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Sri Rajiv Bhagwan of Orcha circulated the core revelations of an

insider in the book "….And you shall be set free" authored by Mr. David
Mr. David Icke in his four hundred plus-paged book has traced the
events of the 20th century commencing from 1902.
The diabolical conspiracy of the very rich citizens of UK, USA, and Europe
and the remarkable success achieved by them in their hideous plans of not only
World Economic domination, but total domination over the political, social,
cultural and religious lives of the third world countries makes startling reading.
Every patriotic and self respecting Indian has to be made aware of
those designs. For all patriots, specially for those who have decided to
dedicate their intellect and time to the formulation of INDIA-CENTRIC
National policies, the reading of this brief is an absolute MUST.
We in the Sanskritik Gaurav Sansthan were favoured by a Hindi version
that was sent by Sri Rajiv Bhagwan of ORCHA. This monograph is an English
version of that material. The Hindi version as circulated by Shri Rajiv Bhagwan
forms the second parts of this booklet. We offer our thanks to Shri Rajiv
Bhagwanji for drawing our attention to the contents of the book “...And you
shall be set free.”

New Delhi
Date: 26th November, 2007
Margsheersha Krishna-2
Samvat 2064
National President
Sanskritik Gaurav Sansthan
Post Box No. 5016
November 26, 2007

Rajiv Bhagwan
Bhagwan Dham
P.O. Orcha
Distt: Tikamgarh
Mobile: 09450503303

The question that a planet that has lasted for billions of years, should
suddenly find its very existence threatened in the course merely of the
last two or three centuries was a puzzle that had been agitating my mind
for several years.
It was only when I chanced to read Mr. David Icke's book "…..And
you shall be set free" that the mystery behind the diabolical turn of
events in the present day world began to unfold.
It is imperative that all my patriotic countrymen must know the
contents of this book and accordingly I requested Swami Muktanand to
prepare a brief of that book to bring out the facts behind the present day
developments in the world.
We need to revise our policies, our strategies keeping in mind the
contents of this book.
Rajiv Bhagwan
Below is the expose in very brief of the European Conspiracy as
revealed in by Mr. David Icke in his book "……..And you shall be
set free".
A secret group known as the "ROUND TABLE" set out its vision of
the future world around the beginning of the 20th century, under the
following FOUR heads :-
1. There should be a Centrally Administered World Government.
2. The World Government must have its own Currency and
accepted by the whole world.
3. The Central World Government must have its own Army which
must have Global control.
4. That Central World Government must prescribe the Education
policy, the Economic policy, Cultural, Spiritual and Religious
policies in the whole world.
This 'ROUND TABLE' was founded by Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes had
created enormous wealth. The country Rhodesia (present Zimbabwe)
was named after him. He had been the Prime Minister of Cape Colony in
From the Diamond and Gold mines, he was earning one million
dollars per year. He spent a substantial amount of his wealth to promote
the "World Vision" of the Round Table. By giving scholarships
liberally he had an army of the best brains to back his plans.
In due course, the Rothschild Corps, Carnegie Foundation of United
Kingdom Trust, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, J.P. Morgan,
Hitney House, Lezard Brothers etc. became members of the Round
The "Skull and Bones Society" in Yale University USA worked for
the Round Table. The complete strategy of the Boer War between 1899
and 1902 was crafted by Rothschild. The purpose of this war was to take
over total control over South Africa's natural resources. The strategy of
World War I and World War II was also crafted by the Round Table
group. By supplying war material to both the warring groups of
countries, the Round Table generated enormous wealth.
On 30th May 1919 this group organized the "Vaisili Peace
Conference" in Paris, several organizations were created under the guise
of promoting peace, but the main objectives of the schemes were to take
over the political control of those countries under the pretext of
helping those countries.
In due course, in the name of promoting peace and prosperity,
Global bodies like the World Bank, United Nations, Amnesty
International, Human Rights Commission etc. were created and
billions of dollars were spent through NGOs ostensibly for the
upliftment of the poor people but the actual objective was to
accentuate divisions among the native groups, stablish the
supremacy of the Government and destroy the locally prevalent
economic, educational, cultural, religious, spiritual and political
systems obtaining in those places.
Many persons in the Round Table Group, themselves were unaware
of the Secret Agenda of the Round Table that was ostensibly professing
to stablish peace, security and prosperity through the so-called New
World order.
Some persons, who learnt about the hidden agenda of the Round
Table, dissociated themselves from the Round Table Group. For example
Admiral Chester Ward who was a renowned Judge in USA and was also
the Advocate General of the Navy left the group when he learnt of the
diabolical plans of the Round Table Group.
Russia's Stalin was also a member of the Round Table Group. He
gave full support to "Anglo American Commission" during the 1942
convention on "Marxism and National Question". At that time a
decision was taken to promote disunity and divisions in the citizens
of countries where the members of Round Table had any influence.
It was under this overall design that China, Korea, Vietnam, India,
Russia, Palestine, Africa, Iraq etc. were broken up, creating more than
one separate independent countries.
In 1930 Winston Churchil had planned a Second World War to
carve out a United States of Europe. For executing this plan Jean
Foster, Rockefeller, Dulles, Nicholas Murarre Butler, Carnegie etc. had
provided the money. These persons laid the foundations for the Second
World War on the pretext of establishing peace in Europe. In 1946-47
the "Council of Foreign Relations" conducted a survey of those plans.
As per the survey report Winston Churchil decided on a two-pronged
plan for establishing Central Control on a Global scale. One, that, an
environment of insecurity shall have to be created so that every
country should seek to arm itself to counter the threats from its
neighbouring countries. Secondly, to create conditions that make
every person increasingly dependent on his government for his
On June 26th 1945 the United Nations Charter was drawn up. Thus
U.N. was conceived on the plans prepared by the Round Table
through its "Council of Foreign Relations." In pursuance of the
plans for one World Government this U.N. created other Sister
organizations like the WHO, UN Population Fund (UNPF),
Economic Development and Environment, UN Environment
Program (UNEP), UN Education Science and Culture Organisation
(UNESCO). The number of such world organizations have been
increasing with the passage of time.
The objective of all these bodies is to create Central Control in
all aspects of life all over the world. "Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace" was created to provide money. Mr. Hiss was
appointed as the Chairman of this body by Mr. John Foster Dulles.
However, when Mr. Hiss learnt of the real designs of the UN bodies
then he began revealing it to the world. Mr. Hiss had to pay a price
for it and he was incarcerated in jail for 44 months.
John J. Mc Cloy was an important officer in the UN. He
disclosed that the decisions in UN were being guided by "Council of
Foreign Relations" (CFR). Whenever an appointment was to be
made in the UN, message was sent to the headquarters of CFR at
Harold Pratt House, 58, East 68th Street, and, they would then
nominate a person of their choice. In the same way the CFR began
dabbling in the appointment of heads of States, Mr. Robert Welch of
the John Birch Society of America said the following in 1970.
Below is an excerpt from David Icke's book :
"The United Nations hopes and plans : To use population controls,
controls over scientific and technological developments, control over
arms and military strength of individual nations, control over
education, control over health and all the control it can gradually
establish under all of the different excuses for International
jurisdiction that it can device. These variegated separate controls are to
become components of the gradually materializing total control that it
expects to achieve by pretence, deception, persuation, beguilement and
falsehoods, while the enforcement of such controls by brutal force and
terror is also getting under way."
“That is what the United Nations was always intended to do, that is
what it was created to do, that is what it is now doing.”
David Icke - Page 149-150.
The Methodology adopted :
David Icke, the author of the book "……AND YOU SHALL BE
SET FREE" has disclosed that the "Round Table Group" founded
innumerous organizations with different names for the furtherance of
their objectives. One such organization is "Bilderberg". It met at
Baden-Baden-Germany in 1991. This was attended by David
Rockefeller, Bill Clinton (who was then the Governor of Arkansas),
George Bush, Konard Black, Bilderberger, Geowani Ainaili, Queen
Beatrix of Netherlands, Queen Sofia of Spain, John Smith of Britain etc.
At this meeting George Bush proposed to wage war against Iraq by
taking the assistance of UN Peace keeping force. George Bush was
designated to liaise with the UN.
The next sitting of Bilderberg was held in Finland in June 1994. This
meeting was also attended by Peter D. Sutherland the Director of
GATT. The objective was to bring the World Economy under the
control of "Round Table" by demolishing all trade barriers. This
meeting was attended by Reid Lubers, the Prime Minister of
Netherlands; J. Martin Taylor, CEO of Berkley Bunk, Tony Blair of
UK and Kainth Clerk. The plan was to put the world economy in the
hands of some powerful corporations.
In June 1995, three super secret meetings of Bilderberg were
convened but David Icke, the author had the following to say about
these meetings : -
"I was holidaying in Switzerland when Bilderberg was convening
its meetings. The entry roads and the place of the Bilderberg meetings
were very heavily guarded. All roads had been closed. The area was
cordoned off by the Police and the Swiss Militia. I then enquired what
all was happening there. The Policeman only replied 'it is super-
secret…. It is super secret'. I believe that policies to effect total control
of the World Economy must have been the main topic of these
David Icke - Page 142.
While ostensibly, the IMF, "Organization for International
Economic Cooperation and Development", "Council on Foreign
Relations" (CFR), World Bank. GATT, WHO, and other UN
agencies, are supposed to promote Peace and economic development
of poor nations, their main agenda is aimed at assuming complete
control of World Economic systems by making them abjectly
dependent on them.
For example, the task of the World Bank is to drive the
developing countries into the abyss of poverty, making them
completely dependent on the World Bank. World Bank sanctions
huge loans for the development of poor Nations. The real objective is
to purchase lands install multi-national industries and force those
countries to be on their mercy thereafter. The same tactics is being
employed in India also. The main job of IMF and World Bank is to
prepare the ground for the entry of Multi-Nationals in developing
countries. It is significant that the loans given by IMF or World
Bank do not benefit the common people of those countries. The
money is spent on creating infrastructure facilities which shall be
used by the Multi-Nationals.
Interestingly enough the IMF and World Bank also gives loans
which are misappropriated by the corrupt politicians. It assists in
making the people to fight against construction of dams, fight
western influence, agitate against drugs, iodine salt, or fight against
land acquisitions and the ill effedts of poisonous pesticides etc. The
Round Table group also assists in spreading unrest and terror on the
basis of religion, politics and for economic reasons and
simultaneously assists the Government to fight against such unrests
and terror activities.
On Page 235 of the book, author David Icke writes:
"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is there to intervene,
when poor countries in Africa, Asia and the rest of the developing
world get into Elite (Round table group) engineered financial trouble.
The idea has been to encourage and bribe the politicians in these
countries into relinquishing self-sufficiency in food and into opening
their lands to the multinational food and chocolate giants. These
countries began to export luxury cash crops to the rich nations and to
use that money to pay for imported food from those same rich
countries. Also the developing nations would export natural resources
to the rich nations at knock-down prices and then buy-back (at inflated
prices) the luxury products of the industrialized countries made with
those natural resources. However, these luxury goods only go to tiny,
corrupt, political and economic clique in these developing countries.
The majority of the populations go hungry because the food growing
land is occupied by the multinational corporation. The Elite policy was
to submerge the poor countries in debt and take them over in the same
way as they had done with the multinationals and the industrialized
nations. When these Governments find themselves in financial troubles
and unable to meet their debt repayments they go to the IMF to
restructure the repayments or offer more loans to pay the interest on
the previous ones. But in return for imposing more debt the IMF
insists that its (Elite) economic policies are followed. These involve
cutting of food, health and education subsidies and the exporting of
more resources and cash crops. The IMF tells all the developing
countries to do this and thus create a glut on the world market for these
commodities and the price collapses."
The IMF thus ensures that the developing Nations become weaker
and weaker and increasingly dependent on foreign funds.
In the name of Free Trade, the W.T.O. has become an
instrument for the exploitation of weaker Nations by the powerful
The author states :
"The consequences of this can now be seen by all but the most
dedicated idiots. The media promotes free trade as a good thing and
protection as bad. They have bought the line sold to them by
economists, politicians and university lecturers and they sell it to the
"Free trade is the freedom of the strong to exploit the weak. It is
the means through which multinationals subsidized by their
governments via the overseas aid budgets and other hidden channels,
operate cartelism against the interest of the general population. It is the
freedom to create dependency on a system which only the few control
and to use that dependency to manipulate at will, the freedom to move
production from high wage industrialist countries to the street shops of
the third world, the freedom to steal their food growing land and to
destroy the small aggrarion industries. In doing this the Elite create
anger, despair and division; the perfect combination for
'David Icke' - page 237.
The 'Round Table' has successfully destroyed the agrarian
systems that had been functioning smoothly for thousands of years,
by seeking to get greater control over lands and the agriculture of
those countries under the guise of accelerating their production.
