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Hazard Identification and Health & safety risk assesment

Impact/ Risk rating 3 4 3 3 3 3 6 6 probabibility 1 Severity 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Activity


Impacts of hazards

Unloading from vehicle or Unloading of sharp 1 container and edges boxes storing

Cut Injury

Lifting by chain Failure of Lifting 2 pulley system by Defects in lifting gears Gears manual operation

Hydra operation 3 and material lifting

Rash Vehicle Movement

Injury to work men

4 Crane operation

Soil and road condition

Hydra/ Crane tilt and falling down

Lifting Operation

Failure to comply legal requirement

Out riggers not fully collapse due to extended/ supported. instability

Defects in lifting gears material fall down / sling

Working at height Improper planning or near edge

Fall of person

Sharp edge

Cut Injury


Power distribution

Lekage of power


11 Rainy season

Worker Disturb

Fall from Height

Aspect/ hazard probability= 1 (unlikely), 2 (likely): 3 (very likely)

Severity = 1 (low impact/ First aid); 2 (medium impact/ major; 3 (high impact/ fatal)

alth & safety risk assesment

Control Measures

Allot sufficient of workmen to do the work. Safety helmets, hard hat and safety shoes should be provided to work men. Lifting equipment to be checked and lifting permit to be obtained. Use only tested and certified lifting appliances and gears, Monthly inspection of these gears by HSE engineers and erection engineer. Experienced and licenced operator should only be allowed to work, Driver shall be helped with bank men & helper, Vehicle should have reverse horn , Equipments and machinery to be tested before prior operation. Pre inspect position area of Hydra, Ensure area is compacted and fit to positin Hydra, Deploy only trained operator, Only certified Hydra having received TPI from concerned authority should be used.

Deploy operators medically fit, the crane should shave received TPI by competent authority. All lifting gears like d shackle, chain sling, wire rope should be checked prior to operation by safety engineer and competent authority. No lifting without supervisor and rigger. Barricading lifting area before hoisting operation. Extend out rigger fully, outrigger should rest on heavy planks, Remove obstruction in out rigger extension area. Only experienced rigger should be involved in activity, all sling to be checked before statrt of work, Check TPI certificate, Lifting permit to be obtained before start of work.

Only experienced and trained person should be allowed to work near edge, All observation to be made by Supervisor continuously. Full body harness to be always used, Medically fit person should be assigned such works.

Cotton gloves to be provided to all work men, First aid box to be maintained at site, All work should be continued under strict supervision by supervisor. correct rated metal plugs tops shall be used for taking power supply, Only electrician should give power supply to machines, Light post and other power operated tools should be removed after removal of power plug, Power operated tools and machineries to be checked by site eng and safety eng before deployment, All high powered equipments should have proper local earthings, Cables should be used without joints, Electricians should only handle electrical works, All electrical connections to be routed through RRCBs/ ELCBs.

Job safety training should be given to all workers, No workers to be allowed to work at height during rain, Strict supervision by contractor supervisor. Risk rating= 1-2 (low); 2-4 (medium); 4-6 (high)

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