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Noise and Vibration Control

5. Industrial Noise and Vibration Control

The main purpose of industrial noise control is to protect the hearing of the people working in the production units, factories and workshops etc.

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Noise and Vibration Control 5.1 Review of levels, decibels, sound pressure, power, intensity and directivity quantities used in acoustics (acoustic pressure, intensity, power) - range is quite large. response of the human ear to sound - dependent on the ratio of intensity of two different sounds, instead of the difference in intensity. Therefore - logarithmic scale (level scale) was defined. level - a dimensionless quantity, units - bel, decibel (dB), 1 decibel = 0.1 bel. Sound Power Level LW - acoustic power with respect to an internationally accepted reference of 10-12 W, as Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


Noise and Vibration Control

Acoustic power [W] 100 000 000 1 000 000 10 000 100 1 0.01 0.000 1 0.000 001 0.000 000 01 0.000 000 000 1 0.000 000 000 001 Sound Power Level -12 LW [dB] ref 10 W 200 180 Four jetplanes 160 140 120 100 80 Typical speech 60 40 Whispering 20 0 10

Object Saturn rocket

Acoustic power [W] 50 000 000 50 000

Large orchestra Scream

10 1

20 . 10


Table 1. The sound power and Sound Power Level for a number of typical sound sources.

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Noise and Vibration Control Sound Power Level


W = 10 log W ref

is the time-averaged sound power, W is the reference value of sound power.

Wref = 10 12

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Noise and Vibration Control The Sound Intensity Level LI is defined as

L I = 10 log

I I ref

is the absolute value of the time average of the sound intensity,

12 W/m2 is the reference value of sound intensity.

I ref = 10

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Noise and Vibration Control Acoustic pressure (p) is not proportional to the energy, but instead, p2 is proportional to the energy (intensity). Therefore, Sound Pressure Level Lp (or SPL) is defined as

L p = 10 log

~ p2
2 p ref

~ Where p is the rms-amplitude of the sound pressure,

p ref = 2 10 5

Pa is the reference value of sound pressure.

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Noise and Vibration Control spherical wave - acoustic energy is radiated uniformly in all directions; other sources of sound - highly directional - radiate sound with different intensities in different directions. spherical source placed near the floor /wall - some sound will be reflected from the surface. directivity factor (Q) - ratio of intensity on a designated axis of a sound radiator at a specific distance from the source to the intensity that would be produced at the same location by a spherical source radiating the same total acoustic energy:

4r 2 I Q= W
Relation between directivity index (DI) and directivity factor :

DI = 10 log10 Q

For a spherical source, the directivity factor Q = 1 and the directivity index DI = 0.

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5.2 Frequency bands, filters, and measures of noisiness Human ear -sensitive to sounds in the range from 16 Hz to 16 kHz. bandwidth - frequency interval over which measurements are made octave - frequency interval such that the upper frequency is twice the lower frequency or f2 =2 f1 In some cases, a more refined division of the frequency range is used in measurement, such as 1/3-octave bands, in which

f2 = 23 f1

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Table 2 Reference quantities for acoustic levels

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center frequency of the band (fo) - geometric mean of the upper and lower frequencies for the interval:

f 0 = ( f1 f 2 )

1 2

Relation between the upper and lower frequencies of an octave band :

f1 =

fo 2
1 2


f 2 =2 f o

1 2

For 1/3 octave bands

f1 =

fo 2
1 6


f 2 =2 f o

1 6

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Measure of hearing

Human ear - wide working range - range of sound pressure levels 0 - 130 dB. subjective experience of the strength of sound - not in agreement with the physically measured sound pressure. frequency affects our perception of sound strength. loudness - sound pressure level a sinusoidal tone at 1000 Hz would have, in order to give the same subjective impression of strength as the sound to be assessed. unit of loudness - phone. Threshold of hearing - the lowest sound pressure level that induces any sensation of hearing. Therefore, frequency-specific sound, usually consisting of sinusoidal tones, is used to determine an individuals hearing threshold.

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120 110 100 90 80
110Phones phon 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

C -vgning baseras C-weighting is p 90 phon kurvan based on the 90 phone curve B -vgning baseras B-weighting is based p 70 phon kurvan on the 70 phone curve

L p , [ dB ]

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 20 31,5

A -vgning baseras A-weighting is p 40 phon kurvan based on the 40 phone curve

Hrtrskeln fr Threshold of hearing en normalhrande for person with normal person hearing
2000 4000 8000 12500






Frekvens, [ Frequency [Hz]

Figure 1. Isophone curves. Along a curve, the loudness level is constant, Both tones marked at 63 Hz and 1000 Hz, have a loudness of 60 phones. Their respective sound pressure levels, are 75 dB and 60 dB.

