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Edit Package Training Session 01

Edit package Overview

The BASE II Edit Package is software supplied by Visa for processing transaction files sent to and received from the VisaNet Interchange Center (VIC). The Edit Package is the interface between the processing centers internal payment processing systems and the VisaNet Access Point (VAP). It prepares the processing centers outgoing interchange for transmission to the VIC and receives and reports on incoming interchange from Visa, preparing it for final processing by the processing centers systems.

Edit Package Processing Flow

The Edit Package comprises two processing phases: outgoing interchange processing and incoming interchange processing.

Outgoing Processing
The term outgoing refers to interchange sent from the members processing center to the VIC. See Figure 11. Pre-Edit Processing The first part of the outgoing process is performed by software belonging to the processing center. This is usually referred to as pre-edit processing, since it is done prior to processing by the Edit Package. Pre-edit processing involves the capture, editing, and formatting of interchange data. Transactions submitted into interchange are processed through the processing centers pre-edit software, which places this information into a Center Transaction File (CTF). Once pre-editing is completed, the data is ready to be run through the Edit Package.
Figure 11: Outgoing Interchange

Edit Package Processing E3OUT, the overall outgoing control program, calls initialization processes at the beginning of each outgoing Edit Package run and then processes each transaction found in the CTF. At the end of processing, the control program produces the necessary reports. Then the Edit Package produces an Interchange Transaction File (ITF) which is transferred to a VAP, where it is held until a predetermined collection time. The transmission of the file is jointly managed by the VAP and the VIC, with little or no intervention required by center personnel. If a VAP or other electronic transmission means is unavailable, the file must be mailed to the VIC. BASE II System Processing At a predetermined time, the BASE II System at the VIC dials the VAP and collects the interchange. As the interchange transactions are received by BASE II at the VIC, clearing occurs. The transactions are validated, converted to the appropriate currencies, and totaled and sorted by destination. Fees are then calculated. At the end of each BASE II cycle, settlement positions are computed for all members with either incoming or outgoing transactions. Interchange data are protected from system failure after being accepted by the VIC. In the event of a failure, the BASE II System can restart processing where the failure occurred. If requested, interchange files can also be rebuilt and electronically transmitted to the processing center.

Incoming Processing
The term incoming refers to interchange coming into the members processing center from the VIC. See Figure 12. The overall incoming control program E3IN calls an initialization process at the beginning of each incoming Edit Package run and then processes each transaction found in the ITF. At the end of processing, the control program produces the necessary reports and makes the CTF available for use by the processing center if there are no severe errors in the interchange file.

Incoming Edit Package files contain: Financial and nonfinancial interchange transactions Settlement totals BASE II System settlement reports Edit Package table update transactions NOTE: To ensure proper application of table update transactions, all incoming files must be processed. Files must be processed in sequence by the Central Processing Date (CPD) on which they were created to properly update the table files.

Post-Edit Processing Post-edit software, written by center personnel or by an outside vendor, reformats and processes incoming interchange received from the VIC. This software prepares interchange so that it can be processed by cardholder and merchant posting programs and used for other processing center purposes, such as fraud analysis.

Key Features of the Edit Package

The Edit Package provides maximum flexibility for both installation and daily processing. The key features that help make the Edit Package flexible are: Use of rules and value table files Availability of run control options

Rule and Value Tables

Edit Package transaction validation is performed using edit logic stored in rules table files, rather than hard-coded edits. When new business enhancements arise, the changes to the edits are downloaded from the VIC to the processing center through incoming

interchange. This reduces the need to install new Edit Package software whenever changes are introduced.

Run Control Options

Access to most functions in the Edit Package is available through run control options. The use of run control options allows processing centers to customize the Edit Package in a way best suited to their specific processing needs. Run control options can be modified either at installation time or before each Edit Package processing run. Run control options allow the selection of a variety of functions, including: Splitting incoming ITFs into multiple CTFs Setting tolerance checking limits at the run or item levels Establishing duplicate batch detection settings

Edit Package Functions

Edit Package functions can be divided into five groups: EnvironmentalThese functions determine the environment in which the Edit Package is run. Through the use of run control options, the processing center can modify how the Edit Package software runs in the individual environments. FormattingOne of the functions of the Edit Package is to format CTF data into ITF data during an outgoing cycle and to format ITF data into CTF data during an incoming cycle. The processing center can control some formatting functions so that outgoing and incoming files and transactions can be more easily processed by the centers internal systems. ValidationValidation of interchange is a major function of the Edit Package. In addition to standard validation, processing centers can select additional forms of validation, such as the setting of tolerance levels at both the run and item levels. Additional validation functions are controlled through the use of run control options. ReportingThe Edit Package also includes functions for reporting. Formatted reporting of outgoing and incoming transactions is available. Processing centers can select which particular transaction codes are reported. Formats for dates, time, and numeric values can be modified according to national standards and are available using run control options. PC Edit Package and Edit Package Data Entry Systems These systems are available to processing centers whether the Edit Package runs on a mainframe or a PC. They give processing centers the ability to key-enter original transactions that can be validated online. The PC Edit Package and Edit Package Data Entry Systems validation logic uses the same rule and value tables as the core Edit Package. Both the PC Edit Package and Edit Package Data Entry System also provide a mechanism for correcting both transactions rejected by the Edit Package and transactions returned by the VIC.

Outgoing Edit Package Processing

Outgoing Processing Flow
This section describes the outgoing Edit Package processing cycle. Processes are listed in the order they occur.

Outgoing Control Program

The outgoing Edit Package is a single-step process controlled by an overall program that calls many submodules. The outgoing control program, E3OUT, calls initialization functions as needed at the beginning of each run and then processes each transaction found in the Center Transaction File (CTF). At the end of processing, if there were no severe errors, the control program produces the necessary reports and makes the Interchange Transaction File (ITF) available for staging on the VisaNet Access Point (VAP). Figure 31 provides a high-level illustration of the processing flow for a typical outgoing Edit Package run.

Input Requirements
The following items are required before an outgoing Edit Package run can be executed: An outgoing CTF generated by the processing centers pre-edit program The following files, which must reside on a direct access storage device: Permanent and Temporary Run Control Options Files Incoming Run Hold File Account Range Definition (ARDEF) File BIN File Language File Rules File History File (indexed and backup) Log File (indexed and backup) Merged Table File Table Control File BIN and ARDEF Top Gun History Files (may be initially empty)

Initializing the System

The following processes occur during system initialization: Search Run Control Options Files At the start of an outgoing Edit Package run, E3OUT searches the Permanent and Temporary Run Control Options Files for the following run control options: Center BIN (CENTRBIN) Center Code (CENTRCODE) Center Name (CENTRNAME) Table Date (TABLEDATE) Run Date (RUNDATE) Run Mode (RUNMODE)

Table Key (TBLKEY) Table Data (TBLDATA) NOTE: TABLEDATE, RUNDATE, RUNMODE, TBLKEY, and TBLDATA run control options are not required. If not present in either run control options file, default values are used. Load Internal Tables Next, E3OUT uses the information from the above run control options to load the following files into internal tables: ARDEF File BIN File NOTE: Information from the BIN and ARDEF Top Gun History files determine the Processing Centers most frequently referenced BINs and ARDEFs. and ensure they are loaded into computer memory. Language File Rules File E3OUT loads the tables with values needed for the transaction validation process. If specified, E3OUT calls optional extended service modules to calculate cutoff dates required to perform timeliness edits for incentive scheme processing.

Validate Run Control Options Once the files and tables are loaded, E3OUT validates all run control options, and: 1. Sets default values for run control options, where necessary 2. Performs cross-validation of run control options to ensure that there are no conflicting options in the run 3. Stores the run control options in effect for the run in internal tables 4. Writes the run control options in effect for the run to the Log File Assign Run and Starting Batch Numbers After validating the run control options, E3OUT references the History File to assign run and starting batch numbers. Batch numbers start at 1 for each processing day and are incremented by 1 for each batch processed. RerunsIf the current outgoing Edit Package run is a rerun, E3OUT verifies that it has already performed the run for the run date in effect and reuses the starting batch number in effect for the original run.

Creating the Outgoing ITF

The creation of the outgoing ITF consists of the following processes: Process CTF 1. Check File HeaderIf there is a file header, this process verifies that it is correct. If the file header contains a nonzero Unique File ID, then E3OUT checks the History File to verify that it is not a duplicate file. 2. Build Logical TransactionsThis process reads one Transaction

Component Record (TCR) at a time from the outgoing CTF, validates the sequence number, and groups the TCRs together to build each logical transaction. Validate Transactions E3OUT passes the TCRs for each logical transaction to the table manipulation submodule that validates the transaction code. Based on the transaction code, the table manipulation submodule uses the appropriate transaction layout from the tables and performs edits against the rules and values defined in the tables. (See BASE II Clearing Interchange Formats manuals for definitions of the transaction edits.) The table manipulation submodule also passes back to E3OUT any errors and formatted information needed to generate reports.

