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by CoPYRICHT1953 Foundation The walter Russell 1989 by COPYRICHT and Philosoph! The Universil] of Science



Authot ol 'l he Secret of Light 'l he Book of Early Whisperings 'lhc Message of the Divine Iliad vot. of the Divine Iliad vot. . lhc Message Your Day And Night Sr. icntific Answer to Sex

No NtI ol thistrcatisecanbeprinted in an| lotn \\'ithout|et nlission in \|ritin,r h] the Lln^,ersit! of Science and Philosoph:-. a:.ept in rapt:, edtatiatt ot a rnt"d in n,n'Tape^ nt nnSo:i't"\ vhichare hercb! permitred to ttint the open lexerinlul and u| to tenpercent of the treatise Ary rariatio f|om thieliminlion mutl be br arrengementwith the Unienit! ol Sciencearul Philosophr' It b stipulatedthatone coPr ofa4' sucheditorial article or reviet which is rcpinted lrom thir book shallbe sentb The Un;:.a]'liti ofScience




of Co'Authors Law. NaturalScience ll'nr Srudr Course in Universal And LivingPhilosophy At||rricSuicide? and Solution I lc World Crisis Its Explanation 'l lrr' l,)lcctrifying Balance PoweroI Man-Woman S.l.rtilic Answer to Human Relations

Author ol { lxl Will Work {!$ You But Not Ee! You l.llvr. A Scicntific & Living Philosophy of Love and Sex Whv Yorr ( annot Die! - Reincarnation Explained

(hisbook lir mv cleeplrilluminedwife. Lao. I dedicate rritI ir heartIilled rvithgratitude I()r her guirlingwisdomand r|lllL ss.indelatigahle work durinll the lastsix vea$ to make ll||\ |lrr\cntationpossible. As lhe NervAge of Transmutation slowly unfoldsits rrr'rrurrrll lor man. may Laos pervacling geniusbe lelt in tlr'\, \uf!ivinq $ords of thc millionswhich havehad to be rl' \l r(4 c(l rrhenlr'orkingalonewithout her Light in them. l\'r chrncc the enduring lesson of my beloved Lao s life (lcmonslrarion ,||r{l rrl|r. is it of the infinitely multiplied power \t lrr(lr {r,nrcsto evervman and womanwhom God hasfulll of I,|lr( rl r,'gclhrr in Spirit.givingto them thek inheritance of rhe Light which thev thusfind througheach lltr hirrfrl,'nr
r rl hi l

Walter Russell



C ontents
Page An Openlrtter To The World of Science . x Pedodic Charts of the Elements . . . . . . . xvr Acknowledgments Preface.. ...... xviii

A NewConceptof the Universe . . . . . . . . I Basic Misconceptions of Science ....... Miscoroeptionof Elect o-Mawtish - Misconceptionol Energt Mbconception ol Maner- -. - - -.... Misconception of Snbsunce in Mattel . Thc Secretof the Aees

6 8 9 11 t2

UndividedLight DividedLight

Elcctic Universe of Simulated Idea . l 4 Coulomb LawMisconcption . . ... 18 Eactrlc Unlvcn6 of Simulated




Vll Vlll IX

What is the Work" of This Universe?. .


Mystery XXI The Unknownand Unsuspected .........'11 of M agneti Pol c es ReciprocativeWorkingsof Oppo.ring 73 ... ............ Pol es and XXII The Illusionof ThreeDimensions H owT heyAppear ........75 78

ThisPolarized,Sex-Conditioned,Pulsing T h o u g h l -w a veUniver.......... se - .. 26 is the Basis of the PolarityPeriodicity on f M attr r . . . . . . . . . . . . - .. 2'7 C o n sti ru l i o

So-calledMagnetic Lines of Force . . . . . 29

XXIII T he Ear thi s N otaM agnet...........

XI The lnadequate Inw of Conservation

.. o i E n e rg y ... - ......,.. 32 ...., -. 34 Misconception XII Thermodynamic

and XXIV EveryParticleoi Matter is Both Cathode and AnodeJustAs Living BodiesAre ......78 Al s oD y i ng Pafticles or XXV ThereAre No Separate ...... El em ents . XXVI XXVII ........... C ur v atur ei s Al s oPol ar i z ed 79 80


Three and Fallacyof Newton's Inadequacy . . . .... . ... . 37 Laws a n dOn eHypothesis of Weight Misconceptions -.... - - -. 43 InitiolImpulse- -..... .. 45 Regarding The Two Waysof Life and Death - . . 47 What aleLifeandDealh-. -.. - - -.. 48 WeNo\4Retum to Newton'sOne-Way Mathenatics law andOne-Way -...49 Mathematics . . 50 The Fallacyof Newton's Factsof Nature . . 52 Two As-Yet-Unknown lnadequacy of Kepler'sFirst Law . . . . . . 54 the QuantumTheory . . .. .. . 57 Regarding Particles - .. . 57 SinglyCharged Regarding FutureScience Must Completely Revolutionize Its Conceptof Matter . . . . 60

EveryConditionof Matter is Dependent . . . .. . . .. 80 UponIts Opposite Condition.

XXV III Vihating Matter The Root Principleof .... .... .. 81 Atom i cStr uc tur e XXIX The Mysteryof Growth and Decay-And .........85 ofl i fe andD eath 86 T heM y s ter y of T i m e ............


XXX Oc tav e W av eC y c l e
W av e Oc tav e W heel ...

........89 .............90 ......92

Into The X XXI IntroducingThe Gyroscope is The Hub of the Gyroscope X XXII The Nucleus

65 of Mat(er XX The NewConcept Creation' PostulatedProgressively. . 66

Systems . . . . 97 All Syslcnrs Arc Exprn(ling I'otuht" . ............98 ............99 l \,.\tuh.'.


XXXIV Ob l a ti n S g p h e re s
S yste ms Wo b b l e F i rstS te p . S e co nS d te p S u mmcry .. E xa mp l e s . XXXVI



XXXV Unbalanced Atomic. Solarand Stellar

..- ......101 ....- - .....102 ........103 . - - ..... 105 ... - ..... f05

Wobbling Balance . . . 108 Cl roscopes Seek Bom How Gravitationand Radiation EachOther Povulate. E l e me n ts.


An OpenLetter To The World Of Science

(;cntlemen: ThisOpenLetterto the WorldofScience, accompanied is beingsent to Ity .r Treatiseon The RussellCosmogony, 350 members of our National Academyof uppnrximately Science and RoyalSocietyof London,100Universities, and .l(X) leadingnewspapers. This announcement with its new concept of Light, is a simpleyet Mutter, Energy.Electricity and Magnetism consistent and workable cosmogony which will complete, to visualizethe universeas ONE onuhlc future scientists WHOLE,andwill openthedoor to theNewAgeof TransmuItl(i(tn. Recalling the importantcontributions I have already suchasmy work in completingthe hydrogen mtdc toscience. of the existence of the two ocllrvcrnd my prior discovery givento the scientificworld in my two 0l0m bombelements TablesoftheElements. assures methatyouwillgive Porkxlic rcrkrusthoughtand attentionto these documents. makeit imperative Itrcscnl lhrcltcningworldconditions theweakest tliscloscs thc wirywhcrcby of nations lh0 icicncc ({n l)r()tccl of them and rendcr itscll fr()m(hc slronScsl scl|rrtttl nir inptttcnt. ntfuckhy frrrtrl.

109 |2 tt2. 119 122

PeriodicTable of the XXXVIT The Nine-Octave PowerCreating Processes XXXIX Industry's A re S ti l lP ri mi l i \e

X XXX The Secrct rrf Mans Power. . . . . . . XXXXI N e $ P \)\e rF o rsci e nce........... XXXXII The Age of Tmnsmutation - New


Concepts For Science and New Values 131 F o rHu ma n i ry


!l hat of Tomorrowl'

138 139 t4l 147

XXXXIV Wh1 Are We Here'.'

Epilogue b1 Lao Russell Diagrams . Erplanatory



ThLr ner;.knowledgewi give science tltispover. England could have been tendered immune from her devastatingbombardment had the world been reccptive to which I endearoredto give to thesenew scientific discoveries it when World War II $arted. Science.however. did make use of the two atom bomb elementsmentioned above.which I charted and copyrighted in 1926. metals The world needsnew metals.Many new rustless await division malleability and conductivity of greaterdensity. in vastquantitiesfrom carbon and silicon. fll esenill he.tounl t hen science cli.;cardsits concept of matteru[ beingsubstance. utnl ht'tttmt'.;avare o| the gyroscopiccontrolof motion $hich \f ill rllit th( aerhon tone into isotopesas a musical tone is split into thorlt.rotrd llat.r. ln thc chcnical elements.the sharpsand flats are isolopes.These can be produced by man in greater numbers than Nature has producedthem. for Nature doesnot begin to passed two octavesbeyondcarbon. split her tonesuntilshe h2ls There is a trcmendotlJ ctpponunity for the metallurght oJ tomorrow to creule ne$ metals in lhe carbon and silicon Of evengreater importance to the world in this crucial period is the production of unlimited quantities oI free hydrogen. ?"ir rdeal x eightlessfuel couLdbe transmuted from the atmospherc while in tr.nsit wilhout thenecessitl ol slorage capacit.t-. These are the important things which might now be known if Kepler's discovery had divulged the lacts of gec metric symmetry and dual curvature within the wave field. His law ol elliptical orbits evidences thdt he was on lhe verge of discoreting thdt four - nol I||o - magnetic poles contlol lhe dual opposed balance of this lrto-t''ny univene. With but twctmagneticpoles a three'dimensionalmdial univetse trould be impossible-A balanced of time inte^'aLsdnd sequence.r

unive\e must hare two pobs to control centripetal' genercdctiveforce, and tvo compenJatingpoles to conttul centifugal' rudioactive force. By means of such knowledge, science could rid the carth olfearofattack by any nation no matter how the attaok might come, whether by land, sea or atr. This new knowledgewillgive toscience the causeof all lhe ellects which have for centuriesofresearch deceivedthe oI scientific observers. scnses but h has Man has a Mind as well as having senses. in the building given preferenceto the evidenceof his senses ()[ his cosmogony. Man can reason with his sensesbut he e nnot know with them. Reasoningis sense-thinking- not Mind-knowing.Hehas alsoproducedellects without knowing Inclr cause. The senseshave not revealed to man that this is a \tthslancelessuniwrse oJ motion onl)'. Neither have they told him the principle of polarity which divides the unive$al cquilibrium into pairs of oppositely-conditioned mates to eleclric tuo-\ray universe r'rcl|tea sex-divided The time has come in the history of man when knovl' tdgc alone can save the human ruce. Man has for too long lcft lhc Creator out of His Creation. thinking He cannot be pf()vcn in the laboratory. Oocl not only can beproven in the laboratory' but becaute I lh. li(ls of that proof man cdn solve man! heretofore hirkhn ntysteties of the universe - suchas thdt ofthe seed and - the purposeof lhe inert gases U\t\t'th - life d d death cvcles recorrlers ol all repetitite eJfbcts - and the true tr th|trit ol dl() it slt1t(luP. lttt)(\,.r.r You might rcilson bly ask why I have withheld this yc rs. I hitvcnrtl withheldit. I tried in Inowlt'tlgt fr:rsontarry chartsof the whell I lilst prrblishcd vt|into givc it lltntt l()2(r

xv up to the beginattached. periodictablesherewith complete a laborator) ning of World War ll whenI tried to organize bombardmentgroupto saveEnglandfrom its unnecessar] of TheSociet.,andheldthe Presidency I alsoaccepled years forthe sole New York for seven of Artsarul Sciencesin based new cosmogony world this purposeof giving to the the to replace universe balanced upona twcway continuous, which is preuniverse unbalanced discontinuous, one-way a heat death. to expanding sumably Duringthis period.I lecturedupon the misconceived idea that hydrogenis the basic number one atom of the other that there are twenty-one periodictable.I explained itself is not a which precedeit and that hydrogen elemcnts but a wholecomplexoctave.I alsoexplained singleclemen( withoutan inert of therebeinganyelement thc impossibility my periodiccharts At thattime I distributed asits source. and universities. li00 scientists to approximately which yieldedso-called Furtherthan incitingresearch and heavywater,nothingcameof my isotopes of hydrogen those thecreditdueme.lncidentally, effort.nordid I receive elementsof but full-toned arenot isotopes isotopes so-called do not occur in group Isotopes y series. an orde octave Natureuntil theyreachthe octavefollowingtlle silicon(rtave. in our StudyCourse. for this are fully explained The reasons I wrote two books.gavemany lecturesand set up a laboratoryin a universityto prove that the demonstration but are differentlyelementsare not different substances pressures of motion- and that the structureof conditioned principle. upon the gyroscopic atom is based the under appeared As oneafteranotherof my discoveries editor of a friendlyscience actedon theadvice othernames.I until it wasfully to withholdanymoreof my newcosmogony and againcopyrighted. in wordsanddiagrams. completed It has taken many yea$ to so completeit that it is invulnerable to attack.but this hasnow beendone,and this present in briefasthewholecosmogony treatise isascomplete in detail. is complete acceptanoe o[ this revoluI do not look for immediate however, that tionarynewknowledge. I do hopeandexpect, grow ot science, it will within the consciousness the seedof and as I am nearing82 yearsof ageI feel it incumbentto announce the fact to sciencethrough this open letter and whichmy gifted wife, rrcatise that The Russell Cosmogony, into a year's StudyCourse of L o, andI havetogetherwritten 9.15 pages, and 182diagmms, is now com uncontradictable plcte. is nowbeingstudied all overtheworldand, Thiscourse will as seed,this new knowledge tlrroughour studnts the world. ultinrately transform It is with the deepdesire that a highercivilizationshall The day is to mankindrrriscthat I sendforth this message hcrc when Scienceand Religion must marry, or [hrough igroranceof God s Unive$alLawsmanwill perishlrom the c r lhwillrecognize thatthis Hoping thattheworldofscience cause for whichit has to basic tr'(.tischaswithinit the answer I am searching. hcenso krngand lirelessly yours, Sincerely

l.,.l, Mt

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No. I Chr* of the Elernenc, Periodic 176.fhe Russell Fioure

No. 2 Chort of the Elements, Periodic Figurc177.The Russell

x v l|l


Man) others to whomI owemygratjtude areDr. Robert Andrervs Millikan.Dr. HarlowShapley, Dr. WillisD-Whitney. MichaelPupin, thelateDoctors Leede Forest. NicolaTesla. and Charles llarvey Rentschler. and A. A. Michaelson. Kcttering.DavidSarnoffand GerardSwope.

There are many whom I have met on the long road to whom I owe much for open-minded interest. constructive help and sympatheticunderstanding. To thesemany friends I wish lo express my gratitudeIor helpingto smooth nrany r-()ugh sp()ls on n seemingly impossible road.and for throwing just rr Iittlc morc light upon someof its dark intenalsI lhcrcforc rhlnk Dr. Henr_rNorris Russellfor checking nryfilst aslrrrnomical chartsin 1922 - Dr. GeorgePegram for warningmc of the itrlpossibilin ofeverhopingtoforcesucha radicalchangein scientific thinking- Dr. H.H. Sheldonfor placinga laboratorJat my disposalatl'fte Nerc York Unirersity k) demonstratemy h!drogen discoveries - the Westinghouse Lamp Companylor giving me full use of its facilities for my gas transmutations.including their spectrum analyses - and the many who urged and aided hydrogen research which resultedin isolatingseveralof thosehydrogenoctaveelements shown on my new charts which were improperly named "hydrogen is()topes." I feel especiallyindebtedto the lateA. CressyMoffison for his vision and deep belief in my principles which he demonstraled by separating oxlgen from nitrogen.and carlsed The Union Ctrbide Comltdr] to change its basisfor producing hydrogen from coal gas inslead of the electrolytic processand to the late Thomas Edison for his more than passing interest in my ideas of polaritv and the nature of electricirt during my months of professionalassociation with him as his sculptural biographer.

my appreciation To theNen York TinretI alsoexpress lor the generous spacegiven for the many lettersfor and in the earlythirties, iu instmy teachings duringmy activities Two-Way irntl for namingmv cosmogonyThe Russell I lnirerse." I gladlyincludein my appreciation those distinguished Waldemar Kaempffert. sr'icnce writersWilliam L. Laurence. Behari Lal andthe lateHowardBlakeslrlrn O'Neil, Gobindi so unlike that to lcc. whoseattitude toward a cosmogony generthemwasalways whichtheir traininghadaccustomed 0us nd sympathetic. The attitudeof all men of sciencewith whom I have cvcr (liscussed my principleshasalwaysbeencooperative, of n||(l I hilve met manv during my sevenyearsPresidency for intolerance is the usual I hr S()det.r' ol Arls dndScience.r, nature to anyradicalchange. tcr(lion of human

Walrer Russell
I lt)\.1l


wasin the process Dr. Walter Russell .4 Bttef publication, his 1953 revising of 'l'reatiseon theRussellCosrn he when ogon1, noteswere Among his papers died in 1963. he contemtheediting f()und thatindicated plrred if c\cr new type had Io be sel for Ascanbereadily of thisbook. lirrur c cditions and not to 1() clarifY purpose was seen.his hisconcepls. change It is with profoundhumilityandgratitude that we submitthis new edition as a senlce anddevoted memorialtothe selfless who Dr. Russell. by to the world rendered to man_ ior thismessage wasthe instrument kind. and Philosophy of Science The University Wulter Ru'.'ell Foutdation fhc Fonncrlv Virginia 22980 Waynesboro, Swannanoa. 1989 November,


edition oJ Specialrevised *A BRIEFTREATISEON COSMOGONY" THE RUSSELL by WalterRussell

nce in a while. in long century periods,somevast new knowledgecomesto the slowly unfolding race of man geniuss, ormen of superthroughcosmically-inspired ofthe reality which lies beyond vi\irnr.who havean awareness of illusion. thi.,rrnivcrse 'I his ncw knowledgeis ofsuch a revolutionary nature in of thought,evenunto ll\ tinlc {)[ c()mingthat wholesystems obsolete. r,||tirc eosnlollonics,ilre rendered gives such nw inspired Whcn cach cosnric messenger one step human racerises world. thc wh()lc to the I rrlwlcrlgc from of rrnlolcling which reaches hrplrclon that Irng lrtrltlcr of Ittgirrrrirtg ts l n t ( )l h e h i g h h e a v e n s t h r' lrn t lk , ) l n t r r r r ' s ( ( i r \ n l i ( o , , r 1 \ c i , ' l l s n ( s i r s n ( i i l w i l r e n c s sf |llt irrirt (r' o r r l l , l c l c

3 by the Thus it is that man hasever beentransformed given to him "renewingof his mind" with new knowledge and through the Mahabharata since his early beginnings, such through Brahmic days, the early of Bhagavad-Gita Zoroaster,Buddha, ancientmysticsas Laotze,Confucius, Epictetus,Euclid, Mohammed, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates. utterly cosmicknowledge whose Moses,Isaiah,and Jesus, day of their the praoticeof humanrelations transformed of so-called Then dawneda new day of the gathering which is gainedthroughthe senses "empiricalknowledge," ol effectsof matter-in-tuotion by resedch and observation of inspiredMind in mther than throughthe Consciousness acquire meditation,which is the waythat mysticsandgeniuses their knowledge. methodof Sincethe daysof Galileothisundependable to multiply hasserved throughthe senses gainingknowledge him HOW to do man'epowers by teaching man'sreasoning of matter.but lous thingswith elecfficityand the elements WHY - or the tell the can great of science savant not one CAUSE- of his familiareiiects. matter or If askedwhal electricity.light. magnetism, "l not know." unswerci do is.hc frankly cncrgy notknowtheWHY-orWHAT does lfscicncc aclually ( followsthat it it necessarily essentials, -' or AtJSU- of these without knowledge. is,admiltedly. through k is rnerelyinformed- but iniormation gathered sense onlyEFFECTS. The senses isnot knowledge. thesenses is confinedto the CAUSEof EFFECTS. Knowledge arelimited to but a smallrangeof perception The senses andeventhat smallrange whichtheysense, of the EFFECTS and with the deceptions distortionscreatedby is saturated the illusionof motion. anyEFFECT to penetrate for thesenses It isimpossible of ilLuionis not \rithin tf) i$certainits CAUSEfor the empirical of so-called the entiremass i,//i,./. For this reason through which sciencehasgainedby reasoning knrrwledge is invalid. thc senses which form lrt us examine someof theseconclusions presnt theoryis all and see why theory thc hasis oi scientific to invalid,and why its entirestructurehasno resemblance I will now enumerate cithcr Natures lawsor its processes. theories. ronrcof theseunnatural

OF SCIENCE BASIC MISCONCEPTIONS l. The cardinal error oI science lies in shutting the ('rorlor out oI His Creation. for out of it the wholestructure, l hisonebasicerror topples of light, matter, energy, {ll r)f the other misconceptions and atomicstructurehavegrown. rlrclricity. magnetism ll rience knew whatLIGHT actuall! IS,insteado.fthe wates (nal rorpusclesof incandescent which'tciencenow thinks suns drise woud lt ltt,r new civilization frcm that oneJAd abne. milesper second, whichtravel at 186,000 Llght is not waves light travel at all. is, nor does science says it whlch 'fhc light of incandescent sunsis but an effectof one of the which pressure conditions electric lwrl cqually-opposd liquids surinto visiblesolidsand lnlcrwcavethis universe gases of space. toun(lcdby invisibl whichform the basis electricconditions Tltcsctwo opposite conditionof of matterarethe compressed ol thr con$litution of radiation condition prcssurc llnd the expanded ltrvity 'lhcsr are the equal_andplcrrurr'. lw{)clcclricconditions andwithout nlxkc nl(ni()n impcrative which rrl||lositc l)rcs\urcs h rr(ni(!ri\ inr)os\il)lc. whr(

1 large volumesof The positile electric condition compresses winding them up centrilight-wavesinto small volumes b-v petally into spiral vortices by thrusting in\rard from $ithor'rt. That is what gravitation is. The negative electric condition expands small 'iolumes ol light-waves into largevolumesby unwindingthem cenirifugally That is what into voiding equatorswhere matter disappears. radiation is. Radiation thrusts outwardlv hom $iihin to depolarizematter and void motion. The light of sunsand the dark of spaceare but two opposite constantlt. condjtionsof the samething. They interchangc Each becomesthe other sequentially. Science exchtded God .fr()n its .otltideration heco&seoJ the thdt God could nol be]lroren to eri\t b.t laboruton' supposition Thisdecition is unfortun\le fd'God IS lrrotuble br lahorulot-r' nethods. The locatable motionless Light which man mis but familiar.Light is the invisible. takenlycalls magnetism .. His univetse-- as we with it He controls which God IS and shrrll scc.

The weak point in this theory is the lact that lectro' magnetismis nol an existenl force irl Naturei nor are there rbclro-magnetic lields or magnetic fields. Wave lields are rlcctric - exclusivelyelectric. lilcctricitl is the only force wh ich God makesuseoI to create And the only lwo tools"God makesuseof for thisuniverse. ( rcnlingHis universe of mattcr and molion are two pairsol ol4xrsedspiral vortices.One ot theseoppositepars meetsat of matler and the rlrices at wave amplitudesto create spheres othcr opposeclpair meets at cone basesupon wave axesto voi(t both matter and molron. (See Figures 129 and 130' lrrg c 1 62 . ) electricspiral vorticesare the l lrt sc two pairs of opposed I'rrrieunits\r'hichconstructall matter.Togetherthey torm pressure lllr'clcctric \iaves of motion which createthe vari()us produce the many seemingly to rvhichare needcd ,','rrrlilions of \isible and invisiblematter. rlilfcrcnlclcnrents forceswhich I lcetricit! is divided into two equal'and-opposite universe. thfustir$ayfrom eachother to build this polarized Wherr inability to thrust away lrom each other takes its !(tlu(ntial turn in the pulse of the universalheartbeat. consists voidsall opposition.Thus this universe rlr.;rrl:rlization by gtowlh followed ol r.vt lcs ol life followed by death .. rk!irv. und generationfollowed by radiation eachexpressed f()reverwithout rlntulluncousl"_ and repeatedsequentially r,nrl. to be a and believes thlt which scicncecalls magnetism. still (( steel, is God's I' n Nhich hasthc powerof liftingtonsof anrl controlsthe equalityoI electric I utlrt whi(h halances all of the work oi this aloneperforms l)ttt rltvi\ror. elcctricitv 'l ttir( rsc. lrr nrrgn(lie Lighl which controlsthe universal lrtrlrrrrrr' ;r'r'lolnrsno worL whalsrrcrcr ) l l l l ( c l e c l r i cc t r r r c n l sl ( ( - i r l r s(e A l' : rr || r i r r r (t I i r ' k r r r I r r r r i l l i t \ i r tl i \ i rl ( t i | r t | l r | i zttl t o n r l i t i t t n s . r\h r(lr (l\ r , l , r ll l r : r l\ l ( ( l i r r l ( ,

Misconccplion of Iilectro-Magnetism
2. 'lhc I')insttin th(or| of the constitution of matter tonctivas thit unirerse to he "ona great ocean of eleclro' tnagn?tism,out of /'hich - and into u'hic'h" flotr the rtreams of graitation, iratter and energt'." mateof gravitation.withoul Radiation.the equafand-opposite which gravitation is impossible. is entirell ignored in this Iantastic and unnaturalconcept. Equall,vfantastic is lhe clairn of this theory that 'it is possiblc to havc gravitalionwithout matter."and 'lor spacelo crlst or *ilhout malter.' wilhoul .qravitv

6 of ils focal polesof stillnesswhich center its and not because two activities. Even though the electric curent has been itselectric activitr Iorlong pri(xls withdrawn.the steelretains and acts as though the current slill remained. Magnetic Light control might be likened to the rudder of a molionwithout ofthe ship's shipwhichconlrolsthedirection that motion in any $ay motivating It might againbe likenedto the fulcrum uhich extendsits porverof exprcssionthrough motion toa lever.without in an\ motion of the lever. wav acting to moti\ate that expressed God's still magnetjc Light is the fulcrum of this creating universe.Eleotricitv is the lwo-way lever which extendsfrom that fulcrum to give the universe its pulsing heartbeat of simulated life-death sequences. centets in matter.therestillness Wlerever God'sLight appears rnotion. but there is no molion al llrdl pol)?LThe center of gravity in a sphericalsunor earth is one locatablepoint $ here God s Light is. Likewise. the two still centeN of north and south spiral vortices are other k)catable balancing points of allpairs of opposed Likewisc.thc shail lvhichconnects conlr-ol. polcr is rrn cxlcnsi()n{)f slillnessfronr the zero of wave and the retum of to lltc zcr'oof wavcanplitudes. h rlirrrrinps of its in the slillness lttinnings Ilr()tio|lto lhc /cfo ol ilr on ils warc axis. lrolninl plrrcc 'Ihis is a universeof Light-at-reslfrom which two opposed lighls.()f-motion appear to manifest the IDEA which is etcrnally sealedin the Light-at-rest.

cr(ated matter is tiithin itself. Even more eftoneous is the (onclusion that energJ' is a condition of fiatler, suchas heal'lhis fallacl has led to the conclusionthat C.eation will rlivrppearwhen heatenergy runsdown." The first and second lirwsof thermodynamicsare built upon this obviously wrong r'onclusion. The universe will never "run down." lt is as r.tcrnal as God is eternal. 'l liis universe of matter-in-motionis a Mind-conceived,Mindr'r'clling b{xly. As such it is as much a product of Mind as a prrir of shoes.a poemi a symphon!, or a tunnel under a nr{rt|ntainis a product of the Mind which conceived it, and Irotivated the action which produced it as a formed body of ||rrllcr. lh(' poem is not the poet, however. nor is the symphony its this universeis not its own Creator. frnnp()ser.ln a like sense Wlr{tcver qualities or attributes there are in any product whcthcr it be an adding machine or a universe- have been r,itc (lcd to that product by their creatorto manifestqualities, Ittrihutcs and energieswhich are alone in the creator of that ltlrxlucl. matter.lDtA Nor irithe tDEA whichmattermanifestswithin leavesthe quality.ldea never a Mind l\ t't\,t otutetL lLleais Innniscicnt Light of Mind. ldea is but simulatedby matter-inmr{iotl, ll)l"A rttar leavesits invisibb stateto hecomeisible muller. linlirs which nranifestIDEA are made in the imageof their til(nl(uJs inraginings. of its llvctt clcltion. whetherol God or man,is an extension fronrhim by a forcewhich is withinits rir0rtu[.lt is pr()icctccl !,ffl||ol ||(l n(n in lhc proicclcdproduct. All of thc knowlcrlgt.cncrgy and nlethod of creatingany of Mintllrkrnc.Ihtairnoknowledge, pr(xlrf( f ifrr f)ftrl)arties tttc,rIt. lilr'. lt.utlt.ittt'lli!!,tk1 \ h\td (( t't th!) ghl in thc it nrttut *hi, lt nt,trtr'r

Misconceptionof Enerry
3. Failure to recogrli?.e that this unit'erml bodl' of moting matter has been crcateil b)' some power outside of itself hts led science to conchtde that the energl' t'hich

Misconception oI Matter
1. Electic matter is but amitor which rcflects qualities outside itself to simulate those qualiti$ t'ithin itself. ln the Mind of an! creatorof anv productis the IDEA ol the forned body which Mind desireslo produce. Also the knowledge, energyand rrethodof production areinthe Mind oI the creator of that product and not in the product. The architectdoesnot savthat thc cncre). idea.or constructi()n methods are in the templeof his conceiving. nor shouldman sav that they are in the templcof God s conceiring. To thus claim lhat energl is a property of rratter is to deprive The Creator of His omnipotence and omniscicncc. The entire universemanilestspoNer. but the uni\cr\c is not the power which it nanifests. N()l ()nc pa iclc ol nralter rvhich constilulesrhc ntaterial l r or l\ ,rl irrrr phxlrrctcrrnnrrle ol it s c l{ .I t c a n mo re o n lr l l r ,,r J'lr (ir\ir. rrnrlr'orrrrrr;rrr of rI t h e Min d o f it s c re a t o r , \tt ||iII\I I( it r.[\ tri( :'ll\ ' lltr ' lr ntr't,, ;IttIi|(|rr||l :rrrt l rc p u ls i0 n $ h ic h s c ie n c e "l |l\l i r l ( rl! irll||l)llt(.\ to lirrr(.r irre c lc c t r-ic a elf f e c t s p e rf o rmr r tt llr cr (!nf rrnrlonll lrrrretior ol r d irid in g a n e q u ilib riu m i r l ( ' lw(' ('l)l)t)sinA t,rntlitiorrs. uhic h c x t e n de q u a llyf ro m a tlivitlingequatrrr. I hc nrarnelicl,ighl conrrols the balance of lhese 1woopposing conditions whichinlerchange two waysin their endeavor to void rheir opposing conditions. but the stresses and strains which sem to make matter attract and repel matter are electric effects. Electric ellects of motion can be insulatedfrom each other but the magnelic Light oI The Creator, which causesthose eflectsi cannot be insulatedlrom matter by matter. All mauer is electric. EledicitI conditio s ull nMtter utultt. (ontrol ol the ONE IIAGNETIC LIGHT vhn h the mea.tured

lt', t t|t hLlldtrces the TWO electricLtlll-di|ided,cortditionecl ht:ltt\ t)i tuttet d d spue. | )it i(ledmatlersrrains rLr lind balance in the zeroof equilib ||Unr lrom which it ,*as divided. The senses or man arc rrthril\ decei\ed b] the illusions of appcarance whichcausc hrrrr tt) concludeotheruise. Nr\r t()ns apple\! xsnot attracted to thc croundby graviration. lh( hiilh polenrialcondition oi thar solid apple sought.l \rrrlirf hi{h porcntial condition. That is ft)siLv it. fell toward rlr, , . rI rh r. r t ir l t i l l\ a r u r c r l r t t , , t l i k c . c e k i n p l r l r . I l,hl ,\"t\\'ronsfi \.ih the Ltpple ot-ttto he voulLlhave loru u tzt,k \.\\ttlat nutk dpll[e nse u to the hedt.rls as dk)\,pote tial t',tr tt,Airtg u like bt potentitl potithtl to hularrceils electri, ,'tllt tliriLltd stdte. The iising ol the cleat.r.itg,expanding ,W,l' lgin lullills.\trtue s Ltt ol lilte ret:king like. .\ll and potentials. |olarizing bodics add 1()rheir densities I lrl rrllrlewhich fell to the groundwasa polarized body.. AII bodies mustre!ersetheirpolarities lr rl.rfi/c(l ancl dcpolarize_ I lrtr thenkrse theirdcnsities and potentiats. The depolarized . t 1 1 t lc rc t rrrn c J rn th. /cro,,I it\ l)cFintring. I lrr.Ne$ronianlarvis in thisrespectin\alid hecause it accounts l"r hut on!' half of the apples grorvth-decav cycle.This is a lno \rit\ uni\erscof opposed elfecfsof nlotion- not a one-

lVlhconception of Substancein Matter

5. &'nst oJ ohterwrion hasled to the erroneous conclurhut rhn th<'n arr g) lifftfl,nt suhstences of matterIlu,urttr'tr, it utl"r,trt,tl, rs ltrttttrittto/ttt )t1rr? rrrh. Motion rlrrrLrlr\ \ulr\tir .r. lrr tltr. crirrtr,rl ()l i(s ,)pposin1lwave l't' \\ r' \,,1 r.,tr,,rrslrrr lr,l{,. r\,. rlr, \\. \,.\ ,, \(1.rn! trrlrrt,r|l, r. rrlr, r, It,,tr(,| ,rl,, r. rs'rrr,.sir() (,t

l0 beyondthe illusionof motion.nor do those$ho belie\e tha{ thcy can gain knowledge of the secretsol this vast nrakebelieveuniversee\en faintl! comprchendthe unrealit\ ol light in-motionwhich thcr so firnrlr this mirageof polarized is real. believe bi thedirision olun Motion is two-wu1, lor dll nlolion is caused equilibrium. and il.t ertetLsion in tut, opptt.rire directions to l() create the lvo oppositecotlditiot\- o.fpi?ssure.rnecessar.r' make motion intpenttite. lhrustsinward ofelectricmoti()n One ofthcsetwo conditions toward a centerto crealea ccntripctalvoflice to simulale grat'ity.On the other sideof the dividingequalor.the other from acenterlocreate a cenldfugal condition thrustsouL\!ard vacuity. vorticeto simulate Moving wavesof oppositel) conditioned matter simulalesul} to the motion $hich simulates stance.but there is no substance in maller. lf a cobwcb could mo\e fast IDEA \!ould simulatea solid steeldisc and it could cut through stcel. If such a lhing could happen it \\ould not be the ''srrbsrance of thc cob$'ebwhich cut Ihroughthe steel-- it \\hich cut il. w or l(l l)L'llrt. n)()li()n lrrrts sinrLrlatc solids.while sio$'moving I ir\l rro\irrtl sll(n1 l(,rl'\rl't.ssirrulirt( tlrttlscsol space s hichsurround solids. Wrrrr,s ol rrotiorrrr't subslanceless. however. Ther merell \i r l ]lrIrl(sul)slirncc. Motion ilscll is conlrolledb) the Mind of the CreatorWho usesit to expressHis desirefor simulating IDEA of Mind bv giving it a formed body. There is no otherpurposeformotion. Desire in the Light ol Mind.tor crealirc oipression is Lheotll.l energJ'in this universe.Al[ notion is trlind moLii\lLed.All no!ion records Mind thoughts in tnatter motion. Varying All mattcr is but pressufe-conditioned yield varyingstalesof motion. Varving pressure conditions

\tllcs ol moli{)nare what science misinterprets asthe elements ol |nxtter. \':rr\ing pressures in a waveare tonal. In eachoctavewave tlr(rc ilre four pairs of tones.cach of which has the same rrluli\e positionin its octavecolor spectrun as it has in its ('( lirvcsol chemicalelements. Wirvts are. therefore. electric pressure-conditioned octaves

THE SECRETOF THE AGtrS Stcpb1 simple stepI \\ill brieflyunfoldthc supreme rrrtstr'rr oi all timeto enable science to void the confusion \\ hi( h hl|sarisenfrom its inabilityto relatethe realityof the () its simulation of reality. whichhasso rrrrrrilr[rrniverse rr',|r'ttirl)lv dcceived thesenses of observers for all time.I do llr\ rrotonl\ for science but for the greatneedof religion. ru r,rsorclv needs a GodWhocanbeKNOWNby allmen |trr'h ( )Nl:, r() rcplace the many imagined concepts of God '$ \rhrr'h lrir\csodisastrously disunited thehuman race. No onc, savethe few mysticsof long ages,has ever ( iorl.or Gods ways. yetknown I r, nvrr Ncither hasmankind thr.rrrr.rrrring trf LOVEuponwhichtheuniverse is founded in neverrrurol l.llrll rvhich the electric universe simulates frrhr)l { lclcs - nor ot CAUSEof the EFFECTS for which \(r lrr.:rvilv pays r,rrr in tc'rrs andanguish for hisnotknowing (tl r,,r tlrr'( ONS'll l(lTIa)NOF MATTER--norof God's otr'sses in thccrcation of prcssures for conditioning trrr trrlr[ lrr
lllrll l(.l

I hr' 1,,r11 lrr'rrr|r I il 1xir.. whi( h pas\cthunclerslonding , r\ r, rrl\ l" r \ , r ( r r (( l ( , t ( i r r i r $ i r \ t l | t \ ' ( ' i l\ t h i L hh l r sf o r s o k r n g lrr r' |l t lrr' l , r , r ' , ' i t l r , ( r r i r t r n l i ( ' l i r i ( t r ( r r l I ) e L r n i l c (ill s

which no$ cloaksthe the ignoranc,,' ONE only b1'dispelling so an\ rnlolerant has bred god of fe4rrvhich Iailh-andbcliel groupsof unknowingnrenin\isiblc Nlind aboul the spirjtual. Wc speakfamiliarl-r {anriliaritl equal \\ith \\e spcak unirerseof the Crealor.and oI matler $hjch rvecall Crcation' universe abouttbe ph1-sical" but the wtirld has nol lel known cither of then separatelr" nor their unitl as one. 1.l sufficientll' dcline either of lhenr scientifically. I will oo\\ do this as simpll as possiblein order that thc ph\sicistoI tomtlrow can know and comprehendthe uni\erse as one whole. instcad of scnsingil as man! sepatate parts which he will neverbe ablc to fit together'

l3 which crrrrilibriumof absolutebalanceand absolutestillness, is thc foundation of the divided and pressure-conditioned of motion. ||||ivcrse of condilion, In thatLightthere is nochange'no variance REALITY' of universe zero It is the rr,' irrnr and nJmotion. inspiration' knottledge fff il irre all ol the Mind qutllities <tf nt,t\It. lote. truth, balanceand l.t\t, which are never created, i,lt irrc simulatedin moving quantitiesin the divided universe ,rl nroving waveswhich we call matter. 'l hc Light oI Mind is the zero fulcrum of the wavelever Its zeroconditionis eternal' whichiotion is proiected. Ir,,rrr that the lh( nlortunateerrcr of scienceliesinassuming solel! lo thelulcrum of Lightat-rest is in 1r,tn t *'hi h belongs tlt, r,tx,,1 of the lever ;-hich simulateslhat power'


ttn tnit,'l (n\ti()tt it th" I.i!:htol the \lirul xltich

II THE DIVIDED LIGHT Mind is DESIREto ll| rlre Lirhl of Thc Creator's itsoneunconditioned, llis ONEIDEA by dividing ,lnrrr'rtizt pairs of oppositelyrest ink) and balance unitv of mrr'llu11ing witheach interchange forever must rvhich , rrrrlrti.rtcrl trnits. tnd rest r'tlr'r t,' \( r'k blllllnce pairsof unitsinto an th()se l)|slltli thcn nrtrltiplics to The to givc lbrmedbodies l|llrrrl\ .rl rl(rnirl rel)elilit)r)s "in His All linlnc(lh,rliesate created t rr.,rt,'r'\ inrrtlirlitl!\. Ir r r r r lt' tl lhr ,,r r 1'l r r , r \tr r ( \\i or r ,'l l ) l r Sl l tI i r r Li l l ht,thi s
is cf.rtlcd irs lhc ||||t\,r\,rl ,lr.'||.r,,1 ( '\llSl irrr(llrlrl|('l lr! Mirrtl /'r''rl'r/rrl |r'.Ir, r "l l\lrrr'l/'rr""rrrr''lrrrrl' 'l

( itrl r\ llr( l itlrt ,rl Mirrtl .O rx ls t h in k in gMin d is a ll ( iirl a n c l Min d o lma n a re Mirrtt, rl rs:rt. tl r r 'r rr\ ' Mrkl is rrrrr\(
( ) N ll

'ltlis clcfnillly'crcrlirlguni\erse.wbich is God's eter' nally tenewingbod;-. is the product of Mind-kno{ing ex' pressedthrough Mind-thinking. ln the Light oI God's Mind is all kno\\'ledge All knowledgemeansfull knowing of The Creator'sONE IDEA which is manifestedin His Crealion. Light of Mind is arr and unconditioned The undivided cternalstateof rcst-That invisiblcLight of the Spirit is thc


l5 I)ecentrati\elhinking is centrifugal.It cxpandsinto ',prr,L lt borns radiation.It clischergcs bl dividing high n li; rl in t o l o $ h e a t i n f o i l n d c o l d . tht(
o \ o. \ t 1t in m , I i4 of f , '. , it . l tl n,tt,r t i. . t , "'t t t it t ^ ,Itt.1rtttItr heIr |en t \ & JcsLindt io . \ .

