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Written by Steve Metze


Artwork: Mizael Oliveira (

Richard Aillen Taylor ( and Cameron Petri

Front Cover: Mizael Oliveira

Back Cover: "The Day of the Flights" by Voitv ( Photography: Airship Nocturne (Timothy Boyte Gena Boyte, Jen Wang, and Joshua Bouton).

Andromeda Ross by Rodney Barry Design ( and Steve Metze.


Airship Nocturne: Timothy Boyte Gena Boyte, Jen Wang, Joshua Bouton, Steve Liptak, Brian Elliott Magen Rigdon-Turner, Jesse Thaxton & Austin Turner (Airship Nocturne on Facebook)
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Game Development I Playtesting: Paul Pecena Cedrick May, Patrick Barkman,


Eric Atkisson

Justice Barkman, Caleb Barkman, Alwynne Metze, and many others.


Special Thanks: Tiffany Metze, Deviant Art Tamara Dwyer, Denis Fitzpatrick

Copyright Scum Crew Pictures LLC DBA Uber Goober Games 2011
All rights reserved.

Core Rules.10 Character Creation.13


Skills.27 Feats.33
Attributes.42 Flaws.44 Powers.46 Powers Cheat Sheets.53
Power Lists.56

Character Creation Examples.72

Game Mechanics.81

Damage Chart.82 Perception.92


Steampunk LARP.94 Steampunk Sourcebook.96

Secret Societies.97

Sample Guilds.98 Sample Worlds.100

Steampunk Economics.101
Sample Characters.103 Sample Creatures.112 Sample Cities.116 Sample Vessels.124 Sample Powers..133
Modified Skills and Feats.146

Aether Spells.148 Eldritch Copper.154 Drama and Storytelling.156 Steampunk Resources.157

Introduction to Steampunk
In an open alley a man and a woman dug through the refuge of an inn, collecting used tea leaves, brushing them off. and carefully placing them into a clay pot for later consumption. They seemed oddly cheerful about their task at hand. Gossamer could hear them debate the benefits and shortcomings of each type of soggy leaf with almost scholarly detail. Off-pitch notes caught her attention next wheezing bursts in the upper-registers of music cutting across the Aether. Along with most of the occupants of the street she glanced up for the source, and settled on the gilded calliaphone airship approaching from the horizon. Its bright red and orange fins stood out in the distance. Silver whistles glistened on both sides. The only rival for the Circus of Lost Souls Walter Van Chunee's Zoological Menagerie existed as the Aether attraction of some distant city Gossamer didn't
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All of Disparutia paused as the deafening whistles passed overhead, absolutely nullifying all other possible sounds. The team of green warty gremlins flew with almost mad speed, tugging the airship behind them with no regard for their own stamina. The driver steered them with a long beam dangling a cage filled with Copper dust that leaked a few particles every time he twisted his wrists. Orang-u-tans held by iron chains waved banners at the crowds below. Ursine sloths dangled lazily from iron sculpted trees. A collection of brilliant plumaged avian creatures of all sizes and shapes rested on a set of perches held between
two dispassionate megaloasurus beasts staring out at the void and occasionally tasting the air with massive

forked tongues...

A world of gears, steam, and airships - Defining Steampunk

Steampunk is a venue for adventure no doubt about that, with science and technology unhindered by the laws of physics societal norms from any culture past, present or future, and only as much historical accuracy as fits the whims of the moment. It is simply put, a realm where anything is possible under the guise of skimming whatever we want from an idealized - or grossly imperfect - version of the 19 n Century.
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2) The earth is actually a giant electromagnet in regards to metallic objects in space. Right now it
attracts metal objects such as iron comets and reversing the earth s magnetic field will repel
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Steam" in this case sets up the technology


of the world thumb are

and to some respect, the historical con-


text of that technology.

The two simple rules of 3)


1) If it is mechanical in any way it can run off steam

or clockwork gears and

Elementals exist in both nature and urban settings

2) Any scientific theory can be considered reality if

it sounds convincing enough in a drawing room

a) They can be fed off the energy of an urban setting in general or off the energy produced

by new technology.

over a snifter of brandy. Some possible Steampunk scientific theories include

1) The earth is hollow.

b) They may or may not be visible to the human



They could represent the normal air earth, water and fire elements or far more corrupt, ,

ed versions of toxic waste


a) This could mean it is filled with creatures

name it.

electricity, steam,

and iron.




you 4)

b) Or that by plugging volcanoes on one side of

the planet while simultaneously causing those on the other side to erupt it is possible

Automatons and robots are possible. a) In some cases, their mechanisms require

to push the earth out of its normal orbit hazards from space.

they be ten to forty feet tall lumbering masses of metal with the larger ones containing giant burning furnaces and people sitting
inside operating them with levers and pulleys. In other cases they can be almost in,

perhaps taking it on a journey or avoiding

distinguishable from humans at first glance.

b) They can be used for sex impersonating people (particularly people of wealth or distinction like presidents or queens), manual work sports, fighting, war, scouting, as mes, , ,

a ship sealed enough that the oxygen inside



t escape.

Others consider space navi-


gable in open deck ships with solar sails. In some cases the space between the planets is considered to be the Aether.


you name it.


c) Anyone with a history of working on anything 8)

mechanical could conceivably build one

at least alter one whenever needed. They

are simple to understand to anyone who puts their mind to it.


Cloning and weird bio-science is possible a) Cloning can be done from a sample of tissue or from reproductive material, usually only requiring a big vat of specially prepared

chemicals and nutrients and some patience.

The space between all things is the Aether. a) In some interpretations this is the space between all worlds allowing travel out to the stars and explaining the medium ships have to go through to get there. b) In other cases the Aether is another dimension occupying the same space as our own. c) In yet another instance the Aether is the medium in which light travels thin enough that humans and planets would never notice
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b) DNA between two different people or creatures can be combined in a similar fashion

creating half-human half-beast hybrids.

c) Normal creatures can be evolved or "deevolved. for example mutating a salamander or mixing its DNA with humans so it grows into something completely human in 9)

but there, nonetheless. This could help explain either option above. Since light is unaffected by gravity (at least to the casual



observer on earth) anything or anyone in the

Aether must therefore also be immune to

appearance except for some webs between the fingers no hair, and a diet of flies. d) Copious amounts of electricity can be used

gravitational forces. Time travel is possible. a) H.G. Wells demonstrated it best as a 4W

as the other three.


mension one can travel in almost as easily b) In other versions time travel is possible, but

to resurrect the dead

at least in some form,

ala Frankenstein.

altering the past or returning from the future


It is easy to modify people mechanically. are both impossible. a) This is particularly true with arms and eyes. 10) Anything can be made to fly or swim. Steam powered or potentially battery powa) It doesn t matter how big heavy, bulky, or
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ered hands, jaws, legs hearts, etc, are all


non-aerodynamic it is it can be made to


easy fixes to help with birth defects and war


float in the sky or swim under the seas. b) Usually this is done with bags of lighter-thanair elements like hydrogen or helium or a
mix of the two.



In some cases the replacements are harmless substitutes. In other cases they improve the body part with added strength, agility or heightened senses. In some cases the replacements can have weaponry added ranging anywhere from a
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It can also be done with helicopter-like contraptions classically of a Leonardo da Vinci type design.

hidden derringer to a portable Gatling gun to

some energy-launching monstrosity.

d) These vehicles can range from armored battleships loaded with cannons all the way

d) It is not uncommon for the replacement to

down to personal dirigibles with seats or steam-powered helicopter backpacks. have its own pre-programming possibly its 11) Babbage Engines can do anything.

own artificial intelligence which controls it or

continually battles with the owner s possibly between them as well


7) There is air on all planets and moons, and a) The only obstacle to space travel is getting
there. All planets are earth-like in tempera-

a) Sure most are big as a house and loud and smell like ozone but they can figure out anything and can even be Artificially Intelligent.


In some cases these can be smaller and


housed in automatons or other machines to

ture and atmosphere. If this is not the case,

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even if just by copying the brain patterns of someone else.

make them sentient

then a simple remedy like planting plants adding water or throwing compostable gar- 12) Other theories bage on it will eventually convert it. a) An atomic or nuclear detonation would igb) Some consider space to be "without air nite the hydrogen in the planet s atmosphere and bum the planet to a crisp. although not necessarily a vacuum requiring
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Nanotechnology is possible based on in- Wild Wild West) or other countries, or in alternate credibly small machines or bio-engineered timelines or in completely different worlds altogether.
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Regardless of where or when it takes place

there are still some common themes to keep within Fueling Steam Engines In real history steam engines originally ran

the Steampunk aesthetic. 1) There are significant and radical differences between the classes, the genders and in some cases the races (whether or not we are talking
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off wood. Eventually they ran off coal, which created a significant pollution problem. In some Steampunk literature, machines (human sized automatons. for example) can run off coal dust consuming it as
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There have even been stories written about

in a colloquial sense of different ethnicities, or actual different species of creatures like tiger-people or aliens, or fairies). Most player characters will tend to be Egalitarians above



experiments into Uranium (minus the unpleasant

such trivial distinctions.

side effect of radiation poisoning) being a cheap and 2) New advances in food production and medicine mean massive overcrowded cities. These cities easy source of heating water to run steam engines. In most cases Steampunk gadgets simply will almost always have at least one set of slums. ignore the massive fuel requirements unless it suits 3) Expect that prostitutes scientists, alcoholics and the narrative. If it seems fun to have people scooporphans will play a significant part in any caming logs or shovels full of coal into the massive furpaign setting. nace of a forty foot tall robot during a chase scene. 4) Likewise expect factories, mines, mills, secret then do so. If a person has a steam-powered helisocieties and guilds to play a significant part in
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copter backpack we simply choose to ignore that


any campaign setting.

they would have to have a ranging infemo and an 5) There may or may not be factions of people enormous amount of water on their back in order to (sometimes referred to as Luddites) who violentoperate it. ly oppose technological advances fearing they will lose their jobs to it. The Alternative - Eldritch Copper 6) Any technology you would see made of out plastic today would in a Steampunk setting be craftThe universe of this game proposes a mythied from hand-carved wood (Mahogany and cal element called Eldritch Copper a solution similar Rosewood are favorite choices) brass or iron. to the Uranium answer but unique so that each 7) The dress architecture, and manner of speech Game Master can modify it to their own campaign. It of a Steampunk campaign will be guided at least works best in a world where fossil fuels (oil and coal) in some respect by those from historical Victorian times. do not exist in massive quantities or at least if they
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they haven,t been discovered locally.

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Eldritch Copper in its basic form, is copper Beyond that the differences can become very for whatever reason (spent time near the extreme. See the different Steampunk World earth s magnetic poles recently come from the elec- Views" presented later for three more overarching tromagnetic fluxes in the center of the earth fell from sets of guidelines.
which has
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the sky in a meteor shower, etc) stored up a large

amount of energy. When released as a bare minimum this energy creates significant sustained heat from a small contained source capable of powering

In most cases
" ,


presented later in this book go into more detail about things are generally oppressed or otherwise put

The different "Steampunk World Views" ing for individual freedoms in a world where such

more compact steam engines.

punk refers to people striv-


the possible specifics of Eldritch Copper.

The Era

down. The campaign will define how oppressive the government and the society are. The players will decide how they personally "rebel" against whatever

Mixed in with that Technology, are the sensi-

bilities and aesthetic of the 19<h Century

not always like Victorian London. While a Steam- is to be. Gritty dark, and entirely free of happy endpunk game can be played in 1800s England, it could ings might be a good way to think of it. also take place in the United States (especially the

travesty it is they choose to rebel against. Long story short the more emphasis on the Punk" part of the world the less pleasant a place it usually, but
" ,

Some common ways



might defy the STEAMpunk

norms of Victorian Society in their outward apA STEAMpunk world is one where not only
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Women might wear men,s clothing or they might has technology progressed faster than the historic

wear comfortable or practical clothing and actu- pace, but it has done so to the benefit of society in general. While there might still be a significant ecoally participate in science and adventuring. nomic difference between the classes food is plenti2) Tattoos and piercings ful 3) Carrying weapons all the time and cities relatively clean. 4) Modifying themselves for appearance or function The People - The lower classes would still
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mechanical alternations

such as artificial


limbs or eyes. Displaying gadgetry and inventions on their person such as powered gauntlets, mechanical wings, or technologically enhanced goggles.

be poor but not oppressed physically or mentally, and they might still have access to some health care. While always present criminals would be obvious and not particularly effective and relegated to the expected parts of the city. Prostitutes beggars and
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Some common things to rebel against

orphans would be friendly and helpful as would members of the slums when treated with respect.

1) Capitalism 2) Nationalism 3) Non-Representative governments

4) All politics or government or taxes pay them.

The Technology - Mass transit methods

such as Omnibus rail systems passenger zeppelins,


5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

Abuse of human rights Abuse of rights of privacy Classism The unequal distribution of wealth The celebration of debauchery

public submersibles, and subterranean tube systems might be possible while individuals zip about on smaller propeller-driven dirigibles on automatonic
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or with spinning blades from steam-powered backpacks. Most personal body modifications would be for self-improvement or repair (replacing a lost




better eyesight, etc) or possibly to aid in distant


indulgence particularly by the wealthy.

The "ideals" or "morals" of society Exploitation of any group Racism Sexism Technology Secret Societies Wars or misuse of military

expeditions to far off dangerous places. The Government - The government or at least many of the aristocrats would take an active part in pushing for more human rights, and it would

not be uncommon to see celebrations concerning

the discoveries of adventurers and explorers, or celebrating social reforms or new technology. Secret Societies - They would be rational
and calculated

moving with subtle motions in the

Steampunk World Views

There are 3 core Steampunk world views: 1) STEAMpunk (heavy on tech light on punk) 2) steamPUNK (focuses on the oppression and darkness of the world) 3) Fantasy Steampunk (incorporating fantastic races and creatures such as fairies and goblins
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along with magic mixing with technology).

When choosing a world view, feel free to mix and match between the options. For example to an

aristocrat who has never left the


good side of town


the entire world might seem more in line with STEAMpunk until that day a mysterious messenger
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background to bend things to their will. They might acknowledge defeat in a respectable fashion before retreating off to make their plans for another day. Guilds - Guilds would manage their crafts and the people who perform them. Some rival guilds would compete economically of course, and competition to join a guild might be fierce, but other than that they would simply serve as nodes of power within the framework of the city or country. Fuel - In this world Eldritch Copper is a clean source of energy. A coin s worth might produce the heat of a small campfire for a year before being depleted. Pollution would be at a minimum and automatons would be available for any number of manual or unpleasant tasks.
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Enemies - Here the real enemy would usuleads them into the city slums or they lose their en- ally come from the Outside. The most common may tire fortune in a series of bad investments. Likewise be threats to society from the Aether or from other a Fantasy Steampunk campaign could have roots in worlds (above it or below it) or from science experia Utopian society just as easily as a dystopian one. ments gone awry, or from natural disasters. Other
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options include exploring fringe uncivilized regions.


Guilds - Guilds would take on the role of

A steamPUNK world is one where the tech-

nological advances primarily benefit the upper classes,

the government, or the military, many times at

the expense of the lower classes.

The economic

difference between the classes is harsh and cruel.


Take anything positive from the STEAMpunk list mercenaries to rent them out. Guilds would have an above and add only for the upper class to the end. The People - The lower classes would in- uneasy alliance with the government neither able to

the megacorporations of their time with just as much power and contempt for the people who serve them. They maintain their own guards or militias, or even armies to fight in distant wars over resources. For the smaller guilds who couldn"t afford to keep a staff of ruffians for protection fighting, thieving, spying and assassinating there would be a guild of special
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clude the extremely destitute and all desperate to easily overthrow the other although they would conlatch onto any opportunity no matter how seedy, to stantly watch for any possible opportunity to do so.
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improve their station. Four or five families might live On the streets, guild law and city law would be kept in a single room the ones furthest from the door separate wherever possible the guilds free to run
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having to pay toll to the others in order to leave or go things how they wish so long as it doesn,t disturb the to the privies. Beggars might be intentionally de- upper classes or the grand order of things.

formed by their parents to encourage more donations


Fuel - In this world

Eldritch Copper is still


and factories could be filled with lost souls lit- the primary source of energy but now with a side,

erally shackled to their workstations. Criminals may exist in far greater numbers or have organized into gangs or possibly even guilds. Orphans would constantly fear for their lives and react accordingly whenever approached. Slums would be death sentences to outsiders and Opium dens would not be unusual to find in the city.

effect. Overexposure to it (a common occurrence with factory workers and miners) leads to bouts of
madness lasting as long as a week. It can also be

consumed in powder form as a drug and the only antidote (a leaf known as Purple Bitter) is just as expensive as the element itself. Those who couldn t afford Eldritch Copper would resort to coal and wood The Technology - Mass transit methods burning machines filling the cities with smoke and
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would still exist


People would make cheaper workers than unsafe types both filthy and prone to fatal accidents, automatons and with less required maintenance. Enemies - Here there are as many eneand the upper class extravagant versions with their

but separated into the "common" smog.

own team of servants. Individual transportation mies within the city as outside it. Conflicts between would be technologically based for the wealthy but two guilds could result in their executives drinking would still be based on beast of burden for the lower tea and watching their lackeys fight to the death to to middle classes. Body modification could be just decide the outcome of the 'negotiations., Automafor spite or for criminal activity, or self protection. tons could go crazy, or band together to overthrow Hidden weapons secret compartments, devices that the *organic menace., Luddites might make repeatconfound security measures spying tools, and just ed attempt to sabotage technology no matter what overt displays of strength might all be incorporated the effects on the general population. Simply bumpinto steam powered limbs or body replacements. ing the wrong member of the upper class could reScientific experiments on the poor might also be sult in a death warrant. The shadows would be filled common testing new medical theories or gadgets on with the unspeakable activities of organized crime the living for the promise of a few coins. and secret societies. The simplest of for hire jobs The Government - Here the government could be part of a larger plan filled with layers of deand particularly the aristocrats would primarily focus ception and unseen dangers as nobles, guilds seon what benefits them and keeps them in power. cret organizations and criminals constantly war Laws would be written to maintain the status quo against each other with commoners as their pawns. and to prevent any groups from rising above their current station in life. Celebrations might still be Fantasy Steampunk common but for things the upper classes cheer While putting "Fantasy" in front of Steamwhile the lower classes curse or actively protest. Secret Societies - They might rival the gov- punk may seem redundant, in this case it is used to ernments for power or be the only hope against real incorporate a specific element not common in most change in the government. While the core leader- Steampunk literature. Given the popularity of the ship might be fairly rational they might have hordes belief in fairies during the 19"' Century it isn,t a giant of minions to do their bidding, all to be discarded leap to add such creatures of the imagination into a when their tasks are done. Steampunk world.
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The Techno,ogy - Keep the techno,ogy keep the b,ts ,eve,s ,,sted above, but add more swords, daggers, of incredible steam-powered inventions but dial pistol crossbows, repeating crossbows, and varia,

To convert to Fantasy Steampunk keep the

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overa,, ,ook and fee, of the characters

back the basic technology and architecture a few hundred years. Most creatures maintain the clothing and mannerisms of Victorian times. The People - Humans remain the dominant race in the cities. They improved food production based on large clunky machines they powered from the strange new Eldritch Copper mined and sold by the dwarfs. Elves cultivate Purple Bitter the only known cure for the madness caused by overexposure to the ore power source. In that way the three
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tions of armor. A breastplate carved with a family crest and lined with Eldritch Copper might stand up to bullet fire while also making a nice accessory to formal evening wear. Each race could have their own body modifications. Elves might favor tiny finger extensions for delicate gear work on automatonic curios while
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goblins might replace an eye with a microscopic vi-

sion monocles for their science experiments. Orks would be quick to trade limbs for weapons, while fae
would be more likely to go with eyeballs that change

primary races are in balance.

Expand the Noble Folk beyond elves to also include fairies fae and pooka. Fae being a step halfway between elf and fairy averaging four feet tall with hollow bones and wings so they can manage a sort of unimpressive flight. Pooka being crosses between elves and animals each bearing the trait of its particular animal type (fox tail and ears feathers for hair and owl eyes, antlers, etc), which they can also shape shift into at will. In addition to cultivating Purple Bitter and most other drugs found in apothecaries across the globe Noble Folk also work Eldritch Copper into rare and beautiful automatonic works of art or devices of incredibly detailed craftsmanship. Fairies flit about as messengers spies, or sources of entertainment. Expand the Stone People beyond the dwarves to include giants. Dwarves go to the cities to maintain their Eldritch Copper trade. In this case the ore is powered by magical forces and all the Noble Folk have an instinctive attraction to sources of magic. Dwarves get no benefit from consuming Eldritch Copper and can force it to do little other than heat up but they are also immune to its sideeffects. Noble Folk and giants, however are not. If they spend too much time around it or consume too much they undergo the Horrid Transformation, Fairies transform into gremlins fae transform into goblins, pooka transform into feral animals, elves transform into orks and giants into trolls. This adds a new set of the "Fallen" into society, for the most part shunned by their own kind, Trolls are hunted for the amusement of the wealthy and gremlins are captured and forced to fight over bags of Copper dust for the wagers of screaming crowds. Goblins are usually recruited by thieves
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color or power boosters for their wings. The Government - The government, at least within the cities, would be mostly human. While there might be some representation from the other races the underlying theme for the aristocrats would be to maintain what is best for humans, which includes the balancing act between dwarven ore elvish medicines, fae craftsmanship, goblin experimental science and the ork mercenary pool. Secret Societies - In addition to the ones based on philosophies and ideologies, now add some for each of the races. Guilds - Guilds now have the option of specializing their workforce based on the strengths and weaknesses of several different races. The executives of any given guild will tend to be of the originating race with an occasional other working their
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way up to power.

Fuel - The side effect of Eldritch Copper to the Noble Folk and giants makes the madness it causes in humans seem trivial in comparison. Consuming the ore in powdered form temporarily increases the mystical powers of the user, making it all the more tempting. Since Eldritch Copper in this instance is powered by latent magical forces absorbed in the metal, it can be used not only to power steam engines, but when crafted by the delicate hands of elves, fae, or goblins, can be shaped into something magical in its own right. Guns can be made to fire beams of arcane energy, goggles can be enchanted to see through walls and mirrors lined with Eldritch Copper can open windows or gates into the very Aether itself. Enemies - Along with fantastical people come fantastical creatures. Dragons demons, vam, ,

and spies but some take to science and make new pires, werewolves, ghosts, and zombies also beOrks reduced from come possible threats to fantasy Steampunk cities. near-immortal creatures of art and philosophy to Anything you might find in a fantasy RPG you could vulgar brutes become mercenaries, bodyguards, or find here, but now also possibly modified with some they enlist in random wars hoping a stray bullet sort of steam-powered prosthetic. beam or explosion will put them out of their misery.
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names for themselves there.

The Aether (or Aethyr)

The Aether is a mystical substance that exists between the particles of all things. It is very conductive to energy and matter but porous to them as


forests, cliffs, etc. This makes travelling

in the Aether a good way to bypass terrain. Hidden in plain sight - Accessing the Aether requires the wealth to purchase an Aether Win-

dow or Gate and the talent to operate one. If for

no other reason

well. Entering the Aether is entering literally the Space Between All Things. Given an extra dimension within regular space particularly where energy

flows more freely and gravity has little role citizens would rush to take advantage of it.

that makes the Aether a good place to hide treasures, secrets, or even people. It is malleable - Many Aethermagi can manipulate the Aether in ways they could never do to

normal matter in the real world.


They could

The first invention to take hold was the Window


mold the fabric of the Aether into solid form per-

which takes the form of a frame of Eldritch


Copper (or larger electrically charged iron) around a sheet of glass. It allows one to look into the Aether
into the corresponding space on the other side.

haps as a house castle, flying ship, etc. They can create giant scrolls covered with messages walls carved with ancient history and art woven

After that came Quest Engines which are .


little machines made from the Aether

where they

out of the very foundation of their surroundings. Electricity and Magic work better here - Or at least sometimes. There are gadgets (and

merge with the surroundings and become effectively invisible. Trained Aethermagi can still see them
rushing about and looking at one they give the im,

pression of a crab, with bent legs ending in sharp pointed spikes, and a series of five brass spring stalks rising from its back and ending in spherical .

spells) which only exist in the Aether or for sure work better there than they would in the real world. In game terms every spell or item that only works in the Aether gets a bonus +1 die or
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x2 effect (built in when the power is purchased). Gravity does very little here - A person standing
still in the Aether would remain where they were standing even if suspended in the air. Unlike


polished and painted to look like wet cat Looking even closer one can sometimes
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make out a thin silver cord back to the Window that

spawned them. They travel at the speed of thought


out to great distances depending on their quality and

the proficiency of their owner and send back the sights and sounds they encounter. Through these a

the fabric of the Aether provides plenty of friction to keep people from both floating off or sinking down. In a Fantasy Steampunk campaign, for example, the winged fae thrive in the

Aether more than most other races because of

person can gaze into their Window and search the


their ability to easily move in three dimensions.

Aether for miles in any direction. Quest Engines created a mobile audience, Disadvantages to travelling in the Aether
and once that happened Guilds and entertainers
, "

Some weather in the Aether - While it never

rains in the Aether
" ,

rushed to obtain Gates, which were like Windows

storms in the real world can


but much bigger and more expensive and which allowed people and objects to actually cross over

manifest themselves in the Aether. Far worse is

when storms in the real world are mere shadows

into the Aether. After that the Aether became the central hub of information. One town crier could

of much worse windstorms in the Aether. . The Aether isn t


empty - Long before people


stand in the same spot every day surrounded by


learned about the Aether

there were creatures

untold numbers of invisible Quest Engines, while shouting out information for people miles and miles
away to hear. Aethermagi could leave messages
, ,

written in the fabric of the space between all things Guilds could move cargo easily and the wealthy with too much free time had a new realm to explore . without leaving the comfort of their own homes.
Advantages to travelling in the Aether

moving it in. Most of them are small and avoid people, but incredible creatures of myth and legend learned to travel the Aether long before Aether Windows. There are currently no known
natives of the Aether

but many who travel it.

No dirt or water means no food naturally grows in the Aether - Most explorers bring food with
them. However

there are some creatures trav-

Extra real estate - By utilizing the Aether you essentially double the amount of things or peo,

elling in the Aether which could be hunted for food or could be hunting others. Farming with

imported dirt is possible but very expensive.


ple that can exist in the same space.

. No terrain in the Aether - Mountains in the real world wouldn t

No terrain in the Aether - With no stars



or terrain to guide them, it is not uncom-

exist in the Aether, nor would

mon for the unwary traveler to become completely lost in the Aether.

The Short Version

Core Rules
As with most role-playing-games...

The purpose of this game is to provide a role ers) playing system which allows players to focus on the NPC = Non-Player Character (Character run by the action and the storytelling and not get bogged down GM)

RPG = Role Playing Game GM = Game Master (Person running the game) PC = Player Character (Characters run by the play-

in rules.

In order to do that

the game design was


d6 = A six-sided die

based on these criteria:


While focused on Steampunk it can work in any


2d6 = Two six-side dice etc.


Has a simple and easy to remember dice system

Dice System


Has a set of simple character creation rules with The basic concept when a character atmany options tempts anything is that Attribute + Skill = Number of Has very simple combat rules with many options which work well without miniatures but can also six-sided dice (d6) to roll also known as a Dice Pool. work well using miniatures, particularly in large So for example, a character with Lockpicking 2 and
, , ,

combat situations.

a Dexterity of 3 would have 5 dice total to pick locks.

When used to activate a power or attack this is spe,

The Slightly Longer Version


cifically called a Mighty Dice Pool because it can be


While focused on Steampunk it can work in any boosted or drained depending on the circumstances.

Packages can be created for different

races and backgrounds and technology


skills, and abilities can work in

any setting. Has a simple and easy to remember dice system


On any die roll Rolling a 6 = 2 Successes Rolling a 5 = 1 Success Rolling a 2-4 = 0 Successes Rolling a 1 = 1 Failure

Everything is done with six-sided dice

with the same results i Rolling a

5-6 = good

More Failures than Successes = Botch 1 Success = Trivial Success 2 Successes = Minor Success 3 Successes = Basic Success


Rolling a 2-4 = neutral

Rolling a 1 = bad

Has a set of simple character creation rules with

many options

4 Successes = Strong Success

5 Successes = Total Success

Characters created on a point-based

system (i.e. not random)

6+ Successes = Exceptional Success

More Successes than dice = Critical Success

Lots of variations for characters

Many helpful example Packages but no


ixed classes or races All characters are custom made individ,

If a GM says a minimum number of successes are required for something a player can still roll
, ,

less successes than required and have an overall uals not cut-out archetypes. More free- failure. This is not the same as a Botch which repdom in character creation = more open resents a truly spectacular failure. For example a player may declare they want to leap from the back role-playing. Has very simple combat rules with many options of a automatonic horse and into an open car of a

which work well without miniatures


but can also nearby moving train.

The GM declares this would

, ,

work well using miniatures particularly in large require 5 successes. If the player rolls 4 successes combat situations. they might still get to the train but be dangling off

h i

Enemy lackeys go down quickly One roll determines "to hit" and damage
Lots of variations available in combat

the edge of the car instead of safely inside. If they

rolled 2 successes and 3 failures

they would have a and either completely miss the train, hurt
, ,

Minimal record keeping (no hit points)


hurt the automatonic horse, or worse.

combat against a single other opponent


Critical Success - If a player rolls more successes than the number of dice they rolled (for example rolling 4 dice and getting a 3 a 5, and two 6s would
, ,

be 5 successes

which is more than 4 dice) then that

Much like a Botch

is considered a Critical Success.


piloting quickly or under difficult conditions. An Attribute + Skill total of 8 or higher can succeed at all unopposed difficult tasks with no roll achieving a Strong Success. This could include completely reprogram,

always fails a Critical Success should always do a little bit better than it would have normally. So a "kill"
result in combat might be a headshot or something

ming a Babbage engine, getting the horse to

ride into combat against a group of armed enemies, or piloting quickly and under difficult conditions.

spectacularly visual to impress or terrify opponents. A Critical Success with a lockpicking roll might allow
an otherwise impossible lock to be picked or a diffi,

An Attribute + Skill total of 10 of higher can succeed at all unopposed very difficult
tasks with no roll with Total Success modi,

cult lock to be picked in half the time. GMs should always provide some sort of reward for Critical Successes. Having said that the reward should be pro,

fying or perhaps creating complete Babbage

engines or getting a horse to charge a pla,

portional to the ability. Someone who rolls a 1 die attack and rolls a 6 should not get the same level of benefit as someone who rolls 8 dice and gets 9 successes.

toon of enemies forming a pike wall or driv,

ing a horseless carriage very quickly down treacherous roads with obstacles pedestri,

or unwary traffic. Near impossible tasks like reprogramming artificial



Automatic Successes

intelligence into a Babbage engine getting a horse


to ride though flames, or leaping a boat with an automatonic horse would always require a roll unless

Players shouldn"t have to roll dice for something Super Skilled (see below). easy for their character. The basic rule is this: Take the total Attribute + Super Skilled - With Attributes capable of reaching Skill total and divide it in half. Assume that they as high as 12 that means Attribute + Skill totals of can claim that many successes at any time when 18 dice are theoretically possible. Attribute + Skill not opposed by another person. So, someone totals of 12 or higher allow "impossible" tasks as if

with a total Attribute + Skill total of 6 could claim

they were normal tasks but at -6 dice. So, a normal


3 successes (a complete success) at any time person couldn t even consider programming artificial
with that skill without needing to roll. More Examples intelligence into a Babbage engine or iding an aur

tomatonic horse up and along a small stone fence Anyone with a combined Attribute + Skill top. If they had an Attribute + Skill total of 14 in Drivtotal of 2 or higher can use that skill to per- ing (Automatonic Horses), then that character could form all unopposed basic tasks with no roll roll 8 dice to ide the horse up onto a stone fence like
and be considered to have a Trivial Success.

a normal person would ride a horse on a big street.

" ,

Examples include powering up a Babbage Automatic Successes described above apply to engine and knowing how to input data some- Impossible" tasks just like regular successes. So in
getting a well-trained the above example the character with 8 dice to ride horse to walk forward or piloting a vehicle in an automatonic horse on a stone fence would be normal conditions. able to automatically succeed with all unopposed An Attribute + Skill total of 4 or higher can difficult tasks (i.e. treat it as 4 automatic successes). succeed at all unopposed slightly harder So. they would be fine as long as the wall wasn"t wet than average tasks with no roll and have while someone was shooting at them etc.
, , , , ,

one else


Minor Success. This might include modifying the data going into a Babbage engine Unskilled - If the character has no skill in an area, getting a horse to gallop, or piloting at nor- then they have their Attribute -1 in dice as a Dice Pool. So an ork attempting to pick a lock with no mal speeds in heavy rain. An Attribute + Skill total of 6 or higher can skill in lockpicking and a Dexterity of 3 would have 2 succeed in unopposed hard tasks with no (Dexterity -1) dice in its Dice Pool, and would most
, , ,

roll for a Basic Success.

This would include

likely Botch before they succeeded since the ork

connecting several Babbage engines to talk would need to roll 3 successes (Basic success) on 2 to one another or some very minor Babbage dice to succeed if it were a standard lock and the ork programming, or getting a horse to ride into had basic low quality lockpicking tools. The GM


cou,d ru,e that ro,,,ng 2 successes two turns ,n a row

wou,d a,so work out of sheer ,uck

but take ,onger

T,me and Sca,e

Time - Time is measured both in combat and noncombat. In combat time is measured in rounds,

than a skilled lockpicker.


where each round takes about 10 seconds.


combat time is up to the GM based on the current Combat rolls are opposed which means the story line. abilities and statistics of the other person matter. Players don't get to use the "half your dice count as Scale - Anything listed as having a range or moveautomatic successes

rule in combat.

Armor or oth-

ment in inches is used to help should the players


er defenses of the target will subtract dice from the decide to use graphs or miniatures. In a combat attacker s Mighty Dice Pool before they roll. Suc- setting 1" = 10,. In a non-combat setting, movement
cesses in combat are compared against the target is measured in hexes with each hex representing 5 and damage applied. For example a gentleman miles across. (See Game Mechanics for more depulls out a dagger and attempts to stab a younger tails on Scale particularly if you plan on using miniafellow who has just insulted his heritage. The tures in your game)
, , , ,

younger fellow is particularly agile, and this agility subtracts a die from all attacks he can perceive. The Movement gentleman rolls his Mighty Dice Pool at one die less than normal and looks up the number of successes In a combat setting the average nonhe got v. the younger fellow,s Constitution to see if armored character can move 5 (50") per melee he hit and if so how much damage he did. So considerations for defenses to hit toughness of the round before they attack. Characters with the Flaw called Short" can only move 4" (40') per melee target armor and damage done are all applied into a round. A character who wants to try sprinting further single simple roll. can make a Run" roll with each success granting 2 Combat allows for variations in the Mighty
, , " , " " , , " , " " ,

Dice Pool based on situational circumstances clever


extra movement distance.


In the case of someone


and desperate measures. The combat section also covers combat against hordes of opponents to keep the dice-rolling from becoming tiresome and


There are no "hit points" in this game. All characters are either fully functional, stunned to
some degree wounded, incapacitated, or dead.

with Enhanced Running, each success on a Run" roll will give 2 of extra movement times the level of Enhanced Running. So one success on a normal Run" roll would normally add +2". For someone with 3 levels of Enhanced Running one success would add +6 of running.
, " , "

In a non-combat setting the average char, ,

acter can move one hex a day per point of Constitution on foot in open terrain. So a character with a Hero points Constitution of 3 could move 3 hexes (15 miles) a day. Characters with the Flaw called "Short" can Player Characters are granted ONE Hero only move one hex per two points of Constitution. A point at the beginning of each game. This can be character may push their Constitution to move one spent or saved for the next game. A PC can never extra hex but will have -1 Constitution the entire have more than six Hero points saved up. Any Hero next day. GMs may alter distances allowed based points gained after that are lost until their total is be- on roads weather, terrain, etc. A character with a Constitution of "0" can barely walk and cannot travel low six again. A Hero point can be spent to guarantee 1 cross-country or sprint. A character with a Constitusuccess on any one roll including a "to hit" roll, or a tion of less than "0" is completely immobile.
" , , , ,

damage roll or a skill roll, etc. More importantly, it could also be spent to reduce damage taken to themselves by one level (including and most usually lowering death to just incapacitated) or to subtract
, , ,

For the most part that,s it.

Three pages of rules. ideas down you ve game. The Later sections go specifics but if you know this
se basic
" , ,

one success from someone opposing them. A Hero point may also be used to allow a character their full
Dodge roll even when they are stunned.

Once you"ve got thegot the core of the into greater detail on much you should be

able to move on to making and character and then start playing.

Character Creation
Each character starts out with points to create their character. They have 20 Basic Points to buy packages skills, and feats. Then a separate 20

Possible Character Background





Law Enforcement - At the lower (10 Bonus

Point) level this could represent someone who stands in towers or in booths around the city

Attribute Points which can only be used to buy attributes. Then


after that, they have a certain number of


Bonus Points to buy anything they want including

watching for trouble. At the medium (20 point) range, it more likely refers to a corporal ser,

Powers. The number of Bonus Points allowed by the GM will determine the power-level of the campaign.

geant, or junior investigator. At the highest lev-

els it could mean the Investigator General of the

city (someone who reports directly to the Head

of Law Enforcement) or an independent along

the lines of Sherlock Holmes.

20 Basic points for Packages Skills, and Feats

20 Attribute Points for attributes Bonus Points for Skills

Guilder - A member of one of the prominent

guilds around town or in the country. It could

Feats, and Powers =

range from something like the clay worker s guild

to the Honorable Order of Watchmakers to a

10 points for an above average starting out char20 points for a fairly skilled adventurer. 30 points for a very high powered or exceptionally
skilled seasoned veteran.

guild of bodyguards or manservants or coal


s place in the guild may or may not have something to do with the guild s actual purpose. For example your character could be the personal assistant to the guild

Your character


Summing up character creation

1 2 3
. .

Decide on your character concept. Spend Basic Points on any Packages

(these are always purchased first)


Spend any remaining Basic Points on

skills and feats

chief financier, or you could be someone assigned to guild espionage, or guild security. The power of the guild may or may not seem obvious but will directly impact the power and freedom of its members. More powerful guilds will




over their members


4 5 6

Spend Attribute points for Attributes Spend Bonus Points on skills, feats,

smaller guilds will grant more freedom. In some

campaigns guilder corporate lackey.

translates to "19,b Century



flaws, Attributes and/or powers


Develop your character's personality and background

Crier - These are people who distribute news

, ,

and fiction to a mass audience, either through print within the Aether, or actually by shouting it to as many people as will listen.

Stepl: Decide on Your Character Concept

you should go about creating your character based on what you personally would like to play. You don t have to fall into any

First and foremost

specific category. If the GM says your concept will fit in the campaign that should be the only re,

For a player character this would translate to more of an investigative journalist type role. Aethermage - These are people who specialize in controlling the Aether what goes through it, and how it is used. They create the Windows and the Gates, and they alone understand the deep mysteries of the Aether>s actual workings. It is a study of either obscure and complicate science or spells and arcane knowledge specifi, , ,

striction. Here are some suggested options to help you get started.

cally centered on this other realm.

In modern

terms, if you were to treat the Aether as a strange physical representation of the internet Aethermagi would be the equivalent of hackers.

Drifter - Nothing more than people who live between the big cities. Maybe they resist the sudden and uncontrolled urbanization. Maybe they

are natural explorers without the funding for an

expensive expedition to distant lands.

Rogue - Someone who makes a living through


Entertainers - These are people who perform

for crowds either on the streets, in theaters, or


albeit not inherently violent means. burglars, con artists, tricksters, pick-

pockets, opium dealers (if illegal in your camin the Aether. Popular stars of the Aether could paign), fences, slave traders, and saboteurs-forhire all fall here. have hundreds to thousands of "viewers" at any one time and competition for such attention is 10. Personage of Business - Similar to Guilder in


Mercenary - This ranges anywhere from bodyguards to assassins to ruffians for hire to actual military mercenaries. These types of people could go by a rigid code of conduct and honor or

many ways but potentially an independent and/ or someone with no actual skills outside the fi,

be completely without morals.


nance and business worlds. Buying and trading businesses, knowing where to invest the business of banking and loans these would all fit in this background.
, ,

Transporters - Those who operate large and/or 11. Political Activist/Radical - Someone who gencomplicated machines for cargo or personnel erally has both the free time and the passion to pursue some sort of extreme political end. Ludtransportation. While it includes dirigibles sub,


carriages, giant walkers, etc., it does

not include military versions of the same.


could also include people who specialize in traveling through the Aether as a guide or navigator 12. Professor - Similar to scientists Steampunk
, ,

dites are good examples as would be anyone who conspired to overthrow the government social classes guilds, or religions.
, ,

without any of the knowledge or abilities of an

actual Aetheimage.

professors have a great passion for their field. Unlike scientists their field may have fewer prac,

Andromeda Ross

Rodney Barry Dej

tical applications outside of academia. While scientists experiment Steampunk professors



divination and speaking with the dead

could also all fall here.

with very little in the 18. Naturalist - Those who not only shy away from the new urban growth and technology but embrace nature and perhaps the wisdom or powers of natural things and the wild. While a Naturalist languages anthropology, paleontology, geology, could be a Luddite (someone who fiercely degeography, meteorology, and astronomy. 13. Panacea (Doctor) - Different from a biological nounces technology) they do not have to be the scientist or a healer. While they usually share same. Most Naturalist simply avoid technology while most Luddites fear it primarily because the same skills and abilities a Panacea is also they fear it will replace them in society. versed in the strange science involved around
research and collect data

way of experimentation. Their specialties might include (but aren"t limited to) history philosophy,
, ,

grafting Steampunk technology to another per- 19. Religious Figure - Not remarkably common in son s body (biocraft). Mechanical arms teleSteampunk settings they certainly could be, particularly if the setting involved any form of invesscopic lenses where eyes used to be artificial wings grafted to the back in all cases the attachtigation into the supernatural. ing process was done by a Panacea. Unless 20. Military Officer - This could refer to officers in they are also ArcSmiths or Engineers they will the Army. Sea Navy Submersible Navy, or Aero Navy. Some training will be common but for the most likely have to buy the prosthetics that they attach to other people s bodies. most part the specialty of the service will define

14. Explorer - Your classic pith-helmet-go-out-anddiscover-someplace-new type. Undiscovered country calls to them be it out west, beneath the

the skill sets.

For someone who enlisted in the


military (a private sergeant, etc), use the Package for the Skill set but don,t take the Military
, ,

Officer package. search of fame some in search of fortune, and 21. Mechanical Engineer - Similar to ArcSmiths some for the sheer joy of discovery. but more traditional coal-powered steam engine 15. Cryptomancer - These types of people would types. The science related to Eldritch Copper
, ,

or among the stars.

Some go out in

be the ones who program operate, create, or


eludes them

but otherwise they still dabble in all

the mechanical components of a working machine. Soot and grease are their closest friends. mancers work in the low-level planning or data input level but player characters could naturally 22. Scientist - Usually choosing a specialty field (or fields) is required. This type of person is less be much higher. In some interpretations Crypabout the hand s on field work of a Aethermage tomancers also write the ,scripts> that Aethermaor Cryptomancer and more about the theoretical gi use in the Aether. 16. ArcSmith (Arcane Smith) or Enigmancer discovery of something new. Classical SteamThis is someone who builds powered or magical punk specialties include (but are not limited to) items from Eldritch Copper. The "tinkers" of the biological science (this includes genetics) phystimes, but specifically skilled in machines or othics. aerodynamics chemistry, and the brand new er mechanical items who are powered (usually field of forensic science. Inventing is their love and their life. through steam engines) by the heat of Eldritch Copper. They could create massive automaton- 23. Savage - In essence someone from some other uncivilized location who was transplanted ic wheat reapers or tiny singing mechanical birds to guns that fire bolts of raw energy into or discovered in wherever the campaign is stead of lead balls. Note that while guilds tend taking place. Native Americans South Americans and Africans would be classic Steampunk to control this sort of activity captains of industry have not been able to exploit the workers of this type savages in an area like Victorian London. trade because of their very unique skill sets. The term "savage incidentally does not in any 17. Sorcerer - Someone who believes in the truly way imply the person must actually be any less Olde ways of Magick" and not anything relying civilized than anyone else. It is a title bestowed on items or gadgets. Depending on the type of by the misperceptions of the general public.
, , < , , , , " " , , , , , , , , "

work with Babbage engines. The bulk of Crypto-

campaign and the World View a sorcerer could


actually throw lightning from their fingertips



have powers more in line with the curses and summoning in the Cthulthu mythos or simply know many occult secrets and tricks that do little

While some savages" act as scouts and guides in their native territory or as ambassadors of their people others simply look different from the
, ,

more than impress or confuse the masses. Hyp-

majority of people nearby. It is up to the player to determine if as a savage a character embraces the culture of the city where they live now

and wear clothing appropriate to that area or if


number of possible sources

they maintain the look and mannerisms of their


you are a cross between a human and some other animal life

form. This is different than the magical Pooka

24. Worker - Could include someone who works

the docks

who have a mystical connection with animals.

or in construction, or who is a gardener or a miner or a cook or butler or any number people who work the common tasks found in any given city.
, " "

This is an actual biological bonding. Part of the


" ,

with this race


25. Secret Society Member - Secret Societies

could conceivably be everywhere. But in order

which could be anything from a desire to eat bugs to an irrational fear of fire. Science Subject - This could also be known as
Animal Mindset a


" ,

which is someone who has been

to remain secret

their members must be able to

fundamentally changed by some sort of science

experiment. It could have been something that made the person permanently invisible or turned them into a man who becomes a hulking beast whenever he gets angry or created some
, ,

blend in.

No matter how powerful they are or

how heinous their group"s activities or how bene-

ficial they are, they must always blend in or risk

discovery or worse. You should take any one other Background Package as your cover. In any given campaign it is perfectly acceptable to
, " " ,

sort of artificial vampire who is sensitive to sunlight and requires blood to survive.
Automaton - There are several instances in

have two player characters from rival secret societies


or from the same one and not know each

See the Sourcebook section on Secret


Steampunk literature where automatonic people designed as servants or copies of important

, ,

Societies for ideas of possible purposes and


people, or messengers, eventually develop sentience and take on a life of their own.
allows it

If the GM

26. Prostitute - Professional prostitution was a fairly involved and complicated affair particularly in the brothels where they were as much for social meetings as they were for the location s stated purpose. Gentlemen (or ladies) might be found

there is no reason why players cannot

choose to be one of these as their character.

Alien - Since all the planets in a Steampunk

universe have atmospheres they too could all, in theory support life of their own. In some cases this could be humans with different accents, languages or cultures. In others they could also have green skin or antennae. In still others
, , , , ,

there talking and discussing philosophy or science between sessions with the ladies (or men)

for example. 27. Member of Society - Many a good Steampunk

tale starts with someone with no obvious ties to

people from other planets might be lizard creatures who ide around on the backs of armored

adventuring what-so-ever. Perhaps they are just a well educated person in the right place at the ight time perhaps they live on the streets, or have inherited great wealth. In all cases, something about them will prove special in the long

Subterranean or "De-Evolved" strains - Another common theme is where either humans

devolve back to more bestial versions of them-


or simply never evolved out of it. These types of creatures are usually discovered underselves

ground or on distant islands.

Possible Character Races

Aethereal Species - While life most likely

couldn t

It is perfectly acceptable for a Steampunk campaign to contain only humans. If everyone in the
campaign agrees to that simply skip this section.

easily evolve in a place without water or soil or direct sunlight, certainly many species have learned to live in or travel through the Ae-


Otherwise read on.


For the modern colloquial definition of *race



ther. The forms and shapes of these creatures are as endless as the imagination. For example. they could include creatures made entirely of
mist who could inhabit special suits to give them
human form.

players can simply describe their characters as having unusual mannerisms or dress, or skin tones, or

other ethnic distinctions. For something actually closer to biologically different species here are

some possible suggestions.


Fantasy Creatures - Particularly if playing with the Fantasy Steampunk World View there should be many such options for players. Here

are some of the recommended ones.

The ones

Human Animal Hybrid - Either the result of

some strange genetic experiment or some fluke of evolution or a mutation brought on by any
, ,

marked (PC) are available as player characters while the ones marked (NPC) will usually only be
encountered as non-player-characters.


that there are no "half-breed" races. While some

science experiment could easily bypass this re-

normally different species either cannot with one another or if they do will produce infertile offspring. Humans (PC) - Humans form approximately one third of the land-dwelling intelligent creastriction

to transform into a gremlin. The average life-span of a fairy is only about 25 years. ii. Fae (PC) - Fae are halfway between
elves and fairies
about 4
, ,


standing, on average,

tall and weighing less than a similarly sized human child. They are also
winged and have mostly hollow bones, which combined with their height makes


usually occupying coasts and plains in-

stead of mountains or forests.


They have no

them physically very weak.

credibly agile

They are inboth on the

special powers standing, or abilities within the world other than that they tend to be more skilled


and adaptable to the ways of civilization since they invented the great cities and crops of the

ground and with ranged weapons. Fae have a natural attraction to Eldritch Copper, but for the most part they also have
the wisdom to use it in relative modera-


Noble Folk - Note that the term "noble folk" refers to all those creatures related to elves and

tion. They make excellent ArcSmiths but tend to focus on creating rare and won,

fairies. This should not be confused with just Nobles" or "Nobility which denotes actual royalty or aristocratic status. All noble folk are creatures of the air. Many (Fairies Fae, and some Pooka) can fly and they have long loved the tops of trees and other places where they could take their ightful place above other creatures., All noble folk have night vision an addiction to magic and a vulnerability to cold iron. Cold iron
" " , , , 1

drous specialty items rather than attempt-

ing to mass produce anything. This is because of their love of quality mixed with their fear of their own addictions to magic. While Fae can fly their size combined with

their small wings means that the average

Fae can only travel in the air significantly

slower than the average human could run. Faster flying Fae exist but usually only

is iron that has been beaten into a shape usual,

ly the shape of a weapon but never touched the flame of a forge. The mere touch of cold iron will

with magical assistance or years of practice. Fae live about twice the length of time as the average human and after pu,

not harm them

but will make them uncomforta,

ble. Cold iron weapons on the other hand, do

much more damage to them than regular weapons accompanied by haunting pain.

berty they externally appear to age at a greatly reduced rate.

iii. Elves (PC) - Elves tend to run in two

classes. folk

For eons elves, like other noble


Fairies (NPC) - Small winged creatures

approximately 5

lived in treetops. They never cut into


or 6" tall

they are the


the trees

but used a special, now mostly

least civilized of the noble folk.

mostly on short-term pleasures they are

forgotten druidic method of singing to the trees which caused them to grow into
whatever shape the elves needed - a room or a stairway for example. In the ancient times they would sing to a tree to get it to grow them a special branch that
, ,

too foreign in mentality and temperament

to integrate into normal society (or be

player characters). They think all animals

are their pets and all humans only exist to

be teased and tricked

and will come out in

would fall off and become a


bonded" bow.

droves to do so when a human wanders

These bows were kept alive and strung

with the hairs of the ancient elves, and

into their territory. They have occasionally

rallied for the defense of their lands and

could only be used by the one who called

rare prodigies have been able to craft items of beauty or power but for the most

part they are creatures driven by their

emotions and flights of fancy. They prefer

dark and cool forests

it up from the tree. The bulk of the elves not only lived their entire lives in forests but used only what the forest could give them. They wore treated bark as armor
, ,

and bright sunlight

carried bonded" bows, and relied on hard-


hurts their eyes. They have very little ability to resist the temptations of Eldritch Copper other than fear of being smacked by whomever is holding it. The normal fairy would have to eat a full coin of Copper (or sleep on one as a bed for a year)

ened sap or animal bones for any handheld weapons. With the advent of Eldritch Copper and lighter-than-air vehicles a significant number of elves have recently

taken to the sky in massive winged dirigi-


Many of the more wealthy elves

have strung their dirigibles together form,

ing floating cities of myth and legend. These cities rarely change locations

Deer - usually manifest with antlers (if male) or a deer tail.

Tend to like to run.


some are more popularly open to outside 10. Dwarves (PC) - Dwarves are most at home near
visitors than others. Elves live to be three

rock and in caves

as is their nature. While they


to four hundred years old but despite popular myth are not actually immortal.

can see in total darkness

they prefer massive

halls cut into mountain tops that look out over the

iv. Pooka (PC) - Pookas are the noble folk who pledged themselves to forest creatures millennia ago. As such each carries

worlds below. Unlike the noble folk though, dwarves have no desire to be


things, and

part of a forest spirit in itself, and can change shape at any time into that forest creature. Each Pooka also has some part of their body that resembles part of their forest spirit. Long bunny ears antlers, a fluffy tail raccoon eyes, feathers for hair,
, ,

tend to fear heights. Ironically they do not fear depths so, looking down from a treetop would be terrifying but looking down into an endless pit
, ,

would simply be another cave hazard to avoid. Beings of rock they are physically tougher than most other creatures and equally strong despite their smaller size and not particularly adept at
, , ,

and bird eyes would all be good examples.

Along with the physical aspect of the animal spirit that inhabits them Pooka take

the social graces. The average dwarf reaches 4" in height but is probably twice the mass of a human of similar age and gender. While dwarves

on a personality trait of their animal form. Pooka live almost as long as Elves but are

are immune to both the temptation and the side effects of Eldritch Copper they also, as a rule,

also far more tied to the forests than their elder cousins. A Pooka would sacrifice

don,t have the patience for magic. There are a

few dwarf ArcSmiths

but it is very rare to see a

themselves if it helped save a patch of wildlife filled forest. If exposed to too much Eldritch Copper Pooka permanently trans,

dwarf sorcerer or Aethermage. Dwarves have mostly taken to Guild work and every aspect of the mining business. The average dwarf lifespan
is approximately three hundred years.
, ,

form into wild beasts

usually exceptionally

powerful and intelligent coyotes or wolves, 11. Giants (NPC) - Giants are stronger more massive versions of Dwarves but also slower of with no memory of what they were before. The most common Pooka forms include mind and body. Their average height is twelve 1 feet tall and there are rumors of older races of Fox - usually manifest with a fox tail or nose. They tend to prefer Great Giants" who are significantly bigger. Gi.


tricks and winning through acts


ants are not stupid but do not do well with quick


of cunning rather the brute force. Raccoon - usually manifest with raccoon eyes or ears. They tend
towards kleptomaniac tendencies although nothing severe


They think everything through



enough to count as a flaw. Owl - usually manifest with owl eyes or feathers for hair. They
tend to be quiet solitary people

slowly and make decisions very deliberately. Once a giant,s mind is made up very little will alter it. When called to combat, they expect a single, massive battle which they will fight in to the very finish and then they expect to be done
, ,






fighting for months or years. Their reasoning is that they would only be called to fight the worst part of the enemy army, and if they defeated them the war must be over. They can go days


Hawk - usually manifest with hawk eyes or feathers for hair.

Usually observant but focused

without eating or sleeping and once they eat a complete meal (usually several large animals)

they also tend to hibernate for several days at a

time. While they like mountains and crags they

on stalking from a distance. prefer the open outdoor mountain tops to caves and tunnels. Giants can live four or five hundred Rabbit - usually manifest with long bunny ears. Tend to be years on average, but hibernate for longer and skittish and overly focused on longer periods of time as they grow older. reproduction-type activities. 12. Gremlins (NPC) AKA "Fallen Fairies" - Gremlins like the fairies they used to be, are focused Squirrel - usually manifest with a bushy tail. Tend to be fond of on short-term goals usually centered around climbing and gathering food. gathering more magic to consume. Unfortunate, ,

ly this tends to take the form of technology pow,

ered by Eldritch Copper. They are slightly more massive than fairies and green-skinned. They
retain their night vision and their wings become

lifespan from when they were elves. No matter the age of an ork before they transformed few

live more than a decade or two more.



of this sudden mortality many orks become either suicidal in battle

more bat-like with the transformation. They travel solitarily or in swarms in both cases constant,

or become complete cowards (although they usually conceal this).

, ,

ly searching for Eldritch Copper. Unlike fairies

they have sharp teeth that allow them to gnaw

into magical items and bite off pieces of the element that powers them. They are considered a nuisance at best and a plague more often than


and are usually killed on sight.

Pooka and

15. Trolls (NPC) AKA "Fallen Giants" - Trolls, mercifully are very rare. Giants are not attracted to Eldritch Copper the way the noble folk are and tend to avoid the throngs of the civilized world and the magical devices that go with it. Trolls are most commonly formed from giants

fairies tend to pity them and avoid them rather than harming them. They are the plague of inventors

scientists, and pilots everywhere.


13. Goblins (PC) AKA "Fallen Fae" - Goblins retain the same height as when they were a fae but their wings shrivel and fall off and they gain a dark green skin color and an uncanny sense of smell. Their night vision also improves allowing
, ,

who have been overworked by the dwarves to carry mine, or transport the magical element. Because of this it is standard policy, but not always practice to forbid giants from working in
, , ,

the Guild mines or to at least limit their work hours. Trolls retain their original size but their wits slow even more and their skin hardens to almost that of rock. In fact, when trolls hiber, , ,

them to see in total darkness.



in many


they become actual rock until they wake up


have proven that they are capable of mentally recovering after the transformation and many seek to prove themselves as useful members of society. While many retain their abilities as ArcSmiths few keep the finesse and grace 16. they used on their craft as a Fae. Their ma,

again. Some rumors say their hibernation cycles are based on daylight and nightfall with nightfall
being the most commonly associated with the

form and daylight the 'hibernation" form. Merfolk (NPC) - Very little is known of the mer,




other than that they live in great cities be, ,

chines tend to be larger and more practical than

the trinkets and toys of their former selves. Goblins have a reputation as thieves and other crimi-

primarily because after the initial transformation most goblins are cast out from their Fae families and have nowhere else to turn. As part of a self-fulfilling prophesy many criminals and
, ,

neath the seas. They have gills on their necks webbed fingers and toes no hair, and a general fish-like appearance to their faces and heads. Merfolk require special water-filled masks to
walk around on land. With the invention of El,

dritch Copper powered submersibles there have been more and more reports of undersea cities

criminal organizations seek out newly-turned and the potential to trade with them. goblins to recruit, and some criminal organiza- 17. Nymphs (NPC) - Nymphs are freshwater creations have even been rumored to kidnap Fae tures that are believed to actually be made en-

and deliberately overexpose them to Copper until they turn. Goblins tend to lose many of their social subtleties during the transformation

tirely of water.

Their motivations and abilities

are mostly unknown. As yet there have been no

reports of any nymph cities on lake beds or within the great rivers although more than one expe,

but their wit and their memories do not fade.

14. Orks (PC) AKA "Fallen Elves" - Much like goblins, orks struggle to continue life after the transformation. Almost all orks go through a period of nearly berserk rage after the change, and retain a sense of physical brutality as part of their new lifestyle. Their wit dims somewhat

dition has set out to find them if they exist.

replaced by increased muscle mass dark gray



a better sense of smell (although not as


acute as a goblin) and the ability to see in total

darkness. Because of all this orks tend towards
, ,

careers in mercenary work and are often recruited for it. In fact most people question an ork doing anything other than mercenary work.