They have all but ruined the age-old system of saving seeds for crops
of agriculture, fruits and vegetables by offering them the one time,
super productive seeds that yield greater crops but cannot be
reproduced. The result is that the farmers are at the mercy of multi-
nationals for getting seeds for their subsequent crops. They have
patented the seeds and created a monopoly over the agriculture. Five
major companies of the Bilderberg group have cornered the control
over agriculture in developing countries, Nestle Corporation is the
other multi-national. Along with increasing centralized control over,
seeds, fertilizers, water reserves and tractors the Multi-nationals are
seeking to destroy the rich variety of cattle existing in a country and
promoting the sale of foreign breeds of cattle. They aim to take over
control of the reproduction of the cattle wealth of the country. That
is, INCREASE the dependency of the developing countries on the
Multi-national companies.
The self-sustaining village economies are being destroyed. The
local artisans which created agriculture implements, leather goods,
carpentry, clay products etc. have been systematically eliminated
from the village economy.
The Hard Core of these Conspirators :
The quest for Central Control is undertaken by around twenty
persons who operate from their Bases in the USA. The NSA
(National Security Agency) has been established in the USA to
coordinate the operations of these conspirators. The USA is the
operational arm of the NSA. In fact the CIA even guides the
decisions taken in the United Nations.
The UN, today, covers every aspect of human life through its
various world level bodies. The "Tax Exempt Foundation
Syndicate" is the nodal agency that coordinates the operations of
various agencies. The levers of power in the "Tax Exempt
Foundation" are controlled by the Rockefeller Foundation,
Rothschild Foundation, Carnegie Foundation etc. These
organizations are known by the name of the Super-secret
"INNERFED". This "INNERFED" is another name of the "Tax
Exempt Organization Syndicate".
The money for the functioning of NSA, CIA, FBI, NASA and the
Federal Reserve is provided through the "Hard Drug Trade".
This drug-trade was at its peak during the Reagan-Bush tenures.
CIA sold weapons hardware to Imam Khomeini and received some
payment in Dollars and the remaining through hard drugs, like
Morphine and Heroin.
In this context, Jean Ziegler in his book "Switzerland Washes
Whiter" writes as follows :
"With the expert assistance of the Swiss maganates as well as some
discreet help from the Swiss secret service, they delivered American
and Israeli weapons to the Imam Khomeini. The Imam paid for some
of the weaponry in dollars but for most of it in drugs (Morphine base
and heroin). The Godfather of Turkish and Lebanese network installed
in Zurich turned the drugs into cash on the International Market. After
taking their cut of the profit the Godfather deposited the remainder in
numbered accounts that had been opened in the main banks and
financial institutions of Geneva and Zurich".
It is clear from this that the Round Table also dabbles in hard drugs
in furtherance of their overall objective of having Global Control. Even
the Archbishop of Canterbarry is very much into this business. The
confidante of the Archbishop Mr. Terrywate had delivered those
weapons with the consent of the Archbishop. Bush had said on record
that "We have obtained the full price of weapons given to the
terrorists of Khomeini."
Bush had a fourteen year association with the underworld Don
Aronow and was his friend. He in turn was associated with the
Mayor Lansky Crime Syndicate - An organization that has Global
reach in the matter of Drugs trade. This company was created by the
CIA. The Zapata Oil Company of Bush used to stock the drugs
wherefrom they were distributed around the world. The shipping
company "Pacific Sea Food" transports the drugs.
Round Table is associated with Drug Trade for three
(1) The removal / elimination of irksome heads of States requires
enormous funds. Likewise, to create large scale unrest and
rebellion, enormous funds are needed and the Drug Trade
provides those funds.
(2) The spread of drugs hurts a huge bulk of population of
countries. CIA thus gets an opportunity to spread its tentacles
into the private lives of victim nations in the guise of helping
them to get freedom from drugs. Such activities also create
goodwill for the CIA in those countries. The Round Table spends
its Drug money for this ostensibly good cause also.
(3) For Peddling Drugs into Countries that are perceived as
unfriendly to USA to destroy the physical and moral fibre of
youths of that country by making them Drug addicts and
simultaneously fleece them of their money. As drug trade
spreads in any country, the local Government also tries to make
an illegal fast buck and such members in the Government can be
effectively blackmailed into giving favourable decisions even if
those decisions are detrimental to their own country.
The CIA and George Bush is neck deep in Drug Trade. George
Bush owns Oil wells and hence his interest in the oil rich Gulf
It was Bush who first helped Saddam to become the dictator of
Iraq. To sustain hostility among oil producing countries was and is
an important policy of the USA to keep oil prices in check.
Under the Chairmanship of NATO Secretary Munford Warner,
a meeting was convened in July 1990 where the foundations for
having a World Army was made in the London declaration.
The Round Table - also known as the Bilderberg Group seeks to
provide the justification of the One World Army. The USA and the
UK are the main sponsors of this Group. They engineered the Iraq-
Iran war, the Bosnia unrest, the Iraq-Kuwait war. It also liberally
supplies arms to both India and Pakistan and ensures constant
hostilities between the two countries.
The plan is that as tensions and wars increase, countries after
countries will seek military assistance and the vision of one world
Army shall take shape on the one hand and on the other, a time will
come when they can become dictators of the world.
The strategy of the conspirators :
The strategy is that wars, terror, and crimes should be promoted
and thousands of NGOs be created ostensibly to bring peace and
amity among the people. The Round Table spends Billions of dollars
to sustain such NGOs for ostensibly promoting service to people, but
their objective is to organize unrest and agitations.
Bilderberg thus has been very successful in keeping the
Governments of developing Nations constantly occupied in fire-
fighting to quell, riots, terrorist activities, insurgencies etc. to ensure
that the local Governments do not ever get the time or the resources
to tackle the real problems of poverty and development of their
The UN through its numberless organizations has spread its net
worldwide. Whether it is agriculture, health, education, culture,
science, religion, environment, economy, or politics, there is no
sphere of human activity which is free from the inroads made by the
UN in the bulk of the countries. The native people who are
associated with the NGOs, working in tandem with UN agencies,
sincerely believe that they are serving the cause of their country.
They are blissfully unaware that they are mere pawns in the hands
of the Round Table. The real agenda of UN is to fulfill the Round
Table vision of the world as mentioned in the four points given at the
beginning of this write up.
The President of European Parliament Mr. Klaus Hanch wrote
in a European newspaper in May 1995 that the UN and the
European Union have great rapport. To have centralized Global
Control and launch a "World Government" is their main objective.
To realize the FOUR objectives, viz. One world Government, One
World Bank, One world Currency, and One world Army is their
main aim.
A trilateral Commission has been created with USA, Europe and
Japan as its members. The Ex-Secretary of Commonwealth Sir
Sridutt Ramphal said at the International Development Conference
in Washington in January 1995, that the United Nations needs to be
given the powers to levy taxes on the Nations of the world in order to
discharge its responsibilities. The Washington conference endorsed
this view.
Later on, in Geneva and Switzerland conferences Mr. Ramphal
was made the Vice President of the "Commission on Global
Government". He had stated that the world is veering round the
view that time has come to have a "ONE WORLD
Mr. Sridutt Ramphal has already created an Economic Security
Council in the United Nations which shall lay down policies for the
Economies of the world.
The World Bank, the IMF, the Organisation of Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Bank of International
Settlements are already on their way to establishing the Economic
Dictatorship of the Round Table. Those organizations have already
forced nations to pursue policies, which apparently show a growth in
the GDP of the country, but where the bulk of the population is
living sub-human lives. Nevertheless, these world bodies are forcing
the pace for creating Economic dictatorship, and one world
currency. Thus without firing a shot, Economic Imperialism is being
perpetrated by the Round Table through the aegis of the UN and its
numberless sister organizations.
The developing Nations today are at the mercy of the UN
Economic Imperialism while their people wallow in poverty and live
in destitute conditions. The capital of the world is being cornered by
the few and to crush any opposition to their designs, corruption and
dishonesty is being liberally promoted to enlist the cooperation of the
leaders of those countries. The Round Table has already taken steps
to create a one World Army. The UN Peace keeping force in
conjunction with NATO is veritably a one World Army today.
During the Gulf war the UN forces have already undertaken
operations under the UN Flag with the assistance of NATO forces.
Boutros Ghali by repeating Henry Kissinger's words had proclaimed
in a meeting of Bilderberg in 1991 that time has come for the UN to
have its own Army which must be controlled by the United Nations.
It was stated about the UN Peace keeping force that this force
shall help maintain peace in the world. Further, its muscle will be
used to enforce the policies of the World Government, the policies of
Central World Bank, Central Currency and Control countries that
oppose the world authorities.
To help this World Army, the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) has been established. The first President of the
Trilateral Commission Mr. Jimmy Carter declared FEMA as an
agency to secure the security of USA.
On 5th December 1994 "The Spotlight" reported that four Army
Divisions comprising 80,000 troops has already been created under
the aegis of UN-NATO, and the C-in-C of these troops is Sir Jeremy
Mackenzie an ex - Lt. General of the British Army. In this way the
first phase of establishing a ONE WORLD ARMY has already been
The Round Table Group considers itself as the ELITE of the
world citizens. It functions under various names. For ensuring central
control over the world it has the World Bank, the IMF, the World
Currency, the World Army (the so-called Peace keeping forces of the
UN) - organizations that shall assist it when the one world Government
becomes operational.
As its strategy:
(a) It is nurturing hostilities between countries.
(b) It is nurturing an environment of FEAR, TERROR and
INSECURITY all over the world.
(c) It is nurturing the mentality of consumerism and an attitude of
pleasure seeking, as a philosophy of life.
(d) It is nurturing extreme self-centeredness among the populace of
the world to wipe out the patriotic fervour and the spirit of
sacrifice and sincere genuine love among the people.
(e) It is nurturing not only hostilities among nations, but also hatred
among the peoples of the country, to prevent unity among the
peoples of a Nation.
(f) It is promoting pollution of the Environment and the culture of
greed and exploitation. And it is getting away by doing all this
because all its actions are skillfully disguised under the pretext of
promoting development, peace and amity among the peoples of
the III World.
(g) It has achieved remarkable success in demolishing the self-
respect, self-confidence and self-reliance in the peoples of the III
world, by constantly berating them as against their own self-
proclaimed superiority.
(h) The subtlety with which all this has been carried out and is still
being relentlessly pursued can be gauged by the fact that the
intelligentia of the poor and developing countries even now
sincerely believe that the various UN agencies have the well
being of the (victim) countries at their hearts. They even enlist
the full cooperation of the political leadership and the corrupt
executive of those countries.
(i) They have systematically derided the deities and religious
leaders (specially so of India) so that the moral hold of religion
and religious saints gets loosened on the youth of those countries
and thus make them easy victims of lust, greed and pleasure
seeking culturel that they seek to promote all over the world.
(j) They have succeeded in injecting the virus of corruption not only
among the political leaders but in every echelon of the
Legislature, Executive, Judiciary as well as the Media. (Print as
well as the Electronic).
(k) The violence and over dose of sex dished out through cinemas
has blunted the sensitivities of the young. The race for acquiring
luxuries and material goods has successfully driven away the
basic human cultural values of caring and sharing.
(l) Through the blitzkrieg promotion through Advertisements they
have substituted the simple eating habits of good healthy food, to
the eating of fast foods, canned foods and the coca-cola culture -
Foods that promote the interests of the multi-nationals at the
cost of general health of the youth of the poor Nations.
(m) By nurturing the dependency of the farmers on their seeds, their
fertilizers, their pesticides, they have fleeced the farmers of their
(n) By promoting the sale of weapons and military hardware as well
as the sale of hard drugs, the Round Table has ensured
phenomenal wealth reaching them all the time.
The ostensible occupation of the Round Table group is
manufacturing military hardware and trade in Hard Drugs. The
Drug barons have close links with this group. They are thus a curse
to the whole of mankind.
For tens of thousands of years the Indian Culture Symbolised:
(1) Duty consciousness
(2) The sentiment of caring and sharing
(3) The tremendous sanctity of the FAMILY and respect of elders.
(4) Absence of fear, borne out of honesty in conduct.
(5) Absence of Greed and Lust generally.
(6) The value of self-control and Brahacharya.
(7) The value of nurturing the spiritual thirsts.
(8) Innate sincerity and simplicity.
(9) The total absence of any aggression either on the territory or the
religion of other countries.
The primary assault of the Round Table vis-à-vis India was on
the basic value system that invested meaning to human life.
Bharat was famous as a "Bird of Gold". This lured a host of
marauders which finally led to Bharat becoming a slave of the
British. After 1857, the British policies divided the population into
two mutually hostile communities. This led to the breaking up of
Bharat in three parts.