CALJSE i.e ut t.'st it the btlhncedu itt ol rlte undiitlett Light."tefially CAIISEIS ONL.
E]'I;ECT is etennll.t it nt()tin to 3('ekhdkltlce L1tlcl t-t5l in lhe cdreriry equilibrinn ol lhe t|o qipo\ed lirhts ol thit divided unierse. whicltit fittll cnlr rctlose.EFFECT ]S Tll'O. The Light of CAl,iSE.dirided inro the r$o rrpposccl lightsof the onc soleoccuparion of Mind $ hich WCCA]I THINKING. Mind (hinkingsetsdi!ided ideainlo I\\o-war opposed motion to produce the elfect of simulatingidea b\ gi\in.-s form to it. Formed bodiesare but prcssure-conditioned motion. however. Thev are not the IDEA which the\ simulale.

( )ne(lcstination isthe apexof a conein an incandescent o l A t t h i s p o i n t n l o t i ( ) nc o m e sk ) r e s t a n d ! ra \ i t \ ' ' , rl(r |, \ , r\ ( \ ir\ (l i r c c t i o n . I hr orhc. destinationis the bdseo[ a cone encircling a ( \ir(uirtcd center of radiation.At this point motion ,,,1,1 ,rf.r rr| .( rrrs t() rest and reverses its direction from centrifugal r,' , ,.rrrrt)ct l. lSeeFigures129-130. page162.) S. Irrrq as the Creator's Mind dividesHis knowingby llr',tlrrII'irrglustso longwill that two-way motioncontinue its . ,1rr, rrtr's ol clclcs to record God's imaginings in forms of llt., rrrrrrllirrings. is God being eternal.likewiseHis universe , lr' rIr. rl I lrr l\'licl (jl science that the universe hacla beginning l|| r,ntl( |l.r\r rcnlo(a period - ils the result of some giant ,,rt,r l\\nr irn(l\\'illconlc to an cnd in somcfuture rcmote rr, " l rr rlrr ct ( ' r r ( nk n o \ \ i n gt h l t u a \ e s o f m o t i o n a r e t h e 1 r, lh , ' rJ ' h l\ , r\ r s ( ) l l h c I J n i \ c r s r lT h i n k e r . '\lt' th h,lrrl tI scit,rk e that th.. uni'erse is dyiql d hedt \tur ir du( /o tu)tknowingthdl there ,1,,thI'trlt, ttttLtr^ittnt)l l'l,n l, ,yttntul fufu: it Vute lor the reborningof wnt ,tt rlt,t, ,ttt t nqn \\&l \utt.\ l.)t t h( r(honing ol encuated It,t, l, lt"l,' r\,r' /ir1r,r'r l0l tuLl l0). pau l.\h.)
l ,n, tl n t t ln t t t r , t , lt , t t t ', 1, ,t \ \ 't \ ' t lh \ t l\ \ 'o cot ulit ir n. r \tl t, lt , 1 t l\ \ t t t , l t l! , t , 1\ " t u, unl r ln t t t n' l Q t lAl, . ,,tt\rrtt, t l1, | , , , l\ t lnt t , , 'l , ut 'l , t , t t nuu't \ . t t t nt t lllt . l l ,r^,,tt,tl
I l ', t , t 'ttt, t r ,,r ,tt,l t,r ttt \i ,,l ,tt, \ l tl , ,tr h l tl r rt \,\ttt

III | l|rs t]t,1,:( t Rt( t NIvltRst.t oF stMut.ATED IDEA

Nl r,Itl|||ll'Irt' r\( l(\ tr( I)i\ irl(. (lc lc c lri. lh r)u gp hu r ls a l!,r ', r r .rrl, ..r,ri.,rtr\r.,l, rrrr,rrrrr; rrt e . t t lc s o f n ro t io n $ . h ic h l,,r( ,\,.r \ rl'r,rt,\r.,.I tltr t r(, r l(\ . t ri(. t h o u lh t c o n d it io n s ,'l ( l r N( l N ll{,\ | lt tN ,rrrtl l)l ( l: NlllA I lO N. (i)rr(.entlitti\currtlrlcccnlralivcsequences ol elcctric (lrinking pr()duce the opposed pressures of compression and expansion.which lorm solid bodiesof motion surroundedbr .- i r seu us.prr.. in nne ulrrr pulsati, ' nlrn . d rc \ c rs r t h J l o rd c r in the nexI. Conccntralive thinking is cenlripetal. lt focusesto il "charges bl multipl),ing lo\r potenlial into high and col.l into hcat.

It) ictunretinulotes death in lhe forerer repeutingcttles vhich togetherin their conlinitr. simuhte ?t?rnal lile presnue conditiuts \'ltith Lott,ll lhe The tv'ctctpposile cv let ol oll bodies N':-(nlthetegalieronditiotl life-deatlt ttnt spirall.r".ti outt\vftl t ddittlli-Ltttd ol expunion which thl1t-\ts d cenlering.ero ot te\l Io forn the b\']1olenlful condilion the potitiv ctntLlitionrl t\l1ich c(rt-ttitules "slra(e. tlnd l111 a cenlering:ero ot totrard compre.ssin ultich thnt.rtsinrtu'tl restto.lott theconprestedcorulili(rtol gru:'it.t..'ltr lt generutes Ionning hodit:sittct sctlidtsurrcundetlbr space. its desirethtough tlrc electtic Desie of Mitd expresses prot e.r.s ol thinking. Thittkitli ditides IDEA ilto t)ai\ d recoti Ltsinulatc,nditionedunits o.fmotion :,Lhich oppctsit,zll, tion of ]DEA itlto thougllt.littn-t tlte possibili.tlllLrlnldltet' hassuggestt'd ,\ir.luntes.lcuns ni1ltr hr' yn,tttt ttt lt' pure thoughl lrluue| is not purt' lt i( rttotlt ol thoug,/.E\ erl clectric lwr it is rhr' r'lr'! rtn,uL,lt. the $hich is fore\et recording rr;rr r' rr rrrt rlrrlirrg irr\lrrrnrenl () l l,'r r r ,,1 llr"rrflrt irl \\ir\( li.l(ls t )lll1 e r. in a n t u a rc f ie ld ,\ll llr,'l|ltlrl \\ ir\r\ ( rritlc(lirll\ $ h c r' e l!',,,r r r' Inr\ ( r\;rl l\ r r'lx iltirll]ll )e n lc \ c r\ \ \ h e re . states ot rn(l c()npressed rirrts ol crl)llrl(lc(l llr,'rr;llrt intti nlovin!lpatlernsNhich simulate lrr)li(nl lrc trrshiorred thus All formedbodies inlaginings. rhc fotmsof the Crcnlor's createdarc madein His imagc." This division of the undivided Light and its extension into oppositely-conditionedstates of motion is the basis ol the universal heartbeat of pulsing thought-waves. which seeminglydivide the ONE WHOLE IDEA into many ones Interchange bet\\'een oppositely-conditionedpairs ol in rvaves of molion unitsis expressed thought-recording

17 Ilti; is a tltottgltt'trave unitene. Thoughtwaves ure t, turxhtetl throughout the univene at the speed of 186,000
t, tt \ lt(t secona.

of suns that the incandescence It ir comnronllbelieved universe Lightin thiscinema r.,I i|lrt. Incandescencc simulales is not Light. , 'l rrrrrer rrcosmic makehelieve. bu1incandescence is merely the compressed lr r\ l)ut nlotion. Incandescence lr,rll dl lhc one divided pair of oppositeconditionswhich of coldspace , | ,r\t irl rtc\ nralter The trlackvacuit-t' !nd space. these two are as ,,'rrstilrrtcs half. Together the expandccl r|lr, lr nrrlcs as male and femalearc mates.Each is equallY \\rnliirl t() lhc other. Each finds balancein the other bv ' rr other'sunbalance. r, 'r,lrr t r'rrch lllr\c two conditionsand directionso{ compression of for the twolvay interchange ,rrrrlr'r1r:rrrsion are necessaN and disinte' work ol integrating the rrrl,rr \rhich motionwhich this !r,rtlrI th|. li!ing dyingcyclesof opposed f h r t r ir-rrrri\e r s ie s. matter and the black of compressed I hc incanclescence polar ends matterare the two opposite r {r'rritt of crpancled t'l Nrt fr's b r milgnet."Nature does not make her bar nrrrllrrt\ in lhc l()rn o[ cylindersas man does.She makes no other i|l thc ftrrnro[ cones.In this radial universe tlrr,l|r (See IoIir , rl n11)rion thrn the spiralform oI conesis possible. prgc 168.1 lt , t rrr' \ l5 x . 1 5 9 .1 6 0 . lh:rt tllc nclllrli\ccnd of Nature's magnet' I lrir rrrr'lrrrs thtn the positive Ir tr,|l\r'l tlr,u\:r (l\, rl tin]c\Lrigerin t ol(rme l x f c e q u a l .I t a l s o rl, l. . rlt h , ' rr t t ltlrr ( l ) l , l r r r t i r r lo t i r c h c n t l \ ( l ( ( I r' , ||r\ t lr. rl I h , ||ri Ii IJ| | rrrrr l r l r r r l t$ h i i h i v i ( l c \ N i l t u r e ' s (r L r l l (i r l i r c l l i n d r i c l r lh i t r rrir, ' 0 , 1 r\ , r r \ r ' ( 1 . \ \ t r r l (l l r i r l \ i r r r r |
rrrr| i " l r' ..r ll, , l I 'l r r r . , 'l / , r i, 'r r \ . r lr , r ,




The Coulornb law stalementthat opposilesatlract and likes repel is not true to Natural law. OppositeconditionsARE oppositeconditions.LikeNise. they are oppositceffectscausedby eachthrusting in opposite directions- It is not logical to say lhat oppositesfuliill an1 other office than to OPPOSE. Nor is it logical to sa] thal opposingthings attract each other. In all this universe,like conditions seeklike conditions. Cases and vapo.s seek gasesand vapon by rising 1()find lhenr. Liquidsand solidsseek liquids and solidsb! falling

the south \r'rIr]l thc north poleof one magnet"pull t()ward 0[ magnet. lr,'h irnother I he fact thilt oppositepolarities void each othet when as a factor in the thu\ rontucted has not been considerecl opposiles are thus ||r&ttrr.ll is a fact. however.when two to contacteach l,r, I t(rgether b) their seeming eagerness 'lrl:h hrth polescease to be.Each one hasvoidedthc other "tlrrr, sodiumand chlorine as the chemical opposites r\ r! 'rrplctchrlrrl r'irth other and leaveno trace of either one after that it would not bc possible ll lhr (i)ulomb law rere valicl. I'r t:rth(r t()llcther one ouncc of any one element.

liirliirlirt rrirlIer seeksa radiatingconditjon in the , ,| || \\ .Ir(| rIi I r., ti(,rI(il Irrrliirtion. Graritatingmatterseeks the r r r r .r r,l rr,lrrl ,lirr,,ti,rrr ,,1 r.o n t lc n s a t io n t o f in d i(s lik e


lrr order to know more dynamically what electricity rcnllr rs,I will dcfinc it. I will then amplitymy definitionby rr\,lrlll)lc. and resisl'nce l l, L tri itt i.t an eltbct of struin, tetLsion I nt\.\l ltt th( (n(rgy ol de.rirein the Light ol Mind to diride ctft he ONE.rtillLight oJ unirc$dl nhl.,\tt trltlk'hnl t)( dl unfu.r' lln,l ntt ttrir.trl nrnr LlitiLlednit'^ of thinking'Mitd. Wlle| clcclfic strrins rnd tensionscease1(] oppose is dualaction_ , lo be. El0ctricity f{t lr rtl\.r, clcctricily ccuscs (hrirlir( electric Whcn ti()ns rcxcti()ns cease to vibrate, rf 'rr'lrdr. t ir r,rirlctllrr tlrt one Lrnivcrsll conditionoI rest. r,tlr.r

{ ll'lr\rlr' lr'l( \,'l ir l,rr r))rg rrctlh ru s ta wa vf ro m e a c h ,nlr ( .rr\ !rr ir\ tlt(\ ( i t rli'. llill is llt c v c rv p u rp o s e of the tl ( ( l Ir( (urIrrl *lrirlr ilirirIs l lre u riv c rs ll e q u ilib riu m. tf ()thcr r,l)lr(,srl( irttfir(1c(l circh lhcv would have to be lx)le\ liuclhcr in tltc nrirldle. instcad of pushing'arvay from each olhcr lo lhe ven ends. When depolarization takes place ihe poles seem to draw closer logether. but that is becauseof their lesseninq vitality.They still thrustawayfrom eachother until devitalization is complete. When motion ceases. the matter which if manilestsceases to be. Scientific observers ha!c beendeceived by their senscs into thinking that opp()sites (Jl attract each other beciluse

sr slringarcrn clectrical effect. nr\ oI r hirrl) 'rrkl ! iln irtir (l((lrr{ ; r l oI undivided \ r l n l l i ' ' r r r r ' l s o r r n r:lr r ca t l i r ' i s i o n Ih' t l[ , t rr' r'Wlrr ' r r \ o r r r r r l \ i l r r r r t i , ' r r s r ' r ' ; r s c . s i l t n t c h : t s ' s w t l l l l ) w c d lh r' irr I rI l' \ \ , ' r l t r r t ' I l r ,r | |

The IDEA ofthe silentharpstringnoteeternalllexists. Illectrical division into sound manifeststhe IDEA. but the and k) silenceit retums for reborninq IDEA belongs to silence. again as a simulation of IDEA. by thedivision ofthe The twoelcctricpressuresformed universalequilibriumhave separaleoffices to fulfill. The pressurc spaceb! dividingpotential negative expandstocreate and multiplying volume. Conve$ely. the positivc pressure multiplvpotential into solids bydividingvolume. contractsto F,lectricity thus pcrforms the work of the world by and multiplicity of units and straining toward separateness also by rclaxing from such resistedstrainsand tensionsuntil nrolion ceases its vibrations into lhe universal b] withdrawing stillncss. 'l hc orrll Nork pedr)rmedin this universe is thc work' r;rrrsrrllrl thc slrains and lensionsof electricalh-divided r r rirtlcr irr rrroli0n. ll,trr,t trt,'t,s rnlt nt vrk resrand halance. l\lirttr'r|l( itlx r r(.lxl\ rrn irllrlrctsmatter. All matter slri, lr is orrl ,,1 l)irlrrr(( \rilh it s c n \ ir{ )n me n t v . o lu me k )r r ,rlrrrrrr' ,'r lnrtfrtirl lor lxnc rt liirl \ rill mo v e o t h k ) s e e k r ( .\t in iIr r(lIil),)ler]liirl cn\ir(rn n lc n lo f e q u a l v o lu med is p llrccrtcnl. 'fhat is wh! air or ocean currcnts move. and lbr no other reason than to seek their lost equilibrium. And while they move they will perform "work." - and the measureoi their power to perform work is the measure of their unbalance. Earth's in tidesarenot 'pulled bythe moon.Curvalure the pressures ol lheir wave fields rvhichcontrol their balancc is thc causeof lhitl. Ard that cxplainsNhv ti(lcsure thru\t

lothatof themoon. , ru , r\lr, rrr t he l a c e o l t h e e a r t ho p p o s i l e ,r,, $ r'll rrr lrcingthrusttorvardthe moon on its ncaf face. Wlrt n tirlcsrisethcy willperform work,'and they will ,rln' ltrlornr "work" whcn they fall. but work will cease l,r,tl|tf l!( rl,lltr]cdthe momcnt the molion of cither risingor l, rllrir, ' ( ir\ c s . I iL( $i\c. | $atcrfallwill perlorm work while falling lrttl rt"l rrhcrr\\'ilters cease to nr()\'e, ,\ \l,,rir{r butter! rvill perform 'work" while being which ,lr,[1,r',l rrith incrcasingly high potentialpressures |,plr. r' r'ir(h ()thcr. ilnd it rvillperlorman equalamountwhile which will tt 1,, rlrn lriur:inq to seekthc equilibriumpressurc it will cease rrritl tlrc ilirirlctl two. Whcn fully discharged in ils zero rrork_ it h s lound ba]ance because l' lk.rl'rrI rllrl I i||r n(' l()rr{crnlove, counterpart lr ;r liv('clectricbattcty.or in its chemical the rrrrlt ,r.,s,xlirrnrlrnd chlorine.there are threc cquators, two exlended ine the fulcrum of thc r rrrlrrrlrlirlling being ||Ir,r Wlrrl| tlre two extenclcd equato$ of the live electric luttt.r! \rirlt(lrirwinto their balancingone. thc b:rtteryis rlprrrl llrt r hlrvc[ound their ctcrnalstillness. have ceascdto I rlr'rrisr'thtir cllcnriculc()untcrparts rltlrl ir\ \r'lr;||:rlcclcnrcntswhcn thcy withdraw into their Iivc lhoughsodiufi and chlorine rrrllrlrr r'hl,rrirlt'frrlclunr. \till reappear :rh rl thcr xrc. lilr lhc! rvillassurely hrrrl rlrrirl4x rrr||t t lrt r\ ill ! o l l , r r v tla'r. e q u a t o rh a s lo rr'r ' l r r r r rltl r ( l ) I l t ( r y . t h r ( x l ( ' ( l i ! i ( l i n g r l r p 0 s i t t h e reare again l( r' \ t r' r ( i ( r l r r r r l i r ' r ' c t i , r n L s r n l i l lr ,lt,/orftrrrrirhr'nntr()t.t'')otiible rrr,rti,'rrrs1r,ssilrl tltrr.r'fr'f,'rL r \ ( l \ ' r t r i r l S ( 'l ( , r r tl r sl l l c l|l, lr , , r r t l r . r t ( ' l l l r ( i r r r r t r ' r \ (

uni\ers^lheartbeal continues. c\er\ di\ided p ir. and c|c-r\ ()1 unit e\ery clividedpair. rill reappearro erpre-ss life as surclv as it uill irgain disappear it1 eternal repetilionsto express death. ''Work is not perlormcdb\ lhe altraction of ntattertor matter.nor because of a conditionol ntaltef such as hcat. which is presumed to be encrgt.- Work is perfornrcd soleh because the electric currcnt. uhich divides a nrotionless condition inlo 1\r{) unbalancedconditions. scts up ttro opposilclr_ strlining tensions of unrest$hich must nro\c to release th()se lensi()ns.

.! | lr(,, two conditions exisl,the 'lhcr cnd.Justso longasthese g o t i o n w i l l c o n t i n u et o c x p a n da n d I r! r' , rr, , 1i n t e r c h a n g i nm , "rlr;11t \cqucntiall).When eachhas found equilibriumby r,,r'l||rl'tllc ()lher.motionrvillimmediatchcease and ,work' r. rt t rt l lr , r u c f b e p e r f o r m e d . \(.ir.necsl\s rharcold is lesshcar.One might asapproprirt' l\ \,r\ tlritl Icnlaleis lcssmale.or that southis lessnorth. ( \it\s alsothat therc is no compensating \, r(,n( uphill ll,,$ ,,lr'rer{\ to balance itsdownhillikrw. There is an uphill I l, , r i)t Ir ( r \ \ i \ c i r d ( ) w n h i l lf k r w w o u l d b e i m p o s s i b l e . I rr'rr linc is a conpression-expansion purnp. The nlr,,l' rrr\(.r\( is a tiant pump. The trvo way pistonol thc rrr\, ritl lr|| ll) c()nstitutes the universal heartbeat.,4ore_ ,,,rrrrrrrr,rr,ri,r' rrrrlrossibleas d one-wu1,purrtp is impossih!e. llr' ,.,rrtrprcssetl c()nditionol this universe is exactly , ,Ir,rll" rlr, ( \lrur{lc(lcondition.The compressed condition h i!trr\tt,rlr,,rt. I llr.c\pirndL'd conditionis radiation.Grarr'tc, ttrttr,n,l t,tlt,trtuttn t4tul opporite.r. Eachis helpless without lh,. ,'llr, r ln lit.t. (.ircllc('nditi()n is impossible 1o produce rrtrh', t \ ultil|t(.i)lr\l\ prrxlucin.s lhe othcr.Heatis theefiect rt t rrlt r l ' l r r , l r ! \ t \ t , r , 1 . I ' , r l t c , , 1g r a r i t r t i o n . \ r ,rnnrc\\i,,n "l l , rl' l r\ tl r , , l t i , r , , t t l t , , , | l n , \ ( . \ I | . t i n , r l r e s i s r a n c e rr, r,trt'||rtttr,|l. t,r , l|tl)tln.\\. !rhich rcs lts from the expansion

N', , ll, t | ,,rrr lr' Ir,rhrr.crl unless lhere is an equal ,,lrl',r,il, ,ll, t I t,' \\,'rL \\rth it. I lrr.t|itrrl \\tnkers are r\\'n. slrr, lr |lr',1' r'r ,'l,lrr,rt( ,l|| (.rr,, \ l,' pcff(nrn that effecl

I ll,,I I rlr, r,l,,r,.t$,' $ r\ t||\t .r\"\,nk

i\ performed

I lr, r\\,,, 1,, tr r,,rl \\.,, l' r . , lr(, 1$,, tr,n.,n,,Ppr.5ir1 crrrl.,,rl .r tkrulrli. sir\\ \!ltich pull and rhrust in opposir. tlit cct ions ll onr oppositccnLls 1opcrlonn the $ork'ofsarlinr

I lr, r r. rs .rr rrrrri h r..kl il tllr' gr(.iltexp:lnses of spaceas llt,.rr i\ h,,,rr|lr llr(.( (,nrln.\s( rl\lrnr in lrll of this univcrse.

Or Ihe! are like t\ro colnpressionancle\pansionends ()l

a piston which pull and thrust in opposiredirecrions sequentially. 1l]moveand to perform u ot k '\'hilc ther mor c in eitheropposed dircction.Eachend of rhe sa\. or pisr(jn. i\ helpless uilhout the other.
jn ( ('i, Heal. frrr't'rlrntple. is rJnt] end i)l lhc c()\nriL. Iri\r(

llr, r , r . ,r r , ' t( , r r ' . | | l x r ( o l r l i l l i . r c r r t e hcr*ecnthcse l, ' , , |t h r. r l , , , , r r r l r | l , , r r , , r,l tlr(. r . l i( t r i ( .\ ' r ) f k r r s i I r h c w h i ) l e

|| tr, r1, ,,r r,,ttr,.r, ,,IIt ||I||||I,Ii||I| ,)l t\(.iIlrl i it $llicll is I',rt, r..,t tr r$,, 1 tlr,. rrr,, llrrr rrrrrrt.rsr. ()t cl(.(.tric 'n r,. {{\, rtr\,,t,,l , r,, $,\, tr,t,t., Lr, lr rr, rsr.rlrrrrr ,llrl'l',1 l,\ (,,l|tr,r1rr,i| ,,t rr.r\rt rtr,,|| .rl,i , \t,.r'r.,r,, ,,1

24 radiation.The potentialof solidsin a wavefield is equally the which surrounds by the potentialof space compensated solids. in these two conditions to unequalize ll is asimpossible any waveficld. or produceeither one of them separatel! producingthe other.asit wouldbeto withoutsimultaneously an equal withoutproducing polarize oneendof a bar magnet at the other end. pole of opposition is divided into wavefields.Each This wave universe charged whichisforeverbeing battery wavefield isanelectric by the centripetalpolarizingpower of gravitationaod dispowerof radiation. depolarizing charged by the centrifugal grouhof thelife-death, isa manifestation This process of motlon present in every effecl principle is ever which rlccalthe Together theyconstitute exception. in Nrturc.with()ul there would (.1(.( without which sequences tlic r( litnr'rcrrcli(rn lhcreft)re. to saythat either ll i,, rrol tlrrc l() Nirllrrc. or anyotherexpression cxp:rnsion. lrt.rl,( oLl.{ orrrl)tcs\iort.
I Ir(llrrtt rsrrr('tll\. stateot nl()tion is in the balanced ll the lrrwt l to r'rrlr.\1' of rest Irlkrwsthat encrgyis in the stillness |cst,it ncecss:rrily of cause. and not in molion which is effect The Mind ofthe Crealor is the fulcrum from which the wave leverof Mind-thinking extendsto expressthe energy ol creative Mind. Thought-waves cannot, therefore, be thc energy which causedthem to becomethought-waves. Anl' let:er is pctrrerless vithoul d fulcrum. The potter tr, move lies in the fulcrum \|hich erer mores. All motion starts from a point of rest. seeksa point {)l rest and returnsin the relerce direction to its slarting poinl (,1

25 rort, 'l cst this fact by throwinga ball in the air. breathing in pulling nrrrlorrt. a chain, or walking. lhrttiul eLlect.t ol motio are nol energ.v. Matterinrttr'n i.\ tt tturiottetleon lhe end of two Mind-conltolled


'Ilrr.orrly work performed inthisuniverse is the"work" formsof Mind-imaginings into positively ol tat\[{li||g thought the vitalizinghalf of |ltrrryl,rl hrlics. which are expressing bodies - andinto negatively lllF llh' tlt{tlr cycleof creating lrrxlics,whichareexpressing thedevitalizing other /irr'lrlltgrr;, rl tltlt cyclc. httll 'l'hrrtis thc only work thereis b do in all Creation. for thinkingin the fltrl tpuonlsllis concentrative-decentrative of living-dying bodies whichappear tl{lll! ltrti'rrs-rcactions cycles. Ind dlrl|pp|[rin scqucntial ('r'r.ntiorr of hodicsis the only work that man does. lrom invisible FWry lxrlv frcirtcd hy God or man appears into that same stillness of its source, *lllio* rnrl rlisappc:lrs growth-decay in life-death, cycles nrppcur. lA ;trirrlically.


Allltulh't nunilr'];t t,tcrnol IDEA b! eternal! rcpeating r'/ Il)LlA in untinutns cyclesvrhichhave tttrtrtilrttrttiou.t lllt4t dat hp[truutrtlttn oulirgt- Ii' (.\1,t ttli/\': rcld generdtes,Frldlltlhtn tIt|tIttrt|.\.- t!) lt(tlitrr h&lt - hest radiates d hhlhtlx',, t \Nt l\ n l t .\lrtt \i',l t trl\.

$ r l t t l l ' r i r t r o l l r (c r x i r r r l ) l c -i s r l r r x l y r r li n t c l c h i t n g i n g w h k l r l | | l x r r \ l t o rr sikrtrt rrtrrr l 'clufrls l() it. lhc il|rli|l t t

silenl harp string is the lulcrum of energ! from which the moving harp string extendsalsa vibrating lever of moti()n 1() manilestthe IDEA of a musicaltone in life deathcvcles. 'llrcsc

2'.l two points of stillness where electric motion tr'rrr\c)i lrom one oppositepressure conditiont() the other rf' \rfr:rtscicncccalfs nlagnetic poles. The oJficeol nngnetic y'/l t' ro huhnc'e,uncltttntntl, all electrically'divided motion All clectricallv dividedmatter.whetheratom or gianl rrrrr, rr r-,rrrtrollcd point oi magnelic bv a still centering Light. ( I lrr' l\r ) \tcnded polesof that still Light measure the intensity ' rl ,lcrrrr' $ hich nrotivatesthose extensionslrom lheir source ' , ' l lrr , . r t r ri n r h c s r i l lL i g h t .

v l
Sciencehas for vears been searchingfor some simple underlying basic principle of motivation which is presentin every effect of motion. Mathematicianshave hoped lo find i1 have soughtfor it and reducc it to a basicformula. Physicists in thc hopc of thus discovering the life principle. .\:io ( hu.\ (!\'er|orutd it. and nerer nill.littd it .solong rtt rr it srtrruhr lrtr in citlt?t Dkltl.'t ()r nlotion. I htt lu\i\'t \( n,t i\ to ha lirutd onlt in the-ero Light ol tht uu rt t\tl t\ttilil'innt. tltih ir rhe .litk nttrt ol tle sernntiotL ,htnl, 1, 1,, tt i,rl ruti.?rv,t,ltltrnrght+urrr o.llr|o-\\'a.r ' llrirt l,'r( \( r lrir|t I rrs t c rt t o t t h c ; t ! e s is t h e d ilrd e ro f tlr( t )Nl ./L r(, illloirs.(n )in B I W()c \ le n d e d z e ro s .A n d it is tIr( |||rIIIi|)Ii( | r)l lh. lW o ilt t o c o rrn t lc sT sWO s . 'l hc nanrc()f lhal grcal di\ider of rest into two-way ulcclricnrolionis POLARITY. Polarity is the controller the mcasurer and the surveyorof clectric intensityofdesire in Mind for the actions reactions neededfor creati\'e expression. Polarity extendsits surve)'edmeasureof desirefrom a zero point of rest in the universalLight to two extendedzero points of rest where motion rclerses its driection. its polailI and its con.lition.

l l r ( t r i c i l y v i t a l i z e sa n d d e v i t a l i z e s- c h a r g e sa n d rltr,lrirr1'r'r {favitatesand radiates -- inbreathes and outIrrr,,rtlrr.s lircsencldies arppcars anddisappears - compresr*r ,rrrrl r'rpands - heatsand cools -- grows and decaysttr!r rtr'\ rnd disintegrates -- and solidifiesand vaporizesby llr r'h'(tti( llctions-reactions which divide the ONE into I t{rIllt.\\ l)irirs of separate onesunderpolar control.