Perform Optional Processing After validating transactions, E3OUT performs optional processing, including: Item or run tolerance checking Calculates the hash value for each record, if duplicate batch checking via hashing is selected Extract Reports Once optional processing is completed, E3OUT calls the report extract module which extracts summary and transaction-based report information and passes it to a work file. Create ITF After extracting summary and transaction-based report information, E3OUT calls the transaction write module. If a transaction was not rejected, it is written to the outgoing ITF. Rejected TransactionsIf a transaction was rejected and the processing center has selected the SAVEREJECT run control option, the transaction is written to the Rejected Item File. Hash TotalsIf the processing center uses an IBM mainframe (MVS and VSE), a 2-byte hash total field is inserted in each transaction at this time. CTF Trailers E3OUT verifies that all batch and file trailers balance, that is, totals read from the records in the CTF equal the sums of accepted and rejected totals accumulated by E3OUT during processing. If duplicate batch detection has been selected using the DUPBATCH option, E3OUT will also compare the batch hash value or Center Batch ID against the history file values. ITF Trailers The Edit Package writes a batch trailer to the ITF every time a batch trailer is encountered in the CTF. File trailers are written to the ITF at the end of CTF processing. If more than one CTF is processed, the Edit Package will combine the CTFs on the ITF. If ITF files are being written to tape or diskette, the Edit Package will also write a file trailer whenever the tape or diskette is full. A file header record for the next tape or diskette is then written to the ITF.

Generate TC 50 Text Transactions Before loading tables for reporting, the Edit Package generates a batch in the

ITF that contains TC 50 text transactions. These transactions contain: Edit Package incoming and outgoing environmental information, such as date of run and version and date of tables used during the run. Information showing the version number of the Edit Package software being used and the level of TIUs applied. There is one TC 50 for each record in the Permanent and Temporary Run Control Options Files. There also is an environmental record and a record for each run control option used during the previous incoming Edit Package run.

Producing Exception, Control, and Summary Reports

Producing exception, control, and summary reports consists of the following: Load Tables After the ITF is created, E3OUT calls the table manipulation submodule to reload the Rule, Value, and Language Tables with information needed to generate reports. Sort Data and Format Reports Next, E3OUT sorts data for the following reports: Validation Exception Detail Report Summary reports that summarize the transactions accepted for interchange Optional transaction-based reports that are detail reports of the transaction information After sorting data for the above reports, E3OUT calls the appropriate modules to format the reports.

Updating the History File

If the run was successful, E3OUT updates the History File with the following: An outgoing batch record for each batch processed during the run An outgoing file record for each file processed during the run One outgoing run record

Updating the Top Gun History Files

During transaction validation, E3OUT collected statistics on the number of BIN and ARDEF table references that was made. At the end of the outgoing run, these statistics are used to update the BIN and ARDEF Top Gun History files. The top gun history files determine the most frequently referenced BINs and ARDEFs for the processing center, and are used during subsequent table loads to ensure that these BINs and ARDEFs are loaded into computer memory for faster access.

Updating the Engine Table Usage Message Files

At the completion of each Edit Package run, statistics regarding the dynamic usage of the Edit Package tables are output to the Engine Table Usage Metric Files. This information may be requested by Visa to assist in support issues.

Producing the Outgoing Log Report

During an outgoing Edit Package run, data is written to the system log. At the

end of the outgoing run, whatever data was accumulated in the Log File during the run is written to the EP199 Log Report.

Exception Conditions
The several types of exception conditions are as follows: Severe Errors If a severe error is detected during the outgoing Edit Package run: The appropriate severe error message appears in the Validation Exception Detail Report (EP100A) and the Log File Report (EP199) An ITF is not created Processing of the Edit Package continues to the end of the run, if possible. If the Reject Message Limit (REJMSGLIM) run control option is specified, processing stops when the percentage of the transactions processed so far exceed the percentage specified for the REJMSGLIM option. If the Reject ITF Limit (REJITFLIM) run control option is specified, error reporting continues until all transaction in the input file are processed, but the ITF is not created if the percentage of transactions containing errors for the entire input file, exceeds the percentage specified on the REJITFLIM option. CTF Errors If any errors are detected during the processing of the CTF, the transactions with errors are written to the Validation Exception Detail Report (EP100A) and are not passed to the ITF. If the SAVEREJECT run control option is selected, the transactions in error are written to a separate CTF. Messages After each outgoing Edit Package run, the banner page on the EP100A Validation Exception Detail Report displays a message indicating the status of the run.


The Edit Package table files consist of two separate loadable table images called image A and image B. One of the images is used for the current Edit Package release, while the other image is reserved for possible use with a future release of the Edit Package. Each loadable table image consists of four indexed files: ARDEF, BIN, Language, and Rules files. Each image has two merged sequential copy files, which include the contents of all four indexed files. During outgoing runs, the merged files are used only to recover the indexed version of the files when the existing indexed versions are not usable. Transaction layouts and edit logic are maintained by TC 54 table updates received from the VIC through the processing centers incoming interchange. This allows business enhancements to be implemented without the need to update and redistribute Edit Package source code. Account Range Definition (ARDEF) File

The indexed ARDEF File is a permanent file containing a valid ARDEF Table. The ARDEF Table contains all valid ARDEF entries, including the account prefix range, its associated BIN, card-number length indicator, check-digit indicator, and card type. The ARDEF File is used to validate account numbers used in transactions processed for interchange. BIN File The indexed BIN File is a permanent file containing a valid BIN Table. A BIN is a six-digit system number used by Visa to identify processing centers and members. The BIN Table contains all valid BINs and their BASE II processing status codes. The BIN File is used to validate BINs used in transactions processed for interchange. Language File The indexed Language File includes the text of: Validation error messages Log messages Report headings Report literals Reason code descriptions Returned item code descriptions Rules File The indexed Rules File contains transaction layouts and business validation logic. The transaction layouts and business validation logic are used to edit and report interchange transactions. Table Control File This file indicates which version of the merged sequential files is current. During outgoing runs, this file controls the table recovery process, if the indexed table files become unusable. Merged Table Files These files contain all the data from ARDEF, BIN, Language, and Rules Files in a sequential format. During the outgoing run, the merged table files are used to recover the contents of the indexed files when the indexed files are not usable. There are four merged files, one for each image and copy of the tables.

Permanent and Temporary Run Control Options Files

These files contain the permanent and temporary run control options and their associated values specified by the processing center. These run control options are used to control the outgoing run.

Top Gun History Files

These files contain the statistical reference history of the BINs and ARDEFs that are most frequently referenced by the processing center during all previous outgoing runs. The information is used by the Edit package to ensure that the highest referenced BINs and ARDEFs are loaded into computer memory during an Edit Package run.

Top Gun Statistics for Current Run

This file collects BIN and ARDEF reference statistics for the current outgoing run, and is used to update the Top Gun History files at the end of the run.

Engine Table Usage Metrics

These files are used to collect statistical information about the Edit Package dynamic table usage at the processing center. This information may be requested by Visa in order to assist in support issues.

Currency Conversion Rates File (Optional)

The Currency Conversion Rates File is required only when processing in multiple currencies and using the run tolerance checking option. It contains all valid BASE II currency codes, their effective dates, scale factors, and conversion rates. This file is updated during incoming runs by TC 56 currency rate update transactions.

History File
The indexed History File contains a history of batches, files, and runs for outgoing and incoming Edit Package processing.

Rejected Item File

The Rejected Item File, in CTF or reject format, is created during outgoing Edit Package runs if the processing center has elected to retain rejected transactions by using the SAVEREJECT run control option. The file contains each transaction that was rejected (not written to the ITF) due to errors detected during editing. This file is only created during runs that successfully create an ITF.

Log File
The indexed Log File contains messages recorded during Edit Package processing. The messages include run control and environmental information, as well as any unusual conditions warranting review.

Incoming Run Hold File

The Incoming Run Hold File contains environmental report data and the run control option values from the most recent incoming Edit Package run for transmission to the VIC during the next outgoing processing. The data in this file is used to create reports used by Visa support personnel.