Most tragic for the orks is the reduction in

Animal Mindset

Possible Steampunk Packages

Racial Packages (1 Maximum)

Animal Hybrid Package +1 Any Attribute + l Perception Heightened Sense (Any)
Power Level 2 (Movement Animal)

Automaton Package
1 1 1

Automaton Feat

2 I 1 1 1 I -I -1 -1 4

1 1 -1 -1 -1 5

+1 KN: (Own Animal Type) Unique Appearance

Bonus Total

+ 1 Any Attribute Extended Age + 1 KN: (Own automaton type) + 1 KN: Any Special Equipment Cultural Gap
Non-Human Bonus Total

Scientific Subject Package +2 Any Attribute(s) Power Level 1 (Any)

Choose one or two

2 2 or 4

De-Evolved Human Package +2 Strength

+1 Constitution

2 1 2 or 4

Choose one or two

+2 Perception (All) +4 Perception (1 sense)

+2 Acrobatics

+2 Perception (All) +4 Perception (1 sense)

Swift Feet

Large Heightened Sense and +2 Perception (Same


Power Level 1 (Any) Unique Appearance

Bonus Total

1 1

Night Vision +2 Dodge Lightning Reflexes x2 Cultural Gap 1 Intelligence Unique Appearance

1 1 1 1

4 or 6

Bonus Total

1 or 3

Dwarf Package
Infra Vision

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Extended Age + 1 Trading

+ 1 Constitution

Pooka Package N ight Vision Extended Age Power Level 1 (Body Alteration, animal)
+ 1 Stealth

2 I 2 1 2

+1 KN: Caves + 1 KN: Gems/Metal

+2 Perception
Devotion (Nature)

+ 1 KN: Dwarf Lang Immunity to Copper

-I Charisma

+ 1 KN: DwarfGuifds
Unique Appearance
Short Bonus Total

Magic Addiction Vulnerability (Iron) Unique Appearance

Bonus Total

-1 -1 -1 -1 3

-I -1 -I _| 8

Animal orm must be either fox. raccoon owl, rabbit, f


hawk, squirrel or deer.


Non-Human Bonus Total

Possible steampunk Packages

Racial Packages

(1 Maximum)
Alien Package + 1 Any Attribute
+ 1 KN: Own Culture
1 1 1 2 1

Creature of the Aether Package Power Level 1 (Mental or Magic)

+ 1 KN: The Aether

2 1 1 2 -1

+ 1 KN: Any Science 1 Immunity Special Equipment Unique Appearancc

1 1 1

+ 1 Attribute (Any) Willpower x2 Unique Appearance Bad Reputation

Bonus Total

1 1

Elf Package Night Vision Extended Age Power Level 1 (A Ranged Weapon) + 1 KN (Any) + 1 KN (Any Lang)
+2 Charisma

Fae Package
2 1 2 1 1

Night Vision
+ 1 Charisma

2 1 2 1 I

+2 Dexterity + 1 Perception
+ 1 KN: Arcane

Power Level 2 (Movement, flying, wings)

1 -1 1

+ 1 Dexterity 1 Strength

Gadget ecr
-2 Strength Magic Addiction Vulnerability (Iron) Unique Appearance
Short Bonus Total

-2 -1 -I

+ 1 Stealth

+2 Perception Magic Addiction Vulnerability (Iron) Unique Appearance

Bonus Total


I 1 1

1 1 1

Ork Package

Goblin Package

Infra Vision

Infra Vision

I I 1 2 2 -2

+ 1 Brawling

1 Charisma

1 I 1 1 1

+ 1 Dexterity + 1 Perception
+ 1 KN: Arcane

+1 Dexterity + 1 Strength + 1 Perception + 1 Smell Perception -1 Intelligence Addict Reputation Unique Appearancc
Bonus Total

Gadgctccr +2 Smell Perception -2 Strength


.1 .1 .1 -I 3

1 Charisma


Addict Reputation Unique Appearance

Short Bonus Total

-I -1 .| 3

Possible Steampunk Packages

Background Packages (2 Maximum)

Law Enforcement + 1 KN: Local Area 1 2 1 1 1

+ 1 Forcnsics 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 4

Power Level 1 (Any Weapon)

+ 1 KN: Local Law

+1 Interrogation
+1 Streetwise + 1 Deduction

+ 1 Vehicle

+ 1 Interrogation
Watched (Criers)
Bonus Total

-1 4

Literacy Contact (Any) Tied (Curiosity)

Bonus Total

Army Foot Soldier Power Level 1 (Weapon Set)

+1 Constitution

Military Officer 2 1 1 1 -1 -1 Rank I 1 1 1 1


Natural Leader

+1 KN: Tactics

+1 KN: Campaign Battles Cultural Gap

Bonus Total

+ 1 KN: Strategy + 1 KN: Campaign Battles

+ 1 KN: Other Officers
Bonus Total

Mercenary Power Level 1 (Weapon Set)

+1 KN: Tactics


+2 Piloting (Any) + 1 KN: Piloting Ops

+ 1 KN: Air Routes + 1 KN: Aircraft Pilot,s Liccnsc

1 1 1 1

+ 1 Appraisal
+ 1 KN: Local Armies

Bad Reputation
Bonus Total

Tied (Flight)
Bonus Total

1 1

+ 1 Constitution + 1 Fast Talk

Crier 1 1 1 1 1 1

Power Level 1 (Native Weapon) + 1 Survival (Any 1)

+ 1 KN: Local Area + 1 KN: Tribes

+ 1 Streetwise + 1 KN: Local Area + 1 KN: Politics

Cultural Gap
Dislikes (Urban)
Bonus Total

Literacy Contact (Any) Tied (Curiosity) Bad Reputation

Bonus Total

1 1

Possible steampunk Packages

Background Packages (2 Maximum)

Street Knight Power Level 1 (Any Weapon) + 1 KN: Theology Philosophy + 1 Riding or Vehicle
Devotion (Faith or Code of honor)

2 1 1 I -1

+1 Stealth

+2 Thief Skill (Any) + 1 Appraisal

+ 1 Streetwise +1 KN: Black Market


Money Problems
Bonus Total



+ 1 KN: Local Area

1 1 1 1 1

City Urchin +1 Thief Skill (Any)

+1 Survival (Urban)
+1 Fast Talk

+ 1 Survival (Forest)
+ 1 Constitution

+ 1 Tracking
+ 1 Stealth

+ 1 Streetwise + 1 KN: Black Market

Dislikes (Urban)
Bonus Total

Bad Reputation
Bonus Total

-1 3

Prostitute + 1 Charisma


+ 1 KN: Local Mines

1 1 1 1 I -1 -1

+1 KN: High Society

+ 1 Seduction

+ 1 Survival (Caves)

+ 1 Mining
+ 1 Constitution
+ 1 w/Pick or Hammer

+ 1 Performing (Any 1) Contact (Any 1)

Devotion (Wealth)
Bonus Total

Money Problems
Bonus Total

Laborer +2 KN: Trade/Craft 2


+ 1 Survival (Urban) Money Problems

Bonus Total

I -1
-1 1

+ 1 Swimming + 1 KN: Ship Ops

+ 1 KN: Sea Tactics

1 1

+ 1 Climbing (rigging) Bad Reputation

Bonus Total

1 -1
-1 2

Guild Member


+1 Any trade
+1 KN: Guild Law


+ 1 Appraisal + 1 Trading
+ 1 KN: Local Market

1 1

+1 Bribery Well-Off (1)

Contacts (Guild) Tied (Guild)

1 1
I -1

Well-Off (1)
Dislikes (Rural)
Bonus Total

-1 2



Possible Steampunk Packages

Background Packages (2 Maximum)

Secret Society Member + 1 KN: Rival Group + 1 KN: History of this Sccrct Socicty + 1 Interrogation
Access to Secrcts + 1 Streetwise Well Connected

+2 Any Science + 1 Any Engineering

+1 Inventor

+ 1 KN: Scientists + 1 KN: Latest Scicntific Theories

Watched (Rival) Devotion (Cause)

Bonus Total

Literacy Cultural Gap

Tied (Science)
Bonus Total


Panacea (Doctor)

+ 1 Dexterity
+ 1 Inventor + 1 KN: Latest Scientific Theories

+1 Intelligence
First Aid

+1 KN: Healing Herbs

+1 KN: Bio craft

+ 1 Any Engineering Special Equipment Cultural Gap Tied (Making Gadgets)

Bonus Total


Tied (Medicine)
Bonus Total

Political Activist/Radical

Explorer 1
1 1 Well Oft" \2 or Well Connected

+ 1 Orator),
+1 Persuasion + 1 KN: Political Field

+ 1 KN: Bureaucracy Contacts (Any 2) Watched (Criers)

Bonus Total

1 2 -1
-1 4

+ 1 Navigation Language (Any) + 1 KN: Geography

+ 1 Constitution

Tied ( Adventuring)
Bonus Total

Old Money
+1 KN + 1 KN +1 KN


Dandy Appropriate Clothing

+ 1 Charisma

Intrigue High Society +2 KN Take +1 in 2 Art or History types + 1 Hobby (Any)

+ 1 KN: High Socicty

+ 1 KN: Alcohol

Well-Off (1)
Tied (Nobility) Cultural Gap
Bonus Total

+ 1 Performing (Any 1) Well-Off (1) Tied (Nobility) Cultural Gap

Bonus Total

Possible steampunk Packages

Background Packages (2 Maximum)

Power Level 1 (Aether Window)
2 2 I 1

Power Level 1 (Aether Magic)

+ 1 KN: Aether
Mental Awareness

Religious Figure Power Level 1 (Holy) or Well Connected + 1 Oratory +2 KN: Theology Literacy
Devotion (Faith)
Bonus Total

2 1 2 1
-1 4

Watched (Aether)
Bonus Total



+2 KN: Any Language (Any) Literacy


Power Level 1 (Nature Magic)

+1 KN: Local Area
+1 KN: Animals

+ 1 KN: University Cultural Gap

Bonus Total

+1 Survival (Forest) Dislikes (Urban) Devotion (Nature)

Bonus Total


2 2 1 1

Power Level 1 (Any Magic) Power Level 1 (Different Magic) Literacy + 1 KN: Occult (History)

+2 Any Engineering
+ 1 Inventor + 1 KN: Mechanics + 1 KN: Mathematics
Bonus Total

2 1 1 1 -1 4

Tied (Mentor or Secret Society)

Bonus Total

1 1

Cryptomancer +2 Babbagc Engines

+ 1 KN: Scientists + 1 KN: Mathematics
+ 1 Deduction

Entertainer 2 1 I 1 1

+1 Charisma

1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 3

+1 Performing (Any 1)
+1 Fast Talk

+1 KN: Entertainment


+ 1 KN Talcs & Myths

Tied (Attention)
Bonus Total

Tied (Science)
Bonus Total

Guild Executive

Personage of Business
1 I 1 1 1 1

+ 1 Oratory
+ 1 Persuasion + 1 Deduction
+ 1 KN: Trade Law-

+ 1 Persuasion

1 I 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 4

+ 1 Trading
+ 1 KN: Economics

Law Liccnse

Tied (Guild Execs)

+ 1 KN: Bureaucracy Contact (Any) Well-Off (1)

Dislikes (Rural)
Bonus Total

Cultural Gap
Bonus Total

.1 .1 3

Step 2: Spend Basic Points on

is 1

and the maximum for a human attribute would

, ,

Packages are groupings of skills or abilities
that a character can buy and get a discount on points

spent in exchange for a more rounded character concept. GMs may make up new Packages if they want to add to those listed here. Each newly created terity and 8 for Charisma. Remember that no matter
, , , , " ,

be 6. In a Fantasy genre an elf package might have a -1 Strength as part of the package +2 Charisma and a +1 Dexterity. The elf would start out with a 0 Strength a 1 Constitution, Wisdom, and Intelligence, and a 2 Dexterity and a 3 Charisma. The normal maximums for the elf would then be 5 for Strength. 6 for Constitution Wisdom, and Intelligence, 7 for Dex,

Package should include at least one disadvantage a what the Packages or points spent the maximum for bonus" discount of "-1" point and a minimum cost of any attribute in the game is twelve. Keep in mind that these are background 1 and a maximum cost of 8 points total. The maxi' ,

mum number of Packages a character can buy is Packages. They are there to help you decide just one racial Package (if any are allowed by the GM) that your character s background. You could say
and up to two background Packages. Packages your character went to university to learn philosophy can only be bought during character creation, and then felt compelled to sign up for the Amazing

and should always be the first thing bought be- North War as a Combat Dirigible pilot (Academic Package plus the Pilot Package). Someone who fore attributes and other skills.
started a homeless orphan in the streets who turned Attribute Adjustments

their life around might take City Urchin and Law Enforcement. Characters are allowed to take the same

To keep things simple any bonuses or penalties related to Packages are always plus or minus
ONE point in the Package per attribute point
tweaked. Normally lowering an Attribute 1 point

would get back /a a point to spend on other things. Note that attribute bonuses or penalties from Packages also affect the maximum an attribute can be. The normal starting value for a human attribute your parents...

background Package twice if they want to be The Expert In The Field. After you,ve purchased Packages you ll still have points left over to round out other parts of your character s history - You could choose the Feat Well Off to represent that trust fund or levels in the skill Tracking because of all those autumn mornings spent hunting on the family grounds with

Step 3: Spend Any Remaining

Basic Points on Skills & Feats


Most social skills (Bribery Oration, Per,

Intimidation, Interrogation, Performing) are

based on Charisma.
Common Skills



Everyone is born or at least raised with a Characters start out with 20 points to buy or feats, and Packages. After packages baseline level of skills. Each character may assume
, , , "

are purchased the costs for skills are:

they have each common skill for free, at skill level


(before Packages and other ways to increase

Raise from 0 to 1 = 1 pt Raise from 1 to 2 = 1 pt Raise from 2 to 3 = 1 pt Raise from 3 to 4 = 2 pts Raise from 4 to 5 = 2 pts Raise from 5 to 6 = 3 pts Skill Ivl 1 - Basic training only.
sometimes enough to get lucky.


The Common Skills for a Steampunk genre Dodge, Speak Native Tongue, Perception, Swimming and Running. Note that Common Skills do NOT include Driving Riding, Piloting or Literacy. The historical literacy rate in Victorian London ranged from 50%-66% which is low enough not
are Climb
, , , ,

A familiarity but

to call it automatic. Combat Skills

Skill Ivl 2 - Trained. Day 1 on any job. Little real

experience, but all the right skill sets.

Combat skills do NOT make a character bet-

ter in combat. The ability for a person to do dam-

Skill Ivl 3 - Skilled. Someone with training and a age or hurt another person is calculated entirely little experience. Relatively able to do the job relia- through Powers. Combat skills represent the ability
to do other things with a combat-like maneuver usually uncontested such as shooting a rope just before Skill Ivl 4 - Very Skilled. Significant training and the hangman pulls open the trap door cutting the experience. Almost always gets the basic job done letter "Z" into someone,s shirt without cutting them bly.
, , , , ,

and can branch out into sub-fields.

or performing some amazing martial arts maneuver

which would intimidate the locals and give a bonus
to interact with them.

Skill Ivl 5 - Expert. Unusual and specialized train-

ing and experience. Almost always any type of job done including sub-fields.

The exception to this is Brawling which al,

lows a reduced attack when all other abilities



or weapons have been taken away or rendered

Skill Ivl 6 - Master. Complete guru of this skill. An- useless. yone with skill Ivl 2 or higher in the field would have heard of you. Can perform virtually any task in this Buying Limited Skills
skill no matter how difficult. In some cases limited Skills such
, ,

characters will have a need for

Assigning Attributes to Skills

All skills must be associated with an Attrib,

as Lock Picking that only works


when a mechanized glove is activated or Navigation

ute. When rolling for the success of that skill you roll a number of dice equal to the skill level plus the lowing guidelines
Attribute level.

that only works with the help of a specially charged compass. When buying Skills like this, use the fol-

In general brute force skills (Brawling, Unarmed Combat. Sword Fighting) use Strength as an attribute. Aiming skills (Guns Crossbows, Knife Throwing) use Dexterity. Knowledge skills (knowing ABOUT something like history or famous people or how things work without having any skill in perform, , , ,

If the Skill is fairly limited (only when wearing a

special gauntlet only works at night), then take a

bonus of spending -1 point cost for that Skill with a minimum of 1 for the ENTIRE limited por,

tion of the Skill.


For example to create a limited Skill of


ing an act related to it) are usually based on Intelli-

two levels of Lock Picking which the


gence. Some social skills (Giving Counsel) and some knowledge skills (Philosophy) are based on

t normally have but they are able to use whenever they





place a special gear-covered puzzle box near a lock and press a certain button

speed is 1 per round, with an extra 1" for each

success rolled. 6


then that would normally cost 2 points.

After the bonus it would drop to 1 point.

Running - Ability to sprint short distances. Every success equals an additional 2 the character

If they lose the box they cannot use Lock Picking. If the Skill is very limited (only works once a

may move beyond the norm in a single combat

move. Can also be rolled for footraces. A botch

usually represents a leg injury or a painful fall.


requires a complicated two-hour prepara.

tion) then take a -2 point cost bonus for each Dexterity Based Skills Skill where that applies, again with a minimum 1 Various Missile Weapons - Missile attack with

cost of 1 for the ENTIRE limited portion of the


some sort of weapon. The specific weapon taken must be specified like musket, scattergun,

thrown dagger crossbow, etc. The skill with the


Sample Skills
There is no official skill list

weapon is only used to do special abilities for the

but any skill a

like shoot a sword on the floor so it

> ,

player and GM can think of is acceptable, provided the GM assigns an attribute to go with that skill. The
ones provided here are only the basics and can

slides just out of someone s reach before they can grab it or shoot a flaming arrow to cut a
hangman's noose etc. Actually damage is determined by the Power the character is using as

freely be expanded upon or altered.

Trade skills

(gemcutting, cooking, engineering, mortuary meth-

a weapon.

ods) should be based on whatever attribute the GM and player feel is most appropriate. Skills marked with an asterisk (like Pick Pockets) should be rolled secretly by the GM whenever they are used and the GM may or may not reveal the result ight away.

Disable Trap - Ability to disarm a trap without it

going off. A failure indicates either simply being

unable to do it and realizing it or setting the trap

off harmlessly. A botch usually represents having the trap go off on the person disarming it or
someone nearby.

Strength Based Skills 1 Brawling - Chaotic


mad fist-to-cuffs and dirty fighting. Can be used when all other attacks and weapons are taken away. Total skill with Brawling-1 can be used as a subdual attack. So a character with a Strength of 2 and a Brawling of 1 would have 2 subdual dice in a Brawling attack. This is the only combat skill which actually

Set Trap - Ability to set a trap. The complexity of the trap usually relies on the materials used to make it and their quality. A failure indicates either simply being unable to do it and realizing it

or setting the trap off prematurely and harmlessly. A botch usually represents having the trap go off usually harming the person arming it or

someone nearby. These are the traps normally

associated with spikes or mechanical arms or

allows an attack. 2

Unarmed Combat - Trained barehanded combat


shooting darts etc.

Demolition. 4

For explosive traps


although, like melee weapons, just to per-

form special abilities (see below).


Pick Lock - Ability to open a lock without a key.

Various Melee Weapons - Hand-to-hand with

some sort of weapon. The specific weapon taken must be specified like long sword, rapier, police baton etc. The skill with the weapon is only used to do special abilities for the weapon like to
, , ,

Attempting this without lock picks of some sort (for a mechanical lock) will result in a penalty or require 5 or more successes. A failure indicates
simply being unable to do it and realizing it. A botch usually represents breaking a lock pick in the lock or jamming the lock up so bad it cannot

cut a letter into someone the skin



s shirt without breaking

or spin a sword around fast enough to


be unlocked.
well as unlock. 5

This skill can be used to lock as

etc. Actual damage is determined by the Power the character is using as

a weapon.

intimidate the locals

Climb - Ability to ascend ropes walls, moun,

Pick Pocket* - Ability to take something from someone (or optionally, from a shelf, chest, or other container) without anyone noticing. A fail,


etc. A failure usually only indicates being


stuck and unable to go any higher while a botch

can represent a painful or potentially fatal fall.


ure indicates simply being unable to do it and realizing it. A botch usually represents overtly being noticed or being noticed and not knowing

Swimming - Ability to swim long distances slowly or short distances quickly. Basic swimming

it. This skill can be used to place items as well as remove them. This skill can be used for shoplifting as well.

Stealth* - Ability to move quietly and without 14. Aether Shadowing* - Ability to follow someone in the Aether with a Quest Engine without them being seen or to hide and not be found. Penalknowing. Since Quest Engines are normally ties and bonuses should obviously be applied invisible this only applies when the subject has based on clothing and equipment lighting and surroundings etc. A failure indicates usually Mental Awareness and a chance to actually see the device. A failure indicates being obviously being seen or heard. A botch usually represents noticed or losing track of the person. A botch either being seen or heard and having no idea may indicate following the wrong person or beor tripping over something and making so much
, , , , , ,

noise that you ve attracted more attention than ing noticed and having no idea. you would have normally. Wearing normal me- 15. Sleight of Hand* - Also known as legerdemain.


tallic armor gives a -1 die to -3 die penalty (see


Armor). Dodge - Avoiding damage.

The ability to hide things, do simple parlor tricks. or palm or switch items. A failure indicates being obviously noticed. A botch may indicate thinking you"ve done one thing while actually doing another (putting the pea under the wrong

A player may de-

clare a universal -1 Protection for one round for

every 2 dice of Dodge that they use that round. No roll is for Dodge is actually made. Dodges must be declared before an attack against them

for example), or being noticed and having

no idea.

is made. A person Dodging can move but every 16. Art Ability - Ability to create something artistic and therefore of value. Each type of art must be die they use to Dodge will be one less die they

can use to Attack. So if a person declared 2 dice of Dodge used then they would have -1

chosen separately.

Could include sculpture

painting, songwriting, story writing, etc, or could

Protection and -2 dice to attack.


be combined with some basic craft like goldsmithing or woodcarving or engineering to pro-

Play Instrument - Ability to manipulate a musi-

cal instrument to play a song. A failure usually

indicates playing something in an uninspiring

duce something truly of value. A failure indicates creating something of no artistic worth. A
botch may indicate thinking you've done something brilliant while actually creating something either incredibly mundane or embarrassingly bad. Note that the social skill Persuade might

or playing something with several flubs in it. A botch is a painful rendition that actually offends any who hear it. Breakfall - Ability to recover from a fall miniway
, ,

mize a fall

or recover from a Knockdown attack.


be able to convince someone that a failed or

Every two successes reduces the level of damage from a fall by one or allows instant recovering from a Knockdown.

botched art attempt still produced something of real value. This skill does not include art history

10. Escape Artist - Ability to bend limbs or the body in certain ways to loosen bonds and es- 17. Small Boat Navigation - The ability to operate a small sea boat either by oar, motor, paddle or cape from knots ropes, and chains.
, ,

which would be Knowledge skill.




11. Acrobatics - Ability to perform complex feats

, ,


that stays essentially within sight of the


with the human body. Includes tumbling jumpshore or bank (i.e. not the open ocean). ing flipping, balancing, etc. Some GMs may 18. Riding - Ability to ride a domesticated mount of
allow a bonus in some combat situations for

some sort. A failure usually indicates the animal

simply stops or continues what it was doing be-

clever uses of this skill.

12. Aerobatics - Ability to perform complex feats with the body while flying or falling. Most common with those races who have wings (Fae and Faires) but rarely also common with individuals who ride individual flying vehicles or spend a lot of time in the near-weightless Aether. Includes flipping looping, diving, etc. Some GMs may 19.
, ,


A botch usually indicates the animal has

, ,

rider or turned on them. For the most part being able to ride one animal applies thrown the

to all others of the same type (ground air, or water). GMs may apply penalties to particularly

unusual or unruly animals. Driving - Ability to ride

steam-powered A roll

allow a bonus in some combat situations for

clever uses of this skill.

ground vehicle of some sort, including potentially

something guided by rails like a train.

13. Shadowing* - Ability to follow someone without them knowing. A failure indicates being obviously noticed or losing track of the person. A botch may indicate following the wrong person

would generally only be required for some sort of abnormal driving feat such as conducting a high

speed chase driving through a crowded mar, ,


evading gunfire, jumping the gap over a


or being noticed and having no idea.

drawbridge etc. A failure usually indicates the

driver had to stop or got caught or lost whoever they were pursuing plus some minor vehicle

Zoology, Biology, etc. Note that a knowledge of something like say Tactics, is not
, ,

damage. A botch usually indicates some sort of significant wreck. This skill must be purchased separately for each type of vehicle (steampowered carriage, automatonic horse, large mechanical walker or giant hollow automaton etc). 20. Piloting - Ability to pilot a small dirigible, massive zeppelin hot-air balloon, personal propeller backpack or some other type of airborne vehi, , ,








Knowledge is book-leamed understanding with-

cle. A roll would generally only be required for some sort of abnormal flying feat such as con,

ducting a high-speed chase, air-to-air combat

out experience. The skill Tactics would be actually practiced and honed. Many Knowledge skills are related to Packages. Obviously there are a number of Knowledges unique to Steampunk. Examples include a Eldritch Copper b Eldritch Copper Items c Eldritch Copper Vehicles d Eldritch Copper Addiction
. . . .

flying through a tunnel etc.

, ,

A failure usually

indicates the pilot had to stop the maneuver and regain control plus possibly some minor aircraft

Guilds Guild Personalities Guild Protocol Guild Relations The Aether

h i

damage. A botch usually indicates some sort of significant crash. Usually each type of vehicle
requires buying this skill separately.
Constitution Based Skills 1 Survival - Ability to live

Specific Aether Areas


k I

Aether Magic
Aether Personalities

off the land. Each type


m n

of terrain (Forest Desert, Urban, Aether, etc)


Olde Magick Biocraft Options

must be purchased separately.

Intelligence Based Skills

Appraisal* - Ability to look at an item and accu-

Perception* - Ability to notice things around

rately judge its worth. A failure indicates usually missing the actual worth of something by 10%25%. A botch may include judging an incredibly
valuable item as worthless or vice versa. 7

you. A failure indicates missing something. A

botch may indicate totally misinterpreting something.

Interrogation* - Ability to get information from


Tracking* - Ability to follow a creature by the trail they left. GMs should modify this for weather available light, number of other creatures

either through clever speaking tactics,


who have passed nearby how much time has


or through violence. A Basic Success gets the information needed while a failure gets nothing, and a botch gets something false believed to be
true. Note that creatures being interrogated would get to roll any Willpower to resist (see

passed, etc. A failure usually indicates losing the trail while a botch could indicate following a completely false trail or getting hopelessly lost.

Aether Tracking* - A skill combined usually

with a spell or device to specifically follow or

track someone in the Aether. It is a special skill

Feats). Search* - Like perception but specifically trying to find things hidden.

Bureaucratics - Ability to manipulate complicat-

ed systems of government business, or organi,

because no one in the Aether leaves footprints. Deduction* - Ability to take a string of information and put it together for a logical conclusion. A failure indicates usually just not being


able to put the pieces together. A botch may include coming up with something completely and passes are expected required and generatwrong and being convinced it is correct. ed etc. While the general skill works at some 10. Forensics* - Ability to study a body or a crime level this skill should be purchased separately scene or other location and determine things

It includes knowing where bribes are


expected or forbidden, knowing what permits


for each Guild if someone expects to work or make any real progress within that Guild. Knowledge skills (AKA "KN") - Knowing ABOUT something like history or famous peo,

about it. A failure indicates usually just missing

something or concluding nothing. A botch may include coming up with something completely wrong and being convinced it is correct.

ple or how things work, without having any skill 11. Gambling* - Ability to play games of chance

in performing an act related to it. Any science history art. or language skill would fit here, along with things like Tactics Black Market,
, , ,

and come out ahead. GMs may run this skill however they wish either rolling for each round of chance or more likely, for a whole evening of
, ,

games to determine the final outcome. A failure

usually means losing a little bit. A botch may include losing everything or possibly even being

tended suggestion. No level of successes will force a target to do something self-destructive or

radically against their nature. Note that creatures being hypnotized would need to be in a quiet environment, and get to roll any Willpower

accused of cheating. GMs may wish to have players buy this skill separately for each type of

to resist (see Feats). gambling game. 12. Navigation - Ability to read and follow maps 21. Demolition* - Ability to set explosives to the read difficult terrain etc. A failure usually indimaximum effect. While something like throwing cates lost time while a botch is usually getting a glass jar filled with nitroglycerine wouldn t retotally lost. GMs should modify this for weather quire this sort of skill, anything with a trigger or
, , , ,

light maps and their quality, etc. 13. Aether Navigation - Ability to read the subtle natural currents and patterns in the Aether and


or any attempt to destroy a structure in a


specific way would all require this skill. In cases of destroying objects more successes result in

not get lost in the void. It is completely different smaller explosives doing more damage than from normal Navigation. they would normally. 14. First Aid - The practical application of Biology 22. Big Business - Ability to manipulate logistics to help mend wounds. This is not powered healpersonnel, finances, and investments to improve business profits and conduct other corporate, ing and is very slow. Three successes (Basic transactions. Success) can stop a Wounded person from getting worse whereas 4 successes (Strong Suc- 23. Babbage Engine - Ability to use Babbage Engines, from basic programs to complicated process) would be required to stop an Incapacitated person from dying. Extra successes might gramming. speed up the healing process by a day or two. A 24. Writing - Ability to create a work of journalism fiction or non-fiction, worthy of publication. See failure usually indicates that the patient is no Art for more details. better or worse off than they were before. A botch usually indicates an extra level of damage. 25. Engineering - Must be purchased separately 15. Biocraft - The ability to mix and merge biologifor each type (Electrical mechanical, thermo cal forms with mechanical or electrical ones. fluid Eldritch Copper, etc). Allows the actual creation modification, or repair of something, This could range gear-driven limbs to telescopic lens enhanced eyes. This skill is the ability to rather than just knowledge of the theory. attach and maintain such devices safely. It 26. Inventor - Skill at creating some new work in would take Inventor or Engineer to create them. the field. It could include creating a new psycho16. Tactics* - Ability to plan out and execute small logical therapy making a new treatment for an unit battles usually no more than 10-20 to a illness or, most commonly, the ability to tweak
, , , , , , , , , , ,

side. A success usually adds a die to all combat rolls on the planner s team. A failure usually indicates no bonus and a botch usually indi' ,

cates a fatal error which gives everyone on the team a penalty. This skill must be taken separately for ground sea, air, and undersea Tactics.

and create new devices and gadgets. It can only be used in combination with a skill already known, and either to create something with temporary results, or something with permanent re-

17. Strategy* - Like tactics but on a grander scale, usually at least in the hundreds. It could also

sults if experience points are spent. With used with changeable Gadgets this skill is rolled to determine how quickly a gadget,s function can

be changed.

include the logistics and movements of massive 27. Repair Gadget - Ability to examine a piece of armies. This skill must be taken separately for equipment usually filled with pipes, gauges, and ground, sea. air, and undersea Strategy. gears, and figure out how to make it work again. 18. Open Sea Navigation* - Ability to chart the A failure indicates simply being unable to do it
stars and navigate large seas or oceans.

19. Open Air Navigation* - Ability to chart the stars

and navigate long distances by air.

and realizing it. A botch usually represents damaging the item beyond normal repair.
Wisdom Based Skills 1

20. Hypnotism* - Ability to influence others usually


through suggestion and extreme relaxation.


Give Counsel* - Ability to guide someone down

Basic Success gets the information needed


a wise path.

Every two successes usually


plants a single simple suggestion within a person. A botch could seriously damage the target s mental state or plant a completely unin" ,

means giving them a +1 to their Dice Pool with whatever they were trying to do while a failure gives no bonus, and a botch gives a penalty.

Meditation - Usually used to regain Mighty Dice Pool for psychics and sorcerers particularly in regards to Mental powers in campaigns where

Trading - Ability to trade and get the best deal

the recovery of Mighty Dice Pool dice takes longer than normal.

Can also be used to clear the 8


possible. A Basic Success could indicate a slighty better-than-fair trade while a failure could represent a slightly below fair trade and a botch could represent selling a cow for a bag of beans.
, ,

remove mental fatigue, and add a +1 die


Disguise - Ability to change one's outer appearance to seem like someone else.

to Intelligence based rolls while meditating.

Includes not

failure would give no bonus and a botch would give a penalty. Every two successes would recover 1 die to a Mighty Dice Pool instantly while

only clothing but personality, speech patterns,

and so on.

A failure might indicate someone

, ,

a failure would result in none and a botch would


remove one if they had any left or prevent them from getting more than half back until after their next full night s sleep.
, '

seeing through the disguise a botch might mean either they see through it and you have no idea or that the attempt is so bad it is laughable.

Seduction - Ability to get a person to have sex


3 4

with you or, through sexual methods or promisKN: Philosophy - A knowledge skill based on es, persuade them to do what you want. wisdom rather than book study. 10. High Society - Ability to mingle with the upper

Resist Copper Madness* - Ability to be around Eldritch Copper and either not suffer fits of rage
or not succumb to Noble Folk addictions. results of this skill.

crust who have little to do but focus on the nu-


ances of formality intrigue, and popularity. 11. Guild Society - Ability to mingle with the
, <

Eldritch Copper and Copper Madness for the


levels of Guilds who obsess



over their power and how they can gain more.

Charisma Based Skills 1


12. Diplomacy - Ability to mediate conflict and get two different groups (one of which you may or

Performing - Ability to sing dance, act, juggle, joke, or otherwise entertain a crowd. Each specialty must be paid for separately. A Basic Success could indicate coins from the crowd while a

may not represent) to agree on something or

come to terms. While a failure would produce no


a botch might actually make things


failure might indicate no money and a botch could represent anything from heckling to a public beating. A special option is Aether Performing which involves entirely different methods for dealing with very large grounds performing for Quest Engines, and using the unusual attributes of the Aether (like no gravity) in the performance. Persuasion* - Ability to get others to do what
, , ,

Includes mediating conflicts between Guilds although Guild Bureaucracy is usually required for this to be effective.

you want.

Animal Handling - Ability to care for domestic

animals without spooking them. Includes the

knowledge of what to do as well as how to do it. Bribery - Ability to give the right amount of money and the right time to get the job done. A failure might indicate simple refusal (and price increase), while a botch could get violent. Streetwise - Ability to know what goes on at the

street level of society and how to interact with those who live there. This doesn"t just refer to

thugs thieves and prostitutes; it also includes


street vendors 6

police officers, beggars, and any-

one else who spends their time on the streets.


Oratory - Public speaking ability. Like Persuade but with large crowds. If nothing else, it

could be used to hold a crowd s attention. A fail-


ure might indicate that a crowd doesn t form or doesn't stay while a botch could represent any,

thing from heckling to a public beating.


Feat List

The costs for feats are less universal and


Immunity (2 Pts) - Each immunity gives the

owner a resistance to basic normally dangerous

are listed individually beside each feat.


Feats are

abilities and powers which give bonuses to do certain things or include extra special abilities. While
this list is not all inclusive

such as poison, fire, radiation,

inability to breathe while under water,


GMs have the final say on


It does not prevent damage from concensuch as an experimental hand,

what feats will or won t

be allowed and what they do. Anything listed as a 1bonus" is added to the player,s Dice Pool while a penalty is subtracted from the
" ,


trated attacks

cannon that ires a cone of fire but would allow

Dice Pool. So, if normally a character had a 6 die Dice Pool a +1 bonus would mean they would 2 penalty would mean have 7 dice to roll and a
" " , " "

a person with immunity to fire to walk barefoot across a bed of hot coals without taking any damage. Note that immunity to fire would allow
them to stick their hand on a hot oven, but a GM

they would have 4 dice.

may rule that it doesn t give the person the abilA character wanting a


Note that most feats are usually purchased

during character creation.

ity to breathe the smoke of a burning building unless immunity to breathing" is also bought

boat or a henchman after that might have to purchase them using conventional monetary means.

separately. Immunity to poison protects against

The GM may also award feats for successful roleplaying in campaigns. For example, the most common reward feat is to give a character a 1-use (or permanent) Contact as a reward for helping someone saving their life, or the life of someone they

extra damage from poison attacks as well as naturally poison environments. Immunity to Eldritch Copper is not unfortunately, an option for Player Characters (other than Dwarves). Should GMs choose to allow it they should ind some other way to monitor the amount of Eldritch Cop, ,

cared about

or giving them some money when they

Rank and Rescue Favor

were down on their luck.

per a person has on their person, and should take into account that most people will assume
someone loaded down with the stuff is on the

are other common GM rewards for particularly wellplayed campaigns. Buying Limited Feats
In some cases

verge of succumbing to Copper Madness. Invulnerability (8 Pts) - This gives essentially

an immunity to every normally dangerous envi-

characters will have a need for


limited Feats, such as Immunity that only works while wearing a special suit or Quick Draw which only works for a spring-loaded derringer hidden up
their sleeve. When buying Feats like this use the

ronment anyone can think of. This will not protect against any types of susceptibilities. Pilot,s License (1 pt) - Required to legally pilot
a hot-air balloon, dirigible submersible etc. Can

be revoked for certain irresponsible or reckless


following guidelines

Law License (1 pt) - Required to practice law.

Can be revoked by the Legal Oversight Guild. If the Feat is fairly limited (only when wearing a special outfit only good with one weapon), then take a bonus of spending -1 point cost for that

Medical License (1 pt) - Required to practice medicine write prescriptions, and to diagnose



with a minimum of 1 for the ENTIRE lim.

patients. Requires the Feat Literacy and Doctorate. Can be revoked for malpractice.
Doctorate (1 pt) - A terminal degree usually

ited portion of the Feat. a For example to create a limited Feat of Immunity From Needing To Breathe

conferring some level of prestige within the ield as well as the possibility of teaching at a major

which only works in a special diving suit


then that would normally cost 2 points. After the bonus it would drop to 1 point. If they lose the diving suit they cannot

university. Bestows the title Professor." Rank (1 pt) - Some sort of status either through military inherited, aristocratic, or elected posi" , ,

tion or title.

Gives +2 dice in social rolls with

use that Immunity.

anyone who respects that rank structure.

If the Feat is very limited (only works once a


requires a complicated two-hour preparation) then take a -2 point cost bonus for each Feat where that applies again with a minimum
, ,

High Rank (2 pts) - A higher level of Rank. Gives +3 dice in social rolls with anyone who
respects that rank structure.

Special Equipment (1 pt) - Special Equipment

could be an ancient mystic clock that decodes ancient ciphers, or a lasso that makes people

cost of 1 for the ENTIRE limited portion of the



te,, the truth

or a compass that po,nts to the ho,der,s greatest des,re or a sma,, contrapt,on

, , ,

wou,d d,sturb you.

As a m,n,mum th,s feat


shou,d a,,ow an add,t,ona, +1 ,n whatever sense

that lights up in the presence of automatons. Generally it refers to some piece of utility equipment with a minor affect to the campaign. If a
character would average using it more than once

was purchased. This can be bought up to three

times for cumulative effect.

Literacy (1 pt) - The actual ability to read one"s

native tongue.

it is probably too powerful and should be purchased as a Power. It could

or twice a scenario


Language (1 pt) - This refers to fluent speech in

one other language or any sort. If the character also has Literacy in their native tongue the GM may rule they have Literacy in all languages they speak.
, ,

also be used to represent a special characteristic to a weapon giving that weapon some charac,

teristic like unbreakable

or sentience.

10. Access to Secrets (1 pt) - Authorization to re-

Linguist (2 pts) - Gives the character fluent

speech in two other languages plus familiarity

stricted information and places, usually referring

to the stuff of secret societies

the military, the


with 3 related languages. Familiarity would allow

simple sentences at best.

government, law enforcement, or important family or guild information. In modern times this would be called a Security Clearance. Usually
will not grant access to anything which is classiied "Need to Know" in its own right but required

Gifted with Languages (3 pt) - Gives the character luent speech in five other languages plus familiarity with 10 related languages. Familiarity

would allow simple sentences at best.


before any argument to see or get into anything Need to Know" can even begin. Can be revoked for any number of crimes or suspicious activities. Can include special symbols brands, tattoos or other concealed methods of gaining
" ,

Willpower (1 pt) - Every point of Willpower counts as -1 Protection against Powers based
on Illusions and other Mental abilities and

access to Guild areas.

against skills like Interrogation and Seduction. May be purchased up to three times for cumulative effect. Also includes ability to resist Copper
Madness. 21.

11. Mental Awareness (1 pt) - Ability to get a normal perception roll to detect mental powers and supernatural activity which would otherwise be invisible to normal vision. Does not give the ability to analyze the activity unless 5+ successes

Cultural Innocence (1 pt) - A bonus to resist the temptations of the world. It is Mental Protection like Willpower but may only be purchased


are rolled, and requires 3+ successes to give a rough direction. This includes the ability to see Quest Engines. 12. Infravision (3 pts) - The ability to see in complete darkness using heat signatures and availa-

others when they attempt Bribery Seduction or any powers or skills involving greed lust, promises of power or other temptations in general.
, , ,

Does not include the ability to resist Copper

Madness. 22.

ble light.

This is common with dwarves, orks

Contacts (1 pt each) - Contacts in some organization that can occasionally help the character

goblins, and other cave dwellers..

13. Night Vision (2 pts) - The ability to see in near complete darkness using available light. This is common among characteres with advanced
senses or martial arts training or certain night
, "

out. This might be an old friend in law enforcement a cousin who does a lot of selling on the

and only gives a -2 Protection to the roll of

black market

the manservant of a noble who


overhears a lot of information about the upper

class, etc. When dealing with a contact add a +2 to any social rolls with them but keep in mind



goggles, as well as among elves, fae and


some pooka.

14. Extended Age (1 pt) - An extended life-span ranging anywhere from 180 years to immortality.

It is so cheap because while it makes a great plot device, it rarely comes up in game play. 15. Heightened Sense (1 pt per sense) - An abnormal trait in one of the five senses. Could be


they have to look after themselves as well. Contacts are only good for information including potentially knowing where to get specific objects. Well Connected (2 pts) - Gives three Contacts

as above. Any additional contacts must be bought individually.


used to represent a sense of smell capable of identifying people by scent (with no real range)

Well-Off (1 pt each) - Each point spent on this

would represent a tiny step up the monetary lad-

or better microscopic vision or hearing in animal frequencies or the ability to taste poisons, or the
, ,

der from basic income. Taking this feat adds the campaign equivalent of $100 or 1 gold piece to a

ability to detect every component of a fine wine

s petty cash reserves and again be-

or touch so sensitive a pea under your mattress

tween every scenario.

Every additional level

to the petty cash reserves beSo having two levels of Well-Off would give a character $1 000 or 10 gold pieces instantly, and another $1,000 or 10
adds a



tween each scenario.

for their masters or even go somewhere dangerous for them; that is not what they do. Instead

they provide advice limited knowledge (the give


gold pieces between each scenario. In addition,

+1 to any one Knowledge chosen when the Familiar is purchased) and they add +1 to their

each level of Well-Off would allow progressively larger loans for big purchases equal to 10 times their normal petty cash allowance. Can be taken a maximum of three times. Additionally each
, ,



s Mighty Dice Pool provided they mainIf a Familiar dies the owner

tain visual contact.

instantly takes one level of damage (usually to Stunned, although GMs may rule Dazed or even
Wounded is more appropriate). gle human (usually) lackey or bodyguard or
hired ruffian. This warrior will be less skilled

point spent on this could represent a constant

source of one
each scenario.

dose" of Eldritch Copper dust 28. Henchman (2 pts) - Allows the character a sin-

25. Very Well-Off (3 pts each) - Can only be taken

after three levels of Well-Off and adds an addi,

than the character

tion "zero" for every 3 points spent. 26. Animal Companion (2 pts) - Allows the character a single animal companion. It is chosen once, and stays with the character until one or the other dies. When the animal companion

until one or the other dies

and stays with the character or the lackey doesn t

> ,

get paid.

Generally, Henchmen have a fixed When the

salary although are usually loyal enough to stick

around for the good of the cause.

Henchman dies

the character must buy this

dies, the character must buy this Feat again to get a new one. GMs should allow animals that
make sense for the character.

Feat again to get a new one. Characters may have more than one Henchman at a time if they
are willing to pay the points.
Henchmen are not suicidal

Most characters

might have a large dog a falcon, a horse, or

possibly a rare but intelligent creature like a ferret or a monkey. Bears panthers and the like should probably be ruled out or should cost at

morale rolls.

While protective and are subject to Players who repeatedly send


Henchmen in to fight their battles for them should find those warriors abandoning them fairly quickly.

least one additional point.

animal to be an

GMs may allow the



or one 29. Servant (1 pt) - Allows the character a single

from the Aether or another world if that fits within


This servant may have one or two


the campaign. Characters may have more than one animal companion at a time if they are willing to pay the points. Animal companions are
, ,

mundane domestic skills

but will be useless in

combat. These servants might include a robot, a


an advisor, a historian, a documentarian,

, ,

above average in intelligence for their species


but are not telepathically linked to the owner and while protective they are not suicidal. Players who repeatedly send animal companions in

etc. It is possible for particularly loyal servants to be protective of their employers but
a student

again they should be completely useless in


to fight their battles should find those animals abandoning them or dying fairly quickly. 27. Familiar (2 pts) - Allows the character a single

combat. Characters may have more than one Servant at a time if they are willing to pay the points. Note that in most Steampunk worlds, having a Servant is a significant status symbol familiar. It is chosen once and stays with the one being the minimum required to be thought of character until one or the other dies. When the as upper middle class or "upper class." Noble familiar dies the character must buy this Feat folk (only) may choose a Fairy as a Servant. again to get a new one. GMs should allow crea- 30. Handy Servant or Henchman (1 pt) - Requires
, " " ,

tures that make sense for the character

Black cats

but familiars should always be something unusual.

, ,







owls, small Artificially Intelligent talk,

ing automatons a floating intelligent artifact from

them to exceptionally useful. By "useful" this means that they tend to have a few basic skills handy outside of combat like the ability to tweak
, , ,

the Aether or another world, all make good familnew gadgets repair damaged vehicles, some first aid skills etc. iars. The big differences between a familiar and an animal companion are a) all familiars are sen- 31. Sidekick (4 pts) - An advanced form of Henchman a sidekick is significantly more competent tient and b) all familiars are somehow (scientifically, magically or telepathically) linked and possibly even unusually skilled (up to 5 Boto their owners. Characters may have more nus Points). Unfortunately while usually very than one familiar at a time if they are willing to loyal they tend to be laden with psychological pay the points. Familiars will almost never fight
, , ,

inexperience, or a general tendency to get themselves into trouble. 32. Minions (6 pts) - Basically a lot of Henchmen. This buys 10 regular Henchmen or 5 Handy
, , ,

issues, bad luck

(either for riding in, or riding on, depending on

how you want to describe it) possibly with a sail

or steam powered propellers. Only good for travel within sight of the city or shore or possibly


with the restrictions listed above.


short trips slightly beyond.

33. Lackeys (3 pts) - A lot of Servants. This buys 39. Air Ship/Yacht (4 pts) - This would include a 10 regular Servants or 5 Handy Servants, with large air vessel capable of crossing the countrythe restrictions listed above. Each Handy Servside or sea by air. This might include a mediumant counts as 2 regular Servants so combinasized zeppelin capable of housing a good-sized tions are possible (like 8 regular Servants and 1 family comfortably for a vacation or maybe one capable of 20-30 guests plus crew. This point Handy)
, , ,

34. Utility Belt (1 pt) - Very similar to a Handy Servant or Henchman but of a smaller scale
, ,

cost only includes the vessel, and not the crew it

would take to run it.

and in the form of varying pieces of equipment. 40. Vehicle/Mount (1 pt) - You have a superior Essentially any time the character needs someground vehicle created or purchased to help you thing "useful" but not actually related to combat, in your adventures or duties or you have an they can simply pull it from their belt backpack, above average horse (living or automatonic) or
, ,

whatever as long as it makes sense. Lockpicks

, ,






flashlights handy length of rope, fingerprint kits,

steam engine repair kits blood typing kit, water

adds +1 die to any maneuver Dice Pool related

to it.

Having this feat does not automatically

purification tablets, iron handcuffs, etc. are all

with the character

make the vehicle/beast legal to own or operate.


possible gadgets, provided they make sense 41. Combat Vehicle/Warbeast (3 pts) - You have s background. a superior vehicle created or purchased or a 35. Gadgeteer (2 pts) - Like Utility Belt but also warhorse (again living or automatonic) or similar well trained mount. If a vehicle it adds +1 useable in combat. So. for example if a characdie to any maneuver Dice Pool related to it and ter learns that a vampire-like character has a in addition provides -1 Kinetic and -1 Energy vulnerability to sunlight the character could, after a trip back to the lab a suitable amount of Protection to its occupants and extends one of time working on it and the appropriate skill roll, the owner,s weapons to it allowing the weapon
, , , , , , , , , ,

rewire his hand-cannon heat-beam blaster to be

to fire through the vehicle>s armor, or be used as

a turret weapon or not have any penalties to

a UV sunlight beam blaster instead. This can t make a power more powerful but can change the "Description" of a power to take advantage of enemy Vulnerabilities and Susceptibilities. Without GM permission this doesn't allow a power to now rotate between special effects, it
, , , ,

use it in the case of a hand-to-hand weapon and a warbeast. Having this feat does not automatically make the vehicle or beast legal to own or operate. If it is a mount the mount provides +2 dice to any maneuver Dice Pool rolls related to it and the mount may be assumed to have the
, ,

stays as the new version until more time refeat Brave. search and another skill roll changes it back to what it was or into something new. A beam will 42. Trackless Step (1 pt) - Allows the character to usually only do one thing for example, but the leave no prints anyone could track in one envi,

GM could rule that a gun could have several different types of ammunition for different occasions once special bullets have been re,

ronment (usually a forest). This can be purchased multiple times for multiple environments.
It could also be used to represent an Aethereal

searched and created.

creature or winged creature who floats above

, ,

36. Boat (2 pts) - This would include a small the ground etc. coastal boat with sail or steam engine. Could 43. No trace (2 pts) - Includes Trackless Step but adds the ability to not to leave fingerprints or also include a one or two-person submersible. Only good for travel within sight of the shore or other forensic evidence. Having this feat subtracts -4 dice from any attempts to use Forenbank or short trips slightly beyond. sics on the character or the character s actions. 37. Ship/Yacht/Submersible (4 pts) - This would include a large ocean-worthy vessel capable of 44. Sneak Attack (1 pt) - Allows the character an additional +1 to their Attack Dice whenever atcrossing the sea. This point cost only includes tacking from behind or an unaware target. It the ship and not the crew it would take to run it. 38. Personal Dirigible or other flying craft (2 pts) also negates dodging and Protection related to This would include a small-range dirigible
, ,

dodging (i.e. needing to be aware of the incom- 56. Rage (2 pts) - Can be used once a day to allow +1 Strength and +1 Constitution to you plus +1 ing attack).
, ,

45. Advanced Sneak Attack (2 pts) - Requires buying Sneak Attack as well. Allows the character an additional +3 (total) to their Attack Dice whenever attacking from behind or an unaware target. It also negates dodging and Protection 57.
related to dodging.

morale to your followers for one combat.


can be purchased multiple times to be used mul-

46. Assassination (4 pts) - Requires buying Advanced Sneak Attack as well. Allows the character an additional +5 to their Attack Dice when-

tiple times per day. Reduce your MDP by 1 die when the ability fades. Berserk (2 pts) - You may go into a rage once a day and it boosts your ability in combat. For every 6 you roll on an attack, you may add an
, " "

additional (third) success to your total to the primary target or use that success against anyone

ever attacking from behind or an unaware target. It also negates dodging and Protection related to

else within hand-to-hand range instead.



someone with Berserk rolls 6 dice and rolls a 1

47. Stun Attack I (1 pt) - An unarmed HTH attack that focuses on incapacitating a victim rather
than killing them. It adds +1 Attack Die to a
standard Brawl attack.

3, 4, 5, and 6. That would normally do 3 successes to one target (1 for the 5 2 for the 6). Using Berserk that "6" produces an additional
, ,

third success

which can either increase the total


on the first target to 4 or do 1 success on another nearby target instead (in addition to the three

48. Stun Attack II (1 pt) - Requires Stun Attack I.

An unarmed HTH attack that focuses on inca-

on the first target). If you Dodge or fail to attack

in a single round the Berserk bonus instantly

pacitating a victim rather than killing them.

adds +3 Attack Dice to a standard Brawl attack.


fades. Reduce your MDP by 1 die when the 49. Favored Enemy (1 pt) - Allows the character to ability fades. do +1 die to a single species of creature (other 58. Berserk Rage (3 pts) - Combines Rage and
than their own) with any weapon or unarmed


success on a

For one combat allows the extra third 6 plus +1 Strength and +1 Con, " " ,

50. Lightning Reflexes (1 pt) - Gives a +1 bonus to

resist Knockdown and Disarm rolls. May be pur-

chased up to three times for cumulative effect.

51. Quick Draw (1 pt) - Allows the user to draw

stitution and +1 morale for your followers. If you Dodge or fail to attack in a single round the Berserk Rage instantly fades. Reduce your MDP by 2 dice when the ability fades.

their weapon (blade, firearm etc) faster than those even with higher Dexterity. In the first round of a combat only it allows the character to attack before anyone who doesn t also have Quick Draw. It does not include any movement. People with higher Dexterity would do their move as usual (if they wanted to) and would then be interrupted by the person with Quick Draw. In the event that their Dexterity is already
, , "


True Berserk Rage (5 pts) - As Berserk Rage, but the Strength Constitution, and morale bo,


nuses raise to +2 each. Reduce your MDP by 3 dice when the ability fades. Rapid Shot (2 pts) - You may go into a flurry of missile firing one combat per day. For every 6
" "

you roll on an attack, you may add an additional (third) success to your total to the primary target, or use that success against anyone else within

range instead. This is Dexterity-based combat rolls for the first round of range. Reduce your a combat. Can include revealing hidden biocraft ability fades. weapons. Can be purchased more than once to 61. Called Shot I (1 pt) shot it gives a -1 dice out Quick Draw even other people with Quick
higher than everyone else, it gives a +1 to any

identical to Berserk but at MDP by 1 die when the - When using the called


52. Swift Feet (2 pts) - Adds an additional 1" of

movement per combat round.

to any ranged "to hit" roll, but does an extra automatic success to any ranged damage.

62. Called Shot II (1 pt) - Requires Called Shot.


53. Very Swift Feet (4 pts) - Requires Swift Feet

and adds an additional 1

of movement onto

Gives a -3 dice to any ranged "to hit" roll but does an extra 2 automatic successes to any
ranged damage.

what Swift Feet added.

54. Alertness (1 pt) - Allows +2 Perception when 63. Strong Attack (1 pt) - When using the strong attack it gives a -1 dice to any melee "to hit" roll, rolling for surprise. 55. Sense Danger (2 pts) - Requires Alertness. but does an extra automatic success to any meAllows +4 Perception (total) when rolling for surlee damage.

as a Dice Pool canceling one success for every 64. Strong Attack II (1 pt) - Requires Strong Attack. Gives a -3 dice to any melee "to hit" roll success they roll. but does an extra 2 automatic successes to any 71. Knockdown II (2 pt) - Requires Knockdown. Reduces the penalty for Knockdown to -1. melee damage. 65. Crowd Attacks/Sweep (1 pt) - A character with 72. Ambidexterity (1 pt) - Allows a character to fight with either hand with equal proficiency. this ability gets an instant extra attack (but no extra movement) without penalty to a new target 73. Two weapon fighting (2 pts) - Requires Ambiin any melee right after they stun daze or kill dexterity. Allows a second hand to attack or their initial target. If they stun daze or kill the parry with a second weapon in the same round
, , , ,

(minimum of 1). This can be used with melee or 66. Deflect Missiles (2 pt) - A character with this one-handed projectile weapons. ability can attempt to deflect one incoming mis- 74. Two weapon fighting II (2 pts) - Requires Two sile attack (arrows or bullets or smaller) per weapon fighting. Improves the penalty for a second weapon attack or parry to only a -3 round. It requires concentration (i.e. they can>t be attacking too) and a roll of just Dexterity as a (minimum of 1) to the second Attack Dice. Dice Pool. Two successes deflects one arrow 75. Cleaving Blow (1 pt) - In a fight where this is
, ,

second target with the extra attack they do not get a third attack.

with the same number of Attack Dice -5 dice

dagger throwing star, bullet, etc, which is the


most you can deflect with basic Deflect Missiles. 67. Deflect Missiles II (2 pt) - Requires Deflect
Missiles. Adds +2 dice to a Deflect Missiles Dice Pool and every 2 successes blocks one

appropriate, whenever you strike an opponent and incapacitate them with a bladed or similar

incoming projectile with no limit.


68. Disarm (1 pt) - Allows an attempt to disarm an opponent with any regular Power type attack. allow this with particularly big hand-cannons or Two successes are required to knock a weapon explosive type ranged weapons. out of the target s hands. This is in lieu of regu- 76. Massive Break (1 pt) - Designed to break a lar damage. The target may roll their Dexterity light" Hand-to-hand weapon (any weapon that and Lightning Reflexes (if they have it) as a Dice uses Finesse or Dexterity as its primary attribPool canceling one success of the attack for ute like a rapier, dagger, short sword, or some every success they roll. This can only be used types of light Asian-style spears or javelins) in a in hand-to-hand attacks. Biocrafted (attached) duel. Any hit with a large weapon (axe, hammer maul, etc), or any hit which does 4 or more weapons are immune to this if they are always visible (i.e. a big cannon for an arm), but if the successes will break the other person s weapon. If fighting Savages or others who might have weapons can be concealed (retractable blades)
, " , , , " , ,

type weapon you are considered to have cut off one of their limbs. When you kill an opponent you are considered to have cut off their head. This frightens nearby enemies and causes an immediate morale roll at -1 die. GMs may also

shields it could be used to destroy the shield then where a weapon would normally be instead removing 1 level of Protection. dropped to the ground, in this case the weapon is triggered to withdraw back into the body or is 77. Finesse (1 pt) - When using a light weapon otherwise rendered inoperative for 2 full rounds. such as a dagger rapier, kama, short sword, or
, , , , ,

69. Disarm II (2 pt) - Requires Disarm. Adds +2 to the Disarm attempt or allows 2 attempts in a single round. Biocrafted (i.e. attached) weapons are immune to this if they are always visible (i.e., a big cannon for an arm), but if the weap, , ,

some types of light Asian-style spears or javelins


or with unarmed combat, it allows the char,

acter to use their Dexterity as a primary Attribute instead of their Strength. Again like all weapon

this only counts for special effects and

ons can be concealed (retractable blades) then tricks. Damage would be determined by the where a weapon would normally be dropped to purchased Power. the ground, in this case the weapon is triggered 78. Mighty Horn/Growl (1 pt) - A feat usually only taken by Savages. You have a mighty hom that to withdraw back into the body or is otherwise

rendered inoperative for 2 full rounds. 70. Knockdown (2 pt) - Allows an attempt to knock an opponent to the ground. Using this feat gives a -3 dice to a regular attack roll. Two successes are required to knock them down. This is in lieu of regular damage. The target may roll their Dexterity and Lightning Reflexes (if they have it)

you can blow to frighten your enemies or some type of growl yell, or other terrifying sound. This automatically causes a morale check the first

time it is used against an enemy and can be


used to summon friends to aid you.

two hexes in woods

It can be

heard up to three hexes away in clear terrain

and one hex in mountains.

79. Reputation (1 pt) - You have a reputation as a 86. Heirloom/Body Armor (1-3 pts) - You have a superior set of armor created or purchased to mighty enemy or as a great duelist, or as a help you fight crime or inherited from an anceschampion pugilist etc. Assuming you have announced yourself or are in costume, brandishing tor or left over from an old war campaign. Armor a standard or displaying some distinguishing isn"t common in Steampunk campaigns but feature intelligent enemies get a -1 modifier might be taken by the occasional adventurer or
, , , , , ,

when they first check their morale. 80. Attractive (1 pt) - Gives a +1 bonus (or -1 penalty) to all rolls where the GM rules it would apply. Seduction and Persuasion might be places
it would give a bonus while trying not to be noticed with Stealth in a crowded room of bored

detective who is afraid of encountering more than the average number of savages or ruffians. 1 point of Armor would buy a rigid leather vest or
a thin metal plate and give -1 Protection to either

lonely people might have a penalty.