While the newly Independent India was trying to stand on its
own feet, President Truman offered a four point plan of the
Agriculture Mission in 1948. The American Agriculture expert
Albert Mayer took up a pilot project for Agricultural development
in Etawa Distt. Under this plan the Ford Foundation President Paul
Hoffman placed Two Billion dollars through the US Ambassador
Chester Bowles for the four point plan of the Ford Foundation.
Later on, in 1952, with the help of Ford Foundation Community
Development programmes were undertaken from October 2, 1952.
Thus, after obtaining freedom in 1947, whatever enthusiasm was
generated for becoming self-reliant, through hard sincere work, was
killed by the aid programmes started by the Ford Foundation. The
average farmer developed a mentality that the Government and not
he himself was going to change his fortunes.
Besides the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and
the Carnegie Foundations through their hundreds of NGOs targeted
the cultural, religious and spiritual values and in the guise of
improving their quality of life in material terms, they sowed the
seeds of gross materialism in the country's population.
To create internal strife the Baptist Mission was established by
Michael Scot in Nagaland in the early sixties. In 1964, the Peace
Mission in Nagaland was established. With the assistance from these
two organizations the CIA launched the operation Brahmaputra.
This led to the demand of Independent Nagaland.
The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations spent about 50 crore
Dollars in India till 1960 and they had the tacit approval of the
Government of India regarding their activities in the spheres of
health, education and culture.
Bharat Sewak Samaj was founded to jointly work with the Ford
Foundation, but when no success was achieved in the field, Balwant
Rai Mehta Committee was appointed to find how no success was
achieved in the Ford Foundation Projects. The Committee came to
the finding that the project failed because there was no public
participation in those projects.
Now seeing by hindsight, the real motive of Ford Foundation was
not to develop India on scientific lines but to kill the initiative and
the spirit of enterprise of the village folk and nurture a mentality in
them to constantly expect the Government to do something for
improving their lot.
In 1991, the policy of liberalization helped the multi-national
companies to make inroads in the Country's economy in a big way.
Thousands of Small Scale Industries were forced to close down.
Unemployment and poverty rose to a new high.
The Solution :
The basic culture of this Country is Dharm-centric. Here, Dharm
does not denote religion or any communal shade. "Dharm" here
The past sixty years has made the population of this Country
"RIGHTS CONSCIOUS". This mentality has to be given a complete
U-turn by making every Indian "DUTY CONSCIOUS".]
jktho ^Hkxou~*
Hkxou /kke]
iksLV vksjNk] ftYyk fVdex<+ ¼e-iz½
eks- 0@9450503303
fiNys o"kksZa 12 ls eSa yxkrkj bu iz'uksa ds mŸkj dh [kkst djrk jgk gwa
fd nqfu;k yk[kksa o"kksZa ls lrr~ fufoZ?u pyrh jgh gSA vukpkj ds uke ij
jko.k] dal vkSj fo'o fot;kdka{kh jktk /kjrh ij jgs gSAa fdarq dHkh Hkh izdf` r
vkSj i;kZoj.k dk ladV ugha xgjk;kA D;k dkj.k gS fd fiNyh ek= rhu
pkj lfn;ksa esa lc dqN <g x;k\ lkFk gh bl dky esa gq, leLr lq/kkjkRed
,oa l`tukRed iz;kl bu LokFkZ izfs jr] 'kks"k.k vk/kkfjr lqfu;ksftr "kM~;a=ksa ds
le{k fVd u lds\ [kkst dh blh NViVkgV esa MSfoM vkbds ¼Mr. David
Icke½ dh ^,.M ;w 'kSy fc lsV Ýh* iqLrd gkFk yxh rks bu jgL;ksa ij ls
inkZ mBuk 'kq: gqvkA pkj lkS i`"B dh bl iqLrd esa ys[kd us bl "kM~;a=
dks mtkxj fd;k gSA bl iqLrd dks ikus ds i'pkr eq>s ,slk yxk fd bl
iqLrd dk lkj ljy vkSj lgt Hkk"kk esa lHkh ns'kHkDrksa dks miyCËk gksuk
pkfg,A vr% eSua s bl iqLrd dk lkj rS;kj djokus dk fu'p; fd;kA bl
egr~ dk;Z ds fufer Lokeh eqDrkuUn th ls fuosnu fd;kA mUgksua s dqN gh
fnuksa esa ;g dk;Z vR;Ur ljy ,oa cks/kxE; Hkk"kk esa iw.kZ dj fy;k ftls ge
vki yksxksa rd Hkst jgs gSAa
bl lkj dks i<+us ds i'pkr~ gesa /;ku esa vk;sxk fd vc rd gekjs
leLr Økafrdkjh iz;kl D;ksa vlQy gksrs jgs gSAa bu rF;ksa ds izdk'k esa gh
gesa u;s Hkkjr ds l`tu dh ;kstuk cukuh gksxhA
;wjksih; "kM~;U=ksa dk [kqyklk djrh MSfoM vkbds
dh iqLrd ^,.M ;w 'kSy fc lsV Ýh*
nqfu;k esa u;s fo'o dh jpuk ds uke ij xksy est ¼Round Table½ uke
ds xksiuh; leqnk; us viuk mís'; fuf'pr fd;k gS fd fo'o O;oLFkk gsr& q
1- dsUnz lapkfyr fo'o ljdkj gksA
2- fo'o ljdkj dh viuh eqnzk gks ftls lkjk lalkj Lohdkj djsA
3- dsUnzh; fo'o ljdkj dh viuh lsuk gks ftldk lkjs lalkj ij fu;a=.k
4- dsUnz ljdkj ds }kjk gh f'k{kk uhfr] vFkZuhfr] laLd`frd vkË;kfRed vkSj
/kkfeZd uhfr;ksa dk fu/kkZj.k gksA
xksy est ¼Round Table½ leqnk; dh LFkkiuk lSfly j~gksM~l ds }kjk dh
xbZ FkhA lSfly j~gksM~l og O;fDr Fkk ftlus ;qfDriwod Z nf{k.k vÝhdk dh
ghjs vkSj lksus dss HkaMkj ij dCtk dj fy;k FkkA ml le; lSfly j~gksM~l
¼Cecil Rhodes½ ds uke ij nf{k.k&vfÝdk ds ml {ks= dh j~gksMfs 'k;k uke
fn;k x;k Fkk] ftls vkt ftEckOos dgrs gSAa j~gksM~l us ml le; Mh-ch;lZ
dUlksfyMsVM s ekbUl ,.M dUlksyhMsVM s xksYM QhYM~l ds uke ls O;kikfjd
laLFkku dk;e fd;k FkkA viuh ;qfDr ls ^j~gksM~l* dsi dkyksuh dk izkbe
fefuLVj rFkk 1890 esa fczVus esa ikfyZ;kesVa dk esca j Hkh gks x;k FkkA ml
le; j~gksM~l dh vkenuh nl yk[k Mkyj izfro"kZ gksus yxh FkhA ^j~gksM~l* us
viuh vkenuh dk vfËkdka'k Hkkx xksy est leqnk; ds mís'; dks izHkkoh
cukus esa [kpZ fd;kA mlus nqfu;k ds fofHkUu ns'kksa ls rstLoh ukStokuksa dks
i;kZIr Nk=o`fŸk nsdj vkWDlQksMZ ;qfuoflZVh esa v/;;u gsrq vkdf"kZr fd;k
Fkk rkfd xksy est leqnk; dh fopkj/kkjk dks bu izf'kf{kr O;fDr;ksa ds }kjk
lalkj esa QSyk;k tk ldsA
jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; esa flfly j~gksM~l ds lkFk jkSFkpkbYM dkjiksj's ku]
dkjusxh ;wukbVsM fdaxMe VªLV] jkWdQsyj QkmaM's ku] QksMZ QkmaM's ku] ts-ih-
ekxZu] fgVuh ifjokj] ystkMZ cznlZ] vkfn Hkh lnL; cu x;s FksA ;w-,l-,- esa
;sys ;wfuoflZVh dh Ldy ,aM cksUl lkslkbVh ¼Sculland Bones Society½
uh; <ax ls jkmaM Vsfcy leqn; ds fy;s gh dke djrh FkhA 1899 ls
1902 ds e/; nf{k.k vÝhdk esa cksvj ;q) dh O;wg jpuk Hkh jkSFkpkbYM }kjk
gh cuk;h x;h FkhA bl ;q) dk mís'; nf{k.k vfÝdk dh izkd`frd lEink
ij vfËkdkj tekuk FkkA izFke fo'o ;q) rFkk f}rh; fo'o;q) dh ;kstuk;sa
Hkh jkmUMVsfcy leqnk; ds }kjk gh cuk;h x;h FkhA bl leqnk; ds
vkS|ksfxd ?kjkuksa us ;q) djus okys nksuksa i{kksa dks iwjh vkfFkZd enn igqp
a kbZA
gfFk;kj rFkk ;q) ds vU; [kpksZa ds fy;s vkfFkZd enn nsrs le; dgk tkrk
Fkk fd vHkh ftruk pkgs mruk /ku ys yks] ckn eas ykSVk nsukA
nqfu;k dks /kks[ks esa j[kus ds fy;s bl /kuh leqnk; us u 30 ebZ 1999 dks
gksVy eStfS LVd isfjl esa ^oSflyh ihl dkUÝsal* ds uke ls ,d ^oSf'od
ukVd* fd;kA bl ukVd ds }kjk 'kkafr ds uke ij oSf'od Lrj ij O;kid
laxBu cuk;s x;sA ;s laxBu Åij ls ns[kus esa rks yksd fgrdkjh tSls yxrs
gSa ijarq bu laxBuksa ds ek/;e ls xksy est leqnk; nqfu;k ij viuh lŸkk
tekus ds LoIu ns[krk jgrk gSA 'kkafr LFkkiuk ds uke ij cuk;s x;s
laxBu&fo'o oSd a ] ;wukbVsM us'kal] ,eusLVh baVjus'kuy] áweu jkbV deh'ku
vkfn rFkk ,u-th-vks- ds uke ls cuh laLFkkvksa ij vjcksa Mkyj [kpZ djds]
ekuo lekt esa ik;s tkus okys fojksËkkHkklksa dks c<+kus rFkk ljdkj ijLrh
c<+kdj vke vkneh ds drZO; vk/kkfjr vfHkØe dks vFkZ] f'k{kk] laLd`fr] /keZ]
v/;kRe] jkT;uhfr vkfn {ks=ksa esa fou"V djus dk dk;Z dj jgs gSAa
xksyest leqnk; esa Hkkxhnkj lHkh O;fDr blds vlyh edln dks ugha