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Noise and Vibration Control Measure of Noisiness What we regard as noisy varies from individual to individual. By noise, we usually mean unwanted sound in the audible region. The strength of sound is measured by a sound level meter, that, in its simplest form, gives the SPL in dB. The SPL does not, take account of the nonlinearity of our perception with respect to frequency, as reflected in the concept of loudness. To better reflect the human perception of sound, sound level meters contain filters, so-called weighting filters, that amplify the microphone signal different amounts at different frequencies. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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A-, B- and C-weighting are taken from the 40, 70, and 90 phone curves in Figure 1. A-weighting is most often used, although C-weighting is at times applied, particularly in connection with impulsive sound. D-weighting is primarily used in measuring aircraft noise. A sound pressure level that is measured or determined with weighting filters, is called a Sound Level. Assume that the measured sound level with an A-weighting filter is 75 dB. That is written LA = 75 dB(A). The sound level in dB(A) can be calculated from third-octave and octave band filters as

L A = 10 log 10
n =1

( L pn + An ) / 10


Lpn [dB] is the third-octave or octave band level in band n, An [dB] is A-weighting in band n.

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Amplification [dB] + 20 + 10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 10 100 1 000 Frequency [Hz] 10 000

Figure 3 A, B, C and D-weighting curves. A-weighting is the most common. Under 1000 Hz, the amplification is negative, implying that these frequencies are damped to compensate for the lower sensitivity of mankind to low frequency sound

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A sound pressure level that is measured with weighting filters, is called a Sound Level. Assume that the measured sound level with an A-weighting filter is 75 dB. That is written LA = 75 dB(A). The sound level in dB(A) can be calculated from thirdoctave and octave band filters as

L A = 10 log 10
n =1

( L pn + An ) / 10

where Lpn [dB] is the third-octave or octave band level in band n, An [dB] is A-weighting in band n. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Frequency [Hz] 25 A-weighting [dB] -44.7 -39.4 -34.6 -30.2 -26.2 -22.5 -19.1 -16.1 -13.4 -10.9 -8.6 -6.6 -4.8 -3.2 -1.9 -0.8 0 B-weighting [dB] -20.4 -17.1 -14.2 -11.6 -9.3 -7.4 -5.6 -4.2 -3.0 -2.0 -1.3 -0.8 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0 0 C-weighting [dB] -4.4 -3.0 -2.0 -1.3 -0.8 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 1. A-, B- and C-weighting for thirdoctave and octave bands. The octave bands are given in bold.

31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000

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Frequency [Hz] 1250 A-weighting [dB] +0.6 +1.0 +1.2 +1.3 +1.2 +1.0 +0.5 -0.1 -1.1 -2.5 -4.3 -6.6 -9.3 B-weighting [dB] 0 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -1.2 -1.9 -2.9 -4.3 -6.1 -8.4 -11.1 C-weighting [dB] 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 -0.8 -1.3 -2.0 -3.0 -4.4 -6.2 -8.5 -11.2

Table 1. A-, B- and C-weighting for thirdoctave and octave bands. The octave bands are given in bold.

1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000

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Noise and Vibration Control Equivalent sound pressure level is a form of average sound pressure level during a given period of time. It is defined as the constant sound pressure level that represents the same total sound energy as an actual time varying sound pressure level during a given time period, 8 hours for example. 1 T p 2 (t ) Leq,T = 10 log( 2 dt ) T 0 p ref Where Leq,T is the equivalent sound pressure level during time period T, p(t) is the instantaneous sound pressure, pref = 2 10 5 Pa, is the reference sound pressure, T is the length of the measurement period.


1 T L p (t ) / 10 = 10 log( 10 dt ) T 0

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5.3 Overview of some common noise sources (i) APPLIANCE AND EQUIPMENT NOISE Appliance LW, dB Air conditioner 70 Clothes dryer 70 Clothes washer 70 Dishwasher 75 Food blender 85 Food disposal 90 Hair dryer 70 Refrigerator 50 Vacuum cleaner 80 Equipment LW, dB Backhoe 120 Concrete mixer 115 Crane (movable) 115 Front loader 115 Jackhammer 125 Pneumatic wrench 120 Rock drill 125 Scraper/grader 120 Tractor 120

Source: Environmental Protection Agency (1971a). If one cannot obtain sound power level data from the manufacturer of the appliance or item of equipment, the median sound power level listed in Table 2 may be used for preliminary design. It may be noted that the sound power level from a specific item of equipment may deviate 10 dB from the median value.

