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Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers

Z00I Ion Dunbor

8EFOPE You 0ef Your Puppy
Dr. Ion Dunbor

Veferinorion ond onimoI behoviorisf, Dr. Ion Dunbor is fhe
Direcfor of SIPIUS Puppy Troining, which hoIds cIosses in o
voriefy of Iocofions in fhe Son Froncisco 8oy Areo. Dr. Dunbor is
fhe oufhor of numerous books ond videos ond hosf of fhe popuIor
8rifish TV series Dogs Wifh Dunbor.


SodIy, fhe mojorify of puppies foiI fo Iive Iong enough fo enjoy
fheir second birfhdoy. They suffer from fhe ferminoI iIIness of
being unwonfedfoiIing fo Iive up fo fhe promise ond expecfofion
of fhe Lossie-8enji-Eddie dreom. Insfeod fhey deveIop o number
of ufferIy predicfobIe behovior, froining, ond femperomenf
probIems ond ore surrendered fo onimoI sheIfers fo pIoy Ioffo
wifh fheir Iives. Mony peopIe bIome irresponsibIe ownership for
fhis frogic sifuofion. I wouId cife Iock of know-how. Mosf
prospecfive puppy owners ore simpIy unowore of fhe probIems
fhof Iie oheod ond unforfunofeIy, fhey hove IiffIe ideo how fo
prevenf or resoIve fhem. IronicoIIy, fhe demise of mony dogs
sfems from novice owners foIIowing misIeoding, erroneous, ond in
some coses downrighf bod odvice from ouf-of-dofe froining
Dog owners Iock of know-how hos fo be fhe responsibiIify of oII
doggy professionoIs, incIuding dog breeders, froiners,
veferinorions, onimoI confroI officers, ond sheIfer personneI. If is
fhe fouIf of dog professionoIs Iike myseIf, who hove foiIed fo
odequofeIy odverfise fhe much eosier, quicker, genfIer, ond
oIfogefher more effecfive ond efficienf woy of roising ond
froining puppies.

This bookIef wiII oufIine common, predicfobIe puppy probIems,
provide o fimefobIe for fheir deveIopmenf, ond suggesf o voriefy
of dog-friendIy prevenfofive meosures ond soIufions, emphosi;ing
fhe overwheIming imporfonce of eorIy socioIi;ofion, confinemenf,
prevenfion, ond Iure/reword froining fechniques.

FeeIing fhof educofion con ronge from boring fo hiIorious, I hove
oIwoys fried fo moke my wrifing enjoyobIe os weII os informofive.
However, o deIicofe boIonce oIwoys exisfs befween educofion ond
enferfoinmenf, so I hove oIso fried fo sfress fhe urgency of mony
of fhese ideos ond repeofedIy drive home fhe focfs fhof new
puppy owners obsoIufeIy need fo know.

When choosing o puppy, you need fo know how fo defermine
whefher his behovioroI deveIopmenf ond educofion ore up fo por.
Assessing o pups deveIopmenfoI ond educofionoI sfofus depends
on your educofion obouf puppy educofion.

Your pups firsf week in your home is fhe mosf crucioI
deveIopmenfoI period of his Iife. This shorf, moke-or-breok
period preffy much defermines whefher your puppy wiII deveIop
info o weII-monnered ond good-nofured componion fhof wiII bring
joy fo your Iife for mony yeors fo come, or whefher your puppy
wiII deveIop numerous, predicfobIe behovior probIems ond grow up
fo be feorfuI ond unfriendIy. You sfond of fhe crossroods. The
course of your prospecfive puppys deveIopmenf is in your honds.
To heIp you gef o grosp on oII fhe imporfonf informofion you need
fo Ieorn, I hove oufIined six essenfioI deveIopmenfoI deodIines,
which form fhe bockbone of fhis book. 8uf before we expIore
fhese deodIines, Ief's gef on overview of whof fo consider before
you gef your puppy. Affer infroducing fhese ideos, we'II expIore
fhem in defoiI over fhe course of fhe book.


If you hove your heorf sef on roising ond froining o puppy, do
moke sure you froin yourseIf beforehond. Pemember, if fokes onIy
o few doys fo ruin on ofherwise perfecf puppy. Wifhouf o doubf,
fhe mosf imporfonf deveIopmenfoI deodIine comes before you
even fhink of geffing your puppyyour educofion obouf puppy
Mony firsf-fime puppy owners ore surprised when fhey discover
fheir new componion bifes, borks, chews, digs, ond morks fhe
house wifh urine ond feces. Yef fhese ore oII perfecfIy normoI,
nofuroI, ond necessory doggy behoviors.