81. Very Attractive (1 pt) - Requires Attractive.

Same as Attractive but increases the bonus/

penalty to + or - 2. 82. Appropriate Clothing (1 pt) - Requires a large closet full of clothing usually but allows the character to be dressed just right for the occasion. ened skin or magic light metal or super adFormal outfits when dealing with the rich and vanced technology this type of armor affects famous rogue outfits when dealing with the unmovement stealth, and the like (see Armor). derworld etc. This feat simply allows the char- 87. Heirloom Weapon (1 pt) - You have a superior weapon inherited from an ancestor or left over acter not to stick out in the wrong crowd or be in last year"s outfit in a formal setting. If they KN: from an old war campaign. In addition to whatCulture or High Society etc roll then their clothever the weapon type normally does (purchased ing choice gives them a +1 to +3 bonus to any through a Power) this one is of high enough appropriate social roll as awarded by the GM. quality that it is worth a great deal of money or otherwise holds significance. It may add bonus83. Small Flat/Home/Base/Tower (1 pt)-You have a small base of operations which could be cones to various Charisma based Skills (Fast Talk sidered a headquarters or safe house for your Oratory Persuade, or High Society, for example) secret society or a laboratory for your scientific and possibly in some circles it may EITHER add a die to friendly morale rolls (as Natural Leader) experiments or a law enforcement laboratory. This can be a hidden secret hideout or a well or subtract a die from enemy die rolls (as Repuknown location. The key is that you own it or tation) provided the weapon is brandished rent it in such as way that you never need fear where all can see it and the appropriate crowd is eviction. In all cases this location counts as the able to understand its significance. This can prerequisite for using the skill Inventor, or the either be a useless weapon (a broken sword for feat Gadgeteer. Any unusual defenses or abiliexample) or a weapon purchased as a Power. ties of the location would have to be purchased 88. Survival Cache (1 pt) - Small stores of useful
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Kinetic or Energy but not both. 2 points would buy an iron or special metal breastplate and -2 Protection against either Kinetic or Energy or one of each. 3 points would give a complete suit of iron or some lighter experimental metal and -3 Protection against either Kinetic or Energy or some combination of the two (with a maximum of -3 Protection). Unlike armor based on hard, ,


supplies are hidden about the countryside or

84. Above Average Home/Base (3 pts) - Like

Small Base

planet and can be found and used by your character when needed.

but bigger and more elaborate. In addition to being able to hold more people the
, ,

Usually this includes extra


quality of the equipment here allows +1 to all

roles related to one field. skills in the case of a lab This could be science

or High Society rolls in the case of a well-kept elaborate and expensive


weapons (of the same sort you normally carry) ammunition first aid kits, rations, petty cash and water. It can include spare parts for gadgets and other things (papers for Alternate Identity etc) if you have those feats. Can include a loca, ,

ballroom. Can include a location in the Aether tion in the Aether instead of the normal world. instead of the normal world. 89. Alternate Identity (1 pt) - This includes a com-

85. Small Sanctuary (1 pt) - You have a peaceful secluded place to meditate providing a +3 die to

plete false identity, from passport to historical

records to ancestry papers possibly also includ,

any Meditation rolls while within this sanctuary.

This can be a part of a bigger place.

mal world.

Can in-

clude a location in the Aether instead of the nor-

ing false references and job histories etc. While very difficult to discover the more used, the more likely the false identity is to be detected. Once a false identity is discovered it is usually
, , ,

lost and this feat has to be purchased again to against all Effects (Mental Kinetic, Special, and get another one. This is different from the flaw Energy) of all magical attacks. Multiple Charms are not cumulative. Secret Identity. 90. Multiple Identities (3 pts) - As Alternate Identi- 96. Thief,s Tools (1 pt) - You have a set of special,


but allows five different Identities.


ly made tools which will give you a +1 die to ei-

91. Power Booster (2 pts)-You have a special new

medicine, power pack magic cloak, talisman,
well crafted musical instrument mechanical hel,

ther Lockpicking, Pick Pocketing Trap Setting, or Trap Removing (choose one). This Feat can be purchased multiple times for different types of


old spellbook, experimental gadget, or similar item that increases your Mighty Dice Pool by


but do not add cumulative bonuses to the


same skill. These tools are illegal and if discovered or noticed will cause immediate distrust

This item must be something that can be taken away and may attract thieves. This can+1

and/or possibly arrest.

92. Power Location (1 pt) - You have a place such

, ,

97. Improvised Weaponry (1 pt) - Requires 2 levels in Brawling. Allows you to use nearby furniture plant life, etc as a club or staff with no penas a church where the inhabitants pray for you
not be taken with Power Location.

daily or a University where graduate students


providing a +1 to all Brawling attacks.

98. Business Owner (2 pts) - You own an indea circle of ancient arcane stones or a radioacpendent business and have 5-50 employees tive crater or some other location that gives you working for you. This provides you with extra +1 die to your Mighty Dice Pool whenever you income and prestige, and includes one purchase are within a mile of it. Usually the link to this of the feat Well-Off. This will usually attract the location requires specific behavior (such as folattention of one of the Guilds if directly competlowing a specific faith or giving a lecture) and ing with them in which case, add the Flaw when a character wanders from that behavior Watched (by Guild) for -1 point. their link to the location is lost. This cannot be 99. Guild Executive (3 pts) - Requires the Guild taken with Power Booster or Fan Club. Executive Package. You are accompanied by 93. Guide (3 pts) -You have a complete copy of the an administrative assistant and a body guard (A Covenant Scriptures or the Williamson-Polston Henchman and a Servant). As a guild leader theories or the lost diary of Dr. Hemmolhammer, you have access to guild records, personnel and or historic monk scrolls or a spirit guide, or an equipment although any significant public misartificial intelligence Babbage engine implant, or use of power will result in the loss of this feat. an arcane library or a long and detailed oral 100. Land Owner (2 pts) - You own a modest plot history passed down from generation to generaof land and have 2-3 other families working for tion. In all cases having this Feat subtracts 1 you. This provides extra income and prestige, and includes one purchase of the feat Well-Off. point (minimum of 1) from the cost of each new level in the character's primary Power related to 101. Commander (3 pts) - Requires that you althis Guide. So buying Level 1 in a Power relatready have either the Military Officer Mercenary, ed to the Williamson-Polston theories would cost or Old Money package. You are accompanied 1 point instead of the normal 2. by an administrative assistant and a sergeant (A 94. Fan Club (1 pt) - Requires either the Known ID Servant and a Henchman). As a war leader you or Secret ID flaw. You are followed by a small have access to military records personnel and group of fans that will support you daily, increasequipment although any significant misuse of ing your Mighty Dice Pool every day by one so power will result in the loss of this feat. You can organize others into simple tactical formations long as they perceive that you support the orlike the Swine"s Head (wedge) or The Square. ganization or community. In some rare cases, this may also require you doing a direct service 102. Knight (3-5 pts) - Requires that you already for your fans or rescuing them from harm. As a have either the Military Officer or Old Money minimum if often requires shaking hands, taking package. You have a horse (living or automaconstantly feed you theories and information
, , ,


pictures, blessing the crowd, attending royal balls or weddings or signing 1 or 2 autographs

tonic) or personal vehicle


suit of armor

at the end of any public victory. This cannot be

taken with Power Location.

(antique, or of modern design), and a Servant. The Servant is worth 1 point the horse/vehicle is
worth another point and the armor is variable like

95. Charm (1 pts) - You have a mystical charm/item that protects you from magic (if such a thing exists in your campaign). You have -1 Protection

accounting for the remaining 13 points. If taken with Commander, the characHeirloom Armor

ter has two Servants.

103. Natural Leader (1 pt) - Gives the PC a +1 to any NPCs within 5 of them making Morale rolls. This can be purchased up to 3 times and the



A result of "Comatose" re-

sults in one level of lethal wounds. f


Most automatons also have Susceptibilities to things like water magnetism or electricity purchased separately.
, ,

effect is cumulative.

The second time also in" ,

creases the radius to 10

and the third time in-

creases the radius to 15". 107. Pain Resistance (2 pts) - An NPC-only Feat 104. Rescue Favor (1 pt) - If the PC receives a that cancels penalties for being wounded and killed" result and can't modify it with Hero reduces penalties for Incapacitated to only -2. points, then instead of actually dying, a swarm of 108. Brave (1 pt) - An NPC-only Feat which gives

the NPC one level better result on Morale rolls. black zeppelins, city guard, animals 109. Very Brave (2 pt) - An NPC-only Feat which or a crowd of fans related to their motif (eagles) swoops in and carries the PC off at the last mogives two levels better on Morale rolls.
, ,

ment to a distant base or safe house where


they are healed over several weeks time. Once


110. Immune To Morale-An NPC-only Feat which makes the NPC immune from ever having to
make a Morale roll in combat.

the feat is lost.

' ,

105. Plot Twist (1 pt) - If the PC receives a "killed" 111. Mildly Terrifying - An NPC-only Feat which result and can t modify it with Hero points then gives a -1 to all morale rolls to enemies. instead of actually dying they may reveal that a 112. Truly Terrifying - An NPC-only Feat which trusty Servant or Sidekick has stolen their cosgives a -2 to all morale rolls to enemies. tume/uniform/outfit and has been fighting in their 113. Large (2 pt) - Only available to PCs through place instead. This requires a Servant, Henchthe Scientific Subject package. It makes the PC man or Sidekick be purchased, but also not big enough that all missile attacks have +2 die have been present during the fight along with against them which is only used to counteract some type of costume/mask/device/armor for ranges. So. normally a gun might do 4 dice at the character which conceals their features. 2 3 dice at 4", and 2 dice at 8". Against a 106. Automaton (2 pts) - Only available to characLarge creature it would do 4 dice at 2", 4 dice at 4 and 4 dice at 8" and then 3 dice at 16 etc. ters through the Automaton package. GMs may grant any or all of the following to the characters They have a +1 die to any form of hand-to-hand with the automaton feat. attacks against smaller foes weigh four times as
, , , " , ,


Immunity to things like sleep aging, and


much as normal

and reduce Recoil by 1


most Mental powers.

The drawbacks 114. Very Large - An NPC-only Feat which makes


are that the character must also con-

sume some sort of fuel (coal dust or Eldritch Copper dust for example)

a character big enough that all missile attacks have +4 die against them which is only used to counteract ranges they have a +2 die to any

form of hand-to-hand attacks against smaller foes, weigh sixteen times as much as normal humans and reduce Recoil to themselves by 4 immune to helpful Mental powers. Any other immunities that make sense 115. Additional Mass - An NPC-only Feat for big

as easily accessible or as cheap as food and that they are also


isn t

for robots

creatures made of elements creatures (Mr. Hyde Velociraptor) which allows them to completely ignore the first "Wounded" or energy, etc. Automatons do not heal naturally. Any result they receive in a single combat. wounded results or incapacitated results 116. Mildly Massive - An NPC-only Feat for big
, ,

are permanent until fixed by the appropriate type of engineer.


creatures (a Whoolly Mammoth) which allows them to completely ignore the first TWO Wounded" results they receive in a combat. Automatons also do not die naturally. A result of wounded or incapacitated re- 117. Massive - An NPC-only Feat for big creatures sults will generally not get worse if the (like human-piloted automatons) which allows them to completely ignore the first THREE automaton continues strenuous activity. Also a result of dead" may or may not Wounded" results they receive in a combat. permanently destroy the soul of the 118. Truly Massive - An NPC-only Feat for big automaton at the GMs option, potentialcreatures (like dragons or giant octopi) which allows them to completely ignore the first FOUR ly allowing a long and arduous repair to resurrect the character. Wounded" results they receive in a combat. They treat results of "Dazed Unconscious and "Shocked" as simply
" " " , " " , , " " "




Step 4: Spend Attribute points

for Attributes
Characters get 20 points to raise Attributes.
The Attributes are:

Attribute Ivl -1 - Characteristic is virtually nonexistent.

Attribute Ivl 0 - Significantly challenged human.

Attribute Ivl 1 - Sub-standard human.

Attribute Ivl 2 - Standard non-adventuring human.

Attribute Ivl 3 - Above Average human or standard adventuring human.
Attribute Ivl 4 - Upper 10% human.

Strength (Physical Brawn only) Dexterity (Agility hand-eye coordination) Constitution (Toughness ability to withstand
, ,

Attribute Ivl 5 - Upper 5% human. Attribute Ivl 6 - Mortal maximum. Truly Gifted. Attribute Ivl 7 - Beginning of Super-human abilities

Injury and illness etc)

Intelligence (Logical mental processes.

2 times normal human maximum.

Attribute Ivl 8 - 5 times normal human maximum

Problem solving)
Wisdom (Ability to see into human nature

Attribute Ivl 9 - 10 times normal human maximum Attribute Ivl


10 11 -

25 times normal human maxi50 times normal human maxi100 times normal human maxi-

and to know ight from wrong) Charisma (Ability to influence others usually r



through personality)



Ivl 12 -

Before the player characters spend any of

their points all attributes start out at 1. The average


for a normal human is "2" so characters will most


Again characters start out with 20 points that can only be spent to raise attributes. Attributes likely improve most of their attributes to above average. Attributes can be reduced or sold back in can be lowered for a bonus equal to the same cost

order to get 1/2 a point or a point back in return (i.e. as raising them. / points cannot be rounded up to Bonus Points they can spend somewhere else) This a full point but can be added together. The costs can only be done for a total of 1 point back which during character creation are...
, , ,

means no character can begin with more than two

attributes at

0 or one attribute at "-1."


If playing with a normal human character

the maximum you can make any characteristic is six. In a campaign where you can play non-human races you can exceed six by however many bonus
, ,

points in that attribute you got for the package, (see Attribute Adjustments under Packages). Classically \Raise every level above 5 = 3 pts if a Package increases an Attribute, it also increases the maximum for that Attribute by the same amount. For example if a Package called "Foot Soldier* increases Constitution by +1, it also raises the Consti- No attributes can ever be raised higher than 12." That includes through Packages and Extution maximum for that character up to 7.

Lower from 0 to -1 = pt Lower from 1 to 0 = -/ pt Raise from -1 to 0 = / pt Raise from 0 to 1 = % pt Raise from 1 to 2 = 1 pt Raise from 2 to 3 = 1 pt Raise from 3 to 4 = 2 pts Raise from 4 to 5 = 2 pts


perience Points and during Character Creation.

Note that all packages MUST be purchased before points are spent on Attributes. A package which adjusts an Attribute (Army Foot Soldier having +1 Constitution or Dandy having +1 Charisma) does so first and then points are calculated. So a Dandy would start with every Attribute at "1" except
, , "

a human starts with a strength of 1 For one point they raise it to '2> for another point they raise it to 13'. and for two more points they raise it to 14". They spent four points total and they now have a strength of 4. If they lowered it from >1' to *0' for Charisma which would start at 2 and then they they would now have / a point extra to spend anywould be spend Attribute points to adjust them from where else, which would do them no good unless they also lowered another attribute to ,0" to make there. the total a full ,-1., When dealing with ",/? points
' ,



round down.

Sample Attribute Combinations To make things a little easier and faster


Buying Limited Attributes

In some cases, characters will have a need for
limited Attributes

such as Strength that only kicks in to 20 points that players can just pick. The points when that person gets really angry or Charisma that
here are some possible combinations which add up

can be arranged with the numbers corresponding to only applies when they wear a certain mask etc. whichever Attribute the player wants. Note that the- When buying Attributes like this, use the following se numbers don t include Attributes which start at 2 guidelines
, ,

or 3 or 0 because of packages.
1 Attribute #1:4 Attribute #1 5 4 4

You should use the points from Bonus Points for Powers to buy Limited Attributes,
not the regular 20 points already assigned
for Attributes.

Attribute #2: 4 Attribute #3: 4

Attribute #4: 4

Attribute #2 Attribute #3
Attribute #4 Attribute #5 Attribute #6

Attribute #5: 3 Attribute #6: 3


If the Attribute is fairly limited (only when angry only when wearing a specific mask) then take a bonus of spending -1 point cost for each Attrib. ,

ute where that applies with a minimum of 1 for


Attribute #1: 5

Attribute #1: 6
Attribute #2: 4

Attribute #2: 5 Attribute #3: 3 Attribute #4: 3 Attribute #5: 3 Attribute #6: 3

Attribute #3: 3 Attribute #4: 3 Attribute #5: 3 Attribute #6: 2

the ENTIRE limited portion of the Attribute. a For example to create a limited Attribute which was bought up to 2 during



but under


circumstances goes to 3, would normally cost 1 point (raising from 2 to 3) and would still cost 1 point after the bonus

because that is the minimum.

A limited

Attribute #1: 6 Attribute #2: 5 Attribute #3: 3 Attribute #4: 2 Attribute #5: 2 Attribute #6: 2

Attribute #1

5 4

Attribute which is 2 under regular circumstances but in special situations rises goes to 4 would normally cost 3

Attribute #2 Attribute #3
Attribute #4 Attribute #5

2 2 3

points (1 to go from 2 to 3, 2 to go from 3 to 4) and in this case would cost 2 total


Attribute #6

which is 1 point less than normal.

Attribute #1: 5 Attribute #2: 5 Attribute #3: 4 Attribute #4: 3 Attribute #5: 3
Attribute #6: 1

Attribute #1: 6
Attribute #2: 5

Attribute #3: 3 Attribute #4: 3 Attribute #5: 2

Attribute #6: 1

If the Attribute is very limited (only under a full moon only works for 2 combat rounds per day), then take a -2 point cost bonus for each Attribute where that applies again with a minimum cost of 1 for the ENTIRE portion of the limited Attribute. a Example - A character spent all 20 points for Attributes and ended up with a Strength of 5 and a Dexterity of 4 and all
, ,

Attribute #1: 5 Attribute #2: 4 Attribute #3: 4

Attribute #4: 4

Attribute #1: 6 Attribute #2: 4 Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute #3: #4: #5: #6: 4 3 2 1

the other points in other Attributes. Whenever the character says


Shazimal!" they want their Strength and

, ,

Dexterity to go up by 1 point each but

only for 1 hour a day and only if they

say the magic word while outside. Nor-

Attribute #5: 3 Attribute #6: 1

mally it would cost 3 points for the Strength to go up to 6 and 2 points for

Another way to look at it is this

Raising an Attribute from 1 to 2 = 1 pt Raising an Attribute from 1 to 3 = 2 pts Raising an Attribute from 1 to 4 = 4 pts Raising an Attribute from 1 to 5 = 6 pts Raising an Attribute from 1 to 6 = 9 pts

the Dexterity to go up to 5 or 5 points total. With the bonus it ends up only costing 2 and 1 point respectively or 3 points total
, , ,

Limited Attributes are allowed to exceed the

normal maximums for the race ( 6, for humans, for example). However, the ultimate

maximum of

12, still applies)

Step 5:

Spend Bonus Points

different groups who are normally at odds with

one another or normally exclusive to their own

on Skills, Feats, Flaws, Attributes and/or Powers

After characters have spent their 20 points skills feats and packages, and their 20 points for
, ,

Athereal elves

Different groups might include Aliens,

creatures upper class, lower class, ethnicities, religions, etc.



they may then spend however many Bo-

nus Points the GM has allocated for the campaign.

Bonus Points can be spent to buy or increase more

Non-Humanoid (-1 pt) - A biology so off from norm that there is no way to pass it off as humanoid. This might include automatons aliens from other worlds beings made of pure energy
, ,

or rock. cal

In all cases even the most basic medi,

buy or increase more feats, buy or increase


steam-powered scanner, or sometimes simple observation (noticing no breathing


more Attributes

or to buy Powers.

Note that only


for example) will give this person away even

without Unique Appearance. In addition the key point is that most standard healing techniques

Bonus Points can be spent to buy Powers. In addition to spending Bonus Points characters may also take Flaws to earn additional Bonus Points. In theory then a GM could declare a 0 Bo,

nus Point campaign but characters could still come


up with Powers if they took some Flaws. GMs have the final say on Flaws particularly checking to see if they make sense within the

will not work on this foreign physiology or there is some other significant drawback. Vulnerability (-1 pt) - May be taken multiple times, up to 3. Each time it is taken, it increases a specific type of attack against the character by

+2 dice in effectiveness

A character made of

campaign and if the same Flaw could be taken


more than once (for example duplicating Flaws from packages). A GM may rule that being Watched by more than one group is acceptable, for example but taking Cultural Gap or Unusual Appearance more than once might require a lot more justification.
, ,

ice with a Vulnerability to fire attacks would turn a normal 6 dice fire attack against them into an 8 dice attack. The type of attack must be either something fairly common or something not too difficult to figure out (fire radiation, poison, cold,

the color yellow wood, silver, cold iron, electricity holy attacks, etc). This also covers the auto, ,


Known or Secret ID (-1 pt) - Two sides of the both affecting a characters life. A Known ID means that everyone knows who they are (in and out of costume or uniform) and evesame coin
, ,

matic Vulnerability to Cold Iron for the Noble Folk. Cold Iron is defined as a weapon made of
iron that is pounded into shape but never smelt,

rywhere the person goes they are recognized


and they draw a crowd for whatever reason (usually based on their reputations). Simply
shopping or going to a restaurant requires plan-

ed or forged. A normal noble folk would take +2 extra dice of damage from Cold Iron weapons. Susceptibility (-1 pt) - May be taken multiple times up to 3. Each time it is taken, it creates something that will do 1 die of automatic damage simply by its proximity. So a Susceptibility
, ,

ning or a disguise of some sort. In a Steampunk A Secret ID is a dual life style where other people are
campaign this usually refers to royalty.

to magnetism would do a 1 die attack every

round it was near the character. No Protection

actively trying to discover who the character is

or other abilities would protect the character and a success rolled would always as a minimum, stun the character even if their Constitution
, ,

during the day. This could represent a philanthropist who likes to keep his "good deed" perso-

na separate from his daily affairs, or any sort of

masked vigilante type.

A character without ei-

would normally require several successes for a stun or if they were immune to stun. Classically if taken multiple times, it would usually be to increase the effectiveness of a single suscepti, ,

ther Known ID or Secret ID may or may not be recognized but for whatever reason, the public
either isn t out


rather than multiple susceptibilities, alt,

interested in their alternate identity or respect the character s privacy when they are
, ,


hough both are possible. Susceptibilities do not

have to be quite as common as Vulnerabilities

doing their job." Sherlock Holmes might be a good example of someone recognized but not
generally harassed by the public.

but should still be available. The availability should determine the range of the susceptibility. Radioactive rocks from a destroyed home planet
might merely need to be in the same room while silver holy ground, or garlic might need to make physical contact because they are so common.
, ,

Half-Breed (-1 pt) - Not quite accepted by either


or as either race.

More accurately it de-

scribes anyone combining the heritages of two

Power Failure (-1 pt) - Creates a circumstance

' ,

automaton activist groups the city guard, the local assassin,s Guild etc. that completely prevents a character"s powers from working such as guns that don t work in 10. Cultural Gap (-1 pt) - Something is missing
, ,

extreme heat or cold


automatonic abilities which


don,t work when wet or when magnetized powers that don t affect the color yellow super hu,

from your life experiences. Either you spent a year or decade locked in a library, or in a forest,
or on a war campaign or in another dimension, or locked in a dungeon or hobnobbing with local royalty or training with a strange religious sect in the mountains... but regardless there are things about mainstream society you just don t get.
, , , , >

man abilities which fail whenever they hear a Beethoven song. This will negate all bonus Attributes gained from Body Type Packages as well as any other obvious powers. This Flaw can be taken twice with the first time working against the strongest power or set of powers
, ,

and the second time meaning either the situation

is fairly common or the character converts to a


complete normal human under the special circumstances. This can include old or shoddy
" ,

Could be used to represent gaps in history all the way up to complete detachment from reality. Assume anyone with this flaw has a -1 die on all rolls dealing with their particular gap. So High Society types would have a -1 die on social rolls
, ,


when dealing with the normal working class.

devices made with Eldritch Copper that either bum the element at a frightening rate or breakdown regularly. In this case, the GM should assign some trigger to see when the item malfunctions or call it automatic during a "Botch."

Aliens and Elves have a -1 die when dealing

with humans. Soldiers would have a -1 when

trying to recall anything from society common knowledge in recent history from while they were
away at war and Academics would have a -1 knowing anything about non-academia outside their field of study. Generally hardcore lifetime Guilders may have this flaw as will people who
, , ,

Uncontrollable Power (-1 pt) - A given power

that the character either can never turn off or

that doesn,t always function the way it was designed. For example a tragic scientific subject grew up away from the big cities. who is always electrified no matter who touches 11. Tied (-1 pt each) - Someone 'Tied" to something her and has to wear gloves all the time to keep is obligated to it in some way. Can be taken up from electrocuting people. An option might be a to two times. Maybe they have to pay tribute or
, , , ,

power that increases in damage or changes

from subdual to lethal when the person gets angry. This Flaw may be taken twice, the first time working against the strongest power or set of
powers, the second time meaning the character
has little to no control over their abilities. GMs

provide occasional services, or they crave something or just have to act a certain way because

of something.

It could be Tied to the debts of

their parents for example, accompanied by a

may wish to allow unmodified Wisdom or Intelligence etc rolls to try and overcome this Flaw in
extreme situations. 8

Watched by Debter's Prison. It is different from Devoted, because 1Tied, is involuntary. This includes things like addictions. Specifically this covers the automatic Magic Addiction for the
Noble Folk humans.
, ,

although it can also be purchased by

Lower Class (-1 pt) - The prejudices against the poor are fairly severe in most Steampunk
settings so much so that to be poor is actually a
, ,

If the same Tied is taken a second

the addiction is so severe that it rules the


life, making resistance and avoidance a Flaw. Even the middle class had money issues daily (and ultimately futile) event. but they could often "pass" at most basic upper 12. Devoted (-1 pt) - Someone 'Devoted' to someclass functions.

person s

thing is driven to help/protect/obey that some-

Watched (-1 pt) - May be taken up to 2 times. It

means that the character s

thing in some way.


Can be taken up to two

actions are


Maybe they guard the neighborhood, or

tored by an organization or powerful individual pected consequences.

and because of that some actions have unex-

spread the faith or obey a sacred oath, or follow a code against killing. It is different from 1Tied<

For example, governbecause 'Devoted, is technically voluntary. ments and secret societies tend to watch anyone 13. Dislikes (-1 pt) - Someone or something you>d
with access to secrets

and can threaten to re-

move that access (or worse) if the character doesn"t do things their way. The crier network, particularly with the advent of the Aether as a
medium for news
, ,

like to avoid. Characters should role-play this strongly to the point of always searching for an
alternative rather than dealing with this dislike. It

can make any character s life


isn"t so strong that it overrules a life or death but would impact anything short of

as can groups of crazed fans, anti-

14. Bad Reputation (-1 pt) - No matter what this

' >








something out about them they will always think Powers Defined negatively at least at first. It may be that this Powers" in this sense refer to personal weapons, character is associated with seedy elements in the past, maybe this character is of a race which has ceremonial magic internal channeling of power, psya reputation (true or not) for senseless violence. chic powers, strange alien abilities high-tech invenSpecifically this covers automatic Reputation as tions extreme martial arts training, etc. as well as all an Addict for all orks goblins, gremlins, and trolls. weapons used regularly to attack. Since you will be
, " , , , , ,

Since they presumably gave into the craving once defining how fantastical your Steampunk cam,

the world assumes they have low willpower and paign is, we ve listed powers all the way up to

covet any Eldritch Copper or other magic nearby. those normally reserved for superhero type charIt doesn't matter if this is true or not that is how acters. Take from this list only what you need the world sees these races. from your campaign. Only Bonus Points and Experi15. Unique Appearance (-1 pt) - Some recognizable ence Points can be spent to buy powers. You buy feature not easily hidden, which marks the char- powers by levels, in sequence (1, then 2, etc), paying acter as something other than normal. An elfs for each level as you buy it. The big rules are pointed ears, an ork s pointed teeth and yellow 1) Each Power must have an Attribute associated with it just like skills. Senses are usually based eyes a facial tattoo, a missing arm, etc. 16. Short (-1 pt) - Physically shorter than the norm on Intelligence Martial Arts can be based on so much so that you have difficulties in normal Strength or sometimes Dexterity blasts of fire can be based on Constitution if the character is an society. Getting in tall vehicles opening certain doors or windows all might be slightly difficult. In elemental creature and the power comes from their "inner fire or Intelligence if the fire comes addition you move 1 less in combat (but may still from a specially invented hand cannon. roll the Running skill to increase it). 17. Slow (-1 pt) - For some reason be it old war 2) Regardless of how many attack dice or effects wound age, or knee injury, this individual has half dice your power has, you can never roll more
, , ' , , , , , , "


the normal movement in normal melee (round up) and non-combat cross country movement.

18. Aged (-2 pt) - Immediately subtract 2 points in any combination from either Strength, Constitution

dice than your Mighty Dice Pool has in it at the time without special exceptions (like "Pushing" powers)
Basic Powers

or Dexterity.

In some cases, this will draw

additional benefits or disadvantages as well. 19. Blind/Deaf/Lame (-2 pts) - This character is fairly
ers. The "Lame variation should include the loss

The basic concept when a character uses a

severely hampered compared to other adventur- power is just like when they attempt anything else.

Each power rolls a number of dice = to an Attribute + of one limb or part of a limb. Highest Power level known in that power plus or mi20. Raw (-1 pt) - An NPC-only flaw which gives weak- nus any modifiers. As mentioned before regardless willed creatures an additional -1 to their morale of how many attack dice or effects dice a power has in
, ,

checks if surrounded or outflanked.


the maximum dice you normally would roll would be


21. Easily Panicked (-2 pt)-An NPC-only flaw which the number of dice in your Mighty Dice Pool (MDP) at gives weak-willed creatures an additional -2 to the time. A big difference between skills and powers their morale checks if surrounded or outflanked. is that a character has the option to "push" powers for greater effect at the cost of lessening their Mighty
Dice Pool.

Powers and Power Options

When a character buys a Power they name is something like Experimental gun" or "Strange Savage
, "

Weapons" or "Babbage Engine Scanning device," and that is that one Power purchased one time. For Attack Powers they will also have Power Options as part of it. So if the Power is "Strange Savage Weapons," the
, ,

options might be a Katana throwing stars, and a Bo


Staff. Each one of those Options would have its own Key Point-Three different attacks and variations modifiers and abilities. Each Option in that power on a power for a mere 2 points. would get the benefit of the bonus provided for things Mighty Dice Pool that can be taken away. Then they would define the specifics of each Option. The katana does lethal Bottom Line: Except in special situations no

damage the throwing stars have range, and the Bo power can be used with more dice than are currently

Staff does subdual damage. The idea is for a person in a character,s Mighty Dice Pool. Each character to purchase all their various forms of attacks once or begins with a certain number of base dice in their twice and pay for them all in one or two Powers in- MDP, equal to the total attack dice or effects dice of stead of a whole bunch of little ones. With the exam- their strongest power. The MDP determines how

ple above, they would buy the Power once and have well characters use powers and in some cases, how

all those Options as part of it. Powers without Op- often a power can be used. So an Inventor with an tions are "Fixed" (and get a bonus for it). In all cas- Intelligence of 5 whose strongest Power level is 3


the character,s MDP is based on their most pow- would have an MDP of 8 dice. Those 8 dice are the

erful Option in the most powerful Power. In order to be an Option it must be a variant of the core Power. To buy a radically different ability would require another Power purchase. So if the character wanted telepathy along with Strange Savage Weapons that>s a completely different type of Power and it
, , ,

would be bought separately. Example


maximum dice the character can use for any of their Powers. If our example Inventor has powers in the form of strange gadgets with one option that has an 8 dice attack (a Tesla Coil powered hand cannon) and another option with a 6 dice attack (a vial of a new chemical mix called Demon Fire) then they could use either option at full strength. If the character "pushed" their powers and spent some of the
, ,

MDP then that would lower the maximum dice avail, "

Don<t worry too much about the details now able for either power. If this Inventor had bought one option of their power with Dark-Use." that would but here is an example Power creation. Thomas Levoninkski IV trained in a faraway raise the attack dice for that individual attack and
land during his travels as a young adult. He learned their MDP both to 10 dice although they would risk several Strange Savage Weapons" all based on his going mad or damaging themselves or some other
, "

strength of 3. He paid 2 points for 1 Level in the horror every time they used that power. The basic power. Strength + Level = 4, so his MDP is 4. He number of dice in an MDP is set during character
adds a +1 because all these attacks are based on

but can go up every time a character items which can be taken away raising his MDP to spends experience points to improve their powers.


Both the Katana and Bo Staff are Hand-To-Hand


only which will give both of them +1 die, raising the overall MDP to 6. However since the whole Power

Power level

has the option to do either Lethal or Subdual damage that ability is a bonus which reduces the effectiveness giving a -1 die to each power, therefore also reduces the MDP back to 5. Initial Power: 4 dice
, ,

Whenever a power mentions "Power level


total Known." it is referring to the highest level in that speand cific Power that the character knows. So if some-

Items can be taken away: +1 die

Power can do Lethal or Subdual: -1 die The Katana and Bo Staff are Hand-To-Hand

thing said Range is 1" per Power level Known on an Attack power that has a Power level of 3 then the range would be 3 (30 feet).
, , "


Using Powers Using a power is done very much like using a skill or other ability requiring rolling the appropriate

only: +1 die for those two powers

Final Power

Strange Savage Weapons" Katana = 5 dice of Lethal damage useable


number of six-sided dice with each 6" = 2 success5" = 1 success and each 1" = a failure es each
" , "


as hand-to-hand only.

The primary difference is that the maximum number

Shuriken = 4 dice of Lethal damage to a of base dice rolled can never be more than the numrange of 2 ber of dice currently in the Mighty Dice Pool. AddiBo Staff = 5 dice of Subdual damage usea- tional special dice can still be added for things like attacking from behind Pushing, etc. ble hand-to-hand only.

MDP = 5 dice

Overall Cost = 2 points

Reducing Mighty Dice Pool dice

Ammunition as MDP - MDP dice repre,

sented by ammunition (arrows bullets, etc) should Generally speaking, keeping track of how not inherently be easier to recover than MDP dice many bullets or arrows or charges a character has representing magic or electrical energy or mutant

and often forgotten in the powers, etc. Ammunition as part of a power is speheat of battle anyway. So why bother? Instead cially created (Hand carved lead bullets of some odd assume the character always has plenty of ammuni- caliber or arrows made with rune carved oak or tion/energy etc unless they do something spectacu- crossbow bolts made with Eldritch Copper tips) and lar to deplete their reserves. Since all weapons and while the character has an infinite supply they can't
used is tiresome at best
, , , , ,

other attacks are represented by powers a loss of always simply leap through a gun shop window and ammunition/energy etc is represented by a reduction grab a box of ammo to instantly recharge. The in the Mighty Dice Pool. Bottom line normally char- resting period, be it a single round or an hour, rep, " " ,

resents the time to craft new materials or reload acters get to keep their full MDP for each attack. The MDP can be reduced by either pushing barrels etc. Bottom line, characters cannot "stock Powers or by having them drained or by Investing up on extra ammunition to cut down MDP recovery some of the dice into items. This is supposed to time. The main bonus to ammunition as MDP is that represent characters getting tired because of some it can"t usually be "drained" by draining powers. The giant Herculean effort, magicians channeling power- main drawback is that while it can be pushed to ful magics directly through their bodies or pieces of lower MDP (representing expending more ammo) it technology either overheating or running out of am- cannot ever be pushed using the method that does munition or power after a crazy hail of gunfire. damage to the person using it (See "Pushing"). AlEach time a character pushes a Power with so ammo can be taken away.
, , " , " " , , "


unless the Power says otherwise, they lose


at least one die from that pool. (See Pushing PowMagic Using Genre - Channeling magic is ers below) hard on mere mortals. The GM may also set up

Recovering Mighty Dice Pool dice

How characters recover these dice will be

their campaign so that MDPs which power spells in particular (but not guns and attacks using weapons) take longer to recover. In that case MDP dice can

based on the world as defined by the GM.

be recovered at a rate of 1 die per hour of sleep or entirely by successful meditation and similar meth,

ods over the course of a few hours.

This is de-

Epic Genres - Science fiction gunslingers signed to keep mages and other spell casters from
and great characters throw their powers around a dominating campaigns. However, in order not to lot and only get tired in the most extreme circum- limit wizards and the like too much GMs can allow stances. With this sort of genre MDP dice can be (or require) characters to use Components. Comrecovered at a rate of 1 die per combat round of rest ponents are rare and exotic items that should be (i.e., not using any powers that round), or all at once pricy (around 1 gold or S100 set) which can be conby successful meditation and similar methods over sumed during a pushed spell to reduce the loss of the course of a few minutes. In a grittier street level MDP dice by 1 die per Component used up to a character campaign or low power" campaign the maximum of 4 per pushed spell. So normally
, , , " " ,




GM may rule that MDP take longer to recover and Pushing" +2 dice would reduce a MDP by 2 dice. dice can be recovered at a rate of 1 die per minute Magic types using Components could consume 2 or 10 minutes of not using their powers. sets of Components instead (burning candles tossing special powder onto a lame, etc) and not de" , , ,

The Science Fiction Genre - Here MDP dice can be recovered at the same rates as above

plete their MDP at all.

Components get old or run out and need to

but may also require a special situation. Powers be replaced at the end of each scenario. Using based on energy devices might regain dice at a rate Components requires a character spend two full of 1 per round when plugged into a power supply rounds casting a spell and because they are relying (including solar power or new Eldritch Copper bat- on the magic stored within their materials they won>t teries and the like or just letting the device cool lose as many (if any) personal MDP in the process. down) or once per hour if the power level needed is Since this is more ceremonial and deliberate the
, , , , ,

significantly higher than the power source (like plug-

do any significant movements during ging a battery into a wire attached to a lightning rod the time period or the spell is ruined. For example if during a storm). a spell caster wanted to push +3 dice into a spell
, " " ,

character can t


then that would normally reduce their MDP by 4 dice which would normally reduce their MDP by 8 dice. afterwards. If they used up three Components Likewise a person cannot be damaged less than however their MDP would only be reduced by 1 die. they already are. An already Wounded Character Components need not always be mummy dust can- who adds +4 dice to his attack and says he is using dles and chalk-drawn pentagrams on the floor. Spe- the Personal Damage option will be reduced to Incacial incense for psychics, holy symbols for priests, or pacitated. special rare bits of nature for druids are also possibilities. Example - Professor Phreadde invented a special potion of his own design made from salamander blood and some raw uranium he dug up from a Pushing Powers nearby coal mine. After he drank the potion he reDeciding when to Pushing powers is how alized he had developed the ability to fire an 8 dice characters really make a difference in a critical situa- blast of radioactive energy out of his hands. Later tion. It often makes the difference against a more he stumbles across a new villain called Evil Duke powerful opponent or life-threatening moment. harassing some prostitutes in an alley. The profesOnce a power is Pushed the characters are often sor quickly fires one 8 dice attack at Evil Duke. Evil forced to retreat and recover rest, or simply col- Duke shrugs off the blast laughs, and then points a lapse so it is a decision not made lightly. Pushing steam-powered electrical gauntlet at some innocent can be used sparingly adding a die or two one dandy"s cowering nearby. Professor Phreadde realround while they defend the next round, or as all out izes he,ll only have one more shot and rather than last ditch attacks. just attack again with 8 dice, he "Pushes" the attack. If a character wants to add dice to a Power He lowers his MDP by all 8 dice (adding +4 dice to for a single round or attack, they may do so by the attack) and declares he will be Wounded calling upon their own internal energy reserves. (adding another +4), for a total of +8 extra dice. He Dice are added to Attack Powers Levels are added rolls 16 dice for the attack and adds a savage blood
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

to Non-Attack Powers. effects.

Dice or Levels Added

Here is a list of the costs/

curdling scream - probably yelling something witty

(for a single roll)


Power Drain Cost

like "NOOOoooooo!!!!" Hopefully the attack takes out Evil Duke because right after the attack Professor Phreadde collapses to the ground Wounded and completely drained of powers.
, ,


+4 Dice or Levels Added

Reduce Reduce Reduce Reduce


by by by by

1 2 4 8

die dice dice dice

What is "Pushing" really?

Ever see those movies when people get in a gunfight and they fire once, duck, repeat? That s a

normal attack. Then

when the battle is going badly,


(for a single roll)


Personal Damage Cost

Stun character for 1 round.

they run out with a pistol in each hand firing as fast as they can with no regard for ammunition - that s
Pushing the power. When a seemingly normal char-

Damage them to Wounded

Damage to Incapacitated
Kill the character.

+6 +8

acter suddenly screams and runs down the hall waving a sword in a lurry of manic almost barbaric intensity because their lover just got shot? That's
, ,

Pushing the power and when they calm down, they slump to the ground or go into a daze. etc. GMs In the above example the two types of should monitor pushing especially the Personal
, " , ,

Costs can be combined.


So a mystic character Damage" variety to make sure it makes sense.


could add +4 dice to an attack by either reducing their MDP by 8 dice OR by Wounding themselves, A note on Pushing Non-Attack Powers

or by a combination of reducing their MDP by 2 dice and stunning themselves for a full round.

When Pushing Non-Attack Powers they go up in levels of effectiveness rather than having addiMDP may only be reduced up to the amount tional dice added to them. A table of the powers they currently have in them. They cannot be re- and possible Level increases (and decreases) are

duced below zero.

Therefore a character with a

included later

but samples include increasing the


MDP of 7 dice could never use the "+4 dice" option range, increasing the area increasing the amount of

healing increasing the speed or amount of move- meditating etc. For example a character casting a
, ,

etc. For example, Betty the Bullet has had mechanical wings and two sets of steam-rockets biocrafted to her back allowing her to ly at very fast speeds: 20 per round. One day, she discovers a
, , "

Barrier puts 1 MDP into it. The character can,t regain that MDP as long as the Barrier is up. If the

character puts up another Barrier that,s another MDP gone until that Barrier goes down or is denearby experimental uranium powered robot has stroyed. Using a Drain ability on a spell or item

lost control of its combustion system and is about to explode and reduce downtown Steamville and the surrounding countryside to a smoking crater. She grabs the robot and lies up into the air, trying to get it out of range of the populace below. The first round she flies 20 and then realizes she only has one round left before the explosion. She pushes her flight +6 levels reducing her MDP by 8 dice, and stunning herself in the process. The effect is to inf
" , , ,

which takes out Invested MDP will cancel out that

items power, at least until the Drain wears off and returns the MDP. This might be a way to temporarily short out electrical or magical traps permanent

force fields

and curses, for example.

Power Damage:

Generally speaking attack powers will have crease her speed by 6 levels each level doubling their dice already calculated. Powers that affect an her light. So 40", then 80", then 160", then 320", area such as those that fire in a cone or explosion,

and finally 1080 or 10,800 feet (just over 2 miles) in a single round. The GM might describe it as every vein bulging out of her body, her teeth clinched tight her eyes losing focus, steam-rockets burning the skin of her back and gears and lywheels popping off her wings as she lies at speeds just shy of breaking the sound barrier. Hopefully this effort will minimize damage to the city as the explo, , , ,

then 640"


roll a single roll and do that same amount of successes to everyone in the area. If different targets have different levels of protection, group them by similar protection levels and roll as few times as possible. So, tossing an incendiary chemical into a room full of people would do one roll and apply it to all of them. If a special villain with -2 Energy Protection was also in the room

that villain would get a sion will most likely vaporize her as she goes limp at separate roll with 2 fewer dice against him or her.

the end of that round.

Armor Piercing
Limited Push

When attacking with an Armor Piercing powOne of the Bonus Modifiers listed for powers er the target only gets half (round down) the levels is "Limited Push." This represents powers with of their Protection in defense. So attacking a charsome limitation on how much MDP can be pushed acter with -3 Kinetic protection (Armor) would only from them beyond the normal rules. For example a reduce a Kinetic Armor Piercing attack by -1 die inMovement Power represented by a pair of metallic stead of the normal -3 dice.
, ,

wings might have a maximum speed allocated to it

no matter how hard the user tries. In all cases


Powered Items

player and GM agree when the power is created the maximum amount the power can be pushed (if any) Many powers in a Steampunk campaign are based on what makes the most sense for the power. going to be based around devices. For the most This limitation makes the power +1 die or Level part, the items themselves will just be special extensions of that character s powers. However in some more powerful in return.
" ,


characters, especially those with Inventor


Invested Power

and Gadgeteer abilities will want to create an impromptu item which does something different. Here Powers listed as using "Invested" MDP hold are two different ways to look at powers and items. those dice in powers to keep them running. These Powers are usually Barriers or traps etc, but GMs 1 Powered Item as a part of the power: Most may declare other delayed or extended Powers to powered items, be they steam-powered propel,

also use


Invested" MDP.

When the Power is cast,

lers or energy hand cannons, are usually simply

the character takes ONE die from the MDP as spent and Invested" into the power. This die is removed
from the MDP and cannot be recovered until the

represented as a special effect (and usually a bonus) of the power. For example a scientist with an intelligence of 4 buys a Level 3 Attack

power activates or is cancelled, and then only after the normal recovery time of not using Powers or

power and calls it an electrical bolt.

the scientist would roll


7 dice if it somehow

came from their fingertips.

If the power could


If a character


s power is defined as amazing

only be used through a big lens or magnet or rapier swordplay then picking up another rapier algun that could easily be replaced, but could also lows them to use their normal powers again. If the be taken away the attack would start with 8 GM says the rapier is of a low quality they might dice and if the power was part of a ring or in- have -1 die to their attack rolls. Likewise if it is of vention that would be very difficult to replace if higher quality or technologically enhanced they lost or destroyed, the attack would jump to 9 might get a +1 die to their attack rolls. Along the
, , , , ,

dice. The item doesn't work if anyone else tries same vein if the same character with amazing rapito use it unless they have a similar power (See er swordplay (keyword sword) picked up a dagger or found" items below) it merely helps the charac- spear the GM might allow it at a penalty of -1 or -2 dice but if they grabbed a flail they wouldn>t be able ter focus their already existing powers.
, " , ,

to use their powers with that weapon at all. When Powered Item as a single-shot device for the using a weapon the character has no skill with whatpower: A magician or technological inventor so-ever for hand-to-hand weapons at best it does can create 1-use items by temporarily Invest- their Brawl +1 die and also possibly lethal damage
, "

ing MDP dice into the item. Vials of exploding instead of the normal subdual. For ranged weapliquid, flaming arrows, electrified metal balls ons assuming the character knows how to work the
, ,

enchanted bullets and the like are all examples. weapon at best it does the Dexterity +1 die, plus

any bonuses the GM declares for the object. If a character "finds" a high quality weapon that power stays in the item until used or triggered. If an inventor had a six dice MDP and a or item and they want to keep it they will need to six dice exploding attack and put 1 of his MDP spend experience points (XP) to account for the perdice into a vial of special liquid then he would manent increase in their abilities. So finding a lose that one MDP die until the vial was thrown. famously high quality sword" might temporarily inRemember, that Invested MDP die lowers the crease their sword powers by +1. If the sword is MDP by one which means the maximum availa- very difficult to replace (i.e., one of a kind) and they
Whenever an MDP die in Invested into an item
, , , ,



ble for use later would be five.

So when thrown

want to keep it the GM could rule no XP are re, "


the vial would explode and do a five dice attack quired since going from a easily replaced weapon in a 1" radius and then that MDP die would be to a "very difficult to replace" weapon normally would freed up again. A scientist with a new version of add an additional +1 level anyway. If the sword inGreek fire has an eight dice MDP and puts sev- creased abilities by +2 the GM should require they
, . ,

en Invested dice into seven different bullets at

spend the XP necessary to go up one level to pay



once (one die each)

so each gunshot would for that second level when the scenario ends.

launch a flaming bullet that did extra damage.

Since seven dice are Invested that makes the MDP down to 1 die so each attack would add 1
, " " "

Boosting the Weapons of Others

die of damage (see "Boosting the weapons of A classic technique in fantastic literature is others ) 1-use items can be used by anyone to use magic or powers or technology to increase provided the creator of that item tells them how the damage dealing potential of an already existing to use it or makes it otherwise obvious (like a weapon. Chemically covered laming swords or ar.

trigger on a gun or the magic word on a wand).


runes carved in bullets to curse them, rerout,

GMs should consider enforcing a high monetary ing the phase inducers to siphon the power of one cost or time requirement for using powers this weapon to add to another or simply plugging an way especially if a character becomes a giant electrical item into a lightning rod so the next strike mass-combat enhancer standing around lighting pumps it full of an extra 100,000 volts. This is parendless numbers of laming bullets or producing ticularly tempting and effective with one-shot powlarge bags full of grenades for their buddies. ered items (like bullets or grenades).

The basic rule of thumb is this:

If before

becoming powered, the attack with the weapon would have done as much or more damage as the Characters of all sorts will eventually have a power added to it, then the power only adds one die moment where either their weapon or other item is to the attack no matter how many attack dice and taken away or they find another one. Since charac- MDP it has. If the power poured into the weapon is ters buy their weapons with powers picking up an- more than the attack would do normally use the one other weapon becomes an extension of their pow- use power rules as normal (see "powered items )
, , , , "

Using "Found" items


,et>s say N,ght Watch W,,,,am has a s,x d,ce MDP put a s,x d,ce f,re attack ,nto a doorand based on h,s power ,eve, and h,s way and ,nvested one MDP d,e to keep ,t there then he would normally do eight dice of dam- whenever the trap or ward was triggered it would do dexterity age with the gun. A scientist takes one of Williams five attack dice of damage and then become a norbullets and dips it into a vat of his new six dice mal doorway again. Traps/wards with more than Greek ire." Since the gun would normally do signif- one Invested die will work once each per Invested icantly more damage than six dice the flaming bullet die. When all the Invested dice have been released would only do nine dice instead of the normal eight. or drained the trap is exhausted. The conditions to On the other hand it the scientist were to put a set off the power must be set when the power is




twelve dice attack into a bullet


it would do twelve


but it is usually very general (someone step,

dice of damage when it hit since the fire power is ping here, or walking through here, or opening this, more powerful than the actual weapon. In all cas- etc). In some cases GMs may rule that certain cirit costs the scientist 1 Invested die in each of cumstances will avoid the trigger such as a Skill these weapons until they are used. Remember with disarming traps or an Aethermage detecting again that each Invested die lowers the power avail- the energy in the item or place in advance. Trigable by one. Someone with a ten dice MDP who gered items do not always have to be traps. A triginvests one MDP die into four items could do a gered Illusion could create a mouth that appeared maximum of six dice with each item. and gave a message and a triggered fountain of
, , , ,

Powers as Curses

healing might mend the wounds of anyone who drinks from it. GMs should monitor Traps and

Wards to make sure they make sense. A door with a character may want to use a string tied to the trigger of a pistol makes sense, their powers to curse someone either through sor- but also leaves the owner of the gun without that cery some horrible new invention, or some type of pistol.
In some cases
, .

chemically-laden formula. This might be represented by the reverse of a Protection power or leaving a Special Power Notes

terrible image in their head or changing someone s



magnetic field so they attract attacks. In most cases,

Dark-use" Powers:

this is a Dark-use power. Also in all cases, curs-

es are represented by Invested powers. So wanting

Some Powers take an inherently high toll on


to make someone more likely to die would be a spe- the character. Those practicing some of the Magcially bought Protection power, bought to work in icks of H.P. Lovecraft fame or someone with reverse. It would be Dark-use would require an strange psychic powers, for example. These are attack roll but would only be by touch (Protection rare but do exist. Whenever anyone uses a "Dark, , ,

has no range). None of these restrictions would use power, total the number of Failures ("1"s) give the power any bonuses though. Every success rolled. For each Failure rolled something bad (but rolled in the curse attack would from that point for- minor) should happen to the person using the powward give anyone attacking the target +1 die er in addition to whatever else the power did. This against them and this would persist as long as one could range from changing their appearance (giving MDP were invested in the curse. The types of dam- the person black eyes and/or black veins and/or age would need to be defined (Kinetic Mental, Spe- black hair or a bloody nose), or temporarily reduccial Energy) when the curse was cast, but would ing their Wisdom by 1 for the rest of the day or realso need to be spread out evenly across all four ducing their MDP by 1 for the rest of the day etc. when possible. Making a curse a ranged attack is Rolling a "Botch" (i.e. more Failures than Successpossible if it includes a requirement for the caster es) causes the character to also go temporarily inhave a lock of hair or some other personal object sane/evil or take damage, or gain some truly nasty from the target. Placing a permanent illusion in side effect the GM creates or some effect listed in
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,



s head would be the basic Illusion attack

the power description.


Usually the power will also

with an Invested die in the target. Powers as Traps or Wards

but that is also up to the GM. "Dark-use" powers are usually more powerful than more standard and stable similar powers. GMs should carefully
, " "

monitor players to make sure they haven t taken a Having powers that stay dormant until trig- Dark-use" power they never intend on using just to gered are a matter of creating 1 -use items, although increase their MDP by two dice.
the "item" can be a location. So. if someone with a

Power Use Cheat Sheet

. Starting Mighty Dice Pool (MDP) is Attribute + Highest level power known or the highest number of attack or effect dice in a power whichever is higher. . On a Dark-use power minor bad things happen with every 1 rolled. If you roll a "Botch VERY bad
, , " "


things happen.

You may Push your attack dice and MDP for individual powers one attack at a time
o You may add +1 die and reduce MDP by 1 die

o o

You may add +2 dice and reduce MDP by 2 dice You may add +3 dice and reduce MDP by 4 dice
You may add +4 dice and reduce MDP by 8 dice


You may add +2 dice and be stunned for 1 round

You may add +4 dice and be Wounded

You may add +6 dice and be Incapacitated

o You may add +8 dice and die in the effort . You regain spent MDP differently by genre For example recover 1 per each round where you use no powers in most Epic genres, 1 per hour of sleep in some Spell Casting genres. . Invested Power MDP dice stay invested until called back or you turn the power off or reach incapacitated or worse. Invested Power MDP are regained at the normal rate when released. . Targets get only half (round down) their Protection v Armor Piercing attacks.


Casting Powers to boost other powers (usually weapons) does either the original Power damage


the normal weapon damage +1 die whichever is more. Attack powers start at a "base damage at a range of 2 per Power level known.
, " "

Power List Cheat Sheet



Normal Range



Senses Anti-Sense Protection

True Armor

Detect things or new sense Reduce Perceptions of others

Reduce Attack dice of others Makes Lethal attacks Subdual Reduce Attack dice of others 2

per level
Self Self Self

Free Use

Normal Perception

Free Use
Free Use Free Use Invest 1 MDP Free Use Invest 1 MDP
Norm Norm

2 per Level

-1 per Level



per level, 1" radius

Touch 2

Healing (Self) Healing (Others)


Repairs Damage Repairs Damage

Increases or New Movement

1 per Level N/A

MDP Roll to work Roll Level + Attribute

per level
Self Self

2x per Level
2x forms per Level 2x area per Level

Alteration (Self) Alteration (Area)

Changes form Changes Environment

Invest 1 MDP Invest 1 MDP

No range big area


Power Modifier Cheat Sheet

Modifier Can do two damage Types (ex: subdual and lethal) Can do three damage Types (ex: subdual special and drain) The option to switch between a few "descriptions" of damage The option to switch between many "descriptions" of damage ,Fixed damage (i.e., only one Option) Infinite range (purchased when power created) Limited Push (Can't be pushed as much as regular powers) Has no range Special Power (Ignores regular Armor) Attack v. something other than Constitution
, '

Change to MDP and all Powers -1 die or 1 level of effect less -2 dice or 2 levels of effect less -1 die or 1 level of effect less -2 dice or 2 levels of effect less +1 die or 1 level of effect more -3 dice or 3 levels of effect less +1 die or 1 level of effect more

Change to Individual Power Options only

*1 die or 1 level of effect more -1 die or 1 level of effect less -1 die or 1 level of effect less
-1 die or 1 level of effect less

Heals at a slower rate

Damage spread out overtime (like a poison) Invisible to one sense (-4 to Perception rolls) Does Recoil (1" if get Stunned or better) Armor Piercing Explosion Attack in cone 3" long and 2" wide at the end Attack in cone 6" long and 4" wide at the end Attack in cone 10" long and S" wide at the end
An attack cannot combine Cone and Explosion

*1 die or 1 level of effect more -1 die or 1 level of effect less -1 die or 1 level of effect less -1 die or 1 level of effect less -1 die or 1 level of effect less per 1" radius -1 die or 1 level of effect less -2 dice or 2 levels of effect less -3 dice or 3 levels of effect less

Range increased 2x normal range (Can be done any time) Range increased 8x normal range (purchased once)
"Dark-Use" Power

1 die or 1 level of effect less per 2x rg

2 dice or 2 levels of effect more

2 dice or 2 levels of effect less

Always loses MDP dice (Max *2)

Becomes Free Use. Must be approved by the GM

1 die or 1 level of effect more per MDP Lost

3 dice or 3 levels of effect less 2 dice or 2 levels of effect more 1 die or 1 level of effect more 2 dice or 2 levels of effect more

Cannot actually do damage directly (Illusions Telepathy, etc)


An item which can be taken away but easily replaced A singular item which cannot be easily replaced
Other Miscellaneous Limitation

1 die or 1 level of effect more

Reliable (Never Botches) Unreliable (Double the number of "l"s rolled)

1 die or 1 level of effect less 1 die or 1 level of effect more

Attack Power Effects Other Than Normal Damage

Normal Combat Result Stunned Attack Power Dazed Wounded Translated Effect Stunned Dazed Wounded

Incapacitated Incapacitated Lose 4 dice or points Actions they

wouldn t do

Damage Based Power

Drain Based Power

(MDP or an Attribute)
Mind Control

Lose 1 die or point Normal Actions they would do anyway Slighty different Emotion Surface Thoughts Minor static changes

Lose 2 dice or points Normal Actions they might not do anyway Noticably different

Emotion Control

Very different
Emotion All Conscious


Hidden Thoughts


Mental Illusions

Several changes simple movement


Significant changes

and 3 senses

all senses

Modified Non-Attack Power Options

1 Level of effect more


1 Level of effect less

Favorable Modification

Used with item

Examples Can be used by another

person at the same time
" "

2x Range
Sense 2 Senses or

1/2 Range

+1 Perception
Additional -2 Anti-Sense Works v. 2 Senses Protection +1 Protection

Only in Animal Form

Used with item

1 Perception

+2 to other s


Requires MDP Expenditure

Used with item

1 Protection

3 x 2" Cone

Can be used by another

person at the same time

Only in secret ID
Armor 1 Level Better

Doesn't always work Requires a hour preparation

Requires special components
Used with vehicle

1 Level Worse

Resists Armor Piercing




1 Level Better

1 Level Worse 3 x 2" Cone


2x Distance or 2 types
of movement +1 Protection or


2x Area

Only in Animal Form Used with item requires 2x Invested MDP 1/2 Protection
, ,

1/2 Distance 1 Protection or 1/2


Can be used by another

person at the same time
Variable Barrier or

Doesn,t require Invested

dice (GM must approve)

or 1/2 Area
Dark Use Power that threatens Alteration

2x as many forms

sanity with each change

1/2 as many forms

Doesn't require Invested dice (GM must approve)

Persistent, Instant, Free-use (Automatic)

Powers are marked as either Persistent

Modifying Powers

In many cases powers will explicitly de, ,

stant or Free-use. Instant powers last for a single scribe what limiting them or improving them will do. effect. Free-use powers are automatic and do not In general the rule of thumb is that if you limit a powrequire an MDP roll and are not affected by a reduc- er it goes up a level in strength, and if you improve a tion in the MDP pool. Examples would include Sens- power, it goes down a level. So, for example, buying es. Persistent powers once turned on are consid- a Level 2 Movement Flight" would normally give a ered to continue running as long as the character person the ability to fly 1 per round. If the power
, " , "

isn,t stunned

dazed, unconscious, shocked, or co- only worked when the character turned into a bird

MDP dice.