Backup Files
The types of backup files are as follows: Log Backup File The Log Backup File is a sequential copy of the indexed Log File used to restore the indexed Log File if it becomes unusable. The Log Backup File is also used to reorganize the indexed Log File on a monthly basis. History Backup File The History Backup File is a sequential copy of the indexed History File used to restore the indexed History File if it becomes unusable. The indexed

History File is copied into this file after every successful run of the Edit Package. The History Backup File is also used to reorganize the indexed History File on a monthly basis.

Work and Sort Files

The types of work and sort files are as follows: Transaction Report Work File This file contains information to be sorted for the transaction-based reports and exception reports. Summary Report Work File The Summary Report Work File contains information to be sorted for the summary reports. EP100 Work File This file contains information used to produce the EP100B and EP100C summary reports. EP110 Work File This file contains information used to produce the EP110 series of reports. Transaction Report Sort File This file contains sorted information for use in the EP100A Validation Exception report and optional transaction-based reports. Summary Report Sort File This file contains sorted information for use in the summary reports. Top Gun Statistics Temporary Work File This file contains top gun statistics for the current outgoing run that has been sorted into BIN and ARDEF sequence. The file is used during the Top Gun History file update process.

Report Files
Each outgoing Edit Package report is written to a separate file. If data for a particular report was not received, the file will contain a report header and a message indicating that there is not any data to report.

Processes Controlled by Data

The following outgoing Edit Package process does not require the use of run control options. Duplicate File Detection This function gives processing centers the ability to check for potential file duplicates prior to processing the CTF. The outgoing CTF may contain a TC 90 header record. This record is used for duplicate file detection within the same processing date. The provision of an outgoing CTF TC 90 header record is optional. Processing centers that use this feature must generate the TC 90 header record in all pre-edit software

that creates outgoing CTFs destined for outgoing interchange. Duplicate file detection is based on two data elements in the TC 90 header record: Center Processing DateThis is the processing date of the members pre-edit system. File IDThis is a three-digit number that must be unique for each CTF processed by the Edit Package for any given Center Processing Date. File IDs do not need to be in an ascending sequence. The outgoing Edit Package compares the combination of Center Processing Date and File ID against the Edit Package History File. If a match is found, the Edit Package run is immediately terminated. Processing centers can produce a TC 90 header record and avoid duplicate detection by applying a value of zero in the File ID field. NOTE: If multiple pre-edit systems create outgoing CTFs destined for outgoing interchange, Visa recommends that a pre-defined range be allocated to each pre-edit system to ensure uniqueness of File IDs and to avoid potential conflict.

Introduction to Report Basics

The output of the Edit Package includes audit control and reconciliation reports in the following categories: Validation exception, summary, and processing log reports produced during the outgoing run Validation exception, returned item, summary, and processing log reports produced during the incoming run. On-request reports produced by Edit Package utility programs. Optional transaction-based reports produced during either the incoming or outgoing run

Numbering Convention Edit Package reports are identified by the prefix EP, an en dash (), and a three-digit number that conforms to the following numbering scheme: Report Type Report Outgoing Reports Incoming Reports On-Request Reports Optional Transaction-Based Reports Index of Reports Number Series 100199 200299 300399 700799 999

For example, the report ID for the incoming Interchange Transaction File Distribution report is: EP230. The following provides report extensions used by the Edit Package: Report Levels Transaction Detail Batch or BIN File or Center Central Processing Date (CPD) Run Final Summary Report Extensions A B C D E F

For example, the incoming interchange summary reports that are produced with different levels of detail are labeled EP210B at the batch level, EP210C at the file level, EP210D at the CPD level, EP210E at the run level, and EP210F at the final summary level. A separate set of alphabetic identifiers applies to Fee Collection/Funds Disbursement reports or the EP748 BASE I Advice reports. The levels for the reports are as follows: Transaction Format or Origin Combined Visa and Non-Visa-Generated Enriched Format Non-Visa-Generated Standard Format Visa-Generated Report Extensions C E N S V

Outgoing Edit Package Reports

Outgoing interchange reports are created as a result of the Edit Package validation of data contained in the Center Transaction File (CTF).

EP100: Validation Exception Reports

Purpose Records transaction exceptions so that erroneous fields can be corrected before submitting the transaction for reprocessing. Balancing and Reconciliation First, check if rejected transactions match on the EP100C and EP110E reports (for the run). Then for details, see if they reconcile with EP110B (for the same batch) and EP110C (for the same file). Rejected transactions are also reported on EP111C (for the same file) and on EP111E (for the run) by type of currency. Description This report lists outgoing interchange transactions found to be in error and not included in the Interchange Transaction File (ITF). It is introduced by a banner page showing one of the run status messages. Based on the value of run control option EXCPRPTFMT, rejected items shown on this report will be formatted like the EP204A and EP206A returned item reports or they will be unformatted. Also, based on the value of run control option EXCPRPTSEQ, rejected items will appear sequenced by source BIN or in the same sequence they were processed from the input CTF. An image of each erroneous transaction is printed with all erroneous fields identified by asterisks (*). For each error, an error code and brief description are provided. If there are no errors to report in a run, only the banner page containing the NO ERRORS DETECTED message will be printed.

EP100A: Detail Report (EXCPRPTFMT=DUMP) EP100A: Detail Report (EXCPRPTFMT=FORMAT)

Report EP100A report has two layouts, both of which are controlled by the EXCPRPTFMT run control option. The first sample of the EP100A detail report shows the default format

(EXCPRPTFMT=DUMP), which does not include field names. The second sample, which includes field names, is selected by using EXCPRPTFMT=FORMAT.

EP100B: Summary by BIN

Report EP100B summarizes rejected transactions by transaction code within the reject reason code for each BIN processed. Total lines always show the total number of transactions. A rejected transaction will be included on more than one detail line if more than one error was reported for that transaction. For that reason, the sum of the column labeled TRAN COUNT will not always add up to the transaction total shown on the total line.

EP100C: Summary by Center

Report EP100C summarizes rejected transactions by transaction code within the reject reason code at the processing center level. The number of rejected transactions shown on this summary will match the total number of rejected transactions shown on the EP110E and EP110F summary reports. This report has the same layout as the EP100B report.

EP110: Outgoing Interchange Summaries

Provides an audit trail of outgoing interchange summarized by transaction. Balancing and Reconciliation First, check if EP110B reconciles with EP110C and EP110E both for accepted and rejected transactions. Then, match total number of accepted batches with EP110F. Second, see if EP110B is an exact match of EP221B (Collected Batch Acknowledgements report, minus rejected items), except in the case of batch rejects or partial file collection. All EP110C reports should add up to the amounts shown on EP110E. If only one tape was created, EP110C matches EP110E. Then, see if EP110C and EP111C (File Summary by Currency Code) match per currency. Check if EP110E and pre-edit report amounts reconcile. Next, see if EP110E and EP111E (Run Summary by Currency Code) match per currency. Match the accepted amounts on this report and collected amounts on EP221E (Collected Batch Acknowledgements Summary), with the exception of batch rejects or partial file collection. See if the total number of accepted batches, financial and nonfinancial counts, and financial amount for each batch on EP110F reconcile with total transactions and gross amounts on EP110B. Accepted amounts for the file(s) should also reconcile with EP120F (Outgoing ITF Summary by Volume). Accepted financial counts and amounts should match the EP120F. EP110F nonfinancial counts do not include batch trailers or file trailers, but the EP120F does. Description The report is produced at four different summary levels: Batch (EP110B) File (EP110C) Run (EP110E) Final (EP110F) All four levels distinguish between financial and non-financial transactions.

EP110B: Batch Summary

Report EP110B totals draft financial transaction types within a batch as drafts, vouchers, or cash disbursements. Totals for other transactions, including Fee Collections (TC 10) and Funds Disbursements (TC 20), are listed under TOTAL columns only. The report includes both accepted and rejected transactions. There is a breakdown for each currency type. If currency types are mixed, the report includes a warning that there is more than one currency or settlement type.

EP110C: File Summary

Report EP110C segregates accepted and rejected transactions. Each transaction type is printed on a separate line. If currency types are mixed, there will be a breakdown for each currency type. The report includes a message when there is more than one currency.

EP110E: Run Summary

Report EP110E totals each transaction type within the overall run. The information on this report differs from the file summary only when an outgoing run is processed using multiple files.

EP110F: Final Summary

Report EP110F shows the grand totals of financial and nonfinancial transactions for each batch and file, and for the overall run.