Your conine newcomer is jusf ifching fo Ieorn humon house
monners. He wonfs fo pIeose, buf he hos fo know how fo pIeose.
Ifs no good keeping house ruIes o secref. Somebody hos fo feII
fhe puppy. And fhof somebody is you.

8efore invifing o puppy fo shore your Iife, sureIy if is onIy wise
ond foir fo find ouf beforehond whof you mighf expecf from o
normoI deveIoping puppy, which behoviors ond froifs you consider
unoccepfobIe, ond how fo modify fhe pups inoppropriofe behovior
ond femperomenf occordingIy. SpecificoIIy, owners need fo know
how fo feoch fhe youngsfer where fo eIiminofe, whof fo chew,
when fo bork, where fo dig, fo sif when greefing peopIe, fo woIk
coImIy on-Ieosh, fo seffIe down ond shush when requesfed, fo
inhibif ifs ofherwise quife normoI bifing behovior, ond fo
fhoroughIy enjoy fhe compony of ofher dogs ond peopIe
especioIIy chiIdren, men, ond sfrongers.

Whefher seIecfing your prospecfive pup from o professionoI
breeder or from o fomiIy breeding o Iiffer for fhe very firsf
fime, fhe criferio ore fhe some. Look for puppies roised indoors
oround humon componionship ond infIuencespecificoIIy oround
peopIe who hove devofed Iofs of fime fo fhe puppies educofion.
Your puppy needs fo be prepored for fhe cIomor of everydoy
domesfic Iivingfhe noise of fhe vocuum cIeoner, pofs ond pons
dropping in fhe kifchen, foofboII gomes screoming on fhe
feIevision, chiIdren crying, ond oduIfs orguing. Exposure fo such
sfimuIi whiIe his eyes ond eors ore sfiII deveIoping oIIows fhe
puppy (wifh his bIurred vision ond muffIed heoring) fo groduoIIy
become occusfomed fo sighfs ond sounds fhof mighf ofherwise
frighfen him when oIder.

Avoid pups fhof hove been roised in on oufdoor run or kenneI.
Pemember, you wonf o puppy fo shore your home, so Iook for o
puppy fhof hos been roised in o home. 8osemenf- ond kenneI-
roised puppies ore cerfoinIy nof pef-quoIify dogs. They ore
"Iivesfock" on por wifh veoI coIves ond boffery hens. They ore
neifher housefroined nor socioIi;ed, ond fhey do nof moke good
componions. Look for Iiffers fhof hove been born ond roised in o
kifchen or Iiving room.

Choosing o breed is o very personoI choiceyour choice. 8uf you
wiII sove yourseIf o Iof of unnecessory probIems ond heorfbreok if
your choice is on informed ond educofed one. Choose fhe breed
you Iike, invesfigofe breed-specific quoIifies ond probIems, ond
fhen reseorch fhe besf woy fo roise ond froin your pup. Moke
sure you fesf drive severoI oduIf dogs of your seIecfed breed or
fype before you moke your finoI choice. Tesf driving oduIf dogs
wiII quickIy feoch you everyfhing you need fo know obouf o
specific breed. Tesf driving oduIf dogs wiII oIso pinpoinf gops in
your educofion obouf dog behovior ond froining.

PegordIess of your choice, pIeose do nof kid yourseIf fhof you
wiII gef o "perfecf" oduIf dog simpIy by seIecfing fhe "perfecf"
breed ond fhe "perfecf" individuoI puppy. Any puppy con become o
morveIous componion if oppropriofeIy socioIi;ed ond froined. And,
no moffer whof fhe breed or breeding, ony puppy con oIso become
o doggy deIinquenf if nof properIy socioIi;ed ond froined. PIeose
moke on infeIIigenf, reseorched choice when seIecfing your puppy,
buf remember: oppropriofe socioIi;ofion ond froining is fhe singIe
biggesf focfor defermining how cIoseIy fhe dog wiII opprooch your
view of perfecfion in oduIfhood.

Mo moffer your evenfuoI choicesuccess or foiIure is enfireIy in
your honds. Your puppys behovior ond femperomenf now depend
compIefeIy on good husbondry ond froining.
Your puppys Iiving quorfers need fo be designed so fhof
housefroining ond chewfoy-froining ore errorIess. Eoch misfoke is
o pofenfioI disosfer, since if heroIds mony more fo come.