Wlrr'rrnrtn breathes in he polarizes his body. He vitalizes He ll ltrlr' \iirL.ftrl rction and an awareness of scnsation. rltrttglr hishxlv rvithhigher potential. electrical He manifests lllF Wh('rrnriln breathes out he depolarizes his body. He rldrllrrlr/r\it i|ll(] sleepyinaclionand lessening awareness of rF|t ll|'rr llc rlischarges his lndy by loweringits potential. (lc:rl h. llF lll,t|t|f('\ls

IX POI,ARI I'Y PI.]RIoDICITY IS 'r'tJTtoN I lll'r lr^sls oI l flli (]oNs' oF MATTER

Nirllrrr'r\ t trt':rltrl irl tll( rlrrkirrg()l hrll onc hrrm thc r.ttlt,rlrltrr' rrhi, h rrrr':rrrs llr( \:rtrr( irs lh()(rgh we sai(l lFlrrrl{ |||lr1,,'l nri||r

2lJ \ u n lh c e u h t ' i' t he sphcrcis thc pr' s irirr(c n t c lin ! u rr r lrc lJ \ llma t rc ri' rh u ' t lrrid t J urnJinr: rhe inr i"ihlc 'ur'. d\ n c c rli\ ( \ p r(c into p,,sitircr,,lirls.urrrtu n J el\ lts hrst As matter beginsits for-nationinto spheres (' rrre ln : r\ c rrc \ ir.lis,'likc.t,,ril h(tin s J \ t h ( I ' J \ i I ' l r shape jr\ c \ \ ' r\ ( ln ' lrr' r d r\ ' ' lilr ,,'n'.'fri"fr."".rir ur; I h c I t l is fo'med at Jir-ie.".luutly p",lutes until the perfcct sphere ht nearr\ol\'hich nnlLer ,uo"" uaptltua.. n" i;rhtzpntcess sPace emerges.from poles\\ hich conlrolall the balance Duringthis process to$ ard rhe polc ol rotatilrn \\henthe u,"rrc.,rlou"tly poles .,rl'.ir" i. pe.i..tcd. is it finallr is at carbon the 1\'o the of ,l,u'.i,t. *irt lhe pole of rotalion and lhe equator L ik c $ is c isi)0tle g re e s f ro n lt h c $ a re s a ris ru.'t,. r,,t.lrtrcr,. a n l t ru c c u b e L ik e wis e \ e lc me n t ilr, rr,,r, li,l,l l)(1()rDcis slrr, lrlr,r.r,rr,lrt rl its trr rcs p h e rcs t a lu swill c rls t a lliz e a s a t rh ic h r,,,, ,,rl' l rL(rrt\.. r!rr\ rliri' ie t l p rrirst rf e le me n t s c h lo rin e a n d a ss t rd iu n l strrc h llrr, ,|.',Ir, i'||\\,|\( rrrr1 rI it rrrI o iit s rra re f ie ld ' rrrll, rtrr'rllrz,rrrllr, lr rrt (rrlr s h a P c lllc lrro b a la n c in g \ r ,,rrr,r u lr 'rr rrrrr 1 |rlrr' r( " 1 )lrrt r' a n d t o Na rdt h e r rrr,,r, rrr'l\ lr,'rrrr lr' 1 r' [ ' rl r(n ; rrir)n 1r,1, rn d ma g n e t ic rt ro rIrs ,l. 1L|.r rrI s,rrr .rir" rrrrtrl " ' rlrp lc t e t l (ll llr' lrrr\ c a ris L iru rs t f t e 1',1,, ,lr" r11',rr rrr tlrt l )liirrr
tn u rn t ttt tl n th \1 ' tttt \rtl h^\\ ul ' nLl tt(r'

at control irspolarity reverse's lr,.rn|rri/llli(rnthen assLlmes l h ( ( \ ' l c Dc\llallTation n , t , , ]* , ,r . , ' , ' , n l , , r d . r l m r n \ l i f r lhr t r , , n rt h c r eo n m i l n m r n i l c \ l \ l h r d r a l h h r l t ' ' l t , , r' , rl'. , , u 1 parli'le ')l c.s sl c k c \ p l i r t e i n c \ r t ] lhr. rrr'., ' r c r l i n P $ h e t h c ri n m a n a n t ' p.rrriclcs ,',.,,,, ,,, ,i,t .,'ml'in.rri"n "l ' l' , lt , , t r ,t ' r n c b u l a . ' /l?.,.r\'' ln Intcn'il) lhc slrrinsrnd \\ rNl.rrirJll,)n l'' pull' , , , , . ' , , ' , r ' , ' r r l 'l r r t h ed c r i r c ' ' l o p p o \ i l e s ' ' lp ' ' l c r i t \ lact is This intensity in their r , irchother increase .,r lr, ,rr ,r,r statcdin the effectIrom the con'lrrsion tl\ llrr ()pposite '.\,r, ot the strainsand lensions de.rrcr[e!. ,\r ll,,lrrtization disappeamin relax.until polarityentirely ,'1,,t,',,,i,tu,siti,,n waveaxis o[ the planc oi the ecluipotential tlrr r, \l , .rr(lili()n llrrj, l,r,t rlr,,rrktnot be inierpretedas electric opposites thal theability means .,,,{ ,,ther.for depoliuization tr|lt: ,,ttt,t, o l h er in lhe rc't l h e ( i r r h \ o i J \ l, ' , , r,r u , * , 1 , ^ , * n . : r \ F)lc , , , ' t , i , i ' , , , ' .r " ' , r h , r t t r l l t h r u r r a u r 1 l r " m c r ' h " l h ( r u n l i l rrI 1 111,1 1 r.r

'ltrc rrcchanicsof lhis procc\s ol polarizationand undcr the cuiJinS r'unlr l 'ri r\o plir' "i clen.,l"riz:rri,,n uill hc m, ' re lu lh J c \ c rih e dld l(r' p,,les mrigncri, This electric process of polarization lakes place *ltll intensil];for one'halfof everYcycle Nhelher ol increasing one breaih, the cycle of a da!. a yeat or a lifetime' A man of fortl uill hare rcachedhis lullr polattztLl c) liic in the firsthrll of his lile-death to manilesl strerlgth 'l'

Ilrr' r'rltirt prlccss of polrrizationand depolarization as couldwell be described oI Nalrrre ir(l iotl rr'rrelion i rl r\ r't\'r, from its fulcrum ,r l.r, r rr,ltirr!,'Lrtin,rppositedirections thosedirections farilicr. thcn reversing ,1,' |, I tl rt , ,,,,1, "i,.lt motion ,iit,i ,,r',,r1,,,,'l'ttithlnl'ing itlb its tilctunl where rc\erse lx liin iln(l ilSitin I |.rlrf!i t,, ;rl''rilr

l ( l .l N l l s oF F OR C E \r ) ( \l l .l l l ) N IA( ;N l 'l 'l


I Ir,,'l llr' r't{,rl rllrr'r,'rrs"l Nrrtrrrr'rvlliclrhllsdcceivec is rrlrlr, ,,1",rr,r'. r', llrr IrrrrI'rIrlt ''| (rrrvirlllr' $hich

effcct in eren $a|e prcsentin cvel-changing every\rhere field. and in wavc fieldsuithin wave fieldsthroughoulthc universe. Wave fields are bounded bv planesol zero curvatLrre' which act as mirro$ to re\erse all radialion \rhich reaches out to these wave-fieldboundaries. An example of such a plane of zero cur\ature is the equator of a bar magnet.lron filings reachingout {rom either pole will curve gradually in the ever changing pressure gradientswhich surround the poles. Sciencemistakenl) calls ihesecurved lines magneticlines oI force. (SeeFigures75.76. 77. page 150. Figure 173. page 171. and Figure 171. 172.) l r r rgc whichdi\ ides wll( rr llx sccrlve(l lincsreachtheequator t h e it c u rv a t u rea s a n d re p e a t r lr r.r$,' 1r,'ks,lll(! rc\rrsc r,llta tr'tl lrt it ntirror . llr ,'rrltlr Thcse I rl o rc c in Na t u re . llr, r' .rr( rr,)trrir'rrrlic lirrr' s , \ l)h c rc s a n d s p h e ro id s r rr, lri, rl t lrc llr, rrrr,rIlrrrls,r, ,,' ,.rll,,|, p r, rlrlin g a n d o b la t in . g t r rt , rl rr rrir Nl r, lr,,,r'.lrlrl( llr', r,rrlrrrl

to suddenly l||\l r\ ir slick r'hen thrustinto walersccms so l,r','l ,'r rlrt (liridingplanc oI the two dilferentdensities. ravs ligh( and outgoing lrlr srt rl,r thc radii of incoming more graduilllv becomc irspressutcs r, , l,t rrtlgratluallv condit$o opposed is curved.11s I lrrr rlir itlcd universe curved.Each areoppositely \ il:rli{)n end radiation tr''r|r,'l )'r;r lr,ri,r \\\tcl|r rtl curvatureof its o\rn and each systemis are opposed ,,1'l'r',1 t,' thc (nhcr i()r their purposes in spheroiI lr, \\ \t( nr()fgravit!cur!atureisevidenced gradients pressure , h!ers of equipotential ,l,rl,rrr,l llr|}r,'itlrrl of the elrth The surface rrlrr, h, rrr r r':rroundgravitt centersare good cxamples. ,||r'lll, ,r\r\r(l( llrvcrs (rf gravitiltionis ccntripetal.It is conllr, i rrrralLrtc t|.rl[ rl lrr llrc nr)rlhsouth magneticpo]cs. hs office is to r.rtrrrr l lr rrlits in ntolion from their \\'ilveaxesto thcir wave \t . d rrrlrlllrI l I lrr' \r\lenr (rf rtdial curvatureis evidencedin ellipsoidal gradients whichextenclradiallv pressure | r,( l,rtr,r,. 'l I ril)( 'tcntial ccntcrs.Radial curvaturehas the same rr\r.r\ lr"rr 11rir\'ily cunature asgravity andplanets oi suns xr l, ' lhc c(lrrlt()r\ rFhrllr lr, |rI ' , ll|l I l x ] l c \ 1 ) lr 1 ) l i r l u ) n . ()f rirdi{l curvatureare the rings of { irrrt cr:rnrplcs \rr|lrrrr.tlrr l)u rh llcll Ncbul{. lSee Figure 167) \ (trolril. it t n lt lrr'\ r r r r - ( llrr ' s t s t , r r r , , 1 t i r ( l i r r l( t r f v i l l t r r c i s c e n t r i f u g a l .l t i s w h i c hw i l l t r ) i l g n c l ip c( ) l e s r|lt r' r ' lli r l l , \ t \ \ , ' , r \ \ . 1 r r r l l n o ! v r l ' lr rrt rrlr l r , t , sr,i l , t r l l i r l (r i r \ c r r s l\ ! ( s t l ) ( r l t s | |l , r | l l , r r ' l i ' l i , , ' r \ ( ' l l l r ( \ ( l \ \ { I | l i r i f s r ) l ) ( J l e \ i r r m c ore ( ll|ll\ 1 ,I l , , r l l r l | r l r ' r l ' l ,r \ \ l
llr, , rlrr, r r r .r r l , r I'l t l l r \,r l l r r r ' r" olr( ( 'l lllL rlllllll

rs irrr cl!ctrie t lf r' c l. lt is n o t ma g n e t ic . l{rrrlrrrtr,,rr \ arv greatl] sPhcr cs lrndspher()ids l\1 ssur c\ $ l)i(t) sufrr)un(l is gritdienls. As radiation ir) ll)eir cquipolenliul pr!'ssurc is and graritati()n mrximum al solar or planelart equators gradients surrounding poles. pressure the maxinrumat their vary in their cur\ature 1o conform to or spheroids spheres thesepressures. arebothtadial.Radiiofeither andradiation Gravitation gravity or the outwarddirectionol of the inwarddirection radiation cannot be projccted lhrough Yarring prcssurcs ol \ ar\ in! t()confonnto Ihe\ar)ing dcnsities withoutbending gradienls. prcssure

(]1 ootical illusions \\hich Nature is completel-! maLle up to bend radiating graclients acl as lenses Culved pressure frorn an concavil\ their licht outwardas they passthrough as place takes in-*ard to an outNard directiol'l The reverse ..:r:rritrting rrrrs prrsrthrtru g hlh { - ro n t e \ rt \ u f lie h t lc n s c s l r()mlhr ouluirrdlo lhc in\ it rd d llc . ll' rn these pressuresbut Polarity surveysand measures light rvhich causes the electricity alone projecls and retracts is a mysterious that magnetism theseillusions.The supposition force of some kind which altracts and rcpels has helped to deceived which the senseshave build thesewrong conclusions into b;lieving (SeeFigure 77. page 150i Figure ol)scrvers l(,1. prrtc l613:Figures 170. 171. 172. page 170: Figure 171.p a g e1 7 2 . ) l'l1. p:rlc t7l: FigLrrr \ c h N\ cre rl c a re f u llla n d S ttr(l\( o rrls e lrr,,rrrll,,rrrr' t re$ it h in prrrrr' ip ltrrt n v t w a v c u rv a u l,l.rrrrlrrlr.l'r'rrrrrrrrrltlr, * h ic h bounds o l r' , ' c u rra t u r' ' ilrlc z t rrrr l tlrr'1tr u.rr, lr, l,l.,rrrr llr( . ll(rl o f , ' n c u a v e lie ld f ro m I$rrl s.rr, lr, l,l. .rrrrl 'lr'\ . o r. ' cmu s lle t t h is i lt l , rl rc \ c l s lt lss ,.\ , | \ , ,I | |, | , ,rr, I't :r lrrrrrt ()f l,||, l,|, . I r|'||,'Ir\|||I|, r' l( ' t I lr( l)rrrln )\ c t h is t re a t rs e '

ll is extcnded I |l.r,i\ l)elongs to the invisiblc universe. ol motion ONLY FROM A FULrrrt,,tlr, r isiblc universe t lil l\l $hich isat rest.The energy. doesnot pass howcver, oI matler. of In \,'|nl tlre fulcrum into matter.or conditi()n bcyondrestinto moti()n tl|.'lr''rIoI Dril(ler. That which passes - an ellect olPrlets'l i..r\ , \ I'ti \\it)nol (rtetgv- n.rimu[ulirtn ()nr ( (l energy can do what 1lcauseto demonstrate Itr"t, l( lr illusions of motion. rrlr,,rr 1'r, 'jttccl into the nrighrbe likened unlo thc I r( r'\ thus expressed , , ' |ll|rl,\\ r r r l i ( r r so f a m o t i o n p i c t u r e . T h e m o t i o n t h u s . rt'r,,,.,r'rl sinrulltesthe cnerg), ind the IDEA. which has lr l lrr 't(( tc(l /ir.,ra an undilided mentalSourcelrrcrgi a ' , lf rl, l, , l t l ( \ ' t r i c N r V e s o u r c eh 1 r h e x u y o / a f u l c r u m z e r o s lrr,lr tlrr lvxveoscillalcs. 11r,rr that the energysimulatcd be said.thercfore. It , rrrrrr,rt picture picture is in the rather than in the l,t tlr, rrr,,ti,rrr
i ,' r, r,,'l t lr ( . lnct Llr e.

I rl( \\ i\( . lhc sxmeclnnot bc said of Natute'scosmic , lrfrlfl,rfrr(,li(,lr l)iclrrrcLtlcauselncleffect,which the Masler of spacefrom the r\| rt'lrtlrir\ ln1)jcclcd upon lhc screen lrt,rt of Hiselectric rh : r{)ugh {hc lisht lenses lt ! lt t , ' l I l r \ k ' r 1 r \ \ i n l t lrlr rl rr, ' mcaning o i t h et r u l ys t a t e d l,' l n , ' \ ( l l I r l l h c s c i e n l i l i c texl qLlotc from a science NrilIre \ rrr.:rnin8. I $ ill [rlr t'.||,,l nrc:ri n n l o f t h e l a r va si o l l o w s : I l l i t lru ' l u l r r ,l r , r l r l r r i n s t h e
In n,ttt' lhnl,yLnLl tlhtt il t lt jt t nl\t&ttt in ()m'lort it trtuslltdw ' tt',rn 'rtttrtItrtiu (r' n'\t)(rnlittllottlounl.


The law saysthal the amounl of energ\ in the universe is constant.' js That is true becauseencrgy unchangiilgin thc But 1bescientificmeaningback ol Light-al'resl. unclivided thal lrue lil$' is not Nalurcs ncaning

l|l, s,'r,lr '.rplx rrrs irrr,l tlisrrppcals-indicatc that , rlr l,\ r,.rr,.rrt r,r lr',r, trr:rllr rritlrirrtht risihlc rrlotion ancl ,,t rrr rt , lrrl, rrrrrr


If polarity had been rightll undersroodb! science,the thcrmod)namicla$s anJ rccepted principleswould ne\rr have been writtcn. Clausiusoriginally wrote the second la$ of thermodynamics as follows: It is intpossiblefor a selfacting mdchinelo c()ntey heut.fton one bodt Lootlotherat a higher tenlperetne. This is not true.for Natureis constantly doingjustthat thins in every expression of gravity. Erery cold bcxJy of rain. or snow. heatsas it falls to earth and con!'evsthat heat {o lift rh(.hitherrcmperature o I t h e c a n h t o a s t iil h ic h e .t . -p e ra ll L' .

'lhis irlsois not true. Everything which "falls" toward rlx thc lwo polarizedconditionso[ matter must "rise" "l |t'$ nr{l tltc other opfxJsite condition.The interchange is equal. lltr'rr|:Dle which falls oi its own accord risesof its own Watcr unites its particles into closer .elationship in ol([,r tr) lirll. then dividesinto more remote relationship in t() risc.{SeeFigure 168.) ''rrlt.r I rr'r'vthing which emerges from spaceby the way of up byspaceby the way of radiation. 9ld\rl! r\ "r,wrllowed I lri,i is as lrue of sunsas it is of apples.Every sun which h 1rr r(.(linlo spaceby one swingof polaritys pendulum 'tr.( llrl| ll\ [|lrt(.in u black.vacuous holeof equalpotential on the riltFr \r{lcof ils waveaxis,whichis waitingto "swallow it up,' IthcI tlrr'ltnrlulum reverses its swing. llrr.confusion of observers who conceived that law is not lt' knowing dtld of the balanceof Nature which llrhtilv ro||trols.They think of the appleas a heavyobject l|hf{'ff(!ffffr()l tiseds d heeD'obiect. lhc lrrlnranthinks objectivelyof an apple as a solid . rlhlFrl, lrrl lhc scicntistshould think of the apple as one tldFlilp |[fl ('l il wholc cvcle. The solid apple is that pafi of its hrrs crrndensccl !ir'h, whr(,lr from a largevolumeto becomea Inl{ll v"l trrcl{)cntcd lll thc:tpexof its spiralcone cycle. \ ( t r ' r t l i \ l sr h , r r r h r l lrink.rcliirrlll and n,'r objectirell. . , ' t f h e rrl' , ' r r r r ' , , n c .u l r i , . h, , r u ., , h j c . : r i v c l r h i n k \ o i a s a n {rlllt, wrll i \l)r (l tr) hcc(nncIhc bi$e of a cone which will \l)irrl into ils irpcxon Ihe boughof sometree,to lFlllrtl|llv rrrrr lUtllll lt\ | iur itl)lrlc. Ihrr rr rr,rl tr l o l r t r .r t i r ( r u t i r ( . r ' s ( . li t se y c l i c O . bjectivity lr lrt t l , r 1 r .1 1 ; 1 , , , . . ,r ' l, r r l t . s h i r . h i \ t i ) t . ( . ! r .n .l )oving lhr()ugh

lrr cn eoltl lrrxlvrvhichis addedhy gratity k) a larger lrrrll rrt lriglrt.r'l(I|lprlitlure raises lhe temperature of both I'r'rlics l'r tlrt.rrillrLlcrushinl.conrpressine rveight of .gravily. It rr tlrr' ,rlliic ,rl rt r; rrit \ t o c ()n rp re s-s a n d it is t h e rllrr'r' r r | tlI c\\i,lr tt I h(.ll ,, irn(lit is rhc office of heatto ' 'l ' llrr,r\\ tt\ lr,rt lrrrlir.sst, tltcv 0tit\ co()l and retum as "ll
r' ,' | | | | j II tIIII' Irrx l i t.\ tr' i rt::ti l r.i tt.

I rr'rr ..r' lrorlr rrhir,.lr ll)l)f()lchcs a larger body ''( lfifrlles l){rllt borlics. ( Trdrrr)r( hrxlict haut. Conrerselv. r'rcrr h,rh *lrir.h r';rrli. rrr. s' n r ; , 1, , r. . lrd r " d is c h a rg e i' I r, bolh bodies. Dist'horgitg bodi:s tool. The cold of space heals hot sunshotter by the way of their poles,and hot sunsradiate their heat by theway of tireir equators to form cooling rings. which again heat to become hot planets. The law is further explained by stating that an objecl __ will fall of its own accord from a higher to a lower level-but ir uill not rise of its own accord from a lower le\.el to a hiqhcr level.

36 many stagesbetween the appearanceand disappearance of what the senses interpret as obiective. The astronomer should likewise think that way of his sunsand sta$.lt should be easierforthe astronomerto think cyclically than for the physicist,ior he can seehis cone apices expand into cone basesfor rewinding into new suns, in the same manner that applesexpand to become cone basesfor rewinding into objective apple forms at cone apices. Figure 131, page 163. is a good example of the wa1 an astronomer should think in relation to all stellar bodies. Had Newton thought that way in relation to an apple he would not have w tten such an inadequate.unnatural and rrlislci|(ling law. S( i( t|lislssh()ukinol think of sequential effectsonly. Irrrtslrorrklirlso thirrk of lhe simultaneous workingsof al1 lN" \rir\ (.\ln( \\i()n\. I lrrsrr lr,'$ Nrllllt('t!()rls. As the s()lidapplelalls, an r'rI|l|lIn riscr.lI I put my handdown in 'll.rtirl ihnnlt||ncorrslv \\,rtr.r ,||Ii||||rIr|||| r'(llrrlt o t lrirtwh ic his rlis p la c eb dy my h a n d \flrt|rltiIr( r i\cs. 'rl\l\ As tlfc rfl)f)lc Iirllsit sirr)ullitnr()usl\. charges'the eanh "rTlrr'(,. antl ilrr'lrra4r,r Whenlhe applerises it simultaneoush ''charges spaceand dischargesthe earth. The balanrc in po le n t ia lh c rwe e n e ra \ it a t in gmx t rrl andradiating matterineverywavefieldisabsolute. Scientific observershave never thought ()f it that way. They have nor thought of spacc as being divided into definitelv measureti ''comparln,)ents" such as \!ave fields. The n()re evacuatedspacethere is in a wave field. th. more solid is the matter which centers it and lhe grearerrh( volune of space.As spacecools more. and its uave fieltls

and arlri||l(l nrorein volume.its centralsunequall]contracts llt.rls, I'()turity divides all of its electric ellects equally. The or millionsof ,rf negative spacema! be thousands rr'lrrrrrc center.but their ll0rr'\grc|ter thanthe volumeof its positive are equalto the millionthof an amperc. llot('rttinls ll this were not so. the Kepler law which silysthat ''{\Irrl irfcllsin a radiusvector are coveredin equal lime" nor wouldthe cuberatiosof accelera w||r hl rrotbc workable. work out. ll r nr(l (lccclerati()n

XIII AND FALLACY OF NEWTON'STHREE INAIII.:QTIACY LAWS AND ONE HYPOTIIESIS 'l hc Newton lawsand hypothesis seemedto be a master principles. They haveheld of Nature's undetlying tlrl(.||rfnt lhfit |r'cstigc with reverencefor their validity lor three ycars. that all duringwhichtime the misconception httttrltcrl measurwith mathematically {ll olher matter lltlrircls nlttlt('r thl.' l|owcr hls been a fundanrentalof scientific thinking.

will Ncw enliShlenntentasto God s waysand processes many more oI the is but one d r |l\llirlc thilt lhis bclief filctsof Naturewhich deceivethe senses ldFlrirUlvol)vious c()nclusi{)ns.Thesenseso{manhaveto lrh rr r r r i r r g w ( r n g l f{(lllt r'(1eptc(l lhcsc lirlrlrzlrtr.t of facts for /ed1facts. toco/lituE in Nr'rllort s lirsl lawsirvs I)\,tl h()dr'tands ( .tltuight line unlessit is \tnh. t'l \t .,t uilt', t,1 thtit)n iu h ll\
tl t l rtl t t l, t r t lt t t t t t t 't ! t t ilr ' lin t .

s hich ( ) l i l r l o l l e x i s l c n lp r c n l i s c w I l t t sI r * s r r r r v r i t t r ' rl r ( . \ l u r l r c t r t t t r t t t t t ttintu' r' l r ' \ r s t . f r f f \ l , r l r ' l r l \ f wf fffr'\lrlrrr'(l

it.t stote ot rest hecdu.te bodie\ at rcst da nat eti.tLin Ndtute. llodies are hut ttd\,eso/ Dlotion. llhen nrotion ceues. bocliet ceo.te to he. One might as appropriatch rcf!-r to soundbeing at rest in silence. for soundis matterin motion like all other b0dies. A bodycannolcorltinue itsunil(rt-m nlotionin a straight gradients. line in thisradialuniverse of curvedpressure Such a phenomenon is inrpossible. Like[ise. all bodiesare continuallvbeinslcted upon by t\\'o oulsidc.opposcdforces not one inlermittentforce. Lverv body in the unilerse is constantlvin violent rrr,ilion. cven thou!:hit simulates rest.When motir)nceases rr:rtl(r .( jr\rs.A cl(Jucl fl()ating motionlesslv abovethe ealth r r rrr,rrirrrtrrt :rslxctlof atho u s a n d mile s p e rh o u ra s t h e c a rt h r ,t.{t,\ ll i\irlv}rDo\intrio le n t ll' . in a llo f it s p a rt s . It r'. .rlw' rrr,,rrrrr, irr r r r' u rt e rl lin e o I d ire c t io n .n o t a ',r r Ir'lrr lIr,, \, |l llr,'rr'lrrl r. l()re e llc lin ! L lp o n it isu n c h a n g ll! ,.rrt tll| r,||r.r\ lr r.r|t n e t s . ons. I , ' l ,rir|)llrn c s mo ,'r r.',1r,, $.'\,... llr,.r ,rll l, , ll, ' $ lh f . u r\ rt u re o f g ra rit \ rrtr lrr'rrrrrsr' r' r; rrlt i\t ill\ \ lt \ sc u rlc d . lrt, ..rrt, r'r.r,lr, | \( |l tlr(.lrit(l lrtrrr'ill\ irr1 n r(, t j1 n rlc \ \ u l\ p o n ! t a b le (:Ir]ol sl|r)ulillo losl e\ccl)t thfi)u!h nloti{rnso \i()lentthat lour cntire houservoull be instan(l! clestrored if the dual forces rvhich causethat motion suddenlr \\.ithdre$ thcir supportof ir. I herewith offer thc followingla*s whichhavemeaninr in Natureto replace this meaningless first la*:

.19 2. tlverl hody is the resuh ol the exertion ol two r44rrning strainswhich thrusl xway from cachother in opposite rll(lhl dilections to condition its attributes and determine its rrrolir)n. 3. Ever;-body is perpetuallyin motion until the strains d r4rpositionwhic} keep it in motion void each other in the rnlvcrsal zro ol rest. into which all bodies disappear for rf||ppc ]ance in reversedpolarity.

Nc*tons third law says: To e\:err uctin lhet-ei.t dtL rcdctb .,\lthtl,tnl opposite for it confuses Ihis la$ is inadequate and incomplete. H{d it lh, l;r(ls Nhichgolern molion.Justwhatdoesit mcan? I'r'r'r r r|r-ittcn in eitherof the t$ o following!vatsthc confusi()n (\ t,' ils nrcaning [1)uld disappear. but eiihcr one would still l'f llrr(nnp]cte. rll To clcfv acti()nthere is an equal and opposite ()r {2) 'fo elerv action there is tn \ttult,1, \)u.ereacti()n. r,r1rr;rl irnrl oppositc \equent idI reaction. 'lhc infcrcnceis that the lattermeaningwasNcwk)n's
I Il r, |.

lo rr.rvritcth is law in confornity with Nature s procesrr.r, Nr'*lon s thirtl larv should read as follows: ''I vt r ,ttriott i: rinultuutrtutly htlunced b.t on equal is rtpt'ttt'LI vqucnLia[[J'h nutl t\'t,tt\ttt ttut tir'tt.rutLl

l. All motion in this pol|rired. radial unirerse is curved. and all curvalure is spiral.

l'( 1,(tl(r Url([fsl(xxlb! lhcscientist I lrr rttlrr'rrlrrri rrrrrr $lrrA tr;rlrtrr'r.rl I r rri I i rrrI I rr\ li\.( | \| rllrilr hr\ ( ()nsciousness ' ' tll.,'rrr's,rr urr\, r\( r tnr,,-t)l.rlrr,'rrlll'L *i ll l,rr nrt loriro r,'l tlr, l1|,r,l,rrr{ oI thc r r rrrrl,l, rr,,l IrrirrLiI,|L l, \\ 1,,'|lri,.,r ''

twcway concept which operates in e\,ery action-reaction effect of motion $ithout exception any\rhere.

4I simultaneously expands itswave-field ttd ( ompressingspace to balance borlrrlarics each opposite with the other. llvcry outwardactionis an explosion whichformsrings at its equator. l f(xlrprcssion These surround a largevolume (rp n(ld ttl space.The sequential inward reactionof this a centerof gravitywithin the expanded lllir)n f{rrms volume u n[clcus for a forming sphere. Every sphere thus formed ll to form rings ofcompression at itsequator "ftpl.rdcs"radially fhilh ugainbecome sphere systems. 'l hcse arethefundamentals of theconstitution of matter. 'l hisunderlying process ofNature ispresentin itsevery of the universal It'lft||| rcilction. lt is the very mechanics process of Naturewhichmotivates Inht$rthinlt.()utbreathing of theuniverse. It is the inside-out, outside-in lhr hr.nrthcat andmatterwhichswallow eachother up to lllflllturi o[ space This process is Nature's most hrtn (.[.h other sequentially. gmtf)l('lfrfus fundamental. Repelilion in Natureis dueto thi.l flfi r,tt, thingwhichunfolds 4. livcrygrowing from theinvisible ol ils sccd into form lern visible simultaneously refolds i tllhht itr sccd as an invisiblerecord of the patternof the reactionreverses the inward {llftthllnl fornr.The sequential rcpeats rlircction and the outward unfoldingdillfttltllttg fl{lhfi t)l tr0wlh. Nr.wtrrrr's hypothcsissliltcsls folk)ws:'tyery particle of (t'?r.t' l \( pdrticle ht ht' uttit'o al l ftk t.r ot h.'r with a m,,'t force undinver.rely at ,kl l\ui \ tlittttlru\ lh( pr(rlu(lt)llh?n r\ses gWrqn t't'l tltt tlitk'|t '. provc Srtr'rrr'r' slrlc\lhrl Ncwl()rr'\ rrrrllrcnrirtics wilhout
{lletlhrll lllDl Irrlll('t rllr'rrl\ rrrirll(r. Ihis is n()l l rc. Mulhc oI rr nrilrrge, il{llr I r||l|} |lro\ r lhr' |lr( ir\rl| ( \ i||rl I LlirlionshiPs

1. An outward explosion compressesin advance of the direction of the action and simukaneo!.r/vevacuatesin the opposite direction. The following half of the cycle is in reverse. The evacuated condition becomes a compressed one. and the compressedconditi()n becomesan evacuated one. No better exampleof polarity than the ahovecould be cited. All electric division of the indivisible equilibrium inro prirs of oppositeconditions takes place in this manner- and lhc ()nly two conditions in lhe universeare the compressedcolditions.and their resultanl l)hrsirn(lthc expanded-minus r'llrtls ()f hcut and cold - male and female- p(xitive and rrr'ltrli\(., i||r(l()lherwavevibratine pairsof opposites. l. llrr. rlirclrirlg' ol lr rcrrrlver and its recoil are tlrrrrrllrrrcrnr\. llrc rcrl r.rrtitrl rcitcli()nis in reverse. That \rlr'(h \rI\ I rlr'hrr rIrres lr chirrgc - itndtheirdirections rur rr'rr.rrr.rl lltitt \\'lticlt\!its(.ritclitlcdhecomes a force ol (t)||ll)r.\s(s whirh itt its ccnler instead llrr\ity of aroundits .ir'(.urirl(r cncc. I ltr.r..ont.uritv ol rrutwtrdpressures revenies t1)lhc c(nr!cxilyof itrwardprcssures. Curvature of everv simultaneousaction-reactionis the reverseof the sequentialone.

3. The discharge of everyoutbreathing body,wherhef man. oa sun.or electron.charges spaceby compressing it. andsimultaneously discharges the bodyby expanding it. Thr sequential action-reaction of inbreathing revenies thisproces:,. Likewise. evacuating bodies simultaneouslv comprc\\.

but they do not provethat the raihoadtracksdo meel therc. Likervisc.NeuIon smathefiaticsma\ pro\ellteratesol acceleration and deceleration of Ihe opposing pressurcsof gravitv and radiation. as massesD't()ve ror{ard and recede fronr each other in their eagcrness to finci rest from strains and tensionsof unbalance. buI thaa does nol pro\e that matter attractsnratier.ll onll proles thal malter Jee,rsto attract matter,just as railroad lmcks r?efi to mcet upon the horizon. I( would be iust as logicalto assert that planetsnere lrllracled b\' their perihcliabecause ir could bc nrathemaricilih increase their speed asthe\ approach l)r()!cnlhat all planets lhcir l)( rihelia. lirr Ncrvton s third larvto be musrappiyro all ||r'tr'|| \u(-h it\ thi] ()rbils oI planetsas \\ell as to falling l! r lr'\ \rr, lr ;r\ tlrcrl)DIc.\\tich isclaimedto fall because ir is ,|| | r ,|( tr,(I | , t Irt ( i|||II lt r))lrst hitveno c\ceptions. and it has ' rrirr\ | ( l |l\ { (,||\trj(.r ,rncr' l lh e n t \4 lr( tlrr. irl'l'lr. lirll\ t r, * ; rl irc c n t c l o l g ra v it \ .Ne . wt o n ,trIr|,ttIttIt, Itqlrrr t,rl thc t \ \ , , ||lit s s e slp p le a n de a n h-' a n d rrIi||I|( rrIiII|( i|||\ ir('(1,rit:, lor tltc |.ltlt (rj ;tccelerati()n as thc tw'i ||tlrrlr;tllv lttlfirrtirr{ b rl(lic s a p p f 0 : rc h e a c ho t h e r. When a planet approachesits perihclion. however. its speedincreasesjust asthe speedof the falling apple increases. Unlike the applewhich is approaching anotherbody.however. the planet is but approachingan empty point in spacewherc there is no other body to add to that of the planet. such ar there is when planet and apple potentials can be roralled. The planel accelerates.however, without havine an other body to "attract it. 'Why has nor this most ob\jous fircr been observedlong ago?

1l Let us look at this law lrom another point of view. \t icncc has founded its cosmogenetictheory upon its belief t h , rt t hi s i s a o n e - w r ! . r l i s . , ' n t i n u r ' u s n pen\a . L,n-cum ting fi|li!crse, in spite of the very obviously continuous, compen\irring twewayuniverse manifestedinall of its effects,without singleexception in all Nature. 'nx WheneverNature projects anv wave lever from its still lul( |'lrnl. she projects it two opposite ways -- simultaneously tlx n rcversesboth by withdrawing both lever extensions l',rckinto theirfulcrum.This fulfillsher invariable law which r( cs that all motion is born from rest. seekstwo opposing 'lr( I ot\ of maturity to rest.then returnsas death ft) the zero oI lx tl\ lrrginning for rebirth.