EP111: Outgoing Interchange Summaries by Currency Code

Purpose Provides an audit trail of outgoing interchange financial transactions for each currency/settlement type combination. Balancing and Reconciliation All EP111C reports should add up to the amounts shown on EP111E for the same currency. If only one file was created, EP111C matches EP111E. EP111C amounts are also reported on EP110C (Outgoing Interchange File Summary).

Description The report is produced at two different summary levels: file (EP111C) and run (EP111E). Both levels of reporting are in the same basic format. There is a separate page for each currency and settlement flag. Accepted, rejected, and total transactions are summarized.

EP111C: File Summary

Report EP111C totals the financial transaction types within the file by the type of currency and settlement used in the transaction. Nonfinancial transactions are not reported on the EP111C.

Separate pages are produced for each specific currency and settlement combination present in outgoing interchange. EP111C is always produced. If there are no multiple currencies or settlement types, the information in report EP111 will be the same as the financial transaction information in report EP110. Separate EP111C report summary totals are produced for the following settlement types: 0 International Settlement Service. BASE II selects the appropriate settlement service based on routing and country default. 3 Clearing Only Service. This settlement type may be used only if the members country has registered with Visa for this type of service for domestic interchange. 6 National Bilateral Interchange. Settlement is in the currency of the country in which the transactions took place. 8 National Net Interchange. Settlement is in the currency of the country in which the transactions took place. 9 Settlement to be determined by Visa. Settlement is in the currency established by Visa at the request of a processing center.

EP111E: Run Summary

Report EP111E totals each transaction type within the overall run by the type of currency and settlement used. The run summary differs from the file summary only when an outgoing run is processed using multiple files.

EP120F: Outgoing ITF Summary by Volume

Purpose Provides an audit trail of outgoing Interchange Transaction Files summarized by physical output volume. Frequency Generated for each outgoing run (unless the TRIALRUN run control option is in effect). Balancing and Reconciliation First, check if amounts on this report reconcile with the accepted amounts on EP110F (Outgoing Interchange File Summary). To reconcile nonfinancial counts, the number of files and number of batches for the run must be subtracted from the nonfinancial counts. This is because batch and file trailer transactions are not included on the EP110F nonfinancial counts. EP120F counts should match the MIP Log. This ensures that the correct file has been loaded. Description The report is based on ITF TC 92 trailer information. Members who generate ITF output on tape or diskette may receive more than one ITF per run. The number of records written to one ITF is controlled by the MAXOUTRECS run control option. If this option is in effect and more records are processed during a run than can be written to one tape or diskette, this report will show two or more ITFs.

EP199: Outgoing Processing Log

Purpose Reports all system activity during outgoing runs. Description This report lists all messages generated by the system, including selected options (permanent and temporary overrides) and system status. Messages have five levels of severity: A Abnormal termination (highest severity). A system error caused processing to stop abruptly. E Severe error. A serious error caused an abnormal termination of the control program. I Informational only. R Reply requested. The message is a cue to the operator to manually intervene. W Warning or precautionary. The message requires attention after the Edit Package run. The information on this report applies to one outgoing run of the Edit Package and is retained in the Edit Package log file.

Incoming Edit Package Processing

Incoming Processing Flow
This section describes the incoming Edit Package processing cycle. Processes are listed in the order they occur. NOTE: To ensure proper application of table update transactions, all incoming files must be processed. Files must be processed in sequence by the Central Processing Date (CPD) on which they were created to properly update the table files.

Incoming Control Program

The incoming Edit Package is a single-step process controlled by an overall program that calls many submodules. The incoming control program, E3IN, calls initialization functions as needed at the beginning of each incoming run and then processes each transaction found in the Interchange Transaction File (ITF). At the end of processing, unless there were severe errors, the control program produces the necessary reports and makes the Center Transaction File (CTF) available for use by the processing center.

Input Requirements
The following items are required before an incoming Edit Package run can be executed: An incoming ITF generated by the VisaNet Interchange Center (VIC). The following files which must reside on a direct access storage device: Permanent and Temporary Run Control Options Files Account Range Definition (ARDEF) File BIN File Language File Rules File History File (indexed and backup)

Log File (indexed and backup) Merged Table File Table Control File BIN and ARDEF Top Gun History (may be initially empty) NOTE: For processing centers that subscribe to the Currency Rate Delivery Service, the Currency Conversion Rates File is required. In addition, the processing center must have the Edit Package software itself available for execution.

Initializing the System

The following processes occur during system initialization: Search Run Control Options Files The first thing E3IN does at the start of an incoming Edit Package run is to search the Permanent and Temporary Run Control Options Files for the following run control options: CENTRBIN (Center BIN) CENTRCODE (Center Code) CENTRNAME (Center Name) TABLEDATE (Table Date) RUNDATE (Run Date) RUNMODE (Run Mode) TBLKEY (Table Key) TBLDATA (Table Data) NOTE: The TABLEDATE, RUNDATE, RUNMODE, TBLKEY, and TBLDATA run control options are not required. If not present in either run control options file, default values are used. Load Internal Tables Next, E3IN uses information from the above run control options to load the following files into internal tables: ARDEF File BIN File NOTE: Information from the BIN and ARDEF Top Gun History files determine the processing centers most frequently referenced BINs and ARDEFs, and ensure they are loaded into computer memory. Language File Rules File Validate Run Control Options Once the files and tables are loaded, E3IN: 1. Validates all run control options 2. Sets default values for run control options, where necessary 3. Performs cross-validation of run control options to ensure that there are no conflicting options in the run 4. Stores the run control options in effect for the run in internal tables 5. Writes the run control options in effect for the run to the Log File Assign Incoming Run Number This process assigns run numbers within each processing date. The run number is established by extracting the previous run number from the History File and adding 1 to it. The first run of each date is set to 1.

Creating the Incoming CTF

The creation of the incoming CTF consists of the following processes: Process ITF 1. Check File HeaderE3IN compares the BASE II Unique File ID field in the ITF file header against the History File, in order to verify that the file has not been processed previously. If the RERUN option has been used, a History File entry must exist that matches the BASE II Unique File ID of the file currently being processed. E3IN also ensures that the incoming ITF file header information matches run control options for: Center BIN Center Code Run Mode 2. Build Logical TransactionsThis process reads one Transaction Component Record (TCR) at a time from the incoming ITF and builds the TCRs into logical transactions; that is, all TCRs for a transaction are grouped together and the transaction is processed as one logical transaction. E3IN then passes the logical transactions to the table manipulation submodule. If the processing centers computer system is IBM, hash totals are calculated and validated against those in the records. Hash totals are then stripped from the record so the record becomes 168 bytes. 3. Format Transaction Data for ReportingThe table manipulation submodule moves formatted information required for generating reports to E3IN. 4. Validate Incoming File TrailerThis process validates the file trailer (TC 92) at the end of the incoming ITF. After all input has been processed, E3IN generates a file trailer for the CTF. Extract Data for Reporting Based on run control options and transaction type, information is written to temporary files that are later sorted for reporting purposes. Create CTF As transactions are processed from the incoming ITF, the incoming CTF is created for input to the processing centers post-edit program. Returned Item FileIf the processing center has selected the SAVERETURN run control option and if there were any returned transactions in the incoming ITF, then the write transactions module writes the returned transactions to the Returned Item File. Multiple CTFsIf the processing center specified any SPLITINCTF run control options, the write transactions module determines to which CTF subfile the transaction should be written. If the processing center did not select SPLITINCTF run control options or if there were transactions that were not split into a specific subfile, these transactions are written to subfile 01. Balance Batch and File Trailers E3IN verifies that batch and file trailers balance. The transaction and TCR

counts in the trailers must equal the sum of the returned and accepted counts. The monetary transaction count and the monetary amount hash totals must equal the corresponding values for accepted transactions.

Producing Exception, Control, and Summary Reports

Producing exception, control, and summary reports consists of the following: Load Tables After the CTF is created, E3IN calls the table manipulation submodule to reload the Rules and Language Tables with information needed to generate reports. Sort Data and Format Reports Next, E3IN sorts data for the following reports: Validation Exception Report Summary reports that summarize the transactions received in interchange Optional transaction-based reports that are detail reports of transaction information After sorting data for the above reports, E3IN calls the appropriate modules to format the reports.

