Drink and Drive Sid

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Problem Definition

Drinking and driving is already a serious public health

problem, which is likely to emerge as one of the most

significant problems in the near future

One person is killed every half-hour due to drunk

Each year approximately 16,000 are killed in alcohol related crashes

Alcohol is a factor in almost half of all traffic fatalities

Every other minute a person is seriously injured in an

alcohol related crash Drunken driving is an offence in India, like many other countries worldwide The object of making it an offence under law is to

improve road safety by seeking to bring down the

number of accidents and fatalities caused by drivers fault.

Drunk drivers are more liable to make errors and drive rashly
It is a proven fact that peoples personalities change when drunk

Research in the West has proven that drunk drivers exhibit

aggressive driving behavior like going too close to the vehicle in front of them and applying more force when breaking With statistics saying that almost 78% of all road accidents in India are caused due to drivers fault, and of those legislators

are only emboldened in their views

CAMPAIGN AGAINST DRINKING & DRIVING To undertake experimental studies on drinking and driving for correct assessment of traffic safety situation on Indian roads Blood alcohol screening should be routinely performed Major publicity campaigns will need to be mounted to inform drivers on drinking and driving, the harm that results from

drinking and driving and the penalties

A monitoring system, with common and agreed

measurement and reporting procedures across India

should be put in place Road side liquor shops and bars should be shifted minimizing their use by drivers Strict enforcement of Motor Vehicle Act on drink driving

Developing the high taxation policies for alcohol

beverages which reduces the buying power of drivers Time of Sales to be restricted to 8pm. National Holidays, and pay day closure of outlets

Reframe what is means to be a drunk driver around the commonly used term boozed

Create the norm that driving boozed is dangerous

Inspire new avenues of dialogue for interveners Motivate drivers to stop driving boozed

In India drivers from age group can be identified between 15 to 34 years(both majorly male and females) who drink and drive, dont mean any harm and dont consider themselves to be hazards on the road

An intensive drive against drink driving is needed Alcohol causes deterioration of driving skills even at low levels Probability of crashes increases with rising blood alcohol levels Core Insights: Anti-drunk message have been ineffective in changing their behavior because, in their minds, the messages are directed at drunk drivers- not them Because they aren't drunk drivers they have found ways to deflect well-meaning interveners

Social marketers need the cooperation of a number of influence

channels to carry out their programme

Mass media to donate more public service time to dont drink and drive messages

Public schools to put in more effective programs to educate

students and make them release that it is a big issue Business establishments to set aside dont sections

Law enforcement officials to enforce these new laws

Not all channels are equally important, and the social marketers must choose which channels to activate

Under section 185 Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, the concentration

of alcohol has been specified maximum as 30 mg/100 ml of

blood detected in a test by a breath analyzer The penalty for the first offence is with imprisonment for a term upto 6 months or with fine upto Rs.2,000/- or both

For second or subsequent offence (if committed within 3 years

of the commission of previous similar offence), with

imprisonment for a term upto 2 years or with fine upto Rs.3000/- or with both Arrest without warrant by a police officer in uniform under section 202 M.V. Act, 1988

Procedure for breath and laboratory tests is specified under

section 203 & 204 M.V. Act, 1988 The offence is non-compoundable under section 200 M.V. Act, 1988 (all challans are sent to the Court for taking cognizance)

Strict enforcement programs with reasonably stiff penalties

Continuous, visible and uniform checks (all of the city)

Focused on 25-45 years age groups, (two wheeler, pedestrians, three- wheelers, cars and heavy vehicles)

Ensure public participation, awareness about enforcement

awareness campaigns for the citizens Hospital based active surveillance system to report all road traffic injuries (on few vital parameters) to document long term changing patterns and to track the ongoing epidemic

Any message that potentially interferes with the sale of a consumer product is problematic

i.e the message is anti-drinking and driving, not anitconsumption There is a very strong alcohol lobby with a vested interest in this issue i.e Alcohol manufactures, distributors, retailers, hospitality

industry, Traffic safety advocates

Current Mindset: Drunk drivers are terrible People

Young men are quick to condemn drunk drives but they view
themselves as skilled drinking drivers and think nothing to getting behind the wheel ie Im fine and can handle it Im not a drunk

Desired Mindset: its Dangerous to drive Boozed There is no confusion about boozed young men know what it is

ie youve had just a few but dont think your drunk, yet youre
potentially a danger on the road

Boozed driving is drunk driving Reason Why: You dont realize that from the moment you begin drinking, your judgment become impaired.

Its easy to tell when youve had way too many to drive,
but even one drink can significantly slow reaction time and have serious consequences. Campaign Elements: Television, Radio, web Banners, Print, OOH, Public Relations

Campaign success is always driven by

Ensuring campaign has approval from the very top of the organization Invite your advocates and adversaries into the process so there are no surprises Strategize about possible concerns and know how to address them Be resolute to weathering a storm.

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