Mlsconceptions ol Weight
lll lrttll lloating hodies which ar? i halanc? with th?ir rttt'hr' rnt, t hare no weight whatsoer,er. I hr' rrr(,nrenl any potential is takenout of an environment oI r.rIrirl electricstiains and tensi()ns are setup in the In,lential. Irrlrirlirfl( e(lnrass thusremoved rvhichmeasure the resistancc l. llt irl r ' a n r o \ i t l . 4 t,n . lr tr tvtntplc. i.t r,.jtr' filuch out ol bdldnce\rith dn equal whun r. lha ttnc uill /ill to.teek a like potential. not ',1 ir hr,,rut, htt w'iuhr rr.'; t fropert.y ol itsell but hecduteof the nmt \.l t h\'tti. |oluritr xhith di|ide the uni'ersalbalance t,tti rtttrtl i tl ('l,l)t'\irI tnltuhned pait.t.and in.ristupon ltrLI tl'. Atrltrq tlL uuitt 'r'i \ ' l' , rr(( l ' ( l r r \ ( \ t h i r t . r r r r i r rrrr h o w c i { h s 1 5 1p ) o u n d sw h i l c r rrr r , 'rIrr, |,,, I l r r : r i rr t i l l r r t i r t h t sl r 0 | o r r r r r l s rvhcn surrouncled l, t I lr, r' r r t r rl,r r l r l l l r i r t t ' r ( \ \ r r ( \ , , l \ r i r l ( r ' i r r w h i . h hcll():rls.
l h,' r r., |l, , l . r r |lr t . r ) r r , lr l

, ,N}

.t,l Wlrcn a man i.csu ouruled bv air' he is out ol baluice vith then equlll)' Electric Iensions clivides oolarin'vvhich Prestures stretchedto registera \rhicharc sufficient lJ' nd as;l&\tic han.Lt 'pull" :eto of his bilance the cgainst strtitt o1 150pouru)s of When ie is sirrounded bv watet. hotteter' the pressures displacement arul replacetnent are equolizetl Each is in balance \\'ith the otlrer and v:eight clisapPedrs. If weiqht were a fixed attribute of matter. it would be lt varies.howevef. asthe potentialsof masses unchaigeable. "balance vary. A man weighs less as he ascendsa otrt of mountain,andmore in a deeppit. Aswaterfalls' itcompresses and cains in potential. As it divides into vapors and When its potential is loseipotenliil. It, therefore.weighsless. ((luirlin \,rlumclo lhe \olume ol potcnlial displacedit floats ,,t ir .1,' thenhrs no wc ' g h t . planets and moons They are all suns. Arrrlso it is wittt stars. hrxlicsirnd hil\e no weight in respectto an] lr|r'ly ll,rrrtirrg , rtlrr'r lrorll itt tltt'trnirt'r' s c . p rlla c ll d z e d v o lu me o f s p a c e in I rr h r.ltrILLrrtt'r's:rrt''1 rp ' rs it conditionis of equal polarizcd t rrt lt rvhir'lr irr ,r \rr\'( lit'ltl is balancedwavefield livcr-y lolrrnrc Inrl,rlrrll.rllrlrl tnrlr'rrtrrrl of curvature' revers:rls licltlhv_ ir\uhlt.(llrrxrr('\rrt (,llttt w;rve pages lilter in corlsitlclctl wlr( lr irrr \( l)rttirl('lY 'lhe tollowingrlclinitiorrs will help to clarify the ol \^-cight prgsentnrisconceptionregardingit belveen the t*c: of unbalance 1. Weightis the measure electric forces which polarize the unilenul equilibrium' 2. Weight is the sum of the difkrence bet\teen the t\\'a \rhich ucl on erer! masspressures 3. Weight is the sum qf Lhe ditference in electtil and the rolume it occuPies potential betweenam mass

'L Weight is lhe measurerf the force which a hody rtttls in seekingits tnrc Polettial. We*lht is the sum ()l the diJJerence bet\r'een lhe gravitationand the outvard thvtt olradi*tion. urtutl thtusto-f ;

Rt grrding "Initial Impulse"

andof rnoons theirsuns. around of planets lltc nrovement mystery. ha-s always beenanunexplained thcirplanets. nr(nrn(l it l6th century, was commonly up to the even l|| [rx ir'nldays. intheirorbits pushed around theplanets thatangels ll,licverl thatat the time of the believed lt rr trx|rvquitecommonly ()f given lo each impulse was aninitial thisuniverse. flfxtir'l one sufficient to keepeach lll r{'tinrdmoonwhichwasjust primary. its ntoving around frrtcrr'r'

'llrr. rliglrtcst of the natureof the electric understanding condition process of dividingone cIrr('N,rn(litsmechanical conditions of unbalance. into two opposed halancc r{ r,lc|nlrl sucha belief. * rll rlissipute 'l hrrt rlrccountless in thc earths andmoons billions of suns. hasjust that each ofthese happen" ltcouldnotjust hF{vflrs. of the to keepit in itsorbitasa result llu riglrtinitialvclocity (irtirclysm of the with the birth which is crcdited Ithrxrl for great a cosmic coincidence would be t(x) tlllivr'rrc. lhi|l
person. It'l'rrltll ( c Dy ilnv rciNonrng

nol ltrr the weightof so great a Alrrr rrrth l lhc()rvw()Lrkl of any hclicf rrs thc tact that no speed Irt t0r'r'l t ltis rllrlurI'rrrt: s io tLrltlhavelohcIogivesubstanc t lrl(r l x | ( l y i \ ( . ( ) n l i l i l r t l . r rw ltnd constantly, solrrr'llxly is f()rcvcr. rr r'lrrirrr. lrrt lr rrr,h ll v rrlv r t ! i t \ \ l x r ( l i t r t , l r r l (i l s I n i n l l l r ' y . r r r ' r , ' l r t i t , t r l \ t ' ( , r r l l ' l i r s l ello r ' o t l tl l ; t l l l t n t l llrrrlr - , r t r r r r ' , rl ,

.16 slowerfor the other half. It alsolaries it o\er its millionsof )rearsof motion by graduall\ slowing ils speedof revolution and increasingils speedof rotation as it spiralsawar lrom its primary.Duringthese periods. not one ofthe hillionsofsolar bodies ever goes fasl enough to fl) off at a rangenr fronr its primary. nor slow enoughto fall into il. \rhich in anv casc could not happen regardless of speed. In additionto the foregoingis the fact lhal lhcre ne\er has been a primal cataclysmwhich createdrhe univcrse.Electricit), does not work that wav. and there is no other rvorking force in this unirerse than the dual elecrric force. Elcctricil] expresses ils dividing powers equall) - and sinrullaneously. Eleclricitv thengro$sher effects to matudtv rrn(itirke\ them aparl to repeatthem sequentiall). Al\o l lr(rc ltit!e heL'n just as millionsof generalions of suns. llx r. lrit r c lrtr.nnrillions of generations of men.If the inititl fl|||ul\. llrc(n\ Itirs irrt! ntclit. thal merit would not applv to rl.\tr.rrrlrr|lts t.|| tint(.\te billiongenerations removed. ( )rr nr,n!l r\ not ,lrc nrillrt (. o ld in c o s mict ime . lt c o u ld . Ilrr'rr'l rr', lr;rrr. n,r"irritilrl in t P rrls e . " I ltrs rsrr r rrrliirl llti\ r'rseitn(le\cr\ ccnlcr of .uravitv in every sr'lirtl)(xlyis tbc ltpcr ol a conic scclion.Everysatellite of crcry suchbrrly is a ladial pr(riccrion from the equalorof its printdr). It first appears as a fing thrown off centrifugally from its parent's equator. The ring becornesa sphere which centers its own wave field within its ancestor" wave fields. then c()ntinuesits outward spiral journey for millions of years of crer slouing rpeed anJ ever-changing porenrialt., ircp rn balance with the ever-changingporential of irs wave field. Our solarsystem is agood example. ConsiderMercurv as thc

17 Irtr:stcxtensionofoursun. It is a very hol and very compressed l)llncl which speedsaround its primary in less than three nr(nrths. When Mercury spirals out to whereour earth is, it $ ill Ilke four timesaslongto makeone revolution and it will l( irhoutfour timesas largein volume.for it mustgradually rtl)un(lto keepin balance with the ever-changing equipoten, lirrllu\crsof the pressure gradient whichreachesoutfrom the I into space. ', Wlr(n Mcrcuryuttainsthe position of Jupiter, it will be many ltnt('\ hrser and its period of revolution will be many years. Alro its pcriod of rotation will speed up as its period of Icvr)luti()n slowsdown. in orderthat centripetaland centrifugal rll.( tsof polarization will keeptheirbalance with eachother. l,ilcwisc, the inner moon of Mars circlesits primary every rr,rcnhours.rvhilethe ouler moon takesthirty hours. All olhits arc ellipticalfor they are angularconic sections. l,llcwisc. all are eilher centripetalor centrifugalspirals. thcir pathsare eitherin the directionof the apexor ht'r'rrrrsc llr lrisc of a cone. ( i lrtr ir(tion in the centripetal direction accounts for increase planets ol r|(\\l:N approach theirperihelia, and expansion in lhr, rlirceli()nof a conical baseaccountsfor decrease in speed of ()uterplanets. lrl I r.vr)luti()n and alsofor decrease in speed xr Iluncts rppr-{uchtheir aphelia.

lI vir'wol all suchveryorderlyperiodicities and processes in ol nrirtcrii|l systems. it seems incredible that a llh,ilrrtllrtion as Ncwt()n Itrtlrullrsrreh s hvpothesis cver shouldbe thought rl[ n iil,r ( x rtlh i r tn r l l l c r - i l l l r n c l s n ] i l l l e r . o r t h a t ' i n i t i a l i m p u l s e tttfo||rtr(l lin tlle spcc(lol l)litnctilry revotutrcn.

of l,lfc ond I)coth Thc'l wo \flu.vs

Nn lt t rtl ) r , ' i , , 1 \ ( , r ( \ l ( r r ( l \ r t \ l r r r ( l r r ' r I o r o n t .h t r l !o l i t s

cycle to fianilest the lile and growth principle.That is thc p.occss o[ polarizalion. Polarization\ilaljzcs bodies b] the di\ ided dividing their zero condition oi resl and er\lending pairs awa] front their zcro equator as far as the\ clln go. lt contracls thrustsinwardly in cenlripetalspiralsPolarizati()n to creategravjt\. its wavele\er into its zero sourceto Naturethen lvithdraws rhe other half principlecluring decav the dealh-and manifesl Depoprocess of depolarization. of cvery cyclc. That is the bodiesb]'\'oidingthe desireof the dirided larizationclevitrlizes the slrainsand oppose cach olher. lt relaxes conditionsto thrustsout_ Depolarizatilrn of clectric opposition. lcnsi()ns \urr(lly in cenlrilugalspirals.It expandsto radiarc c!er\ hodr backint()the zeroof ils sourcein order that 1r'ncrirlcd ilnd rcappearas lile. rL rrtlrrr:rr |evcrseils manifestation d irjd c s a n e q u ilib riu m Nl,rrl(r irt)l\',u\ lhcn polariz a t io n p o la rit t . Ma lt e r t h e n . lis ,rl opPo s it c l\\(' r(.r,rs /' r" Url,) t p ln s e d p o le su n ile t o . e s t in .r p;r.rrrrrlr,rr rlr,,lirrrltrl rr n rl tlrt t t( rr.rl ,rrr, zLr. rn llr. s t ill l-iilh l f ro n r lh ic h a ll t h in g s r r t h e p u rp o s eo i .r 1'1',rr.rrrl rrtt, strr(lr tlr.\ (lis ilp l)c itio (lrr( t l. ( s . rrrr' rrrt ri r rr'rl\( r , .'l,lr'.rr

,l!, lil, ctcle. lt is the cleceletatircmotiotl ol .entrilugal tbft'e lltich degenerates, tlecuysartd e-tpands. lircn though all bodiesare both living {nd dying in crch forcc of cycle.the generative I'r, lrthsequence of their wh()le lr 'lirfizationis s(rongcrin the lirsl half of the cycle.Conversely, rrllrlring bodies arelivingwhiletheydie.but the clegenerativc in the isthe slrongcr lvhichdevitalizes l,)r(cof depolariz:rtion slrlnd half. Iil( is cternal.There is no death. Life is but simulatedin sequencesas all ideaof |lrirrter clepolarizalion b! polarization in thoughtwaveso[ movingmatter. NlIr(l i\ hut sinlulated

Wc Now Return to Newton'sOne-WayLaws And One-WayMathematics

Nr.\rton s one-wal laws and hlpothesisaccount for falling lnrlics *hich are *ithin the same wave field. and lls a in fespect to their commonccnters hare rveight r , rrrscquence Thcy gain boclies. rrl llrirritl. Fallingbodiesare poltrrizing lcryllrtas thcy f:rll. M.rrt,,rrr /rrur do (t ac(:ototl, honever, lir rising bodie.t rltt, h larv, rerer:;el thei poLtriliet and lose \reighl tlt the!

Whlt Arc l,ilc And l)cath?

h e Dbt io otll.\ t hLr t t hiLh nu u t t l l: l i l c i n brxl i e.tis ut Lt4t't Lr. th( ("nlripdal nolion o.l inlercha ging \rare rihnaion\ 01 hehre(.nlho pold rrhichlldre heenextetldedlt utr II]|?ONE cettri)elnl lorc! th(lir !(Mce. It is lhe acceleratie rclion o/ dnd c()nlftcts. rrhi(:h!4anerate., for the life principlcin sonl( haslongbcensearching Scicnce germof matler.It may as\vellcastnetsinto the seato searclr for oxygen. That s'hichis cullt:ddedthis iu\t Ihe ofPosie ltutllt)/ th? \\ lt.,i'

N'trln rh' thA t.(() tr lot lktuing bodies, such tLt suns, yhtrtr'rtrtt rttrttrtt. \\'hi(h t't) ter lheir own *ave fields, urul as a otherbod), in lhe rt,tto r\'t i,.!ltl it t (V)t\1 b Lrn.r' , , 'nt ,ttt, tttr'ltLt h,rut r t r. rtnrilise. And liquids /\l'|1, \ ,l,| ( \l':r'r(li'rt,i tirt:ir's. l i s r ' ( r ' ,/ , ' i r / o r r , t ( t k l i l t l : r l t r i L . \ ' . f f , ' , \ |riIr | , I I r r | r , 'i r t h t s . r r r rr t.\lt llnt t, I,t,r tlt, u lt,tllr,^ t",trt th,t, tlr'r ritnultnut,t
r , ', t * t lt, u , tt t1 'ttl ttl 'ttt'


Thcy rcvelse theirdirections. theirpotentials. theirpolarities. thcir dcnsitics. thcir spcctrumcolorsand theil rleiglr. One attributc cannot be re|ersed without re\ersing all. The polarizingdirection of gra\it_!mulliplies{he po\\er r.i all of force while the depolafizingdirection of cxpressions radiation dividesthem all in equalbut opposileratios. The attribute of attractionwhich Ne\rton gires to lalling lndies explt ing inward k)$ard gravit\ should also appl] to To risingbodiesexpk ing outwardtowardexpanded space. apply that truth $e w()uld havek) sa]: -E|e,r fafticle ol neller it the utri'erse repels?rer.r other lrarticle .i|ith a.lirce xhich vrie.t iD'ersel.r d.tthe product qf the ndsses and dit ec tlr'.t.\the ttlItu tr. o/ thL'.li.tto nce. ( irr il lx lr'lr(.lhcrefore. lh a le \ e ry p a rt jc len ora f lle ra t t . a c t s , \, r\ ,'tlrrr Irirr'ti(l( ol nrtt t e r in t h e u n ire rs e a n da ls orc p e ls i \, r\ i'ttr(r |rrrticltl llo\, c ln e it h e ro r b o lh b e t ru e wh e n r,r, lr,lt.trr.rllr( lrrllr 0l ll )c (n h r' I J \l,trt,t tt,ttlt,t ,trrr,t, rt n't tr'lult nttrt,r. lvlutterntovsin t.lct ,'1'1r,ttt, ,ltr,, It,'r\ tt, Ilt1 rlt ,:|tryxr.t ol inulothg IDEA it
l', tth,l l\\h, \ l't,lt thti, ,'t' tr' tt\tt ti,'tt v'qtttnces.ontl then lt,\t tt rlt, lttht ,,1 ll)l \ tt' tt\t\ikr\ lcsic lrtr aguit ', ttuttl,rrtur ll)l \ .\ll nt,ti,,rt tt ttttlttlrunttl. ,lll ntotuut i\ lirLto \eekhg rcsl h.r:t'&in,! fiiitlunceol its motin. lnn irsttnltttltututlr otkliti

llr(Ir lls cquations but do not havethe leastfactualmerit \| l\ Newtons attemptk) provemathematically that the moon $|'ul(l lxll upon the earth if it werenot for a mythical"in itial inrl'ul\e whichgavethe moonjust the right speed to keepit l llrllingupon the eaith or from flving off at a tangent. "[r As ll preliminaryto what I intend to say upon this r|rl,tr'( t, the moon is not only not "talling" upon this planet Irrt rsslrwly spiralling away from it. Furthermore, all planets i|l x||v solirr system- and all moons oI all planets - and all rrl\, l)lirncls and moonsof everynebularsystemin the heavens rll spirrllingawayfrom their primaries. This is Natures 'ri ||uth,nl ol preparing for rebirth. Water vapor rises from \ ,rl|r lin thc samereason - to disintegrate. I n rr htxi. disintegrates aJtet it has pdssedtlrc tnaturit-\' lttttttl rltit h krrksthe generdtivehdLtol its c),cle.hut disintetltttt,|it ttnl l&th are but prepdrations.lorregenerationinto \uns $ird up centripetally to polarize. When theyhave rrr'tr rrcspheres hpr, rr theyunwindcentrifugally to depolarize. rl:r|izc theythrow off ringsfrom theirequators. Rings I rr rh.1x l*r , rrrrr' rvhich likewise throw offcentrifugally spiraling lrl:rncts rlxli whi(lr hcc()mc moons. I lr\ i\ NrtLrrcs nrcthodol retuming her polarizedbodies frr lfrr' /( fir ()f thcir s()urce.She divide.g her masses into \ Frrr,,r.r|l: rvrrx! {,ld thisctivisin continuesuntil matter h.$ hen *rtlh'll,rl up h.r.tputt'. Nlwt,n c!itlcntlv <lid not know oi this depolarizing ('l iNsunrcd l||l lhirl l he moon hasweightin |lrlt|r j l6ilfi.' I l,' llx. citrlll, sl ;ts l cnnnon lrull hirs weight in lP . lx , I l ( , l l t ( t i r r l l r r'rt l r r .r l r r r . p l i v cr . r ' i r l t . t r c otl l l t r s c n s c sh ll, l r r ' r ' r r rrJ ,c lrl' rl, rl, ,l t l r , . , 1 r r ' r ',r,l1 r , r n t r r r r r r .rr r l(l rIIr.tI| | IrII r r t r ' r h . t l Io

Even though an astronomermight find a ne\v planet 1r\ applying thc mathematics of Newton. thisfact doesnof pro\. the clzrimmadc for it. A noted exanrple of the attemprr,, .. prove a falsc prcmiseb1 equrtions *hich hare nrcril irr

, -4*

keep a cannon ball from either falling 1r:the earth or from tlvinc olt ur it tcnqrnl On lhe r\\umpli n lhirl lhc moon ha' l,' rhecrrlh - iuslaslhe cann.n b ll has- hc ueiq"hr in rcspect proied to the world that the moon would fall to the earth if it kept the moon fro were not for the 'initial impulse'rvhich falling. And thal i.\ the beli?./ of science loda.\" because ol tlk' beliel thdt \\'eight ie uJixed ptopenl of matterinstead ol beint prcpefi! o.l ever(hdngirg folariI-t'un ever-changing

5'l In manysuchways gtDr('ss of his inspiration. in the measure him in oi the mystic evidence hc givcs is the strangeeffect of 2. The other characteristic to ibrever in Nature all actions_reactions causes ltr|rfily rvhich contributes effect This illusory andoutside-in. ittnt insiclc-out the giving to Nature Naturc. in reversal oI hr lh('sin]ulation suns,surrounded ol solidbodiesof incandescent irlr('ttccs rrousblack holes of space.followed by the reverse Irt rrr,, tenuoLls surroundedby blackholesofspace Ftl(\'l ol virctlous suns tlttgr of what hadbcenincandescent 'I lrislact rvillbefurtherexplained laterwhendiscussing princiPle. lltr gvr',,scope ( i)rnptchension pulsing effectin Natureof thistwo-way of thethythmicheanbeat to comprehend nl$lc\ it rlrilrceasy the mustcontinue pump'for itspistons cosmic lhl ttttivcrsal matter of l hrr(lriogl)utbreathingsequencesineveryparticle by eternal life principle the eternal to simulate iF lht.0nivcrsc cycles. ili''rr\of lile-death fel|r,l ( i)rlprehcnsion of this fact will alsoclarifythe illusion reallyis.andalsomakeunderstand cinema *hie lr thiscosnric happens anywhere happening any rvhy lhL, tlr. rcasorr
FVCtVnllfrc." lrr hcr cllrificitlion of thesesecretsof the invisible lcngthenthis treatise'but before Uiltttrt' wotrkl tlnncccssarily pt*lrrp I u rll pir, rrl:ru n hiehis r.rlidin Natrrrc This new law it h t t h r . l r r t t i t r p l r r i n c ' l i r r I h c H t ' m c S t u d l C o u r s ei s a s as it occurs' rcuction in Naluteis voialed fttlftrwr:lilrrr' nr'rirrn' h nlll,nlul ,it it is loiltl' unl rtpt'utctl us it is rccowled' r e d l i t yi s llssceming l l t i r t sr t r c t , r t t t t i v t r t o l s e e n r i n g b l i l n ks c r c c n lill rt t |l r r r r , lr ' r l r ' r r r lttl l t , ' t t tl \ ! ' r r t t o s t t l x r nl l l e lllr||d r' r ' l ' ' i I r ' r t i l l l t r l l r r r i " r r ' ' lr t r r l i t r i r l ; r l I l l l l f c i l l t r l l i v c l s c


larlsI $ould like to touch Newton's Whilc consiclering of Nature' lilllrtlr tt|,,n lwrr rtstcl-unknowncharacteristics an'l l. {)r( t,I llt.sf is l he lllcl that ever] simultaneous \( (|r( rrliil ir(lirttl rtltrliotr isin rc\crseof theother.yetNaturc ll'()m the instant polarization r',' ,.r"'r". il\ (lir'a(li(Jn ',, (li!i(litr8 cffccls in two opposllt lt tlrcrrrrl(rttls ils lrr'ytrrrr se()l lhc other- untilbothof thos' tlrr'r'e\er ,Irr'. ti,rrrs r';rr'h Tcrool (xigin eventhoughth!-\ thcir rrs rrrcr 0itltrl itr c rtt |lsr, (l()in g il) s () Itirr( rs( lhe lrtrivclsr 'lhc illu.';iot ol reversalis ,o collr'ircing that iI seent' ircrc.lihle that it is n 1fd.artl The inward thrust of gravit! i\ in the reve$e direction of the outward thrust of radialiorr Clockwisespiralsare the reverseof anti clockwisespirals,1L't each is born out of the other without a reversalof direction' even though the eflect seemsto be in reversedirection' This must have been intuitively divined by Ne\\t(rrr ilt '1 when he rvrote his first law The words 'continue of his intuiti"' slraightlirc" have in them a suggestion $rts trnablc l" he which principle. of that understanding



INADEQUACY OF KEPLER'S FIRST LAW graceof Kepler'smathematics The saving lies in the fact that he did not try to prove by them a premise or conclusion which is nottrue, asNeMon did by claimingthat his equationsprovedthat matter attracts matter, and thaathe moon is falling on the earth. His lawsare free from suchclaimsanddemonstrateto a high degreethe orderlinessof effects of strainsand tensions in a wave field. If wave fields were not balancedin their polarity, suchlawswould not work out in Nature asthey do. It is becauseof the absolute equality of division of opposing pressures in every wavefield that such laws are workable. Kepfer'sfirst law readsasfollows: "Eachplanel moves untutl lhe sun in an ellipse,with the sun in one of itsfoci." 1'hishtwis right asfar asit goes, but thereare two foci to cvcrv orltil, {nd cach of them hasequalpowerin deternrininl lhc rotc$of l|cccleration anddeceleration of speed. Jusl us Ncwlon'slaw accounted for the falling apple, but ignorctlthc uther halfof theapplecyclefrom the zeroof its bcginning k) the zero of its endingso, likewise, Kepler's firstlawaccounts for but one-halfof anorbit bythe referncc to otlly one of its two foci. Everyorbit is balancdandcontrolled by four magoetic poles,not two. It hasnot yt benknown that there are four magneticpoles,but a threedimensionalcube-sphere univenc would be impossiblewith only th two north-southpoles. I will enlarge polesin a later more upon thesefour magnetic chapter, and describthe sparate offics which eachfulfills in the extensionand retraction of wave fields. The two unknowneast-west Doleswhich control thc

ningandlengthening ellipticalorbitsarethose inferenreferred to in the KeDler law. In orderto comprehend the periodicityof the familiar poles,it is necessary {outh magnetic to comprehend pairsof no hbetween thesetwo opposing tclationship and east-west magneticpoles,and their malner of ndon from a commonfulcrumand their retractionto it. As planetsoblate, their north-southpolesgradually gwayfrom their polesof rotation. Our earth hiu become polesto moveto an angle tly oblatefor its magnetic pole from dcgrees the of rotation. lJ This periodicityis balanced by an angularperiodicity equators moving away from the equators of their lhncts' planets suns, where all flng of all systems are bornfrom of our earthhasmovedout of the planeof Thc equator cquatortokeeppacewith the polarshift.Eachmust ahoother. The four magneticpoles control that . Theseare th imDortant facts which shouldhave lnquiredinto whenKeplerwrote his law. It h not impona b knou)that the sunb in one of its iI lhe tremendous significanceof the two foci is fact is that matter andspaceare playing The amazing with eachother in the propoitionsof an ant and an which balance . The mechanics and control sucha "game"with suchmathematical precision is the thinSto know. An ont andan elephant canplayseesaw if the ant hasa ly bng lever, andthatispractically whatishappening t thc univcrsc beingthe ant and - sunsandplanets ng lhc clcphflnt. of $ll sohr systcms nn(lnr(xlns rro gradually Itc ploncts

tearing their sunsinto rjngs in a most orderly manner. with a precision which is mathcmatically me:|surablein direct and invcrseratios.Thc lour mrg n c t ic|, ' 1 . ' . - in Mo o p p o \ in pairs - conlrol this amazing performance ol Naturc lrithi. 'fhat is tlrc important thing to kno.l'. Br ttteant ol tltt' knovledge rl Gr 't xa1,sin Nature- ve can tnake thent oui wals itr the lubovtot!. and tltus hat'ea contmundoter Natun tvhich nnn ha: nevr hLtdbe.vondthe comprehewiott o/ lti' da.y. It seens incrediblethat Kepler could have known ol poleswithout havingreaiizedtheir purpos,' lheselwo east'west in a three-dimensional unilerse. rrndlheir necessit\ Kn'rhivc ol God s \\'d)s \ill ulone gie .tciencethL r r,,l',tlntn tllr,/lect.r ir theuniterse o.fD](/il snukittgd' 1t,t, r ,rtl lwluttrt rlnn in rltt lni of His nnkrng.The precision , t.\ (.r\ ( ll(,(r in ( ;,xl s lrni\cr\e is so perfectll managcd ther 'l .rr .|\t|,'Ir,)||r( |,,rr ( rl( rl: rt c t o lh c 's p lil s e c o n d t h c p o s it io n ,'l ,rr\ l'l.rr, t ir tlrcs,'l: rr \ t \ lc n r. (n a s irc c u ra t e ly f o re t e lla n r.,lr1r.r.,'l rrrr.l\ rlri ,,th. r. l lt, t, t, r r,l nau s Ltl,ilitu It) ()utt(l lir universe liest,t
Il tt l \u tn \l ttl tu t,l Il tt t o tal r l trttt ttrtrL,utttl i t,^l i el d. Therel tn,

it to be what it is not and of believing l, rr rvhatit lS instead ru,'rking with it on that prenrise. 'fhe rest of this treatisc\\ill be devoted to clarifying the rrr'i|lring of this one subiect.


lhis theory claimsnotonlythat energyis within matter. l'rt tlrrl it existsin "bundles." Its very basishas no relation to Nnturc xnvwhere,nor to the workings of polarity - the great rlt\xl( r' nor to the electricwave ()n , p i r r l o l l h r l h e o r ) d c \ . r i b e sc c r l a i n m i c r t r s c o p i c ''I r\( xrrt()rs" embeddedwithin particles of matter to make it rll r.rl(.. 'l hcseare set in motion, accordingto a recent article l| \, ttttlil;r Ameican by light entering through holes which tl||\l lt ()f just the right size in every case to cause lhc Nothingcould "bundles" of energy. these vlll rtirnrsto release hr Ir,rr( frntasticnor more of a travestyof Nature,for thc rrrrlt,,rrrrl, of vibrationis polarity. there are in Nature are lhose intetI lt rrtl| L'ibrations the two oppositesof polarit)' which ertend l', t\tttt r h,ny, ' htnn n lult ntn :(ro Io a plus dnd minus zelo These are the jn sequenrllrttnntion p()intsbctlveenwhich motion oscillates r p', l rrvcrsals. I'hc reversalsare lhe pulse beatsof Nature.

lu,'r rln wtrt in tll ol irt ;inplitir.r ol three-times-th,ee il (l/t,t t tnhu.l t. nnthiplieLl to inliie conlp[eilr but stilInt)i he|ond the thrce-tinrcs-three o.t nun s esr| compr, ldssitry

The first great step in acquiringknowledgeol the \\ a\, field must be the great revolutionin scientificthinking ir regard to matter jtself. ln orderto controlmatter,science mustkno\\ $hat it \ and all of the variousstepsoI its generalion from zero inr,, form. and its degeneralion backto zero.Il mustkno\{ nrrrl{'

XVIII PAR D T IC L ES I I I . ] ( ;AR I) INSIN ( ; ( ;I,Y- ( ]IIAR GI'

l|l\l ,r\ rl r\ illrlr,\\rl'l( lo lrrlirti./( thc ln)silivc cnd olit rl(!-::lllve.t $tllr,'rrl \rrrrrrll:irrr'(lrr\lrlr,lirri/irlllllr( lrrrrrrrrrl,rr,

5lJ or todepolarize one end separately- or to createa balleryof one cell without simultaneouslycreatingits oppositecell *or to create one hemisphereof a planet without simultaneousll creating the other - or to lift one end of a lever without lowering the other - orto deepfreezewithout simultaneously generating heat - so it is impossible for man or Nature to produce singly-charged negative.positiveor neutral particles. There are no negatively 'charged" particles in this universe.Negativeelectricity ditchargeswhile positive electricity chdrges. The negativedepolarizing force functions in the opposite manner and direction to the positive polarizing force. Positiveelectricity producesthe condition ofgravity b] compression- which meanscharging or generating. NcSativcelectricity producesthe condition of radiation hy cxprrntling- which meansdischargingor degeneraling. It rsirr grrssiblcfor onc ()f the polarizedconditionsto be rt lrrr'\( willrolrl lhc r)thcr,[()r eachoppositebornsits mate r(l Inlcrchruu(.s with il unlil cach one becomes lhe other. ' All |rrli( lcs ('f nrittlc[ in the univeBeare alike in one rcs|c( t, wlrclhcrthll l) rticlc is an invisible planet. electron, or-sun.I hal univcrs l allribule is the fact that eachhast$r) opposing hemisphereswhich are under the control of tw! opposingbalancepoles.One pole controls its chargeand thc other its discharge. Together they keep the universe in balance. As there is not one law for microscopic massand another for colNsal mass,let us consider the earth as a t)?ical exarnple. keeping in mind the fact that colossalmassis but many small padicles. The earth is being constantly charged into hi+hcl potential by the centripetal multiplying force of positi\r electricily which polarizesand vitalizes.Incoming sun rays r, '

59 rurlh are a good example.Conversely, the earth is being r\tnstantly discharged into lower potential by the centrifugal, rlividingforce of negative electricitywhich depolarizes and rlcvitalizes. Witness outgoingearthrays. Both are the samerays.They havebut changed their by reversing their outward direction of expansion lrrlarities to un inwarddirectionof contraction. Whensunraysleave licir cathodein the sun, they are negativeparticles- or vor'tices of motion which we call matter. Their polarity rorsl.rntly changes until they changetheir directionat the filritt()r between sun and eafih. They then becomecentri p( tirllycontracting vortices instead of centrifugally expanding orks. After passing polarity their equator,theh is positive Ittslciul of negative. Their positivecharges increase as they tt(.Irlhcir anode. the earth. 'Ihe veryreverse place effecttakes in respect to radiation h,nving the earthwhichis now the cathode for the projected vo|tiecof spiralmotion,andthe sunis its anode. 'l he simultaneous charge anddischarge of everypartiof particles,is repeatedsequentially in wave t.k, r)r nrass which the heartbeat. Every constitute universal IIrl\irti{)ns breathes in and out in polarizationllllrli( lc in the universe sequences. dclxrlirrizllion

As lhereis noexception to thislaw,itcannotbepossible particles whicharesingly-charged hl Nirtulcor manto create separately-charged l|lcncc haslistedirbouttwentyof these justasthe p{tlicl(s irn(lcl imedfor them diflerent attributes, irrc prcsumed to be different'substances," with flanr('||lr itltribulcs. tllfh.tcnt 'I h(.tinr(. hus ctn)re whcnwc nlustlhinkof matter in a ( ( '. iln(l(Jf wrrt. )rrr okir'onc( lhe ttributes ttr,tr l)l )fsul)slrncc r f' r r lr\l i r r ( ..r r hi r 'h r v r 'r 'r rnr l l i r ttc.r 'nl r s tr r r r l i r 'alc ly hange.

60 change is vhat I now wishto talk That revolutionary pages a.e but a preparationfor a about. The preceding matter. of thoughtconceming complete transformation


have Ind affirm without beingableto explaindynamically, to with earswhich could not hearthat which bcenlistened meaning for them. no had to to givemeaning The time hasnow come,however, andpoets who havebeenilluminedwith lhc inspiredmystics to put into which they lound impossible knowledge Inner pords for mail. The foundationprincipleof the universe is tell. thehardestto of storiesis but the simplest ulterlysimple, It will not be easyfor itherthe laymanor the scientist of real lO makethe transitionin his thinkingfrom a universe thought'wave to a substanceless substance dependable purpose is the recordingof motion whose sole ol iverse motion is to createa The resultof such t-imaginings. andform are in whichboth substance universe e-believe are simulated motion as there as many states ol ulatedby ances and formsin matter. hasnot only dividedmatter into 92different The scientist but he hasdividedthese92 substances of substances, madeup of manymoreminuteparticles atomicsystems Thesehe aroundtwenty"primal" substances. tomewhere protons, antiprotons, antineuttons, neutrons, electrons, lons, gravitons,mesons,kappa mesons,positive mu pi positive pi mesons, negative mu mesons, s, ngative positive v-particles, tau mesons, s, nutralpi mesons, andsoon, withoutan neutralv-particles ive v-particles, They yet many non-existent substances. in sight of th e.s of act their partsin producingthe mirages convincingly of this scientists that the greatest in this universe thatthe manydilferent suspicion huvenot theslightest ol moliotL ncesof matterare but difJAe states is because scientilic confusion The rciNonft)rthisgreat premise wrong lrom lhe very out with the cni stlncd to theevidence belief Wilh irnunrvarrnntcd ninll. Siven - hasbeen -- uvcrsinccI)cmocritus scicncr: lhclr scnscs.

thoughtof matter as beingsubslance. For agesnan ha-s leatn lo lhink oI natter as molion only. Posteritymu-st told him ot The senses ofman havefor suchlongaeons the universe. which compose lhe manydifferentsubstances 'lhcrcfore it will not be easyfor him to makethis transition. Thc graniterock, the iron bar. the steelship,and the whichhun himby too rougha contact. nluty r)thcrsubslirnces or lnrrrrlrinl wilh thcir heat.. or refreshhim with their cool wclIcN$ - or nourishhim wilh the meatof their bodies- or of countless things to hintfor the fashioning lcI(l thcir ho(lics (hings of seeming substance of ol hisrlcsiling nll t hcse nr{ny substanof hisapparently crrlhs {n(lsc[s hirvctold hissenses tirl hrly. They havetold him that matteris substance - andthal it is /edl lt unquestionably exists. Objectivity of matteristhc most obvious fact of the universeto man's senses. All down the agesthe mystics have dJfrrned that lht is but illusion,andthat "thereis no life, intelligencc universe arc in matter."Abstractaffirmations, however. or substance whose senscr not convincingto either scientistor layman havetaughthim otherwise. whospeak abstractl\. Unfortunately for theworld,those

searchingfor an irreducible unit of mattet lvhich $ould accountlor the universe. It never seemsn hate occufta'tl to an) o.l the gredl could not c'?d'e ilrell: Justas thul Cretrtion ol theage.s thinkers ln lne the pjcluredoesnot paintitselfbut mustha\e ltssource paintcr, or as the poim cannol $rite itself bul must alsohave its crc:rtorpoet.,,, likr$ i\c. nlu\l lh i\ ml\lcr-dram r ol causc .r n.lcfiect hare its Creal^r P t a lu ri3 h r u h n ' o n c e ire d lh e IDEA oi Creatjonand gare it form. Onc might as reasonablyscrape to the bottom ot t.r'onanfo da Vinci s painting. The Lax Sufper' ro lind .its anditafirstbrushstrokein the hopeof finding l)rir))irl I)iStnent and rts creatoras rlr, ll)lrA rvhichthe paintingmanifests. n o t t h e Cre a t o ro l it \', |l, rllr(r ltr, tl)liA ( )f Cre a t io n t h r' u n i\ e rs a ma l s le rp ie c e trl $lti( ll l)lt irlle (l .r , r.r rlr, l,!r'rrr, f irs t b ru s hs t ro k e rn d .' llr, r rr,l lrl.,rrr l)rirrr: rl l)ij-ln rc n l s e a rc hlo r mig h t ,,l o n c ( , r, r!',r rlr ,arn, tlrr ' |iL t rrlt . t , ' r \ \ h ic h h e s o u g h t lrrxlrrU' llrirl ,,,rrrrtl, ...rr', , \\rtl',,rrl p re mls e re g a rd tLr\r,1.llIr" t.rrIi,L'rrl\ \ rllrllr( \ \ I ()n g ano p re mls es \ \ f ()n g o rr l lll(\ c ||ri'rt rll, | .rr'llr'rrrrrl'1'.r s riL wh ic h h a \ e rlrr,,rrt'lr r\'rl{r , rlii)t r\, rl lc lrc h in g s .r'..rrrrl)lr"rt t h a tt h e n o l s t ra nge s . il is ir)ll( r ilo l lrtr,'rr\l,, 1r.,, 'rr' t r,rt premlses upon .()nrtlrsi(tr\r'I scicrtccittc ils itl\itlid as the tl'hielrlhet hnvebeenfoundcd. Scienceis stillsearchingforthe primordial life p'inciplr in matter as eagerly as it has searched for the primordial extend substancefrom which other substances h' come in nan s nlentaluntbldnlent\\'l1etI The lime hns m^t recognizethat atl IDEA is eletnalin the :et a equilibnut)l thicltisG ol the .stillmagneticLight ofLlnite$alMild ol l)al\' lt)nt\ l)\ on(] thdl IDEA i: hut nanilt'vd itt nbtion

u/Id fiust tt,l,ti:ed c|cles I heeeuppear f'ottt the etettrdlzero nt into thut .ero in order that Lher' 'nd'r rcupPeur lhutryar

'I hc layman. must think diI{er as well as the scientist' understandtng greater a with his thoughts { rrl\ und cxprcss who says:'Johnis ,'l Nrrtural Law.Thc laynlan.Iorexample, ,i rrrl. and thinks of John as being John's body is not ,.\prcssing thc facts(lf NaturalLat. .lohnis not Johns bodv.Johnis not dcad,norcanhcdie' bodf is isan IDEA oi Mintl. His depolarized I lr, , tcInalJohn l,irt,nrr cnd ol a longercycle than the cycle of his incoming, ,r'r breath.bu;ot one whit diiferent His breathingwill "t,io! in anothersecond,but his depolarized body will ',,,,,t',,i." justastheclepolarizedoakwillrepolarize r,ri,,, l,,nr:erperiod. its sced. in its zero ,rt',|l|l lL)nl lhc scicntislmusl also think in termso{ polarityand in them l\!illgivean (',r't.r nrsNhichhavethat connotation lro ?l?c ,,1 my meaningb! quotinga paragraph ,:.,,'r,1'1, \, t, ttttli t\nt'r'icttn lurttutrl'. 1952: I t, tt tn,n' i"nlu,ittqi'th-'J'tctIh'ttdllth' oh'^tt\'fi ,tIt.I tttrt. rtI kfut !( ) spo ntaneousdisintegtution"' - or that. hdt'ehecotnedepolarized ll l^ ttt I tat thntthe.\' attdqpd hdrc tuin(l th?t e4tilibriun - or that the! in I lm I t ttt ,t',' lh, ,tnryh' lill i.\ thdt the tnotion \|hich garc them ,"u\t'(/ Thcre is no sucheffectin Natureas tr',,,,'ilu,' ,, , ,,u,u' l is sintttration.' t lu , rrt . r r r , , r r r | \\rll \trrtl. llle rc\l ()[ thc sitme paraqraphk) call telrninology nrr,Itr,'|| l,,l lx tt(.(ll(\sr(nllplc\il! oldescliptivc lt is as \ ( ( n l \ l r ) t r l l l k cn e c c s s a r V \ \ lrr,lr lr'l r , l r r r\ r r l r \ l : r r r . t
ll/ 1, 1t l, / / , / I "n l ,,l f,,$ ,., t,,, ,tt , ! , , . t t , ' ,,, , t lt t 't t l"'t t t ,,t,t,t r r pt t t it it t r t r ncgulive tt t lt t t t t t '''t t 't t d '|r '|r 'r t t it ' t lt ' llnt tI 'Lt llt "t t t t "r 't " 't t l it t I r r t t lt t t t

65 po.titiveor negdtircmu tne.ton deca.\'.t intoa po.\iti e ornegatie el.'ctrcn p[us tn'o n.lttrinos iithin dho t$o-Dti]lidnhs or'd .teconal. The neutn[ ni ntesonalso is un.snble and dt,i:atsinta ttto gamnn rtt.tsit a t er.tshort tinte indeed ahottta httndred rnillionth-ofd ntillionth of a .stcond. The above is a very complex and conlusing$a\ oI sayingthat matter hasdisappeared b"-dep<)iarizati()l1 because Inotionhasceased. Gods universeconsists solelv of vibratingwa\es ol llvo-war interchanging motion. Ever-\ effect in Nature is inclLrded in thal simplicitv. Anv child will fulll- comprehend b) rapid rorr rvhcnrou tell him thal soundis an effeclcaused \il,rirriorrs. You can demonstraleitbv pluckingaharpstring \,,1lrirlh..rn s!'etl]llt lhe soundis caused bv ripid molion. \ , 'rrrio rrott.rt n neerito lcll hinr that the soundceases \\ lr , r llri rr'trt,l((ir\r.s I lis r.on rmo n sense \ \ ill t e ll h im t h a i. ll lr,,rrrrrr.r,rr trll lri r th( \ \ if e isc o rn p o s co df p o s it lr c ( ( ( r t, I rrlrr,lr 1,, .r\ rrl, r),r':rti\ lc c lro n s in a l(Dmilllo n t h 1 r r , 'rr,. ,,1.r .,,,,,r,1r,, Ir,rlu,,, \()||r]( 1 . rrt h c n c la t i\ e e le c t ro n s lllr' ,l r ',.rrrrrt,'rrlr'rrrr rr:rr,'tlr(t hr lr(lri. (l n rilli()n t o hf a second. (li. f s lirn rl Ir , n rll l,r rL,rt\,'|| 1,1,'rll!:!r(l u n o l o n ewo rdo Jit . A ll,)l tll( \r rlll\ :rIlred p a rt ic lc s . $ h ic h s c ie n c e t h in k s iil rrs rlillclel)tll (hirr'l]ccl sul)stanccs. arc all basicalll thcsirnrespiral unils of nrotion. fhese are constantl\ being lransformed fr()m one condition to another. as each divideal pair obeys the polarizing charge of gravity until it ha\ completed the outward half of itsjourney to its rerersal poiul of rest. lt then returnsas each one depolarizesirnd rvithdrarrs within its fulcum zero of rest. Exactly the samething is lrue of all of the clcmcnl\ Sciencehas given them 92 names and listed thcir nrrrrrr altribules. suchas metals. mctaloids and n()nntetrls :llkirl\ rurcl acids-- brittle and pliable conductiveand nonconductive tlense - liquid - sott-gaseous' and manv other attributes. a pieceof iron. or layman. whetherscientist To anvone. r piece of aluminum. and a lump oi gold are three diffcrent will be just what lrclills which have alwavs been and alwa-vs dilferent subthe\ unquestionabl) are - three unalterably be unthink{ble. Anv other interpretationoI them wor.rld That is the kind of thinking.however.which must be rr'lcgated to past ages.Mankinl fi st henceforth lean to hutk pon mutter as (t transient motion-pictur? record of the hh e xttich it sinuhtes. Forthat is that it really is - a Cosmic t'it(,,t.t thtown upon th? mojestic scrcen ol space.


in this irer:;('.tnl All ()l Ihe mdtlj seemingsubstutrce\ lut utn t t!if/t,rcnt prcssureconditions. The.\ehdveheencreak\l |\'|ht i |t,tLhdngeol l.\rcr$'a)'moti()n het\reen t\\'() oPpo\ed ,|'h t ol rctt. \r'hichha|e heetrextended.lronthe zero uniret.rt? il Inotirtg-trIind to tinuhlte the muhipb ideas of thinki g' tlhnl. anotherform of matterif Arrt fornrof mettcr becomes (\\rr perpetually changes is Nature c c{rnLlili()n changed. ll\ lrr (,[ its changing rr.l, !rnr nrrrlc. iirt()unotherb] pcrpetually ( ( (ir l ( l i t i ( j n s . ||rr' \ \ rlr I \ ( r \ ( l( nr(nt in tlrccrrti|c pcrittlic lilble is a transmuL , l i r r r l( . l (n r c n t ( r l i t s c t c l e . f t o m i t s l' rrr, ' r lr, n r l h t l r r c L rrrI, / r ' I tt' ( , l l r r ( r r ( i i r urt' l t l l ( ( n t i t r ' r t i n c ( x l a v c s i n I rr' I , rrrrrrrr / ' r, ' , , 1 rl ,lr'1'rrrrrrtf' llr,

66 The age ol tnnsmutationof the elementsb-v man begins when he hanlull kno*ledge of the manner in which Nature lfansmutesone elementinto dnother.

l\1 conccivedider liltn ils ?. I)ccentrativc thinking expands to gi!'c ||ltlcrned seedand extendsit outward irom seed-idea and thus manifestthe motherhoodol form-ot-idca. It l)()dy ( fr:rti()n.To extcnd is loexpand. The product ol clece nt fative all bod! rvhichmothers of radiation lhirking is the expansion firnrrs.

