoconstriction Increase afterload Increase BP

Decrease blood flow to organs

Decrease blood flow to the kidneys

Increase renin secretion

Angiotensin I Angiotensin II

A Vasoconstriction Increase peripheral resistance

B Aldosterone secretion Sodium and water retention Increase blood volume

Increase BP/ Hypertension

If not treated

If treated

Damage renal vessels

Damage cerebral arteries

Damage arterial walls

Increase workload of the heart



Increase thickness of the walls of the heart chambers

Left ventricular hypertrophy

Dx: ECG, 2D echo

1. Diet modification ( Na intake) 2. body weight 3. Meds: antihypertension, diuretics, ACE inhibitor 4. Daily/ routine exercise

If treated

If not treated

5. Diet modification ( Na intake) 6. body weight 7. Meds: antihypertension, diuretics, ACE inhibitor 8. Daily/ routine exercise

Heart muscle weakness

Congestive heart failure

s/sx Crackles Ascites Jugular vein distension Dyspnea edema


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