Updating/Creating Files
During processing the Edit Package will update/create the following files: Write TC 33 (Optional) Certain optional Visa services may cause the delivery of TC 33 records in the interchange file to write to a separate file. Data delivered by this mechanism include: Plus BIN tables, combined Visa/Plus routing table, Visa Transaction Routing Service tables, Interlink BIN tables, Visa Electron Routing Table, Visa check card II BIN file, MasterCard Routing, Cirrus Routing, Armed Forces Financial Network, and VisaVue Solution Series Data. The Edit Package recognizes designated TC 33 records and writes the full-length TC 33 into a separate file. A program written by the processing center may be required to separate the different types of data and extract that data in the format required for the processing center to use. For more information regarding data content and extraction, refer to documentation provided by Visa that applies to the services to which the processing center subscribes. Update Currency Conversion Rates File (Optional) If the processing center subscribes to the Currency Rate Delivery Service, this process uses TC 56 conversion rate update transactions to replace currency rate entries contained in the Currency Conversion Rates File. Update Control Tables This process uses TC 54 table update transactions to update individual entries in the BIN, ARDEF, Rules, and Language Tables. E3IN writes the TC 54s to a work file during CTF processing. After reporting is completed, the TC 54s are applied to the appropriate tables. Save Environmental Run Information E3IN writes a record with environmental information and copies permanent

and temporary run control options to the incoming Run Hold File. This data is passed to the VIC during the next outgoing Edit Package run. The Run Hold File is overlaid with data each time an incoming ITF is processed. Update History File If the run was successful, E3IN updates the History File with file and run information from the incoming Edit Package run. Update Engine Table Usage Metric File At the completion of each Edit Package run, statistics regarding the dynamic usage of the Edit Package tables are output to the Engine Table Usage Metric Files. This information may be requested by Visa to assist in support issues.


The Edit Package table files consist of two separate loadable table images called image A and image B. One of the images is used for the current Edit Package release, while the other image is reserved for possible use with a future release of the Edit Package. Each loadable table image consists of four indexed files: ARDEF, BIN, Language, and Rules files. Each image has two merged sequential copy files, which include the contents of all four indexed files. During incoming runs the copy files are used to merge TC 54 table updates with the current version of the tables. Copy files are also used to recover the indexed version of the files when the existing indexed versions are not usable. The table control file selects the correct image and copy to be used during an update or recovery. Rules File information is maintained by TC 54 table updates received from the VIC through the processing centers incoming interchange. This allows business enhancements to be implemented without the need to update and redistribute Edit Package source code. Account Range Definition (ARDEF) File The indexed ARDEF File is a permanent file containing a valid ARDEF Table. The ARDEF Table contains all valid ARDEF entries, namely: the account prefix range, its associated BIN, card-number length indicator, check-digit indicator, and card type. The ARDEF File is used to verify account numbers received in interchange. BIN File The BIN File is a permanent file containing a valid BIN Table. A BIN is a sixdigit system number used by Visa to identify processing centers and members. The BIN Table contains all valid BINs and their BASE II processing status codes. The BIN File is used to associate BINs used in interchange with their processors. Language File The indexed Language File includes the text of: Validation error messages Log messages Report headings Report literals

Reason code descriptions Returned item code descriptions

Rules File The indexed Rules File contains transaction layouts and validation logic. The transaction layouts and business validation logic are used to ensure file integrity and report interchange transactions. Table Control File This file indicates which version of the merged sequential files is current. The table control file controls the TC 54 table update merge process. This control file also controls the recovery process, if the indexed table files become unusable. Merged Table Files These files contain BIN, ARDEF, Language, and Rules file data in a sequential format. The merged table files are used when updated TC 54 table transactions are processed. TC 54 Work File TC 54 table update transactions are written to the TC 54 Work File during ITF processing. When ITF processing is complete, transactions from this file are used to update the Edit Package table files.

Permanent and Temporary Run Control Options Files

These files contain the permanent and temporary run control options and their associated values specified by the processing center. These run control options are used to control the incoming run.

Top Gun History Files

These files contain the statistical reference history of the BINs and ARDEFs that are most frequently referenced by the processing center during all previous outgoing runs. The information is used by the Edit Package to ensure that the highest referenced BINs and ARDEFs are loaded into computer memory during an Edit Package run.

Engine Table Usage Metrics

These files are used to collect statistical information about the Edit Package dynamic table usage at the processing center. This information may be requested by Visa in order to assist in support issues.

Currency Conversion Rates File (Optional)

The Currency Conversion Rates File is required for the Currency Rate Delivery Service. It contains all valid BASE II currency codes, their effective dates, scale factors, and conversion rates. This file is updated by TC 56 currency rate update transactions.

History File
The indexed History File contains a history of batches, files, and runs for outgoing and incoming Edit Package processing.

Returned Item File

The Returned Item File is created during incoming Edit Package runs, if the processing center has elected to separate returned transactions by using the SAVERETURN run control option. The file will contain each transaction that was returned by Visa as a result of BASE II editing at the VIC.

Log File
The indexed Log File contains messages recorded during Edit Package processing. The messages include run control and environmental information, as well as any unusual conditions warranting review.

Incoming Run Hold File

The Incoming Run Hold File contains environmental report data and the run control option values from the most recent incoming Edit Package run for transmission to the VIC during outgoing processing. The data in this file is used to create reports used by Visa support personnel.

TC 33 Extract File
The TC 33 Extract File contains data received from optional Visa services. This file consists of BASE II TC 33 transactions and includes: Plus BIN tables, combined Visa/Plus routing table, Visa Transaction Routing tables, Interlink BIN tables, Visa Electron Routing Table, Visa check card II BIN file, MasterCard Routing, Cirrus Routing, Armed Forces Financial Network, and VisaVue Solution Series data.

Backup Files
Log Backup File The Log Backup File is a sequential copy of the indexed Log File used to restore the indexed Log File, if it becomes unusable. This file is also used to reorganize the indexed Log File on a monthly basis. History Backup File The History Backup File is a sequential copy of the indexed History File used to restore the indexed History File, if it becomes unusable. The indexed History File is copied into this file after every successful run of the Edit Package. The History Backup File is also used to reorganize the indexed History File on a monthly basis.

Work and Sort Files

The types of work and sort files are as follows: Transaction Report Work File This file contains information to be sorted for the transaction-based reports and exception reports. Summary Report Work File This file contains information to be sorted for the summary reports.

EP200 Work File This file contains information used to produce the EP200B and EP200C summary reports. EP210 Work File This file contains information for the EP210 summary reports series. EP221 Work File This file contains information for the EP221 batch acknowledgment summary reports series. Transaction Report Sort File This file contains sorted information for use in the transaction-based reports and the EP200A Validation Exception Report. Summary Report Sort File This file contains sorted information for use in the summary reports.

Report Files
Each Edit Package report is written to a separate file. If data for a particular report was not received, then the file will contain a report header and a message indicating that there is no data to report. Microfiche Reports File (Optional) This file contains transaction-based reports, VIC settlement reports, and General Delivery Reports in a format suitable for microfiche. The Microfiche Reports File is optional. Reports can be directed to this file using the REPTFICHE run control option,

Processes Controlled by Data

The following incoming Edit Package process does not require the use of run control options. Duplicate File Detection This function prevents the processing center from accidentally processing the same financial ITF twice, unless a rerun is specified. Incoming duplicate file detection is based on the BASE II Unique File ID in the ITF TC 90 header record. If rerun is not specified, the History File must not contain a record for the BASE II Unique File ID.


Edit Package software consists of many program modules. The software is written in COBOL and conforms to ANSI-74 standards. Assembler programs EDITHASH are provided for IBM MVS and VSE mainframe and CRC32 for IBM MVS platforms only. There is a separate single-step process for outgoing and for incoming Edit Package processing. Each process has its own control program, E3OUT or E3IN, respectively, which calls other submodules as needed to: Process and validate transactions

Generate reports Create either the Center Transaction File (CTF) or the Interchange Transaction File (ITF) containing valid interchange transactions

Module Naming Conventions

All COBOL modules and submodules other than E3OUT and E3IN are named with the format of E3xyyy, where: E3 = abbreviation for Edit Package Release 3. x = functional category of the module or submodule, where: C = common processing O = outgoing processing I = incoming processing X = extended service submodule U = utility module yyy = numerical identifier of the module or submodule

Incoming Edit Package Reports

Three types of reports are created during the incoming Edit Package run: Incoming reports generated by the Edit Package contain accumulated information from transactions. Information is presented in summaries of each batch, file, and run that are produced as output of the Edit Package incoming process. These reports are used for control and reconciliation. VisaNet Settlement reports are received by the Edit Package on TC 47 Report Generation Record transactions. General Delivery Reports are received on TC 45 General Delivery Report transactions. These reports are generated by other Visa services, to which your center may subscribe. They are described in the documentation for the services that created them, such as the Issuer Clearing House Service, or the Fraud Reporting System.