le> ikrs gSAa vf/kdka'k O;fDr rks ^oSflyh ihl dkUÝsal* esa tks U;w oYMZ
vkMZj ds fo"k; esa 'kkafUr] lqj{kk rFkk le`f) dh ?kks"k.kk;sa gqbZ Fkh mUgha ls
izHkkfor gksdj viuk lg;ksx ns jgs gSAa dqN gh fof'k"V O;fDr gS]a tks vlyh
mís'; dks tkurs gSAa ;s O;fDr vUrjax lfefr ds lnL; gksrs gSAa
dqN lTtu vkSj bZekunkj yksx tks vUrjax lfefr esa ys fy;s x;s Fks
tc mudks vlyh edln dk irk pyk rks mUgksua s vius dks bl leqnk; ls
vyx dj fy;kA mnkgj.k ds fy;s ,d fe- fe- ,Mfejy psLVj okMZ tks
;wukbVsM LVsV~l esa ,d izfl) tt rFkk ,MoksdVs tujy vkWQ usoh Fks]
mudks Hkh vUrjax lfefr esa 'kkfey fd;k x;k FkkA vUrjax lfefr esa tkdj
tc mudk xksyest leqnk; ds vlyh edln dk irk pyk rks mUgksua s bl
"kM~;a= ls vius dks vyx dj fy;kA
lksfo;r ;wfu;u dk rkuk'kkg LVkWfyu Hkh jkm.M Vsfcy leqnk; dk
fØ;k'khy lnL; FkkA mldh 1942 esa ^ekdZflTe ,.M us'kuy DoS'pu* ds
vUrxZr ,aXyks] vesfjdu] dE;wfuLV [ksy ds izfr iwjh lgefr FkhA ml le;
bl leqnk; us fu.kZ; fy;k Fkk fd fo'o ds mu jk"Vªksa esa tgka gekjh igqp
a gS]
QwV Mkydj mudks foHkkftr djus dh uhfr cukbZ tkosA bl ;kstuk ls
jk"Vªh; vkLFkkvksa dks >Vdk yxsxk rFkk fo'o ljdkj ds fy;s vuqdy w rk iSnk
gksxhA bl uhfr ds vUrxZr phu] dksfj;k] fo;ruke] Hkkjr] :l] iSysLVkbu]
vÝhdk] bZjkd vkfn jk"Vªksa esa foHkktu dh uhfr cukbZ x;h FkhA
oSf'od "kM;a= ds lapkyu lw=
1930 esa foUlVu pfpZy us ;qjksi ds ns'kksa dks ;wukbVsM LVsV vkWQ ;wjksi
cukus dh ;kstuk ds vUrxZr f}rh; egkq;) dh Hkwedk cukbZ FkhA bl ;kstuk
dks thu QksLVj] jkWdQSyj] Mwysl] fudkyl eqjjsZ cVyj] dkjusxh vkfn us
vkfFkZd lg;ksx fn;k FkkA bl O;fDr;ksa us ;qjksi esa 'kkafr LFkkiuk dh ?kks"k.kk
djds f}rh; egk;q) dh Hkwfedk cukus esa iwjk lg;ksx fd;k FkkA 1946&47 esa
vius bl dkjukesa dk los]Z dkmflay vkSQ Q+kWjus fjys'kal ls djk;kA
bl losZ fjiksVZ ds vk/kkj ij foUl~Vu pfpZy ls fu"d"kZ fudkyk fd
oSf'od Lrj ij dsUnzh; fu;a=.k ¼fo'o ljdkj½ LFkkfir djus ds fy;s nqgjh
izfØ;k viukuh gksxhA fo'o Lrj ij ,d ,slk okrkoj.k cukuk gksxk ftlls
fo'o dk izR;sd jk"Vª vius dks vlqjf{kr eglwl djs rFkk iM+kslh ds [krjs ls
cpus ds fy;s ekjd gfFk;kjksa dk laxgz djuk izkjaHk djsA nwljk ;g fd vke
vkneh dh ekufld fLFkfr ,slh cuk nsuh pkfg;s rkfd og thou ds gj {ks=
esa ljdkj vkfJr gks tkosA
26 twu 1945 dks lsu ÝkaflLdks esa ipkl ns'kksa ds izfrfuf/k;ksa us ;wukbVsM
us'kal ¼U.N.½ pkVZj Lohdkj fd;kA ;g laLFkk xksyest leqnk; ds dkmafly
vkWQ QkWjus fjys'kal ¼C.F.R.½ ds vUrxZr cuk;h x;h FkhA
;wukbVsM us'kal ¼U.N.½ dh ;kstuk Qjojh 1984 esa Øhfe;k ¼Crimea½a ds
;kYVk ¼Yalta½ dkUÝsal esa foUl~Vu pfpZy vkSj LVkWfyu ds ekxZn'kZu esa izLrqr
gks pqdh FkhA bl ;kstuk dks #tosYV] Vªew us ] vkbtugksoj] vkSj dSuM s h dk
iwjk leFkZu FkkA ;wukbVsM us'kal laLFkku us foUl~Vu pfpZy dh fo'o ljdkj
cukus dh ;kstuk dks dk;kZfUor djus ds fy;s vusd vUrjkZ"Vªh; laLFkkuksa dk
fuekZ.k fd;kA tSls oYMZ gSYFk vkxsuZ kbts'+ ku ¼W.H.O.½ ;w-,u-
,u-ikWiy w 's ku QaM
¼U.N.P.F½] bdksukWfed MsoyiesVa ,aM ,uok;juesVa ] ;w-,u- ,u-,uokW;juesVa
s zke ¼UNEP½] ;w-,u- ,u-,std
q 's ku lkbal ,aM dYpj ykW vkxsuZ kbts'ku
¼UNESCO½A laLFkkvksa dh ;g lwph c<+rh gh tk jgh gSA
;s lc laLFkk;sa bl mís'; ls cuk;h tk jgh Fkha] rkfd ftUnxh ds gj
{ks= esa oSf'od Lrj ij dsUnzh; fu;a=.k LFkkfir fd;k tk ldsA yksd lkeF;Z
dks u"V djuk bu ;kstukvksa dk eq[; mís'; Fkk vkSj vc Hkh gSA bu
;kstukvksa dks vkfFkZd lg;ksx djus ds fy;s ^dkjusxh ,.MkmesVa QkWj
bUVjus'kuy ihl* uke dh LFkkbZ laLFkk cuk;h x;hA fe- fgl ¼Hiss½ dh
fu;qfDr bl laLFkk ds v/;{k ds #i esa tkWu QksLVj Myl ds }kjk dh x;hA
feLVj fgl dks tc ;wukbVsM us'ku~l dh vUn:uh ;kstuk dk irk pyk rks
mlus bldk jgL; mtkxj djuk 'kq: dj fn;kA fgl ¼Hiss½ dks bldh
ltk Hkqxruh iM+h] QyLo:i 44 eghus dh tsy dkVuh iM+hA
John. J. McCloy tks fd ;w-,u- dk ,d fof'k"V vf/kdkjh Fkk] mlus
crk;k fd ;w-,u- ds lHkh dk;Zokfg;ksa dk funs'Z ku dkmafly vkWu Qkjsu
fjys'kUl (C.F.R.) ds }kjk gksrk gSA mUgksua s dgk ^tc dHkh ;w-,u- ls lacfa /kr
ns'kksa ds fy, ljdkjh mPp in ij fdlh ize[q k O;fDr dh fu;qfDr dh
vko';drk gksrh gS] rks ;w-,u- ds }kjk mldh lwpuk rqjUr U;w ;kWdZ esa fLFkfr
C.F.R. ds iz/kku dk;kZy; Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street dks nsuh
gksrh gSA ogha mldk fu.kZ; gksdj dk;Zokgh vkxs c<+kbZ tkrh gSA bl izdkj
ls C.F.R. dk n[ky fofHkUu ns'kksa esa jk"Vk/;{kksa dh fu;qfDr esa gksrk jgrk gSA
T;ksu fcpZ lkslkbVh (John Brich Society) vesfs jdk ds laLFkkid Robert
Welch us 1970 esa ;qukbVsM us'kal ds fo"k; esa viuh jk; O;Dr djrs gq,
dgk Fkk &
“The United Nations' hopes and plans - To use population
controls, controls over scientific and technological developments,
control over arms and military strength of individual nations,
control over education, control over health and all the control it can
gradually establish under all of the different excuses for
International jurisdiction that it can device. These variegated
separate controls are to become components of the gradually
materialising total control that it expects to achieve by pretense,
deception, persuation, beguilement and falsehoods, while the
enforcement of such controls by brutal force and terror is also
getting under way.
“That is what the United Nations was always intended to do, that
is what it was created to do, that is what it is now doing.”
-David Icke
,.M ;w 'kSy fc lsV Ýh iqLrd ds ys[kd us vius v/;;u o vuqHko ls
la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k ds fo"k; esa fy[kk gS %
la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k dk lapkyu djus okys vUrjax lfefr ds
"kM~;a=dkjh vf/kdkfj;ksa dh vk'kk;s
vk'kk;sa rFkk ;kstuk,a
la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k dh vk'kk;sa o ;kstuk;sa iwjh rjg oSf'od fu;a=.k dh
gSAa blds fy;s lke] nke] naM] Hksn lHkh uhfr;ksa dks bLrseky esa yk;k tkrk
gSA thou ds gj {ks= esa fo'o ljdkj }kjk dsUnzh; fu;a=.k dks Lohdkj djkus
ds fy,] tula[;k fu;a=.k] foKku vkSj rduhdh {ks= dk fu;a=.k] lHkh jk"Vª
ds 'kL=kL= rFkk lSfud 'kfDr dk fu;a=.k] f'k{kk uhfr dk fu;a=.k] LokLF;
lsokvksa dk fu;a=.kA dgus dk rkRi;Z ;g gS fd xksyest leqnk; ds fof'k"V
lnL;] la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k dks ek/;e cukdj /khjs&/khjs fo'o Lrj ij ,slh
ekufldrk cukuk pkgrs gS]a ftlls LFkkuh; yksd vfHkØe ij ls tuekul
dh vkLFkk mB tkos rFkk dsUnzh; ljdkj] dsUnzh; lsuk] dsUnzh; vFkZra= ds
fy;s vuqdy w ekufldrk cusA
&MsfoM vkbds 149&150
"kM~;a= dh izfØ;k %
,.M ;w 'kSy fc lsV Ýh iqLrd ds ys[kd us xksy est leqnk; ds lac/a k
esa fy[kk gS & fd bl leqnk; us mís'; flf) gsrq oSf'od Lrj ij vusd
ukeksa ls xksiuh; laLFkk;sa cuk;h gq;h gSAa bu laLFkkvksa ds lEesyu o xksf"B;ka
gksrh jgrh gSAa
jkm.M Vsfcy leqnk; dh ,d laLFkk dk uke fcYMcZxZ (Bilderberg) gSA
bldh ,d cSBd 1991 esa ckMsu&cMsu (Baden-Baden-Germany) teZuh esa
gqbAZ bl cSBd esa MsfoM jkWdQsyj] ;wukbVsM LVsV ds ize[q k iz'kklfud
vf/kdkjh] jktuhfrK rFkk m|ksxifr] fcy fDyaVu ¼tks ml le; vkdZulkl
dk xoZuj Fkk] tks fd cknesa jk"Vªifr gks x;k Fkk½] tktZ cq'k] dkuMZ CySd]
fcYMjcxZj] ftvksokuh ,svuSyh] uhnjyS.M dh jkuh fcVfjDl (Beatrix), Lisu
dh jkuh lksfQ;k] T;ksu fLeFk ¼fczVus ds izfrfuf/k½ vkSj Hkh vusd vUrja.k
lfefr ds O;fDr bl cSBd esa mifLFkfr FksA bl cSBd esa bZjkd ds fo:)
;q) dh ;kstuk dk tktZ cq'k us izLrko fd;kA fd;kA la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k dh 'kkfUr
lsuk dks vkg~oku djus dk fu.kZ; gqvkA fdflaxj us bjkd ij geys dks Bhd
Bgjk;k vkSj dgk fd tktZ cq'k bjkd ls ;q) NsMu+ s dh ;ksX;rk j[krk gS]
mudks lhËks la;Dq r jk"Vª ls ckr djuh pkfg;sA
fcYMjcxZ dh vxyh cSBd twu 1994 esa fQuySM a esa gqbAZ bl cSBd esa
1991 dh cSBd ds O;fDr;ksa ds vykok fe-ihVj Mh- lqFkjyS.M (Perter D.