Many Persistent powers require Invested then the power would go up to 2" per round. A large
" ,

like saying the power only worked on Thursdays might increase the speed to 4 per round Special Powers (the range of the power at level 4 for a new type of movement). On the other hand if the flight allowed Most Attack Powers use the target>s Consti- you to carry people with you as a floating bubble

tution to determine how much they are damaged. without using your strength then it might be reduced

Some Powers

like Drains and Mental attacks, use to /" per round because it was improved to include
a 1

other Attributes instead.


Buying Powers

Power Lists

The costs for purchasing powers with character


The Powers are divided into six basic cate-

Senses, Anti-Senses, Defenses, Moveexcept for the irst level, which ments Alteration and Attacks. Any character may costs 2 points instead of 1. This is because a 1 have powers from any combination of these categolevel power can be significantly more effective than ries.
Skills and attributes
, ,

Bonus" points are essentially the same as gories.


the same level of skill.


First Power Level = 2 pts Raise from 1 to 2 = 1 pt Raise from 2 to 3 = 1 pt Raise from 3 to 4 = 2 pts Raise from 4 to 5 = 2 pts Raise every level above 5 = 3 pts

Senses* - Range: 2" for each Power level known Free-use. Usually, this is an instinctive sense triggered by a normal Perception roll. This is usually automatic and on all the time. In some cases it also provides more information. Each sense must be purchased separately. Senses that only work in non-combat situations
, ,

should get non-combat ranges - i.e. 1 hex (5


Powers as Weapons Usually when someone creates a weapon with a power they take several Options for it, and
, , , " "

miles) for each Power level known. Senses with a +1 Level" modifier would get 2x range 2 senses for the price of one or +1 Perception
" , ,

with that Sense. Senses with a



1 Level" modifi-

er would get / normal range or -1 Perception

with that Sense.

either define the power as multiple weapons or multiple possibilities for the same weapon. For example, Wild Joe buys an attack and calls it Strange Savage Martial Arts. He takes the modifier for his martial arts to have the option of being either subdual or lethal

Possible Bonus Modifiers 1


saying the subduals are with his hands and lethal versions are with special blades he always carries. He could also say that the lethal versions are ancient bone-breaking killer techniques

Requires Item that can be taken away (like goggles or a drug): +1 Level Requires extra time (like 3-4 rounds of
meditation): +1 Level

and feet


he learned. A "ranged" option could be thrown stars or blades (lethal) thrown clubs (subdual), or some method of channeling his KT into a blast of power (lethal or subdual, defined when the power is first
, "

Requires extreme amount of time (thirty minutes to a day): +2 Levels Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep "on":
+1 Level

Only useable in another form: +1 Level

Limited Push: +1 Level


Limited sense (like detects Radiation


8 b

Copper Madness or Cancer): +1 Level Very Limited sense (only under a full moon or on family members): +2 Levels

from. Can be foiled by simple tricks like mentally repeating a poem or song if the
target suspects that they are being scanned. Doesn"t allow two-way communication.
Environmental Awareness - Allows detec-

Possible Penalty Modifiers

Can be >shared' with other people: -1 Level per 1" radius 2 Infinite Range (see notes under Attacks): -3 Levels
. .

tion of minute changes in air pressure



temperature or humidity and/or an accurate

picture of probable weather patterns.


Temporal Awareness - Allows the detec-

Examples Senses include


Thermal Vision/ UV Vision/Radar Sense -

tion of any time-continuum rifts or oddities. For example if the timeline had recently changed or if someone nearby is from an, ,

Based on heat powers cybernetic implants, a magical crystal etc. Allows sight in dark,

other time. i

ness out to max range with varying side effects as determined by the GM. This is different from the Feat Infravision primarily because it can be modified with Bonuses or
Penalties. b

Penetrating Senses - Based on X-Rays or Sonar or tachyons, etc., allows the character to use one sense through other objects usually with limitations like the inability to see through lead or gold, or inability to work
, , ,

near radiation

or see colors, etc.

Power Sense - Detect whether or not a person or object has a Mighty Dice Pool (i.e.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Sense - Ability

to see or hear radio waves and radiation and microwaves

whether or not they are powered). A Strong Success on a Perception roll with this sense might give a general level of HOW powered
a person or item is while a Total success

- Allows the character to


see or hear images or scenes from the past or future (not both). In some cases this may
be a straight vision in other cases it may

would tell them how big their MDP was and


its general nature (ability brought on by scientific experimentation big ray gun, mental powers, ancient magic, etc) Medical Diagnosis - Based on medical scanner biological awareness, necromancy powers, holy teachings, etc. Allows detection of specific ailments diseases, poisons, internal injuries etc. Adds +3 dice to con, , , ,

include some strange effect like not remembering the image but having to paint it or channeling past voices or having to hear a person sing to see their future. GMs deter, , 1 <

mine specifics and reliability. Unless this is

a character s used

primary power the more it is the less reliable or at least the less


clear it should be.


Clairsentience increases

ventional First Aid rolls.


A variant of this

with each level. Possible examples:


might be Biological Heritage" (DNA) scanning particularly for detecting people mutated by science.

2 3

Power level 1 - Tingly sense that goes off just before sneak attacks Power level 2 - Cryptic and prophetic

Sixth Sense - Detect (and perhaps see and/or hear) ghosts nearby possibly senses


Power level 3 - Shake someone,s hand

extra-dimensional creatures instead.


and see if they are in imminent future

but also

Tracking Scent - The ability to not only tell

one person s scent from another
' ,

danger or about to cause it or have recently caused it.


the ability to follow it to its source.

In this

the range would be the distance to pick up a scent, although it could be increased or decreased depending on the
wind and other factors. f

Power level 4 - Places (determined by range) give you glimpses of the past or future as you walk through them.
Power level 5 -Uncontrolled flashes of

possible futures world wide, as they relate to you or someone you know

Mental Scanning - Allows the character to

or as

feel surface thoughts or emotions nearby.

This Sense can be detected

sent by the Powers-That-Be.


with Mental

It can"t read hidden memories 7


Power level 6 - Ability to concentrate and do all the other levels but at will.

or concealed thoughts (that would be a Telepathy attack) and it takes a Complete success to identify who the thoughts are coming

Power level 7 - This level and above

only increase the accuracy and scope of

the clairsentience.

Anti-Senses*, AKA Special Stealth - This an inherent ability to reduce or counter the effects of a normal or Special Sense by 2 per Power
" "

in one rather than take several.


Depending on

level known.

This is automatic

has no range,

Free Use, and requires no roll. Each sense affected must be purchased separately. For example Stealth to Thermal Vision (some type of insulating suit) would have no effect on Radar or normal sight. The type and
on all the time

how you define them the GM may declare Defenses reduced or even completely nullified in certain situations. For example if you define your Protection defenses as amazing acrobatics, you might not get any bonus from them if you

had all four limbs chained to a wall

and they

area etc of Anti-Senses must still be defined

when the power is created. Since most humans have Perception rolls of 3 dice then -4 to any

might be reduced if you are standing in the middle of a very large explosive attack. If you define them as part of your costume or suit of armor you wouldn t get them if your armor was
' ,


sense is enough to be considered


invisible" to

that sense. Characters may still roll to perceive something invisible to one of their senses but it will require effort and concentration usually. Anti-Senses with a "+1 Level" modifier would get 2 senses for the price of one or another -2 to Anti-Senses other people s Perception rolls.
, ,

or you got caught in your secret identity plus Attacks bought with "Armor Piercing" would reduce it by half. Similarly if
' , ,

you define your defenses as the result of you


becoming non-corporeal (insubstantial) you t be able to pick up anything or physically affect anyone while the power was on and if
, , ,

you stopped to do so, the power would turn off.

None of those count as Modifiers

with a


1 Level" modifier would lose one "-2"


they are just

modifier to other people s perception rolls per -1 Level. So for example, Frodrick buys a cloak of invisibility and buys Anti-Sense to Level 2. This would normally give a -4 for others to see him.
, ,

inherent parts of the power. If the situation were

very limiting (like healing that only works with a potion, or Protection that only works with a large

since it requires the cloak to work, and the cloak can be taken away it would increase the power 1 level giving others a -6 to see him. Anyone with heat-sensing goggles or radar vi, , ,


adamantium shield and then only from the front) then it should be counted as having one of the regular Modifiers. Protection with a +1 Level modifier would get +1 Protection and Protection with a 1 Level" modifier would get -1 Protec"
" , "

sion would still

see him

and he could still be

tion. Modifiers for Defenses include


heard or smelled. If when he bought the power he defined it as saying he could wrap the cloak around other people cloaking a full 1 radius

Possible Bonus Modifiers


that would lower the power by 1 level taking it back down to its original -4 to the sight percep,

2 3

tion rolls of others.


Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep on (like a force field): +1 Level Only useable in another form (like turning skin to steel): +1 Level
" "

Possible Bonus Modifiers


Limited Use (doesn't work v. color yellow): +1 Level

Limited Push: +1 Level

Requires Item that can be taken away

(like a cloak or a ring): +1 Level

2 3
4 5 b

Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep "on":

+1 Level

Only useable in another form: +1 Level

Limited Push: +1 Level

Limited Anti-Sense (only blocks lie detectors): +1 Level

Limited Defense (only v. fire): +1 Level Very Limited Defense (only works v. flaming arrows): +2 Levels Possible Penalty Modifiers 1 Can be 1shared' with other people: -1 Level per 1" radius
5 6
. . .

Possible Penalty Modifiers 1 Explosion (Smoke grenade dampening


Variable (ability to choose how the Protection is divided up each time the powfirst.

shield): -1 Level per 1 radius

2 3 3


Cone (Fog generator cone of silence):


er is used.) -1 Level per option after the So the ability to split the Defense between either Energy or Mental would
, ,

1 Level for 3" x 2" cone, etc


be -1 Level.

Remember that Defenses

Has Range: -1 level 2" per level


Defenses* - Range Self Automatic, Free-use. Defenses can be combined in any combination

against Special attacks must be purchased separately for each type of Special attack. Having Protection you could
radiation, diseases, would be -2 Levels.

split between Poisons


although most characters will tend to specialize

Types of Defenses

In all cases

If the armor is a force field or part of a

transformation and can be turned off it will fade on its own like removable ar,


this allows the

character to reduce any attack roll created

by a general attack Effect by "-1" die per Power level known (before the attack is rolled). This is automatic on all the time, Free Use and requires no roll. This can
, ,

mor turning off after a full round when you are stunned or unconscious. The difference is that while it automatically

represent armor, immunities extreme luck,


turns off it can't be stolen. If the armor cannot be




special martial arts. etc. Examples of attack Effects include

acrobatics 1

turned off

i.e. it is an intrinsic part of the


character s skin

then similar beneficial

Kinetics - A resistance to normal physical attacks such as bullets


things won>t work either. A person with

True Armor v. Kinetic would also be un-


punches, walls of water, falls, etc.


affected by most medical procedures

(like anything involving needles, scalpels, IVs and the like). A person with


resistance to burning caused from flames lasers, and friction, as well as electricity and the like.
, ,

Mental - A resistance to direct attacks on the mind.

True Armor v. Energy would be unaffected by a defibrillator or sci-fi energy skinknitting devices. A person with True
Armor v. Mental wouldn't be able to be

Special - Each Protection v. Special

must be purchased separately with the

Very Limited +2 Level bonus for a specific type of Attack. May be purchased for things like poisons radiation, sonic

linked in" with a friendly nearby telepath. A person with True Armor v. Special (Soul Stealing Drains) wouldn t be able to gain MDP dice from powered
" '

attacks b

soul draining abilities, etc.


objects or other sources.


Armor - Each level of True Armor

makes the character super resistant to one

attack Effect. A Lethal version of that attack

Barrier Range 2" per Power level known 1" radius sphere or 2 long by 1" high wall per
, "

type will always be considered subdual. True Armor usually represents a hard outer

Power level known Persistent. Barriers are essentially Protection which covers an area

but can also be used to represent


like a wall bubble, or other shape. It is different from regular Protection in an area
, ,

characters immune to one sort of attack or

because it can be left behind and also used


creatures with no vital organs that simply allow bullets and arrows to pass through them like swamp creatures and vampires.

to trap people, and works both ways. Just like regular Protection each level of Barrier

For example a person with True Armor v.


Kinetic would treat bullets as Subdual attacks

" ,

even though they would normally be

Lethal attacks. A result that would normally

Wound" the character would instead Shock
Note that while it makes it harder to them.

produces Protection of -1, which can be used for Kinetic Mental, Energy, or Special attacks in any combination. So for example, a Level 4 barrier would have a range of 8 be any size up to a 4" radius sphere. It
, , " ,

could have a -4 Kinetic Protection or it could


have -2 Energy Protection and -2 Mental

, ,

kill a person with True Armor, they would still

need Protection to reduce the number of

or a -1




dice against them or even low level attacks might knock them unconscious, and it
wouldn t

Energy, and one Special, etc. Note that in all cases this applies for everyone on
both sides of the Barrier. Whatever combination the Barrier does must be determined

take long before they were in a long term coma. There are three options for


when the power is purchased (although


True Armor. If the armor can be taken off then when 1


Modifiers below).

At any time the barrier

, ,

can either be immobile

or created around

the character is stunned or unconscious

the user so it moves with the user.





After one


big difference between Barriers and regular

Protection besides those listed above it isn"t on all the time


it goes down to essentially noth,

ing. If taken from the character it cannot be replaced until at least the end of
the scenario. If recovered

is that and when a character


it can be put

back on in a single full round.

powers up a barrier, it is created with one Invested MDP. As long as the MDP die is invested, the barrier stays up. Multiple barri-



require multiple Invested


MDP dice. and Barriers

are not kinetic.

A barrier being used as a

Barriers with a "+1 Level" modifier would get

+1 the Protection OR 2x area
with a

1 Level" modifier would get -1 Pro-

tection OR area. Modifiers include Possible Bonus Modifiers


defense can>t be destroyed by incoming attacks. A Barrier with Energy Protection might be able to hold creatures of pure energy, likewise would a Barrier of Special Protection be able to hold creatures like ghosts


Requires Item that can be taken away (like a force field generator): +1 Level Requires x2 Invested MDP to keep "on": +1 Level per x2 MDP Only useable in another form: +1 Level Limited Barrier (Only stops fire only
stops telepathy): +1 Level

(things that attack with a Special attack). Barrier to "catch" moving objects - If a
barrier represents things like grappling

hooks or spider webs or force fields then

characters will expect to be able to do things

like catch falling hostages who have just been thrown off a building or stop speeding horses. To stop a moving object just figure
, ,


Very Limited Barrier (Only stops flaming

the damage that object would have done

arrows): +1 Level 6 No Range: +1 Level Possible Penalty Modifiers 1 Variable Barrier (can choose how the







power is used): -1 Level

Other Barrier Notes

Quick Barrier - A barrier can be used as

quickly as a dodge, but must be declared by

and apply it to the barrier. If it doesn t break the barrier then the barrier stops them. For example a falling person takes 1 kinetic lethal damage for every /" fallen. If a person thrown off a building can be hit with a barrier before they actually fall the barrier will automatically hold them if it has any kinetic Protection at all. If say the character fell 2" (20 feet) before the barrier attempted to grab them the falling character would do 4 dam, , , , ,


the user before the incoming attack is rolled

and voids their action for the round.

age to the barrier meaning it would need to


Barrier as attack or "grab" - If the Barrier has any Kinetic Protection it also prevents physical items and creatures from passing through it. This can be used to trap or hold

have at least -5 kinetic Protection to hold them. If the barrier has less than the re-

quired kinetic Protection, the person rips through the barrier but the damage they

creatures as well as protect against them. Usually it requires a Basic success with a

take is still reduced. So, if the person fell 3 (30,) and would normally take 6 lethal

damage (probably resulting in death) then

Barrier attack to successfully grab them although the appropriate Protection would still apply. Any target held" by the barrier may attempt to break out. If they roll as many successes as the Protection strength of the
, "

when they hit a barrier of -5 kinetic Protection right before the ground they would rip

through it but only take 1 lethal damage


barrier in a single attack it destroys the barrier on their next action. Any attack that does more than twice the Protection strength

(probably resulting in 1no effect" or *stunned') when they hit the ground. Catching a moving vehicle or animal might be harder to figure. Assume horses have Strengths of 8 steam-powered carriages have Strengths of

of the barrier destroys the barrier without expending any time or effort. So for example. a character puts up a Barrier (mass of sticky webs or a force field, etc) with -3 Ki, ,


and steam-powered trucks or large wag-

ons strength of 11. They would roll their Strength plus 1 die per 5" of movement they
moved that round against the barrier.

netic Protection around another character.


that character does a kinetic attack that gets 3 successes they free themselves from the barrier the next round. If they did an attack

Healing - Healing is a defense after the

fact. Each Level affects one Effect of dam,

age (Kinetic Energy, Mental, or Special) as

that did 6+ successes


they could destroy the barrier without wasting an action to do


shrugging it off like tissue paper. Like,


a villain with no corporeal body like a

listed. A character who regenerates Kinetic damage wouldn,t heal Energy Mental, or Special damage any faster than normal. Unlike other Defenses, "Sharing" healing

ghost or being of pure energy would pass

harmlessly through the barrier because they

has special rules (see Healing on others )


Power level 1 - Fast Healing.




however. Will grow back lost limbs

, ,

character heals faster than others heal-

ing Wounded and Incapacitated damage

in half





in a day. Dazed Shocked, Unconscious and Comatose damage recovers as two levels better (Dazed recovers


Unconscious, and Comatose damage recovers as one level better

(Dazed recovers as Stunned. Shocked

recovers as Dazed

Shocked recovers as immediately etc). Damage caused by vulnerabilities and suceptibilities only heals
, ,

etc). Power level 2 - Minor Regeneration.


as Power level 1 Fast Healing. Power level 4 - Effectively Immortal.

The character heals from Wounded to

The character heals from Wounded to

healthy in a day and Incapacitated to


healthy in one full round of rest or combat


Wounded in two days.


They will not

and Incapacitated to Wounded in a

Will also heal from Death

grow back lost limbs, and severe bums will still scar. Dazed Shocked, Uncon-

round of rest.

to Incapacitated in a round and grows

back lost limbs in an hour

scious. and Comatose damage recovers

as one level better (Dazed recovers as Stunned Shocked recovers as Dazed,

lost fingers

and toes in a round.

You must define a

etc). Damage caused by vulnerabilities

and suceptibilities only heals as Power

level 1 Fast Healing (i.e. 2x normal). Power level 3 - Regeneration. The

character heals from Wounded to

special situation that will cause permanent death like decapitation or silver bullets or have a susceptibility or vulnerability which cannot be healed back
, ,

from death.

You may also choose a

maintain the "death
" ,

situation that will

healthy in one full round of rest, and Incapacitated to Wounded in ten minutes.

So a character reduced to Incapacitated

would heal to Wounded in ten minutes

state (preventing healing) until removed such as a wooden stake through the heart or something jammed into the brain. Generally speaking the bulk of
, ,

and one full round after that, would be

the body must survive for this to work. A

body put through a wood chipper will not heal or recover at this power level for example. Damage caused by vulnerabilities and suceptibilities only heals as

completely healthy. Death is still perma-

Power level 1 Fast Healing. This Power

level also comes with Immunity to Aging.

Usually this Power level can only be taken during character creation and not later with experience points unless the
, ,

GM agrees this level is justified.


Power level 5 - Immortal.


Identical to

Effectively Immortal but can also come back from being pureed, disintegrated or
burnt to ashes. Lost limbs regenerate in

a round. It is up to the GM to determine


how long it takes a character to come back from disintegration, particularly for

it 3

example, if the parts and pieces are kept

apart or scattered into the winds.


must still define a special situation that will cause permanent death like burning
to ashes AND sprinkling the ashes with holy water or a fatal blow done with a silver weapon, or have a susceptibility

(sunlight) or vulnerability (fire) which

cannot be healed back from death.

Healing on others - In some cases a character can use their healing abilities


on others. This could be through laying

on hands

giving the target a blood


(these are Effects), and also either Lethal, Subdual Drain or Other (these are Types). A Men,

transfusion from a large salamander or from a character who regenerates etc. Healing Others must be purchased separately from other Self Healing and may have completely different levels.

tal attack is USUALLY but not always, invisible,


and also usually ignores Kinetic and Energy

Protection. Invisibility counts as one bonus (which limits the power -1 level) and "Ignores

Regular Armor" counts as one bonus (which

also limits the power -1 level) and these limitations must be purchased separately. A Power labeled as Mental can be seen by Mental

Healing others has no range, requires an MDP roll and requires Investing 1

MDP die (per target if more than one) for as long as the healing is in effect. It

Awareness and usually the Feat of Willpower

acts as Protection against it along with any De,

can be done in an area (through cone or explosion at -1 Level) or modified to work at range (again at -1 Level) etc. If successful the character gives the target or targets the same healing per level
, , ,

fenses against Mental attacks. Drains heal at the same rate Subdual damage would. Attacks are the powers most prone to modifiers. Unlike other Powers Attacks will have many Options,

as listed above for as long as they continue to have the MDP die Invested.

which are variations of that Power.

Some Modi-


if a person had level 2 Healing on


Others v. Kinetic

and they used it on

someone who was Incapacitated from

Kinetic damage they would have to In,

vest 1 MDP die into that person for 2

days at which time the target would

fiers affect the whole Power (and therefore every Option in it) but most Modifiers just affect the individual Option. When an Attack Power is purchased the character just pays for that Power, and then chooses the Options (but the Options do NOT cost any extra). These Options should
, ,








merely be Wounded.

If the caster left

that 1 die Invested, then a day later the target would be healthy and the Invest-

ed MDP die would be freed up to return. Special notes on the MDP roll (usually
Dex or Int + Power level)

keep them under control. For example a Power called Medieval Weapons" could have options like Armor Piercing arrows but it would be tough to explain a Cone or Explosion attack. Attacks must always be of the same Effect (Kinetic Energy Mental, or Special)
, , ,

a Requires a "Basic" Success to turn A note on Types, "Descriptions," and Effects a Healing on" (3 successes in one roll) Descriptions" of Attacks include things like Subtract -2 dice from the roll if atFire b or "Electricity" or "Sword" or Shrapnel grenade" etc tempting while in combat The Effects of Attacks are Kinetic Energy, b c Add +1 dice to the roll if in a helpful Mental or Special setting (Ouiet room on a bed with a nurse c The Types of Attacks are Subdual Lethal, helping a holy place, a field full of healing Drain or Other (like Telepathy) moss) d d Add +2 dice to the roll if in an apExamples (Description Effect, Type) 1 Bullet - Kinetic Lethal propriate setting (Operating room, holy tem2 Club - Kinetic Subdual ple, in springs with mild healing properties) 3 e Subtract -1 die if target is Wounded Blow dart with paralyzing drug- Kinetic f Subtract -2 dice if Incapacitated Drain (against Strength) 4 Subtract -4 dice if the person is DySleep gas - Special Subdual g 5 ing/Very Near Dead (and then would need Poison gas - Special Lethal 6 the GMs permission) Electrical bolt - Energy Lethal (or Sub"




dual 4

see below)

Attacks- Range 2" per Power level known Instant. They all do damage = Power level + the

Possible Bonus Modifiers for the ENTIRE

associated Attribute (usually


but not always,

Strength for hand-to-hand attacks and Dexterity for ranged attacks) unless specified otherwise (see Damage Modifiers). All powers must be defined as Energy Kinetic, Mental or Special

POWER (and every Option) "Fixed" damage type (i.e. only one Op1

tion): +1 die

Limited Push:

+1 die

Possible Penalty Modifiers for the EN1


12. 2x normal range:

-1 die per 2x range

TIRE POWER (and every Option)

(Applies at any time)

Can do two damage Types (like subdual

and lethal): -1 die

13. 8x normal range: -2 dice (Must be purchased when the power is created)

Can do three damage Types (like lethal special and drain): -2 dice

14. Becomes Free Use (Unaffected by size of MDP): -2 dice, requires GM approval Notes on "Infinite Range" A power purchased with "Infinite Range"
can be used at literally any range without penalty provided either the power is actually a sense or it is linked to some form of sense to detect the target. It is most commonly used with mental powers (telepathy empathy etc) or special senses (detect life,
, , ,





Descriptions" (like the 4 elements, or different metals): -1 die Can switch between many different Descriptions" (like all energy types): -2

dice 5

Infinite Range (see notes):

-3 dice

(Must be purchased when the power is created)

c. Possible Bonus Modifiers for individual


Options 1 Has no range: +1 die


temporal awareness, etc) When purchased for a Power the -3

, ,

dice penalty applies to the entire power and

2 3

Damage spread out over time (like a poison): +1 die

Dark Use Power: +2 dice

all of its options.


This is different from 2x


range which doesn t apply until

used for longer ranges. Note that 8x normal


Does no real damage (like Telepathy Drain or Emotion Control): +2 dice

Always loses MDP dice: +1 die per 1

range applies when the power is purchased.


MDP lost each use (Max +2) Requires an item which can be replaced
(gun, sword): +1 die

Example of ranges: 1 A level 2 power with 6 dice in the attack would normally have 6 dice at a maximum range of 4 (2" per level).


Requires an item which cannot be easily replaced (relic branch of the One True Tree of Life): +2 dice Unreliable (double the number of "1"s

2 At any time it could be used with 2x normal range at -1 die each time. It would

become a 5 dice attack from 5"-8" a 4 dice attack from 9 to 16" a 3 dice attack at 17
, " " ,

32" etc.

It would remain more powerful at

when determining Botches): +1 die


closer ranges, weaker at longer ranges.

Other Miscellaneous Limitations (Only

useable in another form

a poison which requires another attack to penetrate the


If the owner was to design a power which was designed to work at 32 like a
" ,

skin first): +1 die


long range hand-cannon with a scope it would always have 4 dice in the attack.

Possible Penalty Modifiers for individual



Special Attack (Ignores Regular Armor) (Part of most "Mental" attacks): -1 die Attack v. something other than Constitution: -1 die

If the owner was to design a power which works as far as the eye could see (including to the moon, for example), then the power would always be a 3 dice attack as they could see their target. GMs should

regulate this to ensure it makes sense.


Heals at /a the normal rate: -1 die


Examples of Attacks include


Invisible to one sense (Part of most Mental" attacks): -1 die Does Recoil (the ability to move a target back 1" if roll 2 or more successes): -1 Reliable (cannot Botch): -1 die

Fire - Either as a blast

or taking existing
, ,

flames and animating them into a creature or raining fire down from the sky etc.

Weather - Either as lightning bolts or blasts


7 8

Armor Piercing: -1 die

9 Cone 10. Cone



Explosion: -1 die per 1" radius 3" long and 2" wide: -1 die 6" long and 4" wide: -2 dice Cone 10" long and 5" wide: -3 dice
, , ,

of wind for example. Spiritual Wound (like from a magical ghostly dagger) - Lethal Special Attack (ignores regular armor, -1 die), Heals at half the normal rate (-1 die) attacks a person using their Wisdom as a defense instead of their Constitution (-1 die) and a Dark-use
, ,

power (+2 dice) which does the damage to

the character if the Dark-use Botches. Total

tible to illusions. Those targets capable of

recognizing illusion powers will automatically


-1 die.

For an additional -1

know this for an illusion. Targets who would

normally have protection against a power who suddenly don t will automatically also realize the power is an illusion although that
, ,

die penalty the damage done to the target

will transfer directly to the character as healing (Wounding the target will heal a Wound

in the attacker). The healing cannot take the character above fully healthy. Paralyzing Venom - Special Attack
(ignores regular armor, -1 die), requires an-

other attack to penetrate the skin (+1 die). Instead of regular damage every level of damage rolled drains points of Constitution

t make it do less damage. So, for example shooting a faux fire bolt at someone with Protection against fire would instantly be recognized as fake because the Protection against fire didn"t help but any Protecwon
, ,


tion v. Mental Attacks still would. Willpower

and similar mental abilities may act as Protection. Counts as a Mental attack

A "Stunned" or "Dazed" result will drain 1 point a Wounded" result will drain 2
" ,


but is

always visible and goes against Constitution

unless purchased otherwise.

points, an Incapacitated" result will drain 4 points, and a Death" result will drain 8 points, although the lowest an Attribute can







(ignores regular armor, -1 die), Invisible (-1


be lowered is to "-1."

While having a "-1"

character immobile
, ,

attacks a person using their Intelli,


this venom cannot kill

so another +2



Spreads damage out over time (1 point of drain per round. +1 die). Can be healed like regular damage.
Total adjustment: +3 dice.

real damage die bonus.

gence as a defense instead of their Constitution (-1 die) and a Dark-use power (+2 dice) which does damage to the attacker if the Dark-use fails. Total adjustment: -1
die. Willpower and similar mental abilities

may act as Protection.


Does not work on

Power Drain - Special Attack (ignores regular armor -1 die) does no real damage (+2
, ,

automatons or most undead.

dice). Total adjustment:


+1 die. Instead
Stunned" 1 die a
" ,

Mind Control - Attempting to control other people s thoughts and memories is a fairly

of regular damage every level of damage

rolled drains MDP dice instead. A

powerful Attack. Mental Attack (ignores regular armor

" "






-1 die) Invisible (-1 die), attacks a person using their Intelligence as a de, ,







fense instead of their Constitution (-1 die)

Incapacitated" result will drain 4 dice and a

Death" result will drain 8 dice.


For an addi-

does no real damage (+2 dice). Total adjustment: -1 die. Willpower and similar

tional -1 die penalty the MDP will transfer directly to the character and can take the

mental abilities may act as Protection. Does

not work on automatons or most undead.






Each level of Effect would exert progressively more control over the target or, if Cone or

the MDP returns either when the drainer uses it (and they must use


In all cases

Explosion is taken multiple targets.

, ,


stolen MDP before their normal MDP) or at the same rate Subdual damage heals

whichever comes first.

This Power will usu-

power does not include any telepathy, and unless the user also has telepathy all commands must be given by voice or in writing

ally have no effect on MDP that derives from ammunition or something that can be

to the target. Note that in the case of dealing with a target with extreme psychological disorders this acts as a Dark-use power

taken away. Illusionary Attack - Mental Attack (goes

which does the damage to the character if

the Dark-use fails. The normal results translate to different effects with Mind Control. 1 Stunned or Dazed - The person will do

against Mental defenses and ignores regular armor -1 die) which is in this case not invisible. Total adjustment: -1 die. Can look

like whatever power the character wishes.

just because this power LOOKS like a specific power doesn"t change the damage it does. A fake Fire power won't do extra damage to those susceptible to fire
, , ,

one action they would do normally provided they didn t realize they were being
, ,

mind controlled. This is much more of a

subliminal suggestion. Those aren,t the automatons you re looking for. "These
" " " >

but might do extra damage to those suscep-


t the automatons we"re looking for."

Can also be used to alter a single simple memory (usually erasing it).

be made merely irritated an angry per,










Wounded - The person will do one action they wouldn,t mind doing normally even if they realize they are being mind controlled. Sit down." "No." (Sits anyway) Can also be used to alter a single complex but not significant memory. Incapacitated - The person will do one action they wouldn t normally do shy of
, " , ,

would mean they would be willing to

stop fighting unless provoked again. A

slightly tired (depressed) person could
be made to nod off. A character with the flaw Raw could be hit with fear and
made to make an instant Morale roll. A

calm person could be made very happy used against them.


giving a +2 die to Charisma-based skills Incapacitated - The person will feel one emotion significantly different than their current one. So a furious person could be made calm provided their life
, ,

seriously harming themselves or someone they love or going against a deeply


ingrained belief.

An example of what

might work would be someone holding a

friend down so a villain with mind control

could escape.

Usually actions at this

isn"t in danger and provided they aren t


level are followed by extreme rationalizations from the target on why they did what they did. Can also be used to alter a single complex and fairly significant but not life changing memory. Death - The person will do one action
they would never consider doing. In the

going against a deeply ingrained belief. A fairly rested person could be made to nod off. Any NPC could be hit with fear
and made to make an instant Morale

roll. A calm person could be made very happy giving a +3 die to Charismabased skills used against them.

case of commanding suicide this is automatically a Dark-use power and if the

, ,

Death - The person will hit any extreme emotion from any other emotion. Taking
a person to extreme anger will almost always result in a fight extreme depression will result in inactivity or possibly self-harming actions extreme happiness
, , ,



it does damage to

the character instead. A Hero point may be spent to resist this level of Mind Control often violently. This power can also

be used to wipe or completely rewrite

would prevent a fight even if the target

were being savagely beaten. In the
, ,

any memories from the target.



Control - As Mind Control



case of extreme depression or anger

this is automatically a Dark-use power

with different effects

and possibly against

Wisdom instead of Intelligence (defined when the power is first created). 1 Stunned or Dazed - The person will feel one emotion slightly different than their current one. So a furious person

and if the Dark-use botches it does the same effect to the character as well. A

Hero point may be spent to resist this

level of Emotion Control.

Telepathy - While Empathy and the ability

to sense lies are Senses

could be made merely angry an angry person could be made merely irritated, and an irritated person could be made

digging deep into people s thoughts and memories is actually


more of an Attack.

Mental Attack (ignores



Repeated use of this power


would be cumulative






regular armor -1 die) Invisible (-1 die), attacks a person using their Intelligence as a

mean they would be willing to stop

fighting unless provoked again. A fairly

tired (depressed) person could be made
to nod off. A character with the flaw Panic could be hit with fear and made to

defense instead of their Constitution (-1 die) does no real damage (+2 dice). Total ad,


-1 die.

Willpower and similar

mental abilities may act as Protection. Does

not work on automatons or most undead.

make an instant Morale roll. A calm person could be made happy giving a +1

die 2





against them.

Each level of Effect would get progressively deeper into the mind of the target, or if Cone or Explosion is taken multiple targets. Note that in the case of dealing with an indi, ,

Wounded - The person will feel one emotion relatively different than their current one. So a furious person could

vidual with extreme psychological disorders this acts as a Dark-use power which does

the damage to the character if the Dark-use


botches. The ,rst ,eve, of effect ,s a,, that ,s f

needed to commun,cate a message back to

a target. To charge or alter their memories

falls under Mind Control. 1 Stunned or Dazed

two peop,e argu,ng around the corner or mak,ng a passport appear ,,ke a secret society membership card.

Wounded - Several things added or

subtracted to the environment

- Surface thoughts


against someone hiding them. Wounded - Hidden thoughts and well

masked surface thoughts.

3 4

Incapacitated - All conscious memories the target could normally recall. Death - All subconscious thoughts and

of simple movement and covering up to 3 senses (usually sight sound, and touch). This could be completely changing a person,s appearance in a perfect disguise or making a team of guards
, ,

appear outside a doorway.


even repressed memories.

, " ,

If the GM

Incapacitated - Significant changes to

the environment in all normal human

at this level the character can enter the target s mind where it becomes its own alternate reality with its

senses. Could make a brand new luxu-

own rules and characters. k


rious empty hotel lobby suddenly appear to be dilapidated, rotting and filled with

Mental Illusions - Creates a false image in the mind of the target ranging anywhere from adding or subtracting something from

a party of ghosts from an earlier era.


Death - A completely new environment. A building at night suddenly becomes a

the environment (making an oncoming zep-

pelin invisible, for example, or making a disfigured beggar look like royalty) all the way

field of daisies on a hot summer day. Transformation - This is the ability to turn a
person, place or thing into something else.

up to creating a completely new

, ,




world in the mind of the target. Mental Attack (ignores regular armor -1 die) Invisible (-1 die) attacks a person using their Intelligence as a defense instead of their Constitution (-1 die) does no real damage (+2
, ,

Usually considered a Special power against Special Defenses and is usually very rare, the GM must approve anyone taking this power. A person Transformed to any level

but "Death" will heal like regular healing the gradual change back.

which each level of recovery being part of

A person trans-

dice). Total adjustment: -1 die. Willpower and similar mental abilities may act as Protection. Does not work on automatons or

formed to the maximum level may be in that

state permanently until someone can cast a
counter-transformation on them to turn them

most undead. Each level of Effect would get progressively deeper into the mind of the target or, if Cone or Explosion is taken, mul,

tiple targets. Mental Illusions cannot do any damage (buy lllusionary Attacks or some

back. At the GM>s option any form of Transformation (particularly voluntary Transformation) could be made permanent (like

other Attack for that). Also while the envi,

ronment appears to change it doesn"t actually change and anyone not affected by the illusions will not normally notice them at all.
, ,

cosmetic surgery or Biocraft enhancements or curses) provided that makes sense within the campaign and doesn't give a character

an unfair advantage. 1 Stunned or Dazed - The target can be


If a person thinks the elevator is waiting for them and it is actually at the top of the shaft walking into the empty shaft will still cause them to fall. Note that in the case of dealing with an individual with extreme psychological disorders this acts as a Dark-use power which does the damage to the character if
, ,

changed cosmetically or in some minor way. Skin color changes bigger nose, pointed ears etc. While it can make a person seem like someone else, it isn t complete enough to be a disguise unless the person started out looking simi,

lar in the first place.


This could repre-

the Dark-use botches.

with Invested Power

Illusions stay active and fade the instant

sent cosmetic surgery for example.


those MDP dice are recovered. 1


Wounded - The target can be changed enough to affect their performance. So


Stunned or Dazed - Minor changes to

a complete disguise in the same race or

the environment, usually static (or very slow moving) and one sense only. An example might be the image of an old
foe in a mirror reflection

one of similar size (although this would

require a Disguise roll) or a -1 to physical actions (possibly because an arm or leg is shorter or they are missing some

the sound of

fingers) or a +1 or -1 to Charisma because of significant appearance changes,

An ork could be changed back into an



like a

An elf could be made to look human but a Fae made to look

, , "

elf permanently a goblin into a Fae. etc. Martial Arts - Could represent the ability to

like a goblin would still have wings and a goblin disguised like a Fae wouldn t This could be used to represent biocraft enhancements, although the GM should

make such enhancements either very costly or come with some drawback (reputation, vulnerability to electricity). Incapacitated - Here the target can be

channel internal mystic energies or an endless supply of throwing stars or an amazing special lethal punch etc. Long Arm - Ability to extend one's arm to hit someone far away could represent a rubber arm an extendable biocraft limb, etc.
, , , , ,

changed from any humanoid form to another or to any animal form provided
it is within 50% of the same mass. So, a

Weapons - This would represent a gun with effectively endless ammunition a rapier, etc. The lowering MDP from "Pushing" would represent a loss of ammunition or simple muscle fatigue, and resting to recover MDP

would represent reloading or actual resting.

person could be changed from a human to an ork or a wolf but not a fully grown Kodiak bear or a giant. Could also be

The reduction in MDP with range would represent the weapon s ineffectiveness at longer distances. This could be for ranged

damage' a person say, by making their limbs shriveled and useless or making their mouth or eyes disappear. Damaging a person is simple and can reduce abilities and skills by up to -4 easily. Improving on a person is harder with only a +1 allowed in any
, , , ,




weapons but could also be used with Hand,

to-hand varieties with a +1 die bonus.

Example Attack Power - A character wants to

design a Gatling gun pistol.


He has 2 Power

levels with the attack, and says it is based on his Dexterity which is 6, giving him a normal attack

given category except Charisma, which could be improved up to +2. For example, changing a person into another humanoid race could give them all the

physical bonuses listed for that race s package deal (but not learned skills). If the user of this ability has it where it will affect more than one person at a time it




used at this




dice for this power of 2+6=8 dice. He defines this use of the pistol as Kinetic and lethal and it has a normal range of 4" (2" per power level). If he wanted the Option to slap in a belt of Armor Piercing bullets then that option Armor Piercing attack drops to 7 dice. The same would be true if he wanted the Option to ,spray" bullets into a crowd of thugs (7 dice attack in a 3 x 2" cone). If he wanted to pull out an expanding stock and
, , "


between two creatures

personality or soul transplants or the mixing


and matching of two creatures into two strange half-breed creatures.


a scope and shoot an Armor Piercing bullet at a longer distance say, someone who is 10 away he,d have -1 die for the AP and then -2 more

Death - At this point the target can be

transformed into virtually anything negative (turned to stone turned into a chick,

dice for the range (once to double it to 8" and another to double it again to 16 ) for a total of 83 = 5 dice. If he decided he wants the option to
, " ,

also put in wax bullets (a subdual attack) then


en or a toad

switching the brains between a person and a gorilla) and it is a permanent state unless someone else

the original base Power for the Gatling gun pistol

would be 7 dice and be modified from there. He

would have to define every Option for the pistol

during character creation (or whenever he gained the new power) and wouldn t be able to

with Transformation comes along and changes them back to their original form or some other quirk of the power allows something to cancel it (the kiss of a princess the death of the original caster, etc). Even immortality or regeneration will not automatically fix the person. As far as improving a person goes the
, ,

change it after that without either expending experience points or using a feat like Gadgeteer or a skill like Inventor. If he defined the gun as a
pistol always loaded with normal lethal bullets, with no other options it would start at 8 dice,

same abilities as Incapacitated apply but may be permanent or may include personality, memory, or skill changes.
, ,

and then get +1 for being fixed" for a total of 9 attack dice. Even a fixed" weapon can add ad"


ditional range with additional penalties.

Movement - Range Self Persistent. A form of movement specific to the character s powers. Generally movement powers require no roll to
, ,

here as well

using the non-combat ranges provided that the person had either memorized the location in advance had a picture
, ,

activate. Movement powers are usually but not always linked to Dexterity. Particularly limited
, ,

of it

could see it, etc. This type of teleportaand can be combined with the combat

tion takes at least a full round of concentra,

forms of moment (it requires a rocket powered

jet pack that can be taken away, or it only works

in animal form) may be 2x the normal rate, or allow two different types of movement for the
cost of one.

teleportation from above (but purchased separately). It will be up to the GM to restrict these powers so they are not misused. If a
character wanted to use Time Travel to actu-

ally stop time it would have to be heavily


Possible Bonus Modifiers


monitored by the GM. If stopped time only

allowed the character to move around

Requires Item that can be taken away (like a rocket pack or a rug): +1 Level
Always uses MDP dice: +1 Level per 1


not change any of their environment this might be a Power level 1 ability. To be able
to attack and move and otherwise affect

4 5

MDP lost each round (Max +2) Only useable in another form: +1 Level
Limited Push: +1 Level

people frozen in time would need to be

somewhat monitored and restricted by the GM. For example there might be "time creatures that only exist in stopped ime

Limited Movement (Grappling hook as flight only works straight up and down and only when near cliffs or walls): +1

that attack if you keep time frozen too long


Possible Penalty Modifiers 1 Can be <shared' with other people: Level per 1" radius

or stopping time might cause the character to age very quickly or the character might


take damage the longer they held ime frozen,

Examples of Movement include


or certain potions or amulets might make the wearer immune to stopped time etc. While there should be limits if the char, ,

Enhanced Normal Movement. If it enhanc-

acter has paid for that high a level of power

it should be worth it to them. d

es an already natural movement type, such as running (usually 5 ) jumping, or swimming (usually 2 ) but not climbing (which requires a skill roll) this doubles that ability
" , " , ,

A Note On Vehicles and Gadgets - If movement is purchased as part of a vehicle

or gadget that can easily be taken away

for each Power level known. would move


So a person
, "

(like, a lying carpet, as opposed to a jet

pack built into a costume), then the charac-

who would normally move 5


per round

at Power level

20" at

Power level 2 etc. New Movement Form.

ter should get one extra free x2 to the movement. That mixes together these three modifiers for a net of "+1

If it involves a com-



which is x2

pletely new form of movement, such as flying swinging, gliding, fast climbing, teleporting or digging, it gives 1 to that ability for
, " ,


the first Power level known and doubles it for each Power level known after the first.

Can be used by others (-1) Only when used with vehicle (+1) Requires fuel and driving rolls (+1)

Note that teleporting does not have to be the 6. classical Bampf!" from one place to another. It could represent a sudden burst of speed almost too fast for the eye to follow or
" ,

Alteration - No Range. Persistent. Alterations




abilities not easily used directly in


combat. There are two types. Body Alteration and Environmental Alteration. Any Alterations
that last more than 1 round require an Invested
MDP die. Alterations with a "+1 Level" modifier

throwing down smoke and then disappearing into the sewers or opening a mirror portal and stepping through and out another portal

would get 2x as many forms or in the case of

Alterations with a radius or Environmental Alteration

somewhere else

Can be used to



2x the area.

Alteration with a "-1 Level"


enter other realities or times

such as the

modifier would get / the number of forms or /

the area. Modifiers for Alteration include

Aether or the past or the microscopic realms

of the human body, etc. Non-combat teleportation over great distances would fall

Possible Bonus Modifiers

Requires Item that can be taken away (like a potion or amulet): +1 Level Requires x2 Invested MDP to keep "on": +1 Level per x2 MDP
Limited Push: +1 Level

mold grow all over the inside of someone s

house would be an Environmental Altera-



Dark Use power (Threatens the person s sanity etc): +2 Levels Possible Penalty Modifiers 1 Becomes Free Use (Unaffected by size of MDP): -2 dice, requires GM approval 2 Can be "shared" with other people: -1 Level per 1" radius

tion. A minor earthquake that does little more than impress the locals is an Alteration an earthquake that does damage to people or buildings nearby is an Attack.

Changing metals into gold would be a variation of the Feat Well Off. Each level of Environmental Alteration




utility of the power or the area, one or the other. Radically different forms of Environmental Alteration (Changing the weather
and causing plants to grow or die for exam,


2x normal Environmental area:

-1 Level

per 2x area. 2" per level range: -1 Level

ple) should be purchased separately. The less useful the power the bigger the GM

should allow the radius. Making plants grow


Examples of Alteration include Body Alteration - If you want to be able to


or wither

especially if they get in the way or


become non-corporeal that,s True Armor


come up through a street should be 1 or 2" radius per level. Light weather changes

plus some Protections against energy and

kinetic plus a Movement ability through

walls. If you want to pass your hand through someone and solidify it in them that"s an Attack probably Armor Piercing or Special. If you want to be able to phase out of a pair of shackles that,s Body Alteration. Classically 1 level = 1 form with usually 1
, ,

might be good for 4 or even 10" per level. Rain or Sunshine and a cool breeze rarely affect climactic battles. Generally these
powers are good to exploit an enemy s weaknesses susceptibilities or dislikes, or


to add to a role-playing moment. The ability

to change lead or steel to silver would have a distinct impact in a battle against werewolves. Being able to make the air around a water villain suddenly turn extremely dry

purpose (disguise, walking through walls,

etc). Every level after that doubles the number of forms possible such as animals, ability to change into other people etc. Copy, ,

might reduce the effectiveness of their powers or even damage them while rain might

ing someone else exactly including voice


have the same effect on a villain made of


usually requires a Disguise roll, alt,

fire. Again none of the Alterations will ever


hough the GM may rule that it requires touching the person or sampling their blood instead. Buying powers that only work in

do normal inherent damage but they can be used to change "descriptions to exploit susceptibilities or to create or destroy things
, "

these forms (tracking scent that only works in the form of a dog. flying that only works in the form of a bird) should be bought with a +1 die bonus because of the limitation (only works in specific form). If you ever want to have any other 'utility, bonuses (for example most people like dogs and therefore might feel favorable towards you and want to
, , ,

triggering various Flaws.

Example Power Use: Dr. Mentalist has a Level 4

Attack (mental subdual) and says that Power is based on his Wisdom which is 6. His starting MDP has 10 dice (6+4). He>s bought it with two Options. The first is basic attack (-1 for attacking Intelligence instead of Constitution -1 for ignoring regular armor adopt you plus most animals can hide in 1 for being Invisible and +2 for being Dark-use, small spaces etc) those would come from which adds up to 10 -1 -1 -1+2 = 9 total) and one Body Alteration. Option which is the same but in a 2" Radius ExploEnvironmental Alteration - Changing the sion (10-3 = 7 total). This makes his final MDP 9.
, ,

making a brick wall transparent, He also has a Defense Barrier level 3 which is a -3 turning metal into wood these are all exam- protection v. Kinetic attacks he defines as a wall of
, , ,

ples of Environmental Alterations. Making pure mental force. Stumbling into a group of thugs, thick fog would actually be an Anti-Sense Dr. Mentalist uses his first round to surround himself but a light rain would be an Environmental with the Barrier. That drops his MDP down to 8 dice Alteration. Having a bunch of vines entan- as long as it is up. He can t get that MDP die back
, >

gle a person would be a Barrier, but having as long as it is Invested but won't have to spend

have to concentrate on it. weapons. Other options include Senses from gogThe thugs attack with basic revolvers and Dr. Men- gles, or Alterations from large machines. Those talist>s shield easily deflects the bullets (subtracting machines could swap the brain patterns of two sub3 dice from each of their attacks before they roll). jects, or temporarily move the subject backwards or The next round Dr. Mentalist wants to take them all forwards along their evolutionary path. Movement out so he says he s using the "Explosion Option. abilities could include time machines, air ships He'd normally have a 7 dice attack, and still has 8 steam-powered propeller backpacks or gateways

any more dice and won t




dice in his MDP

so rolls all 7 dice and applies the which open into the Aether.

effect to the entire group.


He decides this is too


important an attack to leave to chance so he Science Subject Merged with Spider or other Pushes" his power adding +2 dice (now 9 total) creature (Powers based on Dexterity) - A charac,

and also making himself Stunned in the process. ter who probably started with the Science Subject He rolls a 6 6, 6, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, and 1. The three six- Package. Protection v. Kinetic and Energy would be es total six successes which will leave the thugs high representing an extremely high level of acrocomatose for two days. The one 1 he rolled batics. Senses might include level 1 of the Sense means he takes a minor side effect of the Dark use. Clairvoyance warning the character of impending The GM describes this as a trickle of blood out of his sneak attacks (preventing any penalties from the ears eyes or nose, just for fun, and perhaps gives ambush). Movement would include both fast climbhim distracting headaches for the rest of the day. ing and swinging. The character might just rely on Had he rolled more "1"s than successes, then Dr. enhanced strength for fighting, but have a Barrier Mentalist would have Botched and might have tak- usable as an attack for trapping people in webs or en 9 dice of damage to himself or have terrible real- spinning quick shields of webs. istic delusions for the rest of the day etc. Now resting he would regain 1 MDP the round after he Being of Pure Energy (Powers based on Constiturned the Barrier off. Either way the next round the tution) - Perhaps a character from the Aether or some poor soul affected by some mad science exBarrier goes down because he is stunned.
, , " " , , , , , , ,

periment to merge humans with the elements, or Sample Power Sets

actual elementals themselves. This would include

any character who can either turn into energy or is Powered Armor (Powers based on Intelligence) - energy in their natural state (including elementals).

A character with their powers in a suit of experi- Suggested powers include Protection v. Kinetic and mental technologically advanced" armor. In a Energy probably with True Armor as well to repreSteampunk setting these would most likely look like sent a non-corporeal body. Senses might include reinforced medieval plate armor with a diver s hel- penetrating senses like X-rays, and Attacks would met. The whole thing might be covered in Layton jar be various forms of energy. High levels of Movebatteries gears, lenses, and some sort of steam-fed ment (Flight) would also make sense possibly also power center. Suggested powers include various coupled with Dimensional Movement or unlimited Senses some Protection v. Kinetic, Energy and Teleportation to represent being able to fly faster possibly also some Special attacks like radiation or than the speed of light. Feats like Immunity to VacSonic attacks. The suit might also take True Armor uum and Immunity to Radiation might also work. v Kinetic or Energy (at least Fire) or both. The armor could have any type of Attacks with Options Mentalist Professor (Powers based on Intellilike explosive rounds armor piercing bullets or gence or Wisdom) - A character possibly with the beams etc., plus maybe Flight as Movement, even Sorcerer Package but with the "spells" more based if it took it limited so it was only good for slowing on Mental powers. Protection v. Kinetic might repredescents from zeppelins for example. It could also sent a telekinetic shield which may or may not also provide several versions of the Feat Immunity at the protect v. Energy. Protection v. Mental would be limited" bonus (because they don"t work when the very high. Attacks would be of the Crush Mind Mind Control and Telepathy versions, possibly with armor is off).
" , ,


another Kinetic attack that represents telekinetically Enhanced senses Grande Engineer (Powers based on Intelligence throwing objects at enemies. or Dexterity) - A character with their powers all might include a high level of Clairvoyance that rep-

invested in various gadgets. This will be one of the resents the ability to mentally scan the planet for a more common uses of powers in a Steampunk cam- specific mind. The telekinetic shield might also be paign. Most powers will be Attacks coming from represented by a Barrier.

Naturalist (Powers based on Wisdom) - True Powers or Feats. Anything else is based on actual worshippers of Nature. They look at all things rela- current market value. Most characters are also astive to how they would be naturally. They use plants sumed to have a full time job unless they specifically
but never damage them state otherwise. Without the Feat Well-Off taken at least once player characters start with average to bonus die to their Mighty Dice Pool when outdoors below average income (see Steampunk Economand subtract a die while in cities. Various types of ics).
and animals in their rituals

in the process. A good guide for GMs is to award a

special Senses would be normal (particularly the

ability to detect animals or predict the weather) along with attacks involving lightning animated plants, or summoned animals.

Step 6: Develop Your

Thaumaturgists (Powers based on Intelligence) Traditional wizards sorcerers, necromancers, magi,

Character,s Personality and Background


By now you have a concept and you ve illusionists, etc. They are wide and varied worked out the specifics of your characters abilities and use an almost infinite variety of trappings ritubut if you stop there, you,re missing the and powers als and techniques. A good guide for GMs is to real joy of role-playing games. Creating a concept award a bonus die to their Mighty Dice Pool when for a character in a Steampunk setting can be comthey expend expensive spell components and don't move while casting the spell and subtract a die plex, if for no other reason than it is a genre that is when they are forced to cast spells on the move or still being defined and often times defined differently without components available. Powers could in- by different authors and artists. Sit down with your Game Master and get a feel for the world they are clude almost anything.
, , , , , , ,

creating. Will this campaign be rooted in real Victo-

Fae Craft (Powers based on Charisma) - Magic rian history? Will it be based on an alternate historilearned from or used by elves dwarves, faeries, etc. cal timeline? Does it take place in a fantastical A good guide for GMs is to award a bonus die to world (or worlds) with no link to history whatsotheir Mighty Dice Pool when outdoors and subtract ever? Then go back and revisit that character con, ,

one while in Urban areas.

Powers related to Illu-

cept you started with.

" ,

You took the background package "Dandy here plus also possibly Healing (self or others) and but what does that really mean? Did the character grow up rich, stumble into wealth, acquire it by some special Senses.
sions or other Mental abilities would be a good start

Starting Equipment Unless modified by Feats

, ,

unscrupulous method that still haunts their dreams at night or worse yet hunts them in the streets in

reality? Perhaps they are dirt poor and have been


Start with something you know, then refollowing: shape it into the aesthetic for this Steampunk world. . Basic clothing . Some sort of modest furnished dwelling Want to be your favorite superhero, modern detective or villain, but re-imaged to an era with frock (rented unless the Feat for ownership is coats gaslight and steam-powered weapons? Pertaken) . A week s worth of food or the money to haps you"d prefer to explore the stark contrast be, , >

Packages, or living day to day scraping enough money together to characters only start out with the continue the fagade of wealth and social standing?

buy a week's worth of food.

tween the simple upper and lower classes, playing


whichever one the rest of the characters aren t?

That,s it. Feats might provide a better place The possibilities for weird science are endless, as are those for the true Explorers of mysterious and to live or some equipment and Powers obviously

But don>t forget to look up. Steampunk fills (so, a Power representing "Experimental Gun" would the skies with zeppelins airships, and the possibiliinclude the actual experimental gun.) The Feat Well ties of the Aether. Consider life as an air pirate or Off provides a steady income and some starting an officer in the Royal Aerial Navy or simply a mercash and also allows the transportation, dwelling,
, ,

provide whatever weapon they are associated with

undiscovered worlds.

and clothing to be more high scale and more im- chant trying to make ends meet in the space bepressive. Otherwise, that s it. Usually exotic weap- tween the planets. Look into the vast works of the era for ideas ons and armor are bought with experience points

for your character. If it is a more STEAMpunk cam-

paign, focus on the wonders of science, and the intricacies of social graces. If it is more of a steamPUNK
campaign be as paranoid as that world deserves.

Character Creation Examples


Focus on the darkness of the dystopian world and what you have to do to get ahead in it. Hopefully you ll get to experience a little of each. If you"re not quite certain how to approach the world of Steampunk that,s OK. Make a charac, , , ,

Decide on your character concept a Name: Hargate Morrisay b A dandy turned vigilante detective.
. .


ter you like be it a hero, a rogue, a diplomat, a scientist or an orphan huddling in the shadows and fill
, ,

Spend Basic Points on any Packages (these are always purchased first) a Dandy (4 pts)

in the details after you"ve gotten a better idea for the world around you. Flaws Feats and Background Packages are probably the best places to look for your character s real history. Ask the Game Master for ideas to help round out your Flaws and Feats like Watched" and "Contacts." Start with something generic like, "My character is known for their ability to solve the most unusual crimes of the day so maybe Watched by Criminals makes sense?" and let the GM take it from there. Maybe in some future game, a tall dingy figure will step into the alleyway and the GM will slip you a note on how your recognize this person as Scumbag McVeigh, a criminal who swore
, " " , ,

b 3

Detective (4 pts)

Spend remaining Basic Points on skills &




to get even with you ten years ago when you got his

gang arrested for smuggling.


You roll with it like

, "

Level 2 in Forensics (the Detective package gave him Level 1 )(1 pt) Level 2 in Deduction (the Detective package gave him Level 1 )(1 pt) Level 1 in First Aid (1 pt) Level 1 in Pilot (Airships) (1 pt) Feat: Handy Servant (1 pt for Servant 1 pt for Handy 2pts total) Feat: Utility Belt (1 pt) Feat: Pilot,s License (1 pt) Feat: Recreational Air Sloop (2pts) Feat: Access to Secrets (Can see crimi, " " ,

ve always known that and you ve retroactively added to your character s background. And don t be
, '

nal records)(1pt)

Feat: Small Home/Base/Tower (1 pt)


afraid to help shape your world as well. If you come to the GM with a concept about air pirates and explorers of the Aether, and the GM hasn t even considered the space outside of their primary urban

Spend Attribute points for Attributes



Strength: 3 Dexterity: 4
Constitution: 3

sprawl now you ve given them flesh out that bit of the universe.


a starting point to


Intelligence: 5


3.5 (Had 1 point left over


As a minimum

take a guess at what you<d


spends it here.

