NEW Ws Rel Lease E: Mu Thro Ultiple C Ough Ba Connecto Alboa Pa or Closu Ark Area Ures On Sunday SR-163 y Mornin NG

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State of California C Department D of Transpor rtation

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#94-13 Today's s Date: District: Contact t: Phone: Thursday y, Aug. 1, 20 013 District 11 1 - San Die ego and Imp perial Coun nties Public Inf formation Officer O Cathryne Bruce e-Johnson (619) 688 8-6723, Cell (858) 688 8-1431


Mu ultiple Connecto C or Closu ures on SR-163 Thro ough Ba alboa Pa ark Area Sunday y Mornin ng
SAN DIE EGO Calt trans maint tenance cre ews have sc cheduled multiple m con nnector clos sures along St tate Route 163 (SR-16 63) through h the Balboa a Park area a on Sunda ay morning from 3-10 for routine ma aintenance roadway work. w The first closure will w take pla ace from eastbound e and westb bound Inter rstate 8 (I-8 8) to southbound SR-163. Motorist ts traveling eastbound d I-8 will be b detoure ed to south hbound Interstate 805 5, to southbound Interstate 15, to westbound w State Rout te 94, to northbound In nterstate 5 (I-5). Motorist ts traveling westbound d I-8 will be directed to o continue to o southbou und I-5. The sec cond closur re is from northbound d and sout thbound SR-163 to northbound n and southbound I-5. ts traveling northbound d SR-163 will w be detou ured to wes stbound I-8 8, to northbo ound Motorist I-5. No detour will be availab ble for south hbound SR-163 as the e connector r will be clos sed. Motorist ts are reminded to slo ow down and a safely move over r a lane wh hen Caltran ns or other em mergency vehicles are e displaying flashing am mber lights. Its the law w! ####

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