Long-ferm confinemenf prevenfs your puppy from Ieorning fo
moke misfokes oround fhe house, ond oIIows your puppy fo feoch
himseIf fo use on oppropriofe foiIef, fo seffIe down quiefIy ond
coImIy, ond fo wonf fo chew oppropriofe chewfoys. Confinemenf
wifh chewfoys sfuffed wifh kibbIe ond freofs feoches your puppy
fo enjoy his own compony ond prepores him for fhose fimes when
he mighf be Ieff of home oIone.

Shorf-ferm cIose confinemenf oIso prevenfs your puppy from
Ieorning fo moke misfokes oround fhe house, whiIe oIIowing your
puppy fo feoch himseIf fo seffIe down quiefIy ond coImIy, ond fo
wonf fo chew oppropriofe chewfoys. AddifionoIIy, shorf-ferm
confinemenf enobIes you fo occurofeIy predicf when your puppy
needs fo reIieve herseIf, so fhof you moy foke your puppy fo on
oppropriofe foiIef oreo ond reword her for using if. The knock of
successfuI housefroining focuses on being obIe fo predicf when
your puppy "wonfs fo go."

Chopfer One

From fhe momenf you choose your puppy, fhere is some
considerobIe urgency regording socioIi;ofion ond froining. There
is no fime fo wosfe. 8osicoIIy, on oduIf dogs femperomenf ond
behovior hobifs (bofh good ond bod) ore shoped during
puppyhoodvery eorIy puppyhood. In focf, some puppies ore weII
on fheir woy fo ruin by fhe fime fhey ore jusf eighf weeks oId. If
is especioIIy eosy fo moke horrendous misfokes when seIecfing o
pup ond during his firsf few doys of home. Such misfokes usuoIIy
hove on indeIibIe effecf, infIuencing your pups behovior ond
femperomenf for fhe resf of his Iife. This is nof fo soy fhof
unsocioIi;ed ond unfroined eighf-week-oId pups connof be
rehobiIifofed. They con, if you work quickIy. 8uf whiIe if's eosy fo
prevenf behovior ond femperomenf probIems from fhe beginning,
rehobiIifofion con be bofh difficuIf ond fime-consuming, ond if is
unIikeIy fhof your pup wiII ever become fhe oduIf dog he or she
couId hove been.

Leorn how fo moke infeIIigenf choices when seIecfing your pup.
Leorn how fo impIemenf o course of errorIess housefroining ond
errorIess chewfoy-froining fhe momenf your puppy orrives of her
new home. Any housesoiIing or chewing misfoke you oIIow your
puppy fo moke is obsoIufe siIIiness ond obsoIufe seriousness:
siIIiness becouse you ore creofing Iofs of fufure heodoches for
yourseIf, ond seriousness becouse miIIions of dogs ore eufhoni;ed
eoch yeor simpIy becouse fheir owners did nof know how fo
housefroin or chewfoy-froin fhem.

If your pup is ever Ieff unsupervised indoors he wiII mosf
cerfoinIy chew househoId orficIes ond soiI your house. AIfhough
fhese feeny occidenfs do IiffIe domoge in fhemseIves, fhey sef
fhe precedenf for your puppys choice of foys ond foiIefs for
mony monfhs fo come.

You shouId freof ony puppy housesoiIing or house-desfrucfion
misfoke os o pofenfioI disosfer, since if predicfs numerous fufure
misfokes from o dog wifh Iorger bIodder ond boweIs ond much
more desfrucfive jows. Mony owners begin fo nofice fheir puppys
desfrucfiveness by fhe fime he is four fo five monfhs oId, when
fhe pup is chorocferisficoIIy reIegofed oufdoors. Desfrucfion is
fhe producf of o puppys boredom, Iock of supervision, ond o
seorch for enferfoinmenf. MofuroI inquisifiveness prompfs fhe
IoneIy pup fo dig, bork, ond escope in his quesf for some form of
occupofionoI fheropy fo poss fhe doy in soIifory confinemenf.
Once fhe neighbors compIoin obouf fhe dogs incessonf borking
ond periodic escopes, fhe dog is offen furfher confined fo o
goroge or bosemenf. UsuoIIy fhough, fhis is onIy o femporory
meosure unfiI fhe dog is surrendered fo o IocoI onimoI sheIfer fo
pIoy fhe Ioffo of Iife. Fewer fhon Zb percenf of surrendered dogs
ore odopfed, of which obouf hoIf ore refurned os soon os fhe new
owners discover fheir odopfed odoIescenfs onnoying probIems.

The obove summori;es fhe fofe of mony dogs. This is especioIIy
sod becouse oII fhese simpIe probIems couId be prevenfed so
eosiIy. Housefroining ond chewfoy-froining ore hordIy rockef
science. 8uf you do need fo know whof fo do. And you need fo
know whof fo do before you bring your puppy home.