Will use a Bonus Point

like to play create that character, and trust that the

GM has at least a framework for a world you can dive into. You and the GM and the other players will
shape the world as you go and like good improvisational actors the more you know about your history,
, ,

to take it all the way to 4 since a half point won t count) Charisma: 4 (started at 2 Because of
Dandy package)

Spend Bonus Points on skills, feats, flaws

and/or powers (The GM has declared this a 10 Bonus Point Campaign)

the easier it will be to react to the universe around


Raises Wisdom to 4 (1 pt) Attack Power Level 2 ("Personal Weapons based on Dexterity)(3pts) Attack Power Level 1 ("Pugilist team at University" based on Strength)(2pts) Defensive Power Level 3 ("Pugilist dodg"



Movement Power Level 1 ("Steamlaunched grappling hook")(2pts) Feat Alertness (1 pt) Flaw Secret Identity (-1 pt) Flaw Devoted to Killing Criminals (-1 pt) Flaw Watched by local law enforcement officials(-lpt)

Character Creation Examples

Margate Morrisay (Vigilante Detective)

Strength: 3 Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 3 Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 4 Charisma: 4

Strength Skills (Skill Level +3)


Swim* 4 Climb' 4

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4)

Dodge* 5 Pilot (Airships) 5

Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +5) KN: High Society 6

KN: Alcohol 6

First Aid 6 Forensics 7

Deduction 7

Perception" 6 Charisma Skills (Skill Level + 4)

Interrogation 5
Streetwise 5

Performing (Violin) 5

Contact (Local law enforcement) Utility Belt, Access to Secrets (Criminal records) Appropriate Clothing, Well Off (1) Literacy, Handy Servant (Knows First
. , ,

Aid and some minor engineering) Pilot"s License, Recreational Air Sloop Small Home/Base/Tower,
, ,


Powers (MDP 9 dice)


Weapons (Attack) - Defined as exotic experimental weapons he s purchased



and some newly invented explosives. These start at Power Level (2) + Dex (4). This gives
him a base of 6 attack dice. Since all of these

are based on items which can be taken away

, ,

that gives all of the Options a +1 die raising the base attack to 7 dice good out to a range of 4 (2" per level, or 40"). He defines all of these as Lethal Energy attacks. Options include:

Pistol Cannon Option - A pistol resembling a

musket with a variety of electronic and chemical

attachments that allow it to fire a bolt of lethal

energy. This attack would roll 7 dice out to a range of 4 and 6 dice out to a range of 8. The GM rules that this weapon is too inaccurate to be good out past 8" distance. Self-Contained Explosive Option - Each of
" " ,

these is an intricately carved vial with a glass

Character Creation Examples

ball inside containing a special catalyst. When a pin is pulled, the ball is released into the primary chemical and when thrown, the glass breaks




(Protection) -

Defined as hand-to-hand blocks and a natural

and the entire thing explodes.

dice attack

It would roll a 6

which can be thrown out to 4 and

damages everything in a 1" radius.


The GM

rules that this weapon can t be thrown further

than 4" distance.

These look odd enough that


the average person won,t mind him carrying them around (they are quite decorative) but any

use in a city will always draw law enforcement once people figure out what they actually do. Musket Cannon Option - A blunderbuss shaped ifle-length weapon also with a variety

dodging ability for ranged attacks. Can only be used when he is aware of the incoming attack and provides -2 Kinetic Protection and -1 Energy Protection to all incoming attacks. "Grappling hook gun (Movement) - Allows him to move 4" (40,) straight up or down per round any time he is near a surface he could attach a grabbling hook to. The speed would normally be 1 but the GM rules it gets a 2x bonus for being limited to only up and down and



of electronic and chemical attachments that al-

only when near something the character could shoot a grappling hook onto and a 2x bonus for being a gadget that could be taken away.

low it to fire bigger bolts of lethal energy. This Option is defined as draining 2 MDP dice every
time it fires
, ,


representing a massive outpouring Cultural Gap (Still struggling to understand the lower of energy and effort. Because of that it gets +2 class) Tied (Curiosity), Tied (Nobility), Secret Identidice in the attack. This attack would roll 9 dice ty (masked vigilante) Devoted (to Killing Criminals),
, ,

out to a range of 4 and 8 dice out to a range of Watched (by the local law enforcement) 8 and 7 dice out to a range of 16 distance. The GM rules that this weapon is too inaccurate 6 Develop your character,s personality and to be good out past 16" distance. This weapon background
" "


is also too big to be carried down the streets

without drawing all the wrongs sorts of attention

Hargate spent his youth carousing at University and and should only be used in emergency situa- doing his best to appear far more wealthy than he

tions. The GM may even declare this version is actually was. After the death of his fiance to a street illegal and must be kept hidden at all times. thug wanting to steal the fake earrings Hargate Since this Option does 9 dice that makes the bought her for her birthday Hargate gave up his
, , ,

character s MDP 9 dice as well. 2



materialistic ways and turned to destroying crimi(Attack) - De- nals.

He went to his dead fiance


team at University


s father for help

fined as hand-to-hand boxing and wrestling These start at Power Level (1) + Str (3). This gives him a base of 4 attack dice. Since all of these Options are hand-to-hand only that gives all of the Options a +1 die raising the base at, ,

since her father worked as a historian and record

techniques he learned as an undergraduate. keeper with local law enforcement for most of his

life. Her father spent months teaching Hargate everything he d ever seen, heard or read about detec,

tive work. Now Hargate maintains his carefree appearance and attitude by day, but then puts on

tack to 5 dice. He defines all of these as Subdu-

al attacks. The Options he takes are

Basic Jab Combination - The base attack

heavy dark clothes and a black mask to search for lawbreakers at night. His dead fiance>s father still works at the city law enforcement headquarters and
, ,

which does 5 dice subdual damage.

> ,

not only tells him where to attain exciting experiJoint Hold - This version ignores regular worn mental weaponry but also gives him access to the armor using a person s own weight against latest criminal records and files during the night

them. This attack would do 4 dice damage but



The local law enforcement detectives have

enough evidence to know someone is out there trailThrow - This version moves the person 1" if the ing crooks and other nocturnal undesirables but attack does at least a Stunned" result. They have yet to identify who this unlicensed crime fighter may use Lightning Reflexes or Breakfall to keep might be. Hargate s manservant knows a little comfrom landing on their backs. This attack would bat medicine as well as the basics of mechanical engineering and tinkering - enough for repair work do 4 dice damage. In addition to the throw.
ignores physical armor.
, " , ,

but little else.

Character Creation Examples

Decide on your character concept

Name: Celeste Marquis



Spend Basic Points on any Packages (these are always purchased first) a Aethermage (4 pts)

b feats

Guild Executive (3 pts)

Spend remaining Basic Points on skills &



Level 2 in KN: Aether (the Aethermage package gave her Level 1)(1pt) Level 2 in Persuasion (the Aethermage package gave her Level 1 )(1 pt) Level 1 in Bureaucratcs (1 pt) Level 1 in Trading (1 pt)
Level 1 in Bribery (1 pt)

Level 1 in High Society (1 pt)


h i

Level 1 in Black Market (1 pt)

I 4


Level Level Feat: Feat: Feat:

1 in Interrogation (1 pt) 1 in Performing (Acting) (1 pt) Well Connected (2pts) Literacy (1 pt) Well Off (1pt)

Spend Attribute points for Attributes



Strength: 3 Dexterity: 3
Constitution: 3


Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 3

Charisma: 5

Spend Bonus Points on skills, feats, flaws and/or powers (The GM has declared this a 10 Bonus Point Campaign)

Sense Power Level 2 ("Quest Engine") (3pts) Raise Aether Magic (from package) to Power Level 3 ("Advanced Anti Spiritcraft )(2pts) Movement Power Level 1 ("Aether Gate")(2pts) Alteration Power Level 1 ("Aether Form") (2pts) Attack Power Level 1 ("Aether Attack"

based on lntelligence)(2pts)


Feat: Feat: Flaw: Flaw: Flaw:

Reputation (1pt) Alternate Identity (1 pt) Secret Identity (-1 pt) Tied to ruling the Aether (-1 pt) Watched by Guilds (-1 pt) i

Celeste Marquis (Aethermage)
Strength: 3

Character Creation Examples

Constitution: 3 Wisdom: 3 range starts at 5 miles per level. It requires the Window (x2 range) only works in the Aether, (x2 range) works on two senses (1/2 range), so at
, ,

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 5

Charisma: 5

level 2 it allows her to search the Aether at the


Strength Skills (Skill Level +3)

Run" 4 Swim* 4

speed of thought out to 20 miles. Advanced Anti-Spiritcraft" (Defense) - A


Barrier against creatures and powers in the Aether. No range (+1) only works in the Aether

Climb" 4

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 3)


Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +5)

KN: Aether 7 KN: Trade Law 6 KN: Black Market 6 Bureaucratics 6
Deduction 6

Perception* 6 Charisma Skills (Skill Level + 5)

Persuasion 7

Interrogation 6 Oratory 6 Performing (Acting) 6 Bribery 6 Trading 6 High Society 6


(+1) and requires 2 Invested MDP dice (+1). It is variable (she decides how much Protection goes to Kinetic Mental, or Energy) (-1). Total modifier is +2 Levels to the original 3 or 5 total. It creates a 3 sphere around her (1" per level) and she could make it any combination of Kinetic Energy and Mental as long as it totals 5. It requires 2 MDP dice Invested, and she can use this as fast as a dodge. Aether Gate" (Movement) - She enters the Aether through a full-length mirror covered in dials pipes, and Eldritch Copper. (+1) She can take anyone within a 1" radius through it (-1). Aether Form" (Alteration) - "Mistwalker" Since this only works in the Aether, that gives +1
, , " , ,



Level which she defines as a second form of a small scary young girl with glowing green eyes.

Holding either form requires 1 invested MDP.


Well Off (2) Literacy, Law License. Mental Aware- Tied (to Executives) Tied (rule the Aether), Secret ness. Reputation. Alternate Identity Well Connected Identity ("Mistwalker") Watched (Guilds), Watched (Aethermagi), Cultural Gap (Doesn,t do well outside Guilds High Society, Black Market, or the Aether) Powers (MDP 7 dice) 1 "Aether Attack (Attack) - Bends the energy of
, , , "

the Aether into damaging levels.

Power Level

(1) + Int (5) gives a base of 6 dice. Only work in the Aether gives all the Options +1 die raising the base attack to 7 dice. Subdual Energy. Electrical Discharge - Tiny sparks 7 dice out to 2" 6 dice out to a range of 4." Max range 4." Maelstrom - Swirling mass of Aether material does 6 dice in a cone 3" by 2".
, ,

Develop your character's background

personality and

Celeste knew she was destined to work in the Ae-

ther from birth.

She joined the local Aethermage He charm and wit has


guild at a very young age, and now does contract

work exclusively for guilds.

led her to many guild leader's inner circle and she is

as ruthless as she is effective. As Celeste she ad,

Soul Biter - Subconscious fears from the real

world pulled into the Aether.

" ,

Uses the target s vertises herself as a person who knows how to get Wisdom instead of Constitution and does 6 dice things done in the Aether. The actual work she out to 2 5 out to 4," and 4 out to 8". Max 8." maintains is up to her contact, "Mistwalker," who no
, , ,


Aether Window" (Sense) - Allows her to see one can seem to hire but her. Celeste s desire for and hear into the Aether up to 2 away. It re- the Aether is limitless, and her every move is a calquires an item (Window), which adds hearing. culated step towards her dream of one day ruling it. Quest Engine" (Sense) - An Aether Window She is so focused on her goals that she gets easily accessory this is a tiny crab-looking mechanical confused talking to people about unrelated things device covered in gems for eyes that only exists like shopping or the weather. in the Aether. It only works out of combat so its
> "


Character Creation Examples


Decide on your character concept


Name: Jin kins 257

Automaton Automaton servant who became

Professor Jinkins 257 (Robot Professor) Strength: 4 Constitution: 5 Wisdom: 2


Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 5

Charisma: 2

tient in a lightning storm (sure why not)


Spend Basic Points on any Packages (these Strength Skills (Skill Level +4)
are always purchased first) a Automaton (4 pts)

Run* 5 Swim" 0 Climb* 5

b 3

Laborer (1 pt)

c Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4) Academic (5 pts) Spend remaining Basic Points on skills & Dodge" 5


Feat: Invulnerability (8pts) Feat: Night Vision (2pts) Strength: 4 Dexterity: 4 (started at 2 because of
Automaton package)

Constitution Skills (Skill Level + 5) Survival (Urban) 6 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +5)
KN: Automatons 6


Spend Attribute points for Attributes


KN: Mechanical Engineering 6

KN: Butler Tasks 6

Constitution: 4.5 (Had 1 point left over


so spends it here. Will use a Bonus Point to take it all the way to 5) Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 2 Charisma: 2


Cooking 6 Innovation University 6 Psychology 6 Anthropology 6

Perception* 6


Spend Bonus Points on skills, feats, flaws Automaton (Immune to Mental eats Copper dust, and/or powers (The GM has declared this a doesn,t heal *" sinks in water) Extended Age, Special Equipment (Can change voice to mimic oth10 Bonus Point Campaign) a Raises Constitution to 5 (1pt) ers) Literacy, Doctorate (Psychology & Anthropolob Attack Power Level 2 ("Mechanized gy). Ambidexterity, Invulnerability (Immune to most fighting" based on Strength)(3pts) hazardous things) Night Vision, Gifted with Lanc Defensive Power Level 4 ("Metal Body") guages, Language (Babbage Engine Code), (6pts) d Enhanced Senses Level 1 ("Sixth Powers (MDP 8 dice) 1 "Mechanized Fighting (Attack) - Basic fistiSense")(2pts) e Feat: Ambidexterity (1 pt) cuffs. Power Level (2) + Str (4) so a base of 6 f Feat: Gifted with Languages (3pts) dice. No Options make it "Fixed" for another +1 Flaw: Vulnerability to Electricity (-1 pt) die. Hand-to-hand only gives it +1 die. The final g attack will do 8 dice Subdual Kinetic 8 MDP. h Flaw: Vulnerability to Magnetic Attacks 2 "Metal Body (-1pt) (Protection) - Body made of i Flaw: Susceptibility to Submersion in metal. This natural armor can be bypassed by water x2 (-2pts) putting weapons into his mouth, opening panels, Flaw: Unique Appearance (-1 pt) etc. It provides -2 Kinetic Protection and -2 Enj k Flaw: Known Identity (-1 pt) ergy Protection to all incoming attacks. 3 "Sixth Sense (Senses) - An unexpected side effect of his mechanical sensory organs is that




he can sense otherworldly creatures which are

normally invisible.

This includes ghosts and


spirits. He can sense when they are nearby with

a normal perception roll in a 2 radius. He has a 1 to his perception roll for each amount the radi-

us doubles (-1 at 4

" ,

-2 at 8

" ,


Flaws tions

Character Creation Examples

Cultural Gap x2 (Trying to understand life, emoand living outside academia), Money
, ,

Non Human, Vulnerability to Electricity (+2 dice) Vulnerability to Magnetic Attacks (+2 dice), Susceptibility to Submersion in water x2 (2 dice every round) Unique Appearance (looks like a robot in a tweed suit), Known Identity (most know of "Professor 257")

Develop your character's and background


One of the many experimental custom-made automaton servants for the very wealthy this

one in particular seemed more advanced than its kin from the start. Then one night as it took to shutting all the windows in a lightning storm a nearby bolt missed him but irrevocably al, , ,

tered his interior components. From that point


he was self aware, and acted on his

, ,


Eventually after many years of faithful


service, when his original owners died Jinkins 257 was granted freedom and immediately went to local University to learn about the world. He attained several advanced degrees

and then took to interviewing some of the great explorers of his time. Not satisfied with mere
second-hand knowledge he soon began put,

ting every silver he could earn into paying for

his own expeditions to strange and exotic locations. While he still occasionally visits universities to give lectures whenever he has enough

saved he continues to scour the planet for answers and the secrets of humanity.

Character Creation Examples


Decide on your character concept


Twister (Gadgeteer)
Strength: 2 Constitution: 2 Wisdom: 3



Once proud fae ArcSmith turned into a Dexterity: 5

goblin gadgeteer.
Goblin Skills

Intelligence: 6

Charisma: 2


Spend Basic Points on any Packages a Goblin (3 pts) b ArcSmith (2 pts) c City Urchin (3 pts) Spend remaining Points on skills & feats a Level 3 in Inventor (the ArcSmith package gave him Level 1)(2pts) b Level 2 in Engineering (the ArcSmith package gave him Level 1 )(1 pt) c Level 2 in Picking Locks (the City Urchin package gave him Level 1 )(1 pt) d. Level 1 in KN: Chemistry (1 pt) e Feat: Well Off x2 (2pts) f Feat: Language (Fae Tongue) (1 pt) Feat: Lackeys (3pts) g h Feat: Small Home/Base/Tower (1 pt)
. . . . . . . . . .

Strength Skills (Skill Level +2)

Run 3

Swim" 3

Climb* 3

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 5) Dodge* 6

Lock Picking 7

Set Trap 6 Disable Trap 6 Constitution Skills (Skill Level + 2) Survival (Urban) 3 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +6)
KN: Black Market 7
KN: Arcane 7

KN: Theories 7

Spend Attribute points for Attributes


Strength: 2 (started at -1 because of Goblin package) Inventor 9 Dexterity: 5 (started at 3 because of Goblin package + ArcSmith package) Charisma Skills (Skill Level + 2)
Constitution: 2

KN: Chemistry 7 Perception" 8 Smell Perception 10 Mechanical Engineering 8


Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 3

Fast Talk 3 Streetwise 3

Charisma: 2 (started at 0 because of Feats Goblin package) Special Equipment (Goggles identify power flows on Spend Bonus Points on skills, feats, flaws machines) Language (Fae), Infra Vision, Gadgeteer, Well Off x2. Lackeys (5 Handy Servants) Minions and/or powers (10 Bonus Point Campaign) a Level 1 in Set Trap (1 pt) (10 normal Henchmen), Small Home/Base/Tower (in b Level 1 in Disable Trap (1 pt) slums) Literacy, Doctorate (Mechanology) a Attack Power Level 2 ("Weapon Inventions and Traps" based on Dexterity) Powers (MDP 8 dice) 1 "Weapon Inventions and Traps (Attack) - A (3pts) b Defensive Power Level 2 ("Agility")(3pts) few of his inventions combining mechanical enc Feat: Minions (6 pts) gineering and chemical propellant. Power Level Feat: d Feat: Literacy (1 pt) (2) + Dex (5), for a base of 7 dice. All of these Feat: e Feat: Doctorate (1 pt) are based on items which can be taken away, so Flaw: d Flaw: Devoted (to protecting slums) (that gives all of the Options a +1 die, raising the base attack to 8 dice good out to a range of 1pt) Flaw: Devoted (Goblin rights activist) (4 (2" per level). He defines all of these as Lee thal Kinetic attacks. The Options he takes are 1pt) f Flaw: Dislike (Aristocracy) (-1 pt) Compressed Air Repeating Crossbow - A Flaw: Watched (Law Enforcement) (pistol crossbow with two ultra compressed minia9 ture air tanks and a clip of small darts. It ires in 1pts) Flaw: Watched (Scientists) (-1pts) a cone. 3 long and 2" wide, filling the entire area Flaw: Bad Reputation (Slum Lord) (with lethal darts. The cone gives it -1 die. so he 1pts) would roll 7 dice to everyone in the area.




Character Creation Examples

Spring Loaded Concealed Blades - In various


but quickly overdosed.

After the Horrid

items he carries (like a cane or riding crop) and Transformation from happy-go-lucky fae who speup his sleeves and tucked in his hat etc there cialized in making cute automatonic animals for chil-

are many blades which can fire out without dren Twister ended up on the streets. He is selfwarning. He can only fire 3 per day before hav- made, and fascinated by science and tinkering. He ing to go back to his lab (+1 die) but these are has inadvertently become the champion of the small and narrow making them Armor Piercing Fallen." He uses the money from his inventions to (-1 die) 8 dice out to 4" (the max range) and employ many of the local goblins - including a reduce all Protection by half. neighborhood militia - and feeds money back to the Booby Traps - A mechanical kit that can be residents of the slums whenever possible. He can
, , " ,

used to set up booby traps on a moments notice. see in pitch blackness as well as in the day and can These traps take a full minute to set up (+1 die) recognize a person by their scent. and can be disarmed with a disarm trap roll (+1 die) but are also "invisible" (give -4 dice on a
, ,

Perception roll)(-1 die) and fill an entire 1" radius area (-1 die). He Invests 1 MDP into each trap

which lets it remain




and waiting to be

triggered as long as the MDP die stays Invested. Anyone (and everyone) except himself entering the 1" radius area would trigger the trap and would take 8 dice worth of damage -1 for each

MDP die he had Invested. Note that the trap can only go off once and then the Invested MDP

die is freed up to return at the normal rate. He does not need to roll his "Set Traps" skill to set these that skill is for traps he is unfamiliar with

or improvised ones made without his kit. "Agility (Protection) - Defined as a combina"

tion between his short stature and a natural abil-

ity to dodge attacks without effort. This gives him -1 Protection against all incoming Kinetic and Energy attacks he perceives.

Bad Reputation (Copper Addict) Bad Reputation (Criminal), Bad Reputation (Slum Lord), Unique Appearance (Goblin), Short (reduced movement etc), Cultural Gap (Confused by life outside of gadgeteering) Tied (to inventing), Devoted (to protecting slums) Devoted (Goblin rights activist), Dislike (Aristocracy), Watched (Law Enforcement) Watched (Scientists)
, , ,

Develop your character,s background

personality and

It took a few harsh winters in the streets before

Twister adapted to his new life as a Goblin. He is still mostly a solitary individual who prefers tinkering more than dealing with people. Back in his fae days he took to ingesting Eldritch Copper as a way to

clear his mind and help him design more intricate

Game Mechanics
Time and Scale
Time - Time is measured both in combat and noncombat. In combat

A character can generally jump 1 distant or high


per three successes on a Strength+Acrobatics or Strength+Athletics or Strength+Jumping roll.


time is measured in rounds,


where each round takes about 10 seconds.

Running in deep mud thick jungle, waist-deep etc may halve or more all movement.
, ,

combat time is up to the GM based on the current

story line.

While GMs may assign certain movement or action penalties for rain and other weather hazards

these should be plot driven and shouldn,t

Scale - Anything listed as having a range or move-

ment in inches is used to help should the players . decide to use graphs or miniatures. In a combat setting 1" = 10'. In a non-combat setting, movement is measured in hexes, with each hex representing 5

affect movement unless a part of the scenario. Smashing through a door or wall requires a
character s entire action after movement. character has movement
, >

If the

either on their own or


miles across.

because or Recoil or falling they may break through the object and keep going. If the character is attacking the wall or door etc and does more than twice what the object could take they

Scale and Miniatures - The scale listed as 1" = 10,

is primarily for ease of use. designed for people who quickly sketch out buildings or terrain on a sheet of
graph paper and use initials or coins or tokens to

pass through without slowing. If they are moving because of falling or Recoil apply the same dice of damage to the object as to the person. If

show where everyone is.

sized miniatures.

It also works for 15mm


there are people who will want to play with painstakingly hand-painted miniatures and sculpted terrain and most Steam,


the damage to the object is enough to destroy it the character keeps moving until they hit an object they can"t pass through (like the ground).

Encumbrance punk miniatures come in 28mm size. A true miniatures enthusiast will probably be offended by the discrepancy in the scale. To get around this still Generally this should be ignored. However treat any mention of an inch as an increment of ten whenever a character pushes the realms of common



when actually measuring on some


form of desktop terrain really 2 = 10, for 28mm min- should only come into play when attempting to carry iatures. As easy way to deal with this is to draw other people unusually large objects, etc. Characsquares on maps 2 square or just to remember 1 ter carrying their Maximum capacity have a -2 die is really 5, when measuring on a board. penalty to all actions and move at half normal.
, " " , ,


the GM should consult the rules below. This


0 movement too

Easy Carry

Max Carry



2 3 4 5 6

60lbs 90lbs 120lbs 150lbs 180lbs

120lbs 180lbs 240lbs 300lbs 360lbs

in order to maintain gaming simplicity.


Climbing over a fence/carriage/similarly sized object doesn t require a Climbing roll and costs

of movement each.

Total success with an


Acrobatics roll would negate this penalty.

The skill Climbing allows a person to travel up 1 for every three successes. This can be spread out over time taking however many rounds it



9 10

900lbs (Elephant)
1 ton 2.5 tons

1 ton
2 tons 5 tons

took to roll three successes.

Swimming allows 2 of water movement per melee round +1 for each success with Swimming.
" ,



5 tons
10 tons

10 tons

(20 tons would be a full coal car of a freight train) For Strength above 12 (normally impossible) continue doubling the weight limits for each point.

Resolving Combat
Attacks go in order of highest Dexterity to lowest (in a tie roll once for the combat and keep that same order). The attacker rolls their attack dice (minus the Protection of the target), and checks suc,

Explanations of Damage
Stunned - This is the character either taking a
solid hit to their armor (imagine a scattergun hit to a cast iron breastplate or a sword hitting a steel helmet but not cutting through) or dodging an attack but somehow hurting themselves in

cesses on the chart below. Attack rolls can be modi-

fied by whatever factors the GM declares. A rusted sword might have -1 die on the Dice Pool while an

electrical bolt might have +1 die against someone

standing barefoot in water. A character may move

and then

the process (hitting a wall or landing awkwardly). The character is unable to do anything else this round or, if they have already gone this round, for the next full round. They remain standing

hold, their attack action to wait and see

" ,

and aware

but are too dazed to be effective. In


what others do. When using a held' action during an opponent s turn you must roll more successes

than them using Dexterity to act first.

either case, they become fully active again at the end of whichever round they miss. So Hero X is fighting Villain Y. Round 1: Villain Y goes first

Damage Chart


No Effect


whole cbt)

Wounded +




0 or less

1 Success 1 Success 1 Success 1 Success 1 Success 2-Successes 2-Successes 3-Successes 3-Successes

4-Successes 4-Successes 5-Successes 5-Successes

2 Successes 3 Successes 4 Successes 5 Successes 5 Successes 5 Successes 6 Successes 6 Successes 7 Successes 7 Successes 8 Successes 8 Successes 9 Successes

3+Successes 4+Successes 5+Successes 6+Successes 6+Successes 6+Successes 7+Successes 7+Successes 8+Successes 8+Successes 9+Successes 9+Successes 10+Successes Comatose

2 Successes 3 Successes 4 Successes 4 Successes 4 Successes 5 Successes 5 Successes 6 Successes 6 Successes 7 Successes 7 Successes 8 Successes

2 Successes 3 Successes

4 5

2 Successes 2-3 Successes 3 Successes 3-4 Successes 4 Successes

4-5 Successes

7 8 9

5 Successes
5-6 Successes


6 Successes
6-7 Successes






No Effect


(Stunned entire cbt)

10 rrinutes)

Unconscious 1 hour

1 day +1 day per additional


- The Attribute is almost always Constitution in regular combat and against most powers Non-Physical Mental powers tend to use Intelligence as the Attribute poisons could use Constitution or Strength, and


unholy or insanity inducing powers against the soul would use Wisdom.


(he has a higher Dexterity) but missed or spent the round speaking some great monolog while threatening some locals etc. Hero X goes se- .

take 6 - Constitution (minimum of 2) weeks to

heal down to just Wounded naturally.
Killed - A Hero Point will lessen the wound to

cond and gets a


Stunned" result on Villain Y.


Incapacitated. Otherwise...

Villain Y loses their next action

which won t


happen until round 2. Round 2: Villain Y does Multiple Wounds - If a character is at one woundnothing but is still considered "Stunned" until ed state, and they take another wound of any sort

the end of the round

so Hero X gets the extra other than Stunned the result is the next level
, , ,

dice bonus for attacking a "stunned" target. A above their highest wound. So if a Wounded charHero Point may be used by a Stunned character acter takes a Wounded effect they would then be to allow them their full Dodge but nothing else. Incapacitated (one level higher than Wounded).

Dazed - As Stunned but until the combat ends. Shocked - As Stunned but a full 10 minutes.
, ,

Recoil - In certain campaigns attacks may knock


Unconscious - The character is completely people backwards significantly. They can knock out helpless, and unaware for one hour. people off cliffs, through buildings, etc.

Comatose - The character is unconscious for a

day. Continuing to beat on a person in this state Normal Campaign Recoil - In normal campaigns Certain powers with subdual attacks will result in an additional attacks normally don t do Recoil. day of unconsciousness per blow and at the can be purchased with the Does Recoil" option GMs option eventually will do lethal damage. In which means any time that attack does at least a the case of a very big attack hitting a normal Stunned" result, it knocks the target back person, the GM may rule that each level of suc- 1 (Maximum). Normally this involves explosions,
, < " , , , "


cess beyond what was needed to reach coma- very large guns or martial arts throws. In this intose does a success on the lethal damage chart. stance a spent Hero Point by the target could neSo a subdual attack that does 8 successes gate the recoil.

against a person with a Constitution of 2 would put them in a Coma for 1 day and have 3 suc- Epic Campaign Recoil (Optional) - In epic camcesses left over, which would also put them at paigns with characters like vampires or Mr. Hyde or Wounded. GMs may rule that through succes- giant octopi, recoil can be expanded at the GM s

sive beatings the character has reached a per- option. In such campaigns subdual attacks rolling sistent vegetative state and can only be revived at least 6 dice knock targets back quite a bit. Regardless of any other effects of the roll, if a Subdual through extreme healing, plot devices etc.
, ,

Wounded - The character is hurt enough they have a -2 dice penalty on every roll they make. If the character keeps fighting the wound will worsen to Incapacitated in a number of melee rounds equal to their Constitution. If they stop fighting the wound will worsen to Incapacitated in a number of hours equal to their Constitution. Anyone applying first aid with a Basic Success will stop the wound from getting worse. It will take 16 - Constitution (minimum of 4) days to
, ,

the target of the attack flies back 1" for every success rolled in a subdual attack. If the target flying back hits something they

attack rolls 6 dice or more


t pass through they take another attack with a

, " ,

number of dice = the total number of inches they weren t able to move. For example Mr. Hyde hits a thug, using all 9 dice of his unarmed attack and rolls 5 successes. The thug has a Constitution of 3 so not only is the thug unconscious for an hour he also
, , ,

flies back 5". If there is a wall 1" behind him


he flies

and then takes another 4 dice subdual attack heal naturally. Another Wounded result confrom the wall. Had he lown back into a window he verts this to Incapacitated. Incapacitated - The character is barely able to would pass harmlessly through it had he flown back function. They can only move 1" per melee into a wall of spikes he would have taken 4 dice of
, ,

round, and they have a -3 dice penalty to every roll they make. If the character keeps fighting

the wound will worsen to Killed in a number of

melee rounds equal to their Constitution. If they stop fighting the wound will worsen to Killed in a number of minutes equal to their Constitution. Anyone applying first aid with a Strong Success bullets and punches to nerve clusters might do a lot will stop the wound from getting worse. It will of damage but no recoil.
, , ,

lethal damage, and had he flow into another character they would have both taken 4 dice of subdual damage. Characters can create attack Options with increased Recoil which does x2 Recoil for every -1 die modifier subtracted from the attack. GMs may also rule less Recoil than normal. For example wax

Reducing Recoil - Characters may "save" some of throwing possibility. So a character picks up a 60lb If the character has a of attacks against them. For every die they subtract strength of 2 they can"t throw it at all. A strength of any of their own attack dice and put into reducing 3 would be able to throw it 1" and a strength of 6 recoil they recoil 1" less. So, in the example above, could throw it 4 For very high strengths (7-12) use BEFORE the attack dice against him were rolled the the same calculation method, and then double it. So thug could declare he was using 2 of his attack dice someone with a strength of 12 could throw that same to try to resist getting knocked back (bracing himself 60lb object 20" (200>). or rolling with the punch). If after the attack, the thug was due to fly back 5" he would then only ly The benefits of throwing things are back 3". His next attack would be at -2 dice though . If the object has any sort of reasonable mass since he used 2 dice that round. the GM should always allow for at least a strength +1 die bonus for thrown objects plus

their attacks, much like parrying to reduce the recoil object (an empty chest).
, ,


Whenever two parties discover each other

any gravity bonus.


It s only +1 die because


there are also penalties for throwing objects that


t aerodynamic etc.

there is a chance that one or both sides will be sur-

Larger objects will often act as an area attack


prised. If one or both sides is fully aware of the other they wouldn"t roll for surprise. In conditions

throwing a carriage at someone will be a 1"


where one side is sleeping or being Ambushed, etc,


making up for the inaccuracy of throwing a carriage with the sheer amount of

the GM would most likely declare automatic surprise.

When it isn"t clear

space it hits.


however, a roll is required. each success on a Stealth roll from


Throwing things allows strength-based characters to have ranged attacks where they wouldn t normally.
, "

one side subtracts one success from the opposing party s surprise roll. Always count the least favora- . ble Stealth roll if several people were moving as a group. So, if two thugs were sneaking up on a city
guard, and one thug rolled two successes and the
other rolled four

Large objects also have a chance of pinning

down their targets. Any time an object does at least a Wounded result to a target the GM may rule that the object is on top of them pinning
, ,

you would subtract only two from the city guard>s surprise roll. Had one thug been

them down if they aren"t strong enough to lift it

it themselves.

or requiring they spend their next action moving

using stealth and the other not no successes would


be subtracted from the city guard's roll no matter .

how successful the other one was.

If gravity is involved so is extra damage.



Next the character with the highest Percep-

every 1 the object travels down add a +1 die of damage up to a maximum of +6. So, as a result
, ,


tion from both sides make a Perception roll. Rolling a Basic Success means your party is not surprised. A Minor Success means a -1 to every Dice Pool of everyone in the party for one round. A Trivial Success means a -2 to every Dice Pool of everyone for
1 round. A botch indicates that they are so surprised

of some scientific new marvel

a villain has a

they do nothing the first round. So if party A rolled 3



party B rolled 1 success, party B would

have a -2 dice to all their Dice Pools for the first

round. It is possible for both sides to be surprised as

well as neither.

Throwing Things
While not common in a Steampunk genre

strength of 10. That villain wants to toss an large steam engine (weight 900lbs) at an enemy. He can throw it a total of 4". The enemy is only 2 away so he says he ll use the remaining 2" to throw it 1" up and then 1" down, so it arcs and lands on top of the enemy. It would do his normal strength damage +1 then +1 extra die because the engine went up in the air and fell on top of the foe (12 dice total). The max extra dice that can be added for gravity is +6 representing terminal velocity. So a villain with a strength of 7 wants to drop a large metal desk (300lbs worth) out the window of a zeppelin and onto a

some players (or creatures) may want to pick up heavy objects and toss them at or drop them on oth-

crowd in the street below. He has enough strength to push it but not throw it, so he doesn"t get the +1 die throw" bonus. But. thanks to
, "

gravity, this desk will do 7+6 = 13 dice of subdual damage to a 1 area when it hits the street
below. GMs should use common sense with

ers. The basic rule is that for normal strength (0 through 6) however many points of strength over the strength needed for the Easy Carry weight = 1 of

these types of attacks. Tossing a picnic basket . is unlikely to hurt regardless of the velocity. GMs may also rule that throwing particularly .
hard and pointy objects (like say a broken steel metal bar) might do lethal damage.

Add a number of dice equal to the Charisma of the leader if they are within a 5" radius If they never had a Leader or their Leader is

outside command radius (normally 5 take no penalty and gain no bonus

" ,

but possi,

bly bigger with the Feat Natural Leader) then .


Breaking Things
Breaking things is a matter of how many
successes you can do to an object. Most door sized

Leader is out of visual range subtract -1 dice


Leader is killed or immobilized

subtract -2 dice

. .

If a If a




is the target of a particularly visual or

subtract -2 dice seems to clearly outnumber or outgun side add +2 dice for the side that AP, ,

violent attack

objects require 3 successes (lethal or subdual) in a

single attack to break in a minor way (kicking the



the other

door open but not off the hinges). Very thick wooden objects would also have -1 Protection while rein,

PEARS more powerful.

. .

Brave" NPC adds +1 die

forced or thin metal objects might have -2 Protection and steel, brass or iron objects would have -3

Very Brave" NPC adds +2 dice

Raw" NPC subtract -1 die



Doing more successes than required


significantly damages the object (knocking the door . off its hinges) and doing double the successes necessary shatters the object (splintering the door). It is

Easily Panicked" NPC subtract -2 dice Hero Points may modify morale rolls either to

add or subtract successes.

up to the GM to determine if the damage creates a If the roll is fist-sized hole, or damages the whole object. Bigger <1 success = The group Breaks They flee the and more sturdy objects require more and more suc- combat at their fastest speed and won t look back. cesses. Some examples 1 success = The group is Frozen. Everyone dives for cover if they are under missile or power fire or . Regular exterior door requires 3 successes . Thin metal exterior door requires 3 successes hides behind the nearest door or wall. They stay


with -2 Protection.

that way and roll again every turn until they either
Break or Recover.

Steel Reinforced Vault door requires 5 successes with -3 Protection.

2 successes = The group spends the next turn retreating 5" (if they can move). 3 successes = The group is Suppressed everyone Morale dives for cover or Dodges and loses their next turn. 4+ successes = The group maintains morale and Criminals (and monsters) are a superstitious may act normally. If Frozen they now Recover.
, ,

and cowardly lot. Any morale checks take place at

the end of the round. Cowardly thugs will often flee. Getting injured will make them more likely to flee.
Player characters are immune to morale checks (they role play how they respond) but their sidekicks .
and servants are not.

Combat Modifiers
Some found" weapons can modify 1 to 2 dice depending on their quality.

the attack +/-

The point of Morale checks is to end battles .

quicker, particularly when one side clearly outguns ends. Unless they are zombies most lackeys will

Shooting a missile or power at a character who


moved > 5 this round:

-2 dice to succeed

the other and it is only a matter of time before it .

Shooting a missile or power after moving > 5


round: -2 dice to succeed.

not actually stand and fight to the death of every last . Not moving and spending the turn aiming or preone of them. paring a power: +3 dice to succeed. Each "side" of a battle will need to make . Melee without being able to see your target: -3
a morale roll dice to succeed

2 3

The first time fired upon

Whenever their leader is hit

no parry possible.

Shooting a missile or power without being able to

see your target: -5 dice to succeed. and whenever they take more than one third . Attacking from behind or with surprise or attack(33%) casualties (killed or immobilized) ing a stunned opponent: +4 dice to succeed. Roll using a base of 4 dice

. In melee against multiple opponents: Each attacker after the first against the same target gets +1

Botches - Any roll with more Failures than successes should be considered a Botch. A Botch

. Shooting a missile at a slightly concealed or prone target: -1 Protection for the target . Shooting a missile at a mostly concealed target: 3 Protection for the target . Shooting a missile at an almost entirely concealed target: -6 Protection for the target . Shooting into a melee: Target considered mostly concealed (-3 Protection). If the shooter Botches the attack roll roll the full attack again against a nearby random or friendly target. . Using an Armor Piercing weapon: Reduces the Protection of target by half (round down)

usually results in something worse than a basic

failure. For example a Botch in a gun fight may


result in the gun jamming or being knocked to

the ground. A Botch with a Run roll my result in

a stumble to the ground and a Botch with most powers might indicate hitting an innocent bystander or destroying an important structure or

. Attacking multiple targets requires splitting the Dice Pool among the targets.

. Being . Being . Parry: and use

or brass

Wounded: -2 on all Dice Pools Incapacitated: -3 on all Dice Pools May subtract any of their own attack dice them as Protection instead against melee

piece of equipment, possibly endangering a group of bystanders. A Botch can also be used to deschbe the success of an enemy. For example Captain Spaalding the Aetherial Explorer has years of combat and adventuring under his belt. The idea that he could draw a weapon on an enemy and it fly out of his hands defies what seems possible for this character. So instead the GM might rule that the enemy managed to shoot the weapon out of his hands instead
, , ,

attacks. If holding onto something like an iron plate 2


even though the end result is the same.

Parry may also be used against

. .

ranged attacks coming from a single direction. . Melee Charge (i e moving >5 in the round): +1 die if the user gets at least 3 successes in running and another +1 die for every 2x faster than normal (5") that they can move (even if don"t move the full move). Cannot be used with Parry. If the target has
, ,

Dodging - As mentioned before a character may use their Dodge skill at any time before

other dice are rolled provided they aren t




pletely surprised. For every two dice of Dodge used in an attack they may declare -1 Protec,

tion against any attack that they could reasonably dodge (it is hard to imagine dodging a tele-

a saved action and manages to attack the charger before the charger hits then the target will get the

same bonus against the attacker first and the attacker will only get to continue the attack if they aren t affected by the target's attack.
, '

pathic attack, for example). It is possible to do a partial Dodge and still attack. Every die used in a Dodge is one less die available for an Attack that round. So, for example, if a character normally has an Attack of 6 dice and a Dodge of
" "

and they use 4 dice to Dodge that round, then


Using something as a club - Using anything as a

, ,

club will either add dice to the attack

or shatter harmlessly against the target. Generally a club adds +1 die to a subdual attack unless the club is spiked or has a sharp edge in which case it adds
, ,

+1 die to a lethal attack

GMs should rule that some

they start with only 2 dice left for the Attack but would have -2 Protection. Partial dodges are particularly effective (for a single round) when combined with Pushing (see below) to get Attacks back up to normal strength. This is sometimes known as the "all out duck and shoot" maneuver,

clubs (broomsticks against a heavily armored being) will add no bonus. Most impromptu clubs are usual-

also sometimes described as flying

ly only good for 1 or 2 attacks before they shatter.


sideways through the air in slow motion with a

firearm in each hand a'blazing.

Switching Between Options - Most powers
have variations available to them. A character

Keeping Combat Interesting

Combat should not be the focus of any Role Playing Game. However it will happen, and when it does it should be done right. The 'fun' of this

might fire a burst of wax bullets into a crowd of thugs especially if they have hostages, then switch to a scattergun for a lethal more powerful


and then switch to diamond tipped armor


combat system is not that a character has to roll every attack but that differing factors allow




piercing rounds when faced against an armored

steam engine heading their way. Likewise a character might use a weather generating machine to fire a forked

them to manage the number of dice they have to roll and vary what those dice do. Essentially, their

decisions have a big role on how the combat goes

dice rolls include...

of lightning at an invisible hero (since area attacks nullify invisibil,



which is how it should be. Things that affect normal

ity penalties).

Pushing with Power Drain (lowers MDP) -

This is a non lethal method of calling on reserves for an attack. This could represent firing more ammunition (and therefore requiring a longer period to reload or for capacitors to recharge) swinging harder (and tiring the person out faster) burning hotter (using up actual energy reserves faster), etc. In no case can a person expend more MDP than they actually have.
, ,

jumping down on someone to add gravity to the force of their fist kick, or blade might be worth

+1 or +2 dice

although the GM may rule that some damage also goes to the person flying through the air. Covering someone in pitch before hitting them with a fire attack (or anything

else that would ignite it) or wrapping a metal


A person with 7 or less MDP cannot for example. take the option which adds +4 dice to the

attack and lowers their MDP by 8.

Dice or Levels Added

chain around fists as boxing gloves, any of those might add bonuses of +1 to +4 dice. If the character uses the trick" repeatedly it should become a modification of their power and paid for with experience points. The first time used
" ,

though the character should almost always get


a bonus.

(for a single roll)


Power Drain Cost


it usually can't be used with things that use This selves in combat with many enemies at once. external power supplies bullets, etc. The GM can run them with Mass Combat should only be used in dire emergency situaRules instead of having them all attack independenttions. It can be combined with Pushing with
, , ,

This game has tried wherever possible, to minimize die rolling. Right now, one roll does both +4 to hit" and "damage." Another variety of this would be when someone takes on a large crowd of enePushing and Taking personal damage Pushing this way involves using a person"s own mies. particularly low powered enemies (AKA Lackinternal energy reserves to pour more of them- eys). Be they street thugs native savages goblins automatons, a squad from an enemy army, or selves into a power. Since it damages the perMorlocks eventually characters may find themson
, " "

Reduce Reduce Reduce Reduce


by by by by

1 2 4 8

die dice dice dice

Mass Combat Rules

Power Drain. Dice or Levels Added

ly. This not only minimizes the number of dice rolled


against large crowds but also helps prevent the

(for a single roll)


Personal Damage Cost

Stun for 1 round.

phenomenon where someone walks into a rain of arrows or gunfire with absolutely no fear of taking any damage. Mass Combat Rules work like this.

+8 6

Damage to Wounded Damage to Incapacitated

Kill the character.

Determine the maximum damage an individual "lackey could do if they rolled 1 suc"

cess per die. One level higher than this is the

most a Mass Combat could do. The minimum







The Environment - GMs should allow the situ-

ation and the environment to affect powers with the intent that each special effect balances out.

Stun." For each additional attacker after the first,

add +1 die to the attack roll

keeping the maxi,

The GM can use as much actual science or

mum damage as listed above.


pseudo science as they feel comfortable with. The GM may award dice for electrical attacks
against grounded people or people standing in water but take dice away on electrical attacks against people in the air or wrapped in rubber.

Make one single attack roll for the entire crowd adding the bonuses from #2 (above), and keeping the maximum to what is listed in #1 (above).

No one may "Push" in Mass Combat.

Fire powers might be more powerful where Example Mass Combat against players
, , ,

there is more oxygen or in higher winds and

Let,s say an untrained man-at-arms normal,

and based on less powerful at higher altitudes and in rain and ly has a 4 dice hand-cannon attack the target,s Constitution of 6 the worst they could completely useless underwater.
, "

Clever Ideas - Whenever possible the GM ever do with 1 success per die would be 4 successshould reward ideas that make sense. For ex- es, which would Stun" the target. Now let"s say 10 of these men-at-arms are ample someone climbing up to a building and firing pistols at a heroic character charging at them.

With the normal rules times


boring everyone and with little to no chance of doing any damage. Only a "Critical" success (5 or more successes with one of those rolls) from the lackeys would do any damage. The hero could charge with no armor no dodging, and no real fear of personal harm. Ho hum. Using the Mass Combat rules for the same combat the GM rolls 4 dice + 9 (1 for each man-atarms after the first) or 13 dice total one time with a maximum damage potential of Wounded" (one more than "Stunned") If the target had Protection or other
, , , "

the GM would roll 4 dice 10 by Air pirates who are slightly better trained or armed and have a 5 dice attack. The GM rules that as the ships approach the distance and partial cover
, , ,

of the deck gives both sides -2 Protection. Everyone has a Constitution of 2 so the Mercenaries can do a maximum of Wounded (1 more than Dazed) and the Pirates can do a maximum of Incapacitated. Each side has 10 Regulars"
, "

and as the airships approach each other they volley.


The Mercenaries roll a total of 11 dice (the original 4 -2 for Protection +9 for every person after the irst) and the Pirates roll 12.
, ,


they would still apply as normal, subtract,

The Mercenaries roll two "5"s and one "6".

, "

ing from the 13 dice being rolled.

Now suddenly Two pirates are Wounded and either a third one is dodging makes sense, as does moving to cover or killed or an Elite" (like the pirate First Mate or Capperhaps putting on some armor. AND, one roll re- tain) is Wounded. The Pirates roll three "5"s and
solves the entire volley.

Incapacitating three Mercenaries, and either killing three more or Incapacitating three of
, , ,


Force on Force Mass Combat

Now let>s take it one step further. Suppose
a brave adventurer lost on some strange new world
in the Aether has armed and trained a bunch of
" "

the "Elites" on the Bella Rosa. or some combination of the two. The combat ends when one side has no

Regulars" to fight.

Optional Combat Rules

War Wounds - Any time a character reaches Incapacitated there is a chance they will receive


to rebel against their oppressive over,


The adventurer will lead the combat

Use these rules


doesn,t want to roll for each member of each side of

the combat.

some type of additional long-term injury as a result. Each side will have "Regulars" and possibly This is especially true if they were actually "killed" Elites" like sergeants or commanders etc. but used a hero point to reduce the result to Incapac"

Determine the maximum damage an individu- itated. While Incapacitated don't worry about the al "Regular of one side could do if they war wound ight away. After healing however, see rolled 1 success per die to an individual what the long-term effects of the injury were. These
, " ,


Regular" of the other side. One level higher

than this is the most a Mass Combat could do. Combat is "Stun."

effects cannot be cured with First Aid but Regeneration and high levels of Healing Others (and in some

The minimum potential damage for Mass cases Alteration) may remove them.
For each additional attacker after the first,
add +1 die to the attack roll

War Wound Effects - Roll 1d6 to determine loca-

keeping the maxi- tion. and then 1d6 for severity.


mum damage as listed above.


4 5

Make one single attack roll for the entire crowd adding the bonuses from #2 (above), and keeping the maximum to what is listed in #1 (above). For every "5" rolled, that success does the maximum damage to a "Regular. For every "6" rolled, that success does EITHER kills a "Regular or does the maximum damage

Location Roll 1 = Head/Neck'

Severity Roll
1-2 = Minor Scar

2 = Vitals2
3-4 = Chest


= Major Scar

5 = Lingering Damage

5 = Arms/Hands',

6 = Permanent Damage

6 = Legs/Feet&


from #2 to an "Elite." 6

Generally Speaking Minor Scars are nothing If the GM decides any of the volley ire will target more than interesting character notes. They rarely player characters, use the previous Mass Com- affect game play except in certain social circles. Mabat rules to resolve that. jor Scars are difficult to conceal, and will be noticed f
any time that body part is exposed. Lingering Dam-

Example force on force Mass Combat


age and

Permanent Damage come with Major


Using the same untrained man-at-arms as Scars but have additional drawbacks as well.
dice hand-cannon attack

mercenaries on the Airship Bella Rose still with a 4 Scars may be removed with Level 2 Healing Others.
they are suddenly attacked

All Lingering Damage may be removed with Level

3 Healing Others.

Armor from Feats

All Permanent Damage may be removed with Level Armor is usually purchased by player char4 Healing Others including reattaching limbs, growacters as a Protection power or bought as a Feat. ing back lost eyes etc.
, ,

Armor provides Protection and subtracts dice from Head/Neck" - A Major Scar to the Head/Neck will incoming attacks. Protection purchased as a power affect Charisma rolls by -1 to -3 dice in many cases. is considered weightless and doesn>t interfere with Lingering Damage to the Head/Neck represents the character,s actions in any way (unless they things such as damaged hearing (-1 hearing percep- bought it at a discount for those restrictions). Protection purchased as a Feat is considered Heirloom/ tion) damaged eye socket (-1 sight perception), a and has restrictions listed below. disfiguring scar (-3 to Charisma rolls in many cas- Body Armor es) or a speech impediment (-3 to Charisma rolls in Body Armor - Worn body armor consists of any many cases). Permanent Damage to the Head/ type of armor bought as a Feat (or picked up and Neck represents things like a missing ear (-3 hearput on in a pinch). Assume it is a full body covering ing perception) missing eye (-2 sight perception including the head. 1 point of Armor would buy a plus -2 on all ranged attacks), being mute, or brain
, , , ,

damage (-1 to Intelligence or Wisdom until healed).

rigid leather vest or a thin metal plate and give -1


Protection to either Kinetic or Energy but not both.

2 points would buy an iron or special metal breast,

Vitals2 - Lingering Damage to the Vitals repre-

sents internal scar tissue that affects some part of plate and -2 Protection against either Kinetic or Enthe reproductive system or digestive tract. Classi- ergy or one of each. 3 points would give a comcally this will either make it difficult for the character plete suit of iron or some lighter experimental metal and -3 Protection against either Kinetic or Energy or to reproduce or give them a -1 die to any rolls involving Constitution related to whichever area was some combination of the two (with a maximum of -3
, ,

damaged (for example, resisting tainted food or stealth, and the resisting various illnesses involving one of those type of armor affects movement
, , ,


Unlike armor based on Powers this


sents either complete infertility or a -3 to any Con- prevent damage against drowning, and metal armor

Permanent Damage to the Vitals repre-

Treat ot with common sense - armor doesn't

stitution rolls related to the affected area.

doesn"t prevent damage from electrical attacks.

Chest3 - Lingering Damage to the Chest represents an overall reduction in Constitution. Consider the characters Constitution to be 1 less than normal

Feat Armor Penalties - Armor provides a tremendous advantage in combat. However it is also enormously bulky loud, and heavy. As such, every
, ,

until this damage is repaired. Permanent Damage

should be considered a -2 Constitution until this

damage is repaired.

point of worn Feat armor subtracts one from all Stealth rolls and (if a helmet is involved) Perception rolls. So someone with 2 points of Heirloom Armor would have a -2 to all Stealth and Perception rolls
whenever they wore the armor.

Arms/Hands4 - Lingering Damage to the Arms/

Hands is overall reduction in manual Dexterity. Permanent

In addition armor slow down a character s movement based on


Consider the characters Dexterity to be 1 less than

normal until this damage is repaired.

the chart below. Armor

Damage should be considered a -2 Dexterity until

this damage is repaired. It could represent the loss
of a limb instead.

Move 5

1 Move

Move 1



1 toO

2 3


0 1 2


Legs/Feet" - Lingering Damage to the Legs/Feet is

reduction in movement. Consider the characters
tactical movement and non-combat movement to be

Strength 1 Strength 2 Strength 3 Strength 4 Strength


Move 5




2 3


Move 5




1/5 normal until this damage is repaired. Permanent Damage should be considered a 1/2 normal
movement until this damage is repaired. It could

Move 5

Move 5





Move 5

Move 5

Move 5


represent the loss of a limb instead.

Move 5

Move 5






The sk,,, "run" can st,,, be used to mod,fy the ma,,y Stun Hargate. Hargate spends a Hero Po,nt movement. The GM may ru,e that wear,ng armor of to ,ower Dr. Dev,ous' successes to 1 so the attack any sort makes swimming impossible or at the bare does no effect. Madam Mystery activates her menminimum extremely difficult and slow. In a non- talism medallion to make herself "unseen" by the
, ,

combat setting the average character can move


minds around her

and all perception rolls to see her

one hex (5 miles) a day per point of Constitution. will have -4 dice. For every point of worn armor (and shields carried in The four Mystery Lackeys unload their scatthe "ready" position) subtract 1 hex (5 miles) per terguns at Captain Spaalding. Normally the Lackday modified by strength just like melee movement. eys have 4 attack dice. With their -2 for being surprised this round, and their -2 because of his instincts" for avoiding danger, they would normally Sample Combat have no dice left to roll. However if the GM goes with a "Mass Combat roll. It>s a 3 dice roll (base 0 Hargate Morrisay uses his grappling hook dice +1 die per Lackey after the first) with a max gun to pull him to the top of a clock tower rumored damage possible of "Stunned." The roll comes up 2 to house criminals. Meanwhile Captain Spaalding successes which still doesn t stun the Captain. The has spotted this activity from his air ship hovering GM describes this as a panicked sloppy effort by the
, , " , " , , ,

nearby and pilots it over in hopes he can get a little Lackeys and the scattershots completely missing




through clock tower windows and into the midsts of The round has ended, and now the Bad Dr. Devious and his four Lackeys plus Madam Mys- Guys must make a morale roll. The Devious Lacktery and her four Lackeys ("the Bad Guys.") eys are all incapacitated and dying so they are al, ,

(the "Good Guys") leap Spaalding as he dodges around the room.

Let<s assume all the lackeys have Attributes ready out of the combat. The Mystery Lackeys start of 2 each. The Devious Lackeys carry hand canwith a base of 4 dice. They would normally add nons while the Mystery Lackeys carry scatterguns Madam Mystery's Charisma but since she's currentand wear -2 Kinetic Protection breastplates. ly invisible that counts as "out of visual range" and The best Bad Guy Perception is Madam they get -1 die instead. The GM rules that the exMystery's which is 4 dice. The Good Guys roll 6 plosion counts as a particularly visual or violent at" " , , , ,

dice based on Hargate,s Perception and get 4 suc-

tack giving the Mystery Lackeys another -2, taking cesses. so they are not surprised. The Bad Guys them down to 1 die. They roll no successes, and only get 1 success (Trivial Success) and so have -2 will spend their next action running full speed away to everything they do the first round. from the area and will keep running until they fall Round 1 down from exhaustion. If they can,t get out for some Hargate and Captain Spaalding both have reason they will fall to the ground begging for merDexterities of 4 and go first. Hargate tosses an Ex- cy. Dr. Devious and Madam Mystery must also plosive at the Devious Lackeys, while Captain make Morale rolls. They start with 4, and are conSpaalding spends his action simply demanding the sidered to have never had a leader so get no modifivillains surrender. Hargate rolls 6 dice and gets 4 er there. The -2 for the violent act still applies but radius successes applying it to everyone in a 1 both these characters get a +1 for having the which includes all Devious Lackeys. 4 successes v. Brave" Feat. Epic villains tend to have the "Very a Constitutions of 2 means the entire group is Inca- Brave" Feat or even Immunity to Morale. Since Depacitated, and can be written off for the combat. vious and Mystery have the same roll the GM rolls Captain Spaalding shouts "Lay down your the 3 dice and counts the effect against both reweapons! and strikes a dramatic pose. Normally maining Bad Guys. They get a remarkable 3 suc, ,



this would

have no effect

but certainly is within


character. If he had Reputation Feat he'd gain a -1 ing for cover. Not a bad first round for the Good to their Morale roll at the end of this round. Had he Guys as all the Lackeys in the room are neutralized brought any of his Lackeys with him to the fight this and the Bad Guy leaders are dodging for cover. might qualify his team for the +1 morale boost. Round 2
, ,


and will spend their next turn simply dodg-

Dr. Devious and Madam Mystery both have

Dexterities of 3 and go next. Dr. Devious pulls out an electronic bolt gun and fires a 5 dice Subdual Energy attack at Hargate. Because of Hargate's dodging ability of -1 Protection v. Energy and the -2 Dr. Devious has for being surprised the GM only rolls 2 dice and gets 2 successes. That would nor, ,

Hargate pulls out his pistol cannon and

takes a shot at Dr. Devious. The GM declares that

Dr. Devious is dodging and uses 4 dice (his Dexterity plus 1) to give Hargate -2 dice to his attack. That takes Hargate"s attack from 7 dice down to 5 and he rolls 4 successes. That>s enough to Wound and

Stun Dr. Devious

who drops to the ground holding 6 dice attack making it 9 total. Since it is an area the new hole in his side. Captain Spaalding rolls 7 attack it doesn,t matter that he can't see Madam (his normal perception) -4 (the penalty for her being Mystery if she is in the area. The GM rules that invisible) = 3 dice to spot Madam Mystery and gets there is no bonus against the two comatose men nor a Critical Success with 4 successes which the GM the incapacitated Lackeys. Seeing the explosives
, , , , , ,

rules is enough to target her with no penalty (dust tumble through the air Madam Mystery gives up her

from the ceiling outlines her form). Captain action to Dodge, leaping for cover in some sort of Spaalding decides the most gentlemanly way to cinematic slow motion explosion maneuver. She slow her down is with his hand cannon. He starts uses 4 dice again for -2 Protection v. the explosion. with 7 dice minus whatever she uses for dodging. Since no one else has any Protection against Lethal She uses 4 dice of Dodge for -2 Protection so Cap- Energy Hargate just rolls one 9 dice attack and aptain Spaalding rolls 5 dice. Remarkably he rolls no plies it to everyone else in the radius. He rolls 6
, , , ,

successes and two than successes


Since this is more failures successes which kills all the incapacitated Lackeys, s he has botched the roll. The GM kills Dr. Devious and kills Captain Spaalding. Caprules that as he turned to target her he accidentally tain Spaalding uses a Hero Point to lower it to Incabanged his arm against a nearby poll sending out a pacitated. Just for fun, the GM consults the War


spray of sparks and stunning him for a round.

Wounds chart and declares that Captain Spaalding


Both Dr. Devious and Madam Mystery have will have a Major Scar across his torso. Hargate spent their actions dodging, and will not need to rolls again rolling only 7 dice against Madam Mysmake morale rolls this round. In addition Dr. Devi- tery. He gets 4 successes which Wounds and ous will be stunned all next round since he already stuns her as she rolls and tumbles across the floor.
, ,

used his action to dodge this round.

The round

The combat ends with Hargate launching


ends with the Mystery Lackeys sprinting out the his grappling hook to stop his fall and lower him into door and down the stairwell. the dark alleyways below while the top of the clock

tower burns in the night. Maybe he,ll use the rest of Hargate seeing Dr. Devious wounded and the evening to track down those four cowards who in pain decides to knock him out for interrogation ran away earlier. He has left five dead men includRound 3
, , ,

later rather than shoot a downed man.

He would

ing Dr. Devious along with a wounded Madam Mys,

normally get a 5 dice Kinetic Subdual attack with his tery to carry a comatose and incapacitated Captain
jab, but gets a +4 dice bonus because Dr. Devious Spaalding out of the flames for purposes as yet unis stunned. Hargate rolls 7 successes which known. To Hargate. his work here is done. To against Dr. Devious Constitution of 3 knocks him Madam Mystery her vengeance has just begun... into a Coma for 2 days baring appropriate medical
, " , , ,

on top of his Wound, which will need tending to as well. Captain Spaalding spends his round recovering from being stunned but will still be considcare,

What lessons did we learn from that Combat?


ered stunned until the end of the round.