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Sources of Valve Noise: (a) mechanical noise generation and (b) fluid noise generation, either hydraulic for liquids or aerodynamic for gases Mechanical vibration of the valve components: from flow induced random pressure fluctuations in the fluid within the valve and from impingement of the fluid against flexible parts of the valve. In conventional valves, the main source of noise from mechanical vibrations arises from the sidewise motion of the valve plug within its guiding surfaces. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

21/81 20/81

Noise and Vibration Control This noise source usually produces sound at frequencies below 1500 Hz (metallic rattling sound). Noise emitted - of less concern to the designer than the damage of the valve plug and guide surfaces resulting from the vibration. noise from valve vibration - considered beneficial, because the noise warns of conditions in the valve (wear, excessive clearance, etc.) that could result in valve failure.

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Mechanical vibration noise source: valve components resonating at their natural frequencies. Resonant vibration of valve components produces a pure-tone component, (between 3 kHz and 7 kHz). causes high stresses in the component that may lead to fatigue failure. Example- Flexible members, such as the metal seal ring of a ball valve

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Noise and Vibration Control Hydrodynamic flow noise from a valve handling liquids arises from several sources: (a) turbulent velocity fluctuations in the liquid stream, (b) cavitation when bubbles of vapor collapse after being momentarily formed in the fluid within the valve, and (c) Flashing (vaporization) of the liquid when the pressure within the valve falls below the vapor pressure of the liquid

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Noise and Vibration Control Cavitation of the fluid: - major cause of hydrodynamic noise in valves. As the liquid is accelerated within the valve through valve ports, static pressure head is converted to kinetic energy, and the pressure of the liquid decreases. When the static pressure of the liquid falls below the vapor pressure of the liquid, vapor bubbles are formed within the liquid stream. As these bubbles move downstream into a region of higher pressure (greater than the vapor pressure), the bubbles collapse or implode and cavitation occurs. Noise generated by cavitation has a broad frequency range.

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Noise and Vibration Control Flashing of the liquid: occurs when the pressure of the liquid drops below the vapor pressure of the liquid at the inlet temperature to the valve. The resulting flow from the valve is two-phase flow, a mixture of liquid and vapor. The deceleration and expansion of the two-phase flow stream produce the noise generated in a valve handling a flashing liquid.

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Empirical relationships have been developed that can be used to predict the hourly energy-equivalent A-weighted sound level for freely flowing traffic. It was found that the noise produced by all types of vehicles was proportional to the vehicle volume V, vehicles/hour, and inversely proportional to the equivalent distance from the highway DE, meters, raised to the 1.5 power. For automobiles and medium trucks, the noise is directly proportional to the vehicle speed S, km/hour, raised to the 2.0 power. For heavy trucks, however, the noise was found to be inversely proportional to the truck speed.

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Noise and Vibration Control Empirical relationships have been developed that can be used to predict the hourly energy-equivalent A-weighted sound level for freely flowing traffic (T R B, 1976). It was found that the noise produced by all types of vehicles was: -proportional to the vehicle volume V, vehicles/hour, and -inversely proportional to the equivalent distance from the highway DE, meters, raised to the 1.5 power. For automobiles and medium trucks, the noise is directly proportional to: vehicle speed S, km/hour, raised to the 2.0 power. For heavy trucks, the noise was found to be inversely proportional to the truck speed.

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Figure2 nearest and farthest lane distances for traffic noise equivalent distance from the highway to the observer

DE = (DNDF)1/2
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The correlations for the A-weighted equivalent sound level for each type of vehicle: (a) Automobiles: Le(A) = 10 log10 V -15 log10 DE + 20 log10 S + 16 (b) Medium trucks: Le(A) = 10 log10 V -15 log10 DE + 20 log10 S + 26 (c) Heavy trucks: Le(A) = 10 log10 V -15 log10 DE - 10 log10 S + 84 The total A-weighted sound level is found by combining the levels due to the three types of vehicle:

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Noise and Vibration Control 5.4 Noise Control strategies and means
systematic approach - source-path-receiver model

Figure 3 Source-path-receiver model for analyzing noise problems

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Noise and Vibration Control 5.4 Noise Control strategies and means
Two types noise sources : sources associated with structural vibrations and sources associated with gas fluctuations Noise control at the source is always the preferred option but is

usually difficult.
Noise control during the propagation path is the second choice

and some commonly used techniques are discussed.