EP200: Validation Exception Reports

Purpose Records transaction exceptions. Errors on incoming transactions should be reported to Visa. Description Based on the run control options selected, these reports indicate whether any errors have been detected in the incoming run and whether the Center Transaction File (CTF) has been created. The EP200 series of reports include: EP200A Validation Exception Report (Detail). EP200B Validation Exception Report (Summary by BIN). EP200C Validation Exception Report (Summary by Center). Each set of reports is introduced by a banner page showing one of the run status messages.

Each erroneous transaction is printed and all the fields in error are identified. An error code and a brief description are also provided. If the run contains no errors, only the banner page containing the message NO ERRORS DETECTED will be printed. An incoming CTF is not created when errors are detected on financial transactions, file headers, batch trailers, or file trailers.

EP200B: Summary by BIN

Report EP200B summarizes rejected transactions by transaction code within the reject reason code for each BIN processed. TOTAL lines always show the total number of transactions. A rejected transaction will be included on more than one detail line if more than one error was reported for that transaction. For this reason, the sum of the TRAN COUNT column will not always equal the transaction total shown on the TOTAL line.

EP200C: Summary by Center

Report EP200C summarizes rejected transactions by transaction code within the reject reason code at the processing center level. The number of rejected transactions shown on this report will match the total number of rejected transactions shown on the EP210E and EP210F summary reports. This report has the same layout as the EP200B report.

EP204A: BASE II Returned Item Reports

Purpose Reports all erroneous transactions returned by the VIC, except for the Chargeback Reduction Service (CRS) returned items. Balancing and Reconciliation Check if total number of returned transactions on EP204A match the number of returned transaction amounts per currency on EP204B for the same BIN. All EP204B reports should add up to the returned items totals per currency on EP204C. EP204B items are also reported on VSS-900 series reports as well as Returned Items on VSS140 (Visa Charges Report). All returned items on EP204C and EP206C should add up to the returned item amounts on EP210E, EP211E, and EP230. The financial amounts passed to settlement are reflected in the VSS110 (Settlement Summary Report). Description This transaction detail report contains formatted images of returned transactions, along with the return reason codes. The primary reporting sequence is by BIN. Visa returns to the originator any transactions failing to conform to either the BASE II format or the BASE II or CRS edit requirements. CRS returned items appear on the EP206 reports; all other returned items are on the following EP204 reports: Returned Item Detail (EP204A) Returned Item Summary by BIN (EP204B) Returned Item Summary by Center (EP204C)

This report will always print even if no returned items are received in the ITF.

EP204A: Detail
Report EP204A contains unformatted images of returned transactions, along with the return reason codes. The primary reporting sequence is by BIN. This report is formatted like the transaction-based reports and the EP206A report. This report will always print even if no returned items are received in the ITF.

EP204B: Summary by BIN

Report EP204B reports the number of transactions returned by the VIC to the processing center. The EP204B and EP204C reports have separate summaries by Central Processing Date (CPD). There will also be a summary of all CPDs processed during the run. When space permits, CPD and run summaries will print on the same page. If only one CPD is processed during the run, only the run summary information will be printed.

EP204C: Summary by Center

Report EP204C reports transactions returned by the VIC for each processing center. It has the same report layout as the summary by BIN (EP204B).

EP206: CRSReturned Item Reports

Purpose Reports erroneous transactions returned by the VIC that are part of the Chargeback Reduction Service

Balancing and Reconciliation Check if total number of returned transactions match per currency on the EP206A and EP206B reports for the same BIN. EP206B items are also reported on the VSS900 (Reconciliation) series reports. Return Item Charges are listed in the VSS-140 (Visa Charges Report). All returned items on EP204C and EP206C should add up to the returned item amounts on EP210E, EP211E, and EP230. They are also reported in the VSS110 (Settlement Summary Report). Description A transaction detail report contains a formatted image of returned transactions along with the return reason codes. The VIC returns to the originator any transactions failing to conform to the Chargeback Reduction Service edit requirements. Those returned items are listed on the following set of reports: CRSReturned Item Detail (EP206A) CRSReturned Item Summary by BIN (EP206B) CRSReturned Item Summary by Center (EP206C)

This report will always print even if no returned items are received in the ITF.

EP206A: Detail

Report EP206A contains a formatted image of returned transactions along with the return reason codes. The reporting sequence is by BIN. The report has the same layout as EP204A when there are Chargeback Reduction Service returns.

EP206B: Summary by BIN

Report EP206B reports the number of transactions returned by the VIC to the processing center. Items are sorted in ascending order first by BIN, then by return reason code. The report has the same layout as EP204B when there are CRS returns.

EP206C: Summary by Center

Report EP206C reports transactions returned by the VIC for each processing center. It has the same report layout as EP204C when there are CRS returns.

EP210: Incoming Interchange Summaries

Purpose Provides an audit trail of incoming interchange summarized by transaction. The transaction summaries are by batch, by file, by CPD, and by run. A final summary is also produced for all financial and nonfinancial transactions. Balancing and Reconciliation Check if number of batches, financial and nonfinancial counts, and gross amount for the same batch match on EP210B and EP210F. Transaction amount and counts should also match on EP210B and EP210F. All EP210C reports for the same CPD should add up to EP210D for that same CPD. Amounts for the same currency should also reconcile with EP211C (File Summary by Currency Code). Amounts for the same currency should reconcile between EP210D and EP211D (CPD Summary by Currency Code) for the same CPD. Amounts for the same currency should reconcile between EP210E and EP211E (Run Summary by Currency Code). Description The report is produced at five different summary levels: Batch (EP210B) File (EP210C) CPD (EP210D) Run (EP210E) Final (EP210F) All five levels make a distinction between financial and nonfinancial transactions.

EP210B: Batch Summary

Report EP210B totals draft financial transaction types within a batch as drafts, vouchers, or cash disbursements. Totals for other transactions, including Fee Collections (TC 10) and Funds Disbursements (TC 20), are listed under TOTAL columns only. If currency types are mixed, there will be a breakdown by type. The report includes a warning message if there is more than one currency or settlement type.

EP210C: File Summary

Report EP210C totals the amount and count for each transaction type processed in a file. Each transaction type is printed on a separate line. If currency types are mixed, there will be a breakdown by type. The report includes a warning message if there is more than one currency or settlement type.

EP210D: CPD Summary

Report EP210D has the same layout as EP210C. The CPD summary totals each transaction type for each Central Processing Date (CPD). If two files from the same CPD are processed, they will be summarized on this report. If two files from different CPDs are processed, the file summaries will correspond to the CPD summaries. If only one file is processed, the file summary will be the same as the CPD summary.

EP210E: Run Summary

Report EP210E has the same layout as the EP210C and EP210D. The run summary totals each transaction type for the overall run. If files from more than one CPD are processed, they will be summarized on this report. If files from only one CPD are processed, the run summary will be the same as the CPD summary.

EP210F: Incoming Batch Summary

Report EP210F shows grand totals for financial and nonfinancial transactions for each batch, file, and for the overall run.

EP211: Incoming Interchange Summaries by Currency Code

Purpose Provides an audit trail of incoming interchange financial transactions for each currency and settlement type combination. Balancing and Reconciliation Check if amounts for the same currency match on EP211C, EP211D, and EP211E. All EP211C and EP210C (Incoming Interchange File Summary) amounts should reconcile. EP211D reports should add up to EP210D (Incoming Interchange CPD Summary). If there is only one currency in the cycle, then EP211D matches EP210D for the same CPD. EP211E reports should add up to EP210E (Incoming Interchange Run Summary). If there is only one currency in the cycle, then EP211E matches EP210E. The Total Net Financial from EP211E compares to the VSS900 and VSS900P series reports. For more Description

This report is produced at three summary levels: File (EP211C) CPD (EP211D) Run (EP211E) All levels of reporting are in the same basic format. Each currency and settlement flag are printed on a separate page. The report shows transaction counts and transaction amounts. Each transaction type is printed on a separate line.

EP211C: File Summary

Report EP211C totals financial transaction types within the file by the type of currency and settlement used in the transaction. Nonfinancial transactions are not reported on the EP211C. A separate page is generated for each currency type in incoming interchange. You will receive separate EP211C report summary totals for the following settlement types: 0 International Settlement Service. BASE II selects the appropriate settlement service based on routing and country default. 3 Clearing Only Service. This settlement type may be used only if the members country has registered with Visa for this type of service for domestic interchange. 6 National Bilateral Interchange. Settlement is in the currency of the country in which the transactions took place. 8 National Net Interchange. Settlement is in the currency of the country in which the transactions took place. 9 Settlement to be determined by Visa. Settlement is in the currency established by Visa at the request of a processing center. The reports are identified with corresponding headings (based on the settlement flags) on the same line following the currency code.

