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Classical Book Description

Charaka Samhita 1

To Under stand the Subject explained, Period of this text. Authour, Chapter sequence , etc. To High light the Contributions of Charaka Samhita to the Field of Ayurveda(Rasashastra & B.K).

Charaka Samhita

Charaka Samhita is an Authoritative text of

Charaka ,Sushruta, Ashtanga hrudaya are counted as Bruhat trayi- Three great classics of Ayurveda & held in high esteem. Charaka Samhita stands as representative of one branch of ayurveda Kayachikitsa . Punarvasu Atreya being the first propounder of Charaka Samhita

Charaka Samhita The ( ) is an early Ayurvedic text on internal medicine. It is believed to be the oldest of the three ancient treatises of Ayurveda. It is central to the modern-day practice of Ayurvedic medicine; and,

It is identified as an important source of medical

understanding and practice in antiquity.
Charaka Samhita 4

Reason for Writing Charaka Samhita?

Agnivesha was a pupil of sage Punarvasu Atreya, He committed the teachings of his preceptor in writing in the form of book Agnivesha Tantra. In course of time it became mutilated & not available in suitable condition to study.
Charaka Samhita 5

After this it became popular as Charaka Samhita in the name of Reductor Charaka.
------ : !

In couse of centuries even this also became

mutilated & some portion lost

Noticing this another scholar Drudhabala collected

whatever available Reducted ( Prati samskara) by

adding new chapters written by himself & made it in
Charakafor Samhitastudy. a complite form, suitable 6

About Author of Charaka Samhita.

Punarvasu Atreya is one of the sages who assembled in the slopes of Himalaya to bring Ayurveda from heaven to earth Ayurved lernt by Bharadwaja from Indra Sages ( Punarvasu Atreya) His 6 pupils( Agnivesha etc) each of them written a book This book was Originally written by Sage Agnivesha 1st stage Punarvasu Atreya expanding the science & Agnivesha preparing the book- Agnivesha Tantracomprising of these teaching. 2nd stage Charaka redacting Agnivesha text which Charaka Samhita 7 became popular as Chraka Samhita.

Presentation Seminar This text is presented in the following three different forms 1) As the record of proceedings of a seminar or debate 2) As a dialogue between the teacher & his disciple 3) As a narrative of instructions.

There are 5 chapters in which procedings of Seminar recorded 33 chapters are written in the form of Question & Answer.
Charaka Samhita 8

Conclusion Regarding: Author: Originally written by Sage Agnivesha Pratisamskarana by Charaka Dradhabala. 23 Sanskrit Commentories by diff authors Translation in many languages in India & Abroad. Period : Indologists have assigned Punarvasu Atreya & Agnivesha to about 1000 B.C

Charaka Samhita

Agnivesha ( 1000 B.C) Son of Devadatta, a greate sage Author for two other books - Anjana Nidhana, -Nadi Pariksha Charaka Only mentioned his name in the colophon of every chapter. nothing else.

Charaka Samhita


OTHER KRUTIS OF AUTHOR: Sage Agnivesha has written other two books -Anjana Nidhana, -Nadi Pariksha

Charaka Samhita


Commentaries in Samskrta
Being a popular text on Kayachikitsa it has many commentaires from time to time About 23 are known Out of which only three available in full & in print. 1) Charaka Nyasa by Bhattara Haricandra 4th Century A.D- available upto 3 chapters of Sutra only. 2) Charaka Panjika by Swami kumara After 4th Century A.D- not extent 3) Parihara Vatika by Asadha Varma- 9th Cent A.D not extent
Charaka Samhita 12

7) Amitaprabha 9th Cent A.D - Commentary not known & not available. 8) Swamy dasa 9th Cent A.D - Commentary not known & not available. 9) Bhasadatta 10th Cent A.D- Commentary not known & not available. 10) Brahmadeva -10th Cent A.D - Commentary not known , not available. 11) Isvarasen 10th Cent A.D- Commentary not known & not available. 12) Candrika by Gayadasa 11th Cent A.D - not available. 13) Ayurveda Dipika or Charaka tatparaya tika by Charaka Samhita 13 Cakrapani datta -11th Cent A.D available in full &