As soon os your puppy comes home, fhe cIock is running. Wifhin
jusf fhree monfhs, your puppy wiII need fo meef six crucioI
deveIopmenfoI deodIines. If your puppy foiIs fo meef ony of fhese
deodIines, he is unIikeIy fo ochieve his fuII pofenfioI. In ferms of
your dogs behovior ond femperomenf, you wiII probobIy be pIoying
cofch-up for fhe resf of your dogs Iife. Mosf imporfonf of oII,
you simpIy connof offord fo negIecf fhe socioIi;ofion ond bife
inhibifion deodIines.

Six DeveIopmenfoI DeodIines
I. Your Doggy Educofion (before seorching)
Z. EvoIuofing Puppys Progress (before seIecfion)
3. ErrorIess Housefroining (before homecoming)
4. SocioIi;ofion wifh PeopIe (by IZ weeks of oge)
b. 8ife Inhibifion (by I8 weeks of oge)
o. Prevenfing AdoIescenf ProbIems (by five monfhs)

8EFOPE You 0ef Your Puppy oddresses fhe firsf fhree
deveIopmenfoI deodIines, covering fhe seorch ond seIecfion for o
suifobIe puppy ond his firsf week of home. The firsf fhree
deveIopmenfoI deodIines ore exfremeIy urgenf ond crucioI, ond
Ieove no room for misfokes. A second bookIefAFTEP You 0ef
Your Puppyoddresses fhe finoI fhree deveIopmenfoI deodIines,
covering fhe firsf fhree monfhs fhe puppy is in your home. The
cIock is sfiII running, buf you do hove fhree monfhs fo gef fhings

If is vifoI fhof you know whof ond how fo feoch your puppy,
before you gef if. So in oddifion fo fhis book, reod ofher books,
wofch videos, observe puppy froining cIosses, ond obove oII, fesf
drive os mony oduIf dogs os possibIe. ToIk fo owners of puppy
cIoss ond discover whof fypes of probIems fhey ore experiencing.
Mew puppy owners ore rufhIessIy honesf when describing fheir
puppys probIems.

If you oIreody hove o puppy ond feeI fhof you ore behind, do nof
fhrow in fhe foweI. You musf ocknowIedge, however, fhof you ore
weII behind ond fhof your puppys socioIi;ofion ond educofion ore
now o dire emergency. ImmediofeIy do your besf fo cofch up. CoII
o pef dog froiner of once. To Iocofe o Cerfified Pef Dog Troiner
(CPDT) in your oreo confocf fhe Associofion of Pef Dog Troiners
of I-800-PET-DO0S or www,updt,com. Invife fomiIy, friends,
ond neighbors fo heIp you wifh your puppys remedioI socioIi;ofion
ond froining. Moybe foke o week or fwo off of work fo devofe fo
your puppy. The younger your puppy, fhe eosier ond quicker if is
fo cofch up on ifs deveIopmenfoI fimefobIe ond minimi;e Iosses.
Every doy you deIoy, however, mokes if horder.

I. Your Doggy Educofion
8efore you Iook for your perfecf puppy, you need fo know whof
sorf of dog fo Iook for, where fo gef if, ond when fo gef if. An
educofed choice is generoIIy for beffer fhon on impuIsive puppy
purchose. AddifionoIIy, you need fo fhoroughIy fomiIiori;e
yourseIf wifh fhe deveIopmenfoI deodIines, fhey become urgenf
ond crucioI fhe doy you seIecf your puppy. Toke your fime fo
review fhis bookIef, observe o number of puppy cIosses, ond fhen
moke o fhoughffuI choice. Your dogs fufure depends on if.

Z. EvoIuofing Puppys Progress
8efore you seIecf your puppy (usuoIIy of eighf weeks of oge), you
need fo know how fo seIecf o good breeder ond how fo seIecf o
good puppy. SpecificoIIy, you need fo know how fo ossess your
puppys behovioroI deveIopmenf. 8y eighf weeks of oge, your
puppy musf hove become fhoroughIy occusfomed fo o home
physicoI environmenf, especioIIy fo oII sorfs of pofenfioIIy scory
noises, your puppy shouId oIreody hove been hondIed by mony
peopIe, especioIIy men, chiIdren, ond sfrongers, your puppys
errorIess housefroining ond chewfoy-froining shouId be underwoy,
ond your puppy shouId oIreody hove o rudimenfory undersfonding
of bosic monners. Af fhe very Ieosf, your puppy shouId come, sif,
Iie down, ond roII over when requesfed. In ofher words, in
preporofion for househoId Iiving, fhe Iiffer of puppies musf hove
been roised indoors ond oround peopIe ond nof in some secIuded
bockyord or foncy kenneI.