EP211D: CPD Summary

The layout of Report EP211D is the same as EP211C. The CPD summary totals each transaction type for each Central Processing Date (CPD). If two files from the same CPD are processed, they will be summarized on this report. If two files from different CPDs are processed, the file summaries will correspond to the CPD summaries. If only one file is processed, the CPD summary will be the same as the file summary.

EP211E: Run Summary

Report EP211E totals each transaction type within the overall run by the type of currency and settlement flag used. The run summary differs from the file summary only when an incoming run is processed using multiple files.

EP220: Collected Reconciliation Summary


Confirms the collection of outgoing batches from the previous cycle, indicates any batches rejected by the VIC, and flags any discrepancies between VIC information and Edit Package history information. Balancing and Reconciliation Check if amounts reconcile on EP220, EP221B (Collected Batch Acknowledgements), and EP110B (Outgoing Interchange Batch Summary). Description This report is based on batch acknowledgement transactions sent by the VIC to confirm batches received from this processing center. It lists all batches received by the VIC since the last time this report was produced (usually the last cycle). It shows the results of comparison between the Edit Package History File and the incoming batch acknowledgement transactions. Three columns are printed for each batch, reflecting what was sent by a member and what was accepted or returned by the VIC. When the batch acknowledgement data does not reconcile with the information in the Edit Package History File, you will receive an out-of-balance condition message.

EP221: Collected Batch Acknowledgement

Purpose Confirms the collection of outgoing batches from the previous cycle by reporting the details of batch acknowledgement transactions. Balancing and Reconciliation Check if EP221B matches EP110B (Outgoing Interchange Batch Summary, minus any rejected items), except in cases of batch reject and partial file collection. Then determine if EP221D amounts reconcile with accepted amounts on EP110E (Outgoing Interchange Run Summary) for the corresponding CPD. Description The report lists all batches processed by the VIC that were created during the previous outgoing Edit Package run (or runs). It only includes accepted batches and is based solely on data contained in the batch acknowledgement transactions (TC 44). This report is produced at three summary levels: Batch (EP221B) CPD (EP221D) Run (EP221E) All levels of reporting are in the same basic format. Each currency and settlement flag are printed on a separate page. The report shows transaction counts and transaction amounts. Each transaction type is printed on a separate line.

EP221B: Batch Summary

Report EP221B summarizes collected interchange by transaction code within a batch. If currency types are mixed, each currency type will be summarized separately. The report includes a warning if there is more than one currency.

EP221D: CPD Summary

The layout of Report EP221D is the same as EP221E. This report summarizes collected interchange by transaction code for all batches acknowledged on one Central Processing Date. If files containing acknowledgements from more than one processing date are processed, a separate EP221D report will be created for each day.

EP221E: Run Summary

Report EP221E summarizes collected interchange by transaction code for all batches acknowledged in the current incoming run. If currency types are mixed, each currency type will be summarized separately. The report includes a warning message if there is more than one currency.

EP230: Interchange Transaction File Distribution

Purpose Provides an audit trail of incoming interchange after it has been split into the member-requested files. Balancing and Reconciliation Check if the run totals of financial and nonfinancial counts on EP210E (Incoming Batch Summary) balance with the total count on EP230. Description A member has the option of splitting the incoming interchange into separate subfiles for ease of distribution. Additionally, there are some incoming transactions that are sent from the VIC. This report summarizes by transaction counts (and amounts where applicable) the files produced during an incoming run, including CTF subfiles. It also shows all transactions downloaded from the VIC that are used to maintain or update system data and member reference tables.

EP240: Fee Collection/Funds Disbursement

Purpose Summarizes Fee Collection (TC 10) and Fund Disbursement (TC 20) transactions. Frequency Generated for each incoming run. Content of the report is based on the value specified on the FEERPTFMT run control option: S Two separate reports, one containing Visa originated fee transactions and one containing nonVisa-originated transactions C One combined report containing Visa-originated and non-Visa-originated fee transactions V One report containing only Visa-originated fee transactions N One report containing only non-Visa-originated fee transactions Description This report summarizes counts and amounts for the collection, disbursement, or both, of charges for this processing center for each fee collection/funds disbursement reason code. The report assists in the manual reconciliation and review of this activity.

EP240N: Fee Collection/Funds Disbursement

Reports EP240N, EP240V, and EP240C have the same format. Only EP240N is explained in detail.

EP299: Incoming Processing Log

Purpose Reports all system activity during incoming runs. Description This report lists all messages generated by the system, including selected options (permanent and temporary overrides) and system status. Messages have five levels of severity: A Abnormal termination (highest severity). A system error caused processing to stop abruptly. E Severe error. A serious error resulted in an abnormal termination of the control program. I Informational only. R Reply requested. The message is a cue to the operator to manually intervene. W Warning or precautionary. The message requires attention after the Edit Package run. The information on this report applies to one incoming run of the Edit Package, and is retained in the Edit Package Log file.

On-Request Reports
On-request reports can be produced at any time by processing centers. They can be used to print the contents of internal Edit Package files.

EP300: History File Summary

Purpose Prints the contents of the History File. Description This report summarizes the information stored in the Edit Package History File header, run, file, and batch records. This information is used by the batch acknowledgement process to verify receipt of transactions by Visa and to warn against the processing of duplicate batches. Details on the History File record layouts are in the BASE IIClearing Edit Package Operations Guide. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U500 utility program: E3U510^BOTH^CCYYMMDD^CCYYMMDD^BATCH The CCYYMMDD (CC=century, YY=year, MM=month, DD=day) represent the start and end dates.

EP301: BIN Validation Table


Provides a permanent record of the contents of the BIN Validation Table, which shows the status of BINs used for the current processing cycle. Description This report prints a formatted dump of the Edit Package internal BIN Validation Table. EP301 lists each BIN in numerical sequence, reading from left to right across each line. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^BIN

EP301 BIN Dump

The EP301 BIN Dump report shows the unformatted table entries from the file. The report is used in problem determination when working with Visa personnel. The full table can be dumped with the following parameters: E3U510^DUMP^^^BIN

EP301 BIN File

The EP301 BIN File report shows that the formatted table entries have been written to a file. It was created using the following parameters: E3U510^FILE^^^BIN^^^^^^000000^^^^^^^400643^^^^^^^010413

EP302: Account Range Table (ARDEF)

Purpose Provides a permanent record of the contents of the Account Range Table, which lists all Account Range Definition (ARDEF) records. Description This report prints a formatted dump of the Edit Package internal Account Range Table. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^ARDEF

EP302 Account Range (ARDEF) Dump

Report EP302 prints an unformatted dump of the Edit Package internal Account Range Table showing the unformatted table entries from the file. The report is used in problem determination when working with Visa personnel. It was created using the parameters: E3U510^DUMP^^^ARDEF^^^^000000000^^^^199999999

EP303: Rule and Value Tables

Purpose Provides a permanent record of the contents of the Rule and Value Tables.

Description This report produces a formatted dump of Edit Package internal Rule and Value Tables, which consist of: Country Code Table Currency Code Table Holiday Table Merchant Category Value Table Chargeback Reason Code Table Transaction Code Value Table Fee Collection Reason Code Table Return Item Reason Code Table Sendback Reason Code Table List all value table Ids Language Table for all language file tables Rules Table for all rules file tables

EP303: Country Code Table

The EP303 Country Code Table report lists the designated country code for every country name. This information aids in differentiating between transactions for the proper assessment of fees and charges. To obtain this report, the following parameters are necessary as input when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^CNTRYCD

EP303: Currency Code Table

The EP303 Currency Code Table report lists the designated currency code for each country. This information helps differentiate transactions to ensure the proper assessment of fees and charges. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^CURRTBL

EP303: Holiday Table

The EP303 Holiday Table report lists BASE II holidays. This information helps to determine timeliness issues. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^HOLIDAY

EP303: Merchant Category Value Table

The EP303 Merchant Category Value Table report lists the valid four-digit Merchant Category Codes (MCCs). The MCC corresponds to a description of the merchants primary business and is used in tracking activity for different merchant segments.