15) Vapyacandra ( Baspacandra) 11th Cent A.D Commentary not known & not available. 16) Isanadeva -12th Cent A.D - Commentary not known & not extant. 17) Gunakara 12th Cent A.D- Commentary not known & not extant. 18) Bhavyadatta- 12th Cent A.D- Commentary not known & not extant. 19) Bakulakara - 12th Cent A.D- Commentary not known & not extant. 20) Charaka tatva pradipika by Sivadasasena 15th Cent .A.D-available only up 26 Chapter of Sutrasthana. 21) Jalpakalpataru by Gangadhara Roy- 1799 to 1855 Samhita 14 A.D Available in full Charaka & in print

Need of Writting Commentary in Hindhi As the original Sanskrit text is not available For easy understanding of concepts Collected the mula grantha & written Commentary in Hindhi Published,

Charaka Samhita


Translations in diff languagaes .

As its greateness spread to many countries it has been translated into many Indian & foreign languages. Its English translations are by. 1) Avinasha candra kaviratna- Incompletely published in 1891 2) Mahendra lal sarkar 1890 incomplte 3) P.M.Metha et al -1949 Shri Gulab Kunaverba Ayurvedic society Jamanagar complete with historical introduction & appendises- also translated in Hindhi & Gujarati. 4) Ramakarana sharma & Bhagawan das- 1976translation of text & critical exposition of Charaka Samhita 16 Cakrapanidatta commentary.-7 volumes

Charaka Samhita Prakarana Vibhaga Charaka samhita contains 120 chapters. as the two among the Great Trio also contain 120 chapters ( Sushruta, Kashyapa, Bhela samhita.) These chapters forms part of Eight Sthanas or Sections Classified into 08 Sthana :
01: 02: 03: 04: Sutra Sthana : 30 Chapters Nidana Sthana : 08 Chapters Vimana Sthana : 08 Chapters Charaka Sarira Sthana :Samhita 08 Chapters


06: Chikitsa Sthana : 30 Chapters 07: Kalpa Sthana : 12 Chapters 08: Siddhi Sthana : 12 Chapters The Sutra sthana is again sub- devided into seven Catuskas(quadrates) Each consisting of four chapters dealing with identical topics, these chatuskas are as follows. 1) Bheseja chatuska or the quadrate on drugs ( from 1st to 4th chapters) 2) Svastha Chatuska or the quadrate on regimens for the maintenance of health ( from 5th to 8th chapter) 3) Nirdesha Chatuska or the quadrate on (various) instructions ( from 9th Charaka to 12th chapter) Samhita 18

5) Roga Chatuska or the quadrate on description of diseases ( from 17th to 20th chapter) 6) Yojana Chatuska or the quadrate on administration of various therapies ( from 21st to 24th chapter) 7) Annapana Chatuska or the quadrate on diet and drinks ( from 25th to 28th chapters) 8) Added to this are two seperate chapters (29th & 30th) such division into quadrates are not found in other sections of this work. Chakrapani has classified Sutra into four categories 1) Guru sutra or statement mad by Teacher. 2) Sisya sutra or statement mad by Disciple Charaka Samhita 19

Base for division of Charaka Samhita into 8 sections The devision of C.S is based on the distribution of topics dealing with specific aspects of the fundamental principles & the applied therapeutics. Contents of each section are : 1) Sutra sthana deals with the origin & propogation of Ayurveda ( Panchamahabhuta, Dhatus etc)2) Nidana sthana deals with diagnosis of few diseases which are predominant during Charakas period, in some case the line of
Charaka Samhita 20

Embryoloical developments & description of organs & parts of the body. 5) Indriya sthana deals with the bad- pognostic signs and the fundamental principles governing them. 6) Chikitsa sthana deals with management of healthy persons as well as treatement of diseases prescription deal more with applied rather than therotical aspects. 7) Kalpa sthana deals exclusively with Pharmaceutical aspects of certain medicinal preparations & their utilisation. 8) Siddhi sthana deals exclusively with various aspects of classical form of Ayurvedic treatement Charaka Samhita 21 popularly known as Panchakarma.

