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The Romans initiated the Romanian tradition of health cures For many people a holiday in a spa is an agreeable relaxing

luxury. To others, mineral water, mofettes (natural sources of carbon dioxide), and mudbaths are the compounds of a thourough treatment for aches and pains. To both kinds of visitors Romania can be quite a miracle. Prices are very reasonable and no less than 3,000 mineral and thermal water springs are located here. Baile Felix
This "Spa of Happiness", Romania's largest, is close to the city of Oradea in the north-west and enjoys a mild local "micro-climate" even in winter.

Instead of becoming colder, the water is warmer and more salty deeper down than it is at the surfaceThe facilities include massage rooms and indoor and outdoor thermal swiming pools. The hotels are modern and comfortable. Sapropelic mud for the treatment Or rheumatic and dermatologic Aliments. They are no miracles, but Romanian cures often seem miraculous
The normal length of a stay at a spa is of two to three weeks, at the end of which you are given a full medical bulletin, including diagnosis, the results of tests and recommendation. If you feel miraculously better afterwards, it's because treatment is methodical and performed skilfully. Finally, for more information about the many curative programmes in Romania, write to ONT "Carpati" S.A, 7 Gen. Magheru, Bucharest,or to Romanian Tourist Information Offices abroad.

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