Sutherland) tks fd xSV (GATT) ^fn tujy ,xzhesV a vkWu VSfjQ ,aM VªMS *
ds Mk;jsDVj Fks] mifLFkr FksA bl cSBd esa O;olk; ds lHkh izfrca/k lekIr
djds fo'o O;olk; dks xks xksyest leqnk; ds mís'; ds vuqlkj oSf'od
vkÆFkd fu;a=.k esa ykuk FkkA bl dke ds fy, Jh lqFkjySM a mfpr O;fDr
FksA bl cSBd esa uhnjySM a ds iz/kkuea=h :M ywclZ] ts- ekÆVu Vsyj] cdZys
cad ds ize[q k iz'kkld] fczVus ds Vksuh Cys;j ¼yscj ikVÊ ds½ vkSj dSUFk DykdZ
'kkfey FksA O;olk; ds {ks= esa bl cSBd us oSf'od O;olk; dks lalkj ds
dqN ize[q k m|ksxifr;ksa ds paxy q esa Qalkus dh ;kstuk cukbZ] ifj.kke Lo:i
dsUnzh; fu;a=.k ds i{k/kj m|ksxifr;ksa us m|ksx ds {ks= esa LFkkuh; vfHkØe
ij ,d fu.kkZ;d vk?kkr izkjaHk dj fn;kA
twu 1995 esa fcYMjcxZ leqnk; dh cSBd fLoV~tjyS.M ds oxZuLVksd esa
rhu gksVyksa esa vyx&vyx gqbAZ ;s cSBdsa cgqr gh xksiuh; j[kh xbZ FkhA vc
rd dh cSBdksa esa tks O;fDr mifLFkr gksrs Fks muesa ls vf/kdka'k vUnj dh
;kstukvksa ls vufHkK FksA 1995 dh bu cSBdksa esa lalkj Hkj ds os O;fDr
'kkfey Fks tks yksd dY;k.k dh Nk;k rFkk fo'o 'kkafr o fodkl ds mn~?kks"k
dh xat w dk Hkze iSnk djds fo'o&rkuk'kkgh ds i{kËkj FksA MsfoM vkbds
fLoV~tjyS.M dh bl cSBd dh tkudkjh gkfly djus ds fy;s oxZuLVkWd
rd igqp a rks x;s] ysfdu ogka tkdj mUgksua s tks ns[kk mUgha ds 'kCnksa esa bl
izdkj gS &
ÞfLoV~tjyS.M esa tc fcYMjcxZ dh cSBd gks jgh Fkh rks eSa ogka Nqfê;ka
fcrkus x;k FkkA ^LikWVykbV* lekpkj i= ds }kjk eq>s bl cSBd dk lekpkj
feyk FkkA cSBd izkjaHk gksus ds dqN fnu igys eSa cxsuZ LVkWd igqp a kA lc dqN
ns[kdj fQj ftl fnu cSBd gksus okyh Fkh iqu% csuZ LVkWd igqp a kA ogka tkdj
D;k ns[krk gwa fd ftu gksVyksa esa cSBdsa gks jgh Fkh] muds jkLrksa ij iqfyl
dk cM+k l[r igjk FkkA lc lM+dsa can dj nh x;h FkhaA fLoV~tjySM a dh
iqfyl rFkk lsuk ds ds flikfg;ksa ls iwjh ?ksjkcanh dh x;h FkhA eSua s ,d iqfyl
okys ls iwNk fd D;k ekeyk gS] mlus /khjs ls bruk gh dgk & cgqr
xksiuh; gS] cgqr xksiuh; gSA bl ehfVax esa D;k gqvk] bldk irk ugha py
ik;kA eSa lksprk gwa fd t:j bl cSBd esa fo'o esa ,dN= vkÆFkd
lkezkT;okn dh LFkkikuk ds fy;s O;wg jpuk dh j.kuhfr cukbZ tk jgh
MsfoM vkbds i`"B 142
bl izdkj dh xksiuh; cSBdksa esa oSf'od Lrj ij dk;Zfof/k dk fu.kZ;
fd;k tkrk gSA b.Vjus'kuy eksuVs jh QaM ¼IMF½] vkxsuZ kbts'ku Qkj
b.Vjus'kuy bdksuksfed dksvkWijs'ku ,aM MsoyiesVa ] dkmafly vkWu Qkjsu
fjys'kal ¼CFR½] oYMZ cSd a ] tujy ,xzhesVa vkWu VSfjQ ,aM VªM S ¼GATT½]
OgyZM gSYFk vkxsuZ kbts'+ ku ¼WHO½] ;wukbVsM us'kal ¼U.N.½ vkfn ftruh Hkh
laLFkk;sa gS]a budk lapkyu lw= jkmaM Vsfcy leqnk; fofHkUu ukeksa ls djrk
gSA bu laLFkkvksa dk Åijh <kapk fo'o 'kkafr rFkk fiNM+ksa ds fodkl dk
fn[kk;k tkrk gS] ijarq budk vlyh edln nh?kZdkyhu dsUnzh; fu;a=.k dk
gksrk gSA
mnkgj.k ds fy;s oYMZ cSd a dk mís'; ;g gS fd fodkl'khy ns'kksa dh
turk dks ijkfJr cukdj LFkkbZ :i ls xjhch dh [kkbZ esa <dsy fn;k tkosA
fo'o cSd a fofHkUu ns'kksa esa cM+h&cM+h fodkl ;kstukvksa ds fy;s dtZ nsrh gSA
;s ;kstuk;sa okLro esa vke turk ls tehu Nhudj mudh cM+h&cM+h
vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa ds vkfJr cukus dh gksrh gSAa bl izdkj LokoyEch thou
n'kZu dks u"V fd;k tkrk gSA Hkkjr esa eYVhus'kuy dEifu;ksa ds ncko esa
vkdj ljdkj [ksrh dh tehuksa dk vf/kxzgj.k djds NksVs fdlkuksa dks
csjkstxkj rFkk ijkfJr cuk jgh gSA ;g oSf'od vFkZuhfr ds izHkko ls gks jgk
gSA IMF rFkk fo'o cSd a dk eq[; dke cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa ds fy;s Hkwfedk
rS;kj djus dk gSA ;s nksuksa vFkZ laLFkk;sa ftu ;kstukvksa ds fy, dtZ nsrh gSAa
mu ;kstukvksa ls LFkkuh; turk dk dqN Hkh fgr ugha l/krk gSA cgqjk"Vªh;
dEifu;ksa ds dk;Z dh lqfo/kk ds fy, fctyh rFkk lM+d fuekZ.k gsrq lgk;rk
nh tkrh gSA
fodkl'khy vkSj v)Zfodflr rFkk xjhc ns'kksa dks IMF rFkk fo'o cSd a ls
tks dtZ+ ;k lgk;rk feyrh gS mlls jktuhfrd usrk rks Hkz"V gksrs gh gS]a
lkFk gh cM+s cka/k] fons'kh izHkko] fons'kh u'khys 'khry is;] vk;ksMhu ued]
m|ksxksa ds fy, Hkwfe vf/kxzg.k] vkS"kf/k;ksa ds fo"kSys izHkko vkfn ds fo:) tu
vkUnksyu djkus esa Hkh xksyest leqnk; dh dksbZ u dksbZ laLFkk ijks{k :i ls
lgk;rk nsrh jgrh gSA ;gha rd ugha] xksyest leqnk; ds lnL; /kkfeZd]
jktuhfrd vkSj vkfFkZd fcUnq ij vkrad QSykus okyksa dks gfFk;kjksa vkSj /ku
lgk;rk djrs gSa rFkk budks nckus okyh ljdkjh 'kfDr;ksa dks Hkh 'kL=kL=
fcØh djrs gSAa
MsfoM vkbds us i`"B 235 ij fy[kk gS &
The International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) is there to intervene,
when poor countries in Africa, Asia and the rest of the developing
world get into Elite (Round table group) engineered financial
trouble. The idea has been to encourage and bribe the politicians in
these countries into reliquishing self-sufficiency in food and into
opening their lands to the multinational food and chocolate giants.
These countries began to export luxury cash crops to the rich nations
and to use that money to pay for imported food from those same rich
countries. Also the developing nations would export natural
resources to the rich nations at knok-down prices and then buy-back
(at inflated prices) the luxury products of the industrialised
countries made with those natural resources. However, these luxury
goods only go to the tiny, corrupt, political and economic clique in
these developing countries. The majority of the population go
hungry because the food growing land is occupied by the
multinational corporation. The Elite policy was to submerge the
poor countries in debt and take them over in the same way as was
done with the multinational and the industrialised nations. When
these governments find themselves in financial troubles and unable
to meet their debt repayments they go to the IMF to restructure the
repayments or offer more loans to pay the interest on the previous
ones. But in return for imposing more debt the IMF insists that its
(Elite) economic policies are followed. These involve cutting of food,
health and education subsidies and the exporting of more resources
and cash crops. The IMF tells all the developing countries to do this
and thus create a glut on the world market for these commodities
and the prices collapse.
bl izdkj ls IMF dh enn fodkl'khy ns'kksa dks vkfFkZd n`f"V ls
det+ksj cukus dk ijks{k "kM;a= djus esa lfØ; gSA
vkfFkZd uhfr;ksa ds lkFk eqDr O;olk; ¼Free Trade½ Hkh det+ksj jk"Vªksa ds
fy;s [krjs dh ?kaVh gSA eqDr O;kikj dk fu;a=.k oYMZ VªM S vkxsuZs kbts'ku
¼W.T.O½ ds }kjk gksrk gSA bldk dk;kZy; fLV~tjySM a esa gSA GATT ¼tujy
,xzhesVa vkWu VªM
S ,aM VSfjQ½ ds ek/;e ls tks eqDr O;olk; ¼Free Trade½
py jgk gSA mlls 'kfDr'kkyh ns'kksa dks detksj ns'kksa dk 'kks"k.k djus dh
NwV fey x;h gSA MsfoM vkbds fy[krs gS%a &
“The consequences of this can now be seen by all but the most
dedicated idiots. The media promotes free trade as a good thing and
protection as bad. They have bought the line sold to them by
economists, politicians and university lecturers and they sell it to the
“Free trade is the freedom of the strong to exploit the weak. It is
the means through which multinationals subsidised by their
governments via the overseas aid budgets and other hidden channels,
operate cartelism against the interest of the general population it is
the freedom to create dependency on a system which only the few
control and to use that dependency to manipulate at will, the
freedom to move production from high wage industrialist countries
to the street shops of the third world, the freedom to steal their food
growing land and to destroy the small aggrarion industries. In doing
this the Elite create anger, despair and division; the perfect
combination for manipulation.”
David Icke - p 237
jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; us fo'o ljdkj dk dsUnzh; fu;a=.k djus ds fy,
d`f"k Hkwfe rFkk d`f"k mRiknu ds {ks= esa gj Lrj ij tks ;kstuk izkjaHk djkbZ gS
mlus rks LFkkuh; O;oLFkk dh iwjh rjg dej gh rksM+ Mkyh gSA
d`f"k mRiknu esa gj vukt] Qy] lCth ds LokHkkfod cht laj{k.k dh
izfØ;k dks lekIr dj fn;k gSA Qlyksa ds izkd`frd chtksa dks u"V djds
uiqald chtksa dk izpyu izkjaHk djk;k gSA bldk ifj.kke ;g gqvk gS fd gj
Qly dk cht fdlh cgqjk"Vªh; dEiuh ds ,dkf/kdkj esa pyk x;k gSA
dEiuh ls feyk gkbczhM cht d`"kd dks gj ckj u;k ysuk gksxk] mlds [ksr
esa tks Qly iSnk gqbZ gS mldk Qy cht ugha gks ldrk] D;ksfa d og uiqald
Qy gksrk gSA Qlyksa ds cht mRiUu djus ds fy;s cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa us
,dkf/kdkj izkIr dj fy;k gSA d`f"k {ks= ds fu;a=.k dk dk vf/kdkj ikap
cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa dks gS ftuesa ,aXyks Mp tkbaV ;wfufyoj dEiuh
fcYMjoxZ leqnk; dh gSA nwljh dEiuh uSLys dkjiksj's ku fLotV~tjyS.M dhA
bl izdkj ls d`f"k {ks= esa cht] [kkn] ikuh vkSj VªDS Vj dks dsUnzh; fu;a=.k
dk ek/;e cuk fn;k gSA [ksrh ds lkFk&lkFk xkSo'a k ds mRiknu esa Hkh
cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ka viuk n[ky tekus ds fy;s ns'kh xkso'a k dks u"V djds
fons'kh uLyksa dk foLrkj dj jgh gSA iztuu esa Hkh ijkoyEch cuk fn;k gSA
lkjh izfØ;k dsUnzh; fu;a=.k dh fn'kk esa tk jgh gSA dsUnzh; fu;a=.k dh
Ø;k ,d ,slk ;q) gS tks ijks{k :i ls gj {ks= esa Lok;Ÿk thou dks u"V
dj jgk gSA
"kM~;a=dkjh ?kVd %
fo'o ljdkj }kjk dsUnzh; fu;a=.k dh eq[; lapkyu 'kfDr ;wukbVsM
LVsV~l vkWQ vesfjdk ls izlkfjr gksrh gSA ;g dsoy 18 ls 20 O;fDr;ksa }kjk
lapkfyr gksrk gSA ;s pqus gq;s O;fDr ugha gSAa budh laLFkk;sa gSa ftudh 'kfDr
,l-ds jk"Vªifr ls Hkh vf/kd gSA bu laLFkkuksa us la;Dq r #i ls xksiuh;
dk;Z djus ds fy;s us'kuy flD;ksfjVh ,tsalh ¼NSA½ uke ls ,d laLFkk cuk
j[kh gSA NSA }kjk fuf.kZr lHkh ;kstukvksa dks CIA dk;kZfUor djrh gSA
CIA Hkh lkekftd Lrj ij ;wu kbVsM us'kal dks funs'Z k nsr k gSA
;wukbVsM us'kal ds ikl thou ds gj {ks= dks fo'o ljdkj dh fn'kk nsus
ds fy;s laLFkk;sa gS]a tks fd oSf'od Lrj ij tu leqnk; ds lh/kk lEidZ esa
vkrh gSA bl lkjs <kaps dk lapkyu ^^VSDl ,DtsEIV QkmMs'a ku flaMhdsV** ds
}kjk gksrk gSA VSDl ,DtsEIV QkmMs'a ku flaMhdsV dk fu;a=.k jkWdQSyj
QkmMs'a ku & jkWFkpkbYM QkmMs'a ku & dkjusxh QkmMs'a ku vkfn vkSj Hkh
oSf'od Lrj dh laLFkk;sa djrh gSAa ;s laLFkk;sa vUrjax ¼INNERFED½ ds uke
ls tkuh tkrh gSAa ;g innerfed VSDl ,DtsEIV QkmMs'a ku flaMhdsV ds uke
ls tkuk tkrk gSA ;g ,d xksiuh; uke gSA
NSA, CIA, FBI, NASA rFkk QSMjy fjtoZ vkfn ftruh Hkh laLFkk;sa gSa
budh vkfFkZd O;oLFkk ^gkMZ Mªx VªM s * vFkkZr u'khys inkFkksaZ ds O;olk; ls
gksrh gSA
u'khys inkFkksZa dk O;olk; jhxu & cq'k iz'kklu ds le; viuh pje
lhek ij FkkA ml le; tkWtZ cq'k dh rsy dEiuh tkIVk ¼ZAPATA OIL½
ds uke ls tkuh tkrh FkhA mu fnuksa CIA dk dksM Hkh tkIVk ¼ZAPATA½
FkkA tkWtZ cq'k dh tkudkjh esa CIA ds }kjk beke [kqeuS h dks gfFk;kj csps
x;sA [kqeuS h us dqN jde rks Mkyj esa pqdkbZ rFkk vfËkdka'k jde ekSjfQu
rFkk gsjksbuZ ds :i esa nhA blds lac/a k esa thu ft+xyj ¼Jean Ziegler½
viuh ,d iqLrd “Switzerland Washes Whiter” esa fy[krs gSa &
“With the expert assistance of the Swiss maganates as well as some
discreet help from the swiss secret service, they delivered American and
Israeli weapons to the Imam Khomeini. The Imam paid for some of the
weaponry in dollars but for most of it in drugs (Morphine base and
heroin). The Godfather of Turkish and Lebanese network installed in
Zurich turned the drugs into cash on the international Market. After
taking their cut of the profit the Godfather deposited the remainder in
numbered accounts that had been opened in the main banks and financial
institutions of Geneva and Zurich.”