Madam Mystery decides to take advantage of Captain Spaalding s situation and pulls out an electric bolt gun just like Dr. Devious gun, and aims it at Captain Spaalding. Normally she'd get a 5 dice attack, but adds +4 because Captain Spaalding is
' , >

Combat can quickly become lethal. As well it should be. This is primarily a game of above average people with big weapons. Most of the time if you get hit once you re out of the combat. The trick then is to really consider combat

stunned, AND because he is stunned he doesn,t get his normal -2 Protection for instincts." She rolls
, "

before it starts

and not get hit when it does.

9 dice and gets 6 Subdual successes, which puts Captain Spaalding into a coma for a full day as well.
Round 4


invisible armed criminal

Hargate now finding himself alone with an and not overly concerned
, ,

Can you surprise your opponent? Where can you take cover? How many can you take out before they get a shot at you?
Would it be better to postpone this com-

about that obviously incompetent Captain fellow

who butted in without an invitation

bat until you are better prepared? Hero Points are like gold in combat. The ability
to downgrade an incoming attack can obviously

decides to leap out the window while throwing several explosives


duces his MDP by 4, and adds +3 dice to his normal

behind him. They still only affect a 1" radius but he is "pushing" his powers for extra damage. He re- 3

be lifesaving but also the ability to Dodge when


stunned may be the thing that keeps you alive.


If you are outnumbered, consider saving some of those Attack dice to Dodge with instead.

Vision Type Human in daylight or lit building

Percept,on Ro,,s
Normal Perception
0-3 0-3 0-3 0-2 0-3

-2 die

Every additional 3" Every additional 3" Every additional 3"

>2 4

Nightvision on clear night w/half moon Infravision in complete darkness

Human with a lantern






(max rg)

Nightvision with lantern

Human with a candle


>3 6



and >6"-8" (max rg)


(max rg) (max rg)

Nightvision with a candle





Perception Rolls

Spending Experience

Characters should not normally be allowed Many a scenario mystery, combat, ambush, and adventure will rely on what people notice and to spend experience points during a scenario. what they don t The table above is provided to give GMs some guidelines when trying to determine if a General Rule - Buying anything new or raising anycharacter notices something. While only Vision is thing the character already has costs double what it

listed here

the same sorts of guidelines could apply would cost for buying it during character creation.
normal senses. There is a "normal"
, ,

to all of the

range where a sense works with no penalty and any Attribute Rule - Normally when a person attempts time you double that range you have -2 dice to the to improve their Attributes it requires constant upPerception roll. Bigger louder, or more odiferous keep. They have to stay "in shape" or keep their
, , ,

targets give bonuses (or require fewer successes) mental disciplines honed and practiced. Essentially
while smaller
, "

more stealthy, and cleaner targets upgrading Attributes means constant work or they could potentially give penalties. slip back to their natural state. To represent that Environment should also always play a part. Attributes can be raised at the normal cost (instead Almost every sense gets worse in a thunderstorm of double the normal cost) but at the end of every scenario any raised attributes drop down to what for example.
, , , ,

they were before unless the advancement is paid

At the end of each normal game, each play,

again. As long as characters pay points at the end of each scenario the Attribute(s) stay raised.

Buying New Feats and Powers - Buying new er will get experience points that can be spent in- Feats and Powers costs the same as above but in crease Attributes, or buy more skills powers, or almost all cases the GM should build it into one or


When the GM awards points at no time

, ,

more scenarios and/or make it difficult to obtain. So

should the amount be less than 1 point although

if a character wanted to upgrade from a steam powGMs are welcome to wait to award points after an ered carriage to a truly refined amazing quality air, ,

entire campaign or scenario rather than every gam- ship he can,t just go and buy one. He might need ing session. to raise some money get permission from the local

Playing a detailed scenario (Base) Solving a difficult puzzle/mystery Defeated a superior enemy or force Successfully completing a detailed campaign Exceptionally brave combat Exceptional role playing Player played particularly out of character
Adventure was filled with failures

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1

guild, do a noble or guild master a significant favor,

go on a long journey to seek out the great airship

yards of Antioch



New Feats or Improved Feats as Rewards - As

GMs may also award Feats as rewards for exceptional game playing. New Contacts (even if sometimes they are 1-use only) and Rank are both good examples.

mentioned before


dice against someone contacting it while industrial,

Falling - Generally speaking a character receives or 14 dice. In all cases this is subdual damage norone lethal success for every fallen (or 2 dice of mally but lethal damage if the target is well grounddamage for every /" fallen). So a character with a ed or standing in water etc. constitution of 3 who fell 20 feet (2 ) would take 4 successes on the lethal damage chart or the GM Radiation - Pseudo science radiation tends to fo, , , " ,

sized current might do 10 dice and an actual main power line or lightning bolt could do as much as 12

would roll 8 dice. In this case 4 successes would Wound and Stun the character. If a character is

they can roll their Breakfall to reduce the damage from the fall. Every two successes reduces the level of damage from a fall by one. Assuming only half of any round is devoted to movement characters would generally fall 40 (40 stories) in a 5 second period (1/2 of one round). However GMs
, ,

cus on short-term effects. It is conceivably possible in a Steampunk world that radioactive elements do
little more than burn someone physically touching
them. If the GM rules that radiation does some

sort of short-term damage then a small amount of

radioactive material or a sizeable amount of raw

should say that no matter how short the distance it some radiation-resistant material (like lead or gold)

uranium should be treated as a 4 dice lethal energy attack that ignores any Protection that isn t based on
' ,

takes at least one full round to hit the ground in or- every round automatically. A room flooded with rader to allow for dramatic aero rescues. Note that a

character cannot Dodge the ground.

dioactive steam would be a 5 dice lethal energy attack


and an actual fission reactor or the Steampunk

Drowning - Drowning tends to do no damage for a while, and then a lot of damage very rapidly. A character under water may make a Constitution roll and hold their breath 1 minute (6 full rounds) for each success. Every round after they can no longer hold their breath they take a level of lethal damage (starting at Wounded and Stunned). However, if a person is saved from drowning, they heal the drowning damage at a rate of one level per hour. Immuni, ,

equivalent would do a 6 dice lethal energy attack. A

fission reactor or pile of uranium going critical mass would do an 8 dice lethal energy attack. Armor that protects v. Energy would count, and the GM may count various types of lead shielding also as varying levels of impromptu Protection while a complete lead-lined suit might have Immunity to Radiation. GMs should consider some sort of long-term plotdevice effect based on exposure to radiation as well.

ty to Breathing would negate this damage.

Incapacitating Radiation damage should have some


fun plot-device side effect. Powers might be temporarily more or less powerful or new powers might Burning -- If exposed to hot items or flames that form or old powers might work in a completely difaren t regular fire attacks characters will generally ferent way. Targets might mutate on the spot or still take damage. GMs may rule that armor or spe- over the course of a few days or somehow merge cial outfits protect v. burning or don t depending on with an insect or animal that was nearby at the time.
" , , , > , ,

the situation and the material.

A thick leather coat

might provide some protection while a thicker insulated suit soaked in water might provide even more. Poisons and Toxins - Most poisons will take the

Immunity to Radiation would negate this damage.

Small fires (smaller than Campfires) will do a Wounded effect every round Campfire-sized fires would do an Incapacitated effect every round and larger than Campfire-sized fires would do a Kill result every round exposed. Immunity to Fire would negate this damage. GMs should rule that running through" fires does one to two levels less damage than just standing or falling into them. So running through a bonfire sized conflagration might do Incapacitating damage for a normal person, or even just Wounded or no damage if accompanied by a truly
, , " ,

form of a Power from a chemist or animal.



are more naturally occurring. Generally both do dice of lethal damage against the person's Constitution if it is a deadly poison, and against the person,s Strength if it is a weakening or paralyzing poison or toxin. They tend to spread damage out over a longer period of time than normal doing one step of the

rolled damage every minute ten minutes, or hour.


Diseases - Very similar to Poisons and Toxins but


spectacular run roll or acrobatics roll etc.

spread the damage out over days rather than hours.

Some diseases can attack both a person"s Strength

and Constitution with two different attacks
, ,

Electricity - Electricity has a chance to be a fairly attacking the Strength and Lethal attacking Consticommon hazard in the Steampunk world. Generally tution.
speaking normal domestic current, or current creat,


ed by a small steam powered generator would do 3

Let,s face it one of the great joys of the Steampunk genre is that it inspires some really cool outfits and gadgets. If you are going to go to all that trouble to make or buy some why not use them for more than a convention or ball once a year? This section tells how to take this world from a Role Playing Game to a Live Action Role Play game.
, ,

want to play the role of someone with supernatural physical abilities here,s your chance.

A game with no contact is safer for everyone and avoids any sort of unpleasant accidental
touches that players might not appreciate.

Converting the Rules

Converting these rules from a regular RPG to a LARP is fairly simple. Whenever you need to Role Playing Games (RPGs) revolve around perform any sort of action, take the number of dice creating a story with players as the characters and you have in that skill, feat or power, and divide it in Live Action Role Play (LARP) takes it a step further half rounding up, similar to the way Dodge works. into a realm where the players are even more im- This is your number of successes. If you are happy mersed into the narrative and the action. Simply with that number stop there. If you want to try to put, while most RPGs take place around a table, in a improve on it add a method of competing with the LARP players dress as their characters move GM (like Rock-Scissors-Paper). If you tie the GM around settings related to the story and speak and your number of successes stays the same. If the perform actions the way their characters would. GM beats you subtract two successes, and if you
, , , " " , , , , ,

Live Action Role Playing

Very similar in some ways to improvisational beat the GM add two.


these types of games revolve around a For example the GM declares that a giant group of people playing off what the others do and mechanical spider is bearing down on a pair of say all under the supervision of at least one Game Steampunk characters ("Bob" and "Tom") in the Master (GM). There are rules of course, to keep woods next to a campfire. The GM declares that the the game moving and help quickly resolve in-game giant mess of bolts and iron made plenty of noise so conflicts while avoiding out-of-game disputes. there was no chance either side was surprised and
, , , , ,

that the spider has a lower Dexterity than Bob and

No-Touch LARP
LARPs tend to vary most on the topic of
combat. In some LARPs


so they go first. Bob says he's firing his 6 dice eldritch hand
while Tom declares he s going to try to duck


into the darkness and hide with his 8 dice of stealth.

padded weapons are Bob would yell out "3 successes lethal energy" and used to resolve combat with players actually beating Tom would yell out "4 successes stealth." (No rollone another and in other LARPs, all combat is sim, ,

ing, fast action everyone can focus on role-playing ulated. This is a no-touch LARP for three very and the actual game) The GM would then say straightforward reasons. something like "The spider is covered in hard metal 1 You probably spent a lot of time and money on plates (normally -2 Protection, but half value in a that Steampunk costume and probably don t LARP or -1) so that makes your attack 2 successwant all the extra added gears and lace getting es lethal energy. Then after that they could choose knocked off nor do you want to have any of to toss rock-scissors-paper. Bob throws scissors your hand-modified goggles or other gadgets the GM throws paper. Bob gets +2 successes, so 4 getting smashed by a foam-padded rapier. lethal energy successes total. If the spider had a




You're playing a character and that character Constitution of 4 then Bob>s 4 lethal energy suc,

may be very different from you physically. Let cesses would Wound and Stun the creature. He yourself be whatever you want, without regard could choose to add a Hero point to the roll and Innecessarily to what you actually are. If you re capacitate the spider. He could have also Pushed big and strong and muscular it might be fun to his power again dividing the total dice by two for the
, , ,

play someone small who has to rely on their number of successes. In all cases he should point smooth voice or personality to survive. If you ve his costume pistol where the imaginary spider might never been a physically oriented person but
, ,

be and curse the beast before firing.

Special LARP rules


crushing gears. Since these are fictitious hazards they can be represented visually however the GM

In all cases Hazard Zones should have a

Players should do their best to have costumes ap- er enter a Hazard Zone without a GM there to tell

pre-designated way of identifying them, such as red Costumes really enhance any LARP game. tape or simply a "Hazard" sign. Players should nev-

propriate to the Steampunk world. If nothing else, a them what happens when they do or to referee the dress of any sort or a dress shirt with a vest and results if they try to bypass or negate it. slacks works in a pinch. The biggest restriction is
that any equipment a character carries should be Staying in Character represented in some way by the costume. If your During a LARP game everything you do or character carries a hand-cannon so should you, say should be in character unless you specifically
, ,

even if just a plastic gun painted brass and brown. have an OOC (Out of Character) need or question If you have something close that doesn,t quite match which you should preface by saying OOC Question/ the description (you have a pistol but the character Comment." The only other automatic OOC comcarries a rifle) either change the description or don t ments allowed are Hold" and "Game On." The worry about it. If nothing else, any equipment you phrase Hold" can be called by anyone usually relatcan t account for in your costume you should have ed to an unsafe act or some other issue. When an individual 3x5 card with a name and description Hold" is called everyone should immediately stop
, " > , " " " , "

on it so you can lose, trade and give away items.


what they are doing and assist with whatever the

Game Boundaries

problem is.


Game On" can only be called by GMs

what the physical game boundaries are. For exam- all the time but that's part of the fun of a LARP. If ple, Anywhere outdoors inside the fenced area and someone with 4 successes with myths and legends anywhere inside except the kitchen. Players should was allowed to open an envelope which described a assume there is nothing of interest outside those statuette as something from an ancient group of
" , , "

and starts the game back up again. Before each game. GMs should make clear It is hard to remember to stay in character

areas relative to the game and leaving the game cannibalistic mystics they might want to keep that to boundaries puts them automatically out of game. themselves because they didn"t want to alarm the
, , " ,

group, or perhaps they wanted to confront the owner Inanimate Objects of the statuette in private. No one should ask What Inanimate objects within the Game Boundadid it say?" or "What was in the envelope?" Instead
ries call all be tweaked, opened, and examined


less they have a "no play" tag on them. The appear- does it mean anything to you?" Likewise the charance of these tags is up to the GM. It can be a acter who examined the statuette should have a log,

they might ask

" ,

I saw you examining that statuette

bright orange tag. or something less obtrusive that

ical reason his character would or wouldn*t reveal

fits in with the decor like a paper cutout of a brass skull or set of gears. GMs should add information" >

and to whom. Keeping information just to keep it doesn>t help the collaborative aspect notes or envelopes so they don t have to constantly of the game much but neither should someone repull characters aside to reveal secret information. A veal everything just to reveal everything. Similarly a box might have a tag which reads "requires 3 suc- character using Lock Picking to open a locked box An envelope might want to pull out a set of lock picks if they have cesses with Lock Picking to open. leaning against a statuette might say "This appears one, or make a show of mimicking their skills so othas a small but unique statuette from some unknown ers can clearly see how they opened the box and
, , , "

the information

land. It requires 4 successes with KN: Myths and know that character has Lock Picking. Legends to read what is inside the envelope."
Out Of Character Hazard Zones

Certain areas and items can be declared


Out of game hazards should be included in OOC by the GM before the game starts. Bathrooms the game boundaries, as in don>t go there for any are usually considered OOC and there may be a reason. This could include anything from areas you take a break from the game" room for costume rejust don"t want players going into to areas with a pairs, emergency phone calls, etc. Players may genuine hazard (unfriendly dog or sharp objects). keep OOC items on them (modern digital watches However some areas will be considered In cell phones prescriptions, wallets), but they should Game Hazard Zones like rooms filled with raw uraalways be hidden except in an OOC area. nium or spike filled pits or walls of giant bone, " , , , ,

Steampunk Sourcebook
Drifting over the city in his personal dirigible Investigator General Nykolas recalled the last time anyone called on him at such an ungodly hour was to alert him of goblin riots. A week from now, after all this evening's business was said and done. Nykolas would look back at those uprisings from his earlier years with a fond sense of simplicity in comparison to tonight s events. He found it ironic that the second such late night call a half decade after the first, would also come at the behest of a goblin albeit one who bore the title Master from the University of Innovations. Nykolas dealt with crimes involving Guild executives or the kin of potentates, but a summons from a professor and philanthropist of such reputation proved more than Nykolas could resist. He verified the target rooftop with a telescoped spyglass. Setting the controls to descend he tucked his cravat into his Copper breastplate, shifted his goggles from his face to his top hat, and waited to

touch down.

Have another sip of whisky." The first words Nykolas heard over the faint whir of his propellers came from the small green professor and were aimed at the lanky human pacing nearby. The goblin rose from his crushed velvet chair spun and bowed to Nykolas. Investigator General the honour is mine." 7 confess I was surprised to receive your summons Nykolas said, tapping his hat in reply to the bow. He pulled off his leather filter mask and took in his surroundings. The Maze had been slums before the goblins arrived and now Nykolas wondered how any of it remained standing at all. The narrow spaces between the buildings formed crevasses of darkness impervious to any sources of light while this rooftop bore no features aside from rubble three side chairs, and a tiny end table topped with a carafe of ginger
, " , ,


alcohol and three crystal glasses. You must understand the goblin in the smudged lab coat continued, "I would have waited until morning, but my colleague is quite agitated, and I thought it wouldn t do well to delay another moment."
" " , '

Enough rules. Welcome to a world of mad The Steampunk Fee! inspirational wonders and wild scientific theory wrapped in fog run by gears, and lit by gaslight. Here are a few concepts to help you getting Steam-powered iron spiders reap the fields providinto the feel of playing in a Steampunk world. ing more food than society has ever known before.
, , ,

the seams

With surplus rations the cities swell and stretch at a hyper-active anthropological experi, ,

ment piling the layers of social strata crawling climbing and standing on top of one another. In
, ,

While waiting for a villain to walk into your ambush or as you travel from one part of the sce,

nario to another

possibly even as you take cov-

the seas

civilization expands into the earth, under

up to the skies, even into the Aether itself.

It is a world that offers unfettered science as

both the answers and the questions that drive peo-

er in a firefight don>t be afraid to stop everything and sit down with a relaxing glass of whiskey. Comment on the smooth oak taste regardless of the impending doom you ve set out
, ,

ple to greatness or madness. Steam-driven vehicles and airships put exploration in the hands of
even the common dreamers

to prevent or the horror you are investigating.


Once that refreshment period is over continue


while telegraphs, Bab2 bage engines and automated presses merge voices

on your adventure.

and ideas from across the known globe.

Purity decorum and etiquette wade blindly

Nearing the end of the day? Start talking about how much good a full night"s rest will do you.
Describe your bed and how many hours sleep is

past filth, destitution and depravity with neither sphere the wiser. The elite hold a status of an almost evolutionary step above the impoverished

most healthy.

Continue your vitally important

mission tomorrow.

giving them no significance beyond interesting backgrounds to otherwise droll daily experiences. This is a place where the likes of Holmes and Moriarty or Mr. Hyde and Dorian Gray or vampires and crea, ,

tures of reanimated flesh all thrive.

Treat every word with an "or" in it as if it were Some unsavoury fellows might spelled our. sell you some strangely coloured tonic with an odd odour and flavour to it. Even if you don t write the words think of them that way. Can't sleep one night? Head down to the local
" "

And the best part of this world is that it has yet to be truly defined. That s your job.


smoke a cigar or two in their parlour and discuss your worries and problems with the

local madam

one of the employees, or perhaps

a buddy or contact of yours who is highly likely Some secret societies wield little power beto show up. Throw all gender norms for the time yond their own elite reputation and sense of selfperiod aside as to who might be playing what importance. These groups could have a small and role in a brothel. fixed membership (like say, 13) and whenever a

When designing your character consider mixing new member joins the entire group must draw cards
, ,

the Flaws Tied (to Spouse) and Devoted (to Lover). It was not uncommon for married people to have both spouses and lovers. In fact, in some cases many people (again of either gender) might have to introduce any perspective lovers to their spouse for approval. But in pub, ,

to see who must leave the group (Ace of Spades) in order to free up a space and who must be the one responsible for assassinating that unlucky member (Jack of Clubs). Other groups might possess actual super,


lic functions 6

it was strictly married couples.

, "

abilities technological advancements, or political, criminal or economical power, or any com,

Consider taking the Feat "Servant just so you bination of all of those. A cabal of clairvoyants might
can toss the word al conversation. manservant

around in casu-

be cursed to deal with visions of the future. A team

of women scientists might take to kidnapping evil

You didn't eat men and experimenting on them or giving them

Never eat anything common.

chicken and beans

infiltrate and expose the rebel force. The fun of secret societies comes primarily 9 When a harried individual bangs on your door at from their secrecy. Any character in any group 3am with some information vital to solving or could be hiding who knows what agendas or better starting the adventure demand their calling card yet, two members of the same group could covertly before hearing them speak and then take some belong to sects violently opposed to one another. If time analyzing the intricacies of that calling card. you want secret societies to be the focus of your Likewise put some effort into designing yours. campaign characters could actually be members of 10. If you are upper class or lower class treat the several at once loyal to some. all. or none of them. other as a completely different species, because Secret societies thrive on keeping their in practical terms they are. If you are middle Ultimate Truths" hidden and teaching them to new
> ,

you had Filet Mignons Lili Saute" of Chicken and Lyonnaise Vegetable Marrow Farcie. Go to great lengths describing the little details of what you eat. every time. Take a moment to obsess over whether you,re wearing this year s fashions or if you need to upgrade your wardrobe even if you re dirt poor.

drugs to "de-evolve" them. A holy order might exist solely to guard some secret of great religious and historical significance. A rebel force might swear to infiltrate and take down a corrupt government while

the government loyalists work at the same time to



pretend you are upper class.



in little bits at a time

usually as those

11. Bored? Head down to the local factory mill, or members prove their worth and loyalty. Simply findmine. There will always be trouble waiting ing and becoming a member of one of these organithere. Alternatively the wretched slums also zations could be a major storyline thread for many
, ,


many games.

12. Don"t be afraid to design your character with an Here are some example secret societies you iron cranium, pincers in place of one of your could integrate into your world... hands a big magnifying gem in place of one of your eyes, or some ridiculous number of tattoos. The llluminati Combine these with formalwear. Or just underSome say founded in the 18th Century some say having origins as far back as to have pregarments. either way. 13. If you are a scientist and find yourself experi- civilization roots with celestial (or damned) beings. menting on human subjects come up with some Probably one of the most famous secret societies it logical and elaborate justification for your ac- is known only really for true behind-the-scenes polititions and feel no remorse for these unfortu- cal influence. Filled with intellectuals and nobility nates. It s all in the name of progress. with its members often times recruiting from and infiltrating into other similar organizations to keep
, , , , , "

Secret Societies

The duality of Victorian and likely Steam- leach off the reputation of the original group and punk lifestyle lends itself perfectly to a world where appear just as authentic to the unlearned individual. secret societies thrive. Perfect decorum by day It,s members claim they exist for social reform. Its
, ,

watch and power over them. It has so many layers and enemies that imitation groups calling themselves the llluminati have cropped up hoping to

violent activist in the shadows at night.


enem,es assert that the upper ,nner c,rc,e ,s a group Name Your Own Secret Soc,ety
,f you want to make up your own secret soof four men and a woman who pract,ce the dark arts and use the members of their organizations to pre- cieties and who wouldn t a simple formula for a pare for the apocalypse. There are even those who name goes like this:
' , ,

claim that one of the ive inner elite has started a

rival group to destroy the llluminati horrified by what



The (collective noun) of the (adjective)(noun)."

" ,

it has become.

Sometimes a more advanced name might go

Skull and Bones


(adjectiveXcollective noun) of the (adjective)(noun)."


In actual history

this is an organization

Good collective nouns include brotherhood/


formed in the 1800s at Yale University. In a Steampunk world, it, or something like it, could be formed at any university. One interpretation is that it is a training ground" for future elites who build critical contacts and political networks as part of their higher education. Some say that the members are well





lodge mob, legion, league, colleagues, society, gang, cult, council, herd, guild, soldiers, shamans, persuasion, union, assembly, coalition, alliance, amalgamation unification, federation, covenant, band, college chapter, forum, circle, court, and felbut their meetings and purpose are kept se- lowship.
, , , ,

So using the formula above, some examcret. Others say that anyone claiming to be a member is almost certainly a fool and a liar. ples . The Soldiers of the Green Knight The Bohemian Club . The Unholy Alliance of the Obtuse Star A different sort of secret society this one . The Brotherhood of Yellow Poppies

illed with the artists and the lovers of the arts and

You get the idea...

supposedly only the lower and possibly middle clas-

ses can join. If a member of the upper class does get in, it is only by masquerading as someone of
lesser status. While this sounds at first like an ineffectual social club it is one of the few to represent

Sample Guilds

Guilds differ from Secret Societies primarily the great unwashed masses. This secret society in their public existence and purposes. With the might be one of the larger more extensive, and swelling of the cities the Guilds grew exponentially more radical. It s members look upon this organiza- in power. While Kingdoms, Empires and Baronies tion as their ticket to reform as their only hope to still exist the Guilds constantly threaten the authoriescape their hellish lives, and to that end, many are ty of the real governments. fanatically dedicated. Here is a sampling of a few of the bigger more well, , " , , ,

The Luddites

known Guilds.

There are luddites and there are The Lud-

dites. As a more general term luddites are simply 1)


those people who actively fear and/or resist technological advances usually for fear they will take their jobs. The Luddites, on the other hand, are a secret activist group formed to subvert the spread of new

Mining Guilds a) Eldritch Mining - One of the largest Eldritch Copper mining companies, originally specializing in silver and small amounts of gold. Its primary Guild house and most of
its territories lie in the mountains where the

technology through whatever means are necessary.


The public failure of many a new breakthrough has

been caused by a certain wire cut, a steam valve loosened or sliver of metal inserted under cover of

first vein of Eldritch Copper was discovered. They are most visible in coastal towns where they have branch offices dedicated to
distributing their ore around the known

darkness by someone claiming to be a faithful underling hours before. Different branches of The Luddites focus on different aspects of technology. Some are violently opposed to any biological experimentation others fear the implications of automa,


They are known for their ruthless-

ness both in dealings with customers and employees. All the guild bosses are related
to one another

and this is very much a famiIn most urban areas El,


and still others are convinced Babbage engines will one day take over the world. Unlike both other groups The Luddites attract members from all
, ,

ly run business.

dritch Mining is the most powerful guild. b) Ama-Alspar Copper - Originally a gold
mining operation they are the second larg,

classes of society.

est of the Eldritch Copper mining companies

and a direct competitor of Eldritch Mining.

Most of their territories and Guild houses lie in the mountains where the newest veins of

Copper have been discovered.

They are

more traditional in their operations hiring based on reputation and talent rather than

b) Tower Shield - This guild focuses more on personal protection and law enforcement within the cities. They pride themselves on anything defense related. Where an Honor Blades warrior might be fine with a duel to
the death

a Tower Shield member would

familial ties. They are no less ruthless when

it comes to dealings with customers and competitors but are rumored to treat their

never risk a life so callously.


In bodyguard

employees slightly better than Eldritch Minc) ing treats theirs. Mountainside Developments - A guild


however, they wouldn't hesitate to die to save whoever they are protecting. Unlike the mining guilds, the Mercenary

focusing on finding and selling new sources of Eldritch Copper. They are known for purchasing large plots of land everywhere they can grab them and then selling off mineral rights for the highest price they can manage. They are more popularly known for their tal,

Guilds do not inherently fight with one another, although they often find themselves on opposite sides of conflicts due
to the nature of their business. Even after

fights with many casualties on both sides

once the combat is resolved and the dust

has settled. Honor Blades warriors and Tow-

er Shield members will often help each other

up, tend to each others wounds and compli,

ents throwing together almost disposable

mining towns on very short notice. Their cheap and fast building methods are staples
across the mountains cities of the known

ment one another on fighting styles.

are not friends
one another.


but they do usually respect

world. Unfortunately when the mines run 3) Apothecary Guilds a) Oak Scion - A guild focused on defending dry these temporary cities often become permanent homes for those too impoverthe ,olde, ways and the forests from rapidly ished to leave. expanding humanity. They make most of


The most violent actions in modern history, the Great Mineral Rights Wars, were
a direct result of conflict between these

three guilds. While the primary fighting has

subsided, the skirmishes of their militias and
mercenaries continue to be real threats to

their money through selling potions and herbs aphrodisiacs, rare delicacies, and most importantly the herbal mixture known as Purple Bitter which is the only known
, , ,

counter to Copper Madness. They control the biggest forest areas of any of the apothecary guilds and grow their wares in tree,

unwary travelers and anyone unfortunate enough to live near a suspected source of Eldritch Copper.
2) Mercenary Guilds

a) Honor Blades - A guild focused on military

prowess and martial skill. It includes palace guards, assassins, raiders, and in some cases personal protection. Honor Blades

top gardens. They are also known for their egregiously expensive cigars made from a special mix of Copper powder and tobacco. b) Darkleaf Union - The only rival to Oak Scion, although not nearly as efficient or powerful. They too defend the >olde, ways and the forests while profiting off potions herbs,

regulars start with ruffian tasks and basic skirmish work for nobility. They advance
based on success in combat

aphrodisiacs spices, and the herbal mixture known as Purple Bitter which is the only
, ,


through formal duels with others.

duels are often non-lethal


known counter to Copper Madness. While they control about half the amount of forest
as Oak Scion

particularly at the

there territory is much closer


lower levels. Reputation as a warrior is critical to every member of the guild. Regulars
start with hand-cannons

and as their skill

to the primary urban areas of the world. They also control vineyards and are known for their brandy and red wines.
Miscellaneous Guilds

levels increase they may specialize in unu- 4)

sual skills and equipment (aero drops from zeppelins underwater suits, etc). The more

a) Aether Air - A Guild devoted to putting out


proclamations, prophesies, and

subtle the weapons the more skilled the


warrior. The Elite few only work for royalty

or guild bosses and carry only a single

blade for their offensive weapon.

other important documents through specific easy-to-find central areas throughout the Aether. They employ an army of Criers to gather information and yell it out in the cen-


tra, Aether centers wh,,e Quest Eng,nes

from the far corners of the known wor,d rush in to listen. Aether Air Criers are the broad-

,mportant. .

,nstead ,mag,ne how they m,ght have

, ,

been ,mag,ned ,n the 19m century

and make ,t so.


cast journalists of the Steampunk world. b) Celestial Journeymen - One of the biggest
dealers in dirigibles and other lighter than
air craft and activities associated with them.

perhaps converted into a prison planet where inmates con-

Mars could still be a desert world

stantly struggle under the whips of automatons

. to build railroads or to mine important ores. Jupiter and the other gas giants may be solid

Mostly unopposed they have almost no


competition for anything bigger than personal aerocraft. Their work and research with

planets thick in clouds or fog, or large worlds covered in large flora and fauna.
Venus could be a jungle world

military grade zeppelins is among the guilds and nobility.

cane Smith


. known .

The moon might have ancient colonies hidden

in dark craters.

c) ArcSmith Guild - ArcSmith is short for Ar- .

and this is the Guild of the offi-

There might be floating space arks or hollowed


cial crafts makers who turn Eldritch Copper into fine magical and/or mechanical items for home and personal use. While there are many independent craft makers the ArcSmith Guild is very quick to prevent any smaller shop from selling anything of Eldritch Copper without paying their fair dues. They are even rumored to police the black markets for those who might be trying to

moons converted into massive colony ships wandering through the cosmos.


All these worlds may also have their own life of course, which could be simply humans

with varying aesthetic tweaks or customs all the way to violent lizard people who carry cruel spears
and ide massive ostriches. r

circumvent the system.

How exactly to get to these worlds is up to the

d) Emerald League - A guild filled mostly with


GM. Some suggestions include... In a *rocket, launched from a giant cannon powered by gunpowder Eldritch Copper, or electro,

money lenders and coin makers. Another 1) monopoly they are obviously the most

wealthy of the guilds.


They do some coin

minting but specialize in large denomina-


tion Copper Bank Notes for bigger transactions. Their Copper Notes are all fitted with
sentient wax seals that can set off alarms or set the Note on fire under certain circum-

a) Travel could take a few hours or a few


b) The ,rocket' will probably be sealed to preserve the oxygen supply.


stances (like if they are taken through violence). This has significantly detoured counterfeiting theft, and burglary. 2) Circle of Spirits - A guild of sorcerers de,


The rocket will have no actual engines or propulsion system, and therefore no changes in course or destination are possible.


In a flying galleon or zeppelin that rides solar

waves or other scientific fancies.

voted to

true" magic that doesn"t rely on


Eldritch Copper in any form. A fairly reclusive cabal studying the Ancient Ways the

a) Travel



likely take weeks


like crossing the oceans in a regu,

success of their research is the topic of much debate. Some say they are a group of hypnotists and tricksters others say they

lar ship.

b) Ships will most likely be open without rec) gard to oxygen or vacuum. Many ocean-type hazards would have their equivalent in space. Whirlpools might be represented by intermittent black holes (or There swirling vortexes if you prefer). might be storms in space gravity tidal

make pacts with otherworldly creatures, and yet still others say they have truly managed

to harness the power of the spirit.

Sample Worlds
Travel to other worlds


strange creatures, and of course,


3) By traveling through the Aether.

a) Much like a galleon or zeppelin through

When heading for other worlds in our solar system very little of what we know about them now matters. Gravity atmospheric composition, hours in a day temperature - throw all that stuff away. Not
, , ,

except that even fewer rules of physIt might require crossing

ics need apply.

over into the Aether, and from there only the

imagination is the limit.

Uncharted islands, caves, volcanoes, mounShips could run along Aether currents Fae by propellers, or by the power of tain valleys, cities under the sea, cities loating in the thought. sky all could hold fringe societies or creatures wait4) By travelling through time. ing to be explored. Along with dinosaurs the truth a) In some theories there are infinite earths, behind mermaids, intelligent apes, missing links, or and travelling >sideways in time allows for giant species of normal animals might all exist in any number of permutations on the reality these secluded areas. of earth. Options include worlds where i) Alternate histories where different na- The Aether The Aether is a mystical substance that extions are in charge, or at war or have previously destroyed each other. ists between the particles of all things. As such, it is ii) Other creatures are the sentient top of very conductive to energy and matter but porous to the food chain and humans don>t exist them as well. Entering the Aether is entering literally





iii) Humans are either at war or subservient the space between all things.

Later in the source-

to entirely other species. book is a list of scripts/spells/formulas useable speiv) Technology is radically different indud- cifically in the Aether.
ing worlds where automatons have tak-

en oven or are at least much more prevv) Somethinq "went terribly wronq and the

Steampunk Economics

" populace is either gone or still strug- ,loosely , based B'J'f a" example monetary system very on histoncal London plus the addition


powers steam en5) By radically changing size. f a new radioactive element that " a) Entire worlds can be found at the micro- 9,n,?- Tfe eC"y f th!J d ["J f( Cl"ap'

scopic level, with the favorite being some-

shiny energy-filled com of Eldntch Copper. AKA a


, ,

b) Other theories hold that if someone shrinks

will find entire universes of that size there.

one shrunk and injected into a normal sized human body abu1 ,

10,000. They are very rare just as a &i" WU1t e today if ey were printed, be,


f nW

down to the atomic or sub-atomic level, they C"=e S' transactions


deal in much smaller de-

Coppers are mostly used in Guild-to-

c) Likewise, the reverse is potentially true, saying that our universe is just a speck under someone else s fingernail, and if we grew

big enough, we could meet that person.

cnminals When dealing with mos large exchanges, such as buying a casUe or the like, the Emerald League uses signed enchanted scrolls to handie the transfer of funds internally. Since they are a bank monopoly it takes little effort to move large
, ,

commerce or stored in the coffers of nobility

Savaqe Lands

In many Steampunk worlds, dinosaurs died


out only "a few thousand years ago.

As far as assembling fossils goes, however a bud.

be a few of them surviving in fringe wildernesses.

and there may

ding paleontologist decided to put the bones togeth- When Copper is drained of its energy, it turns green. er, that s the truth. If out of ignorance they mixed A 9'een empty Eldntch Copper coin still carries

fund= one entity to another. They write these enchanted scrolls with special seals secret insignia forgeries. Gold still carries a"d ht"r=es o prevent equivalent of $1000 per coin. "e'9

two skeletons together to form a creature with two e emnants of crude or "unrefined magic in it heads or they put a giant claw where a nose should approximately 1/100 mat of a fully magical one A go, create a dinosaur to match it. Excitement over C'n ad0 0' empty Eldntch Copper looks identical
, ,

for its distinctive green color. A Green is '"h $1 Pe ' com. Silver is the least valuable recampaign, setting off a fervor of expeditions to the

dinosaurs could reach its peak anywhere in your except

parts (real or counterfeit) for curios, inventions,
home the carcass of a freshly killed Phineasaurus

"' M,.h S"ver coins worth $10 each. Silver is wild, and creating a thriving economy off dinosaur f the only com ever cut, and then only into a half-silver

drugs, or even pets. Imagine an explorer bringing < 5' ' a 2""f,:1 *er ($

carving it open, setting tables in its torso, and hosting a celebration feast under the rib case. Equally Green to any of the noble

l L= thf a q"a,,fr: 5.' t fr J S handled through bartering. As a rule of t,"mf' " 'S considered rude to offer a Copper or
oik without asking permission first, as that is roughly like asking a recovenng alcoholic if it would be OK to pay them with bottles of
cinnamon beer or malt whiskey.

fascinating would be a zoo or a circus displaying

such creatures alive for a paying audiences.


The E ' meraCdLeague

the sum of One Hundredi

tojhif the earer f

Renting a four bedroom house in town with privies = 2 Green 4 Silver per


qfTldritcfi Copper


Renting a two bedroom

/. Mt (f*v and Comp

house in town no privies = 1 Green 2 Silver per


of Uie inHiafd Iltaqui

Cme Htuulu J


&tief 1'a.lHn

Renting a single room

in someone"s house = 5 Silver per week (less for

shared housework or other skills)

To put the economy in perspective

Average Annual Salary

Week,s worth of just bread (1 person) = 1 Silver per week

Week,s worth of food

Upper Class
Lesser Nobility

75 Copper (S750,000/year) 30 Copper


(no meat, 1 person) = 3 Silver per week Week,s worth of food (with chicken no pork or beef, 1 person) = 4 Silver per

Upper Middle Class

Uptown Landlord
Lower Middle Class


15 Copper

Week"s worth of food (with all types of meat 1 person) = 9 Silver per week

Respected Shopkeeper
Lower Class Well Paid Prostitute

185 Green

150 Green

To sum up someone making the normal salary (someone who had worked in the same shop for many years) could realistically afford the luxury
" ,



(S15,000/Year) 3 Green a week (4 Silver a night) Normal" Salary 117 Green (S11,700/Year)
2 Green and 2 Silver a week

to rent a two bedroom home and feed themselves a


and one child a diet of bread and vegetables with no meat except for holidays or other very special occasions. For things like clothing or alcospouse


Street Sellers

78 Green

1 Green and 5 Silver a week Farmers & Labourers 286 Silver

either the child or the spouse would have to take up a hobby that made money like needlepoint or selling matches on the street.
, ,

5 1/2 Silver a week

Average Servant

234 Silver (S2,34Q/Year)

4 1/2 Silver a week

The average labourer on the other hand, could only afford a two bedroom home if they were sharing it with at least one other family. Otherwise they would have to rent a room out of someone
, ,

else s house


and even then would only be able to

afford that if they negotiated the price down for additional work for the owner.

Extra money from needlepoint

117 Silver ($1,170/Year)

2 1/4 Silver a week

Sample Characters
Captain Spaalding the Aethereal Explorer (Explorer) Strength: 4 Constitution: 5 Wisdom: 3
Dexterity: 4

es it to launch expeditions into the Aether any time

he hears of an exciting new location. Each journey he recruits new science-minded folk. His only constant companion being Nyvanovich a creature he

Intelligence: 4

Charisma: 4

found in the Aether. Nyvanovich looks like a cross

between a green ape and a lizard and while it never speaks it seems to understand Spaalding,s com, ,


Strength Skills (Skill Level +4)

Run* 5

Swim* 5, Climb" 5

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4) Dodge* 5 Pilot (Zeppelin) 5, Pilot (Steam powered Carriages) 5 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +4) Perception* 7 Navigation 6, Aether Navigation 6 KN: Strategy 5, KN: Campaign Battles 5, KN: Military Officers 5 KN: Aether Geography 5,
, , ,


Well Off (2) Pilot"s License. Air Ship, Literacy, Language, Rank (Captain), Natural Leader, Animal Companion (Large simian-like Aether creature) Lackeys (8 normal and one Handy as his crew)
, ,

Powers (MDP 7 dice)



Weapons (Attack) - Exotic exper" ,

imental weapons built to replace his lost right arm. Power Ivl 2 based on Dex. Hand Beam: 7 Lethal Energy to 4" max rg 16

Prismatic Cone: 6 Lethal Energy in a 3" long

2 wide cone. 2

Luminous Rifle: 5 Lethal Energy out to 32" "Mechanical Arm Pummeling (Attack): Hitting with metal arm. Power Ivl 2 based on Str. Basic Punch - 7 Subdual Kinetic. HTH Only.

Weakness Jab - 6 Subdual Kinetic



(Protection): -2 Kinetic and Energy against any attacks he is aware of.

"Well Bred Instincts



Unique Appearance (Decorated old military uniform plus biocrafted arm), Tied (Adventuring), Public Identity Power Failure (Weapons won"t work in strong magnetic field or when wet)


Captain Spaalding has a long and proud history covered in many historical journals and works of children"s fiction.

While no one knows which wars he

fought in everyone knows the stories of at least a few miraculous victories he managed against strong
odds. He wears a white military jacket covered in

medals of valor and distinction. With the wars long behind him he has instead turned to a life of glorious adventure. He owns a massive air ship and us-

Investigator General Nykolas (Detective)

Strength: 3 Constitution: 3 Wisdom: 3

have a strong suspicion that Hargate is more than

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 5

Charisma: 4

what he seems (Sensing his Secret Identity) and that the man has a strong dislike of the criminal element (Sensing the Devoted to Killing Criminals).

Strength Skills (Skill Level +3)

Run* 4. Swim* 0 Climb* 4

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 5) Dodge 6 Picking Locks 6. Shadowing 6, Pilot (Personal Dirigible) 6 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +5) Perception* 9 Deduction 8, Forensics 8, Interrogation 8 KN: Nobility 6, KN: Law 6, KN: City Geography 8 KN: Guilds 6, KN: KN: Biology 6
* , , , ,


Well Off (1) Literacy, Brave. Rank, Thiefs Tools,


Small Flat

Finesse, Alertness, Well Connected, Lin-

guist, Access to Secrets, Dirigible

Powers (MDP 8 dice)

"Modified Sidearms

(Attack) - Leftovers from Aerial Navy. Power M 1 based on Dex. Hand Cannon: 7 Lethal Kinetic to 2" max rg 8 Rapier: 8 Lethal Kinetic HTH only
" ,


Powers of Perception



Ability to tell a person"s background (their Feats) Detect Feats: 2" Range "Uncanny Powers of Perception (Sense): Ability to tell a person's weakness (their Flaws) Detect Feats: 2" Range "Reinforced Breastplate (Protection): -1 Kinetic and Energy as long as he wears it.
" "

"Good Reflexes


(Protection): -1 Kinetic and

Energy to any attacks he is aware of.


Tied (Curiousity) Public Identity, Watched (Nobility)



Investigator General Nykolas is an independent law enforcement official appointed by a council of Guild and Noble representatives. He focuses on cases that the Guilds and Nobility would like to see solved quietly. He is fair and impartial with the upper classes, but does not think at all of the lower class of society. One of Nykolas great abilities is his talent for reading people. His "sense" powers indicate his skill at noticing things others miss. For example after a few seconds of talking with Hargate Morrisey he might deduce a general feel for the man s finances (Well Off 1) that he is literate, that










(Appropriate Clothing), and that he has some link to local law enforcement (Contacts). He might also

Gossamer Willowfly (Illusionist) Strength: 1 Constitution: 2

Dexterity: 4

someday buy a Gate to the Aether. Wisdom: 2

Charisma: 4

She s spent


enough time on the streets and has no desire to

Intelligence: 4

return to that lifestyle. She works now as the Convenient" (exclusive but paid lover) of a mining Guild boss, but would drop that job the moment

Strength Skills (Skill Level +1)

Run* 2

someone made her a better offer.

< ,

While she can

read the lan-

Swim" 0, Climb' 2

read in her native tongue she can t

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4)

Dodge" 5

guage of humans, and is embarrassed to admit it.

Constitution Skills (Skill Level +2) Survival (Urban) 3 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +4) Perception" 6 KN: Local City Geography 5, KN: High Society 5 KN: Herbs and Poisons 6 Charisma Skills (Skill Level +4)
, ,

Seduction 6

Dance 6, Streetwise 5

Night Vision Contact (Guild Boss), Language (Fae) Contact (Herbs) Contact (Merchant), Finesse
, ,

Powers (MDP 7 dice)


"Hand Cannon arcane bullets.


(Attack) - A weapon that fires


Power Ivl 1

based on Dex.

Hand Cannon: 7 Lethal Kinetic to 2" 2


max rg 8



based on Str

Brawling (Attack) - Power Ivl 1, Lethal or Subdual.

, , ,

Dagger: 3 Lethal Kinetic HTH only

Sucker Punch: 2 Subdual Kinetic
3 4

HTH only Wings" (Movement): Power Ivl 2 allows 2 Flight/round "Glamours (Alteration): Illusions that all can see. Requires 2 Invested MDP dice. Dark Use (weakens her & makes her crave Copper Dust) unless already on Copper Dust. Power Ivl 2 4"
" ,



4" range.

(Anti-Sense): Illusions that actually mask her and others. 2 invested MDP Dark

Use as the Alteration power. Power Ivl 1


1 radi-


-4 sight Perception for others


Devotion (Wealth)

Unique Appearance


Vulnerability (Cold Iron), Magic Addiction.


Like many Fae Gossamer was lured to the human cities with promises of wonder and wealth and to escape the apothecary Guild taking over her for, ,


Her greatest love was dancing with an Aether

performing troupe until she got kicked out for using Copper Dust and casting Glamours during the middle of a show. She has craved returning to the Aether every since, and spends most of her time doing
any job that will help her save up enough money to

-<>-.Wisdom: 3

Madburner (Mercenary)
Strength: 4 Constitution: 4

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 4

Charisma: 3

Strength Skills (Skill Level +4)

Run* 5

Swim" 5, Climb" 5

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 3) Dodge* 4 Constitution Skills (Skill Level +4) Survival (Wasteland) 5 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +4) Perception" 6 Smell Perception 7, Appraisal 5. KN: Tactics 5 KN: Military Campaigns 6, KN: Tales and Myths 6 KN: Elf Society and History 8 Charisma Skills (Skill Level +3)
, , ,

tory implies he once worked for some level of Noble Folk royalty or their academia. Whatever his past after an overdose of Copper Dust transformed him he sold his body for Cop per-powered weapons and signed up for the Mineral Rights Wars. Unfortunately for him he survived, and when his contract ran out he was forced to retire from military work. Easily the oldest ork anyone has ever seen his Copper accoutrements all show tell-tale traces of turquoise
, , , , ,

green along their edges and in their creases.


It is

only a matter of time before his enhancements start to fail and then eventually fall off. In the meantime,
he passes his time doing whatever mercenary work

he can get. He has a true soft spot for other veterans and has been known to spend large portions of

whatever wealth he does amass on other orks on

Persuasion 5 Feats

Fast Talk 6, Streetwise 6

leave or just returning from faraway wars.

Infra Vision

Literacy, Very Brave, Language (Elf).

Quick Draw, Called Shot II. Powers (MDP 9 dice) 1 "Bio Weapon (Attack) - He had his left arm

cut off and replaced with a powered gauntlet that feeds into a very large hand-cannon. It
whines and a gem on it glows red whenever he

powers it up. This alone intimidates many a would-be enemy. It cannot be removed. Power
Ivl 5

based on Dex.
" , ,

Bio Arm: 9 Lethal Energy to 16" max rg 32 "Military Brawling" (Attack) - HTH Fighting
Subdual or lethal. Power Ivl 2 based on Punch: 6 Subdual Kinetic HTH only
, ,


Blades: 7 Lethal Kinetic 3


HTH only


Breastplate (Protection) - The skin over his ibcage has also be removed and re-


placed with Eldritch Copper enhanced plates. It provides a -3 Protection to all Energy and Kinetic attacks. 4

"Scout Monocle



His left eye was

also removed and replaced with a special mon-

ocle. This provides his normal Infra Vision out to a range of 32" before he takes any penalties to his Perception

Bad Reputation (Fallen Elf) Unique Appearance (Old Ork), Vulnerability (Electricity), Cultural Gap,

Devoted (other ork veterans) Background

Madburner keeps his history to himself but like was once a graceful and cultured elf. His almost limitless knowledge with elf society and his,

all orks

Dark Fingers (Counterfeit Artist)

Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3

these nails

Constitution: 2 Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 2 Charisma: 3

she can mimic any known writing utensil anyone has ever used.
, ,

Strength Skills (Skill Level +2)

Run* 3

She has also spent years studying different types of inks and papers used in official documents so she can copy them at will. The jeweler s magnifying lens above her eye is actually bolted through

Swim" 0, Climb* 3

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 3) Dodge* 4 Forge Document 8 Constitution Skills (Skill Level +2) Survival (Urban) 4 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +3) Perception* 4 Appraisal 5, KN: Local Laws 5 KN: Black Market 6, KN: Local Currency 5, KN: Inks and Paper 7 KN: Monetary Guilds 5, KN:
, , ,

her eyebrow and can be lowered at any time to help her examine documents more closely.

Sewer Black Market 5 Mechanics 4,


She actually gets her nickname not through the color of the fingernails but because her fingers are often times stained with ink up to the second knuckle and she never makes any attempt to clean it off. She is very protective of her fingernails since they are her calling card and her only source of income. She leaves any possibility for fighting up to her aging bodyguard Elijah. She's been doing forgery
, , ,

Charisma Skills (Skill Level +3) Fast Talk 4 Streetwise 6, Trading 4


work as long as she can remember and is anxious


for the final big score that will allow her to retire.


Literacy Contact (Black Market), Multiple Identities


(Five total). Henchman, Special Equipment (eye lens and biocrafted nails). Ambidexterity (for writing)
Powers (MDP 0 dice) 1 "Detect Ink and Paper

(Senses): Dark Fingers can sniff ink on any parchment and determine all of its components. She can detect special additives designed to deter forgery and


knows how to create almost anything to recreate

what she can sense. She can do the same with

paper. She can only do this to parchments or books she actually holds in her hands and has a total of +2 Perception to do it.


Bad Reputation (Counterfeit Artist) Unique Appearance (Ink wells for fingernails) Money Problems, Watched (Monetary Guild) Lower Class, Cannot
, , ,

use normal weapons Raw



Dark Fingers, notoriety has forced her not only to keep her real name a secret, but to spend most of her time underground (literally) in the Black Market
of the sewers. Guild

She is known around the criminal

and nobility circles as the best counterfeit art-

ist (also known as a screever in the local slang) in the city.

The fingernails on both hands have been removed (either through force or very poor biocraft work judging by the ragged scars on her fingers) / and replaced with long sharp blades of dark pol, ,

ished glass each carved to make it functional as a


different style and width of pen or quill.


Zeke Seabury Jr. (Aether Airship Pilot) Strength: 3 Constitution: 2 Wisdom: 2 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 2 Charisma: 3

ed to offers of excitement and adventure and usual,

ly won't even talk to a prospective employer until they can "catch" him somehow. In fact his love for
, "

the chase" has led to his almost complete obses-

Strength Skills (Skill Level +3)

Run* 5

Swim" 4, Climb* 5

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 3) Dodge, 4 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +2) Perception" 4 KN: Piloting Operations 5, Aether Navigation 7 (drops down to 5 if he doesn't have Opium) KN: Aether Air Routes 6, KN: Aether Airships 6 KN: High Society 8, KN: Fine and Rare Alcohol 3 Pilot (Aether Airships) 8. Charisma Skills (Skill Level +3) Seduction 5 Bribery 4, Streetwise 5, Trad, , , , ,

sion with seeing how many lovers as he can seduce and keep at any one time. His opium use is mostly to help him navigate and he has worked out a steady supply so he doesn t have to worry about
, ,

that either.

ing 5 Persuasion 4





Off (1).

Well Connected

Powers (MDP 6 dice)

Naturally Agile" (Protection) - Zeke has never been much of a fighter but he has learned over time how to avoid being hit. This ability provides a -1 Protection to all Energy and Kinet"

ic attacks he is aware of. 2


Cannons (Attack) - This power is only good on airships with ship-to-ship cannons on them. He has studied primarily the more

modern energy throwing devices. Power Ivl 3 based on Dex. These types of weapons are

large and slow and best used against really big

and slow moving targets. The effect a 1




explosion which does recoil, and has extra

range. They use 1 MDP each time they fire. Airship Cannon: 6 Lethal Energy out to 48"

Devoted (to many many lovers), Tied (Opium), Tied (Adventure and Watched (jealous people)
, , "

The Chase") Brave



Zeke Seabury Jr. was born into moderate but had little patience for formal schooling or the life of the upper middle classes struggling to

blend in with the actual upper classes. He took up dirigible piloting as a hobby and after only a short

devoted his life to airships of the Aether. Since he's never really been poor and he has a steady allowance coming in from his family he rarely hires himself out for money. Instead, he is attracttime
, , ,

Jack Croucher (War Profiteer)

Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 2 Intelligence: 3


ty to rifle through their pouches and pockets for something he can filch. While most never notice

Charisma: 3

every now and then someone does, and there

are still a few war veterans out there who remember


and have at least some idea the types of things

Strength Skills (Skill Level +2)

Run* 3

he did at their expense.

Swim" 0, Climb* 3

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) Dodge* 3 Stealth 3, Lock Picking 4, Disarm Traps 4 Shadowing 4, Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +3) Perception* 4 Appraisal 5, KN: Guild Laws
, ,


Black Market 6, KN:


Mercenaries 6, KN:

Military Campaigns 6 KN: Local Illicit Activity 6 Charisma Skills (Skill Level +3) Bribery 5 Fast Talk 5, Streetwise 4, Trading

Diplomacy 5


Well Off (1) Well Connected (All military or merce,

nary contacts) Literacy


Powers (MDP 9 dice)


"Small Hand Cannon


(Attack) - This is a tiny

hand cannon he keeps concealed in his vest pocket. Power Ivl 1, based on Dex. Pistol: 5 Lethal Energy to 2" max rg 8


Bad Reputation (Opportunist) Tied (Wealth), Money



Watched (War Veterans)


Jack Croucher is a war profiteer, pure and simple. He grew up an orphan in the slums of city intersecting three warring factions of the Mineral Rights

and learned very quickly the best way to rise

up from total poverty was to work with the military forces involved instead of against them. Now he spends all his time on the fringes of war zones looking for ways to gather and sell military information. He is most happy when he manages to
sell the same information to both sides. For exam-

ple, promising one side the location of a weapons

depot, and then telling the other side that their

weapons depot will be attacked soon. Technically in this example he kept to his word on both sides of the bargain and got paid very well for it. To this end whenever he isn t selling information he's searching for it or trading for it. He
, ' . ,

makes contacts quickly but believes they are easy


to come by and is loyal to none of them. .


He has absolutely no moral compass what-soHe s even been known to volunteer to help

tend to the wounded and dying just for an opportuni-

Honor Blades Mercenary (Intermediate Level)

Strength: 4 Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 4 Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 3 Charisma: 3

Killing a Tower Shield elite works on both counts. At this stage they are moving towards fewer ranged
weapons and more hand-to-hand ones as that sort

of combat is considered far more honorable to them.

That is ironic given the opinion of the nobility that the

well-bred duel with pistols and the lower class duel

Strength Skills (Skill Level +4)

Run* 5

Swim" 5. Climb* 6

with knives.

All Honor Blades Mercenaries wear an


Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4) Dodge* 5 Shadowing 5, Lock Picking 6. Set Trap 5 Stealth 5 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +4) Perception* 6 KN: Honor Blades Guild Law
. .

easily identifiable patch, pin or amulet identifying themselves, even on missions of subterfuge or assassination. An Apprentice Honor Blade Mercenary will be similar to an intermediate but at least

one level weaker on everything. Elite Honor Blades


KN: Local Mercenaries 6, KN: Tactics 5. Track- Mercenaries should be individually designed masters of combat each with their own reputation and ing 5
. .

Charisma Skills (Skill Level +3) Persuasion 4 Streetwise 4. Interrogation 4


specialized method of fighting. Most elites carry only a single blade for self defense.

Literacy Very Brave, Rank (within the Guild), Will,

power. Reputation, Henchman (apprentice), Sneak Attack Quick Draw. Two Weapon Fighting

Powers (MDP 9 dice) 1 "Mercenary Weapon


(Attack) - Guild issue ranged weapons. Power Ivl 2 based on Dex.

" ,

max rg 8 Thrown Knife: 6 Lethal Kinetic to 4" max rg 4

, ,

Hand Cannon:

7 Lethal Kinetic to 4"


" ,

silent 2 "Mercenary

(Attack) - Guild issue HTH weapon. Power Ivl 2 based on Str. Sword: 9 Lethal Kinetic HTH only
, ,


"Defensive Maneuvers


(Protection) - Years

of practice with defensive moves instead of bulky armor provides a -2 Protection to all Energy and Kinetic attacks they are aware of.

Bad Reputation (Merciless Killer for Hire) Unique Appearance (Always wear Guild symbol) Tied (Guild), Tied (Honor), Watched (Other mercenaries)
, ,

Honor Blades mercenaries are all devoted to

their ability to win duels, skirmishes or military conflicts at all costs. They are content especially at

lower skill combat



to do work unrelated to actual

including strong arm work, intimidation, bur-

glary, sabotage, and even assassination.

Each in-

termediate level Honor Blade has an apprentice

sidekick that follows them around in training. Apprentices only get promoted by defeating an intermediate in hand-to-hand (usually non-lethal) combat. Intermediates however, only advance to elite status by either some truly remarkable demonstration of martial prowess or by killing another elite.
, ,

Tower Shield Mercenary (Intermediate Level) Strength: 4 Constitution: 4 Wisdom: 4 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 4 Charisma: 2

Generic Guild Mercenary Strength: 3 Constitution: 3 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 2


Wisdom: 2 Charisma: 2

Strength Skills (Skill Level +4)

Run* 6. Swim" 5 Climb* 5

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4) Dodge" 5 Disarm Trap 6, Breakfall 5 Wisdom Skills (Skill Level + 4)

Strength Skills (Skill Level +3) Run" 4. Swim* 0 Climb" 4, Brawling 2 Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) Dodge" 3 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +2)

KN: Philosophy 5

Perception* 4 KN: Local Guild 4


Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +4)

Perception" 7 KN:

Charisma Skills (Skill Level +2)

Persuasion 3

Tower Shield Law 6,

Streetwise 3

First Aid 5

KN: Tactics 5, KN: Biology 5, Search 5 Charisma Skills (Skill Level +2) Persuasion 4 High Society 3
, ,

Heirloom Armor (Heavy and Bulky. -1 Kinetic and Energy Protection -1 to Perception and Stealth rolls


when worn)

Literacy Very Brave. Rank (within the Guild), Will-

power, Reputation, Lightning Reflexes, Disarm, De- Powers (MDP 7 dice) 1 "Primary Sidearm fleet Missiles. Rage, Alertness (Attack) - A weapon issued for ranged attacks. Power Ivl 1 based on

Powers (MDP 8 dice) "Secondary Weapon 1



(Attack) - An issued ranged weapon. Power M 2 based on Dex.


Hand Cannon:

5 Lethal Kinetic to 2"


max rg 8



of Office

(Attack) - More for looks


Hand Cannon:

8 Lethal Kinetic to 4"


max rg 8


than HTH combat. Power Ivl 1

based on Str.