Creation- PostulatedProgressively
l. This universeof moving body forms is an expressionof the desirefor division of the formless.sexless. Father-Mother balanced unity into pairs of equally-and-oppositely-unbaf anced.disunited,sex-conditir>ned father and mother moving body forms. 2. The purpose of this division into sex-conditioned.disunilcd prirs of father and mother moving body forms is kr .trr'r)irlly cxlcnd Ihe desirefor unifyingdisunited fatherand rrr"llrd l)txl\rf()fnts in orderto eternally extend desire in them l,'r rrlx'rtiD,' tlrt.irscquences of divisionand unity. l. llrr' orlr ctn'rt'\'in lltc univ(.rsc is thc pulsingdesireoi I\lrr,l l"r llrr'( tcirlnr.r.r1lrcssiorr of Mind'knowingby giving ( lr r q tht rrr;rltrll'irly lorr\ to t llc ll)E A o f Min d -k n o win g . .l. l lrt only rrrt.rrns r crln ossinS l hc pulsing desire of Mind'l irlcais throuqhIhc conccntralivc'decentrative pulsations ol Mind-lhinkine. 5. Mindthinking is electric. The desirepulsationsofelect.ic thinking are concentrative and decentrative. 6. Concentrativethinking focusesidea into patterned fornr in seedof matter to manifest the fatherhood of Creation. T0 focus is to compress.The product of concentrative thinkin! is the comprcssion ofgravitation which fathersall hxly fornrs

l, Ihe mother pole of Creationunfoldsthe movingbody and projectsit toward itszero in the hcavens h orn itsseecl-idea ||[ \l) ce,

0.'l hcfathcrpoleotCreationreloldstheextendingmother it toward its zero in body lrr nr into its seedand withdrarvs ()t nl\ carths. IoI

lll. All bodv forms of matter give lorth pulsing life as its ils reaction. death:Ls ilr,liln lnd receivepulsing

I l. All lxdy formsr)fmatterare both womb and tomb of all llff rn(l death.

ll. All life is born lrom death - and death is born from life born eachother detth and life. AII opposites irr lr..hornine sequences. II(l l)ecrn c cachother in alternate

lrom which the divided lhc rectt is lhc fulcrlrm-zero ll. retum btxi\,l()nnsextend. andsequentially rrrolhcI llllrr'r :rrrrl Itis allthings. ccnters I rr r(r' rt t n rio r r . l h c s r c ( l ( ) f i r l l t h i n g s t r e c o f l i f e , a n d oI r, l t h c n t r r n i l c s l c ( l t t c l r r i r l l t lh r' lll(lrrr ( r r l ) t l s c l c ol cvcry t , \ r. rrr, r' t . lrri r r i l r r r r r lh ; r l r r r l l r r lt l r ' t r ,c t , n rt l, t . rr,lr , r r t l l ( r l

68 14. The Soulcentersthe seedof all ldea. All action'reaction pulsiltions of living-dying body forms are recorded in th. of all living-dyingbody forms. Allliring bodyform\ Soufseecl are dyingasthey live.and livingastheydie. Veritably.death is born in the very cradle of life. and the tomb again cradle\ deathas life. 15. The electro'chemical records of the zero-seedof all things are the zero elements rvhich are known as the incfl all gases.from which center o{ the fulcrum-zero of polarity_ life. anJ manifest vitalizing polarizing body forms extend to forms to manilestdelitalizingdeath relurn as depoladzins !6. The inert gasesare God's recording and repeartinl slslen). lhcy rccord. temember and repeat all actionr' rr.rrtlio s ol irll tlrings from eternity unto eternitv. The\ receirc and.tikewise. rrllol ( r'calion to all Creation lrr,'rrrlL ;rst ('rcatio n t o a ll f o r re b ro a d c a s t in g tlr r . lrr,,;rl(ir\t\ ,rf rrll

69 2(1. The incn gasesrecord purposeful un{oldings irnd give of motion its cell memoryof purpose to eachcorpuscle lrirck guidance. llr(l ils instinctive Consciclusness tl. Thcl likewisegive back to awakening havebeen which oi Soularvakening of all c\,cles the fecords body forn1s' of all unfolding-refolcling wfirlcn in the Soul-seeds rvritcdown in God s booksof Light all 12. 'l'hc inert gases what lhirtJohn,and Bilt. and Sue.haveeverbeen' likewise the tiger,violetand bechaveeverbeen tlx ilnt.the elephant. ,,r havc ever done sincetheir beginnings ilnd give them |uck ro them atler cverl rest period which dividestheir

bcdy "occupation of moving is thebuilding ll. (i,rls sole [rnrrsto sinulateHis One ldea of CAUSEand EFFECT wltith( r eati oni s .
Alt( AtISL Iie.t)\'ith the uncotrditio ed' bdlatttetl tnugtt'tit I 4:ltr rI lllin&knov'in]. AllI t:l LC Mes withinthe twounbalurced polurizt'dlightsctl tht trir tltiukitg. \'hk h crcalethe t\ro unhalancedttnd<tpposed ,l'rnlitiortt it'lt Creutktn it.

rtt,r s in lh u u n iv e rs ae l q u ilib riu rr. llr, rr(rtr,:r\(srrr',. (\t.n(ls t h c O n c L ig h t in t o e le c t rr l',,l.rrrtt ,lirrrhs.||rrl c i r i lt s. \\ lrich rl)l)cir li't)mthe One Still Lighl tlr,,rrrllrt rr,rr intr)thal still Lighl f,'l s,rl tlisappeal rrs rrr,'r irrl lilhts irrrtl |:rir reirl)l)ciI iIr! e lirrcrcI uithoLrlcnd. which borrr elementsare the spiritual 18. The incrt gases mrL. meticulousl-r physical elements. and and rebom the spectrum records of their eternities of rebornings. from within to conl r,'l centerall elemenls 19. Thc inert gases form. rrrr,l polarizing-depolarizing their unfoldingcyclesof balancethem from withoul by two poles of still Light t,' of fornl inlo lhcif /cr,J\(.((l conlrol thcir refr)lding

all effect into oppositepairs ll. lrltctric thinking clivicles r,rlarl/r Ilirch onc trl cach pair of effects is equal Their hlluttr'r'is rrlrstrlrrtccllnn()tbc upsel by even oneI l rr' l rrrl l rrrr'r. of tltc trnivcrse \ ' c i { h l . l h e l l n s w e r1 ( ]t h i s s e c r e t r' f i r t t . l ( ( t f o l l \ |lt illr' ] rllr ps olarity lt (\ rr lu t t l( r s , r l r i r r tt:l r t r l t \ \ l ( l ! w h i c l l\ L r r r ( ) u n d rt r lL rr r r t! r ' t l r r ' it t r r r r t lr.s t i r t l . l l l ( r s ln t ) \ r l ) c u n d e r I ' r, l, rr

70 25. Question: Hox, can there be notitn in Q bril.n(eJ

'71 reversals of Nalures wavc r'rl(l contracts.The necessarv h vcr. bccauseol difference in volume between the ant ^nd Ilrl)llitnt. producethe sameeffect by throwingthe players ()f balance with their fulcrum. "ur

,4nsnen lI two childrenoI equalu eightsit at oppositc endsof a seesaw. or two equalweights areput on scales. therc is no unbalance - but. likewise.lhere is no motion. Unless lhere can be unbalrnar.therecrn b( nL,m('ri,\n. Question: Hov' tan therc he unhaloLe h an eq dll.\ diided and equallybulun cetl tutive r:e'.1 ,4rsuer Twr'childrenoI equalweiqht plarirrg seesa* do not interchange with each other while ther are at rest. \ h(n lhc) rlesiri tu m,'re. lh s ) lh r(, rr rh e mie lre s uur ,, hal{ncewilh their fulcrum by rheir equalleanings. bur ther rrrein balancewith each other. Motion is then imperati\ c When thLrs thrown out of balance. they must reverse their l.i|lrnlts l1)rcst()re balilnce ilnd l()ie it all thingsiIl N,rltr( (10. N,rtrrrr' lr,rr rr rlillt.rrrrl rvat ol playing seesarl'. Instead ol ,,.,trll.rl||rl, rrlr,rrrr i.oIrtirrr rI rI e I Irt e n d e d le re r. ih e wa \ . . , \t, tt.,r,r\,,1 ;rrl.rrrtl*itlrtb : rrr iDt ot h c ir f u lc ru rn s a n d rc , \1, r'l l,\ |r||||||rI'rrrrrrIr.orrt rrrrtIl) t s i(lcin . (,1 I l r' ( (,r\trtrtrt,n rnirtlr'r .irn n ( u n t ilt h isp rin c ip l. ' t l)ek n ()wn , 'l r.\ r' \irlsrsr.orrr prrlrr.rrrlc rl. N:rtur c plavs scesau wilh Daller andspacc asopposite matc\ It isas thoughan anl and an elephanr playedthe game. Whr-r they interchange, the ant swells to lhe elephant s \(tume an{l the elephantshrinksto the volume of rhe ant. Borh are Lil equal potential, however.ior the solidiry of one balancesth,. tenuityof the other. The causeof continuedmotion and sequential re\'ersals lir., in the lwo opposedconditionsof matter_ The comprcss.,l centerheals andhealexpands. whiletenuou\iiplicc e()1)l\ lll, j


not 16. lhete are |out nragneticpoles in ever.t w-ave.lield, cube-bounded, t tr t rt:haretolore helie|ed A three-dimensional with radial universewould be impossible t|lrcre-centered. p(tes. lr||t tw(i magnetic magnetic p()lesare not unknown. llrc trr;o unsuspected Itowr.vcr.They are the two foci so casually referred t() in [r.1'lcr'slaw of ellipticalorbits.and they are in a plane ol {x)rl. grccsfrom the planeof the positive and negilli!enorth 4rxl\()ulh poles. magneticpoleshavc alrcad] becn llrr. two as-yet-ignored trlrr((l to as eastand west magneticpoles.Thc office ()l polesis 1() control lh( \. crst and wesl positiveand negative and their orbits oI prolating and oblatingspheres lhr.I'irl;rncc and expandinto ringsequatorn\ lh( ! .ontracl ink) spheres whichcontrol tIlly, rnrlposition to the north and southpoles in thc directionof tlrr.l,irl:rlccol extension and contraction lolrlrn[ polcs. o{ spheres l't. Nirlt|fcis cn{agcdsolclyin the manufacture by cuhe wavc fieldsof tenuous ||l \,'lnl nrirttcrsLrrrorrntlctl which bv extcnding the flat discs, tpulc Sphcrtrrrrcereirlc(l which gradually rri thI rrfrt !ir\r\, inlo fins! irn(lsphr:roitls lrn , ' rrrc r1 r h , r , s I l r c r n l r r s i t i o r r r ) [ t h c n ( ) r l h a n d s o u l h
rrl l t| | , tr( l r'1, \ r \ ir ( ( , 'Ur r lit lr lt l, n t h: it . lll( y llr f t lst r t $r lY

irom eachother ashard asthey can to fulfill the generalive half of the electriccycle. The generativehalf is the polarizing half. It is the vitalizing half, comparable to the years of man's life from babyhoodto forty years.The north andsouthpolesthrust not only againsteach other's rsistancebut againstthe opposite thrust of the eastand west poles, which finally conquer the power of gravity andoblatespheres generative into spheroids. then thrust spheroidsinto ringsanddiscsuntil the depolariza tion processis complete. The depolarizing radiative half of the cycle might be likened to the aging latter half of a man's life. The forcesof thrustingare electric. The divisioninto opposite poles conditions is electric. Magnetic controlandbalanc the two electric dividersof the universalequilibriumbut the work of extension from the fulcrum of stillness is entirell clcctric. l,llcetricity is thc enginewhichsupplies the motivating forcc to thc univcrutlship, hul polaritysuppliesthe rudderandthe Ituhncewhichcvery movingbody musthave. lilcctricity is lhc physical expression which Creationis, but thc nugnctic Lilihl of the unilerse is the Sourceof that grprcssionwhich actsunderthe spiritual direction andcontrol polesof Light. Polesappearonly whenmotion of magnetic beginsits division of ONE into TWO and disappearwhenthc TWO ceaseto be two in their unity as ONE.

Workings of Opposing Poles

polesbalanceandcontrol the prolatingol spheres h Nature needs for the forming ol bodies and thejr into pairs. They extend in opposite directions at from waveaxesto form polesof rotation of gGdgrees aphericalbody forms. They are the shaftsof wavesand of lpheres which spin upon shafts. poles balanceand control the oblating of spheres Natureno longerneedsfor its body forms.They extend ||8ve axesto equato$ oI {orming spheres.They are the of wheelswhich spin upon the north-southshafts. into two poles of equilibrium conrol thedivision h-south conditions which occupy opposite sidesof mutual of forming polsexercis their contol from equators and all ol all orbits movements and balancethe lrom its and periheliaof orbits as matter appears into it. m and disappears poles mark upon sphere'sequators the seerrag pistonstrokes asthe compresionsof thenorth-south ol gravity and the expansion of radiation cross and lo perlorm the work of unloldingand Gquators Ing Ny forms of Mind-idea. polescontrol centripetalwindingsof spheres form wherethe apicesoI two conesmeet,and eastand of spheres polcs control centrifugalunwindings at wave axes. into cone bases systms intoTwO against ruthtxrlesdivide theONEcondition poles polarity, unite whileeast-west lotittl|nccofg&\l-west of northtgainstlhe re$islance intoONFI TW( ) conditions

28. Nature generates matter from rings into spheresby thc way of north{outh polesand radiatesspheres back into rings poles. by the way of their equatorial east-west In this mannct fiatter eftErgesfrom space to form moving bodies, and il swallowedup by spaceto disappearinto the stillnessol thd


29. The electric action-reactionof universalthinking might l)c likened unto an outward-inward explosion_This Minct t|niverseis engagedin thought expression everywhere.From crcrv point in the univene little and big ourward-inward, ;rrlarizing-depolarizingexplosions are continuously taking l)lirce. l hc outward actions manifest the giving half of thc cycle oI lh( l-()ve principle whichmotivaresthis universe. The inward r.r( tionsmanifest the regiving halfofthe cycle.Naturenever trk(s. It but givesfor regiving. Ao :rclion anywhereis repeatedevery\lhere.The measureoI .h\irc for action is measured out on wave axesin octave hlr rrronics at a speedof 1tj6.000 miles per second.Octitve hrrr nronics on wave axesare east-wesl magneticpoles.The \{nl( ntcasureof desire is marked out from thc stnre zer() ri trr I cc in the north-south polardirections whichcxtencl lront lhr rcntcringzeroat 90-degreesfrom the equabriill plcneol llh ( ilsl-wcst poles. Mrlt( f is born at zeroplanes of equalpotential. Polarization Inrl(l\ il up to maturity at gGdegrees from zero planes. l)r'lnrlirriTirtl()n thcn returnsit b the zero of its birth. ll rrrrrrl;rr'hlrlkxrns wcrc inflated. theywouldtoucheachother trl \r\ lxrnts (n thcircLtrved surfaces. To continue the inflation rrrlrlllr( ( r)rl)ly \paccsrverefilledwould flattenthosecurved |'||r l,r.cs rfit il lhcl bccantc six flat plancsof zero curvature. lh,rr r\ \ltirt lt:rp1x.ns in Neturc.('ube wavc fieltlsare thus loI l|r,1ll',lr rxl $ it\'(. Iickls, ir (l r()insrrlalc onc from an()ther ' (ll i r c ( . t i t n I ' t , , ' rrrlx l l r r r lr rr r , r ( . r \ i r l r ) rr n t lP o l a r i t y uhen radii I t l' , l llr' \ r ' l , L r r r r ' s , r rl r . r r ' . r r rr r r t rrr e

.,,'l|rlrl'o|r ly and keep balancebetweenoppositehemis phcrcsand hemispheroids. North-southpolarity.forexample.conrrolsthe electricdivision of the one balanced condition of sodium chloride into r$ o unbalancedconditions. Sodium chloride is the fulcrum. Sodium and chlorine are opposite ends of a Iever which i\ extended from the fulcrum like two children on oppositr ends of a seesaw. I:irst-wcsl polaritycontrolsthe electricwithdra*,al of the t$,, i \t(.nsii)ns inlo lheir fulcrum.thus unitingthe two extendeLl , (lriirt(,rs \\'ith thrir ftllcrunl al wave antplilude.Insaead ,,J ( lltr( .(lu:rtilr\lirr thc l\'( ) c rt c n s i{ )n s t. h e reis n o w b u t o n . r'(luirl()r l('r th(.unilf(l l):r ir Norlh-soLrlh p(tcs{i\r oDcoj rhc rhreedimcnsions whichthj\ dimensionless cquilibr-ium nccclsfrrr rhc proiectionof ir\ illusions. while earsl-wcst qi\e lhe other two. p()les T ie onc dimension,,l norr hs u u rhp , , la ril)ir lrn g rh .f o r p . ' , .'l rolalron hare n,,616.r d rme n . io nJ s lh e \ a re h u t , . 1 radiusofasphere.The or h e rrwo d imc n s io n s a rr * rd rh . r I breadth. for equatorsof spheresare circles. and circles har,. infinite radii. Nofth-south-poles extend awayfrorn eachother at an anglL-,,i 90-degrees from their equalors to divicle the universal 0r,. conditioninto two opposed ..onditions. East-west poles remain Llponthe planes of their equatorr , , unite the twodivided conditionsinto one balancedcondiri,, r North-south directions lead away from each other. out ir , inlinil). The) are oppos ire s a n d o p p o s it e \ o f , p , , \ . , r , I depolarization voids all polaritr'.

76 qave field is currecl. The entire inner structureol everr_ which cenlcrsit and endingat the with the sphere beginning planesof zero clrrvature which bound lt

number is three Threeisthebasic 14. Everyaction-reaction ol its ,rl this universeThree is a two-waypolar extension ls Three ,i.,,,"ri* .ou..". is thefulcrumandthe lever' your ot source from a centering it," "*puln.ion-"ont.uction of the unlverse' and the heartbeat hcartbiat balances' t()twoequafand-opposite extended lhr ecis balance t'' er tended and i ded di r i it' "" i tr r" '" .r * . r arher - M othei inis ti'.."^-",'"Oiil"""a lathercnd molher'Three ]our andit isthepistonoi thewave-trougn i,, ""rhing-outbreathing. pumpwhichthisuniverse n,,r:".a"_.t. ",rapr"..ion-expansion l\
north and south' or I h t ct is the one dimensionoi polarity volume which ,:,,.,'.ttA'*"ta - but the three-dimensioned is thtee multipliedby three' frounds 1",i,,':i,u ".nt..t -a is but oneform o[the three for the sphere I lrrt'cis thesphere. ritdii ltrc .jf length. breadth and thickness lts ,i"", ttt ".i,,". three d]mensions' tngle-s It has no diagonals' i" "ff ',i'i" plrrrtr'r. into the cold cubeoi suncrystallized N|tt'.is thc hot spherical li.;; is nine-dimensional lts eight tones and ;t" ;;;;,," tliagonalsand fLrlcrumare nine lts r,. ii'i, , ,"tt ,,t" "i"". "ight arenine planes sii boundary prnn.s-and ..1-i.i,i.r*r

30. Every wave field is a cosmic Projectu)r\\hich radiates light outward through the concave lcnses oI spheroidal pressuregradients to bend toward the mirrors ol wave-iield rlrc re ! ( r. . . a s I \ h e rr c u r\ ' J l o[ zer,', urvature . b oun,laries is reflected into neighboringwave fields. It is also a receiver of light rayswhichbend ;nwardlytowardits cenlerot gravil\ by rvay of the convex lensesof pressurcuradlents.

31. I c be wave fieldsoccur onh wheretrue spheres 'uc ,rrr'lo|rrerl. This occurs in only one place in thc entire ||rr( ,{ tir\( wr vec\ cle.Thal oneplaceiscarbon The crystals ,'l lrrrrl r :rrlr rrrirrc lnrc cubes.I t\ill amplif! this fact later.

rt f Na t u reis c a u s e d b \ ir ll llr, t Ir| , , , Irrrr,-rrsr, ' rr;rI illrrs i, rn (t lr\ a (u rc \ rh ic h c e n t ! ' f rf () ',' rr, .,,1 tlr,, lrl'lrtrrrrrr,'rs , ,/1 t,. r l rr,rrlr rrr||||{, |'|.r||,\ rl l , ' l \ \ h ic h a rc . rt rig h t a n g le s s h ic h .rrr,lsrrltrrrrrlrrrt rrrirr()r\ t )llh c c u b e ,.r ,lr,,tlr,r (S c e F ig u re s 1 0 6l, ' rrngtes t, r u rr' ho lh rr . ,r r l lrlt rrrrr'rrtr rglrt l l l. t':rr'\ 158.\ l5()l


33. Ilru rs a 2ero unirerre o/ rcst from vhich motion r. atld then is relructedinta ;l prciected into.teemingexistence. field of reversedmotion * ithdra* s s it h r That zero-bounded (1L rec()r leaving a complete its cenlralzeroasit depolarjzes. ' (,1 incrt in the zero the patternof its actions-reactions illls rr l(J'rrr. int()the samepatterncd octavewavefor repolarizing it reappcars.

pairs of four extended consists ' NlIr'r\ lh( rr'llrv. \tilvc rvhich r n rt r' r,rl l r l l l r t z e l r o f l h c i r s o u t c e '

r r r " sl i v t | Y r l c t i ( ) n - r c a c t i o n N,rr l r r c ' : r r l r r 0P 1 1 . lh \ , , r r , lr r r r r ( (\,rrllitiNlrltlrccanbe ' (rt{'rr( t , , ^ , , r, , , ," , ' r ' " f ' f " | l l r r r t r \ N li()) , , , , , ' , , , , ,, , f , ' , , r r r r r cr \ r ' ' l r l r r r ' l l l | : r r r i

XXIII TIIE EARTH IS NOT A MAGNET 36. It is commonlystated in sciene textbooksthat the earthis a giantmagnet. That is nottrue to Nature\ processes. The equator of a magnet is not a centerof gravity. The cnter of the eafthis a centerof gravity. All matter, whether of earths,suns,or corpuscles,is formed betweenthe oppositepolesof two magnets.To produce the effect of gravity, two dividing equatorsmust be united asone. (SeeFigure78 to 83,page151) Man's bar magnets are cylindersof unchanging condition. (See Nature's magnets arecones ofever-changing conditions. Irigurcs l5ft-159. page168). 'l hccqultor of man\ magnets isof zerocuraature andcenten lls;rrlcs.'l'hc cquutorof Nature's magnets iscurvedandis ofl ccnlcr, Much c()nfusion hasarisen from this misconceDtion. (Sccl'igulcsl5$16{). p ge l6tl)

'79 Whena.partir.le arrives al \.rave amplirude - or an) equalor wnerethe pressure _ ir crn will be condirion is rerersed calleda neutron,for its polarityis balanced at that reversal polnr.

Afterits cuftature is revelsed, it then becomes a positively_ charging particle,for it contracts asit radiallyapproaches iis mightthen be calleda positronor poiitive meson, ormanyothernames asits condition (See changes. FigLrre 77, page150.)

This sameprinciple appliesto all of the elements of aIter. AJI.of themaremade upof thesame unils of onloseJ otion. We call them,n, carbon,sulohLrr. agnesium, nickel,andmanyothernames. We think ol thern separate substances havingseparate properues. l_olIhe elemenrs are madeup ol the \erJ sellsame spiral ttsol motion- or voflices. The only reason we hati lor kingoI themasdifferentsubstance; is because theyhave ain predictable effectsupon each orher and upon our

XXIV EVERYPARTICI,EOF MATTER IS BOTH CATHODEAND ANOD& TUSTAS LIVING BODIESARE ALSODYING 37. This is a radialuniverse of ever-changing pressures. Every particle extending whichleaves a cathode or anode is negative, for it expands as it leaves its primaryand thus discharges. That verysame particle negative - electron or otherwise - changes itspolarization intensity every miltionlh
of-an-inch from either its cathode or anode. That is th(. reasonsciencehas so many namesfor the same particles.

flerenri n every part of the wave in which they find

e lact ts. however.that their pressurecondirrons are gyrrxcopicrelirtion of rhe pllnc, rf lirhiumi orhit changes

Lithium particles becomeboron particlei when

lhc planc rrccupictl by lrrrron --ancl soon rluring thewh"ole

d a(1rvcsr)f (.hilnllinl,i prcssrrre corrtlitions.

rrl \LLr'r'r'rrir.. .tiJ .)rrt.n) .)l('rl\\ | \l.r\r.)\'r(' ) ..'r|'l '.r(1, LII \rl '|rr$ tr()\ iIIIIt|.I|(I rrrr.) rr lo.^rrl}) rlollr\ rr .r.)|llr)rtl ) ,\lllrllrr(l.r.r\11 1l lo .lrr,'l .'rll 'rrlx'r(l rr"\ aql n"ull.)P.l1u()) | I | , 1\ | I \lllll .I I | \\ .) |I I I I.t II | ,1 sll n'utnLrtr(l) arnsslld 'uorllpuoJ ' ')u,,t tUqrr.1nln'.1(l ,,t | ,.\I I' ,| | || ' t Ii ,.\ illr' rrt.'.'1.'.r'$ 'rr$ rql)snr:JJq\l V 1,,)u,,l 1rlllr)\lll r'l \\r'rl lr,'\ rr'\r.'r."ll v lo.)r|lrl .qt sr lJilclu olul Purl{ lnor( LuolJpaPualxa ).llsrl) l() \:ir.rrr'r aql f,al pelr?arJa^tq noi q.lll,\\ {poq punos iq.L Lr()rlt,lll fiurJnpord ,(cl punos Jo riPotl luuJlctu u falP..ra .)\rr(l rl,,\ os iurop {fl uoll()tu ul lI les IIIA noi u Irnld noi il u(Jrl,'rrl ur t()u sr tl asnPrrq luJlls sI dlrll E Jo iulj1.^ y rq1- '11,

i la Ir L u l ( x ) r \ l lt l l r \ \a _ L l I n " u t L I J )li. rrl. r: I t r\ r1 1 . \ L rl\ \ . r. )rI r i q l r N ln()qtr.\\ tsr\i ;ulql .iul\rl ,iuu PInoJloN lr a;leqJrl 'LLrr \l)(\l alrsoddosll J() Sulqleelqlnoaq1 lnoqll'\\ eAlrrns tuolJqlPelq Iru|rrledsaql plnoJ.louutdlelunoa lltlledssll ,rr\\ur slr i-ur.\lJJar lnoqll,\\a\t^lns PlnoJ iPoq 8uI^Il oN '3;ueqrle)ul plnor laqlleu euo luql leqlo aql uo rtsuor lnoq)t\\ o,\t'\rns LL os elLuqrPa sJleur eSL\\IIII ll lolunbs lPnlnLo LLrrpuadep l() saprselrsoddouo rltd qJea Jo alLsoddoeql sarPld PLlo ' t . \ , ' d d ^li' u t rd u r\ t L u , ' t{ po qi u l \ ' l u \ r l l : . \ . r 'i'l r I r : 1 , ' , 1 ' l ) t

s.l.l N()tlll :t.l.lSO(l(lO NOI.LION():) t.\SONAdgO Sl U:l.l..l.Vl{rlo Nol Ll(lNo ) (ll l\:l

JII{orv i'runrJnurs
rlO :l'ldli)NlUd .L()OUdllJ- - UgILVhl SNIIVll{ll,\ III XX

l ?al "nt"t 'e)l alnEtf aas) aloq snonrDAl.)nlq o auroraq ll13\Iln!.,qt al()\ stlonrDr lrDrl a41,rllnlluattli,t\ PuDUnsa|t au()Jaq llt,']. 'eir-uPq.)rJ1ur srrll \\ sPrtJ qatq snql :uns iql ruorl pclrlduor .^r rlJ{f, aq) 1I {t1 aqt {q itrlr?ll^lJllrari olur l.Putd\a sI .loq lJrllq alll lr,raq ',{lisro^uo.)etBLU qirq\\ sll luoll lI sPaJI Jlorl )rr?lqP.Puucl\J \r uns aq.l. oltlr ssruPloJ aql ,{clf,lrluIAraltralt Pcssardtuor '.x)lDnllo )l;)uJq [] ur alrrtlr laqlo oql uo eloq snonall^ slrI() ePrs sI scq unr^,u:)\l ellle ql()q .rcJ qllr.rl) rlrsoddo-pup-lBnbJ ol, alllP qroalseilPq) :uo iiltq) sul?3ueu() aiiruqJsrD slr qlrn :la-uttl:r oJ rolrnba eqt lo Jprsraqlo eql uo atrsoddo . r.rtur \tt irlt tr u ,,r trpuo.1 ltlr:lutr:ru t, t n,'lltr r 1'1rr , " 1 1 . r' ' r1 1 1 'laqlo aql lnoql.\^lsl\e PIn()i tuarql qll^\ rSuuqar.llul uodn illlxlbi tnq peqrPtlB spuedep t()u sr oq \\ ulllu l()u sloor sll I8

'It uIPId\J i[lnJ.r()ur Ill\\ 'a1-l l/.1 1)]I l,rtl "r'!t r\r\nl.rul f-l ,r1 ;q1 srrn;ir; rsrrr',., ilrrrr\ 'III|,i|| |||r'III| rql tuor] sLuElfielp lnq eraq u()lsurrd\r r.rtllrrrl rol I "ltl|'r I tsu.\ ool sr slqI alnlP\lnJ e.\PJuoa i(J \J,\ll().) (l;illollll 'uolloul Jo uollralrp aql qll,t\ p.loJJe uI Pll,''\)n() l(' I)rr:'\\rrr rrpnl Jo;urpuacl Jql uI sesueJelll lJe slualpeln rrnssrl,l 'euo oluI slntd p0pl.\rpallull pur s.lod qlnos'qllotl uJa,\\laq uroJ o1 slaluai a^lllrlpll PUP pull lslrJpunoJlrslueIPr?13 asaqf-s3lod tsJ,\\ i\rlP11'\tr; asnPa .rrn..: rd l lrr.,r:qrlr rJ.\nPold rln trlun.r lt) ttlJl. {\ lJqlo rqf P alod qalra Jo 'ralua) a\lllrrpel Purl o,\IlPlI,\1,'13 elnss'ld salPu qalq\\'silod qlnos pue quou punoll' sluetprrril^ sPlalJ eAP^\ auo tuals,{s rrnle\lnr Io lprorrqds saanpord '6 arJqJ o.{1 ellr ulqlr\\ arnlll'\lna Jo sluatsis Ptsoddo

osrv sl aun.r-v^unJ oSzruv'Iod


loNeringtonescan be pfoduccd br erpanrJing Ihc \\ire b\ loosening it. 'fhe sanre wire can produccman! tonal s(rundslt produce\ differenttorrcsby changing thc condilion ol thr *ire. 'l he .hirnr.:r i.:r rli[[ercncr,'i(,'m f r(\ \ i, . n , r (\ P i] ' r. i, l ,12. The binlr o1anl boclv lrom itslulcrumlet o to ttszerooi nraturityand back againto its fulcrurnis a cvclc. Crcles ol \\r \c \il\rirti,'n\in rl ele..rri,r' u t r(. n t . , , rrn , n rr. . iirl n . , t . $,her-e lhe vibrations are so last that lhe soundis heardis a r.l)nllnLr()us l1)ne. are kno\ln is \r'aleircquencies, I lr( lriltl)l( (lua|riesol thc toneoI a harp slringar.'too fast l ,'r t,)h(.rrrhc(;ROW T Ho irh a lr{ )n e f ro n it r s b irlh ro r t\ rrirtrrit\ irrkl l)ilcl itttin. T h e e a r h e a rso n lr t h e f u llr !r ,'\\r rr,rtl|r(rittnr('r(pcitlc din h u n d re d s o f c \ c le s in o n c ...,,r',1srtlr, ||r L, , ,r$. , , , 1 t lrc { r, r\ \ rh , , 1 h rrn (lr(J \, , l',!lr '. tl||.l|r'lr\\lr,'l(. lrl(.\ \,l. s lr, rn rb irt h rrrc le a t h .
l,'r tlrr',r,,r'.,,rr\\(.,li, nt,l tlrink ol lr sound as a bodr as *c tlrrl. ,'l ,r rr.rr trr.,.,,r lrirrl ;rs lrt.inr:ir htrclr. k is a bod\. lr,,$, \, I tl\t I,rh r,,r rr i. nt,,rirn. an,l ril ||r,)rr()!r r\ tirt(rrirl lxxl\.

