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DETAILS OF THE OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED The project entitled The project entitled The Disemination of Modern Therapeutic Practices

in Travancore (1811-1939) was intended to achieve the following objectives. 1. To examine the condition of the people living in the areas prone to infectious diseases. 2. To find out the inadequacy of indigenous system of cure 3. To expose the medical exploitation that existed prior to the arrival of western medicine 4. To bring out the merger of the herbal system of the adivasi groups with Ayurveda 5. To articulate the contribution of the missionaries to Health care 6. To link the eradication of untouchability with the spread of western medicine 7. To see whether modern medicine brought in a scientific examination of superstitions 8. To analyse the role of Government in disseminating modern medicine 9. To signify the local participation in the health improvement 10. To manifest the context of the establishment of the first medical college in Kerala 11. To debate on the question of equality of medical facilities 12. To evaluate the different aspects of medical education All the above objectives were achieved. It was found that the surroundings of the people were so unhygienic that they were afflicted with many infectious diseases. The indigenous medical system was not able to heal all the diseases. The devil dancers and the quacks exploited the peoples ailment and ignorance. It can be argued that herbal type treatment later merged with the Ayurvedic system of medicine. The advent of the Medical Missionaries created medical revolution in the health sector of Travancore. The Modern medicine tended to eradicate the superstitions and rigors of caste barriers. The Government and the local people extended moral

and material support to the medical programmes launched by the missionaries. Later Government too initiated establishing hospitals and dispensaries. The medical facilities were irrespective of caste hierarchical position in the society. The efficient doctors got the best medical education from the west trained and they trained the native people also in this profession. These activities finally led to the formation of the Trivandrum Medical College. ____________________________

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