To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^MERCAT

EP303: Chargeback Reason Code Table

The EP303 Chargeback Reason Code Table report lists all of the BASE II reason codes. An asterisk (*) in a field indicates the code does not apply in that entry. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^REASNCD

EP303: Transaction Code Value Table

The EP303 Transaction Code Value Table report lists the valid transaction codes that will be accepted for interchange. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^TRANCD

EP303: Fee Collection Reason Code Table

The EP303 Fee Collection Reason Code Table report lists valid reason codes used with fee collection transactions (TC 10), which are reported on EP240 and EP710. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^FCRSNCD

EP303: Return Item Reason Code Table

The EP303 Return Item Reason Code Table report lists valid BASE II reason codes used with returned transactions, which are reported on EP204 and EP206. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^RTNITEM

EP303: Sendback Reason Code Table

The EP303 Sendback Reason Code Table report lists valid BASE II reason codes used with Visa ePay processing. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^REPORT^SENDBK

EP303: LIST (Headers and Values)

The EP303 LIST report lists the headers and values. It is used to determine the table ID of tables that can be reported. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^LIST

EP303: Language Table

The EP303 Language Table report is an unformatted report of the language table entries. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^DUMP^^^LANG

EP303: Rules Table

The EP303 Rules Table report is an unformatted report of rule and value entries. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^DUMP^^^RULES

EP303: Country Code Table Extract File

The EP303 Country Code Table Extract File report shows that the formatted table entries have been written to a file. To obtain this report, enter the following parameters when executing the E3U510 utility program: E3U510^FILE^^^CNTRYCD

Optional Transaction-Based Reports

The reporting process writes selected transactions to a work file, based on thefollowing user-specified run control options: TCOUTPRToutgoing transactions TCINPRTincoming transactions FEERPTFMTincoming Fee Collection (TC 10) and Funds Disbursement (TC 20) transactions Transactions in the work file are then sorted into transaction code sequence. When the report module reaches the end of a Center Transaction File, it reads sorted transactions and passes extracted information to the control program for transaction-based reporting.

Unformatted Transaction Reports

Report ID EP701, EP702, EP703, EP709, EP719, EP730, EP731, EP732, EP733, EP738*, EP739, EP 742, EP743, EP744, EP746, EP754, EP757, EP759, EP790, EP791, and EP792 Purpose Displays record data in transaction codes 01, 02, 03, 09, 19, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 54, 57, 59, 90, 91, and 92. Description Each of these reports provides an unformatted listing of individual transactions.

EP704: Reclassification Advice

Purpose Displays record data in reclassification advice transactions (transaction code 04). Description This report provides a listing of reclassification advices sent to inform processors of transactions that BASE II has reclassified with regard to fee or payment service.

EP705 Draft Data Transaction Reports

Report ID EP705, EP706, EP707, EP715, EP716, EP717, EP725, EP726, EP727, EP735, EP736, and EP737 Purpose Displays record data in draft data transactions (transaction codes 05, 06, 07, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 35,36, and 37). Frequency Generated on request using the TCINPRT run control option (incoming) or the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description These reports provide a listing of each draft data transaction.

EP710: Fee Collection Reports

Purpose Displays record data in fee collection transactions (transaction code 10). Frequency Generated on request using the TCINPRT run control option (incoming) or the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description

Depending on the value of the FEERPTFMT run control option, one of the following set of reports will be generated during incoming runs: Visa Originated Fee Collections (EP710V) Non-Visa Originated Fee Collections (EP710N) Combined Visa and Non-Visa Originated Fee Collections (EP710C)

On outgoing runs, the report will be Fee Collections (EP710).

EP720: Funds Disbursement Reports

Purpose Displays record data in funds disbursement transactions (transaction code 20). Frequency Generated on request using the TCINPRT run control option (incoming) or the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description Depending on the value of the FEERPTFMT run control option, one of the following set of reports will be generated: Visa Originated Funds Disbursements (EP720V) Non-Visa Originated Funds Disbursements (EP720N) Combined Visa and Non-Visa Originated Funds Disbursements (EP720C)

On outgoing runs, the report will be Funds Disbursement (EP720).

EP738: VisaNet Copy Request and Fulfillment Service Message

Purpose Displays record data in nonfulfillment transactions (transaction code 38, transaction type N). Frequency Generated on request using the TCINPRT run controL option (incoming) or the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description These reports provide a listing of each nonfulfillment message transmitted by an acquirer to notify an issuer that the request copy will not be sent.

EP740: Fraud Advice

Purpose Displays record data in fraud advice transactions (transaction code 40). Frequency Each incoming interchange run or generated on request using the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing).

Description This report provides a listing of each fraud advice transaction.

EP745: General Delivery Report

Purpose Displays reports generated by the VisaNet services to which your processing center subscribes. Frequency Produced for each incoming run that contains TC 45 records. Description Report layout and content are described in the documentation for the VisaNet service that generated the report. The reports are received already formatted and the Edit Package prints them. These reports print to the EP745 external file name.

EP747: VIC Settlement Reports

Purpose Displays settlement reports generated after BASE II processing at a VisaNet Interchange Center. Frequency Produced for each incoming run that contains TC 47 records. Description The reports are received already formatted and the Edit Package prints them. These reports print to the EP 747 external file name.

EP748C: BASE I AdvicesFormat 2 Chip Informational Advice

Purpose Displays record data in BASE I advice file transactions (transaction code 48), format 2 Description This report provides a listing of the data for each Chip Informational Advice record on the BASE I advice file processing centers cardholders. The report is useful in the manual reconciliation and review of this activity.

EP748E: BASE I AdvicesISO Enriched

Purpose Displays record data in ISO-enriched BASE I advice file transactions (transaction code 48). Description

This report provides a listing of the data for each ISO-enriched BASE I advice record on the BASE I advice file for the processing centers cardholders. The report is useful in the manual reconciliation and review of this activity.

EP748S: BASE I AdvicesStandard

Purpose Displays record data in standard BASE I advice file transactions (transaction code 48). Description This report provides a listing of the data for each standard BASE I advice record on the BASE I advice file for the processing center's cardholders. The report is useful in the manual reconciliation and review of this activity.

EP750: Text Messages

Purpose Displays record data in text message transactions (transaction code 50). Frequency Each incoming interchange run or generated on request using the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description This report provides a listing of each text message transaction received from the VIC and other centers. Special formats of the TC 50 for services such as Electronic Bill Payment and Commercial Card will be printed in the unformatted transaction-based report style.

EP751: Requests for Original

Purpose Displays record data in request for original paper (sales draft, credit voucher, or cash advance) transactions (transaction code 51). Frequency Each incoming interchange run or generated on request using the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description This report provides a listing of each request received by the processing center for the original of a sales draft, credit voucher, or cash advance. The report is used as a source when searching for original paper and when issuing confirmations of mailings to the requesting processing center.

EP752: Requests for Copy

Purpose Displays record data in request for copy of original paper (sales draft, credit voucher, or cash advance) transactions (transaction code 52).

Frequency Each incoming interchange run or generated on request using the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description This report provides a listing of each request received by the processing center for a copy of the original of a sales draft, credit voucher, or cash advance. The report is used as a source when searching for originals or microfilm, and when issuing confirmations of mailings to the requesting processing center.

EP753: Confirmation Responses

Purpose Displays record data in request for confirmation transactions (transaction code 53). Frequency Each incoming interchange run or generated on request using the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description This report provides a listing of each confirmation transaction from other processing centers indicating that requested photocopies or originals, or both, have been forwarded to the center. The report is useful in the manual reconciliation and review of this activity.

EP755: Regional Card Recovery File Records/RCRF Message

Purpose Displays Regional Card Recovery File (RCRF) transactions received from the VIC (transaction code 55). Frequency Each incoming interchange run or generated on request using the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description This report provides a listing of the data for each RCRF transaction update record, which is used by a VIC to transmit updates to the RCRF.

EP756: Currency Conversion Rates

Purpose Displays record data in currency conversion rate transactions (transaction code 56). Description This report provides a listing of each currency conversion rate update record, which is used by a VIC to transmit daily updates to the processing centers Currency Conversion Rates File.

EP758: National Settlement Advices


Displays record data in National Settlement Advice transactions (transaction code 58). Frequency Each incoming interchange run or generated on request using the TCOUTPRT run control option (outgoing). Description This report provides a listing of each National Settlement Advice transaction passed by the VIC from other centers within the same country exchanging national settlement (National Net or National Bilateral) or intercountry transactions.

Output Summary
At the end of a run, the Edit Package creates a list of all reports produced during the entire run. Reports are listed by report ID, title, and number of pages.

EP999: Index of Reports

Purpose Provides a reference for the reports produced for an Edit Package execution. Frequency Generated for each incoming and outgoing run. Description This report gives the number of pages produced for each Edit Package report ID. If there is no data to report, the number of pages will be 1 and the word null will appear next to it.

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