bldk vFkZ ;g gksrk gS fd xksyest+ leqnk; ds lnL; lkjs lalkj ds
vke vknfe;ksa dks u'ks dh vknr Mkydj viuk 'kklu dk;e djus dk
"kM~;a= dj jgs gSAa bl "kM~;a= esa bZlkbZ /kkfeZd xq# Hkh 'kkfey gSAa blds
izek.k feyrs gSa fd vkpZ fo"ki vkQ dsUVjojh dk dk fo'oklik= O;fDr VsjhosV
¼Terrywate½ mudh lgefr ls vkradokfn;ksa dks gfFk;kj nsus esa 'kkfey FkkA
bZjku esa vkradokfn;ksa dks gfFk;kj nsdj mlds cnys esa u'khys inkFkZ ysus ds
fo"k; esa tkWtZ cq'k us Li"V #i ls dgk fd ge vkradokfn;ksa dks gfFk;kj nsus
esa iwjh dher ys jgs gSAa muds lkFk dksbZ fj;k;r ugha djrsA
pkSng o"kZ rd tkWtZ cq'k dh vUMjoYMZ MkWu vjksuks ¼Don Aronow½ ls
fe=rk jghA lac/a k Meyor Lansky Crime Syndicate ls jgk gSA ;g laLFkk
u'khys inkFkksZa dk O;olk; lkjh nqfu;k esa djkrh jgh gSA ;g dEiuh CIA
ds }kjk cukbZ x;h FkhA tkWtZ cq'k dh Zapata Oil Co- esa leqnz ds jkLrs ls
u'khys inkFkZ laxfz gr fd;s tkrs Fks] ogka os oSf'od Lrj ij Hksts tkrs FksA
^iSflfQ+d lh QwM* uke dh dEiuh ds tgkt+ u'khys inkFkksZa dks ykus&ys tkus
dk dke dj jgs gSAa
jkmUM Vsfcy
fcy leqnk; rhu dkj.k ls u'khys inkFkksZa ds O;olk;
ls tqM+k gS %&
1- bl O;olk; ls jkmUM Vsfcy dks bruk /ku feyrk gS fd mldh dYiuk
ugha dh tk ldrhA vjcksa Mkyj izfro"kZA bl /ku ls vius mís'; dh
iwfrZ esa ck/kd pquh gqbZ ljdkjksa dks fxjk;k tkrk gS rFkk vke turk esa
mFky&iqFky epkbZ tk ldrh gSA u'khys inkFkksZa ds O;olk; ls dek;s
/ku dk ljdkj ds lkFk dksbZ lac/a k ugha jgrkA bldk oS/kkfud fglkc
Hkh ugha j[kuk iM+rkA
2- u'khys inkFkksZa ds O;olk; ls lekt esa buds fo#) dk;Z djus dk
volj feyrk gSA u'khys inkFkksZa ds iz;ksx ls vke vkneh dk
vkRefo'okl vkSj iq#"kkFkZ {kh.k gksus yxrk gS] ifj.kkeLo:i u'khys
inkFkksZa ds fo#) ,d okrkoj.k curk gSA blls eqfDr fnykus ds fy;s
lkekftd thou esa n[k+y nsus ds volj mRiUu gksrs gSAa blls u'kk
fuokj.k dk;ZØe ds }kjk fuokj.k djus okys leqnk; ds izfr vkLFkk iSnk
gksrh gSA jkmaM Vsfcy leqnk; us u'khys inkFkksZa ds O;olk; ls tks
/kuktZu fd;k gS mlesa ls FkksM+s /ku dk vuqnku nsdj u'kk fuokj.k
laLFkk;sa lekt lsok ds {ks= esa LFkkfir dh tkrh gSAa bu laLFkkvksa ds
ekQZr lkekftd thou esa dsUnzh; ljdkj ds n[ky dk vkSfpR; LFkkfir
fd;k tk ldrk gSA
3- u'khys inkFkksZa ds mi;ksx dk pLdk ftl ns'k ds ;qod leqnk; dks yx
tk;sxk] ml ns'k dh uSfrd 'kfDr {kh.k gksus yxsxh rFkk u'khys inkFkksZa
dk O;olk; c<+x s kA vf/kd vkenuh ds ykyp esa ml ns'k dh ljdkj Hkh
u'khys inkFkksZa ds O;olk; esa #fp ysxh rks ns'k esa ljdkj ds fo#)
okrkoj.k cuk;k tk ldsxkA blls QwV Mkyksa vkSj jkt djks dh uhfr dks
cy feysxkA
u'khys inkFkksZa ds O;olk; esa CIA rFkk tkWtZ cq'k iwjh rjg ls lafyIr gSAa
tkWtZ cq'k rsy ¼iSVªkfs y;e vkW;y½ dk O;olk;h gSA bldh uh;r vjc
ns'kksa ds rsy ij jgrh gSA cq'k dh uhfr ;g gS fd rsy mRiknu djus okys
vjc ns'kksa eas vkilh la?k"kZ jgsxk rks mldk ykHk rsy dEifu;ksa dks feysxkA
blh uhfr dks dk;kZfUor djus ds fy;s xYQ ns'kksa ds vkil esa yM+us dh
;kts uk cuk;h x;h FkhA
tqykbZ 1990 esa yadkLVj gkml yaMu esa ,d cSBd NATO ds lsØVs jh
euQMZ okSjuj dh v/;{krk esa cqykbZ x;hA euQMZ okSjuj ¼fcYMjoxZ½ jkmUM
Vsfcy dk vUrjax lnL; gSA bl cSBd esa ^yanu fMDysj's ku* ds vUrxZr ;g
fu.kZ; gqvk rkfd fo'o lsuk dh Hkwfedk edk cu ldsA
líke gqluS vkSj tkWtZ cq'k dh xgjh fe=rk FkhA CIA dh enn ls ckFk
ikVhZ (BAATH PARTY) dks lgk;rk nsdj 1968 esa líke gqluS dks bZjkd
dk fMDVsVj cuok;k FkkA mlh cq'k us líke dks Qkalh ds r[+r ij yVdok
dj ejok MkykA bu ?kVukvksa ls fl) gksrk gS fd xksy est leqnk; fo'o esa
v'kkfUr QSykdj viuh fMDVsVjf'ki dk;e djuk pkgrk gSA
xksyest+ leqnk; dks fcYMjoxZ leqnk; ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gS] ;g
leqnk; oSf'od Lrj ij ;q)ksa vkSj vijk/kksa dks c<+kok nsdj fo'o ljdkj dh
dYiuk dks lkdkj djuk pkgrk gSA bl leqnk; es esa ;w-,l rFkk fczVus eq[;
gSAa bl leqnk; us bjku&bjkd ;q)] cksfLu;k la?k"kZ] bjkd&dqoSr ;q) djk;k
rFk ikfdLrku vkSj Hkkjr lcdks ;q) lkexzh nsrk gSA bl leqnk; dh ekU;rk
;g gS fd ;q) vkSj vijk/kksa ls tks vkrad iSnk gksxk] mlds lke/kku ds fy;s
lsuk] iqfyl rFkk
rFkk gfFk;kjksa ds fy;s vke turk dh ekufldrk vuqdy w gksrh
tk;sxhA ifj.kkeLo:i jkT; ds vkJ; dh ekax c<+x s h rFkk fMDVsVjf'ki ds
fy;s leFkZu feysxkA
"kM~;a= dh j.kuhfr %
;q) vkSj vijk/k rFkk vkrad vkfn ds }kjk vke vkneh dks xqejkg djds
turk rFkk laons u'khy O;fDr;ks
O;fDr;ksa dk /;ku eq[; leL;k ls gVk;k tk ldrk
gSA blhfy;s xksyest+ leqnk; us viuh uhfr cukbZ gS fd rkRdkfyd leL;k;sa
iSnk djrs jgks rkfd eq[; leL;k dh rjQ fdlh dk /;ku u tkosA lkFk gh
bu rkRdkfyd leL;kvksa ds lekËkku gsr]q yksd dY;k.k rFkk fodkl ds uke
ij dqN /ku nsdj laons u'khy O;fDr;ksa dks turk dh lsok esa yxk;s jgksA
bl uhfr ds vuqlj jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; us iwjh nqfu;k esa izfro"kZ vjcksa
MkWyj [kpZ djds tu lsok vkSj tu f'k{k.k] tukUnksyu vkfn ;kstukvksa dk
lapkyu djus ds fy;s NGO uke dh ,d iztkfr [kM+h dj nh nh gSA
jktuhfrd] vkfFkZd vkSj lkEiznkf;d {ks= esa vkrad QSykus okys rFkk
vU; v'kkfUr QSykus okys dk;ZØe dks 'kL=kL= rFkk vkfFkZd lgk;rk nsdj
eq[; leL;kvksa ls /;ku gVkus dk dk;Z fcYMjoxZ leqnk; cM+h lQyrkiwod Z
dj jgk gSA
;wukbVsM us'kal uke dh laLFkk dk rst+ th+ ls foLrkj gks jgk gSA ^;wukbVsM
us'kal* us thou ds gj {ks= dks izHkkfor djus okyh oSf'od laLFkkvksa dk tky
lkjh nqfu;k esa QSyk fn;k gSA LokLF;] d`f"k] f'k{kk] laLd`fr] foKku] /keZ] cSda ]
i;kZoj.k] vFkZ] jktuhfr vkfn lHkh fo"k;ksa ls lacfa /kr leL;kvksa ds lek/kku
gsrq oSf'od Lrj ij ^;wukbVsM us'kal* laLFkk dk;Z dj jgh gSA tks O;fDr
;wukbVsM us'kal dh laLFkkvksa ls tqM+sa gSa os le>rs gSa fd os lekt fgr ds
fy;s dk;Z dj jgs gSAa os ;g ugha tkurs fd ^;wukbVsM us'kal* ds [ksy esa
mudk vfLrRo ek= ,d dBiqryh tSlk gSA bl laLFkk dk okLrfod mís';
insZ ds ihNs fNik gSA bldk okLrfod mís'; jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; ;k
fcYMjoxZ leqnk; ds mís'; dks lkdkj djus dk gSA vUrksxRok ;ksjksfi;u
;wfu;u tks fd vHkh rd ,d HkqyHkqy; S k tSlh laLFkk gS] mlds vUrxZr
dsUnzh; lŸkk rFkk dsUnzh; lapkyu dks laHko cukus dk dk;Z ;wukbVsM us'kal
dks djuk gSA ;ksjksfi;u ikfyZ;kesVa ds v/;{k DykSl gSUlp ¼Claus Hanch½
us ;ksjksfi;u U;wtisij esa ebZ 1995 esa dgk Fkk fd ;wukbVsM us'kal dk
;ksjksfi;u ;wfu;u ds lkFk /kfu"B lac/a k gSA oSf'od Lrj ij dsUnzh; fu;a=.k
rFkk fo'o ljdkj ds fy;s vuqdy w rk iSnk djuk bldk eq[; dk;Z gSA fo'o
ljdkj] fo'o] cSd a ] fo'o eqnzk] fo'o lsuk dh LFkkiuk ds fy;s ifjfLFkfr
fuekZ.k djuk ;wukbVsM us'kal dk vkUrfjd mís'; gSA
dsUnzh; fu;a=.k o dsUnzh; lapkyu dk dk;Z /khjs&/khjs Øe ls dj djuk
uk gSA
/khjs&/khjs] 'kkafriwodZ ] xksiuh; <ax ls dk;Z lapkyu djus dh uhfr ds vk/kkj
ij dk;Zi)fr cuk;h x;h gSA bl dk;Z dks lQy djus ds fy;s ,d
^VªkbZyVs jy deh'ku* cuk;k x;k gSA blds }kjk ;wukbVsM LVsVl~] ;ksjksi vkSj
tkiku ds mu fof'k"V O;fDr;ksa dk la;kstu djuk gS tks jkmUM Vsfcy dh
;kstuk dks lkdkj djus esa lg;ksxh cusAa dkWeu oSYFk ds HkwriwoZ ea=h lj Jh
nŸk jkeQy us tuojh 1995 esa bUVjus'kuy MsoyiesVa dkUÝsal okf'kaxVu esa