Shalakya tantra in 26th chapter of Chikitsa sthana. Shalya tantra in 25th chapter of Chikitsa sthana. Different types of poisons in 23rd chapter of Chikitsa sthana, Bhuta vidya in 9th & 10th chapter of Chikitsa Sthana & 7th -8th of Nidana Pediatrics in 8th chapter of Sarira sthana Geriatrics in 1st chapter of Chikitsa sthana The last branch Aphrodisiacs in 2nd chapter of Chikitsa sthana Charaka Samhita contains 12,000 verses/ prose paragraphs. 2000 verses/ prose paragraphs were lost of us. 22 Charaka Samhita

The Layout Plan Of Sections And Chapters Of Charaka Samhita: The Eight Sections Of Charaka Samhita And 120 Chapters Sutra Section: Fundamental things Nidana Section: The Section Of Diagnostics And Pathology Vimana Section : Fundamental principles governing the administration of drugs and diet, etiology of epidemics, Sharira Section: The Section Of Anatomy And Physiology Indriya Section: The Section Of Complications Of Charaka Samhita 23 Disorders

Charaka Samhita: Text with English Translation & Critical exposition based on Cakrapani dattas Ayurveda dipika Author : Ram Karan.Sharma Ex vice chancellor-Bihar & Vidya Bhagwan Dash Ex deputy Adviser in Ayurveda. New Delhi Volume I TO VII Publisher : Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi Published - Reprint - 2011 Rs 450 =00 Medal of the :Awarded by the scientific committe Charaka Samhita 24 Senate of the : President.

Importance of this text Related to R.S & B.K:

30 some compound preparations provided with names. Acc to the method addopted these names can be classified as following categories. 1) Based on the names of the person who discovered the formula e.g Cyavanaprasha ( Chikitsa 1:1:62-74) 2) Based on the name of the imp drug used e.g Amalaki Ghrita ( Chikitsa 1:2:4-6) 3) Based on the first drug of the formula e.g Haritaki Charaka Samhita 25

5) Based on the dose of formula e.g Tikta shatpalaka ghrita( chikitsa 7:140-143) 6) Based on the attributes of the drugs used in the formula (cf.above) 7) Based on number &/ or quantity of drugs used Kamsa- haritaki (Chikitsa 12:50-52) 8) Based on physical quality of the product e.g Pinda Taila (Chikitsa 29:123), Pitaka curna (Chikitsa 26:196-197), 9) Based on the similes on the effect of the drug e.g Gandhahasti- namagada ( Chikitsa 23:95104) 10)Based on the method of preparation e.g Charaka Samhita 26 Ksaragada (chikitsa 23:95-104)


Here the dravyas are classified into three groups viz. 1) Parthiva - Product pertaining to earth, 2) Jangama animal products, and 3) Audbhida - Herbal product He included Dhatus & Sudha, Manashila, Haratala,

Lavana, Gairika, Anjana etc.

In Cha.Chi. 16/17 he explained the method of admn of dhatus internally in the form of churna (told in Navayas

churana, Rajasa word is used for Churna or Bhasma)

Method of preparation of Ayaskruti ( Rajas) explained. Explained the Shodhana process of dhatus in taila, History of Rasashatra 27


Several minerals like Manshila, Haratal, Tuttha, Kaseesa etc. prescribed for treating twacha vikaras (Kushta) For Punsavana Sanskar, purusha akruti prepared by

Swarana/Rajat, are heated to red hot - dipped in

godugdha this dugdha is given to drink Hemachurna prayoga for vishanashartha Explanation of Shilajatu and its type is given For Rasayana purpose advised to use Shilajatu, Svarna,