"Strange Fighting Style HTH combat. Power M 2 Staff: 8 Subdual Kinetic Punch:

(Attack) - Training in
based on Str.

Bastard Sword: 7 Lethal Kinetic


HTH only

HTH only HTH only Throw: 6 Subdual Kinetic. HTH only, Recoil
7 Subdual Kinetic

Tied (Guild)



(Protection) - A lightweight but resili- Background

fessionals in the field


armor provides a -1 Protection to Energy

and -3 Protection to Kinetic attacks.


Significantly less impressive than the Prothese are the bulk of the regulars employed for violence skirmishes, and guard duty. They have no special bravery and tend to
, , ,

Unique Appearance (Guild symbol) Tied (Guild), break easily in any combat without a strong leader beside them. Tied (Defense) Watched (Other mercenaries)

Tower Shields are most known for the abili-

Generic Man-At-Arms

Strength: 2

Constitution: 2

Wisdom: 2

ties as guards and personal protectors. They treat Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 2 Charisma: 2 all life as sacred and prefer subduing opponents wherever possible. They have even been known to Skills attempt to heal enemies once combat is resolved. Strength Skills (Skill Level +2) Run* 3 Swim* 0, Climb" 3 While they prefer to survive any violent encounter their priority of life beliefs always put whoever they Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) are protecting ahead of them. When defense fails Dodge" 3 on very rare occasions one of them will turn to Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +2) vengeance. Their treatment of apprentices is harsh Perception* 3 KN: Local Area 3
, , , , , ,

but fair

and advancement comes through mastery of fighting style. Like Honor Blades the elites of this
, , ,


guild should be legendary masters of some form of Heirloom Armor (Heavy and Bulky. -1 Kinetic and combat leaning more towards something wise and Energy Protection, -1 to Perception and Stealth rolls) gentle than their Honor Blade rivals.

Powers (MDP 5 dice) 1 "Primary Sidearm



(Attack) - Issued weapon.


Sample Creatures
Giant Octopus (AKA the Kraken) Strength: 12 Constitution: 8 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 0

Power Ivl 1

based on Dex.
5 Lethal Kinetic to 2"

Hand Cannon:

max rg 8


Wisdom: 0 Charisma: 0

Tied (Master)

Strength Skills (Skill Level +12)

Run* 0

Even less impressive than guild mercenarthese are generic conscripts forced to fight to Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2)

Swim* 13, Climb* 0

avoid Debtors Prison or the like.

Dodge* 4 Undersea Stealth 3,

Generic Rogue Strength: 2 Constitution: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 2


Wisdom: 2 Charisma: 2

Constitution Skills (Skill Level +8) Survival (Underwater) 9 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +0) Perception* 4

Immunity (Breathe under water) Immunity (Extreme pressure), Ambidexterity, Heightened Sense (taste Strength Skills (Skill Level +2) through suckers) Very Brave, Truly Terrifying, Very Run* 3 Swim* 0, Climb" 3 Large (+4 to cancel range penalties of others). Truly Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) Massive (ignore the first four Wounded results) Dodge* 3 Stealth 3, Pickpocketing OR Lock Picking OR Sleight of Hand 4 Shadowing 3 Powers (MDP 5 dice) Constitution Skills (Skill Level +2) "Grab (Barrier) - This is a Barrier made from a 1 Survival (Urban) 3 giant wall of tentacles. It requires invested Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +2) MDP, but can also only have one barrier per Perception* 3 KN: Local Area 3, Appraisal tentacle. It is a level 6 Barrier, each one good 3 KN: Black Market 3 for surrounding a 3" big sphere (like a ship). It Charisma Skills (Skill Level +2)
, , , , "

Streetwise 3

gets a bonus because the radius and range

should be 2x the sizes listed. It is mostly kinetic Contact (Another Rogue or a person with the Black Market or a Fence)
, ,


because most energy attacks don"t work underwater and octopi would naturally recoil (pull

Powers (MDP 5 dice) 1 "Brawling (Attack) - A sort of streetwise self defense. Power Ivl 1 based on Str.

away the barrier) against those types of attacks. Barrier: -6 Kinetic -1 Energy Barrier rg 6 "Crush (Attack) - The simple act of swiping a giant tentacle at someone, or, for bigger objects already Grabbed squeezing them. Power Ivl
" , " " " ,

Small Club: 5 Subdual Kinetic Fisticuffs: 4 Subdual Kinetic


HTH Only HTH Only


based on Str.
10 Subdual Kinetic


Cone 6" long and 4"

, ,

wide at the end (as the tentacle thrashes around)

does Recoil (usually knocking people overboard





Watched etc). Note that with this much subdual damage potential

(Guard), Raw

each level of success beyond what was

needed to reach comatose does a success on the

lethal damage chart.

This is a good template for the basic scum Flaws that patrol the shadows of the alleys at night looking Deaf Cannot leave water, Tied (Animal Instincts) for unwary gentlemen and ladies to prey upon. It can be used for three of the more common types of Background rogues with Sleight of Hand used either by shopliftYour classic Victorian era sea monster. The ers or grifters. Even more so than the average citiCrush" attack can be split up into several attacks for zen rogues of this type are quick to flee combat alrandom flailing with multiple tentacles. Armor can most as soon as it begins. be added for a giant mechanical octopus.
, ,


Rotters / Dreadfuls / Unmentionables (Zombies) Strength: 2 Constitution: 2 Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 1


Strength: 0
Dexterity: 4



Intelligence: 0

Charisma: 0

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 1

Strength Skills (Skill Level +2)

Run* 3 Swim" 0, Climb* 3

Strength Skills (Skill Level +0)

Run" 1

Swim* 0, Climb" 1

Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +0) Perception" 1

Feats Immune to Morale

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4)

Dodge* 5 Stealth 6

Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +1) Perception* 4 Smell Perception 5



Pain Resistance,

Mildly Terrifying
Powers (MDP 7 dice)

Infra Vision



noses, and ears, these creatures always seem to be able to home in on living beings.

(Senses) - Even missing their Powers (MDP 5 dice) 1 Bite" (Attack) .

Small but very sharp fangs.


Power Ivl 1

based on Str.

This gives them a Perception roll of 5 dice only

to sense the nearest living creature. doubt the loudest will take priority.

When in 2

HTH Only (Drain Attack) - Gremlins feed off Eldritch Copper like locusts in a field


3 Lethal Kinetic


, "


(Attack) - A mindless flailing, bit-

ing and clawing maneuver. Works best with the


and the result is a power drain on everything. Power Ivl 1 based on Con.
, ,

Mass Combat" system to represent endless Swarm: 5 Drain Special HTH Only, ignores walls of teeth and hands grabbing and snapping regular defenses. Only against Copper powered Can be used to drain ammunition MDP if even in some cases, if no longer attached to the devices. parent body. Power Ivl 1, based on Str. the ammunition contains any Copper. MDP dice lost Bite/Claw: 5 Lethal Kinetic HTH Only return only after device is repaired or replenished. "Infect (Transformation Attack) - While not 3 "Wings (Movement): Large bat wings. Power Ivl 4 allows 8 Flight/round all Rotters are infectious, many are. Does damage over time (1 level per minute/hour/day de- 3 "Small Size (Protection) - Their tiny size propending on the GM). As the transformation provides a total of -1 Energy and Kinetic Protection.
, , " "



gresses, the target grows pale, has trouble thinking and craves meat. If it can be healed


(GM option), it can only be healed up until the target is incapacitated. At "Death the target dies" and then rises as a Rotter (and no longer a player character). Power Ivl 1 based on Con. Infection: 7 Lethal Special HTH Only, only if target is at least "Wounded" by Bite/Claw does damage over time, ignores regular defenses. Can
" , " , , ,

Very Short (2" move) Tied (Copper), Bad Reputation (Eat machines) Watched (Bounty hunters)
, ,

Gremlins are discussed in more detail earli-

be stopped by immunity to disease limited push.


but as "Fallen" fairies, they bear almost no resemblance to their previous forms. There are also no special don"t get them wet" type rules. These creatures look like tiny flying lizard people
er in the book
, "



with open crazed eyes. It is rare to see them in a swarm but when they do, the result is devastating,


Corpses reanimated with gears and steam


leaving a dark wasteland stripped of all technology in its wake. Since they are such a nuisance to progress and technology they are often hunted
" "

bodies charged with excessive electricity or people and captured by bounty hunters. In the back alleys

who have fallen to a foul underground gas that doesn"t quite kill them. Note that the "slow" Flaw is optional. There s nothing like fast moving rotters to spice up a campaign. The Infection" option makes a great plot device as well especially if there is a

of almost every major city, gremlin fights draw large gambling crowds. They range from simple folk to
formal indoor auditorium matches where several of


the creatures fight over a handful of Copper Dust. These are both legal and encouraged, as they keep
the gremlin population to a minimum.

suspected cure somewhere.

Mechanical Spider (Spring wound hunter killer)

Strength: 1 Constitution: 2 Wisdom: 0

Giant Automaton
Strength: 8 Constitution: 6 Wisdom: 1

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 0

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 1

Strength Skills (Skill Level +1)

Run* 2

Strength Skills (Skill Level +8)

Run* 9

Swim" 0, Climb* 2

Swim* 0, Climb* 9

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 3) Dodge" 4 Stealth 6, Pick Lock 5 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +1) Perception* 2
Feats Immune to Morale

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) Dodge* 3 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +1) Perception" 2 KN: Local Area 3


Automaton, Sneak Attack

Immune to



Mildly Terrifying,

Powers (MDP 4 dice)


Night Vision Large (+2 to cancel range penalties of others) Massive (ignore first three Wounded results)



(Attack) - A single spring loaded neePowers (MDP 10 dice) "Strength (Attack) - Using strength to attack. 1 Power Ivl 1 based on Str. (Movement) - Ability to climb on
, " ,

Power Ivl 1

based on Str.

String: 4 Lethal Kinetic HTH Only



sheer surfaces and even ceilings.

Power Ivl 3. allows 4" Climb/Round.

Punch: 10 Subdual Kinetic HTH Only Throw rock: 9 Subdual Kinetic rg 2 max 16



(Protection) - Their tiny size provides a total of -1 Energy and Kinetic Protection.

"Small Size

Throw really big rock:

2 2 3
" ,

8 Subdual Kinetic


max 16

" ,

affects 1 radius


Vital Organs (Defense) - True Armor v.



Kinetic Attacks

Very Short (2" move) Vulnerability x2 (Electricity), Tied (to gadgeteer)

These are macabre assassination devices

(Protection) - Solid exterior provides -3 Energy and Kinetic Protection.

"Hard Outer Shell


Vulnerability x2 (Electricity) Susceptibility x2 (Water created by a mad gadgeteer. Once wound up and and strong magnetic field) Power Failure (When shown a picture of their target they are ruthless in wet and when Copper dust runs out) their quest to kill. They can pick locks and move
, , ,

almost exclusively on ceilings walls and doors ra- Background


ther than floors.

They usually wait over a target>s


bed or doorway and drop down on them. When attacking an unaware opponent they not only get the usual +4 bonus but an additional +1 for the Sneak Attack making an initial attack as high as
, , ,

Every since the first automaton was created intelligent creatures have been fascinated by them. They,ve built them to do manual labor they"ve built them to fight one another for sport they've built
, , ,

and they ve built them as weapons. nine dice. They are not particularly bright creations In almost all cases they begin as non-sentient creaand have been known to confuse similar looking tures, and somewhere along the line they pick up
, , ,

them out of art


people for one another.

The tiny Babbage engine some measure of self-awareness. Maybe an electri, ,

within these spiders is very simple and could be cal surge does something to their Babbage engine reprogrammed by anyone with the appropriate skill maybe the attention to detail of their maker gives them life, maybe they leam from those around them. and sent back to kill their original creators.

Some versions of these mechanical spiders Automatons of any sizes are always treated like infeare equipped with poison needles. There are also rior creatures. In many a Steampunk story they are larger versions of mechanical spiders as big as analogous to slaves. This version represents some,

dogs and even more massive beasts that stand tall- thing bigger than human size, possibly as large as a

er than most houses. The truly bigger monstrosities house, and capable of lifting a ton. run off steam rather than springs and some even In a fantasy setting, these same stats contain hollow chambers where an operator can could be used for a troll, dropping the Vulnerability keep the internal fires going and control the creature and Susceptibility and changing the Power Failure to whenever their hibernation" cycle is (daylight etc). through a complicated series of knobs and levers.
, " ,

Creatures from the Aether

Dinosaur (Carnivore, Velociraptor or Troodon)

Wisdom: 3 Charisma: 3

Strength: 3 Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 2 Intelligence: 4

Strength: 3 Dexterity: 5

Constitution: 3 Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 0 Charisma: 0

Strength Skills (Skill Level +3)

Run* 4. Swim* 4, Climb* 4

Strength Skills (Skill Level +3)

Run* 4

Swim" 4, Climb* 4

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4) Dodge* 3 Pilot (Aether Airships) 5 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +4) Perception* 5 Aether Navigation 6, KN: Aether Science 5 KN: Aether Geography 5, Repair Gadget 5 Babbage Engines 5, Charisma Skills (Skill Level +3) Disguise 4
, , , ,

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 5) Dodge* 6 Stealth 6 Constitution Skills (Skill Level +4) Survival (Jungle) 5 Intelligence Skills (Skill Level +1) Perception* 2 Smell Perception 8, Sight Perception 6 Tactics 2
, ,

Feats Feats Mental Awareness


Night Vision Mildly Terrifying, Additional Mass Cultural Innocence, Language (ignore the first Wounded result) Alertness, Very
, .

(Native Tongue) Alternate Identity

Swift Feet (+2" of running) Heightened Sense (Scent), Minions (they travel in packs), Brave

Powers (MDP 8 dice) 1 "Poison Spider Spit (Attack) - Their only nat- Powers (MDP 7 dice) "Teeth and Claws ural form of defense they can spit out tiny spider 1 (Attack) - Dagger like claws and teeth. Power Ivl 2 based on Str. like creatures that sting with deadly poison.


Power Ivl 1

based on Dex.
" " , , ,

Bite or Slash: 7 Lethal Kinetic


HTH Only.

Poison Sting: 8 Lethal Kinetic rg 2 max rg 2 Can only do Stunned, Incapacitated or Dead results

other damage is ignored. Won t work against any- Tied (Animal Instincts) one with no exposed skin or with Immunity to Poisons. Spread Damage over time (2 rounds). Works Background

against Str instead of Con. Always uses 1 MDP.


On some worlds these creatures have been

domesticated and are now ridden as war mounts. others

hand cannon.



(Attack) - Low quality



Power Ivl 1

based on Dex.

they roam the forests or jungles in packs,

No one really knows how intelligent these

Hand Cannon:

7 Lethal Kinetic to 2"

max rg 8

unafraid to attack creatures several times their size.


Shield (Alteration) - These crea-

tures surround themselves with a field of Aether dinosaurs are

but they are clearing some of the


which alters their appearance to look like hu- most intelligent species to ever exist on the planet. mans. Both Mental Awareness and most dogs They are not only good at sneaking up on their prey will see through the illusion. but either through evolutionary instincts or actual cunning they are also able to use rudimentary tac, ,

tics as well. An example might be leaving one of Watched (Enemy Race) Unique Appearance their pack out in an open field while the others wait (Hairless skin, very big eyes). Cultural Gap in ambush for human hunters to go after it. This template could also be used for varying sizes of larger carnivore. Increase their strength Background These beings come from the Aether and (which will increase the Bite attack on a one for one study earthlings now that humans have figured out a basis) their mass, and their size, and change Mildly way to open Gates into their homeland. There are Terrifying to Truly Terrifying. Also their bigger coustwo tribes of these aliens one purple and the other ins tend to be solitary hunters so take away the feat green, and they are mortal enemies. The purple Minions as well. tribe wishes to help and study the creatures of earth while the green wishes to conquer them. Their disFlaws
, , , , , , ,

guises work well, although most Aethermagi see through them right away. Both tribes have an awk-

ward time fitting in with the earth races.


Samp,e C,t,es

through the n,ght.

Here the ent,re economy ,s

, ,

While cities won>t be the only setting in a matter how long it has been there. Steampunk campaign they will arguably be the

based on prof,t,ng on a war or prey,ng on those who do. Everything has a temporary feel to it no
It may be built on the ruins of a once great metropolis or it may be

most common and offer the most opportunity for hastily erected from scrap metal rock, and wood. In adventure. There are many Victorian Era maps of either case it has a good chance of being a battlecities available on the internet. Take some of these field someday if it hasn"t already, and everyone livand shape them to your will. If you look up the actu- ing there knows it hopes they,ll have enough real history of the city you ll be able to see where the sources saved up to escape when that time comes.
, " ,

social classes settled, along with business centers.

Certainly don"t try to map out every building. Pick a point of focus like a market or a university and put a few details around it. Label which quarters of town hold what and you can lesh out specific Public Houses (pubs) entertainment centers, and dangerous sectors of town as you go. Understand

At the end of each Fall season Guilds (or governments, or nobles) will put their troops up for Winter Quarters because no one fights again until

spring. In some cases, commanders may release the troops entirely so they don,t have to pay them.

This leaves hordes of soldiers with pockets filled

with coin and nothing to do but spend it. Warzone how the city runs who runs it, and whatever indus- border towns easily double or triple in population tries bring in the bulk of the income. Create a few then, and if they get troops from both sides they act opposing factions particularly those most likely to as a neutral zone until the springtime call to arms. encounter the players and have an idea what sorts
, , , ,

of operations they run and how they work. As you Aether floating city go on in your campaign, link a random government Since gravity holds little sway in the Aether official the characters met in game #1 to a secret a city built there would not only be floating but society in game #3. Gradually weave the web of spherical, so buildings could grow out from the top who works for which organization. bottom
, ,

nobility, secret societies, criminal airships or using engines or propellers. Since there elements, and simply large groups of people bound is no dirt or water in the Aether, everything built together by a common cause should all have their there must be assembled from materials brought own motivations preferably that conflict with one from the real world. Variations of loating cities:
, ,


and all sides. It could also travel, towed by

another. Most importantly give your city, and each section within that city as much of a personality as
, , ,

A pristine city a marvel of modern architecture,


a true wonder to behold.

individual characters. The slums aren't just filled they also contain families fiercely loyal to one another people who prey on others for the sheer thrill in the power of it children who believe that the rest of the city has abandoned them people
with criminals
, , ,

The same city as #1 above, but eons later. Created perhaps by a race or people long since

gone, it offers as many mysteries as it does

spectacles. Now crumbling into ruin covered in moss or rust it>s ancient mechanisms either completely useless or hovering on the edge of disrepair. Perhaps it is abandoned.
, , ,

who struggle to show they world they can do the right thing no matter how bad things get, and people

so desperate to escape or to feed someone they love that they will take any risk. The slums might be illed with the impoverished and downtrodden but different levels of that society exist too a hierarchy
, ,

An ancient giant ship, travelling to and from who

knows where

so big that the many inhabitants have enough population and space to war with

of the damned

with a leader and intrigue and rival

factions. All this might be invisible at first to the players, and unknown to the GM, but eventually it will take its first breath as something truly alive.
Warzone Border Town

one another safely within their own walls. A ship like this could be of any shape, ranging from a massive galleon, to a huge zeppelin to a spinning cylinder to a Dyson Sphere with a small glowing sun (or furnace) in the middle. Maybe the ship helps and looks after its passengers, and maybe it used to and now they are all
on their own. Whether its inhabitants even

Reinforcements need a dock to stage



plies need a ship point, smugglers need a place to rest and soldiers need somewhere for R&R. This creates sprawls of city most if not all of it slums,

know of a world outside their vessel is optional. Entire campaigns could take place within this
ship never seeing the
, "

real world at all.


with the constant desolation of war just past its limits. Fires glow in the distance smoking trails from burning airships ill the sky and explosions echo
, ,

A city built entirely from items found in the Aether and bound together by giant chains. Maybe

made from the body parts of colossal statues from some primordial culture. In such a case

Something in the air: It could be as simple as a airship tower or two all the way up to a regular

city blocks might rest on the huge marble heads of kings latched to torsos of massive stone

horses. Granite arms might rise up as towers with chunks of rock tethered like trailing islands. way station for Aether travellers.

A city in the Aether could act as a welcome

presence of airships patrolling or simply hovering overhead. These could be warships pleasure ships gambling ships, cruise ships, scientific ships, personal ships, and for the extremely wealthy, these could actually be loating domi, ,

It if moved in a

ciles so they can avoid contact with the unwashed masses down in the streets below.

regular circuit it could be a massive trade hub whenever it reached a new real world metropolis. It 6. might act as asylum or neutral territory or the only

A University: All the better if based on radically

new weird science and/or progressive or deviant political ideas and theories. It will no doubt be a

source of supplies in the void.


Food and water


would be expensive commodities as would even the most rudimentary building materials. It might also

focal point for Secret Societies like Bohemians. At least one Black Market: Preferably someplace dark, like the docks, or in the sewers.

be a target for Aether pirates massive lying creaor raiders from a savage sentient alien race.


Some source of public entertainment: There be theatres of course, along with lower
, ,

Coastal Major City

The staple of many a Steampunk setting. The proximity to water can easily be a major iver (the Thames, Hudson, Seine or Mississippi) or a sound (like the Puget Sound). Urban components: r

class arenas and pugilist ings but take some time to develop something truly bizarre and unu-

sual for your city. It could involve unusual creatures

or some link to the Aether. Take a zoological exhibit a circus, a dancing troupe, a per, , ,

Way too many inhabitants:


In the Victorian

forming company a scientific exposition, or a


over half the population of England lived in cities. They were quickly choked full of more people that could fit comfortably or safely. 9. Slums: There should be at least one place so
destitute that it has its own tragic personality.

and put them in the Aether, or in the air



or both.

Some center of government: Mostly this is a place for people to gather for protests and iots,
and will otherwise rarely be seen except when

And it needs a local nickname. Something like

The Wretched Slums The Maze, The East End, Old Nichol Whitechapel, Dark Alley, Rookery, or
, ,

one is called there. Generally best if you make your major city the capital either of the area, or
the entire country/empire.

Shanty Town should do. 10. Some technologically advanced or unusual Upper Class Row or Circle: At least one place form of public transportation: Could be subin town should represent "Old Money or "New ways, railcars in the air steam powered carriagMoney and stick out as opulent compared to es, trolleys regular dirigible routes, or submaine travel but in all cases it should differ radithe rest of the city. Usually this section will be
, , " , ,

walled off

with gates that are closed and locked

cally between the pristine lavish upper class


during hours of darkness. It,s even better if it somehow shows utter contempt for the lower
classes slums
, ,


and the worn down highly unsafe and

unsanitary common class versions. like having the wall ight next to the 11. An oversized sewer system: Preferably with or having been built on what used to be large tunnels that go to many a secret location r

slums before the city evicted the area burned it

down, and sold the plots to the new wealthy.

across town.

Entire subsets of society could

travel, or live in the sewers.

Some source of town income: There must be


Other options

someplace where many people go to toil away

A Sanitarium

the hours in misery. This also happens to be one of the main sources of income for the city.
People working the docks are a given but there


Graveyards, upper class and lower

Shipyards or Airship yards



Museum of scientific curiosities

Prison Botanical Gardens

should also be either a mill, a mine a quarry, a row of factories a refinery, or some combination of all those. These can have local nicknames
, ,

h i

Wrecks or Ruins


like The Pits or for sure the name of the

company or Guild that runs them.

In all cases

many people work there, conditions are horrible and the pay is pathetic.

Something Haunted Someplace dangerous, like a swamp, toxic lake, old battlefield, or abandoned

Sample City: Ankmir

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Here is a basic framework for a city start point.

very center holds the main offices of stock traders lawyers and white collar business. If your campaign has a parliament or house of representatives it History The dark black lines represent city walls would exist here. The further towards the Right Arm (most built centuries ago), with the circles represent- you go, the more seedy Central Ankmir becomes. ing towers. The original city all fit within the walls of
, ,

the middle circle.

A once formidable seawall that

The Right Arm


The hazardous and less reputable factories wharfs, and slums (Little Maze) all reside in in the upper right comer was the original slums. this section. The slums were originally the goblin With the coming of New Wealth the Duke ordered slums (or in an all human campaign, slums with the slums sealed off and then put to the torch while deformed or diminutive people) until the "nicer" zeppelins overhead held parties to watch. The best slums were walled off and torched and all its resiarchitects and social planners descended on the dents migrated here. This section also contains the ashes to rebuild Olde Ankmir" for the rising upper Asylum of the Lost as well as the Honor Blades middle classes. The Real Money of Ankmir live out- guild hall. The one claim to fame of the Right Arm is
kept invaders at bay and protected trade ships has

long fallen into ruin. The square walled-off section




side the city on lavish estates.

that is also holds the cities best tinkerers and gadg-

Geography The city within the original walls is known as Central Ankmir. "Olde" Ankmir sits just past the Duke's palace prison, and militia institute. The bottom right part of the city across the bridges is known as the Right Arm (because the city looks vaguely like a crab from the ocean and the air) and across the water on the opposite side is the Left Arm. The white lines represent only the major streets of the city. Each block between them is riddled with smaller alleyways and side streets. The faint curved lines represent the primary Omnibus routes that function like overhead subways for the bulk of the city.
, ,

eteers - not to be confused with personages of science and research. If you want to have something modified or altered, or if you are interested in mechanisms of the mad

the tinker,s market is the place

for you. The tinker's market also hides the entrance

to the city's most prosperous and well known black

markets. The Right Arm is home to the Eldritch Mining export company. Their sea vessels fill the harbor day and night taking out refined ore and bringing in supplies and other goods. The Eldritch Mining export company also runs the Gasworks which pro, ,

duce all the city"s calcium carbide in massive electric

arc furnaces. Calcium carbide is sold as a blue rock

There are several smaller lines but the ones shown


that produces a lammable gas when dropped into water thus keeping the gaslights of the city burning.

are the primary and the biggest ones.

The Left Arm "Olde


This section of town was built for those tast-

Home to the Darkleaf Union Apothecary guild, the Celestial Journeymen Airship yards, the
guild warehouses, and most importantly, Innova-

ing wealth for the first time. Everything is egregiously overpriced, and many of the inhabitants struggle to pay the rent while attempting to pass as far more well off than they are. The gates to this area are locked during hours of darkness and is one of the most patrolled parts of the city second only to the Duke"s grounds and gardens. Since bodyguards often make good status symbols the main Tower Shield mercenary guild sits just outside the wall.
, , ,

tions University.

The area around the University


overflows with intellectuals bohemians, artists, sci-

researchers, doctors, and engineers.


sort of weird science created in the city happens here along with a number of biological experiments bordering on atrocities in the name of medicine.

Ironically across the Sound sits the main hall for the

Central Ankmir

Circle of Sprits a guild of so-called sorcerers and thaumaturgists who reject science for mystic arts. The edges of the Left Arm still maintain active com, , " ,

The true heart of the city this section holds merce however, with very active docks at the sea the ministry offices and the Alderman University of edge and most of the city s incoming agricultural Law along with the Ankmir Mint, the Duchess Cir- goods and livestock markets on the inland edge. cus (The Circus of Lost Souls) all of the city s Omnibus lines and stations many of the primary markets, The Sovereign Quarters several of the best theatres and the Royal Docks. The Duke/Duchess and other nobility of the


The areas near the Omnibus stations the docks contain most of the cities factories while the area in the

city reside here although they almost never leave their walls except by air.

Samp'e C'ty: Ankm'r Left Arm

Marrow J'eUts

Sample City: Central Ankmir and Ankmir


Sample City: Ankmir Left Arm Docks

Outer Market



juUJ hi/atI





Royal M,Aarf





t) Antiquaries (Museum ofAnkmir Society)

2) Armorer s Jfaff(Arms .'Museum)
' '

3) Society of Arts 4) Emerald League Lesser Exchange 5/ fishmonger s Matt

6) ArcSmitn s Staff 7) Court ofJustice 9) Royat Theatre '

8) free Tempfe

10) Grande Theatre

11) Northern Theatre

12) Paface Music Staff 13) Ankmir Music Jfaff

14) Majestic Aquarium ' aface (Puhftc Entertainment) is) Teopfes P

16) Criers Mall

17) Lost Asyfum (Mad)

18) Dark Asyfum (B ' lind and Deaf)

19) Aether Air Tower 20) Tower Shiefd OjuifdJ louse

21) yfonor Blades (juifd Stall 22) Taface Cemetery 23) Green Cemetery 24) South Watk Park

25) Common Cemetery

26) Shepherds Park

27) Ankmir fiefds

28) Sfamfet Cemetery 29) 'Underfields (Cemetery) 30) Grays Garden

31) Lesser Station 32) Upper (gardens 33) fountains


Sample City: The Right Arm



-rrrs -


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n TtL. ~u-h C# t; VckV

i '







Sample Vessels
Some conventions about vessels:

Treat "Stunned" results as a loss of initiative for the next round plus an inability to volley



although individual cannons could still

forget everything you know about physics and treat ships that sail on or swim under the seas fly in the


The ship may maneuver and do ac-

tions normally.


and soar through the Aether as all working un-

der the same rules.

Wounded" means the ship has taken serious ips to sails or is missing chunks of hull.
Wounds will get worse just like with a per,

It>s Steampunk. Second use these rules for creating ships



if kept in battle. This is usually linked


of all sorts. 1 Constitution:


to flames.

Treat this the same as you would for a character as far as damage charts go. Damage effects will vary a little (see below) Dexterity: This represents the agility and handling of a ship relative to other ships. It determines which ships move first and fire first. In no
case will a ship ever be more maneuverable than a person.

Incapacitated" means a major sail airbag,

or part of the hull or steering mechanism is gone. Everything done with the ship is at a 4 and movement is reduced to 1 per round. If the ship itself cannot burn then something inside it like gunpowder, kegs of alcohol or extra sails, is probably on fire.


Primarily used to determine how

Unless brought to all stop the ship will get worse and eventually die."
, " "

much a ship can easily carry in its hold. Note

that in some cases this will exceed the normal

in the

Death" translates to a ship that would sink ocean fall from the air, or simply
, ,

maximum of 12.


Ships Intelligence Wisdom, and Charisma: don't have these, so don"t worry about them.

shatter or lose the ability to move in the Aether. If fire was involved the ship is entirely

Mass: Ships will have additional mass to represent extra damage they can absorb.

engulfed in flames. A "Wounded" or "Incapacitated" ship will not


and will need repairs by skilled engi-

Cloth as Armor:

Zeppelins not specifically ar-


mored will have little to no protection against

If the surface of the vessel has been

specially treated somehow, the GM may allow a


1 Protection.

Wood as Armor: Ships made out of wood will have -2 Protection against Kinetic attacks and 1 Protection against Energy attacks. Metal or Stone as Armor: Ships lined with metal (or rock in some cases) will have -3 Protection against Kinetic and Energy attacks. Cannons: Most ships will have several cannons paid for independently, which can therefore be ired as a volley using the Mass Combat rules. A good rule of thumb for cannons is that they should all use MDP dice (to represent re-

loading time) and they should all have the x8


range modifier (at -2 dice). 10. ,Boat" as a Feat: The 2 point "boat" feat buys
something smaller than anything listed here.

11. "Ship" as a Feat: The 4 point "Ship/Yacht/ Submersible" Feat buys something in the
schooner or sloop size category.

12. Feel free to make up your own Flaws and Feats for ships as well as Powers. Rotting decks Watched by the Kraken, Reputation Bad Reputation Money Problems, Slow, and the like are all Flaws that would work with a ship.
, , ,

13. Damage:

Generic Corsair

Sloop, or Schooner
Constitution: 6 Dexterity: 4


Cannon" (Attack) - Full sized cannons and

, ,

Strength: 12

more of them

represented in this case by a

more powerful attack. They are also better at longer ranges because the gunners are professional cannoneers. Power Ivl 2 based on Con. Cannon x4: 10 Lethal Kinetic out to 32" max
, ,

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 4) Dodge* 5 (Evasive Maneuvers)


Additional Mass (ignores the first Wounded result)

Powers (MDP 8 dice) 1 "Float or Fly (Movement) - 12" per round.

rg 64 always uses 1 MDP. 3 "Wooden Hull (Protection) - Provides a -2 Protection to Kinetic attacks and -1 to Energy




(Attack) - This represents a rela- Background tively small cannon. Power Ivl 1 based on Con. This is the smallest class of warships. In Cannon x4: 8 Lethal Kinetic out to 16" max rg some cases it could be armored. 16 tons of cargo minimum crew of 10 and could support a maximum 64". always uses 1 MDP. 3 "Wooden Hull (Protection) - Provides a -2 of 160 people. It would normally have as many as Protection to Kinetic attacks and -1 to Energy sixteen cannons to a side.






Bad Reputation (Pirate type ship)

This is the smallest

Generic Merchant Ship Strength: 13 Constitution: 8


Dexterity: 2

but also the fastest of Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) the ship classes, and therefore the one most comDodge* 3 (Evasive Maneuvers) monly used by pirates. They are only capable of about 10 tons of cargo and much of that will be Feats illed with lifeboats and basic supplies. It has a min- Massive (ignores the first three Wounded results) imum crew of six and could support a maximum of 100 people. It would normally have as many as Powers (MDP 10 dice) 1 "Float or Fly (Movement) - 10" per round. eight small cannons to a side.
, , " .

Note that the ship has



the 2

Cannon" attack four times to allow for volley fire.


"Cannon Con.


(Attack) - Power Ivl 1, based on

10 Lethal Kinetic out to 16" max

Each version of the Power would use one MDP die

each shot

Cannon x4:

which means after each volley, the MDP rg 64 always uses 1 MDP. would be significantly depleted, and extra time 3 "Wooden Hull (Protection) - Provides a -2 would pass for them toe reload before they could Protection to Kinetic attacks and -1 to Energy attacks. ire at full strength again.


Generic Frigate or Sloop-of-War

Strength: 12

Constitution: 7

Dexterity: 3

Bigger than the Frigate but not as well armed, it is none-the-less capable of protecting itself against most raiders. 24 tons of cargo minimum crew of 12 and could support a maximum of 160
, ,

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 3) Dodge* 4 (Evasive Maneuvers)


people. It would normally have as many as twelve

cannons to a side, the same type as the Frigate.

Mildly Massive (ignores the first two Wounded results)

Powers (MDP 10 dice) 1 "Float or Fly (Movement) - 10" per round.

Generic Warship Strength: 13 Constitution: 9


Damned Sabre (Jade pirate Aether schooner) Dexterity: 2

Strength: 12

Constitution: 6

Dexterity: 5

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) Dodge" 3 (Evasive Maneuvers)


Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 5) Dodge* 6 (Evasive Maneuvers)


Truly Massive (ignores first four Wounded results)

Additional Mass (ignores the first Wounded result) Immune to Fire (Jade)

Powers (MDP 11 dice) 1 "Float or Fly (Movement) - 8" per round. Powers (MDP 9 dice) "Cannon (Attack) - More and bigger cannons 1 2 "Fly (Movement) - 16" of movement per round



mean a more lethal attack.




Cannon" rep.

in the Aether.

resents six actual guns and the size of these 2



(Attack) - Modified higher tech can,

rounds gives them the Armor Piercing ability.

Power Ivl 2

nons. Power Ivl 2 Cannon x4:


based on Con.

based on Con.
11 Lethal Kinetic out to 32" max rg
, ,

9 Lethal Kinetic out to 32" max rg

Cannon x4:

always uses 1 MDP.

64", always uses 1 MDP. AP. 3 "Armored Hull (Protection) - Provides a -3 Protection to Kinetic attacks and Energy attacks.

(Protection) - Provides a -3 Protection to Kinetic and Energy attacks.

"Jade Hull




Bad Reputation (Pirate Ship) Unique Appearance 20 tons of cargo minimum crew of 12, and could support up to 200 people. It would normally Background A schooner made entirely of jade it is worhave as many as twenty cannons to a side. thy for neither sea nor air but excels on the AeGeneric Galleon ther currents. Legend says that Captain Thomas Strength: 14 Constitution: 10 Dexterity: 1 Bonny commissioned this ship after his wife was killed by stray cannon fire. Left with an infant Skills daughter, he became history's most feared Aether Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 1) pirate. He claimed to be a privateer hired by Tower Dodge" 2 (Evasive Maneuvers) Shield to ensure vessels paid their ,Aether tax., In reality he attacked bearing a red flag with a single
, , , , ,


black dot in the middle

indicating he would leave


Truly Massive (ignores the first four Wounded re- only one survivor in a pool of blood. Merchants paid sults) Tower Shield for protection and the guild paid Thomas to not attack the protected ships. Soon Thomas was incredibly wealthy and bored. By then Powers (MDP 12 dice) 1 "Float or Fly (Movement) - 6" per round. his daughter Mary Bonny was a young girl who had 2 "Cannon (Attack) - Literally bristling with can- grown accustomed to the sounds of battle and the nons Power Ivl 2 based on Con. tales of victory. She encouraged her father to seek
, "


Cannon x4:

12 Lethal Kinetic out to 32" max rg


bigger challenges and he listened.


The Damned

64" always uses 1 MDP, AP. 3 "Wooden Hull (Protection)


Sabre went out seeking legendary creatures and - Provides a -2 other captains to fight. As the story goes, two decProtection to Kinetic attacks and -1 to Energy ades ago he and his ship were destroyed in a terriattacks.


ble Aether storm. Historians question this tale as much like any battle he d ever won there was one survivor left on his ship and she was found
, , , ,

These truly behemoth ships are very slow and don t care. Instead they focus on the maximum number of cannons possible on a ship. 32 tons of cargo minimum crew of 16, and could support a maximum of 250 people. It would normally have as many as twenty-four cannons to a side.
' ,

wrapped in the red flag with the black dot. Mary was taken back to a Sanitarium and eventually died from an infection. Strangely enough in the twenty years

that have passed, no one can conclusively say what happened to the remains of the ship the captain, or his daughter...

The Airship Nocturne (Alternate History Airship) Strength: 13 Constitution: 8 Dexterity: 2


Experimental Faraday Cage with lightning rods

and dispersion chains to protect against lighting

Dexterity Skills (Skill Level + 2) Dodge" 3 (Evasive Maneuvers)


Various defensive/offensive armaments added



Frangible spheres of Naphtha and an

oxidizer which can be delivered at

Massive (ignores the first three Wounded results)

Immunity to electricity Powers (MDP 10 dice)

(Movement) - 10" per round. Sphere Catapult (Attack) - A steam powered catapult that ires an exploding flaming projectile. Power Ivl 1 based on Con. Catapult: 10 Lethal Energy out to 16" max rg 64" always uses 1 MDP. explosion (1 radius) does





range from a steam catapult system. Highly effective against aggressor airships with hydrogen lift systems and semi-rigid hull frames. Another close range defensive weapon
used primarily on the top launching


deck where the hanger for the long range recon aircraft is the Dragon s

damage over time (1 level per round) damage can be "extinguished cannot be used closer than 4".


Breath which is a directed steam jet weapon that projects a coalesced


"Dragon s Breath


(Attack) - A super heated

, ,

breath" of steam over 300 yards from

thing up to 3/8" steel plate. Dragon's Breath: 8 Lethal Energy out to 16" max rg 32 always uses 2 MDPs, AP. 1893 - Airship Nocturne launched. First mission "Self Sealing Airbags (Protection) - Pro4 and shakedown run to the Columbia Exposition in vides -2 Protection to Kinetic & Energy attacks. Chicago.
" ,

steam cannon. Power Ivl 1 based on Con.

the nozzle and can cut through every-



1891 - U.S. Airship Heavy Transport Goliath purchased and underwent two years of refitting and
modifications. These modifications include:

1893 to present -Ongoing missions of artifact retrieval around the globe for the Smithsonian Institution when circumstances and location would coincide with other Nocturne missions.

1895 - Rudolf Diesel Patents Diesel Engine in GerThe addition of (14) 10 man emergency escape many plus successful test of the new engine design. baskets with parachutes from cargo hold sections modified to be emergency drop bays. 1896 - St Louis Tornado Rescue operations. Then
These were based on the Garnerin Parachute on November 30th

the Nocturne observes a large

design which was successfully tested. The ship was converted from a Hydrogen gas bag Ito a Helium gas bag lift system. This included the use of multi-ply bags with a reinforced outer skin and two inner skins containing a self-sealing rubber compound to assist with cies. The decision and ability to switch from the

carcass of unknown origins and vast size washed ashore at St. Augustine Florida. 1896 to 1897 - Survey of the Great Wall of China 1897 to 1898 - Bronx Zoo Opens and the Nocturne

small tears and puncture sealing in emergen- is contracted to assist with acquiring certain species. highly dangerous Hydrogen to Helium was due 1899 - While on a combined mission for the Smithin part to the major underground reserves that sonian in South Africa the Nocturne observed the

were discovered in the Texas Panhandle Kansas and other areas. These would not be ex,

opening of Boer War Hostilities.

ploited commercially until many years later but 1899 to 1900 - Conducting a preliminary re-survey

due to the nature of the scientific and exploration consortium funding the Nocturne project the
needed expertise resources and materials were

of the Panama Canal route for the American take over from France. 1900 - Galveston

available and utilized for this conversion.

TX - aftermath of hurricane rescue operations and delivering emergency supplies.


Ballast Lift Bags

fore and aft


Elevator to

Briefing Room (starboard)

Laboratory (port)
Winched Platform

Water Tanks

Passenger Quarters

/Observation / Room

Rear Gun


Cargo Storage
Forward Gun Turret

Mess Hall (starboard) Captains Quarters (port)

Airship Nocturne Crew Background

Commander Sirius Louvel

United States Navy Airship Reconnaissance The crew is composed an eclectic mix of 120+ sci- Corps - Detached Service. Sirius is the commander entists civilian mission specialists, ex-military air- of the Airship Nocturne though there is a public figship crew-members engineers and adventurers of urehead named Captain Frederick Noone. In reality varied special talents. Here are some of the more this figurehead captain is "No One" but it has been notable. useful at times in certain political situations so the
, ,

charade continues.

Captain: Captain Frederick Noone. refer all Born in New Orleans Louisiana of an old, questions to the XO please. Executive Officer (XO): Sirius Louvel established Vieux Carre family he is familiar with moving in high society as well less savory areas. (Commander, Royal Marines) He followed the long standing family trend of serving Zeppelin Pilot: Mr. Ben Thair

Navigator: Hadaly L"Eve Future - Sentient


in the military as well as maintaining indirect control

Navigator 2nd: Commander Sirius Louvel Wireless Operator: Marie Fox. resident Femme

of some of the family ventures including shipping manufacturing and trade.

Chief Sgt - Gunnery Officer: Roland Gunn Defensive Fire Control Officer: Bradley Abrams Scouts & Landing Party: Shaun Tallahasse

He has a good sense of humor and a quick wit though with strangers he tends to be aloof or reticent. He can have a stern almost forbidding

outward appearance which masks his great concern

Adventurer: Ella Sonnett (Past stage ac- aboard the Nocturne. He has very little tolerance for tress & entertainer) sycophants and those that treat others with disreArtiste, Craftsman, and Inquisitary: Joshua spect.
F Edward

for his crew and the various passengers that travel

Artificer & Inventor: Rosalie Halestrum

He was married but lost his wife in an acci-

dent while overseas. It was not uncommon to see Cook: Hyacinth Mc Fluff Diplomat: J,espere Brun him in the company of various ladies for companionDiplomatic Attache': Silas Guildersleeve ship though recently he has been frequently seen Engineer/Boiler Ops/Sweep & Grease Monkey:

Chute" Entertainment Director": Mame Devereaux


Experiments: Doctor Clu (Not a medical doctor) Femme Fatale: The Lovely Sparrow

Gemologist/Geologist: Miss GiGi

Inspector: Weston Thorpe (On assignment from New York City S.I. Div) Inventor for Hire: Elias J. Bartleby Journalist: Sarah Meyers-Hart (Formerly of the New York World) Librarian: Ms. Paige Turner
Natural Historian and Dancer: Mina Mori

Newsie/Cabin Boy: "The Kid" Parapsychologist: Dr. Victoria Tarr - Researcher

of the

Beyond" Traveling Anthropologist: Trantius Rune

Professor: Chaos Feather


Photographer: Neill T. McCanon - amateur musician from Letterkenny IR


with a certain red-headed femme fatale of many

with the violin

flute and piano. In her free time she

talents whose opposite nature compliments him practices her music, dancing or making jewelry quite well. which she gives away.
He is of medium build
, ,

5' 9" with light brown

She loves new experiences and is drawn to

very blue eyes and a light complexion that re- danger and adventure. A true dare devil who seeks

flects his French/Spanish Creole heritage instead of out new challenges with little thought of the consethe darker brown hair and slightly olive skin from his quences is something goes wrong. She has no
mother s Cherokee bloodline.

weapons experience or training which can be prob-

lematic with her penchant for rushing headlong into

He served in several countries and spent things. She is regularly seen in the company of Siri-

several years with the British Royal Navy Air Assault us Louvel both on and off the Nocturne. It is not Flotilla as part of the officer exchange program. He uncommon for them to work together on missions. is a Navigator and Cartographer of great skill and
balances these with his command duties though

Mina Mori

Natural Historian and Dancer. She,s the more often he leaves the Navigational duties to Hadaly. He speaks English French, German and daughter of a Chinese noblewoman named Ming some Russian. He is an expert swordsman with Zhao and an American adventurer/engineer-turnedsabre and cutlass and practices where possible to politician Jefferson Kingsley. She was born in Taikeep the full use of his right arm which was injured wan but has lived in several countries. She s not a in a boarding action several years prior to his taking fan of high society or politics and wants to make a command of the Airship Nocturne. He is also very name for herself so she hides her name and past adept with several projectile weapons though he from most everybody. She finds the laboratory to prefers to use them only as a last resort. Though be too confining preferring to study flora and fauna not visibly displayed he carries a .41 cal Colt pocket around the world. Belly dancing is her night job her pistol and a Russian Kinjadal" in specially made first public performance being at the World,s Fair. holster and scabbard made into his overcoat. Mina sometimes disguises herself as her "twin"
, , , "


Liam, in order to gain entrance to men,s-

He was decorated for bravery in action only gaming circles or gentlemen scientist societies.
against the Bengali Pirate Brotherhood and is highly

regarded by the British and United States Navies.

He wears no visible military rank or insignia other

than a boatswains, whistle and typically wears

smoked lens glasses to help preserve his night vision. His normal dress is a custom made uniform

that is very military in style and a combination of


British and US Naval uniforms.

Lady Genevieve Rochelle of Alsace-Lorraine

Known to her friends as GiGi

she is from

Strasbourg France and is of Norman - Saxon ancestry. She is in her late 20 s tall and has pale
, >


blue eyes and deep auburn hair.

Her moods

are as changeable as the breeze. She is very open and thoughtful but has a fiery temper at times. It is also very easy to hurt her feelings which will make her withdraw quickly into herself. She has an air of
innocence and seductiveness about her.
hates the cold.

She also

Joshua F. Edward

Craftsman, and Inquisitary. Joshua is a jack-of-all-trades from Texas. He received the

" ,

She is the resident Nocturne Gemologist nickname the Inquisitary" (not Inquisitor because and precious metal expert. She also doubles as in he,s not Catholic) because his curiosity always interpreter and speaks English French, German, leads him into the middle of a mystery. He enjoys Russian Greek and Turkish. She was classically drawing and making new gadgets. He fell in love
, ,

trained as a dancer and musician and is very skilled

with Mina at the World s Fair and became her assis,

tant (he helps make her costumes and transports to help with her talents in mysticism. As the Inventor

her around because she has a paralyzing fear of copied the brain patterns of the other man s wife into the automaton the Aethermage had an agenda of operating any moving craft on her own).

her own. Over the course of months using a mag,

Master Gunnery Sgt. Roland Gunn

Served in the Army of Scotland 1888-1893 (2nd Sgt.). Joined the crew of the Airship Nocturne 1893 (Master Gunnery Sgt.). Also ship<s Master Carpenter. He is an expert marksman with small arms heavy guns, munitions, and explosives. He
, ,

also has extensive training in hand to hand combat


netic-electric current fed through an Aether-filled chamber the Aethermage slowly transferred her own spirit into the automaton as well. The experiment left one woman dead, the Aethermage missing and Hadaly a combination of three distinct personalities. In the chaos that followed the completion of the procedure the ship transporting her was lost
, , ,

fencing broadsword combat, and aerial combat tactics. Sgt Gunn is one of the few military personnel assigned to the Nocturne. The Nocturne is a peaceful

at see

leaving her husband-to-be drowned, and her


short circuited

paralyzed at the bottom of the sea.

exploratory vessel, and there have been numer"

ous occasions where Sgt. Gunn s combat training has proven useful in defending the ship. Although the Nocturne was officially listed as observing the Boer War Hostilities of 1899 Sgt. Gunn was responsible for successfully defending the ship against en,

Many year later she was eventually rescued

by the crew of a science minded vessel, and then stolen by the Celestial Rogues. She is very knowledgeable with technical matters as well as mystical


particularly those related to the Aether. She

1 ,

generally seems to know" what the ship is doing


emy attacks.

Prior to Roland"s service in the Army of

Scotland Scotland

he was apprentice to the Master cabinet/


though she calls it feeling the ship., She does not like to fight devoted to the point of fault, and overtly trusting if nothing reveals itself upfront. She liked collecting old things and she takes great pleasure
* "

furniture maker

Adolph McHugme, in Edinburgh for 12 years. When asked about his secondary job as ship s carpenter, Roland replies, I am a hella better carpenter than mechanic! I know
' " ,

in simply watching people.

Trantius Rune

shite bout steam, but I can make them damn steam


woks look purty! Given druthers I would rather build a thing of beauty than destroy things. But bring on a with the Nocturne studying various cultures gatherguy lookin fer a fight and I will put him in 'is grave!" ing their secrets details on their ways of life, and any valuable knowledge to share with the rest of the
, , ' ,

Traveling Anthropologist and seeker of knowledge. After his military career as a poisonologist Trantius Rune began traveling the world

Hadaly L,eve Futur Nashira

world. He is driven by a desire to spread an open

A Sentient Automaton acting as the ship"s

communications and on-board tactical officer. A fractured

and free exchange of ideas between all peoples. Sometimes this idea is openly accepted and embut at other times Trantius is forced to use his poisons training and trusty sidearm to help liberate" the closely held secrets he hopes to share. While on a stop in London he was smitten by the
" ,

slightly insane automaton who s taste of


adventure seems to be as limitless as her age. She enjoys life, people and most of all the ship. She ranges from a wide-eyed almost innocent persona
, ,

that seems to be absolutely at wonder with general

human interactions

actress Ella Sonnet and decided that he must share his secrets and life with her. Ella Sonnet

to a social butterfly ready and

willing to get involved in any conversation with little

care for much else

to a far older, far wiser seeming aspect that dearly wants for the world to pay for

what happened in the past. Yet generally speaking,


it,s hard to mark which is which.

She claims to come from another world where she was commissioned to be built for the

Groomed as a governess but yearned for more and took to the stage as an actress. During one show a traveler and scientist by the name of Trantius Rune (crew of the Airship Nocturne) took a shine to her and wooed her away from the


With her education and social aptitude the

pleasure of a lonely man. She was created a thing Airship Nocturne and ifs crew took her in as a fellow of perfect form and beauty easily mistaken for a real member and use her talents as a diplomat and inforwoman except for her simple mind and lack of a mation gatherer. soul. An equally lonely Aethermage from this world
, ,

stumbled upon the Inventor and she convinced him


Sample Airship Combat Sample Steampunk Powers The Damned Sabre is out searching the Aether for easy prey and spots a generic merchant This sample list of powers give examples of ship off in the distance (The Compass Rose). Eager for a fight Captain Bonny orders his crew to raise abilities and items that characters (and NPCs) can
, ,

his colors and then savagely attack.

quickly purchase.

The Captain of the Rose figures out very quickly that she cannot outrun the Sabre, so orders Note that some powers are listed in more the ship to turn and fire on her pursuer. At 64" (640 than one place. For example the White Noise Genfeet) apart both ships turn hard to port and fire on erator is listed under Anti-sense and Protection. one another with the Sabre firing the first volley. Anyone can purchase either of these versions or
, , , ,

At that range the jade ship would normally pay the 5 points and combine them into a single

roll 8 dice four times (down from 9 due to range). function which would require 3 MDP dice invested The hard wooden hull of the Rose gives another -2 in it to keep it running. Whenever it was turned on, it taking the total down to 7. The max damage possi- would give everyone a -4 to their Perception rolls to ble is "Incapacitated." With volley fire the max is use Clairvoyance and Mental Scanning and would Death and adds +3 dice to the total bringing it up give everyone in the same radius a -4 Protection to 10. The result is 5 successes which Stuns" the against Telepathy attacks. Rose and lowers the MDP of the Sabre by 4 (now at 5). While the Rose could still shoot, it couldn,t VolLikewise, several powers could be built into ley fire this round so it holds its fire. the same device as long as the points were paid. A Both convinced they can win they charge character could have a set of goggles that combined one another. They move a total of 26 closer (10" Polarizing Lens Goggles and Darksight Goggles at for the Rose 16" for the Sabre) and end up 38" the same time, representing the ability to see in total apart. Since the Sabre is unable to use volley fire darkness, yet also not be affected by bright blinding because of the Stun and has an MDP of 5, Captain lights. The total cost would be 4 points.
, , , , " " , , " , , ,

Bonny orders evasive maneuvers while the crew


This gives his ship another -3 Protection Now the Rose Volley fires back. She starts -2 for the range -3 for the Sabre s
, , , ,

for the round. with 10 dice


Many of these will be goggles but could

, "

hard jade hull and -3 for the evasive maneuvers, or also be some contraption that sniffs the air or has 2 dice total. The max it could do would be "No Ef- gauges that read something nearby. Usually sensfect" normally or Stunned" with volley fire. She es can t be pushed don't use MDP. Things biocraftgets +3 dice for the volley, and rolls 5 dice total, ed over one or both eyes are considered permanent"

getting 3 successes (and losing 4 MDP). This ly attached and wouldn't get the "item" bonus. Stuns" the Sabre indicating a mass of fire close
" ,

enough to rattle the helmsman and prevent Volley

Fire the next round.

They charge again ending 12 apart. The Sabre fires unable to volley fire, but willing to go to single shots with an MDP up to 6. They have no penalty for range, but still -2 against the wooden
, ,


hull. The most 4 dice could do would be Stunned

, "

but they try it anyway and the captain orders they

Push" +2 MDP for +2 dice in the attack ("Fire at ) The Sabre rolls 6 dice and gets 6 successes, which would normally Wound" the Rose, except that the Rose ignores the first three Wounds. The Rose fires back with a 6 dice volley (after -3 for armor and +3 for Volley) getting a lucky 6 successes. This would normally Incapacitate the Sabre but the captain spends a hero point and declares some fantaswill!
" " , , ,

tic maneuver

reducing the damage to



" ,

which the Sabre also ignores... this time.

Aether Scan Goggles - Goggles only used by reveals only strange shadows at best. In practical guards within the Aether. These were designed to terms it shows a characters Flaws and Feats, but in detect people using Aether Cloak and while they obscure visual means open to interpretation. For work well in detecting invisible targets they provide example someone with a Tied to Money might apa hazy image at best. Any targets detected should pear to be trailing a long chain of gold or silver. be considered "mostly concealed" against missile Someone Watched by Criminals might appear to attacks. Clever Aethermages have been able to have glowing pairs of eyes staring at them from evethwart these goggles by using Aether Cloak and ry shadow of every alleyway. Someone with the moving within crowds of other visible, people or Easily Panicked Flaw might have a terrified tiny vercreatures. sion of themselves hiding behind them while someone with the Feat Natural Leader might appear giant Primary Effect: (Sense) +3 Perception v. Aether and glowing.
, , , , , ,

Cloak. . . Level 2 Cost 3

Primary Effect: (Sense) See Flaws and Feats

. Level 1

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not . easily replaced (+1 normal bonus)

Cost 2

Only works against creatures and items in the Aether (+1 normal bonus)

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1 normal bonus) . Only useable by the innocent overly imaginative or insane (+2 normal bo, ,

nus) Polarizing Lens Goggles - Fairly common protection against bright blinding lights like those from
burning phosphorous.

Primary Effect: (Sense) +4 Sight Perception.

. Level 1

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1 normal bonus)

Only to cancel out Bright Light Anti Sense Attacks (+2 normal bonus)

Biocraft Goggles - Used by doctors and other Darksight Goggles - One of many standard Steam medical personnel. It allows detection of specific Punk goggles sold on the street.

diseases, poisons, internal injuries, etc.

and also adds +3 dice to conventional First Aid rolls.

Primary Effect: (Sense) Infra vision.

. Level 1

Primary Effect: +2 perception)

. Level 1

(Sense) See medical issues (with

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power


easily replaced (x2 range 4 )


scent just like a living beast. It is still based on the users Perception rolls representing their ability to Wondrous Aurascopic Goggles - Rumors say instruct and operate the device.

Item that can be taken away and not Mechanical Hound - A small mechanical spring or easily replaced (+1 normal bonus) steam powered bloodhound capable of following a

Half normal range (+1 normal bonus)

that this device was originally a gift from a magical

race to small children. When wore

it allows small Primary Effect: children and other people with unfettered imagina- Perception). tions to look at other people and see them for how . Level 1 they really are. For skeptics and non-believers it

(Sense) Tracking Scent (with +1

Cost 2

Quest Engine - If Aether Windows are the screens,

Quest Engines are the web browsers of the SteamLimitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not punk world. This is a tiny flying mechanical device covered in gems for eyes that only exists in the Aeeasily replaced (+1 normal bonus)

ther (and made from the fabric of the Aether). It will Temporal Gauge - It looks like an ornate watch. accept the commands of its owner to go look for
but its big hand will point to any nearby temporal something and transmit images back to the user anomalies while its small hand will point to a number through an Aether Window. The cheapest version is indicating the relative strength or proximity to said good out to 10 miles. Each level above that would disturbance (12 being the highest). This same type double the range. An easy way to look at this is as device could be used to detect spiritual anomalies a form of clairsentience that only works in the Aether or things like abnormal activity in the Aether (as through a small device moving at the speed of thought. It doesn,t allow the user to see everything sensed from the Real World).

in the radius at once. They still have to order their Primary Effect: (Sense) Detect Temporal Disturb- eyes and "ears" to travel to a specific point within range. Note that while the Quest Engine itself has ances (with +1 Perception).

Level 1

to be in the Aether to exist

the user and the Window

Cost 2

can be in the Aether or the Real World and it works

Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1 normal bonus)

just as well.

These little creatures are invisible to

most, but Mental Awareness will detect them.

Aether Window - The common method for viewing

the Aether. Usually these very expensive items ap-

pear as small mirrors, ist sized to dinner plate sized rimmed in Eldritch Copper, pipes, wires, and dials. This only allows viewing into the immediate area (i.e. what is on the other side of the Aether in your exact location). Every Aethermage and Cryp,

tomancer have custom made Aether Windows.

Primary Effect: (Sense) See & hear into the Aether

. Level 1

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1 sense)

Primary Effect: (Sense) See and hear into the Aether with a 10 mile radius. . Level 1

Cost 2

Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. Can be shared with others who can see

the screen (-1 Sense)

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (+1 Sense) Only useable in non-combat situation (non-combat range starts at base 5 miles)(+1 Sense) Requires a working Aether Screen or to be in the Aether (2x range)

Cloaked Quest Engine - Not long after the creation of Quest Engines, someone decided they didn t like the idea of anyone being able to see what they were watching and listening to. The result was a Quest Engine invisible even to Mental Awareness albeit at half the range of a normal Quest Engine.