Noise control at the receiver is the last resort and usually

involves hearing protectors in the form of earplugs or earmuffs.

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5.5 Noise Control At The Source

Noise generated by fluctuating forces in structures

Figure 4 Noisy and quiet bending of a metal strip

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Noise generated by fluctuating forces in structures The internal forces in a machine are transferred as structureborne sound to the surface where it is radiated as sound. The forces can be either steady, caused by reciprocating motion in an engine, or transient caused by impacts. More noise is produced if a task is carried out with great force for a short time than with less force for a longer time. Since the structural vibration will have to radiate as sound from the machine surfaces reduction of the surface area or reduction of the radiation efficiency of he surface can be good noise control techniques. An object with a small surface area may vibrate intensely without a great deal of noise radiation. The higher the frequencies, the smaller the surface must be to prevent disturbance.

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Figure 5 Noisy vs. low noise methods for cutting cardboard. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 6 Example showing the importance of the size of the sound radiating surface on the resulting noise generation Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 7 Example showing the importance of the size of the sound radiating surface on the resulting noise generation

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Figure 8 Reduction of sound radiation by the use of a perforated plate Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 9a reduction of sound radiation by changing the shape of

a radiating surface

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Figure 9b reduction of sound radiation by changing the shape

of a radiating surface

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Figure 10 The sound generation from a loudspeaker is

increased by putting it into an enclosure and thus preventing short circuiting of pressure between the front and back of the cone.

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Figure 11 Example for reduction of sound generation by reducing drop height Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Since sound is generated by structural vibration measures to reduce surface vibration will also give noise reduction. One way is to increase the damping of the structure by adding coatings or intermediate layers with better internal damping.

Figure 12a Reduction of sound radiation by introduction of

damping layers in a structure

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Figure 12b Reduction of sound radiation by introduction of

damping layers in a structure

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Figure 13 Example of reduction of sound radiation by introduction of damping layers in a pump coupling. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 13 Example of reduction of sound radiation caused by structural resonances in a saw blade by introduction of damping. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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It is easier to damp high frequency vibration than low frequency vibration. Large vibrating plates often have low frequency resonances which can be difficult to damp. If the plate is stiffened, the resonance shifts to higher frequency, which can be more easily damped.

Figure 14a Sound reduction by shifting structural resonances to higher frequencies. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 14b Sound reduction by shifting structural resonances to higher frequencies. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Noise and Vibration Control 5.4.1 Noise generated by fluid flow

Flowing gases or liquids can generate high sound

pressure levels when they interact with a solid structure or as a free stream jet. In addition the machines generating the flow, e.g. compressors pumps and IC-engines usually give high pressure pulsations in the connected pipes. The pressure pulsations can also excite the structure and generate structural vibrations which produce sound. The sound waves are transmitted through the pipes to the radiators, where the large metal surfaces vibrate and radiate sound.

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Figure 15 Example of noise control by reduction of turbulence generated vibrations in pipes Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 16 Sound generation by air flow past an object in an air stream. For the circular cross section bar a loud Strohal tone is produced. Noise control measures include disturbing the regular production of vortices Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 17 Noise reduction of a Strohal tone using a sheet metal spiral on a chimney

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Figure 18 Noise control of a cutter wheel by filling the cavity with a rubber material. A strong tonal sound is generated by vortices formed at the edge interacting with the cavity at certain frequencies. After filling the cavity the character of the sound becomes broad band.

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Figure 19 Smooth pipe walls without discontinuities give less turbulence exciting duct wall vibrations and sound.

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Figure 20 Principle for jet noise reduction by introducing a secondary air stream around the core jet exhaust to reduce the relative flow speed difference between the jet stream and the surrounding air. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 21 Principle for jet noise reduction by dividing the core jet stream into several smaller jet streams. This reduces the turbulent mixing area and the noise generation Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


Noise and Vibration Control Fan and Propeller Sound Generation

The inflow to fans is very important for sound generation. If there is an inflow disturbance giving a lot of turbulence the sound will be more intense. The same principle applies to propellers in water.

Figure 22 Principle of fan and propeller sound generation.

