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Okay, I'm a little leery about posting this setting because it's still something I'm working out

in my head...but here it is anyway:

Armament The time is the near future. The world has changed, drastically. For no discernable reason, random people all over the world began to develop horrible migraines and then, a day or two later, the migraines stopped but every person who had been struck by them was able to manifest, at will, a kind of psychic gun. An object of destructive energy that responded instantly to the invokers will. Some people manifested different forms of guns, which led to initial speculation that the invokers personality shaped the manifestation. Shortly thereafter the incidents of migraines increased exponentially and a week later, everyone on earth who had gone through puberty had a gun. The dispossessed and the downtrodden and the bullies and the bigots and the victims and the outcast and the scared and the brave and the criminals and the cops everyone. That guy who just cut you off? You know how you wished for just a second that you had a gun? Well you do. Sample Elements: A warlord has arisen, vowing to cleanse the world of the wicked. A sanctuary of pacifists who have sworn to use their guns only for labor. A mother protecting her children from a ruthless gang. A new way to harness the guns of the brain dead has been found, and every power in the world wants it. A new gun has manifested, in the worst possible way... someone has hit puberty, and their gun manifested in a ball of atomic fire over the city, laying waste to the city and its surroundings. .. but rumors persist that the invoker survived...

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