iJ3 .13. OnL r]lr hcttcr eonrprchL- d thc nrcaningof this idea b! ol A. s!)undliirn ()1thc ha.p string 1()ne l.rluril .r sl()\\ rnr)1r()n l3r s,r dorng $. lcll:ttllcrrthc hic crclt ol the sounclbody ttt ,,rrccr,:lc in sirtr sec('lds inslcad ()f onc rlcle in a three'or l.Lrr hu dr'edthp|u1('l a \cu()rrd N,irr rorr ean \\rtnes\ tlre ul lli,rt lrrrl.l hxlt fronr its -uro\\th rrlirnr\" t!) it: old age \uLr \ill 1i|rt hc:r ii fainl ltrw \r,und. \\hi(]h i\ D()riort' irl. tlre lull!r()\\lr l,)nc L)lA lltan a lr.rhr ir lrkt ir lull !r()\!n (ir.ulually it gfo$s lhf(lugh ils , .rrl\ rt.r!cr tIri ard nluturlti .lll(l thc s0und \,i)Ll hcar is like a gtor''n \r f !r!,\\in! r,.r r!ror lonc ol A e 5lt|iil |l trllhc llrll! r, r..lelred lt rt\ rrlturi(\ ll \,,r ! Lrr,l(l \.c tllrt boLl\. rl \\ ould l)c a t|uc spherein f()rm. r ,,rrrlrrcrse,J rnro a vtr \ srlrll \l).1( e at lbc !er) middle of the r'\ t( |l(1.(lhrfp \tfrnS lt rouirl lte tlrc ccrrtcr olgravit! f()r the s,N. lrriri cre.rtudh1 dir iding the equiliblium of silenceinto stalc of nlotiou. The rcst of Ihc wrvc Iield rr.r,rrr.lrtrtrncd \{,rrl(l l)ti cmpt\ space of ulillions of times greatr:tr!lunle.

lhc tw(rnrllitnclic thc arrsconnecting lt\ lr'lc (il rotutirn iLnd \(]uth polcs \ould rnd \\()uld bc pitritllcll() [',rtlr c()incidc w()ulcl lt g(fdegrces tlk lr:rrlr \tl inq I ibrating rxis. lts equdtor lt " ||r t lr. rt i l \ r s . lir.rrlrr.rllr, vru \\()uldscc that sphcrellatten and throw oII I rrl'\ lr()|llils eqLllt()l - and ) ou would hcarthat sirent{)nein ('Lr t r\r r||rl il c()ulcl no krngerhearit. Motion hasceasecl tr\ \ We do not saltit is dead, rr\\in! inl()itssilcnts()urce. lr\ \\ rrlrttr r* rl * rll b(rrr0cirtrd ()ntheothersideof itsequat()r I rr * r' krrr i ne terval t r\ r. rrrl\ W r \ i r \ I h i r li r n l i r ni s L l c i | ( l b e c u u s e t h c t i m ( h i r t , rrri l x t r t i re e r . l c \ i \ \ ( r l ( ) r r r thal lrr' t rr, r v ed o n o t r e a l i z e llr( l, r\ \ , ' l r ! l k ( r rr \ r \ i l ) r i r t r ( , ni \ l l l r \ l r n l cI r r a l l c y c l e s n . or r l r , r: t r l l (r i I r r r r r ' . r l i k t i r t l r e l i r c l l h i r t l h c v g r o u ' |l\ , . r(. rlr/( |, , Ir|.|| (rr It \ .rrrrI rIrr r r r , , r r lr Lt l r . r t l r . \ n r r \ l \ ' r r l \ r f n l ( l l l i t l r i n

Wr' llrre nrant \citrs l() \ritness the man! chargesin a man \ lifc crcle. We c\cn hr\e periodsof man\ vears each ol $itnessing diflercnt stagesof that gro$th. such as th. childhood periri - then the bo\ '- the \oung man th. nlaturemarn -. thcn the itgingman - and the rert old ntan. Every creating body progresses through rhcsc pefi()ds,il gro$th trom birthto dcarh. wherher that bodvisone-lrundretl ol-a-rcr','nJc\jl(r,rl h ic hlre q (n (lr c l. c t r, . , ||' , ' , r nilli,rnth .. an eighly-vear c\cle of a man - or a million billirrrr rr r r r L lr,,l :r rrrn Ilr( r( i\ n,,,li ll, r, . n ,t , \ . r t r r, t rr,

lJ.l Thc spacewhich sunoundedthc soundspherehls swallowed it up. ' The sun turns intidel)ut t() beconc spaceand spacc turns oulside-in 1()beconlethc sun on thc orher-sicle ol the rvaveaxis.You againhear the sirengr(^vlhol the tone ()JA. ,14. If we nolv speedup lhe c)cles ol nlan ro as nran\ frequcncies as the tone oI A. all rvc could see ol his crclr would be thc maluredman.We could not seethc childhood. boyhood or manhood stages of hisc\ cle.I nstead ol seeing thc nraturcdman ol one cycle,\re would sechundredsof maturcd clclesofthalsanleman \\ilhout beiig abletosecthech ngin! slagesoI irnl ol the cvcles. 15. llwc likeuise speed up lhe growil]gclcles of lhe srar\ irrllrr' lrr';rlr'ns. wc rvt)uld serthentconreand go lil(efireflie. llrslrrrrI irrtlrr'r|]ctrckr\\'. Iheir ttnsol billions ol \earsdurati()n r \ tr\t r rli!lcrrn(e in thc t in rin -!o f t h e ir c 1 -c le sb .ur thr ,'l rl'l( l e v e rl s t a t e , , l ,r ||, l'r(,\\thrn(l tleea r is id e n t ic a in l |r ,'rr"|| { r(.irr{,1 r(' Iri rre r' \ rd e itin Cre a t io n . I l r( .||r\\\ r't t,' tllirti\ l)()lirril\I.\ , la rit y is e x p re s s ein d wa rc . W,rrr'r lr,rrL.rlrrrrr'lsir,r). l irtr e i\ ir d iDt e n s io n lt. t a k e slin t e r, ' ( r r.rt(,,r \\it\(. l,l ir \ril\(. is ir e rc le wh ic h h a s a s e e min ' t Ir Ll)|l|lrrr1l ;rrrti r'rrrhrrg. lhr: r r)rf (\ c lc s I o r re p ro d u c t io n ,,1 ( l crt'rctlr(,rtlrl wirvcs irfc c( )n s rrn tb . u t lh e t i e p e f io d s , , 1 lilc rleirth clelcsvarl asth{)ughl \ a\ esaccumuiale in() crclL\ l.l ),,lr e\ elu\ul l,,rnrrd h,rdics o l r, ' u n d .u r o t in s c . t s rn . in t : l men. trecs.sunsor nebulas. llerein liesthe solutionof thc m,isterrof gro\r'rh rnd d.cir\ or life and death.which hasbc'en deemedinsoluahle durir , all the agcsof man. LiJb and gcttth ure thought tares nultiltlit'cl b_ttintt deca.t and leath are time dh'ided intrt yoidunce. t'It,t,

thrce .linlt?t^iotLtlunirerse ol thoughtwave Lime(lsequetlces d w)idanceol thut lR)DlIlte ut)itehdl :ent ol rt'st.lollored b.y, h.t rLrthtlruv'ul xitlin tlte toirer.tdlzero ol rest. ltoieLtiotl



tl6. lVlanconceivesthe idea ol lifc and death of his body as a l)e{inningand endingo[ lhe idea oI himself.Back of that r(nrccptis the beliefthat his body is himself. lhoe i: ut begjrutit!: or enditry of ant eJfectin Nature for lht t<' i\ tk) belinning ot etrditg oJ tLtuse.Cause is eternall:ll t L'ti s etenull.r' rt'pt'ut ed. Miul s bodv is an cternally-repeated effecto[ its cltuse. which ir clcrnrl rnan.Man is an IDEA -- a partoI the ONE WHOLI; lrl liltNAL IDEA. Ideais unchanging. Bodies irl()ne chxnlc. kk ir is nevercr-eated. Bodiesaloneare crelled 10 nrrnifcsl irh';r. All hrlir.t are sequentialrcpetition.tol elJect.r. All efiects in Nntrrrc rise lrom the zeroof etemalrestto manitest IDEA lhr,'u!h nction.They do thisfor a periodof time.thentheylie {ftrwfr l() rest ltftrr-e again going into actron. T'hereis no r\r't l'ti)n to thit pinciple in all the niretse of mightl sturs ttnl ,tIit t.'rt ()l)it l)dtticIe.t. ol irll brrlieslre {lNavsundcrthe controlof Mind All ur'trons |vhr( lr ( iru\c(llhcnr.Ilorlieshaveno powerto move through lhr'r (,\\'I ir)itirlivc,li)r thct h ve no cncrgyor initiativeof is crtc tlctl to h()dies llt|rr o$I Initi;rtivr' bv the universal ( , r r t r , ) l \ \ t lri( lr t h . ' r r . Mrr(l | |r' || llr, ' rl' lrl l r \ l r , ; r t r \ ( r \ l , , r r l r ( l ) u r l x ) \ (o l r ' r p l i r i n i n g lhe

Ihi.t ttutlt,uniyLttc is htt t t)toittti)tt ol \liurl l<ltt trti, t

86 mechanics and processes made use of by Mind to create fiatter. v,emtl\t not .lor u mome t fotget the reality of Miml nor the illusion of matter. In continuing,therefore,to explain Nature'smethodsof idea inro form, and unfoldingbodiesfrom their Soul-seed idea. refolding therecords of those formsinto theirSoul-seed we should cultivate the realizalion thal we are dealing wilh pattemsof ideu a d nol atih s bstance or matteL thought-wave

body. For this reasonthe soundcan reproduceitself only ll00 feet away lrom its sourcein one second,while the
ouqht-waveoI its sourcecan circle the earth seventimes in

onescond. growth-decayJife-death cycleof a tree well exemplities principle.Fifty yearsof time may be consumed during periodofaccumulating patterns thought-wave by unfoldfromitsserd. and\ oiding themby relolding there(ord ol patterns back into their seed. ifedeath cyclesoI insectbodies vary irom minutesto months.
nimal life-death cycles reach into the centuries, rlhile

The Mystery oI Time

47. Whenwe think of matter,we shouldthink of the thought waleswhichcreated it. Likewir. we mustthinkof timeasan lccumulationof thought-waves. 'I horrghl-waves intocycles cycles accurnulate uponcountless fornintt of h(xiics. As add density and iI thc thought-waves (linrcnsions othcr ss t() the bodiesthey create,they also needed to repeal r(l(l ti rc lry lcnglhcning the time intervals h(rly, lh{t 'l hrrugltl-wirvcs "stolcup 'lime astheystore up mass. Bodies oLnrirltcrarc woundup ' thought-waves. The timeconsumed lo polrrize r lhought-wave cycleis so incrediblyfastthat ils al reproductive frequencies reachout throughthe universe the rate of about2.UJ0 milo in one-hundredth of a second. When they wind up into masses ol wavesto createbodie\. theyslowdowntheirrepetitive frequencies andthuslengthcn ()f theL cycleof growthanddecayin proportionto the mass thought-waves have wound up into a formcd which been body. Thought-waves which oreatea body of soundmust unwin(l their accumuiations. Tbat also takestime. The soundol il pistol shot is a body oi accumulated thought-waves. Thcs,' mustunwind lhcycrrn rcproducc ll sourrrl andrewind bcfrnc

ught-wave accumulations of solar and nebularsystems h into the hundreds of billionsof vears for one vibration
ncy which is one life-death cycle.

ofgestation likewise lengthen in duration in proportion theaccumulation of therecordings of thought-wave paterns

other thought'wave patterns which produce complcx

es. within cycles likewise varyin similirrproporI othercycles pulse,sleep.digesli()n rn(l , cyclessuchasrespiration, frequencies of repetition. fact of importanceto know in relation to vibration is that no matterhow complexthe formedbody encies be. and no matter how great its durationin tlme, the ss of growth of etery cycle is the same without the estvariation.Erery groving thing mutt passthroughnine in Ihisthree-dimensional universe of timedmotionftom zero ol its beginninglo its zero ending. ('.t'.'le isa conpleteocldrcwarc- andercryoctareware
g seri,.to/ eight lone.t,the dm itude tone be;ngl\\'o, unite.l tqu', enl n i .\f Et!\-- the loktl h(itg ntne.


88 in p|rnt'iplc wouldbedilficultto comprehcncl Atofiic structure ll]cls oi thc ahoIc'mcnli()ncd rvithoutcomprchension One nrus( bc ablc 1() \'ision il sun in lh!'heu\'ns $h(rsr durationis billionsol vcars.and the sui' \\hich ccnlels lh' dLlrali'nl r_second of a hundreclth'of tonalwarc oia harpstring ol lhc anrounl licsin The clilfcrenee asbeingone in principle. musl be expcn.ledin unNintlinglhilt masso' tifie;ich units Li!'r"$isc' patlernsinto its thoughl-\\a\e thought-\rave lhc sun()l bel\recl'l one mustbe ableto visionthe intcrchangc counlcfpilrl on thc olll'l !i s()larslslent anclits black_holc EFFLCT oi thr n1ale as the samesin1ple sideof its vacuous sanrcONtr CAUSF.
\\hen kno\|lcdge oi ril CAI l\ | L,,llrrsiril * ill tlisappc-lr I l:l ( | ir thrr: sinrplilicd.


{ll. In ()rdcr to conrpfchendlhe grex( simplicitYwhich $hich lrl nincoctaves Indcfliesthc sccmiwir,complexscries togetherwilh ronsri(ut!'thcperiodictable of the elements. il would be structurc. atomic which undcrlies rhe simplicit\ desire and hef ol Natures basic $t]ll k) palint a $ord pictur-e her dcsire. \rnrplc annerol a(taining to rest He is visiona man\rho is l!ing clown t us.thereiorc. |.r. Ir thoroullh e([lilibfiumwith his en\ ironnlenl.tor eveiy part rehtion with the ,rl his bodl occupiesthc same prcssure position he is withottt ( ir h s center {rlgr.wil\. In thisbrlanccd of hisequilibrium. of clectricdivision th. strrinsand lensions is in a plane (tt lI is p o s it i o n o l u n c h a n g i n gp r e s s u r c s rll)(lcgrees oi changingpfcssurcs from {hc radial alirection \\ hicll rerch outwardftu)mthc centerof gravil\ inlo spitec. ilcti(nrl(n lllr to dcmonstratc this man dcsires lhr m()ment ol test he musl risc fronl his pllrrre lrrlfillnrcnt oi his desires. g(ld.sfccs rl 1t) o[ :inglc that radial llnlil h. acquircs llr hu\sl:ln(linrcr('c1 . I \ r' n t h o u g h h e c a n l i n d b l l e n c e w h cln ()rdcr nlrtint in to illcrt iD lllr\t hc ilNake and his senses he rvouldiall to thc /ero lcvelIrom which lr,rl;rncc. Otherrvise he has tlividedhis h, r,'st. The rcasontor this is hecause l,.rl.rrr(1 rnl(rt$o tq(lal hrlilnceslvhichilre conlrolledby the r, rx \ ( n t c fc r li n l l r m . I rr'rtrr:rllr hc crn no longcr electricalll control his own conditions ol thc two opposing lr.rtil|r.c litillns(fhe resis{ancc gravit'rint()the forever-changing hr cxlentling lrr lrir\\ct Lrl) rvhich erist in radral directions.The ssrrrt crinrlititrns lrr, br his desirefor action rrcil |\intiiti,rn$ hich he creetccl 1r,l.rr r"\\ (.\l)r.\\( \ rl\ (lc\ir'( lin lh. (nc blllitnccdcondilion o[ l r c s s u r cIs ronl t , \ t . |lr, lr, t ( | | t . .l l | \ 1 ,!,l \ L ' l l l r ' 1 (t ( ) ( \ l ( ( l L r l lp

di l l erettl l ' t1tt 1(l a\' ' |, ,, t u \1 ,,I t, t' u , l rt t:' r l r, n n nr t,' tn i tt' !1.\ that eucl t seuni n' ' !i l rrortr tl t' tt,rrr,' rl l t n ttt' r ' tt,t1 ' 1 ' , ' tt \!ttl r i tt tl k !ro\\' th ol ' rl , l tl l , t' tl t t\tttt' l ' t\ l \t! tt t! tl h tt ttt (r' )rr rr il ttl ,tt ,1t' l tt l t ttl t ttt A t/ {1i ?(., , t ,i t' It,1 1 ' r1 ' ' t)t,l ' l ?"

b(rnt in eich ()l 1r' .lllslirslr rlr:lnis lhe sitnlcIl.\h- blorrdanLl thc sa ellltra nllcro\c(rl slagrs ol gr( areall pa11icles unil \ortices of motion which arc chnnlrng lherr prL'\\L rr ' duringlheir l hlrlelifc crcle iournt\ s ()islnllll'r conditions dilferentsubslanccs.
disalpeat lol tho\? \\'11't(dtt lt h)) : Conlu.sion *ill likett' liJe prinLiple in multer \rhot tlrc.\' ktto\\' thal ny,i?r1/rIr' i/\ \//r ' tt) \t tuh11 Lo be life is hut nloliotl tttltllill.t ing i!\ 11rc\\1!t-er \tn tldtr thl ll)l \ 'l to rhrm |DEA ot lilc. ond rhen diLiling

90 The aboveis a true symbolicword pictureof everyaclion' to everybody in the universe' reactionof everyhappening and life-death It is also a true picture of growth-decay principleto I shallnowrelalethe abovc niversal sequences. of nratterand lo the the octavewavesof the elements of peri'rdlcity theoclave whichconlrols cr rostopicprinciple rpi( gt-rnscr howI he ih. elements,tl ter. I rhallalvrdescribe p{rle\' -it magnetic wilh nonh-south principte tht cooperales hoJie\ thotrghl-wrrve of polarizinp ertension h controlihe whir. andeast-west wave amplitudes. their to fulcrums from their lhoughl of depolarizing noleswhichcontro!the withdrawals w;rvebodies into their fulcrumsfrom their amplitudes'

9l solely consists for it b fit into.This universe wavemechanics of wavesof motion.Any theorywhich cannotlind a fitting placewithin the wavehasno other placefor it in Nature. upon conceptof atomicstructureis based The present-day within the other, which becomethe basisfor revolvingelectronsplacedaccordingto formula uponlhoseshellstrata.

plaoed elecge(xentrically andgeometrically ths Centering groups of separately-and-oppositely-charge tronsarenuclear protonsand photons.By addingone electronto an outer it Conversely, nextin numberis produced. element out of an could be knocked that if one electron is believed - gold element the nxtsucceeding suchasmercury. element. - could be produced. one might as well say Insofaras NaturalLaw is concemed, that if on of the childrenof a Frenchfamily wotrld the family'snationalityto Italian. change rcaliTcs lhnl until science will be impossible Transmutation controllecl. alomicstruclureis gyroscopically ()lrlomicslrtlclurc for syslems theory has a separate Science This is strange syslems. whichit doesnot applyto stellar is but a large mass it that for conceded for science, feasoning ultipleof smallmass. of atoms. planet,a sun.or a nebula is but an accumulation isbutathimbleful asun or planet ofmatrerfrom thimbleful atoms.The structureof one atom does not vary in a imhleful so why should it vary in thimblefulsof atoms
icientto make a star?


(tf lhe gyroscope to the wave 4tl. 'lltc relllion itn(lpurfx)sc is a n rc ol lhf nillc{}clilvcpcri(xlictithleof the elements rl|.|tat I htrl reason can For this l lirr tt hricf tlcatise. vcrv l)i[ suhi('( l{)uehul)(n il li8hllv. brtl wilh sufficienlclarity lo give flrll and processof Nillurcs princiPle contptchcnsion As all of the one hundred and twenty-oneelemenls.lsotope\ and inert gases.which are produced by the electric-wa\' machine in Nature's workshop, acquire their seemingl\ different propertiesbecauseof the gyroscopicwheelswhich spin them into their various conditions. it ts necessarvl() the samekind of units of motlon l() know how Nature causes appear to be so many different substances. The presentconcept of atomic structure hasno resemblancr for there is n() place wilhlrr whatsoeverto Nature'sprocesses

of atoms At what particular point in massaccumulation another change to nrld lhc theory of abmic structure the It seems asthough slructure? alomic thcoryft)rmulliple things lhrough s vxnls fi|ile(l lo lhink aorlv

92 If the prcsent concentrjc s h c ll rh c o rl h a d a n l ra lid rt r ()ur leles(opes$ould rereal these unnatLlra whatsoever. nrrclei of rvhite anclhlacknegatir e and posilivcsunshudLliing Iarcrso[ planets tollether in thecenleroi shclllikc concentric in this unilerse ol irllowing orbits which are inrpossiblc m t(erlvhichis crealed bv pairsof spiralr!rliccs\ hich alonc f,,rm lh. hir\r\, 't .rt,'mii. s''lar n r rt r' ll, rr c ' ' n \ rru ( 1 , , rr. What \o! in the hea\ens. You neverseesuchnronstrosilics suns.planets. and moons\\hich do see are doublv'charged lomr solarsyslems.You alsoseegronpsof nan) solars\ stenl\ whichwe callspiralnebulae. Frcrv sun.planetor moonin tha heavens has a north and soulh pole rvhichdividesthe nass ()ne hemisphere int()n{)rthern hcmispheres. i\ and southern rr(nir nc{:lti\clr_ mass whichfLrats b\ itself.nor is thc charged ,,tlr(r' hc rsphcr!' a positirelvcharged mass.E\erv solNl \\\t(l|r hir, hdl r)nr (louhlY-chafged sun. not a nrrnber ol ()Pposrn! ne tron or pllot()nsunsrn groups. l)l'lr'I s||r)s \ll \L||r\,IrrlP l,rrrcts ir thc h e a rc n s a re lh ro q irlgo f f rin g si] l tlrrrr rrlrr.rt0rs rrhiL lrr'c,'n t e I o r mo o n s .E \ e r\ ma s \ P la n e ls l [r'r|lr,rr.r I Ir' iIr(l rD(l\ llrirl rrrrr.K n o $ le d g e o f t h e * a rt ,|| rl t'l tlr( \l,rr,rl rIrt\ $ lriL lr f , rr n r t h c h a s is t )[ t h ec o n s lru c t io l] ,'l rrr.rttr'r r0rrLl lrrolrrl)il \l|( l) rrn n irt u rirl lh c o rie s a slh ep re s e n r ,'r, llr( \((r.t ,rl tlrt firrrstit u t irrn o f ma lt c rlie s in t h e \ r' a \ c I lrirl\(! r( l r\ j!\ \ al unl rx)\rn lo \( icncc.As lhe Nale bec{)me\ lhr,, ric \ \ rll h c d is c a rd e c l l r r,'rrr. srrr'h rnnirlor,rl ll LL p o w e r o i g r l l \ r l \ ! r r r ' r r 1 rl" togctherb,v the poLarizing polverof rrdiillion. of the depolarizing rcsistxnce l_llervnuclerr massnlust iirst be wound up spifrll! l'! i{ cxn be spiltlly unwotlnd bl ccntripctal lorce befor-e [orcc. ccntrifuqal lust as mcn and womcn mustapproach aturityltfore they lnustsunshe nearthcir maturingpoints hck)re Ihe\ can heaf plancts to becomc xtomic or solar s\stems. bodiesfrom It polarizes forceis generalive. Sl. Centripetal force is radiative' rheirsourceto their maturity.Centrifugal their sourcelvhere al voids fhcm and bodies lt depolarizes nrotionceases. ( ortripetd! lbrce is the crndition of gr|r'ittttion t'ltith tont itttt bod-r' presses lltought-vat'e]i Iomts. (irtriligdtlorce is lhe conditbn of rotltutiott dtitlt ' tlnttt'ls t h()ught-)tdvesto | nn lhcrl thisiacl in(lclil)l\trporr rvotlldinlprcss 52. llall peopte hesel ra\ which ( ()nsciousness. clariiv all lhc nlYsler it rvorrld l s { o h c i i w l l r eo l { h r ' h u n ra n it !T o r c a l l v b c a w a r ! - o l l h i s f l l c l ex(endsln oi r-ealilr Rl:\l ITY frorn which a slmrtlation Ind rclurnsto r'c\lfronrtheelcctric rmaginlngs l,rrnrroi Vlrncl \ t r . rin \r)i M r n ( lr m e q i n i n g s grow and decay breathein and All thinusli\c an.ldie and expand solidifyand ,,Ut crxrlanclheat - compress to lwxken and sleep the might! rh\'lhm ol the litlrrLl! , l( rlfi. prn(ltlltlnlof the cosmos as S.l. ( ;r,,\!lh (l(rrt\ (J[ lllc altn]enlsls lhc sllnc pr()cess


conpr.\ 50. The nucleus of cvcr! alomicslslenris a singlc i\ I l), sedmass. like the sunof our solarsvstcn.Th!' nucl.Lis highcst potc'ntial antlthcllrca lrs ln rs : in it \ s r: t c n t I t is I L

94 growth-decay of a tree or of the lifedeath cycle of a man. man of a maturing andyouthcycls boyhood, The childhood, boron and lithium, beryllium are the sameeffectsas the carbonin the elements. cycleswhich precede These first. second and third elements of the octave arc each having differenl consideredto be different substances, potential strenglh, tensile malleability, density, conductivity, and melting points.Sciencehasnot thought of theseasbing in the growth of carbon,as one thinks of the earlierstages mustbeginto think that science growthof a man.However, the simplicityof t.ansmutation. wayin orderto comprehend fleshand bloodof his A child,a boy andyouthare the same is in eachof thesestages His appearance maluremanhood. differ utterlyin each his attributes Likewise utlerlydifferent. cycle. anddolls. toysasrattles In hischildhrxxlcyclehedesiressuch soldien. these for toy cycleheulterlydiscards In hinhoyhrxrd hediscards L,ater books. outfitsandjuvenile licyclcti.cowtxry skiing. football, for higherstudies, chsnge lhcio lu hi$dcttires golf lnd preparrtkrnfttr a career. 'fhis prmcssofgrowthis universal. itin tree,violet. Aswesee it in theelments see wemustlikewise orinsect. man.eleDhanl of basic time. time.or in the incrediblespeed ofaccumulaled andthewaveis a uponthe wave, thingis based Everycreating growth from a point of rest to a poitlt of rest through gravitation. tbenbackto thatpoint of restthroughradiation relalded Wemust leam to think of all accumulatingmalter a-s which matter rctio in in the its i\tenab time which lengthens appears. a rhythmicillusionof moliott mutt think of time a-s Likewite ,',re only whenmolion'in-nmtter begitr' Time appears sequences. cnd. Time dirappearswhenfiotion sequences

95 andtime change Remove of change. Time is but thercorder is likewiseremoved. lI one lived in perpetual light - or in perpetual dark - he would be living in a tineless universe.He could thn create the it, by counting the illusionof iime only asNaturecreates awakenings and his sleepings or oI hisbreathings, sequences - or his hungerings. whichswingNature's arethe wavereversals Time sequences of all appearingdeaths and pendulum between the births disappearingthings. Lifu k but a rcversalof death revenal of lift. and death likewise is but tt

Time countsbirths andaddsthem up into years,andcenturies' from births deaths andmillenniums but time alsosubtracts to remainthe zerowhich time is. asyouand I anditll withldeanddieswithdeath For time lives thinsselselikewiselive and die to foreverlive againin this illusion of eternally-repeated eteriat universe recordonly the forwardflow of time but there The senses is a backwardflow of time which voidstime' as there is a flow of life towarddeathwhich voidslife' backward seem butarcnot' which isazeroun ene ofEFFECTS This The fulcrurn of the universefrom which actionsandractions cxtendand return might be likened unto a mirror' As the actionwalksawayfrom that mirror' it alsoextendsthe miror's walksawaywith it. The reactionsimultaneously imagewhich wali'sthe otherwaywith its mirroredfulcrumevercentering and void the action. It. to compensate ihcnconlek) restandsimultaneously B()th cti(nrllll(l lcllcti()n

1 I
wrlhdrr$ $ ilhin thrir-l ulcrumto r.'grinthe needed \ ilxlit\ to ir\ .rnJ il. r ,r. lr, rlr\c r(: , \ lri, n . r r llr .r l t hr irlr 'rl ' 'i ! ri1\ 54. Ercr.teffto ol i\ rrid(d as it occurs,is rc(o l?d asit is loided, and repeutetlasit is reconlel, lin itsincrt gos?sl l-rnrehasrtr cxislenec. Entries in I he llool ol 'l inreafa but th!' ruthcnalics of polaritl relersals.As Natur'eadd\ up r c\clsals()Lp{)lar it\,.shealsoaldds thejl rh!lhnrsinl()dcepcr loncs ol lcss\ibtation lrequcncies ol relardedtina- whcn NatuLe sulrtracls reversals. sheirlso nrultiplies the rhfihms ()l eleclric-wilve \ibrations which pulse in unis{rn\\rIh th()sc rh!1hms. I hrl is lhc sol!' rcasonrvhy man senses linrc. TIlllL i.:hur tlp p tttlttltntrl ntriott ltsoflice isto recordthe he rltreat(rl l\i' \:r\ llr)ti,)lr. 14itlt(ntt IL'\'t!t:ul\ rt ntrtutn 11.\fL hu: tto l r r r r ,.r.,I'rrt,,r, ,,1rlr('\( Lrr:rrr r i llrrs io ns sh ic h d e c e iren t a n
tt,' lr ln trttt tlt,1t t'tj, ttlt\ t' t,ultr.t. lt clcn decei\es the r' ||llr) rlreit ullcntpl\ to design the r'rr.rrr| .,.r\.r r\ ,)l \, r{ Lr( .lr,rt! ,,1 rlr\ \lr,rlx l.\\ lnr\frsc.,\ll ol thcnt include tjnte it) tlr( || r |lir'||r( (lslr,'lx \ ()l tlrr uni\L.r\c. I t,l lnriur itt rltr' ttttin ru it tttt ittlinitt' nttrrored e.rtensiol li rttt t rcrt ltoittt. I:tL lt lnint it the rcnter cl untrer.rdl e.\aetLti(t1l irtto tful nirrored it./i t.r vhi h ends at irsltoittt ot beginnint The univcr:e. thcrelltx,. cun hure no shupe. Bv thus renxn,iry titne ds d reali.\' it NaIurc. tutd h.t leanitry t, thitk c.wlitutllt h the oftl.'t ll rl1\'tllnric rr'/lih-\izrrr, upplie: to ull oeutitg lhings. ork ttill he gn:Lu| Ltided ut lr, endetrot ttt ve the unirerse as ont, vltole. With tirll undt'rstat it'A of thi.\ lulsing hednhedt frinci/,|( ',1 interchang? betteen the I*o olipotitr.s ol electic erlrt,\\r)tl th? exponaling utlita\s.' thL'or.\' would tterer ltu\'e lrtl tt t t't,



group. or llnlil\'. or an) organlze(l 55. Jusl rls a bllsiness o[ all idcr into lor thc expansi(D ! nuclcus nrust lirst lrcocrilte Lorcxtenclutg gentl il(!'ll lltlcleus a st stcrll.s()docsthe trnivcrse its idec int()srstenr\. itsgc erat(l Nalurallltheunirc|sci\ erpandin!.udertcnlcling is for'elcl c{)nlfacling ls ltrt it nuclear lrlxs\e\ in1{)s}ltc jnt() thcm inlo slslel)ls. nucl!-iin otder'l,rextertd nlas\cs Nttute tist genentrt't nuller h.r P(lltri:utg it t ut L!.\lrh!tt\tl ntuttet lr\ dal)tldti.itt'i ir i o mt(l?dt |nLt\\. Sltethen ntcllutes f,t<'rt r.trterrt. wherht'tatonit sdur or o;pa lit!, t\'\le 1.r. it relutitn trt evet.t ttlher s\'\te t ttI !ha ts etp,ttnlittg nehrLu. uniwrst'. atttl it ulso etltnLliry us ol irseU.

)r\ areborn honl ringsthro$n ()fl lr ()rnllle ( (lLrirl( 56. Plancts ls Moonsare born fftnDringsthl ()$'n()fl lr, 'rrl l)lirrl( rrl sunsi r n do t t x r n s l l t c i c c ( ' r r l r r r rilr \ Rin g s win d u p i n t ( )p l n n e l s thet wind until thev becomcspllerc\"1hc\ lllerl r\l)llr(l irs lhet untrinal inkj oblatingsphcfc\' slemsirre cfexlcd t)nly br_ All sunslnd moonsoi stellars]' ()f the rccumLllittion electric\!aves.fhc theorr_ c()mpressinq Law.Thel e is to Nrlural ol dustcloudsinto ntalleris ltol trLrc o[ a milligra . not eren the lvei.sht no suchdust in space, which is polarirerlink) four octavc Space is an equilibriurn matter. but octavc l\avesoI mattet cven $ir\cs of invisible rvillbe octaves are not dust."ThesesPace thoughinvisible later. r( lcrred to All plunctsand moons of their slstemsspiral larther and lrrtlrer ir\rr\ lr,nn lhcir primariesThcy alstlspiraloutward a st h e , t e q u r t o r s shorlcn lt , ' rr rlr{rr, , $r r , r \ ,\ ( ' l r ( n i t l i ( . \ \ ' h i c h

lengthcn. Ihcr !lilduall\ "srlcll ul) illto mitn\ tir)tcs (hcil ()ririnal sizc rs thc\ cxpilnd. When J Lrpitcr' rvirswltcl c cafth is. it $ rs nol mofe Inln r\\ tre the slze ol thc caih. lt is now rcrl 0tan\ tintes lilrscf. ll hil\ like$ise cxp:rndcd b) throuing oli rings such l\ \ou sua ilISiltufn.'l here Itarc bce()nre ntoons. louf it thent ilrc 'ur1d \l'll,'n lhc l'1.'r(,'l lul,itrr'.c.1u;rr.,r. lt :\(\cl l,,$ J,r(,,.r. i r: t() lhro$ r)ll ln()re rrlls \hrch rrc \!u| rs bclt\ errelirrgil\ cqullor,

99 in syslems are visible systems. tor the ficrv armsofexpanding lhousandsof nebulae. Hot radiating massesare visible but cold generatingspiralswhich are creating hot bodiesare not !isible. The two black arms in every nebulaare generating nd contracting the hot radiating bodies which are its fiery pagel63i rms.(SeeFigures13l. 132.133.

59. l|'herever there i.t notion. there drL.t\to nQgnetiL lToles dnd dnother trro lo tt) (ot(rol their aonlrdcLion into"t\dtlet. trt|ft)| |heiI erpunsion into' jpdce. ' ll hen nuttt,r rwa[[ons slldce. ntdtter disappedrs- Wh.]t tlitul, \\\\ lo\r'3 nlilL(at. mdttt?f feapfeaf,r.