Unreliable (+1 Sense option) Options Normal Sight (Smoke) Infra vision (heated smoke) Tracking scent (pepper cloud)
White Noise Generator This insidious device

Primary Effect: (Sense) See and hear into the Ae- generates a vibratory field with wavelengths similar ther with a 5 mile radius. to those found in human thoughts. The result is a . Level 1 befuddling of Clairvoyance and Mental Scanning in
. Cost 2

a nearby radius.
Can be shared with others who can see

Bonuses Applied to whole Power


the screen (-1 Sense)

. . Invisible (-4 Perception) to

Primary Effect: (Anti Sense) -4 Perception against Clairvoyance and Mental Scanning.
Level 2

Mental .

Awareness (1/2 Range)

Cost 3

Limitations Applied to whole Power . . Item that can be taken away and not

Bonuses Applied to whole Power

easily replaced (+1 Sense) . Only useable in non-combat situation

(non-combat range starts at base 5

radius (Cancels -4 Perception) Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not


miles)(+1 Sense) Requires a working Aether Screen or to be in the Aether (2x range)

easily replaced (+1 Sense) Requires 2 Invested MDP to on (-4 Perception)

" "


Phosphorous Burner - A small mental container

Diamond Dust Potion - Potion made from diamond

with a modicum of powder which when burns blinds everyone nearby. Note the Polarizing Lens Goggles as a defense against this Anti Sense.
, " "

dust which allows a person to vibrate so quickly that Primary Effect: (Anti Sense) -4 Sight and they are invisible to the naked eye.

Infra vision Perception

. Level 2

Primary Effect: (Anti Sense) -4 Sight Perception.

. Level 1

Cost 3

Cost 2

Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. 1

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not .

radius (Cancels -2 Perception)

easily replaced (+1) Vials of Living Smoke - A small bottle filled with chemicals that explode in a cloud of gas when broken. Different mixtures work against different senses. .

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (-2 Perception) Requires 1 Invested MDP to on (+1 Sense Option)
" "


White Noise Generator This insidious device

Primary Effect: (Anti Sense) -4 Perception.

. Level 2

Cost 3

. .

Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. 1

generates a vibratory field with wavelengths similar to those found in human thoughts. The result is a befuddling of Telepathy in a nearby radius. (Defense) -3 Protection against

radius (-1 Sense Option)

Primary Effect: Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not Mental .
. easily replaced (+1 Sense Option) Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep . on (+1 Sense Option) .
" "

Level 1

Cost 2

Bonuses Applied to whole Power


radius (cancels -2 Protection)


Limitations Applied to whole Power . Requires 1 Invested MDP to

" "

Primary Effect: (Defense) Healing on Others (Minor Regeneration Level)

. Level 1

. .

on (-1 Protection) Item that can be taken away and not . easily replaced (-1 Protection) Only against Telepathy (-2 Protection)

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1 Level Healing on





s Energy Absorbing Gel - A foul


Ectoplasmic Containment Generator - This large temporarily protects the wearer from the worse ef- box creates a 1" (10>) radius sphere of crackling enfects of all known forms of hazardous energy. It can ergy which is impenetrable to beings of the spirit or be easily peeled off if the character is immobilized or netherworlds. It can be used either to keep these unconscious. types of beings out or trap them inside. This could also be used to represent circles of power used by those who dabble in the arts of thaumaturgy. Note Primary Effect: (Defense) True Armor v. Energy
smelling goo that when rubbed on skin and clothing
, " "

Level 1

that while somewhat effective

the barrier.

Cost 2

a particularly strong or persistent spirit could eventually break through


Bonuses Applied to whole Power . Can be used by one other person at the
same time (-1 Level) Limitations Applied to whole Power

Primary Effect: (Defense) Barrier to Special (-3 Protection against spiritual power or beings)
. Level 1

Requires a full round to apply (+1 Level)

Cost 2

Personal Healing Elixir - The "Item" here is not the . actual elixir itself but the special box of chemicals .

and pipes and burners needed to brew it. Each elixir is "bound" to the "fluidic imprint" of the user by a lock of their hair or a drop of their blood and as

Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep on Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not



easily replaced (-1 Protection) No Range (-1 Protection)


cannot be shared with others.



The user has


already stored their blood (or hair) in the device and simply cranks it up for the elixir to pop out on command. Each use lasts until the current wounds have

healed. While it is a Level 1 power, it acts effectively as Level 2 healing (Minor Regeneration). Primary Effect: (Defense) Minor Regeneration
. Level 1

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1 Level Healing) Fidelity Goggles - A rare form of goggles specifi,

cally designed to allow people to see through illuDr. Thompson,s Infinitely Small Healing Hands sions and Fairy tricks. This is actually a box filled with what appears at first
to be common silver dust. However each particle is Primary Effect: actually a tiny automaton which after entering a liv- Mental ing host seeks out and repairs damage. A small . Level 1 pinch is usually enough to heal even the most stub- . Cost 2
, , ,

(Defense) -4 Protection against

keeps 1 MDP invested in the patient. Knowing . where to put the dust is important and thus this power still requires the usual healing roll.

born wounds.

Each use lasts as long as the user

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (-1 Protection) Only against illusionary mental attacks or mental control (-2 Protection)


Attack Powers are assumed to have the

Compressed Air Gun - A device unique primarily in its mode of launching projectiles entirely with highly compressed steam. The result is a virtually
silent weapon.

minimum range allowed (2 per level) at full power. It is up to the GM to decide (when the power is purchased) if the power can be extended beyond that range at a penalty of -1 die per 2x range. The GM might rule that if it is a pistol (and more easily concealable) it is only good out to 4 (with -1 die to attack) if it is a carbine then good out to 8" (at -2), and a rifle version might be good out to 16 (at -3).
" , "


Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (+1) . Fixed (+1) Options . Compressed Air Shot


Experimental Gun - A strange looking weapon covered in tiny extra pipes, wires, lenses and per, ,

Dice: Level + Dexterity +1


. Invisible to hearing (-1) haps additional barrels. Each barrel holds a different type of round allowing the user to quickly switch The Colonel,s Surprise - An extraordinary looking between different new types of projectiles gun with an even more exceptional series of magniPrimary Effect: (Attack) Lethal or Subdual Kinetic. fying sights and a bullet launched at very high speeds through the benefit of a very strong electro. Bonuses Applied to whole Power magnet. The aerodynamics of these bullets are . Can do Lethal or Subdual (-1) .

legendary as are their accuracy at long ranges. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic. easily replaced (+1) . Limitations Applied to whole Power Options . Item that can be taken away and not . Regular Bullets

. .

Dice: Level + Dexterity + 0 Damage Type: Lethal .

Wax Bullets

. Dice: Level + Dexterity + 0 . Damage Type: Subdual Sleep Darts . Dice: Level + Dexterity + 0 . Damage Type: Subdual
. Bonuses

easily replaced (+1) . Fixed (+1) . Always uses 1 MDP die (+1) Options . Long Distance Shot . Dice: Level + Dexterity +1
. Bonuses

8x normal range (-2)


Strength as de-

fense instead of Consti-

tution (-1)
. Limitations

Heals twice as fast as

usual (+1)

Diamond Tipped Bullet . Dice: Level + Dexterity -1 . Damage Type: Lethal

. Bonuses

Armor Piercing (-1)

Thermal Emitter - This weapon is capable of redirecting raw radioactive heat energy and focusing it
into a super-heated beam. When the energy output is spread out the damage is less immediate, and it

tends to weaken its targets and foul equipment rather than burn holes through them. It overheats

easily but only needs its power source replaced every two years.



. Bolt

Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Energy or Drain.

. . Bonuses Applied to whole Power


Dice: Level + Dexterity + 1


Can do Lethal or Drain (-1)


Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1)

Ignores Metal Armor (-1)

Cannot Control Lethal


. Always uses 1 MDP die (+1) Options

. Heat Beam

or Subdual (+1) Multi Barrel Repeater Rifle - A large weapon with several rotating barrels designed to hold off large crowds or for use on a battlefield. It sprays out a massive cone of smaller than average bolts in rapid

. .

Dice: Level + Dexterity + 0 Damage Type: Lethal Dice: Level + Dexterity + 0 Damage Type: MDP Drain

Wide Beam

. .


Because the steam has to recharge


regardless of how many bolts are shot this weapon always uses 2 MDP dice each time it fires. Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic.
. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

3 by 2" Cone (-1)



Ignores regular armor (-1) Does no real damage



easily replaced (+1) Fixed" (+1)


. Burst of Fire


Dice: Level + Dexterity - 1

Bonuses . 6


x 4" Cone (-2) Armor Piercing (-1)

Always uses



2 MDP (+2) Biocraft Weapon Arm - A trend among some of the

more dedicated warriors and mercenaries is to have

Lightning Gun - A carbine-sized barrel connected an arm deliberately cut off and replaced with a bito a group of Layton jars linked in series on a back- ocrafted powered weapon limb. It does not get the pack. It fires a short electrical burst as a narrow bolt. item" bonus because it is attached to the owner.

In this case

the user cannot control if the attack While retractable blades are popular options here is
, ,

does lethal or subdual damage. If the person is in- an example of a low-powered eldritch biocannon.
sulated in any way (wearing rubber soled shoes for

example) it does subdual damage. If the person is Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic or Subdual. grounded in any way (barefoot on the grass, stand- . Bonuses Applied to whole Power ing in water) it does lethal damage. Naturally metal. Can do Lethal or Subdual (-1) lic armor does not normally protect against it in any . Options
way. . Retractable Blades

Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal or Subdual Energy.

. Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. .

Dice: Level + Strength + 0 Damage Type: Lethal

Limitations . Hand-to-Hand

. Can do Lethal or Subdual (-1) Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1)

Only (+1)
Metal Hand Punch



. .

Dice: Level + Strength + 0 Damage Type: Subdual

Limitations . Hand-to-Hand

Savage' Fighting Style - Some type of isticuffs learned in a faraway "less civilized" land. In this

version of a Nerve Strike, normal Protection would

stop it and whenever it hits it reduces the target s



Only (+1)
Mechanically assisted punch

MDP by 1 die for each level of damage (1 for Stunned, 2 for Wounded, etc). GMs may rule that it
only drains

. .

Dice: Level + Strength + 2 Damage Type: Subdual

Limitations . Hand-to-Hand



MDP. and would have no effect

on someone whose MDP derives from ammunition

Only (+1) age the target s aim or ability enough that it reduces Always uses 2 MDP their MDP pool as normal even if they are using all dice (+2) gadgets.

or items (someone with a suit of powered armor for example). GMs could also argue that this nerve strike hits arms or parts of the head etc which dam,

Concealed Weapons - A series of weapons hid- Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Subdual or Drain. den around the home (in this example the Billiards . Bonuses Applied to whole Power room.) These each have the Bonus Appears as . Can do Subdual or Drain (-1) normal item to account for the surprise factor. . Options GMs may allow similar weapons in every room of . Crushing punch the house (concealed in statuettes furniture, cloth. Dice: Level + Strength + 0 ing etc) as long as none of them get used more . Damage Type: Subdual than the number of times listed. They do NOT have
, " " , ,

a limitation


only in the Billiards room which means



Limitations . Hand-to-Hand

the cost of the power includes the ability to pull concealed weapons from nearly any logical device nearby that the character could have modified. To account for this GMs should allow thorough search

Only (+1)
. Nerve Strike

rolls to discover the weapons no matter how con,

. .

Dice: Level + Strength + 2 Damage Type: MDP Drain

Limitations . Hand-to-Hand


Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic.

. . Bonuses Applied to whole Power . Appears as Normal Item (-1) Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1)

Only (+1) . No Real Damage (+2) Body Bending (throwing your opponent) . Dice: Level + Strength -1 . Damage Type: Subdual


Options . Cue stick with hidden shotgun barrel . Dice: Level + Dexterity + 2
. Limitations


Does Recoil (-1)




One shot per day (+2)

Cue stick with hidden sword


Dice: Level + Dexterity + 1


Only (+1) Biological Education . Dice: Level + Strength -1 . Damage Type: Subdual
. Bonuses


. .

Armor Piercing (-1)


Only (+1) . Exploding Cue Ball . Dice: Level + Dexterity + 1

. Bonuses . . 1


Only (+1)
Belt of Chemical Marvels - This is a bandolier

Radius (-1)


One use per day (+2)

covered in tiny bottles of experimental concoctions. They have limited range in that they must be thrown by the user although the GM could allow longer maximum ranges if other launching methods
, ,

were available.


mixtures contained here are


Damage Type: Subdual

. 1

notoriously unreliable.

Sometimes they break and

do nothing sometimes they splatter on innocent bystanders


and sometimes they break in the hand of .

Radius (-1)

the thrower.

Ignores regular armor (-1)

Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal or Subdual Energy.

. Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. .

Can do Lethal or Subdual (-1) Several Energy Description Types (-1) .

Caustic Mixture (Acid) . Dice: Level + Dexterity -1 . Damage Type: Lethal

. Bonuses
. 1

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (+1) . Unreliable (+1) Options . Incendiary Mixture (Flames)

. Dice: Level + Dexterity -1

Radius (-1) Electron Mixture (Electricity) . Dice: Level + Dexterity - 2 . Damage Type: Subdual
. Bonuses

Radius (-1) Ignores metal armor (-1)




Damage Type: Lethal

Bonuses . 1

Automatonic Annihilator - Whether or not it is justified

Radius (-1) Toxic Mixture (Fumes) . Dice: Level + Dexterity - 2

living beings will always be suspicious of creatures created from steel or strange electrical devices. This weapon was created specifically as a defense against any sort of Automaton uprising. It

does Lethal damage but only to those targets with electronic components built into their systems

(robots and people with biocraft, for example). GMs

may rule that in some cases this device could be used to attack devices while not harming people. In
that case, reduce the Limitation bonus from +2 to +1

and the final damage also by 1. Primary Effect: (Attack) Special Lethal Energy.
. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (+1) Fixed" (+1)


Options . Electromagnetic Burst . Dice: Level + Dexterity + 3

. Bonuses


x 4" Cone (-2) armor (-1)


Ignores regular


. .

Always uses 2 MDP (+2) Only affects targets with

many electronic compo-

nents (+2) Exotic Poison Dipped Dart - Nerve toxins from far
away lands can be used as very interesting weapons back in civilized country. This, being a small dart still has to penetrate the skin, so it treats armor and other protections n the usual way. It should
" " ,

have a relatively short maximum range as well.

Can t

This is an extremely powerful toxin and it should be very difficult to obtain, as well as probably illegal.

do damage to inanimate or inorganic targets (+1)

. Primary Effect: (Attack) Special Drain.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and very

Can be stopped by a
completely sealed system or by immunity to toxins (+1)

difficult to replace (+2) Fixed" (+1)


Does no real damage (+2)

Options . Dart dipped in exotic frog toxin . Dice: Level + Dexterity + 5 . Damage Type: Drain Strength

Spitting Snake Venom - Poisons are another type of attack with many ways that they can be done. This one for example, is called "spitting" even though it has no range. This is to justify it ignoring Bonuses armor (seeping through eye holes in helmets etc). . Heals at slower Note that the damage is gradual. If it did Incapacirate (-1) tated damage for example, it would spread that . Uses Strength as a defense instead of Consti- damage out over three rounds. Round 1 = Stunned Round 2 = Wounded and Stunned again Round 3= tution (-1) Incapacitated. GMs may adjust this to spread the Limitations damage out over even more time particularly if
, , , , ,


t do damage to medicine is involved. inanimate or inorganic


targets (+1) Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Special. Can be stopped by a . Limitations Applied to whole Power completely sealed sys. Fixed" (+1) tem or by immunity to . Options toxins (+1) . Spitting Venom

Does no real damage

(+2) Hallucinogenic Dart - A variant of the Exotic Poison dipped dart this one doesn't paralyze its vic,


Dice: Level + Constitution + 2



Ignores Protection from Non-Sealed armor (-1) No Range (+1) Spreads damage over
time, 1 level per round

tims. but instead fills their heads with horrible delusions.


. .

Primary Effect: (Attack) Other Mental attack.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and very

Beastly Battle Drug - Developed during the Miner-

difficult to replace (+2) Fixed" (+1)


Options . Dart dipped in exotic frog toxin . MDP: Requires 1 Invested MDP per target to keep the
power going

al Rights Wars, when this opium-based drug is given to another person it causes them to fly into a battle rage. They will fight anyone nearby to the


Primary Effect: (Attack) Other Mental attack.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1)

. .

Dice: Level + Dexterity + 6 Damage Type: Mental Illusions


Uses Intelligence as a
defense instead of

Fixed" (+1)

. Mind Control

Constitution (-1)
. Limitations




MDP per target to keep the power going

Dice: Level + Intelligence + 5

Limitations Applied to whole Power


Damage Type: Other


Item that can be taken away and very

Ignores regular armor (-1)

hard to replace (+2) Fixed" (+1)



. Mind Control

Uses Wisdom as a de
tution (-1)

fense instead of ConstiLimitations

MDP: Requires 1 Invested MDP per target to keep the

power going

. .

Does no real damage

Must be ingested by

. .

Dice: Level + Intelligence + 2 Damage Type: Other


target to take effect (+2)

Gives the same mental


Ignores regular

armor (-1)
3 x T Cone (-1)
Uses Wisdom as a de"

command (always fight

to the death) (+1)

fense instead of Consti-

tution (-1)
. Limitations

Does no real damage

Shrinking Drug - A drug that shrinks a person
down to less than a foot tall. shrink an inch or two at most. This is a TransforA result of Wounded

mation attack. A result of Stunned or Dazed might

might shrink some limbs or random body parts to

give them a -1 Charisma and -1 on physical actions. A result of Incapacitated would reduce them to half
normal size and mass. A result of Death would reduce them to 6" tall more or less.

Primary Effect:

(Attack) Other Transformation at-

Limitations Applied to whole Power


Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (+1)

Fixed" (+1)

. Transformation

MDP: Requires 1 Invested MDP per target to keep the

power going Dice: Level + Intelligence + 5

Marvelous/Mysterious Brainwashing Device - A

Damage Type: Other


box that puts out a cone of strange lights and

sounds which hypnotize people into obeying the
commands of the user. It would take months or


Ignores regular

armor (-1)

years to create another one if the original was destroyed. Note the possible use of the Fidelity Goggles as a Defense against this.

. .

Does no real damage

Must be ingested by

Primary Effect: (Attack) Other Mental attack.

target to take effect (+2)

Newly Discovered Mentalism Powers - Either as a then no matter how many people entered a 4" radius result of an experiment some strange advancement around him at most he could only attack 10 of them.
, ,

in evolutionary science or because of some device,



as the robots got destroyed or incapacitat-

this person"s mind is capable of things no normal mor- ed the maximum number of attacks would drop. This tal is capable of. These are considered "New" to justi- is a Dark-Use power to represent the popular possibilfy the fact that they are relatively weak Options and all ity of a scenario ending in No! My creations have burn a lot of MDP. In all cases with Dark Use, the GM turned against me!" It is up to the GM to determine would have to define what the side effects were. With the statistics of the creatures and how easily they Telepathy it might be a subdual attack back on the could be destroyed, but usually they should rank
" ,

character as they uncovered something horrible or got around the same level as Henchmen.
With the two attacks

The user of

lost in some horrible moment from the target's past. this power still counts this as half of their action (their
the damage might bounce back attack) even though technically other creatures are
, ,

instead of harming the target or hit the Psychic just doing the attacks for them because the user of the power is still giving commands. This version has no as hard as the target. range and represents a circle of creatures around the Primary Effect: (Attack) Other Mental attack. power user. It could be purchased with range, allowing the "horde" or whatever it is to move away from . Bonuses Applied to whole Power . Can do Lethal Subdual or Special (-2 the power user, although the radius would still apply and the GM would probably require that the horde" . Ignores regular armor (-1) physically run or walk the distance of the range. This . Invisible (-1) . Uses Intelligence as a defense instead of is also a good representation for an attack by a giant
, , , "

Constitution (-1)
. Limitations Applied to whole Power

octopus - be it organic robotic, or some combination of the two - with each creature representing one
, "

tentacle. This power is currently written to work off . Dark-Use Power (+2) Intelligence, being more effective the more brilliant the Options inventor. Another option is to make the power based . Telepathy off Charisma if the "horde" is a group of hypnotized . MDP: Requires 1 Invested MDP locals for example.
, ,

per target to keep going Dice: Level + Intelligence -1


Damage Type: Other

Limitations . Does no real

Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easi.

damage (+2)
. Mind Smash

ly replaced (+1 )(Bodies) Fixed" (+1)

. Circle of Creatures Attack

Dice: Level + Intelligence - 1


Damage Type: Subdual


. . .

MDP: Requires 1 Invested MDP

to keep going.

. Mind Smash

Always uses 2 MDP (+2)

Dice: Level + Intelligence + 2 Damage Type: Lethal

Bonuses . 4

. .

Dice: Level + Intelligence - 1 Damage Type: Lethal


Radius (-4)


Always uses 2 MDP (+2)

Can only do one attack in

the radius for each Robot Clone, Corpse etc (+1) Dark Use Power (+2) No Range (+1)

Send in the Clones/Activate the robot army - This

power represents a person surrounding themselves with creatures they have cloned mutated, created, built summoned, or otherwise brought into existence.
, ,

In this case the "item" is a body robot, creature, etc,

, , "

. .

and when the power is activated that item leaps up to Miniature Aether Portal - Recent technology has fight for or defend its master. Normally an attack with advanced enough to allow small and portable Aether a 4 radius would affect everyone in the radius. In this portals that can be earned around on a belt, in a bag, case it can affect one target for each "item" fighting. in a pocket etc. The primary use of these things is to

So if a mad scientist were able to create 10 robots

allow someone to store something in the Aether and Steam Burst Powered Hoverpack - A highly efficarry it around with them both unseen and relatively cient set of compressed steam emitters which allow


The drawback is that whatever is hid- the wearing to fly at a relatively slow but steady will be quite visible in the Aether, pace for a short period of time before needing to be and anyone there will not only have the chance to refueled. While designed for mountain rescue and take it but they can follow it as well. The "Dark- personal home use, some mercenaries have used Use" of this power should be that whenever a botch these as a method to drop down out of airships into
den in the Aether
, ,

is rolled, then that the item has been stolen



battlefields below.

worse, something on the other side attacks the per-

s hand as they reach for whatever they left Primary Effect: (Movement) 4" Flight there. Here,s an example of a hand held weapon . Level 1

(usually a dagger or small pistol) stored in the Ae- .

ther that can be "drawn" into the real world. a favorite tool of assassins

Cost 2

This is

and generally highly


It usually appears as a simple (but ornate)

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

pouch or coat pocket with a rune encrusted metallic lip around the opening.

easily replaced (x2 speed)

. Uses 1 MDP per round to keep speed)




Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic.

. . Bonuses Applied to whole Power . Appears as Normal Item (-1) Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (+1) . Dark-Use (+2) Options . Stiletto Dagger . Dice: Level + Dexterity + 2
. Bonuses


Armor Piercing (-1) Hand-To-Hand (+1) only



Small Hand Cannon

Dice: Level + Dexterity + 2


Compressed Air Launched Grappling Hook Allows for individuals to climb and descend walls
with ease.

Aether Gate - A doorway which for a moment only, allows others to step into the Aether. It is very large and bulky usually the size and general appearance
, ,

Primary Effect: (Movement) 4" Flight

. Level 1

of a full length mirror covered in knobs and dials. The precise calculations needed to operate it are
known only by the inventor (or other people with the

Cost 2

Aether Gate Power). The components to build a Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not gate are very, very expensive, consisting mostly of pure Eldritch Copper. The device only works for an easily replaced (x2 speed) instant. . Only allows up and down movement

and then only when next to a wall or

other surface (x2 speed)

Primary Effect:
ment . Level 1

(Movement) Dimensional Move-

Cost 2

Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. 1 Radius (-1 Level) Limitations Applied to whole Power

Level 1

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not

Item that can be taken away and very

difficult to Replace (+1 Level) . Spinning Fin Anklets - A simple but effective pair of matching spiral fins looped around each ankle. A very powerful spring and gear system then spins them for a limited amount of time, launching the person through water at a very high rate of speed. Note
that this does not help a person breathe in water or

easily replaced (+1 Form) Requires 1 Invested MDP to on (+1 Form)

" "


Sample Modified Skills &

Here are some example Skills and Feats
which have been altered in some way to represent abilities gained through gadgets.

Primary Effect: (Movement) x8 normal Swimming

. Level 1

Cost 2

Gas Mask - A crude rubber mask with any number of filters removing hazardous materials from the air. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not The filters almost always will need to be replaced

easily replaced (x2 speed)

. Uses 1 MDP per round to keep speed) Alteration
" "

every 24 hours of heavy use.



Primary Effect: (Immunity) Smoke Breathable tox,


Airborne diseases.

. .

Base Cost 6 (2+2+2) Final Cost 3 ((2-1 )+(2-1 )+(2-1))

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

Mimicking Bio Cream - A certain combination of

highly reactive proteins held in a thick salve which when applied to a person s skin hardens into a new

easily replaced (-1 point bonus) Reinforced Diving Suit - Possibly with a tube back up to the surface but more likely with its own self,

shape. This effectively gives a person the ability to entirely alter their appearance including skin tone and possibly gender but not hair or height or significant mass. The salve is very tricky to use and each form taken must be practiced repeatedly to master. These forms are set when the power is purchased.
, , ,

contained air system or some ingenious design.

Primary Effect:
treme Pressure
, ,

(Invulnerability) Immune to ex-

smoke, toxins, diseases, heat and radiation cold, and can breathe underwater.
. . Base Cost 8 Final Cost 5

Primary Effect:
. Level 1

(Alteration) Three different forms

Body Alternation (disguises)

. Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Item that can be taken away and not

. easily replaced (+1 Form) . Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep on (+1 Form) Mechanical Glove - This marvel of cogs and gears is a very complex gauntlet that fits over an existing Magnetic Field Generator - The result of a simple hand. One of its many features is that when held experiment this supercharges the ions in a relatively over a lock it extends special picks which feel large area thereby creating a magnetic field. The around on their own and release the appropriate only known effect this has had is to occasionally in- tumblers until it opens. terfere with certain gadgets and automatons.
" " , , ,

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

easily replaced (-1 point bonus) Reduces movement and Perception rolls by half each (-2 point bonus)

Primary Effect: (Alteration) 4" radius Environmental Alteration (magnetic field)

Primary Effect: (Pick Lock) +2 Lock Picking

. . Base Cost 2 Final Cost 1

. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not . easily replaced (-1 point bonus) .

Base Cost 3
Final Cost 1

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

Magnifying Loupes - For the discerning gadgeteer jeweler, and pawn shop owner, these flip down magnifying lenses slip down easily in front of the eyes for easy examination of smaller objects.

easily replaced (-1 point bonus) Requires a Babbage Engine skill success to operate (-1 point bonus)

Primary Effect: (Perception) +3 Perception

. . Base Cost 3 Final Cost 1

Miniscule Agony - Similar in design to Dr. Thompson s Infinitely Small Healing Hands these crea, ,

tures burrow into the flesh of others and irritate the

pain centers. Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not Primary Effect: (Interrogation) +2 Interrogation easily replaced (-1 point bonus) . Base Cost 2

Only applies to very small item held . right up in front of the eye (-1 point bo- .

Final Cost 1

Spring Loaded Sheaths - A simple tap on the

sheath releases the knife

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (-1 point bonus)

sword, or pistol with light-

ning speed.

Primary Effect: (Quick Draw) Quick Draw x2

. . Base Cost 2 Final Cost 1

The Lexiconation Device - A specialized version of a Babbage engine this one allows a person to speak into one end and have their voice come out the other in another language. It bases this ability
, ,

Limitations Applied to whole Power guages. . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (-1 point bonus) Primary Effect: (Gifted with languages)
. Base Cost 3
Final Cost 1 .

on a web work of incredibly small chains which can only hold the codes for a certain number of lan-

Brains in Jars - These are the brains of sentient

creatures kept alive with a special chemically en- . hanced protein liquid. When metal wires are insert-

Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. 1

ed into the proper portions of these brains with the


Radius (Cancels-1 point bonus)

other ends attached correctly to the user or a vibrating audio device then their memories can provide

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not

useful insights. Primary Effect: (Knowledge) +3 with one specific Knowledge Skill
. . Base Cost 3 Final Cost 1

easily replaced (-1 point bonus)

the end

Requires each side speak into a tube at with a short delay, and then

only one person at a time (-2 point bonus)

Limb Enhancers - Either wheels which fit on the

Limitations Applied to whole Power


outside of boots or special spring-based bracers Item that can be taken away and not that fit over the legs. easily replaced (-1 point bonus) Item must remain in a controlled labora-

tory or similar environment (-1 point bo- Primary Effect: round nus)

(Swift Feet) +1" Movement per

Base Cost 2
Final Cost 1

Portable Babbage Engine - Small enough to fit

inside a very large backpack, these modern day

marvels are capable of incredible leaps of logic. Primary Effect: (Deduction) +3 Deduction

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Item that can be taken away and not easily replaced (-1 point bonus)

Proximity Detector - A tiny mechanical bird that chirps whenever anyone approaches too quickly.
Primary Effect: (Sense Danger) +4 Perception

S3mpl6 AGthOT SdgIIs


(Cryptomancer Scripts)
This is a list of specialized items and abilities which only work in the Aether

when rolling for surprise.


Base Cost 3 (includes Alertness)

Final Cost 2
Limitations Applied to whole Power

In this system

the Aether is rapidly becoming much like the internet

is now with an Aethermage similar in many ways to

Item that can be taken away and not a hacker and Cryptomancers similar in many ways easily replaced (-1 point bonus) to programmers. Depending on your campaign, these powers may represent complex scientific algoIn all cases

Pickled Adrenal Gland - A dried adrenal gland "fms or ancient arcane incantations.

which can be eaten for a rush of mad combat furry.

Can be passed around and shared with others. The

problem with this method is the unpleasant side efrare cases

Aether W.ndow and Quest Engine (see Senses undf n"ma, Powers) should always be taken before any omer of the spells/scripts/algorithms listed here.

feet of either indiscriminately attacking anything that Bth f (f=f 3'f ,,5"d th "'ma1 P"f &"

moves, or passing out from exhaustion, or both. In Ca"S an* semi-wealthy dandy can learn how to use
users have even died of heart attacks.
a Quest Engine and an Aether Wmdow The pow,

ers listed here though are for those truly dedicated

Primary Effect: (Berserk Rage)

. Base Cost 3

to the Aether.


Final Cost 1
Bonuses Applied to whole Power
. 1

Radius (Cancels -1 point bonus)

Eldritch Track Back - A simple spell use to trace a

Quest Engine back to its Aether Window by way of

Limitations Applied to whole Power


Item that can be taken away and not the invisible cord that connects them

Similar in

easily replaced (-1 point bonus)

Dark Use (-2 point bonus)

some ways to tracking scent, but more limited. While it only has an 8 range as long as part of the

trail is within range, the spell caster can continue to

Biocrafted Weapon Link - Here a weapon of some

' il


the user. Reqardless of weather or not the user has , _I..__i__ a biocrafted eye, this only works for a sinqle speciali.. , -_,._ . . ly modified __ weapon with __. a cable leadinq into the / r 3

sort has been directly linked (usually through a set f t"Ctt an"ff Q"f=" Engme trough Mental C"id h" " th' ' d"fC" thf !lnf: of wires) to the nervous system or ocular senses of After detectinq the link, they could move down it at
a'f "f'

a=kj1 S'a Pe?f1h ,f'" own Quest Engine






flesh of the user.


.. , , . .. the speed of thouqht until the found the source. ~ This is a very important power in the Aether, as it is . \ . the only way to allow distant two way communica. tion. Quest Engines can only hear and see so you


Primary Effect: (Rapid Shot)



Base Cost 2
_ .

ina oos

cate. Sendinq a Quest Enqine to someone is in a s/ way like making a call, except in reverse. You can
, ,


n each end for both s

ides to communi-

Limitations Applied to whole Power

Will not work in strong magnetic fields

hear and see bu{ no{ taj|c_ v hen they send their Quest Engjne back now they see and hear you

or with a weapon not specially wired Primary Effect:

. Level 1

(Sense) See link between Quest and linked to nervous system (-1 point Engine and Aether Window, 8 range.

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power . Only works in the Aether (x2 range) . Requires detecting Quest Engine before you can look for link (x2 range)

Aether Anti Senses Aether Defenses

Aether Cloak - The most popular defense in the Anti Spiritcraft - The Aether is home to many Aether is the ability to hide visually from other Aether strange and sometimes frightening wonders and travelers and Quest Engines. creatures. This is a quick and easy glamour that most Aethermagi leam before attempting to enter Primary Effect: (Anti Sense) -4 Sight Perception. this new realm. Each one is learned for a specific . Level 1 Barrier (Kinetic Energy, Mental, or Special) chosen . Cost 2 when the Power is purchased. These Barriers only

Limitations Applied to whole Power

affect creatures and items in the Aether.

Only works in the Aether (+1 Level)


Advanced Aether Cloak - As the basic version but

Primary Effect: (Defense) 1" Radius Barrier with -3 Protection (chosen when the power is purchased)
. Level 1

in an area. It is less stable, and therefore less effective.

Cost 2

Primary Effect: (Anti Sense) -2 Sight Perception.

. Level 1

. .

Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep on Limitations Applied to whole Power



Cost 2

. .

Only works in the Aether (-1 Protection) No Range (-1 Protection)

Bonuses Applied to whole Power

Radius (-1 Level) Limitations Applied to whole Power . Only works in the Aether (+1 Level)

Advanced Anti Spiritcraft - The more experienced

Aethermagi have written versions that can be tailored to protect against either Kinetic Mental, or En,

IV . \


ergy attacks whenever the spe,, ,s cast thereby g,v- s,ve,y w,th subdua, (and therefore ,ega, ) attacks. ,ng them more f,ex,b,,,ty w,th a s,ng,e a,be,t s,,ght,y Note that wh,,e def,ned ,n th,s examp,e as Energy ,t more difficult spell (extra MDP use). could just as easily be a Kinetic attack taking part of
" , , , ,


the Aether and solidifying it into flying blades etc.


Primary Effect: (Defense) 1" Radius Barrier with -3

Protection (chosen when the power is purchased)
. Level 1

Primary Effect: (Attack) Subdual Energy.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power

Cost 2


Requires 1 Invested MDP to keep .





Limitations Applied to whole Power

. Only works in the Aether (+1) Options . Bolt of energy

. Dice: Level + Intelligence + 1

Only works in the Aether (-1 Protection)

No Range (-1 Protection) Aether Attacks

Forked Bolt of energy . Dice: Level + Intelligence + 0

. Bonuses . 3

Anti Aether Spell - Some Aethermagi have focused on cancelling out the powers of attacks and deadly defenses within the Aether. This ability essentially drains Invested MDP out of things like mystical (or scientifically created) Barriers and Traps of
the Aether. It could also be used to cancel other

x 2" Cone (-1) Ego Biting bolt of energy . Dice: Level + Intelligence + 0
. Bonuses
. Uses Wisdom as a de-

fense instead of Consti-

tution (-1) Crush Spirit - While difficult to find naturally there are several types of extremely lethal Aether attacks out there as well. They are easy to learn particular, ,

spells like Aether Form. Primary Effect: (Attack) Special Drain.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power

Fixed" (+1)

ly because they unleash wild magic and are com-

. Cancel other Aether Construct

pletely unsafe. Must like the Aether Attack example was Energy but could have been Kinetic the re,

verse is true here.

Dice: Level + Intelligence + 4


Damage Type: Drain MDP


Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic. . Limitations Applied to whole Power . Ignores Regular . Only works in the Aether (+1) Armor (-1) . Dark Use (+2) Limitations . Options . Only works against ob. Flying daggers jects or spells of the . Dice: Level + Intelligence + 3 Aether (+1) . Exploding glass sphere . No Range (+1) . Dice: Level + Intelligence + 2 . Does no real damage . Bonuses (+2) . 1 Radius (-1)

Aether Attack - Because of the ease with which

Hunter Killer dart

magic (or energy or psychic waves, etc) flows in the Aether there are almost limitless variations for destructive spells/equations within it. Here is an exam, , ,


Dice: Level + Intelligence + 1


ple batch of offensive spells. These can take the form of lightning strikes explosions, translucent . Bonuses floating weapons swarms of creatures made out of . Armor Piercing (-1) light etc. although the form must be chosen when the Power is taken by the character. Skilled Aethermagi and Cryptomancers will have attacks Master Attacks - These attacks are known to very
, ,

. x8 normal range (-2) Horrid Swarm of biting creatures . Dice: Level + Intelligence + 2

unique enough to be their calling card. Most spells few and the secrets behind them heavily guarded. passed around involving Aether combat deal exclu- These attacks are similar to the others but are unaf, ,

fected by range. In effect an Aethermage can attack anything their Quest Engine can find from any distance at the speed of thought.
, , ,

Aether Movement Ride the Aether Currents - Most people in the Aether have as much mobility as someone would in

Primary Effect: (Attack) Lethal Kinetic.

. . Bonuses Applied to whole Power

environments. A crude form of is possible, as is "walking" using the . Infinite range (-3) power of the mind. Fae and Fairies can fly there Limitations Applied to whole Power normally. For those without wings after a great deal . Only works in the Aether (+1) of practice they can learn to mentally propel them. Only at targets seen through a Quest selves with relative ease. This version represents a Engine (+1) level of skill just learned and therefore relatively Options tiring. It is linked to an Aether Form which has . Wretched Flying Abomination wings fins, billowing capes, etc.





Dice: Level + Intelligence -1

Rain of darts

Primary Effect: (Movement) 8" Flight

. Level 1


Dice: Level + Intelligence - 2

. 1

Cost 2

Radius (-1)

Limitations Applied to whole Power

Protective Ward - Access to the Aether is relatively new to the general populace and Aethermagi are

constantly struggling for the perfect spell or ability that will give them an advantage. A Protective Ward
is a simple way to trap a domicile or hiding place to deter would be thieves. It always requires Invested

. . .

Only works in the Aether (x2 speed) Uses 1 MDP per round (x2 speed) Only useable in another form (x2 speed)
Aether Alteration

and when the trap is set off, the caster of the Protective Ward instantly knows because an Invest- Aether Craft - One of the more basic abilities ed die is freed up (i.e. they suddenly get a little learned by Aethermagi is the ability to alter the Aemore powerful). However if the Invested die in the ther in order to either leave messages, create interward is drained then the die isn"t freed up, and the esting works of art or otherwise affect minor coscaster won t know their traps are being disarmed. metic change. Since it is shaping the nothingness of
, , , , '

culating how much damage this ward does. An Ae- fog or tissue. thermage with an Intelligence of five would normally have an attack with 11 dice and an 11 dice MDP. Primary Effect: (Alteration) 1" Environmental Alter,

Remember the rules about Investing dice when cal-

the Aether

anything created will be as durable as


when they cast this ability, they Invest a minimum of two dice reducing the attack to nine
, ,

ation . Level 1


If they set this trap up in two locations each

, ,

Cost 2

one would do seven dice


Bonuses Applied to whole Power

. Doesn t

Primary Effect: (Attack) Subdual Energy.

. Limitations Applied to whole Power .

require Invested MDP (1/2 area)


Limitations Applied to whole Power


Only works in the Aether (+1) Fixed" (+1)


Only works in the Aether (x2 area)

. Electrified Portal

Aether Form - Given some of the more shady deal.


Dice: Level + Intelligence + 5


ings that take place within the Aether it is not surprising that some travelers choose to alter their ap,

pearance before they enter. In a way, this allows the skilled Aethermage an "Avatar" shape for the Can only be used to Aether. While radical forms are possible (demons create a trap over a flaming skeletons human-sized dragons, etc) this portal or other structural
, ,

opening (+1)

ability does not actually give the caster any special

Always uses 2 MDP (+2)

abilities. Copying the image of another person or creature exactly would require a successful Disguise

roll. Any forms available must be defined when the power is purchased. The Movement ability Ride the
Aether Currents is often linked to Aether Forms with

real troll illusion.

another creature in disguise, or a complete

wings etc.

Primary Effect: (Alteration) Self Alteration 2 forms


She goes to her massive Aether Gate and after more knob twisting and sparks of energy leaps through into the Aether. She immediately uses Aether Form to shift her appearance into Mistwalker a
, ,

Level 1

dark man in an all black suit with glowing green

Cost 2

Limitations Applied to whole Power

eyes. This requires she Invest 1 MDP die into it reducing her total down to six MDP dice. Not being

Only works in the Aether (+1 Form)

the hiding or sneaking kind she never learned Aether Cloak. If she had she d use it now to make

Example encounter in the Aether

herself invisible. Instead she rents a personal dirigible from a nearby vendor in the Aether market and
heads off to the vault.

Celeste Marquis (see Character Creation

Examples) has recently been hired to steal a certain

As she approaches the troll guard he rises


set of documents from a nearby baron, and she has to face her and lifts a nasty looking carbine, but heard he keeps them in a special vault in the Ae- does not fire. She smiles politely as he orders her

While in the comfort of her hidden headAether

to stop and when he gets angry, she surrounds herself with Advanced Anti-Spiritcraft gambling that the
, ,

quarters, she powers up her Window to look into the gun fires regular bullets, and putting all -5 Protec-

and then summons a Quest Engine. The tion into Kinetic. This requires another 2 MDP dice Copper rimmed screen crackles with silver blue en- be Invested in the barrier bringing her total down to Seeing a globe of energy go up ergy and she slips her fingers into the holes that will four MDP dice. around her the troll-like creature opens fire, but with help her control the Quest Engine. She now has the 5 dice, the Barrier easily deflects all the bullets. ability to see or hear anything in the Aether within a 20 mile radius, but since she must use the Quest Now within 2" of the guard she counters with her Engine as her eyes and ears she must send it Soul Biter attack attacking against his Wisdom. where she wants to observe. A 20 mile sphere is Feeling that four dice aren"t going to be enough she way too much space for her to blindly search so Pushes her ability +2 MDP which will lower her she sends her Quest Engine to the location of MDP pool down to two dice after the power is cast. Thomas an Aethermage she knows who lives in the The guard would still get any Energy Protection he
, , , ,

Aether and deals in information.

his location

Since she knows

normally had against the attack but as it turns out,

, ,

her Quest Engine zips to him at the he has none. Celeste rolls six dice and gets four successes which against the creatures Wisdom of speed of thought.
She waits a few seconds until Thomas

knocks him out for an hour. Her MDP is now

spots her Quest Engine using Mental Awareness. He immediately creates his own Quest Engine and

down to two dice.

She lowers her Anti-Spiritcraft Barrier, which frees up 2 MDP. although she doesn"t get those two Quest Engine is sitting in front of Celeste>s open dice back right away. She will regain 1 MDP die per Window so he can see and hear here as well. They round she rests up to a maximum of six (one is still haggle a bit over information and eventually Thom- Invested in her Mistwalker form). She examines the guard who shifts into a as gives her the location of the baron s vault. normal human now that he is unconscious. She Celeste moves her fingers along tiny dials makes a note that he had been using Aether Form and pressure points in her Window, and her small
casts Eldritch Track Back. A second later and his
, , , , , ,

spider-like machine with tentacles ending in gem

as well

in case she ever needs to sell or exchange

eyes rushes off with blinding speed.

The vault is

that information later. She turns to examine the vault. She doesn"t

concealed with Advanced Aether Cloak

so Celeste

has a -2 to her Perception to detect it. even knowing where it should be. She rolls four dice instead of
her normal six

and gets a lucky three successes.

She squints and makes out a slight variation in the


have the specialized Knowledge "Aether Defenses but the GM rules she can combine a simple Perception Roll using Mental Awareness and combine that with her KN: Aether skill. She gets a basic success
, , ,


background giving her the approximate shape and with her Perception roll and a minor success with

size of the invisible vault.


away that there is a large troll-like beast standing nize that the vault is sealed and protected with some nearby although she has no way to tell if this is a sort of Aether energy but little else.

She also notes right her Aether knowledge roll. This is enough to recog-

Unbeknownst to Celeste the vault door has


both an Anti Spiritcraft Barrier around it as well as a

, , ,

those dice. As long as she held those dice and didn t use any MDP the other Aethermage would be
' ,

Protective Ward trap on the door (although this ver- none the wiser. Celeste could only hold those MDP

sion does Lethal damage instead of Subdual and dice until she needed to Invest an MDP die or deonly requires Investing one MDP die). The Protec- cided to lose MDP dice through pushing. Drained tive Ward was cast by an Aethermage who had a or otherwise borrowed MDP dice are always used nine dice lethal attack. Not wanting it to be easily up first. drained or disarmed that Aethermage Invested four Assuming Celeste survives and recovers MDP dice into the door giving it four uses before before reinforcements show up she could now try needing to be reinforced. Since each Invested die again needing only to drain the last Invested MDP reduced the MDP of the Aethermage by one die die to completely deactivate the Ward. She would four layers of the trap would only then need to either break through the Barrier with do a five dice lethal attack. The Aethermage de- brute force or simply drain the one MDP die in it in fined the trap as triggered whenever a living crea- order to gain access to the vault.
, , , , , ,

ture touches it

unless they said

the phrase "By Baron Fairfield"s

command first.

For this example let"s pretend that Celeste has just learned an Anti Aether Spell with a ten dice Special Drain it in. She rolls ten dice and gets

four successes.

The GM rules

that this would be applied to the

Intelligence of the Aethermage

who put up the original spell.

That Aethermage had an Intelligence of four, so the four successes gets an overall result of
Wounded." This drains two of the Invested MDP dice from the


but that leaves two


The GM would de-

scribe how she reached out her

carefully dissolving the invisible tendrils of energy swirling around the doorway peeling

back the first layer of the deadly


then the next...



then the power shifted taking

on a life of its own. and lashed
out at her

doing a five dice le-

thal attack.

She>ll most likely be Stunned or Dazed. Either way



will now


the Ward

that someone is trying to take down the traps because one of


the MDP dice has been freed

up. Had Celeste succeeding in draining all four Invested die

have known

the other Aethermage would not

since she would




Options for Eldritch Copper
For most of the masses

Check to see how many levels of Copper Madness are left after the Copper Madness Resistance roll.

Eldritch Copper is

. .

No Doses left over = No effect Doses left over = For each dose left

a common as electricity and gasoline today with similar applications being equally hazardous.

the character will suffer the follow-1 MDP

The use of Eldritch Copper in normal doses (riding on the rail carriage to work, viewing an Aether Portal at night) will not normally affect the bulk of the populace. The problem comes when one is exposed to Copper excessively or whenever it is consumed in food or drink in significant amounts.

ing for one day per left over dose.



-1 Intelligence
-1 Wisdom

So if a character took five doses of Copper and then rolled three successes on

For NPCs

this is primarily a plot device point. Min,

ers and ArcSmiths spend their lives trying to resist the hazards of their jobs. It is perfectly acceptable by the way for characters to have special spells or abilities that only work while on Eldritch Copper (a +1 Limitation for humans +2 for Noble Folk)
, " " ,

their Resistance roll, they would suffer a 2 to their MDP -2 to their Intelligence and -2 to their Wisdom for 2 days.

If a character reaches 0 Wisdom or In-

telligence and they have any level of


Magic Addiction (like the Noble Folk)

they will be completely unable to resist

Benefits of Eldritch Copper to the players Eldritch Copper dust costs around 1 Gold and can be sprinkled into food or drink.

the temptation for Eldritch Copper and


will do everything in their power to consume as must more as possible.

. If a character reaches -1 Wisdom or


Consuming one full dose of Eldritch Copper . Increases MDP by 2 for up to an hour . Increases the rate of healing by 2x normal for one day. Consuming five full doses of Eldritch Copper . Increases MDP by 4 for up to an hour . Increases the rate of healing by 3x normal for one day.
. .

Intelligence (or worse) they suffer True Copper Madness. GMs may have the effect occur instantly or at some critical
, ,

stressful moment.

If they are any race other than

Noble Folk

then their eyes and

tips of their fingers turn green and they fly into a fit on uncontrolled rage. They attack whoever is nearest to them


Drawbacks of Eldritch Copper to the players The powered items that characters bought
as powers during character creation are considered high quality low hazard" items. Players may use
" ,

ing friends and loved ones, using their most powerful attack.
This will last until their MDP

those all they wish without fear of Copper Madness. When Eldritch Copper dust is consumed for any

reaches zero (exhaustion) or they are knocked unconscious. Being stunned will only slow
them for an instant.

or whenever the GM declares that a charac,

If they are one of the Noble

Folk races

ter has otherwise been "overexposed" to Eldritch Copper it requires a Copper Madness roll.
Rolling for Copper Madness

they show signs as

humans (eyes and fingertips

changing colors) and the Horri-

ble Transformation begins.

, "

The character (or the GM if the GM wants the results to be a secret) rolls a Copper Madness
which uses a number of dice equal to the character s Wisdom + Constitution
Resistance" roll
, ,

Noble Folk Horrible Transformations

If a Player Character begins the Horrid

Transformation because of a failed Resistance roll

+ levels in the Skill Resist Copper Madness + Levels of the Feat Willpower. Each success on the Copper Madness Resistance roll cancels one dose" of Eldritch Copper taken in the last 24 hours.

(as above), they may a Hero point to prevent the transformation. The use of Purple Bitter will also prevent the transformation if taken quickly (within the first hour). In both cases if the process is

stopped after it has begun it results in the character remaining in a coma for a day afterwards. If a character cannot stop the Horrid Transformation they change forms. The Transformation is a terrible and painful process which lasts approximately 12 hours. For Player Characters consider them in a Coma that entire time period. After the Transformation is complete, use the guidelines listed .
, , ,

means they spend that day in an animalistic

barely recognizing friends and family, and only capable of speaking and hearing rudimentary speech. The roll again the next morning
, ,

and any successes mean a "better day back to normal. At the end of the 12>h night that dawn


the transformation is complete. Option #2 - A new Pooka rises to take their

Using this option, the character would claiming it to be either a relative (i.e. same animal type), or a
create a new Pooka character
, ,

below to transform the character.


Elf Transforming into an Ork Replace Night Vision with Infra Vision
Remove Extended Age

friend or even a reincarnation (i.e. any of the animal types are possible). They would be cre,

ated like normal characters and allowed to start

Lower Charisma by 3 Lower Perception by 1 (except for Smell leave the

same) Lower Intelligence by 1

over again with the exception that they would

, "

inherit" one special skill item, knowledge or


power that the original Pooka had through some

sort of natural link. This inherited thing should

not be worth more than 5 extra character points. It would be up to the player to role-play the ina-

Raise Strength by 2
Raise Brawling by 1

Lower Stealth by 1 Remove Magic Addiction Remove Vulnerability (Iron)

Add Addict Reputation

bility to remember what they knew before.

Purple Bitter

Fae Transforming into a Goblin Replace Night Vision with Infra Vision Lower Charisma by 2
Lower Dexterity by 1

Remove Flying (Wings) Raise Perception for Smell only by 2 Remove Magic Addiction Remove Vulnerability (Iron)
Add Addict Reputation
Pooka Transformations

Purple Bitter is the universal cure for Copper However because of the high demand, it is almost worth its weight in Copper. Every dose of Purple Bitter costs between a gold and a Copper depending on the location time of year, and the level of desperation of the person in need. Consuming these leaves (which are like
, , , ,

their name, both purple and bitter) immediately can-

Normally a Pooka would transform into a


feral near rapid wolf or coyote and go running into the woods. For players this would represent the complete loss of the character. If they don t have
, '

any Hero points to save themselves they have a


few options. . Option #1 - Quest for the Cure

cels one dose of Copper Dust. It will for example, move a character up one level on the Copper Madness scale. So someone suffering a -2 to their MDP. a -2 to the Intelligence and a -2 to their Wisdom for 2 days would be moved to a -1 to their MDP Intelligence, and Wisdom for one day. Consuming Purple Bitter also immediately cancels any extra healing or MDP that the Copper granted. GMs should work to make the use of Purple Bitter and Eldritch Copper interesting story plot points. For example, a character whose powers only work while on Copper dust will be constantly
, , , , ,

GMs may

torn as to when to use it.

A character who needs

rule that the Transformation can be reversed

with Pookas (only) because of their ties to Nature if only the right herbs/magic item/location/ beneficent higher power can be located and
, , ,

used correctly. In this case the Transformation lasts 12 days gradually converting the player suffer a similar dilemma.

the extra MDP for a critical battle, may try to hold on as their fingers turn green before taking the antidote. How bad is it? How long can they go before a potentially horrible side effect? A character who needs the Copper to help heal a near-fatal wound might
Note that in no case will

over time, and giving them a chance to find a Purple Bitter reverse the Horrid Transformation. It cure before it is too late. Every day that passes can only stop it from occurring. Once the Transforat dawn the Pooka must roll a number of dice
mation is over

the change is permanent.

equal to their Intelligence.

A botch on this roll

Drama and Storytelling
Steampunk is less about destroying villains ling and sadistic way the antagonist needs the peoand collecting treasure than it is about mood and ple. The antagonist cares for them in some way, or

an roots

It is a retro-futuristic universe with Victori-

provides for them in some way, usually deliberately

freed from limitations on weird science.

It at a level just barely below what the people really


has the potential just as much for light hearted ad- need. The antagonist might pay the wages of the venture as it has for deep dives into the psyche of a masses; very very low wages but more than they would make as beggars. The antagonist might trade dark and harshly split world. Above all Steampunk is a place of contrasts technology for favors or give social or economic aid and duality. The brilliant works of science might glit- in small portions just often enough to ensure every. ,

ter in the daylight but while no proper lady or gentle- one remains in their debt. We could be talking about men will discuss them superstitions and hints of a mad scientist a large woman with two mechanical horror madness, sexual perversion, and disease arms a retired colonel from the Mineral Rights Wars, lurk in the alleys and follow in the shadows. royalty the distant relative to royalty, or just the local
, , , , , ,

As a GM. your setting must reflect this to thug. Power v. Powerlessness should play a major whatever degree you feel most comfortable with. part in the story. Characters may choose to repress their anxieties or When structuring your scenarios, give them
, ,

but however they deal with them, layers the players can peel back over time rather than just a simple focused goal. they should exist and feel real. Another great element of Steampunk is the For example a very very simple plot outline constant change and potential for change. New in- might start like this with each point being an entire ventions promise untold wonders the spike in urban scenario or campaign gradually revealing more as living has reshaped cultural and economic norms the players advance.
, , , , , , , ,

confront them

and the gathering of so many so close to the seats of government gives promise to radical political reforms. It is the details of these concepts plus the

The players show up new to the town or factory

or mines or neighborhood etc and not soon
, ,

after they arrive the pub they retire to gets attacked by some strange or horrible minions with no obvious purpose.

tiny details in (pseudo) Victorian living that will really


immerse the players into the Steampunk genre. For example don't just describe the duch,

ess as lazy and opulent instead, have the charac,

ters meet with her over diner. They she wears a finely crafted spring loaded automatonic jaw operating device doing all the work of chewing for her while she talks because she just can"t be bothered for

How the players react impresses someone for some reason and they are offered a job. They may or may not learn that the Thug who hired

them also staged the original attack as a test.


After the job for the Thug we learn the Thug works for the Big Bad who, as a reward, gives
, ,

such a trivial task.

If food dribbles down her chin


them another job.


during the conversation either someone rushes to wipe it up for her or all her normal servants politely

After that job they might leam that the Big Bad works for the Bigger Bad who is using the Thug
, ,

ignore it literally for fear of death if they mention it.

Yes, that level of detail.

to attempt to trick the players into destroying or

teaching a lesson to the lesser Big Bad.


When you're creating the important players

Now the players must choose, possibly between

of your world don*t think of them as simple villains or helpful pawns. Make them complex antagonists and

the Big Bad and the Bigger Bad. Manipulation at

this point may even be overt in nature.

individuals with their own sets of needs and their

own agenda.

One of the Big Bads, or the Thug turns out to be related to one of the players or a member of the
, ,

The primary antagonist in a Steampunk story is often someone already in charge. They might
run the mines
, ,

same secret society or linked to their background, or possibly someone who has been a

the mill, the factories, the slums, the


refinery the city, a neighborhood, or some forbidden walled-off sanctuary that no one speaks about. Regardless, because they are in charge, people need him or her. And in a way usually an overly control,

member of the party all along (like a trusted Contact or a new minion). Finally the real motivation behind the Bigger

Bad is revealed

no doubt leaving the players

with a challenge, and a difficult choice to make.

Now go back and weave a central theme

through all those plot points. Vary your moments of frenzied unpleasant combat with intense or trivial
meetings with a scientist occultist, assistant to the

queen, guild executive, or leader of a local gang of

pickpockets. You ve created the details now spend some time on the ones that really matter and have
, ,

significance later on particularly if they really reveal something about the plot or some critical piece of
, '


s personality.

And then there is pacing. The overall plot of your larger story should reveal itself very slowly, but
every game should have enough subplots and action points so the players don t get bored. Think of it like

a true TV series. Each game is self-contained with


its own challenges


character development, and some form of resolution but over the course of a campaign much like a series, the season finale is
, ,

touched upon, and finally revealed. The beginning of each new campaign can take the charhinted at

acters to a new location or allow them to advance

into something they hadn>t been before.

Steampunk Resources
The best way obviously, to really delve into the Steampunk Realm is by exposure to the Steampunk visions of others. There are many, many sources

Steampunk Movies & TV

20 9

available other than those listed here, but these are

some good starting points.

000 Leagues Under the Sea

Steampunk Books
. . . . . . . . Steampunk (Collection of short stories edited by Ann and Jeff Vandermeer) Steampunk d (Collection of short stories edited by Jean Rabe and Martin H. Greenberg) Extraordinary Engines (Collection of short stories edited by Nick Gevers) The Steampunk Bible by Jeff Vandermeer with

Howl's Moving Castle The Castle in the Sky: Laputa The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Sherlock Holmes

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

The Wild Wild West The Island of Dr. Moreau The Time Machine

The City of Lost Children

Warehouse 13

S J. Chambers

Boneshaker by Cherie Priest The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld The Girl Genius series by Phil and Kaja Foglio

Victorian "Feel" Books

Dracula by Bram Stoker The Baker Street Dozen (Sherlock Holmes Collection) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte


Margie MQfrisay

Character Concept

vigilante PefecftVe

Hero Points J
_ _

Experience Saved_ Spent.


constitution _3_
Intelligence 5




Charisma 4
Misc Total Levels Dice
4 4

Base Attribute

Attribute Common Package Purchased Level Levels Levels Levels 3 3


Run Dodge

1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 6

Perception Swim

5 3

Pilot (Air)
KN: High Soc
KN: Alcohol First Aid Forensics Deduction

6 6 6 7 7 5

5 5 5 5 4 4


Interrogation CHA Streetwise


5 5


Powers (MDP:



Personal Wpns ' (Lvl 2 Lethal Energy attack Dex, Items)


Cultural Gap (Struggles to understand lower class). Tied (Curiosity), Tied (Nobility), Secret Identity (masked vigilante) Devoted (to Killing
, _

Pistol Cannon (7 @4", max rg 8"), Grenades (6 @4", max rg 4'


Radius) Musket Cannon (9 @ 4", max rg 16", uses 2 MDP)


Pugilist'' (Lvl 1 Subdual Kinetic attack, Str, HTH) Punch (5), Dodging/Blocking" (-2 Kinetic -1 Energy Protection)

Hold (4, Ignores armor), Throw (4, does 1~ recoil if 2+ success)


Criminals), Watched (by the local law enforcement)



Grappling Hook" (4" Flight, only when near walls, item)


Contact (Local law), Utility Belt,


Lethal Attack



Access to Secrets (Criminal records), Appropriate Clothing, Well Off (1),

Literacy Handy Servant (First Aid and


Dazed Whole

Shocked lO MlN





minor engineering), Pilot s




Air Sloop Small Home, Alertness


Name Hero Points

Character Concept

Experience Saved_ Spent.







Misc Total

Attribute Common Package Purchased

Climb Run Dodge

str dex INT








Powers (MDP:


Lethal Attack Dazed Whole


Wounded + Stunned



Successes Dazed Stunned

Whole combat

Subdual Attack

Shocked IOMin


1 + DAYS






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