dgk Fkk fd ;wukbVsM us'kal dks vf/kdkj fn;k tkos fd og oSf'od Lrj ij
dk;Z djus ds fy;s fy;s oSf'od VSDl laxgz dj ldsA dkUÝsal us bls ekU; fd;k
ftusok o fLoV~tjyS.M dh cSBdksa esa Jh jkeQy dks deh'ku vkWu
Xykscy xouZeVsa dk mik/;{k euksuhr fd;k x;k FkkA mUgksua s dgk Fkk fd
“One World Government” dh ?kks"k.kk djus dk le; vk jgk gS] D;ksfa d
gedks vc fo'o esa blds fy;s i;kZIr leFkZu fey jgk gSA ;wukbVsM us'kal
dk tUe lSu ÝkaflLdks esa gqvk FkkA blds tUenkrkvksa esa tktZ lqYVt
fdflaxj ,lksfl,'ku] tkWtZ cq'k] ekjxzVs Fkzp
s j] vy xksj]s Xykscy U;wt pSuy
ds ekfyd VsM VuZj vkfn ize[q k FksA xksokZpkso QkmMs'a ku us bldh #i js[kk
rS;kj dh FkhA
vc rd UN ds vkB ize[q k fu;qDr fd;s tk pqds gSa & 1- fMXosyh 2-
gselZ DtksYM 3- ;wFkkUV 4- D;wVZ okYVhe 5- isjt s ns dqb;kj 6- cqrjksl ?kkyh
7- dkSQh vUuku 8- cku dh ewuA
JhnŸk jkeQy us ;wukbVsM us'kal ds vUrxZr ^^bdksukWfed flD;ksfjVh
dkmafly** dh LFkkiuk djds vkfFkZd uhfr;ksa ds fy;s ,d dsUnzh; laLFkk
?kksf"kr dj nhA oYMZ cSda ] bUVjus'kuy ekWfuVjh QaM ¼IMF½] vkxsuZ kbts'ku
vkWQ bdksukWfed dksvkWijs'ku ,aM MsoyiesVa ¼OECD½] cSd a vkWQ bUVjus'kuy
lsVyesVa ~l uke dh laLFkk;sa vkfFkZd fMDVsVjf'ki LFkkfir djus esa lg;ksxh
dk dk;Z dj jgh gSAa bl <kaps dks [kqys #i esa 'kfDr'kkyh cukus ds fy;s
oYMZ VªM s vkxsuZ kbt'ku ¼WTO½ rFkk tujy ,xzhesVa vkWu VªM s ,aM VSfjQ+
¼GATT½ dh LFkkiuk dh x;h gSA bu lc laLFkkvksa ds }kjk oSf'od Lrj ij
vke turk dk vekuoh; rjhdksa ls Hkh 'kks"k.k izkjaHk gks x;k gSA ;s laLFkk;sa
vkfFkZd lkezkT;okn rFkk vUrjkZ"Vªh; eqnzk ds fy;s okrkoj.k cukus dk dk;Z
lQyrkiwod Z dj jgh gSAa bl izfØ;k ls fcuk xksyh pyk;s ;k fcuk ;q) fd,
vkfFkZd lkezkT;okn dh tM+sa xgjh
xgjh terh pyh tk jgh gSAa
bl vkfFkZd lkezkT; dh izfØ;k us oSf'od Lrj ij vke vkneh rFkk
fodkl'khy o fiNM+s ns'kksa dks ijkoyEch cukdj xjhch vkSj Hkw[kejh ds xM~<s
esa >ksd
a fn;k gSA lkjs lalkj esa /ku dqN gh yksxksa dh frtksjh esa can gks jgk
gSA lkFk gh Hkz"Vkpkj
"Vkpkj rFkk vuSfrd rjhdksa ls Ëku dekus dks c<+kok fey jgk
fo'o Lrj ij jkmaM Vsfcy leqnk; us viuh fof'k"V lsuk dk laxBu
;wukbVsM us'kal ds vUrxZr djuk izkajHk dj fn;k gSA 'kkafr lsuk ds #i esa
fo'o lsuk dk #i fodflr gks jgk gSA xYQ+ ;q) esa 1991 esa ;wukbVsM us'kal
ds >aMs ds lkFk ^uSVks* ns'kksa ds lg;ksx ls 'kkafr lsuk dk izkjaHk gks pqdk gSA
;wukbVsM us'ku ds egkea=h Mk- cqrjksl ?kkyh ¼Dr. Boutrus Gali½ us 1992 esa
fcYMjoxZ leqnk; dh cSBd esa gSujh fdflaxj ds 'kCnksa dks nqgjkrs gq;s dgk
Fkk fd ;wukbVs
kbVsM us'kal dh viuh ,d lsuk gksuh pkfg;s ftldk lapkyu
lh/kk ;w-,u-
,u- ds }kjk gksA Jh nŸk jkeQy th us Hkh bldk leFkZu fd;k FkkA
orZeku esa ;wukbVsM us'kal dh egkea=h cku dh ewu gSAa
;wukbVsM us'kal dh bl lsuk ds dk;Z ds fo"k; esa Li"V #i ls dgk x;k
Fkk fd ;g lsuk fo'o esa 'kkafr LFkkfir djus esa lHkh jk"Vªksa dks lg;ksx
djsxhA lkFk gh fo'o ljkdj dh uhfr;ks]a dsUnzh; cSd a ] dsUnzh; eqnzk vkSj
dsUnzh; 'kklu lŸkk vkfn dk fojks/k djus okys jk"Vªksa dks fu;a=.k esa j[kdj
lg;ksx djus ds fy;s rS;kj djsxh rkfd lsuk ds [kpksZa esa mudh fgLlsnkjh
Hkh jgsA bldk fjglZy xYQ+ ;q) esa gks pqdk gSA
fo'o lsuk dh enn ds fy;s ^^QSMjy ,etjtsalh eSutesVa ,tsalh**
¼FEMA½ dh jpuk dh x;h gSA VªkbysVjy deh'ku ds izFke ds O;fDr
izslhMsVa fteh dkVZj us bldh ?kks"k.kk djds ;wukbVsM LVsV~l ds fy;s lqj{kk
dk 'kL= fn;kA
5 fnlacj 1995 ds “The Spotlight” ds vuqlkj U.N.-NATO la;Dq r
rŸoko/kku esa ^^,yhV jsfiM fj,D'ku dksj** ¼ARRC½ dk fuekZ.k djds pkj
cgqjk"Vªh; fMoht+u laxfBr djds 80]000 ¼vLlh gtkj½ VªIw l HkrhZ fd;s x;sA
bl QkSt ds dekaMj & bu & phQ ^lj tsjhfe eSdUs th* ¼Sir Jeremy
Mackenzi½ ¼tks fd fczfV'k lsuk esa ysfVusV a tujy Fks½ dks fuq;Dr fd;k
x;kA bl rjg jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; us fo'o lsuk dh cqfu;kn Mky nh gSA
jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; tks viuh fxurh fo'o ds fof'k"V O;fDr;ksa esa
djrk gS] fofHkUu
fofHkUu ukeksa ls tkuk tkrk gSA bl fof'k"V leqnk; us fo'o ij
viuk fu;a=.k j[kus ds fyl fo'o cSd a ] fo'o dks"k] fo'o eqnzk] fo'o lsuk
vkSj fo'o ljdkj dh LFkkiuk djus dk mís'; cuk;k gSA bl mís'; dh iwfrZ
ds fy;s fo'o Lrj ij vf/kdkj vk/kkfjr] ijLij Li/kkZ ls flafpr] fpr] Hk; vkSj
vkrad ds vlqjf{kr okrkoj.k es]a Hkksx iz/kku thou n'kZu dh Nk;k es]a
LokFkZey w d] QwV Mkyks jkT; djks dh uhfr dks viuk dj vusd izdkj ds
izn"w k.kksa o fo"kerkvksa dks tUe fn;k gSA budh ;g uhfr blfy;s izHkkoh gks
jgh gS D;ksfa d bl uhfr dk ckgjh Lo:i lsok vkSj fodkl dh ehBh pk'kuh
esa ixk gqvk gSa bl uhfr us vke vkneh ds vkRefo'okl vkSj Lokoyacu ij
fu.kkZ;d vkØe.k fd;k gSA laons u'khy cqf)ekuksa dks lsok vkSj fuekZ.k ds
'kCnkMEcj esa Qalkdj xqejkg fd;k gSA /kkfeZd xq#vksa dks oSHko'kkyh
ped&ned esa Qalkdj vkRefoLe`r dj fn;k gSA jktusrkvksa dks rkRdkfyd
jkT;kf/kdkj dk vkd"kZ.k fn[kkdj vke turk dks tkfr] ËkeZ] vxM+k&fiNM+ksa
vkfn ds tky esa Qalkdj QwV Mkyus esa lg;ksxh cuk;k gSA vfHkusrkvks]a
[ksy&f[kykfM+;ks]a fo'o lqna fj;ksa vkfn dks laLd`fr o eukjatutu dk ysfcy
yxkdj foykflrk ds mRiknksa dk foKkiu djkdj daT;wefjTe vkSj cktkjokn
dks izfrf"Br fd;k tkrk gSA LokLF; ds {ks= esa QkLV QwMks]a fMCckcan [kk|ks]a
dksdkdksyk vkfn is; inkFkksZa ds izpyu rFkk jklk;fud [kkn o jklk;fud
dhVuk'kdksa ds mi;ksx ls u;s&u;s u;s jksx iSnk djds muds fuokj.k gsrq fo"kSyh
vkS"kfËk;ksa dk izpkj gks jgk gSA d`f"k {ks= esa cht] [kkn] ikuh vkfn ij
cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa ds ,dkf/kdkj dks c<+kdj fdlku vkSj [ksrh dks ijkoyach
cuk;k gSA ekjd gfFk;kjksa ds cnys u'khys inkFkksZa ds O;olk; ij rks ;wukbVsM
us'kal dk iwjk <kapk gh [kM+k gSA
jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; ds fof'k"V O;fDr;ksa dk O;olk; 'kL=kL= dk
fuekZ.k rFkk [kfut rsyksa dh fcØh dk gSA vkradoknh rFkk vijkËk txr ds
MkWUl vUn:uh rkSj ij buls tqM+s gq;s gSAa blfy;s Li"V #i ls dgk tk
ldrk gS fd xksyest leqnk; ds fof'k"V egkiq#"k ekuo lekt ds fy;s
dyad gh fl) gks jgs gS]a bu HkVds gq;s thoksa dks lgh jkLrk fn[kkus dh
t#jr gSA
"kM~;a= dk f'kdkj Hkkjr %
Hkkjr esa drZO; vk/kkfjr] ikjLifjdrk ls flafpr] fuHkZ;] fu"i{k] fuyksHZ krk
ds okrkoj.k esa la;fer
fer thou n'kZu dh Nk;k es]a ijekFkZ ewyd] lgdkjh
lk>snkjh dh fo'oca/kqRo LFkkfir djus dh uhfr dk O;ogkj ekuo thou dks
lq[kh vkSj le`) cukus dh fn'kk esa izxfr dj jgk FkkA bl le`)'kkyh thou
n'kZu dks xksyest leqnk; ds fof'k"V egkqi#"kksa us fod`r djus dk "kM;a"kM;a=
jpk gSA
jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; ds fy;s Hkkjrh; thou n'kZu dh cqfq u;kn pqukSrh
cuh gqBZ FkhA bl le`) thou n'kZu dh cqfu;kn esa lgt] LokHkkfod]
vkilnkjh] Lo;alsok] vkRefuHkZjrk] Lokoyacu] lgdkjh lk>snkjh dh drZO;
vk/kkfjr O;oLFkk izxfr dj jgh FkhA Hkkjr dh izifz lf) lksus dh fpfM+;k ds
#i esa gksrh jgh Fkh] blfy, vusd yqVsjs Hkkjr esa vk;sA Hkkjr dHkh fdlh
ns'k dks ywVus ugha x;kA fczfV'k lkezkT;okn us QwV Mkyksa vkSj jkt djks dh
uhfr dk vuqlj.k djds lkjh nqfu;k esa vius jktuhfrd mifuos'kksa ds #i esa
lkezkT; LFkkfir
LFkkfir fd;k FkkA vc le; ,slk vk;k fd tc jktuhfrd mifuos'k