5'7. ( r'rttril'ttdl tpintl.s ntthiltt rrott-t tt) lt)t.Dttlk, ttuLL,i t)l |\ r ttut \t nt tnltnI rnrrilugtl lt r r,t udtLu, '1tinl.' uu, l, t uttl tli\\tt\1rin!, \\ t(nt\ lllnttrr r.trrtr:r(.t\irrto solirls b-r "squezing" space out ol it. lhir rlrrrs itr plrti<Ls (l,,srr k)gerhcr and dccrcases irs r,ru r(. lur'firr rrpanrls lrr "s*alkrwing" space within it. I hrr tlrrnrts e.r h tlxrti(h. lrrthcr:rprn 5t1. llt, tt,,ttlt r,,trrlt Tltt rrttt rl y|t ,tdtio intu brn.7 hl t\t\t \t t \t t\ )h \ | t )| rt t )l tlt !! ttr,t.t t.)ttr)l lonn but k to it.tyturt t ll lun rnt sltln tr t lurt, bu:tt gtntntt,d. tfu .ldlt pnle! utl;t! d, ont utttl lhutt rr|.r\c thdt dir't dions- Pt.ohti()n thet) c\.Lt\t,. ond oblation begint. l'his uttiverse ol l.l-FLC l is tlual. lt is u clir.idet! tnier:e it which tuch /)\itir? hdll ol etert .,l/etr i.: bLtlunttd h tr, tlegat i w ol)lroj i t l1Ll. For t'Lt t,h hot sun, the rc i t dtt ?q ul Lt,!,I tudlilt: atuiti ! " it1spttLeto born unothtr suu. 7 es tlt.t ktweriry ure sinulnneou\l) risitg. unl( tt catlnol conk \\ tth )11 bahncing night. Out senses can tlelccl lhc C\l)lrn\i()n()i ntiil J(,(l ril\\( \ | rt!.


glrlaritlu,lrir'lr 0 l). [ t mu s t b e k n o w n t h a t t h c n o f l h s ( ) u t l r riirirlt . t h c u n i r c r \ r l c , ' n J i t i . , n. , t r . \ t i n r ' , t u " , ' 1 r 1 r ' s i t , ( (nr(litions of motion t() createmattermusl IIr!c ir courrlcr polarit) whoscoffice it is to !1)idthe ovo opposed |rrlancing r('lr(lifions of motion to restorethe conditionof rest. lrrreh of these oppose eachother.One pairgains ascendancy l,rr onc hrlf of the cycle.The other pair lhen gainsit. This by the life half of a liie-death cyclc l)riocipleis dcmonstrated hr'ingslrongerthan the death half then Lhedeath half lrr'ti'rrrcs slronqeruntil the c!cle is completed. lrr r.itlrerhrrlfLrfthc cvclc. polaritrconlrolsits balance, but I I |, ( {.r,| lh-\r)ulh i ( v i s p r ( ) L r l e m t r s s f r o m its l 1 ) l)ol;ll ' I I i( 'rr)r r'
I r I' r I 11 11I 1 1 t lr ( lr ir \ ( oI ir c( t o ir \ l) llcf c ill lhc c( nlc ilpcx hy 1 ' ,1 'r llj

100 its poles,while the officeof tlle counterbalancing extending of a cone to the base from a sphere polarityis to oblatemass its equators. by extending In an oblatingspherelike our dying planet, the east-west Thesetwo polescontrol the ascendancy. polarityhasgaioed eartht equator,the expansion of the the extension andbalance asthe ellipses of its volumeandits orbit intoeverlengthening from thc its distance flattensand increases earth gradually sun.



uponitsaxisto maintain Whena topspins swiftlyenough ground, it spinswithout from the angle of 90-degrees with gravity.Its axis rbbling on its axis,Ior it is in balance center. toward the eanh's ints directly of gavity is divided. slows down.its center spinning e top then wobbles.We say that it is out of balance. we shouldsay that its balanceis ientificallyexpressed, its onecenterofgravitymustbe extended odivide balance, two foci instead of one.We exemplifythis effect.
'fwo children play seesawby alternatclj lcngthenin8

in ourprolating ofthiseffectisexemplified 61. The converse Its northsun. lt husnot quite maturedinto a true sphere. to preponderant and will continue pol is still $oulh rity its maturity at true sphere until the sunreaches Drcdominfllc hrlf cyclcpoint. their Aconswill prsr bcforethe f(turpolesuniteand reverse of the the flattening positknrs whichwill begin rln(ldircclions, bythrowingoff disappearance sun t its Dolcs undils eventual scqucnti l giantrings. are becomingincreas The sunis still prolatingwhile its planeas ingly oblate.The moment that earthsor moonsbegin to leavethe plane of thc oblate,that momnttheir equators by the orbits are extended sun'sequatorand their elliptical foci. extensionof their two east-west Newly born planetsand moons,like Mercury and the fouf inner moonsof Jupiter,hold to their planesof birth on lh( sun'sequatoruntil they beginto fla(tcn.

gravity hy throwinS Thatdivides ile ends of rheirlever. The fulcrum secminSly leveroff centerfrom its fulcrum. bslanco. lowardtheshortendof thelevcrto counteract the fulcrumseemingly motiontakesplace, thereversed oounteract to the othersideof its own centerto again of thefulcrum two seeming extensions nca.That develops its own center.The fulcrum hasnot movd,however, to moveto two the fulcrum is gravity.It hasbut semd -west points.It has semedto make gravity oscillate balance n two extnded Doints. of gravityare earst_west extensions Thesetwo ast-west of lor theyextend assuchonlyforthe purpose ic poles When the in its every effort. pingthis universe in balance foci withdraw two east-west returnsto its level.these has unbalance to be because thsir fulcrumandcease
to bc.


Whco the spinningtop slo\s do\n. it tcansrrrav tronr ts hitsbecomeunbalancc,cl rvithits norrb south verticalaxis uhich points directl\ to\\ard thc cenler ol the eafth. 'l_hat lerningdescribes a circlearounditsperpendicular aris. Norh'south is seemingly cJilide-d inro an errendccl pair * hich gravit\ to oscillale. secmsto cause

in rhc inrageof the Crearor.simaginings.The bocll.Jitrms orc: not rded: rlpt'but \inntlLxeidea. Whcn n1xncreatesthought forntslirr his icleas. his conception cxprnas lrom rhe zero poinr of its bcginning. Hc buiids a complcte mental threc-dimensionalfornt 1or his iclea aml creates a bod)'' k) simulatcthat idea. He then fatigues from thinking that ideil and rests for an inrerval bel,r.e agoin thinkingit ink) firrrherform. The thou.shts u.hichhc exte'nds I d a J U\ (.h , , J \ I L , t n t \t , , i r p p 1 ' , rlr e n , , $ r e t r i r c r \ Jnd thc\ {rr\irpp('Jt.

6i . I l t,' , s c (m i n N t,,.i tl .l i on, d/i ,.!t\/ i ,, \/ .\' r, tt.tutt, .. bohncc which ()tutt(r'oct dnd .ontt.ol ant unbaLtnce t| I l' t, tt, to ttl ' ,, t th , l tttl ,ttn\ ,,, ,,trl t-r,t,tt1 ,.,1.,t,.n,1.. ' tt,

I n rn k t n g id r a .T h c ] d i s a p p e au r h r n V i n J d e r . r . n r r r r rr: r r( r r lf , ! m t h rn L j n g idca

[ , ll' o f n r a r r .r a p p r r ru h e nM i n J.' ,,n ,..n r r r rt,\ e\ llg J ) .

(,(r. l1r( irlr(j\c pirfil!raph is fraught \\ith meaning rrhich ,,,r' r l! . 1.,' rtr' .l. l lr, r. l.r',,n,,f hairrnL.t. ror.r. r rr ., *, tirr,. rr,lt r.,r, r r I llrrt il \hr'ul(l l)e nlade clear. \\' .( ( .r lr.rr ,,r);r tr1,lrrr,)l)(.e\lcndin! a halance pLlleeirsl .rrr,lr,.,t lr,,rrr l \ \,'l|rlr ll,,rll) (litu.ctionro counterDalanc. ,rrr\ rrl,.rl.Ir( r'ltr' r,t\ ( l(.itl(. \1, r( l.,r, rlr:rr l.r.t t,) I, r\il\ rtr l laf tuJa) \.ague \\a\ ai rlrnkrri' lt slr,rLrIl rr,rr lrt rrruLrc.\\c shLrulcl KNO\\'lr. tttL.rrrrrrr' rltrr;rrrrrcrrllr

Mind of God and Mind of man are one..fhc (,fcirt()r tlrirrk\ r(l(a rs m, tn d o ( s b 1 e t t c n d i n gi t i n $ . , \ , . . , , t , l r . | | r , llrn lrn g irnd$ i r h d r a $i n ! l h \ r c ! ( . r \ . r 1 , , t , . \ r , r , l , r t , l r r r r lr | f llrie f ly . t h en . w e m a l d e f i n eC r c a r j o r : rr si r N t r r t t r r , r r , r r , , l c lr' c t rice x t e n s i o n f r o n t a p o i n r i r r t r lr r r r c r r . r , . r r , ,r r,rr r l r . r r lx )t n t .

Second Step
69. This nnilerse i"^ the sutt rotal ol elertrit. tlL.lirtj atttl trtt, tto ., .\frc'\\ed ir Ihuuqhr-\.,t1.,.\ ,,i ||o-\ttt. Dtt,ti,,n. I t'r'r.r.uttion is an outturd ruclia! extension of haLtrce.fiom t,, tt, l)t!latrc.'d condition to..redte two oppos ite equally-balancecl l,',,tt .t.rr,,tt i,. th,r,.i,r,. atr ottrtanl t.a.liol ,,xttrt,iau (,1 htt,ttr., tt,ttl r a tprittq ur truir,.".rl h,tlrnie. l,,tittr 7ll. llr(. ( \t, r ,,,r ,,1 illi,ritr rrrrlii Irrrrrr;r rlinrcnsiorrlcss

6?. Itsrrplan,rtron is!ircn in ru o s re p r.lh c rir, r . rrf . r cJuceir iI princtpl. t^ urrrr \ imp li(. ir \ . T h e \ (c , , n d. r. l . . be to amplifythat sinlplelundantental.

First Step
68. We must first realizethar Creationis bur rhc clc(ll thinkingof ldea expressed b) movingbod\ hrrns jnralinr.ij r the Mind of the Creator.'l'he mo \ in l l\ ! t \ t , )rl\ i! rr rr(. , r1 ,

104 Il radialuniverse. point brings into beinga threedimensional And it hasform,the sphere. haslength,breadthandthickness. of the energywhich desire Also it hasmeasu.e- the measure gaveto it. The desire to divideandextendonc for extension condition oI rest into two interyalsof nlotion ate marked throughout the universeby the Magnetic Surveyor and Controllerof balance. out to limit thc 71. North and south polesare measured of balance(l of form from its waveaxisto a sphere extension curvature. extensionof maller polarity resistsnorth-south East-west Its officeis to returnthespherc beyond the form of a sphere. polarityresists that change. k) its waveaxis.North-south in the change of varyingpressures. 72, In u radialuniverse direction.Thereare. pressurcs is only in the inward-outward pressures in this lhcrcf()re,only tw()directionsof changing univcrsc, pressures. 73. Thc inwardoneis thedirectionof multiplied Gravityis north.Nonh is muhipliedpressure. Gravitymeans positive. 74. The outwardone is the directionof dividedpressur('s. Radiation is south.South Radiation neansdividedpressure. is negative. is the direction oi dynamic action. Thc 75. North-south Cyclones. pistonof the universal heartbeat is north-south. tornadoes, lightning,rains,and all other dynamiceffeclsof all multiply in llre Their potentials motion are nonh-south.

105 direction of north and divide in the direction of south. Solidityof matteris north. Emptiness of space is south. represents the divideduniverse 76, North-south of pairsof equal oppositeconditions the condition which we call
ity and the condition which we call radiation. Btiefly

north-south is the directionof motion and time. for are north-south reversals which bom time.

East-west aremeasured intervals Doles of extensions on planes of rest. They represent the undivided universe of balance and potentialcondition. North{outh polesare measured intervals of exlensions planes of motion.They represent the dlwdeduniversc of
7lg balanceand potential condition.

p{rlarity North-south divides the universe ink) two (jqudl oppositeconditionsby extendingbalancecluallyanrl
ing it into pai6.

polarity resists East-west that divisionand setsup two g east-westpoles to control the balance oi two conditionson their return to the orreconditiono[

sun is in perfectbalance. It hasbut one . A true sphere centerof gravitybecause its radii are of equallength. moment the sphereoblates.its radii are of unequal


length.Their potentialslary bccause lhe equatorialertensionr oI mass out-balance the pojar exlensions. Two elst Ncsl balancingpoles then extendfrom the cenlel of graritv t(i control the unbalance of potentialnos set up in the sphcrr--. A section oI the sun. cut through upon the plane of ils equator. would be circular.Thc radii of a circleare equal.A section cut throughthe polcswouldbe eliiptical. The radiiol an ellipseare unequal. 82. A sphere hasbut one focalcentcr bur an ellipse hasr\\o Duringthe prolation of ellipticalspheroids to spherical fornr. the two east-west loci drarvcloserto thc centerol gra\itr e\ nr)rlhsouth foci extendaway from that center.As spheres oblrr tc to cllipticalspheroids. the eastwestpolesexrend a* a\ lr '( n r) lhc(cr)l!'r()l{ravityasde p o la riz a t io n d ra $ st h e n o rrh \( , th l),)lrscl()scr l()retherl l l . llrr'srrrr rsP r';rttir'lrllt a lfu c s p h c re I . t s e q u a lo riarin l ! ,'l Ir rrrrrIrlrIs,rI q lro s c o p ic rrrillions ol nri le sis a rh e e l. ll\ r l r r l x rsLrrr'rrl:r :rr ilri( (ltitl()fh u t ils p rc s s u re d ire c t i()na st , \l'l|i rl. I lr( l)Lrr(t McrcrrrtisP ra c t ic a llr a t ru e s p h e re . lt is u rl ( al||,rt,'rarl c\l( l|si('D t)l thc sun . li it \ , c rc s t ill a p a rr o [ t h , \U \ l)()(l\.rt \orrll rcvolve u f t ru n dt h c s u n s a x is a s if r |l r l cttlrlpilft ol the suns bod\. 8,1. !\'en thoughit hasseparated from it and hasan a\is ,,r its own upon which it must tum. it muststill re\ol\e aloulr, the sun'slndv as wcll as ils own. 85. Mercurr is also a gyroscopic \\heel. Its ring ertenri,, coincides with the ring extension 01the sun.Thct ar-e on rlr, sl m r pl.rne: thrref, rrc thcir pu lc si rl r, J rc f , : l: rll,. . ' rirt in n the pressures ol1he t-ing Ncrc equipotential circles.Nlcrr'LrI rvoulddescribe a circulllr orbi( tround lhe \un. hrl lh.\ .ir

r I

not - thcv are spiral. therelore thev are perihclionand aphclionloci $hich balanceand control thc extension and rctrllctionof its orbil aroundthe sun. This samcthin-g is true of the four inner m(x)ns of Jupitcrand the inner m()on oI Mars.

86. Oul earth is not located upon the plane of thc sun's gyroscopic ring. It has broken away lron it to an angleof ]3-degrccs. Its grroscopic disc is so greatly out of balance \\'iththat of the sunthatit hasto re\olvearoundthesunbclow thesuns gyfoscopic discfor one-hall of the yearand abovcit lor the other half.insteadof keepingon the same planewith it as Mercury docs. l hat putsthecanh in thc samcpredicament rhatthelighrrope rralker linds himselfin when he leansout of balancewith it\'. or a spinnine top is rvhenit leansoll center. 1.:ru\

It7. The angle of theirleanings is the samein pfinciplcls thc lcirning o[ the earths axis.It makesthc earth wotttc ()n ils it\is to describe circlesaround ifs plane of gravitr. whilc it fc chesollt for two counter-balancing focijust as thc tightrope $llker reaches ft)r two counter-balancin{ f()ci.

llll. Science has been retarded in discovering this fact oI c('unterbalance ol polarity by misinterpreting the action of tllc tightropewalker.the interpretation beingthat the extenrion ol a balancinl pole is t() countcractthe weight ol his Inhirllncc h\ c\l('I|(liruirn cqLlal weightupon the other side o l h is b rrl: rn c i nt{ rlrr:rlor.

llt r. I lk rt i\ r r u , l ' r t r r l r I t \ t t I t , t t i n t , l t r t 1 4 t i t n o r t r u e .B y rrr, lin l' rr. h . r t ) t {r , ' i $ , r l ' l r t t l r ' . \ , \ ' l l l r . ( . l i | |i l r c ( l ) vt h c t n r c

108 conception of weightasthe F)tentialof resistance to strains andstresses setup by anydeparture from a balanced condition. 90. When th earth "stood up straight'it had no needof extendingils balancepole. but the moment it neededthosecounter-balancing foci asmuch asthe tightrope walkerneeded them.

109 93. Two childrencannot move whil they are in balance in anequilibrium with theirfulcrum,for motionis impossible oppositepairsbefore Balancemustbedividedinto unbalanced motion becomes Possible. ptoduce motionwithoutthusdividing cannot Naturelikewise balanceto producetwo opposingconditions.Centripetal carbonwhen its speedhas multiplied fo.ce thus produces tonal elfort to find a balance in eachsucceeding sufficiently conditions. thostwo opposing between as the prolatingspheroidal Wobbling graduallydecreases and to a true sphere wheelcontracts hub of the gyroscopic poles the hub.andits north-south the shaftotgravitycenters its heginning. wave axis ol parallel with the are


91, Mas.g is motionand motion be balanced by opposecl poirs of poles. Whenmotion ceases. polarity likewiseceases. Moliondoesnot cease, however. untilextended mass retums lo lhc wirvearis from whichit wasprojected. The mornentit oSltinlcilvcslhat axisin opposite twcway extensions, poles rtltpclr l'ccrusebalance is dividedand mustbe controlled.

XXXVII HOW GRAVITATION AND RADIATION BORN EACH OTHER 94. Nature works in stmngeways.C)f all her myslifying processes, her manner of producingthe double polarity, journey of for the two-way twcway balanc which assures of her illusions. perhaps most illusive is the hertwo conditions, point' stepby stepat this It is well to cladfy this mystery rpon hoi2ontal 1A) The carbonwheelspinslalue ^ plane flrom its of equilibriLrm. rhaft whicb arose vertictrlly (B) The rim of the wheel begins to spin on the horizontalplaneof equilibriumand arisesto becomethe equatotof its hub. verrr'cdl (C) Th vertical has become horizontal and the oneunchanging verticalto transform hasbecome horizontal of conditions motion. fesl conditionto two changing

92, Topsspinon their pegs andsolarand atomicgyroscopes spinon lheir huhshafts. but theprincipleof theirwobbling is the s me.Thev wohhlewhenlheir shafts are off center. The huhsof gyroscopic wheelsdo not centertheir rimsin tht firstthreepairs of tonesofthenctave. The wheels areellipses and lhe hub of the waveshaftis gravitydoesn()l centerthe wheelfor the first threeoctavesA metalgyroscopic wheel, <r flywheel, multiplies centrifugal forceasit increases in speed. Nature'satomic gyroscopic but wheels are centripetal which cont.actaroundthcir vortioes shafts.They are like whirlpoolsor cycloneswhich thntsl inwardandmultiplycentripetal forceastheythuscontractt(! form hubsfor their wheels whichare cenlerinIl suns.

11 0 (D) The positive electricworkerhasmadethe im oI the wheelbecome its ftu6by useofis centripetal force.That is howNaturemanufactures GRAVITY andmutiplies potentjal to contractwaves into solidssurrounded by space. (E) The negative electricworkerhasmadethehuboI the wheelbecome its nm by useof its centrifugal force.Thar is how Naturemanufactures R {DIATION and dividespotential to expand waves into space cealered by solids. (F) The rim of the wheelis now qldegreesfrom the equilibrium planeof its birth.andis 90-degrees from theshafr of its hub.Froma planeof no motion,it hasbecome asphere of maximum motion. (G) The hub shaft of the wheelis now parallelwith thc planeof restand9}degreesfrom the planeof maximum nl()lron. (ll) Thc rim ofthe wheel wasmaximum speed andthe huh wlrsminimumwhenmotionbeganon the planeof rest. l)ul nowthc huhis maximum speed andrim is minimumwhen lhc whcclslilnds up from rest.

111 in a series of four effo swhichwewill callstages of unfolding growtn, The seedof the idea becomes a fully formed maturebody when the ground has arisenlrom wave axis level to wave height,9Gdegrees from its axislerel. amplitude The ground, which bomed the formlessseed,is now the verticalequatorwhich balances the fully formedbody. Half of the uprighttree extends to the north of that equator and ihe other half to the southof it. Its rootsextendnorth radiatesouthtowardspace. towardgravity,and its branches growingmatter appears. This is the mannerin vNhich That fully formed body Now comesthe reverseprocess. which hasunfoldedfrom its seedmust now refold into its stages of decadence. andrs seed. This it doesin lour reverse with all of thc it thusrefoldsthe groundliesdowngradually in it but refoldedaspatterned sced. body still contained This is the mannerin \hich decayiry matter divplteut.t. pictures thatmethod of Nature whichborns Thisvisualization and rebomsits pattemedideasforeverand foreverwithout from the groundmustreturnto it for cnd.Thal whichcomes formsmustdisappear into their seedand rebirth.Patterned be addedto at eachrebirth. ideaare transient but Bodieswhichmanifest ldea is eternal. are etemal.There is no exceptionto this their repgtitions process of repetitions of bodies whichis calledreincamation is universal, however, and vhen appliedto man.The process to all creatingthings-- not man alone. applies oI the universe, one 96, lf onc woulclknow the heartbat this rhythmicbalanced coukl know it ht c()fiprchcnding

process 95. This is Nature's of dividingthe still Light of the Creatorinto the two movinglightsof matterand spacetcr simulate theMind imaginings of theCreator by moving image formsof His Creation. A word picture of this procss might simplify Nature's methdl. Imagine,therefore,the seedof idea placedupon the wave axislike the seedof a tree put into the ground. Now irnagine thegroundrisingasa hoopwouldrisefrom thc grounduntil it stoodstraightup instead oI lyingdown. As the groundrisesto standup. imagine the ideaof thc trce

t I

t1 2
* hich intcrchnnge lttrvccn the pairs()t ()pfosilccondiritrns ol g a lc rternitt lo lhis uni\elscth t o u g hc l! f n a l rc p c t ilio n s lir in! d\inl seqrtcnees 'I busii is rhc lilc.dcuthgro$th_dcr:a\ pr()cc\s ol di\ rsrorl int() t\rr) ol]p()si1el! ciDrlirion.d slelcs()f ol alncquilibnu|rr ni) nlolion is repfrtcd rn c\et\ aclritl tclctron ()l mr)11()n. nriltlel hdv simpleor holr ltreat.

I l.l Fxnn Nururet poittt oi ti?tr lhere is but o e elentenl -' TH|: LURL'SPHERE CARBON dtld hut ote.fotttl irt the lomr of ils waveficld, whichisa truc Carboncr\ stalizes is a tfue splrcre'I hc plancof of its svstenr cube The nucleus from its wavc ilxis,90 degrcesfrom its its s)stem is go_degrees l.(nn Ihe axis of its north_ pole oi rotalion and ltl_degfces ol thc ctlrt'onatomicslstemis a disc, The shape southpoles. n rn Figur c l -iI pagc lbj. i'hc ol bit oI evcrypianclol assho\r the cirrb( \!]item is on the plarleof Lhecrrboll cqualol.and is on the Itlnc oi the wrve anlplitude that equlLtor (iLrbon thLrs unifest\ balanced iornr in hrly- and unity in b:rlanccd se\ mating. It has but onc equat()l All clenlel)l\ pails \\hich arc disunited \hich are n(1t on wave4mplitudcs clerncnlisdi\ (lt(l Eachsingle b1 lh|ce equatofs. a|c dir iclecL in itseli i)) irs o\{n equttor and ellch pilir i\ (li\i(1.(ll)\ lllt' r\iM l|nplitudc equaloil. rl9. Lirhott :tntlrli:e:1h? ,1 1 .l\t ttL't t Nlttttr lt\ ltttl rt 1t:ttt ilr(l I lrrrl ll is rroLrrtgct &lu.tloIi\ the botk{ol rir rrrrrtl. llr(.rrrrtr rl llll rl \lrorrl(l irrr(l is rvhatnar'ria{ein Naluten)cilll\. \ )\(rl irllr rlJlrl( s lrlr r e i)l)l)( pritcticcs. Dir iclcr.l nrilns nrating lrair ' lh e n e g a t iv eo rci(ls llrtl)1r\Llr\(\:rrc srenlctitllic sl p a i r - a nrclallicalkalis..4//,r/t'tttiulutitt'lrtrtt,t ttt rttirt it u ttLtnlt Ildunted unitl toids atitli.r'. alkulinit.t nptullit qualit.vuntl carlx)nbecomes thesequaliLies By clinlinatin-g tuu{ucrivit.r. qualities oI stone. the a mineralwith ir sirlt - r\hich means oppositr'palas marrv. such as Wh,jn disuniledequal-and ha!e but one equttor rrxliLrnr and chl()rine,the! Likewise (hrce ()i the instrnl the] unite ts sodiun chLoride. [r\tcil(l andconductive i1cid.llkaline I lrcr likcrvise losctheirorctallic. Irue cubcs. cr-rstallire as rIrrrlitics und is lhirtol the , \ rr Lr. rrrrl' l ', , 1 rrrrIr:rIrrrrr't t I r i r t i n gi n N r r l ( r r e

91. A!! nlutter bL'Hins tti tlLLunt l.lti()nlioDl atr)! bd\e\ t) r!r., a-tt,r /t nntlttplit'sitI LlLruntuldti)n \hilL l'rintllitts t0 qitr. rr Ir teav.t ro ototntulure s hett ir heconrts,t spltrt 'n ion i t-ittH\ dnnnd rfu tlhtn ,uul t',lrrrihut, l tr;,tt-dtntulet rr, I t t lutr r rm l u sls on tu rL,, reyrur i ng i r s Lt, c un ul,t litr tMt t\:', l tilrt ll1. tt,tt! lh.ll \, rl\ tlr( \l)lr( r( \\ .irrb()rris has alistn frrrnr it' r,.,r||rr' t,l.r,( r(, \tr||,l Lrl)rrrrrlgo inrLr ction in a dr\id(J tIrr, r' r I rrrrr' rrr r, rrr;rI unr\ ( rsr ol cl)irrr!c li)r jusl a liltlc whilc lr l,'r ( l\ |||,1()\\ n t,' r ( \t rrl thf un(li\ idt(l uni\erse o[ slillne\\ |n, ,.l, r r,' r,ra r. r.rl, \rl,rl,l\ l ,'r ,r,.rirlirri\in!irl,'r\l:,'rl.


includirrr, 98. 'l he periodictablcof toda) lists92 elemenrs. Man! listedaselementsarc isotopc\ isotopesand inert gases. which are dividediracrionalelemenls. {9 i\()t()l)r'\ My-periodiclilble lisls6.Jclements. irn(l() if( gilse s. nlirking il l{rlxl()l lll.

I l1 Eitch marriage o[ sodiumand iodineor sodiumand bronline. of these marriagcs hrrs stabilil! but there is a rcsidue of in distoned in each of thenl which is evidencecl unbalance as would likewise continue cube cryslals.Each of lhem marr-iages unJess chlorine rvhich harmonious in fa\or annulthe marria.-ge would inrmedialel-v Nalure caie of chhrine. 1 ). Carbon has the highest melling point and qreatesr This means that carbonis alsothe density of all rhe elemenls. accumulated because of havin-g of allelemcnts mostenduring It likcwisemeans{hat carbon is the least more tinle cycles. onh begins because radioactivity rrr<lioactive of all elements at wave amplitudc. l() cxprcssitsell by outward explosion point wheregeneto rrltlrorrlh it is \lrongcstat that reversal meet. ;r (t i \ i1 l r n(l ri(lir)ilclivitY p()inlol \iew t h a t Ne will \ e r) b ric f h l r i \ lr ,,r r N;rtrrrr's wit ,l ( \( |r l \.tlrr'll|lrf ,x lir\c (\cle ol the e lc me n t s . h lh e h o p ! ' ()l ,'l r |lr l\r r t' llri||r's \i!'u wilh t h a t o f Na t u re . l),'iDt o f t h i\ l l ) 1. l tr ( ,'||( \ul)r(rD! rnrl\lln(li n gc h a ra c t e ris t ic df f e c t s o f mo t io nis t h e r 'l ( ( tr i( unr\.r\r()l trr()rir\ I)irlunc cc i'l r))rtu.cdho(l! forms to manifcstl\'llNDt,rt lit rrrrl,'ltlinr: o f a ll I DE A . ll) lr A. r r nttlheir rcirldirg into the S o u rc e Bodies oI malured forms are unfolded bv a series of four pairs. Likeuise. the! are refolderl efforts in positjve-ncgative by a reverseseriesof four efforts in sinrilarl) mated paits. 102. Each eflort in Nature to unfold and relold is a stage('i inward{utward growth toward the formation of a maturc(L polarized body. and away from it toward its seed'idea. pair of everyocla\e is unile(lir. The fourth positive-negativc ( See pagt151. and F ilrrrc I I l. l)iu rf l)()r Figure 8?. on c. They unite as one at their wave amplitudc.rrlrr,lr rr' "' tr wavepointsdirectl] towardthe centerof gr[\ il]. I Ir,\' l\ ' ' unitedefforts constitutethe matured body form ol corr.Lrr " I idea. They are the meeting points of life and death the reversal poiritsof rest which divide generation and radiation. At that meeting point is the gteatest density. highest melting point rnd highest potential of the entire cycle. h that unied pait is the matured bodr oJ the one element (-ARBON. in nine cfforls ll\cry completedidea in Nature isexpressed plus the matured waves or stages which are eight octarve cycle. amplitudewaveof the whole nine-octave ccntering growsirom its incrt llils 103. Each octaveof the elements The incrt llrscsrecrn(lirn{l iustasa treegrowsfrom its seed. slorefor repetitionall that hasgonehcforc in lhlll ()elirvc. 104. In the Mendeleeftable ol thc clenents.hydrogcnis asproducing This is asimpossilrle shown withoutan inertgas. n child without parents. llydrogenis alsoshownasbeingthe only elementin a whole rrct ve. That is also as impossibleas chargingonly one oI the lw(l cellsol a battery. lll5. Hvdrcgen is nr\ one element, but eight. It is t1 whole t'ttt r? in ilselJ but Nature has ot macleit Possibletbr lhe utt.u s of man to detect this edsil). tt $'ent dgo to ra:ience llll,t IttThtu,tIrhi'. lit.l tul||.t -\'ears

t,ttt' t' t\trti l l t ,unl lt t t t nl t 't lk t t t ) , . '\ t l t hi. \ odL! r c \ 'llich il

6 mist kenl! calledisotopes. found u'ere lull tones. not isotopes. Science had numbered the elements fuomI lo 92,however, on the presumption that there wereno others. andhad no alternative but to call them isotopes. 106. ln the Mendeleeftable, series5-7-lGll and 12 arc shownwithout inert gases and without beingfull octaves. Theseseries are alsopartiallyfilled ivith isotops which do not belongin the groupsin which they are placed.Also ir group numbered8 consists of nine isotopes to which full numbeNhavebeengiven.In fact all isotopes are numbered asthoughthey werefull tones. 107, Isotopes do not appearin Natureuntil the 6th octaye. andthenonly between 3 and4 positive and4 and3 negative. Thcy increase in numbersin the succeeding older octaves hccl|usc lhc aging carbonis unable to reachthe truesphere in cithcr of lhgm.Its manyattempts to do soresultin producing nlrnv isott)Pcs. Likc thc fully nr turedstrongmanwhokeeps hisvitalityfor a hrngpcrit of timc,carbonrises again to amplitud at silicon s I nonmetal.bul from there on the gradualradioacti\c declinemakesit impossible for anotherbalanced noometnl to appearat waveamplitude. 108. The fifth octaveis the balancing oneof theninewhicll Naturedemands in all of her expressions. That is the ctarc oI maturedvitality.The four older octaves are fully evidcnr to our senses because they have accumulated density l)r accumulating time cycles. The four youngeroctaves are bevondour sense rangewitlt the exception ofhydrogen, whichhasbeenlistedasonly, rrr, of thatoclave.

I t'7 musthavethe existin NatureforNatureis balanced.It These the older ones. to counterbalance four youngeroctaves said,one can knowmanythingswhich As I baveheretofore in KNOW that balance Onecan,therelore. he cannotsense. polarizalionprinciple DEMANDSequalityof division Nature's in all of her pairedeffects. to be to KNOW this fact, however. It is not just necessary ()[ ils truth.lor it can be proven the b1 reading vinced lines. their beginning spectrum the elements historyof do not belongto ol hydrogen The red linesin the spectrum one octavealone. Each red line tells of anotherinvisible time in linesshouldbereadasaccumulated Spectrum octave. to belonged not asthoughall the linesoI anyreading history, of one octave. elemnt one

these red linesin for the inte alsbetween 109. The reason o[ the pressur0s they represent lhe spectrumis not because
rn each sequentialoctave lncrcasos element bul because

ity, which alsoretardstime sequences. in depolarizing bodies. e reverse of this principleapplies polarizingbodieson the radioactivehalf of any cycle speeds. from themat tremendous ecttime{ccumulations explodeoutwardlytiom tungsten and other inert gases halfthe"speed of light" whilesimilar"rays" approximately thodum,uranium fromradium,actinium. odeoutwardly oi light. uridiumat almGt the speed generoactive raysexplodeinwardlyat tremendous versely,
in the first thee invisibleoctaves.Alpha, beta,gamma

''cosmic" rays explode inwardly to center invisible explode neratingmatteras they and the older inert gases
visiblemaller. wardly lrom degenerating p:rscs patterns whichform lhc seed ol unfolding Thc ninc inr'r't

mattermystilyobrrvers whodo not comprehend theiraction or their purpose. The refusal of inert gases to combinewith elements hasalways beenan insoluble mystery. After scandiumin the 6th octave and arsenicin the 7th octave,five separate effortsare neededto producecobalt. Carbonis still tremendously strongof bodyin its cobaltstage but cobaltisnot a truesphere, nor is itswavefieldatrue cube. For this reasoncobalt is metallic,and so are the carbon prototypes in the rhodiumand luteciumoctaves. Naturallysuch isotopes as cerium, thorium, tungstenand manyothers, alsoshowtheir directrelationship to hydrogen rn manyways.suchas inflammability. Carbonitselfgivesmuchevidence of its identitywith hydro, gen. Every chemistknows that carbon is the basisof all orglnic and inorganicmatter,and that hydrocarbon compounds are morenumerous in Naturethananyothercombinlllions. lrlcrh lcavcsa rcsidueof carbonwhenacteduponby acids. (hrbon is the hitsis of all vegetable growthaswell asanimal. ls cvidcnccdin lhe earth's coaldeposits and the charcoal ol hurntwood. Likewise hydrocarbons will not react to acids or alkalis because acidsand alkalisare voidedin the elements when lheyfindrheperfecl balance gravity ol in thetruecubewar. field. Carbonis theonly element whichcompletely measures up r(l thatrequirement. Hydrogen sonearly measures up to it tharir is immunizedfrom reaction by acids or alkalis when in combination with carbon. These factsarecitedin orderthatthemetallurgist andchcnrirr will b.lse theirthinking uponthegrowlh-(lecay or life-dcatlr

119 principleof matterratherthanon the ideaof manvseDarate suhlances. By dividingthe entirenine-octave cyclinto its two opposite half cycles. one-halt generoacrire being and lhe oth;r halt being equally radioactive, a comprchensive base iortransmutationwill replace thepresent concept of dislodging elecbons, or addingto them,to transmute one into another. The ageof transmutation will comeonlythrough thetransformationof man,andman'stmnsformation cancomeonlv',bv the renewing of hisMind'rhrough newknowing. lr haierei beenthat way sincethe dawnof Consciousness, and it will everbe. Whenever newknowledge of a transforming perrneates nature the race,the standard of world cultureriss.The art of the Italian Renaissance transformed mankindfrom sevencenturies of Dark Ages.1y'e w knowledgeof Natural Law is owh, driving superclitionout of man.
S-piitual knowledge hat trdnsformed mankind itep b.r, st(,11 from hisjungb age.Scientific revelatiow havealto traulitnitl man step by step since early thinkers rediscotered that the wasro nd, after hning forgotten it \or orer ten centuries.

n thinks differently at each transformationfrom new whetherreligious, philosophical,scientific orartistic. kindof manemerges from newstandards ofthinking.


hurninglirrgcqurrntiticsrrlrherr6rgd-upglavitl of earths

Primate mandiscovered thflame. He besan to useit

of fuel to oblaina soall (mtowll rcsotrcesasa latgepercent4ge Later he learnedhow to usethe heat for power, but he still used a large amount of fuel to obtain a small amount of radiation for his power. lndustry now h:rsgiant fumacesbuming vastquantities of fuel for a smallamountof radiation which it can use,and it which it cannotuse. vastwastage The fuel it is using is dug from the ground with hard into furnaces labor, transportedwith greateffort andshoveled by the sweat of man's brow. Man is beginning to use the gravity of Niagarasand flowing rivers for electdc power. in radiation insteadof mulitiplying its gravity. which hwastes asNature multiplies it in this curved radial universe. These vast power-wasting fumaces, which seem so are but the multi impressively suggestive of greatprogress, plied flameof primateman.They haveglorified mant primacy but lheyhavenot liftedhim out of it. wasteof earth\ resources There is still the needless .- still the burdenof it in the sweatof heavylabor- still thc dav mass treadmillof it which is the root car6eof Dresent revolt. WHAT IS THE ANSIVER? worldfrom suc h Knowledge alonewill lift the industrial a state of primacy. These vast unclean,smoky fumacesand treadnrillwhen science transforntr worker slum townswill disappear "manufacturing" gravity power for powr'r industrial usage by gravil! in her spherical usage the wayNature manufactursit makinsmachines.

121 Natu.e is curved- and it is radial.This curvedradial stores universeof stePup andsteFdown transformerspheres usingin the hard up the gravitywhich man is so wastefully
g way.

Usersof power must realizethat neithergravity nor sciencecalls "radiant energy"are existentforcs in of force are manuature. Both of theseawoexpressions them turedproducts of Nature,ard mancanmanufacture readily as Natur for he has the same equipmentto ure themthat Naturehas.

is theelectdccurrnt,with its resultant That equipment al pola'ity, and lhe cuwature of both polaitr'es. That is all is needed exceptthe fuel for the electriccurent.

This has been the only stumbling block to unlimitet!

in Even now the useof gravitypressures "brownRiverarecausing fallingwate$ of th Columbia drainsof of the loweringriver and excessive because

Freehydrogenwouldendsuchtroublesfore rer It could sosimply and easilyobtainablein unlimited quantitiesthat or iactory owner, man,whetherfarmeror blacksmith power, withpatents it for heator for makeit ashe needs but not upon the fuel. upon the machines New kmtwledgeof Nalure's mannerof mulliplying both
eroaclivit! and radioactirity will make a new civilization, it $,ill uplifl mo to the higher status needed for a nehr




Knowledge oI polarity control and tlle dual cun ature of this radial universeol multiplying-anddividingradial pressures is the secret of man's new power. Sciencehasnot used this power for industry becauseit has been unknown. With that knowledgesciencecould blow this planet to pieces by multiplying the power of radioactivity through the lenses of polarity curvature, in addition to chain reaction explosive power. Thepower urithinany mnsscan be usedagainstilselJ just asa moncan - and doet - usehi own greatIn$,er against himself. Through this knowledgeman could electrocuteor incinerate marching armies to the last man, or destro] lpprorching planesor shipsas far away as they could be (lotcctcdhy radar. liulin' naliow could insuhte their peoplesfrom an\ .r,l'tt.t' lnth without. B! the time that becomesposible. hrtlr'r'tcr, lhcn' will he no enemy from without - for the thing \\'hidt xrk.'snun the enem! of other menis greed for mnteriu! t'rttlth md Icar of bodily itsecuity. Bolh greedandfearwill disappear from the faceof thr: earth when man needno longerhave to kill other men to obtainall of his materialneeds for personal aggrandizemenr or bodily security, for material abundancewill not be depen dent upoIrmatter. A newpower of manwill be his ability to project gravity in the shapeof a high potentialfocusedfrom a point k) il distant focal point insteadof projecting radiation only, as hc now does. An outwardexplosion from dynamite, for examplc, ir radiative.It is effectivefor but a limited distance from rlr. source of the exDlosion.