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Fans should not be placed close to any discontinuities in a duct.

Figure 23 Fan noise control by increasing the distance between duct discontinuities and the fan.

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Figure 24 Principle for noise reduction in a liquid filled pipe

using smooth duct transitions. Because a rapid pressure drop is avoided less gas bubbles are formed.

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Figure 25 Valve noise control by using larger cone diameters, straighter flow pathways, and more rounded edges.

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Noise and Vibration Control Cavitation occurs when gas bubbles are formed and then collapses- due to large pressure drop. Noise production typically takes place at control valves, at pump pistons, and at propellers when large and rapid pressure drops occur in liquids. Cavitation" noise is most common in hydraulic systems. Cavitation can be reduced by bringing about the pressure reduction in several smaller steps. The noise is conducted as solid-borne sound to connected machines and building structures. To control the noise a pressure reducing insert can be placed in the same pipe as the control valve. The insert has removable plates with different perforations. The plates are selected so that the insert will not produce a greater pressure drop than that required to prevent cavitation.

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Figure 26 Pressure reduction in several steps to reduce cavitation noise.

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Noise and Vibration Control High frequency sound is reduced more effectively than low frequency sound by propagation through air. In addition, it is easier to insulate and shield. Shift the sound toward higher frequencies. applicable for external industrial noise. The low frequency noise from roof fans in an industrial building disturbs residents of houses a quarter-mile away. Solution: Replace the rooftop fan by another one of similar capacity but with a larger number of fan blades. Produces less low frequency noise and more high frequency noise.

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Noise and Vibration Control Sometimes it is beneficial to shift the sound generation to lower frequencies which are less disturbing to the human ear. We are less sensitive to low frequency noise than to high frequency noise. If it is not possible to reduce the noise, it may be possible to change it so that more of it is at lower frequencies. Example : diesel engine in a ship operating at 125 rpm and directly connected to the propeller. The noise from the propeller is extremely disturbing on board. A differential gear was installed between the motor and the propeller so that the motor speed changed to 75 rpm. The propeller was replaced by a larger one and the noise was shifted to a lower frequency, making it less disturbing. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 27 Reduction of the community noise from a roof top fan by replacing it with a fan with larger number of blades

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Figure 13-40 Reduction of the propeller noise disturbance on a ship by reducing the engine speed

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5.5 Noise Control During The Propagation Path

Control of structure borne sound

Figure 26 Noise control by applying vibration isolation to an elevator drive. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Figure 27 Vibration isolation at the source or at the receiver.

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Figure 28 Measures to improve low frequency vibration isolation by making the foundation more rigid.
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Figure 29 Noise and vibration control solution for drive motors for paper-making


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Control of airborne sound

Figure 30 High frequency sound is reflected by hard surfaces and does not pass corners easily.

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Figure 31 Noise control of high frequency sound from a riveting machine by using a hood with sound absorbing material. As sound travels towards the operator, the glass reflects it against the soundabsorbing walls.
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Figure 32 Low frequency sound radiates in all directions also after passing over a barrier or through a hole in a barrier.
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If noise prevention not possible , - enclose the machines. Use a dense material (sheet metal or plasterboard) on the outside. Use a sound absorbent material on the inside. A single hood of this type can reduce the sound level by 15-20 dB(A). Install mufflers on cooling air openings of electric motors. Install easily opened doors for machine adjustment and service.

Figure 33 Noise control of sand blasting operation using leadrubber draping.

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Figure 34 Double wall sound reduction increases with increasing spacing between the walls
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Figure 35 Sound sources should be placed as far away as possible from reflecting surfaces to reduce noise generation.
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Figure 36 Panel absorbers can be used to absorb sound in a limited frequency range

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Figure 37 For noise control in a room use sound absorbing material in the ceiling when using shields or barriers. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Noise and Vibration Control 5.6 Noise Control At The Receiver

design considerations for building a control room: constructing the control rooms with materials having

adequate sound reduction number.

providing good sealing around doors and windows providing openings for ventilation with passages for cables

and piping equipped with good seals.

The control room will need adequate ventilation and

possibly air conditioning in hot working areas.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the doors will be opened for

ventilation, which would spoil the effectiveness of the room in reducing the noise level. Two types of hearing protection: earmuffs and earplugs.

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Figure 38 Aspects to be considered when designing a control room. Noise problems in control rooms and workshop offices can be caused by direct airborne sound, or by the transmission of structure-borne sound or by both. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Thank You

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