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Orthopaedics-Radiology Meeting Unit Case Presentation IHU FirmB

A.D 30 year old female tailor Presented via clinic Right leg swelling X 7 months prior to presentation Initially of the lower right leg, progressively increasing to involve the foot Assc pain which was deep-seated, aching, severe enough as to prevent weightbearing Assc weight loss noticed No preceding trauma, no other swellings noticed in other regions, no similar history in her family Sought treatment from traditionalists, no improvement

o/e: Young woman, in some painful distress, chronically ill-looking, not pale, anicteric, afebrile Chest: Clinically clear Abd: No palpable organomegaly MSS: Fusiform swelling of distal 3rd of right leg extending to the foot, hard, tender, differentially warm Popliteal and inguinal nodes not significantly enlarged

Ass: Distal rt leg primary bone tumour ?Osteosarcoma ?? Giant cell tumour Worked up for wedge biopsy which she had 3 weeks ago Presently awaiting histology, on dressing of biopsy site Complains of severe pain, on analgesics PRN

X-rays: Loss of corticomedullary differentiation of distal rt tibia Destruction of cortex, hazy with poorly defined endosteal margin Extension from bone margins into surrounding tissues

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