123 An inward explosionis gravitative,and is effective whereverprojected.lts tremendous power could melt the stoneof a mountainfor needed metals, or destroyan enemy during the interval of time neededto teach mankindthe tutility of enmity. That is what I mean by the transformation of man through new knowledge.New conditionsarise/rom new knowledge,and man mu"tt confortn to new conclitions.He cannot help doing so. Man's rmtureis essentially good. Theevil in mansprings the safety and security of his body, and Jrom from fear for greedlor the satisfactionof bodily desires. Removetheseand man will naturallyrespond to the good in him, for all men seekthepeace, happinessand security whichonlya balanced syslem of humanrelations will give to him.


Man'stransformation by science will take much time but it canbeginNOW. A beginning is a reversal of direction. To reverse the directionof the downward plungeis to begin to climb into the heights. The fint stepfor scienceis to insulateits counties from atlack by olher counties and thus save the likblood of its nationsandrctum destroyingarmies to weful puruatr. As very little time is neededio b ng this about after the principles involvedare thoroughlyunderstood, the threat and fear of passfrom the mind of man forever.Evenif war war shoufd shouldtlort beforethis hadbeenaccompli.shed, it coud not go before it could be remedied. lar Thc sccon<l stepshouldbe to givethe world a newand


124 inexhaustible fuel. Freehydrogenis the logicalsupplybecause free hydrogen is the basis of the four space octaves. The entirepopulation of ten planets like ourscouldnot lessen its total because Nature balancesthe withdrawalsof gases with replacements continuously. Nature's replacemenas for withdrawals of solids consumes the amountof time takento grow them. Nature may take a million years to grow forests into coal. Coal is multiplied nitrogen,for nitrogenis a gas of carbon-Nitfogen can be transmutedconlinuouslyfrom the atmosphere in unlimited Eutnlitiesforever. The atmosphereis composedof nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is carbon twice removed,just as nitrogen is carbon onceremoved.Likewisehydrogenis carbononeoctavelower. but not removed tonally.Gyroccopically, carbonandhydrc genare the same, for their planes of structureare identical. Hydrogencould. transmuted from the rlmo$phcrcin unlimitcdquantities by merelychanging the planc nitrogen of to the 9Gdegree angle of wave $yrussopic umpliturlcuponwhich hydrogen rotates. It would simplifyscientificthinking if sciencewould view the universe of "matter" and "space"asgravitywhich generoactive predominance accumulates into hydrogenin the first three-and-a-half invisible octaves of matterthat man todaythinksof asspace. The visibleuniverse begins at the middleof the fourth octave andconlinues locarbon - itsgeneroacl ivemaximunl - where fourth and fifth octavesmeet at waveamplitude. From there on, radioactivitybeginsits depolarizing process but the"bodies grow bigger"andkecp of theoctaves within the visiblerangewhile dying,just as a tree. or mi||t growsbiggerof body duringdecliningyears.

125 I[. therclore,sciencewouldtorm the hobit ol rhinkingol nattei and ipoce in torms ol the carbonoctavetand lhe ork of tansm tation it wouldsimplif)'their \T hydrogenociaves mishtily. Scienceshouldalso folm the mental picture of the visible carbon (xtaves as but a pea-sizedvolume of solid in the center of a great auditorium of rare matter suspended nu""o* tutt", millions of times greaterin volume Then globuleof manysolidelementsof i"utir" tttut tt" u".y "-all ire woundup from that vastvolumof the the carbonoctaves hydrogenoctavesof space. unwoundinto Matter thus wound up is sequentially lons andits aclion-reacl oclaves. space of the hydrogen eases which born eachoctave ire recordedin the inert gases and i.s from space emerges Thusmaltergyroscopically into the "space" unwindings up" by gyroscopic -swallowed which bomedit, ashasbeenrightlyconceived' "Space" is not empty- nor is it an "ether"' The space everyparticleoI matterin everywavefield whichsurrounds is the half of the wavefield The solidnucleus is the negative vastly but positivehalf. Both halvesare equalin potential unequalin volume. The nert step in habitiorming thhking is to think oJ natter as being the accumulalionof the samething - waw molion - rolied up in time laye! like a snowball- the ftral layerbeingcallediarbon but alt beingd(ferent corulitiow and of lhe samething. pressures Add to this thought that the univrseconsistsof wave in measure solarandatomic withinwavefields stellar, fields formation' andof a like structural - but of a like "substance" systems' process of creating or method spamt Nature hasno by the of mass the unwinding cleurlyevidnce The heuvcns


126 way of rings and systems,but the rer,.r"sdo not so clearly record the winding of massasa basisfor systems. During this whole process, each succeeding element becomes another phase of the samething throu;houtthe whole joumey. The changeof attribute is due solely m the dilferent rclationsof pressures ond that B detemined bypolar

127 to be andanotherbecomes. In Nature,onetoneceases In otier words, one formula for a patterned wave vibration We must vibration begins. when anothermeasured ceases also ca.ry this thought fa.ther by not thinking of cessations, We mustthink of themasawakened beginnings andendings. we can wtich "put to sleep"whenwe haveno continuities furthr needof them, or "awaken"when we have needof them. isready to motivate The electriccurrentofthe universe just it, asthe electriccuffent to awaken anytoneaswedesire any tone whenthe organist of the organis readyto awaken to awaken it. desires We shouldnot think oI sodiumand chlorineashaving sodinmchloride - or that soundha,tbecomesllence Decorne will b, We shouldthink of - for eachofthem is andalways organ. eachof themasanothernoteplayedon the universal which We change its tuningpatternif we want new isotopes Naturehasnot yet givenus or we unite two unbalanced by multito secure stability or produceexplosives halves plying unbalance. That is Nature'sway. Carbon unwindsto nitrogen negative of the predominantpower of east-west because That does to oxygen. polarity.Likewise,nitrogenunwinds not meanthat carbonhasceasedto be, or that 1thasbecome It means that carbonstill lJ but it has nitrogenand oxygen. just as John Jonesis the dimensions, its pressure changed that he wasten yearsago. JohnJones same nitrogen thisfactby "transmuting" Nature demonstrates andoxygenback againinto carbon.Everyroot oi all vegetable growth rewindsboth of them upward again into carbon. Ukewise,the bodiesof all animalsrewindoxygenandnitrogen hornsand hair. inio the proteinsof their flesh,bones, Thc r(x)lsacquirethe complexformulafor rewinding

Naturedoesnot transmute one elementinto another. Shemerely makesher progressive changeof elementsby a continua.lreadjustmentof her gyroscopc. Elements are tonal.Onewire of a pianocanbecome a wholeoctavebychanging is pressure retationssufficienlly to eithermultiplyor divideits vibrationfrequencies. Evervone isfamiliar withthefactthatplacing a bookon topofan,rrgan prpeltttstls toneJust oneoctave higber. Such effectt are not tmnsmutatiorl Thev are merelv changc dimensionsof statesol morion. Al!-of the notis x'hichthe organist ploysore bur onc tone muhiptiid ordivided ln rhlthmic prcssurc rclorions. That is the way the chemist of tomorrowshouldthink of the elements, and not think of themasdifferentchemicai substances with diiferent attibutff,,. Chemistrv shoutdbefused upon rhe ideaof gtrotcopically changing the north-south-"a\t. polaritiesof onetoneto increate- or decrease west _ itstime frequencies.The piano tuner usesan instrument to wind uD his pressures from lower to highe. tones-Th chemistshouli usethe electric cufient andsolenoids ashis tuninginstrument. The very thought structure of tomorrow.schemisl should very radically changein many other resJrects to() nnmrousto describe-One of thesei, to eliminatefrom his lhinking the idea of one thing becominganother. That is N)l Nature'.s wav

128 into violets,pine,oak or appletrees or of man or bird from the inert gases of their octaveswhich haverecordedthe unfoldings of the many ideasof Nature in the seedof thes ideas. As Nature unfoldt from the seedto record itspattemsin moving body form.s,it simultaneowly refolds inlo ilt seedin order that the rcfodings can be repeatedin like pattems. All of Nature's many forms are patterned "motion picture" projectionsfrom the still seedpatte.ns storedin the inert gases to makethe "po6itives"of My forms-The reveNe direction of reaction creates the "negativs" of those body is appliedthroughout forms.The principleof photography Nature. All unfoldingand rcfolding Wtternt are Fy/roscopicalll munipululed, electricallymotiwted andmagreticallymeasured Th( uhovestuted for the chemisl .laclsmakeil necetsary el hrmomtt^'lo mdke ure of the electric .'unenL the sobnoid planes,to ol pola l! meuJurements of g),roxcopic an.l.r.vstemlt do ht hit lahontory whdt Noturedoet in its loboratory. Nature"puts a book" upon the top of her organpipe of the nitrogn tone to produce its octave harmonic phos phorus - andagainto producethe next octavetoneabove which is arsenic.Naturedoeslikewisewith oxygento producc sulphurand slenium. Today's chemist makes wasteful and complex use ol the electric current, oucibles and other equipment. Ti. electic power is wasted becotseit is rbt directedard conlrollel bf dwl polaity. The gyroscopeand dual polarity of Naturc are not a part of the present-day laboratory. A goodexampleis the Haberprocess of nitrogenfixatiorr

t29 laboraandcomplex xpensive which is purelya Fesent'day andrlitrogen, andbased oxygen tory methodof "separating" upon the beliefthat eachis a diflerentsubstance. gyroscope will produce A slightreadjustment of Nature's is nitrogen insteadofoxygen - orviceve$a.Oxygen nitrogen is the electricgyroscope divided.andthe polarity-controlled instrument. dividing Inst?adof the erpensiveand time corcumingchemical method of obtainingfree nitrogen in LIMITED Enntities, quickly, Nature'snzthod n ouldproduce free nitrogencheaply, to call ond in UNLIMITED quantities.h is nol necessary atteniion to the ,alue to commerceand to agriculture,not to nitrogen menlionsoilrcgenemtior\thtt thismethodof obtaining *ould be lo the $'orld. this principleof 1927, I demonstrated In September, pairs of solenoids dual polaritycontrol by aranging two in such il one pair with more windingsthan the other mannerthat the dual polarityof Naturewassimulated. With a steelor glass disctor an equatoranda steelrod approximately to a I adjusted my solenoids for arnplitude, in its oxygen belonged planeanglewhere I roughlycalculated apparatus which would an adjustment octave.I improvised securely at any angleI enableme to fastenany adjustment chose. of water in an I then inserleda iew cubic centimeters quartztubewhich hadelectrodes at eachend for evacuated readings. analysis spectrum Upon heating the tube in an electric furnace, and with the electriccurrenttumed it into the solenoid insrting analysis showed on untif the tube cooled,thefirst spectrum over 8(fi, to he hydrogenand the restpracticdlly all helium. Th<'rev,usv,r.t lillh' otygen.


130 EachtimeI reset it,Iobtaineda newanalysis. Whenever I setit sothe north-south polaritywaspredominant bcause oi usingthe strongercoils, the result gave more nitrogenThis was because the preponderantnorth{outh polarity prolatedthe oxygen atom nucleus to its next highertone. When I reversedthe polarity to east-westpreponderance,the analysis showedmore than its proper amountof oxygen andinert gases andless of hydrogen. This meanttbat preponderant east-westpolarity had oblated the hydrogen nucleus. The followinganalysis is agood example. WhenI took the tube to the laboratory, therewasno water in it. That is why the analyst referredto his reportas"gassample No. 5," whichfollows: Oxygen Hydrogcn Nitrogen

and or perish.Old concepts Man mustbe transformed as horse_and_ materialvaluesmust becomeas obsolete
transporlalion hecame obsolete when motors and

anesappeared. Justsolongasmankills man,he Man is still barbarian. is barely six barbarian.The dawn of his Consciousness Man must have new vears back in his historv. new idealsand new valueswhich will uplift him concepls, desires tokill for greed--to buildempircs from the barbarian power- to seekhappiness throughmaterialpossessions gold underthe delusion that he is creating to accumulate mustberendered Malerialvalues asstandards of wealth Science hasthe Dowerto make the transitionso valueless. y that the readjustment will createno hardshipto Justasthe transition ial interess andworld economy. of manandadded todle machine agelessened the burdens his wealth,sowill the transitioninto the Age oI Tmnsmuion havea similarbeneficial effect. All greatworld transitions which havebroughtgreater ascalamities, and wealthto manhavebeenanticipated grcatest now dawning in man'shistory of all transitions be lookedforward to trsthe ultimategoalfor a peaceful d prosperousunified world. Man s assele of this ageare mateial Transformedman mwl gmduall! discover that hk greatestacsetis man. His achievement and greatest sourceoi wealthand happiness, powerare in hisabilityto serveman.The greater his service and lhr' nlofc hc irdds to his wealth both materially man. k)

14.9 16.0 69.1

It is needless to saythat the aboveanalysis shows eastwesrpreponoerance. I am convinced that by properadjustments mathemati callyworkedout intoformulas byexperiment, freehydrogen. nitrogen or oxygen could be obtained without any trace ol the others. Theonlydiffercncebetween the two methofuof workiryl is that electricity is usedaspower in the hborutory withoul polarit! control or gyroscopic guitlancesucha.s I madeuseol. When the gases havebeensufficiently transformed h} pmctice,thetransformation of dense mattercanthenfolk)w.

132 spiitually. For this is LAW - irrevocable and inevitable LAW. It is inviolatelaw throughoutNatureeverj vhere.Nature its wealthby extending itselfinto the wholeunivrse creates from everypoint in it. The.jungle is rich because it extendsall that it hasto all of thejungle- whilethedesert is poorindeed for keeping that which it has within itself. The desertgivesnaughtto the desert,nor to the heavens - therefore its regivingsfrom the heavensare naught. Nature has no motive for its givings, for regivingsare the fulfillmentof the law, and man needgive no thoughtto them. The wealthiest men in all the world are the geniuses who huveextended their immortalityto other men without lhoughlofgain. Theseimmortals shallneverperish from the memoryuf manwho h:rsfoundhis own immortalitytbrough thcm, while he whosewealthis but gold, e'enthoughit be hiShcrth{n the highest mountain, shallbe forgottenbefore unolhcr dswn, Man is man'sgreatest asset, therefore,for man'sgreatesl needis othermento whomhe maygiveof hisown abundant Selfto thusenrichhimself through tbeirregivings. Natureis based ug)n the law of Love,which is balancci GIVING for REGIVING. Allthat maneverhasisthatwhich he hasgiven. flral.rly'dture\ only law - and it ftai erentxallr become man's only lawNature regivesin kind for all service given. Man givcs the seed in sowingthe seed. Natureregivcs - andhis service the fruit of the seed.That is Nature's Law. Action is manr iree will right but the reaction is Naturet. ft regives equall.r' rn kind.

133 If nan takesa throne,it k takenaway .fromhim andhe is poor indeed. But il a man enthronesother men' or honors other men, he will be enthronedand honoredby othet men. Spiritual valuescan teplace material ones only by greed and lo nuture values of lheirpower malerial shearing but will surelycometo pass It will Sea slowprocss avarice. powr to shear valuesfrom physical gains the as science Science hasgivenman this new electric,radio,radar, thinking ion agewhich has mademimcles of past-age that the time arenstated today.Had the Naz voice, wouldcomewhenthe wholeworldcouldheara man's thenhave He wouldhavethenbeenput todeath.Manysince boenburnd at the stakand tortured mercilesslyfor what a asNatural comprehend of today would basically schoolboy Lawflight by air, radio' the automobile, Th telephone, havebeengivento the world by science andtelevision man's lessthan a century.Eachof thesehastransformed and of labor burdens ing andhis waysof life, for heavy for manandwoman havebeenlessened drudgery asto whetherthettansfornow ariss Th tragic qustion nswhich haveaffectedman'sthinkingfor manycenturies beenin the right direction.Are we settingtoo greata upon lesseneddrudgery, grater comlorts and other ical valueswhich havemultiplied time for manandmade planet very small? ls our thinking of today righl thinking? Can we rightly y it is in face of the fact that the humanrace hasfallen in the lastfifty yearsthan it hasarisendudng seven ol forwtrd growth? ccnturies

134 CanwesaythatworldthinkingoI todayis.ightthinking in the faceof the undisputable fact that the wo.ld is facinga threatened plungeinto anotherperiodof dark ages? Have the great scientific contributions of the last hundred years reallymajored in benefiting thehumanracebr addingto man'scomfortsand power of productionin th. directionof peaceful living? Havethe arts of peacebeenmultiplied?Are we pro ducingmen of geniusin the arts and philmophies such as haveenriched theworldeversince thedaysof Michelangelo. Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart,or Shakespeare? Haveour statesmen of thelastgeneration hadthemoral character,dignity or patriotismof Washington, Jefferson. Lincolnor TheodoreRoosevelt? Hrve we not found treasonreplacingpatriotism, and slirlcsDlcn moreconcerned abouthowto increasingly enslale nrirnirn(l confisc le his earnings to build giant troughsfor wirslrcls' gorging'l llirsscicncc helped unwillingly to degrade the entirc lrunrirn ri|ccby nrultiplying theartsof warto multiply manr for power cmpircs by nrultiplied to kill? Have thes,, lrccd drerdful conlributions of science to war not so thoroughl\ outweighed its contributions to peace that it mightnot ha\t' beenbetterif the bow-and-arrow dayswerestill here? What is the responsibility of sciencein this respecl l And canscience reverse the results whichhavegrownout ()l itsexplosives madeto killmen,andsave theracebyreversinr: man'sthinking? I think it can- andthat is why bothmy I have soindefatigably been working to givethisnewknowledt:, to science now,whentheworldisthreatened withdestructi,'rr This knowledge will enable science to havcsuchconrnr:rn,l

13.5 overmatterthatit will renderman'smultipliedkilling power for greedimpotent, andthenrenderthoseattributes of greed in manalsoimpotent byreplacingthem with newandgreater values in his thinling. A transformed science canavertthisdangerwhich man is bringinguponhimselfby his own profligacyby rendering all of the coal,oil, nitratesandphosphates of the world not worth the digging for manoI today,and needless for manof aomorrow. Thesethingshe can do NOW for they are simplein principleand the meansof producingthem are simple.A generation neednot pass withoutextending that principleto the hea\rymetals,and render the gold which constitutes man's ideaof wealth -- for whichh haskilleduntoldmillions of his brothermen'- of no valueother than asa utility. Every product of Nature in the elements of matter whichNaturehasproduced someagerly canbe produced by in unlimited quantities man with lesseffort thanpresent-day digging.This includesiron, copper,manganese. platinum, tin, and all other metals. afuminum, Man lds beenprimitirc longenough.It is time he cameinto hisheitage oJknowbdge whichwill sivehim dominionoverthe earth. In your grindstoneis aluminum,and in silicon and
- the most Dlentilul lemeIltsof earth - are all of the

netals. Wherecopperor iron ore cannt be found,siliconcan ivthemto us.If wecannotgetsupplies oftin ormanganese from other partsof the world,siliconwill givethem to us. The science of metallurgy mustrealizethat all metals conditionsof carbonand silicon.Iron and lre unbalanced positiveand negative nickel are unfralanced extensions of is rilicon.Silicon thcir fr,rlcrum of balance. iustastwo children


on oppostte ends of a seesaware unbalancedextensions of the fulcrum which controls their balance. We now obtain nickel fuom other cou nties. We luve an unlimital npplv ofir n our erer! mounlain. todium and chloiru. {ind halunt"ein I heir sal!,an,t . ..Iuyra thu\ Io.\e thei m.tallic qualitiet. so do all pai^ oI mptals lo.n. thei metallic unbalance in their sabs. A saL ii Nature is ,t balanced pair of elements. Reciprocatir,e balanced reversels of motion is th.e onll poteer Ndture or trutn ha:rever used. Thut it the basisof tttr, electric cutent -. the piston of Nature's wave engines Lr ol man s motors anclpumps. Science has heretofore used but one-half of Nature.s power principle and has used even that the hard way. Thc call way -.and the srhple way _ is to usein full the bjanced rcclpr()citltvc reversalsof this twcway universe which arr hucvcr tirkingplace betweenthe two conditionsof gravitat i(tl l and rirliltion which molivatethis univcnie. lltl {)f .W , .\tr:rteH) today is largely based upon th( r.rci t{rni)l (rt. I hr $,rrld standsreadyto kill to protecl ir\ supply of oil lor lueling its planesand war ships. Science can likewise render the oil sapplies of the ttot ttl . urelett osa fuel. and not wonh fi" slightest quLttetdmongtlt,rt Ior lhe sunplv neededfor luhication. Burgrearerrhon all rhese i.s rhepou.erofsci"nce to rt.t.tlt. . ^ Ood and validap His inviolateIau,u,hich givesto mon in At,t,l Ihat v)h.ichman givesto other men, awl th; bing humanir rrt r the realization that he who would hurt amtther huitsbut hin:,,11. Il is the responsihility of science to unify mrn s nr:rr\ .. . religionsbv gir ing him full comprehension of theOnc ( i.r,| ,,1 Lrghland Love to replace lhe mant rll_(1,nccivc(t intitgi j|n,\

of an.impossible god of fear.which nare so drsastrousl\ oNunrted sprfllual seel,ers anddir idedthewhole worldinrl Inroteranl andantagonistic groups. The humanra(.ecan neverhecomeunrted as one , narmonrous,\rhole so long as wrongconceplions of Cod orsun||e and divide the race.Chief amongInesewron! conceptions is the vengeful god of fearuna"*ru,l ii matnty responsible "f,i"i forihe [ear.greed.harred. supersritio; anotnloterance uponwhich our present civilization is based. , lhg t.ine has come when scienceshould so inculcate hc bdlanced-inr.erchange principte oI toveupon !.:!!:nl:.ith.t wh-t.( h thc uniw^e i.\fuundcd. dndeverytrhere miniye,tid in t.varurc, tha.tlhc netionso/ th" eanh uill becomeGudJoving insteadof Cocl-feaingmen. Fearo[.awrathful Cod is an inheritance of the rerrorr .. ot rgnorance in primitive man\ hosa\ rcngeanceandwrtth of God in the furiesof earth,s storms. lgnorance and terror arestill breeding the fearswhich , underlieourwhole world-civilization. Worfi f"ra.^,rf g.",,i visior in science and govemment are now the world,s great needhes sent a s&viour to , -It 3:! tys o4l! threats Cie:tes! to ourAmeican way of tife.Our by science to make wars. fiav be that our Father in heaven

w"Prctilmt i! _ rc los n lis power- withrheaid oj science lorm lhe.mira(b of endingall u.atfareat Vast ntlers were

wortd picture oftod"t,q;."& ; ;;: ij:b1"11:9.k I +e is.-. and meer r, ;rih;;l;;;.i#i;; lT:.;.::: lll,l,

Can this miraclecome coxrc @ to passt pass? Can the Lan the thinking thinki of rcrence be transformed? I think it can but only by blinq being

ln.wledge irntl rhe migtrry por^e. r,hich air""o,ir^"*."j."i

138 139 Tntho lookingsquarely in the faceof the world todav. n esee Cod being dri\,en outo[ it to deifyman. Halttheworid is drawing an iron curtain around itselito shut God out and exalta monster in His placeto dehumanize andenslave man. We see degradation, coruption, greed, fear, lust for power.ind arheism engutfing hatftheworld, andthetortures or.rn_e Kussran tnquisition far exceeding lhe tortures of the Middle Age Spanish inquisition asthe fr:uitsof today,sworld thinkins. ta. peace. happiness. securityand freedom going .Y," - - ol oul rhe \ orld and war engulfing it to enslave anddelad. m an . . .We see beautyand culture being driven out of the w()rld. nd lhespiritual rhyrhms of thefineartslostir rhese:r (t ugltnc$s whichis debasing the cultureof the race. Wc secgeniu-s heingdrivenfrom lhe faceol tbe eanh . lor w[Il {)l rcc()gnition andthe palronage whichalonewill nourish it lo liurvival. W":": rheswing of rhecosmic pendulum awaylronl _, , Ineglory | 'l theseven renascent centuries Io anolherdecadent ageof forgetfulnessof all that is good in man. Let usassume that we havefive centuries of supply,or eventen centuries. Man will live on this planetfor mililiio;s of years.before itspirats oul beyond Mars.orbir where human rrrewrttcease. WhatoI them? Are we despoiling the earthfor our childrenof the far tomorrow? Are weemptying itsbjnstor them? Are ue profli_ galely robbing even_rhe feniliry of our soilandlosing ir inro tfe seaby robbingthe mountainsides of lheir foresti The greedand ignoranceof a few gelerations of today can wipe the humanrace from the face ;f the earth for long aeons by sheer wastefulness of earth,s resources.It wouli takemillions of yean for Natureto restorebalance ty lringin! continentswith newresources above the seas andtaking"olj and wom out continents underher seas for regeneratio;.


The utle purpose of man on earth is to manifesthis Creator.He hasno other purpose. The soul davTeof man on earth is to find peaceand happiness.


Yes- whatof tomorrow!We of todayarefastusingu| , the resources whichhavetakenthe earthmifl;ons otyeairii, sloreup for man's use.The mal. oil. nitrates and miner:rlr rjlrch mankind.has tal.en fromrheground in a hundred year. navemadebtgjnroads into il\ lotalrlcposits.

fhl gnlt yat that mancanfind peaceandhappinest is ro ,. clBcovpr his unity with hit grcorest himcle i,hich can tmppento any nan is the discoveryof his Self, and his oneness with all other men. discovery all else . .- .To him who hasmadethat supreme shallhc arklctl.

Knowledge alone ttill letd man to that supremediscovery. It is the olfice awl responsibili4t of science to illumine the way f6r all men who are seeking the Kingdom of Heaven.


by Lao Russell

"All men will come to me in due time but theirs is the Thus saith God in His Message of The agory ol awaiting." DivineIliad. All downthe ages suffedng manhaslifted up his voice "Leadusout of thedarkoI our iniquities untohisGodsaying: into the Light of Thy kingdom." prayers And God hasanswered man's throughinspired messengers who bring new knowledge of the Light of Love andthe Brotherhood of Man into the worldfor the rnewing Mind with thepowerof newkno\ring. ol man's But mandid not hearGod'sVoicethroughHis messen' gers, Ior man lvas still new in his primate days of little Man crucifiedGod'smessengers comprhension, and again sufferdthe fall of civilizationafter civilizationbv makins everymanfear veryother man. And yet againin our day the agonies of ten timesten millionsuffering mothers of menarecryinguntoGodto save plunge theworldfrom another into longages of darkness. For" once again the humin ruce is neaing another downfall into ugesof darknessof its own making,for once again man has madea worlclof hate rthereerer! ndn Jbalsever! other mun.

142 Over and over again man has climbed far into the in his searchfor the peaceandhappiness which Love heavens give man alone can to him, and over and over of man for again he has fallen becausehe has leamed only to hate and greed,thinkingthus by fearandkill hisfellowmanfor selfish gain the riches of his seeking. the power of might he will Man hasneverknown Love asthe very heartbeatof this universe- the motivative force behind all matter and motion which controls the stars in their orbits and brings forth the fruits oI the earth for man'ssustenancc. He hasnever known Love asLaw - irrevocableLaw not emotion or sentimentwithin man'sfree-will right of giving and taking - but inviolate Law which brings an inescapable with penalty thatLaw in hisrelations to anymanwhoviolates other men,or with his own My. He has never known that l,ove is balancedgiving for Man has regivingwhich Natureobysin all of its transactions. alwaystaken what he wants, not knowing that the hult of suchtakingis his alone. interchange Man hasneverknown that lnve is balanced between the pairs of opposites of this divided universe. Without balancein Nature'stransactionsthe universecould not survive. Likewise,without balancein man'stransactions man cannot survlve. There neverhasbeenbalancein man'srelation to man. of Love has not yet entered the world or the Consciousness man. Man has never practiced the principle of universal gaveto ageafter ageof brotherhoodwhich God's rnessengex Iearing man. There never has been a time in world history when man has not feared and hated his fellow man, and he fearedhis locked his doorsand policed his stretsbecause neighbor. Nor hasthere ever beena time when nationsof men

143 havenot a-rmed in fearof othernations nor killed themselves whenone nationwantedth possessions of othernationsor to enslavetheir peoplesfor greed of power and gold. There has never been a time in the blackest day of world hi$ory than the black hopelessness of today'sworld of fear and hate of one-halJ oI the world for the other half. and thegrowingdegradation andloweringof the spiritualstandards of the world. Thisdivnited, fear-iclden, tax-burdened world of man's centuies of empire building by conquestof the weakby the strongcatumtsurtire.It is doomedto self-destructionunless at this eleventhhour the lessonof Love, once againgiven to manin God'sDvine Iliad Message, is leamedandheeded by the few among men to whom God will give new power to immunize the few from the harm of the many. Unlessthe iew amolg the leadercoi men will a se to the power of new knowing given in God's Messageof The Divinelliad, the free world of manwill disappear. The slave world will thenappear asa foremath to unthinkable degradation of the wholehumanrace. where Love is there also is unity, harmonyand the peace rhythmsin a unitedworld. Where of Love'sbalanced hate is there follows the degeneracy of disunity as night followslhe day. That is thelesson whichunfolding manhasstill to learn. Until he leans that simple lessonof power which comes from givingof serviceto hisfellow man insteadof takingfrom him against his tvill, his civilizatioru will disappearin their own mon-mnde chaos,oneafter another,until he leamsthat lesson. After millions of yearsof takingby the power of his years might,hissixthousand out of thejunglehavenot been long enough for him to learnthat lesson of powerwhichlies

IM alone in the g/vragof l-ove, nor has he yet learned that his destructionis of his own makingthrough violation of the Law of Love. Man acquiredno knowledgeand but little comprehension during his slow unfolding through primate and pagan of Mind in ages,for he was not ready for it. Consciousness of God's Through dense ignorance had not yet dawned. him caused by denseignorance. waysmanhassufferedthe agonies in barbarian Then came the dawn of Consciousness oI a God{reator who to him was man and his first suspicions a vengeful god of wrath for whom he shed the blood of his bullocks, and evenmen, uponsacrificial altarsto appease god of fear and wrath. vengeful of Love and God sentnew knowledgeand His message illumined illumined messenger after the unityof manthrough messenger all through his arly barbariandays,but man was for he was not yet ready to still too new to comprehend, of I-ove.He still comprehenda God of Love nor His message his vengeful shedblood upon his sacrificial altars to appease god of fear, and he still sufferedthe agoniesof his little comprehension. Man is still barbarian, for manstill kills rwn: and hestill worships a wmthfulgod offear. And nan willforever $rIfer th? of the God ol agoniesof hisignoranceuntil Mind awareness Love awakens in him in itsfullness,andnun knowsrtan ason( brotherhood,and beginsto servenQn insteodof killing him. Man learns his lessonsby deep suffering, for only at times of great sufferingdoeshe turD to God for Light l(, despair. illuminehis path out of his dark pit of hopeless Man of todayhashad a half centuryof deepsuffering andmanvthereare amonemen who havelurnedtheir filcc\

145 to the high heavensand cried aloud to be savdirom their agonies. Man of todayis not sonew.His comprehension is now great enoughaounderstandGod's waysasmanifestedin His One Law of Love. Man of today is ready for new knowledg andGod hasgivento thosefew who areableto comprehend it the power of new knowing to commandthe forces which order the movementsol starsin their orbits and the earth to bring forth its fruits. The knowledge givento manfor his new of God'sways daywill givethe few amongmenmighty newpower to cont.ol all men of earth tbrough God's One Law ol Love until the sedof it will multiply over the face of the earth and bring wirh it the ha.mony and peaceof its balancedrhythms. When Mind Consciousness dawnsin man. God awarenesslikewise da\rns in him. and he becomesillumined with full howing of the Onnessof Mind of man and Mind of God. Whenthat daydaww for man,he hascommandover all the universe, for energl of Mind in him createdthe universe, and knowledgeof Mind in Him controlsits energj. Fear then leayes him. for he knows he hasdominion over all things.He can no longer be hurt by man, nor will he hurt man, but the power will be his to preventman from hurting man by awakeningConsciousness in him to Love, e'entiough he may loseone more life to find it. God's one Message of Love - which he again sendsto man for bis new day - is written down in The Divine lliad in the followingimperishable Msssage wordsof man'sunderstanding:

"Greal art b simple. M), univlse is great art, for it ir "Great art i9 balanced. My universe is coruumn@te art, tor it is balanced simpliciq'. "My universe is one in which many things have majestic meusure: and again another man! have measure too finz for Ienslng. "Yet ha|e I not one l4w for rtutjestic things, and another h)r fot things v,hich are beyond the senstng. "I hate but one law for all my opposed pain of creatin7 things: and lhat lQwneedsbfi one wotd lo spell it out, so hear me when I say that the one word of My one lalc is BALANCE "A nd if man needstwo worfu to a l him in hisknowing of the workings of lhat Ltw, let those two wor& be BALANCED INTERCHANGE "If man still nee^ more wordi to aid his knowing of Mt one la$j, giw lo him another one, and bl those three wordt be RH YTHM ]C BA LA NC ED INTERCHANG E. "

Portfolio of Explanatory Diagrams Reproduced from The Home StudyCourse on Universal Law, Natural Science and Living Philosophy by Walterand Lao Russell

-From THE DIVINE ILIAD He who reads thesewordswith inner visionand inner knowingshallhaveomnipotentpowerto savethe world of manfrom himselfandbring into beingthe newageof man's new powet.






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P (N A R III]\(; I I )I{( I' N O T F T H F D I F F F RF NCF INBAL ANCEBET WF ENT HE T\II] I N T H F S F T w O P.\ST NIIDDL E ACE NEBUL a E I l i l ; I (rl l l :R r)N l l \l )l ( \ l l ' I)II TR IIItr\ P E R F E C T B A L ANCEBET WEENT HET ' I!OIJOR( I \ *III('II('R I,\II P O l N t r o w A R L) 8 ( ) 1 I| 0 PP( ) \lN( ; DIRF CT I( ) N\

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AI F DIVI DIJI)SoLIDS GASEs.G ASES ARE COMPRESSFD SOL]DS RA D I I C I I R V FI \ l l l l , l - l N s l '; s ol ; c l R v l , l ) l : o l I ( ) R s ( IN THIS CURVI]D I]NIVIiRSF:GRAVI I Y AN t ) R , \ r n l l r , r \ A k l t l r v l l ) R T X AI l r ) N r t l I l \ l \ CRAVI' IY F I SI;S ILLUSTRATINC NATUR!S METHODOF PRODTJCTION AND REPRODI]CION. T H I S S Y S T E M OF']IJR VAIL ]R E TH ISSYSTFM OI'C U R VATIJR F AN C ED (JN[IL5 TWO I]NBALANCIjD D l V l D F S O r r t gAL .

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fHF.OIJTIVARDTHRLiS T OFRADIATIO\ t P()N R,\Dll \lHl(-li lll;^l) AllAI I lrr i\r P O L ES T O L OSI T HEIR Cl R\A1 l Rl: lN F-Ql .\TOR \ ,\\l ) r;,\l \ l l ,\(;\l l \ L' ol l l \l )l l l l l kl r\l R I t V t iRSF . T OCET HER \!r fr l lHF IN\l\R l ) (,^l \r" lR( I R\ ,\|l R l tN fr)l t\ \N t)r,\l \l l f o w A RDp o L IisANtJlr ) sl;JlI ON A t I (_'r \l (tr\.\fi l ) \1,\\l \l r \r R L V t iRSt. ( Atr Sti\ NtA\tNfi \1 u \1 I\ i \!l r l \trrtr Nl) ( ; r N l : l{ \ll( ) :r \r r !n r \ llll \ \lir \r N\r\"1 N l tl f




ILLIJSTRATINC NATURE'S REPRODLICTI\ I: PR0('I,\\ ( I , r r l r \ \ 1 1\ r r t l ( PAIRS VL ]ST RL\ LRSt I 0R t N|l r ' r ] PAr nS r \ \ ( ) r i. ) l ') \ f i '\ ANDT\44 )CFNT FRS O F aiR, \ \ t T\ M l \ | \ L \ r ) |t r ) . ,

ATONIla PL.\NFT:\RYSYSTF.NIS FXTENTJ FROlvt THEIR ZF.RO INFRT CASFSBY \ 1 I \ D I \ I ] \ P T R \ I I l IN \ \IR IFS OF FOIIR TON AL VOR TIC ES WH IC H AR E \ l \ r || k r \ fR r n .\l N 1 ; u ti ( o vL r R l L \ r \\ r \l ' r r \ r { \\t r t '\N l fl 1 t( tn s a r ,L t,tt^ l 1 ( ) No l (l N \l l N t) sJl u i l l r ( ) r ^ |]r ) ^ N R t \ 'r L r r L ') \ $ r \ r r . \r 'l |r l

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