j[kuk dfBu gks x;k Fkk] rks ;ksjksi vkSj vesfjdk dss dqN fof'k"V /kuh
O;fDr;ksa us jktuhfr mifuos'k lekIr djds vkfFkZd lkezkT; ds }kjk fo'o
ljdkj dh ;kstuk cukbZA vkfFkZd lkezkT;okfn;ksa dh fuxkgsa lew lewps iwoZ esa
Hkkjr dh fLFkfr dks j.kuhfrd n`f"V ls cgqr egRo dk ekurh jgh FkhA
blfy, fczfV'k lkezkT; us viuh jkt lrk lesVus ds lkFk&lkFk Hkkjr dks
vusd jktuhfrd fgLlksa esa foHkkftr djds Hkkjr dks detkjs djus dk
"kM;a= jpk;kA lrk gLrkUrj.k ds lkFk&lkFk foHkkftr Hkkjr dks bafM;k cuk
fn;kA Lora= Hkkjr esa ukxfjdksa ds e/; ns'k ds iqufZ uekZ.k dk vfHkØe tkx
jgk Fkk] bl LokHkkfod yksd vfHkØe dks lekIr djus ds fy;s bafM;u
xouZeVsa dks fodkl vkSj fuekZ.k dk ykyp nsdj 1948 esa gh Vªew uS ds }kjk
pkjlw=h d`f"k fe'ku dh LFkkiuk dj nh x;hA d`f"k fe'ku ds vUrxZr
vejhdh d`f"k fo'ks"kK vycVZ ek;j }kjk xzkeh.k iqufZ uekZ.k ds uke ij mrj
izn's k ds bVkok ftys esa ik;ySV izkts Ds V izkjaHk fd;kA bl ;kstuk ds fy;s
QksMZ QkmaM's ku ds rRdkyhu v/;{k iky gkQeSu us Hkkjr esa vejhdh jktnwr
psLVj ckosYl dh ns[kjs[k esa nks vjc vejhdh Mkyj [kpZ djus dk y{;
cuk;kA blds ckn QksMZ QkmaM's ku dh enn ls 2 vDVwcj 1952 dks
lkeqnkf;d fodkl dk;ZØe rFkk Hkkjr lsod lekt dh LFkkiuk dh x;hA
Lora=k ds izFke mRlkg esa jk"Vª fuekZ.k gsrq tks yksd vfHkØe tx jgk Fkk]
QksMZ QkmMs'a ku ds Ëku us mldh Hkw.z k gR;k gh dj nh] lkezkT;oknh fons'kh
rkdrsa ;gh pkgrh FkhA
QksMZ QkmMs'a ku ds vykok vejhdh rsy lezkV jkWdQsyj QkmMs'a ku]
LVhy lezkV dkjusxh QkmMs'a ku vkfn us Hkkjr dks viuk fu'kkuk cukdj
Lo;alsoh laLFkkvksa ds ds ekQZr Hkkjr dh lkaLd`frd] /kkfeZd vkSj vkË;kfRed
laLFkkvksa dks iznfw "kr djds vkfFkZd lkezkT;okn dks tuthou esa izo's k djus
dk tky cquuk izkjaHk dj fn;kA Hkkjr esa vkUrfjd dyg iSnk djus ds fy;s
uxkySM a esa ekbdy LdkWV ds }kjk cSifVLV fe'ku LFkkfir fd;k x x;kA
;kA 1964
esa ukxkySM a ihl fe'ku dh LFkkiuk gqbAZ bu nksuksa laLFkkvksa ds ek/;e ls
C.I.A. us us vkWijs'ku czãiq= izk jaHk djk;k FkkA ifj.kkeLo:i Lora=
ukxkySM a dh ekax iSnk gks x;h FkhA
QksMZ vkSj jkWdQSyj QkmMs'a ku us 1960 rd Hkkjr esa ipkl djksM+
vejhdu MkWyj [kpZ djds LokLF;] f'k{kk rFkk lkaLd`frd laLFkkvksa esa dsUnzh;
ljdkj ds dsUnzh; fu;a=.k gsrq ewd leFkZu izkIr fd;kA
Hkkjr esa fofHkUu izdkj ds erHksnksa rFkk fojks/kkHkklksa dks c<+kus ds fy;s
vokMZ] e;kZnk] fcYM] bafM;u lksf'k;y bLVhV~;Vw ] yksdk;ku vkfn dks
bLrseky djds jkWdQsyj QkmMs'a ku tSlh vusd laLFkkvksa dh vkfFkZd enn us
yksd vfHkØe dks lekIr djds ljdkj rFkk fons'kh Ëku dk vkfJr cuk;k
gSA blds lkFk gh Lo;alsoh laLFkkvksa ¼NGO½ esa yxs Hkkouk'khy O;fDr;ksa dks
HkkSfrd lqfo/kk;sa nsdj iq#"kkFkZghu vkSj vkRefo'oklghu cuk fn;k gSA
QksMZ QkmMs'a ku dh enn ls tks lkeqnkf;d fodkl rFkk Hkkjr lsod
lekt dh ;kstuk;sa izkjaHk dh x;h Fkh] mudh vlQyrkvksa dk irk yxkus ds
fy;s QksMZ QkmaM's ku ds vuqjks/k ij Jh cyoUrjk; esgrk lfefr dk xBu
fd;k FkkA tc irk pyk fd turk dh Hkkxhnkjh u gksus ls ;kstuk;sa vlQy
gqbZ rks QksMZ QkmaM's ku dks cM+k larks’k gqvk D;ksfa d mudh enn dk mís'k
turk ds vfHkØe dks lekIr djus dk gh FkkA
1991 esa mnkjhdj.k dh uhfr rFkk xSV vkfn O;kikfjd le>kSrksa ls Hkkjr
esa cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa dk vkØe.k c<+ x;k gSA [ksrh] LokLF;] f'k{kk vkfn
{ks=ksa esa cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa ds izo's k us csjkstxkjh] xjhch vkSj vuSfrd
Hkz"Vkpkj dks c<+k;k gh gS] lkFk gh foykflrk dh thou “kSyh dks O;kid
c<+kok feyk gSA
"kM~;a= fujkdj.k dh fn'kk %
Hkkjr eq[; #i ls /keZijk;.k ns'k gSA ;gka dh lkald`frd fojklr esa
drZO; ijk;.krk dks eq[; vk/kkj iznku fd;k x;k gSA gj ,d dks vius
drZO;] vius /keZ ds vuqlkj vkpj.k djus dh izsj.kk Hkkjr dh eq[; 'kfDr
jgh gSA /keZ dk vFkZ ;gka iaFk] lEiznk;] etgc ;k fjyhtu ls ugha gSA iaFk]
lEiznk;] etgc ;k fjyhtu dh LFkkiuk fdlh egkiq#"k] egkxzFa k ;k egku
ijEijkvksa ds }kjk dh tkrh gS ijUrq ËkeZ] O;fDr] izdf` r vkSj lekt ds e/;
LokHkkfod lary q u ds O;ogkj esa ls izdV gksrk jgrk gSA /keZ fdlh dsUnzh;
lŸkk dks iksf"kr ugha djrkA dsUnzh; lŸkk rks /kekZpj.k esa ck/kk gh mRiUu
djrh gSA /keZ drZO;cks/k djkrk gSA tcfd dsUnzh; lrk vf/kdkjksa ds caVokjsa
dh cSlk[kh ij [kM+h gksrh gSA /keZ ;k drZO;cks/k ikjLifjdrk dk iks"kd gS]
tcfd vf/kdkj cks/k la?k"kZ esa gks gh tkrk gSA /kekZpj.k ;k drZO;cks/k
ls vko';d vf/kdkj lgt #i ls feyrs jgrs gSAa
fodflr lkekftd thou esa /keZ] vFkZ vkSj jkT; dh O;oLFkkvksa dk
Lo:i fuf'pr djuk gksrk gSA vFkZ vkSj jkT; ;fn viuk /keZ ;k drZO; Bhd
rjg ls ikyu djsx a s rks lekt esa lgt vkSj LokHkkfod :i ls lq[k 'kkafr
jgsxhaA nwljh rjQ ;fn jkT; lŸkk dk dsUnzh;dj.k gksxk] izkd`frd lalk/kuksa
ij ,dkf/kdkj djds /ku dk laxgz gksxk] rks vfËkdkjksa ds fy;s la?k"kZ mldk
lgt ifj.kke gksxkA bl la?k"kZ ds fy;s lsuk vfuok;Z gks tk;sxhA blls
lekt dh lq[k 'kkafr [krjs esa iM+ tk;sxhA lsuk ds fy, vL=&'kL=ksa dk
fuekZ.k gksxkA vL=&'kL=ksa ds dkj[kkus can u gksa blfy, ;q)ksa dh ;kstuk
cukuh gksxhA ;q) rks ges'kk ugha gksr]s vr% vkradh vkSj vijk/kh leqnk; iSnk
djuk vfuok;Zrk cu tk;sxhA oSf'od Lrj ij xksyest+ leqnk; ds fof'k"V
egkiq#"kksa ds }kjk 'kkafr LFkkiuk ds uke ij ;wukbVsM us'kal dh leLr
laLFkk;sa ijks{k #i ls dsUnzh; ljdkj] dsUnzh; lsuk] dsUnzh; eqnzk dh LFkkiuk
djds vkfFkZd lezkT;okn dks LFkkfir djuk pkgrs gSA bl ekuonzkgs h ;kstuk
ds lapkydksa es]a jkSFk pkbYM dkjiksj's ku] QksMZ QkmaM's ku] dkjusxh QkmaM's ku]
jkdQSyj QkmaM's ku rFkk leLr fcYMjoxZ leqnk; lfEefyr gSA ;s cspkjs ;g
ugha tkurs fd ;g ;kstuk vUrr% buds fy;s Hkh ?kkrd fl) gksxhA
fo'o ljdkj] fo'o lsuk] fo'o eqnzk] fo'o cSd a ] vkfn }kjk dsUnzh;
fu;a=.k dh O;oLFkk fdlh izdkj ls Hkh ekuo] ekuo] izdf` r rFkk lekt dks
lq[k&'kkqfr ugha igqp a k ldrhA dsUnzh; fu;a=.k LFkkfir djus dh ;kstuk
cukus okys jkMUM Vsfcy leqnk; ;k fcYMjcxZj leqnk; dks viuh ;kstuk ds
fy;s fdl&fdl izdkj ds "kM~;a= djus iM+ jgs gS]a bldk iwjk ys[kk&tks[kk
MsfoM vkbds us viuh iqiqLrd “...And you shall be set free” esa fn;k gSA
izLrqr ys[k dh vf/kdka'k lkexzh blh iqLrd ls gh yh xbZ gSA bl "kM~;a=
dks mtkxj djds "kM~;a=dkfj;ksa dh ;kstukvksa ds ckjs esa crkuk izLrqr iqLrd
dk eq[; mís'; gSA Hkkjr ds m|ksxifr] jktusrk] /keZx# q ] lekt ls
lsod rFkk
laons u'khy fo}kuksa dh tkudkjh gsrq pkj lkS i`"B dh bl iqLrd esa fy[ks
fooj.k dks laf{kIr djds izLrqr fd;k tk jgk gSA
izLrqr ys[k esa Hkkjrh; fparu dk lanHkZ Hkh fn;k x;k gS] rkfd fo}n~tu
jkmUM Vsfcy leqnk; ds "kM;a= dks tkudj rFkk Hkkjrh; fparu dh fn'kk dks
le>dj dsUnzh; fu;a=.k ds "kM~;a=dkjh izHkko ls ekuo] izdf` r vkSj lekt
dks eqDr djkus esa lfØ; gks tkosAa dsUnzh; fu;a=.k dk ;g dSalj vHkh izkjaHk
gh gks jgk gS] vr% izkjaHk esa gh bldk mipkj djuk le>nkjh gksxhA
bl izfØ;k esa viuh&viuh {kerk ds ds vuqlkj lHkh O;fDr Hkkxhnkj gks
ldrs gSAa Hkkxhnkj cuus okys dks fuHkZ;] fuoSZaj vkSj fu"i{krk ds lkFk gj
Lrj ij ns’kokfl;ksa dks iq#’kkFkZ vkSj vius drZO; cksËk ds fy, m|r gksus ds
fy, çsfjr djuk gksxkA
Lokeh eqDrkuan
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