Tamra, Mukta, Vaidurya

Explained to use Muktadhi Churna in Hikka, Svasa, Kasa
History of Rasashatra 28

Gandhaka bahya prayoga, cha.chi 18/125 bakshanartha. Cha chi 8/80 Tapya-tapija- svarna makshika shodhana Cha.chi 18/63- Haritala-aala- for dhumapana. 26/196- in kantaroga mukadharanartha Cha.chi 18/145 Manashila Abhyantara prayago. Cha.chi 4/79- Gairika bakshanartha- two types pashana & svarna gairika. Cha.chi 21/126 Kaseesa bahya prayogartha Cha.Su 3/10 Tutha bhakshanartha Cha.Chi 20/29- Srothonjana- Bhakshanartha Cha.Su 5/15- Souveeranjana Anjanartha Cha.Su 26/250- Pushpanjana- Anjanartha Cha.chi 1/3 Shilajitu, Cha.Chi 7//14 Sourashtri, Cha.chi 7/72- Vajra Cha.chi 17/125- Mukta, Pravala, Vidruma, Vaidurya History of Rasashatra 29 Bhakshanartha

Charaka Samhita Devided into Two parts Purvardha - Sutra , Nidana, Vimana,

Sarira, Indriya Sthana.

Uttarardha Chikitsa Sthana, Kalpa

Sthana, Siddhi Stana

Charaka Samhita


Vol. I. Sutra Sthana: Contents: Introduction/Alex Wayman Foreword/Pandit Shiv Sharma Preface. Quest for longevity (Dirghanjivitiya) Dehusked seeds of Achyranthes Aspera Linn. (Apamargatanduliya) Cassia Fistula Linn. (Aragvadhiya) Six hundred purgatives (Sadvirecanasatasritiya) Quantitative dietetics (Matrasitiya) Qualitative dietetics (Tasyasitiya) Non-suppression of natural urges (Navegandharaniya) Description of sense organs (Indriyopakramaniya) Brief chapter on the quadruple of therapeutics (Khuddakacatuspada) Charaka Samhita


Merits and demerits of Vata (Vatakalakaliya) Oleation therapy (Sneha) Fomentation therapy (Sveda) Requirements of a physician (Upakalpaniya) Duties of a qualified physician (Cikitsaprabhrtiya) Enumeration of diseases relating to head (Kiyantah sirasiya) Three types of swelling (Trishothiya) Eight abdominal diseases (Astodariya) Major chapter on diseases (Maharogadhyaya) Eight types of undesirable constitution (Astauninditiya) Reducing and nourishing therapies (Langhanabrmhaniya) Refreshing regimen (Santarpaniya) Blood formation and the regimen therefor (Vidhisonitiya) Origin of man and his diseases (Jajjahpurusiya)
Charaka Samhita 32

Discourse among Atreya, Bhadrakapya etc., (Atreyabhadrakapiya) Properties of diet and drinks (Annapanavidhi) Various types of food and drinks (Vividhasitapitiya) Ten resorts of life (Dasapranayataniya) Ten vessels having their roots in the heart (Arthedasamahamuliya)

Charaka Samhita


Whats the time difference between Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas? 1 Charaka Samhita - Teachings of Athreya, written by Agnivesa 600 BC, revised/improved by Charaka and by Dredabala of Kashmir. This work on general

medicine has 120 chapters in eight sections.

2. The effect of cultural environment is easily seen in

the surgical text as it gradually disappears from the

Charaka Samhita 34

It is a Swatantra Grantha (Original text) - 8

Charaka Samhita is an Authoritative text of

Charaka ,Sushruta, Ashtanga hrudaya are counted as Bruhat trayi- Three great classics of Ayurveda & held in high esteem.
Charaka Samhita 35

Conclusion :
One of the Oldest & best book Of Ayurveda

Very famous
Is famous as one of the remarkable

accomplishments of ancient Indian Science.

Related to Ashtangas of Ayurveda Mainly Related to Kayachikitsa.
Charaka Samhita 36

Charaka Samhita


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