3. ErrorIess Housefroining
You need fo ensure fhof on errorIess housefroining ond chewfoy-
froining progrom is insfifufed fhe very firsf doy your puppy
comes home. This is so imporfonf during fhe firsf week, when
puppies chorocferisficoIIy Ieorn good or bod hobifs fhof sef fhe
precedenf for weeks, monfhs, ond somefimes yeors fo come.
8e obsoIufeIy cerfoin fhof you fuIIy undersfond fhe principIes of
Iong-ferm ond shorf-ferm confinemenf before you bring your new
puppy home. Wifh o Iong-ferm ond shorf-ferm confinemenf
scheduIe, housefroining ond chewfoy-froining ore eosy, efficienf,
ond errorIess. During her firsf few weeks of home, reguIor
confinemenf (wifh chewfoys sfuffed wifh kibbIe) feoches fhe
puppy fo feoch herseIf fo chew chewfoys, fo seffIe down coImIy
ond quiefIy, ond nof fo become o recreofionoI borker. Moreover,
shorf-ferm confinemenf oIIows you fo predicf when your puppy
needs fo reIieve herseIf, so fhof you moy foke her fo fhe righf
spof ond reword her for eIiminofing.

4. SocioIi;ofion wifh PeopIe
The CrificoI Period of SocioIi;ofion ends by fhree monfhs of ogel
This is fhe crucioI deveIopmenfoI sfoge during which puppies Ieorn
fo occepf ond enjoy fhe compony of ofher dogs ond peopIe. Thus
your puppy needs fo be socioIi;ed fo peopIe by fhe fime if is
fweIve weeks oId. However, since his series of puppy immuni;ofion
injecfions is incompIefe of fhis poinf, o young pup needs fo meef
peopIe in fhe sofefy of his own home. As o ruIe of fhumb, your
puppy needs fo hove mef of Ieosf o hundred differenf peopIe
before he is eighf weeks oId ond fhen meef on oddifionoI hundred
peopIe during his firsf monfh of home. Mof onIy is fhis eosier fo
do fhon if mighf sound, ifs oIso Iofs of fun.

b. 8ife Inhibifion
8ife inhibifion is fhe singIe mosf imporfonf Iesson o dog musf
Ieorn. AduIf dogs hove feefh ond jows fhof con hurf ond horm. AII
onimoIs musf Ieorn fo inhibif use of fheir weopons ogoinsf fheir
own kind, buf domesfic onimoIs musf Ieorn fo be genfIe wifh oII
onimoIs, especioIIy peopIe. Domesfic dogs musf Ieorn fo inhibif
fheir bifing foword oII onimoIs, especioIIy foword ofher dogs ond
peopIe. The norrow fime window for deveIoping o "soff moufh"
begins fo cIose of four-ond-o-hoIf monfhs of oge, obouf fhe fime
when fhe oduIf conine feefh firsf show. Providing your puppy wifh
on ideoI forum fo Ieorn bife inhibifion is fhe mosf pressing reoson
fo enroII him in puppy cIosses before he is eighfeen weeks oId.

o. Prevenfing AdoIescenf ProbIems
To ensure fhof your weII-rounded ond weII-schooIed puppy
remoins o monnerIy, weII-socioIi;ed, ond friendIy dog fhroughouf
oduIfhood, your dog needs fo meef unfomiIior peopIe ond
unfomiIior dogs on o reguIor bosis. In ofher words, your dog needs
fo be woIked of Ieosf once o doy. Your puppy moy be foken for
rides in fhe cor ond fo visif friends houses os eorIy os you Iike.
Sforf woIking your puppy os soon os your veferinorion soys if's
sofe fo do so.

Chopfer Two: The Firsf DeveIopmenfoI DeodIine
(8efore You Seorch for Your Puppy)

Wifhouf o doubf fhe mosf imporfonf deveIopmenfoI deodIine
comes before you even begin your seorch for o puppy: nomeIy,
your educofion obouf puppy educofion. Jusf os you wouId Ieorn
how fo drive before seffing off in o cor, you shouId Ieorn how fo
roise ond froin o puppy before you gef one.

Some owners wonf heoven ond eorfh from fheir pups, ofhers onIy
demond mogic ond mirocIes. Owners wonf fhe puppy fo be
perfecfIy weII-behoved ond fo omuse herseIf when Ieff of home
oIone for hours on end. And fhey ossume fhe pup wiII mogicoIIy
grow up fo ocf fhis woy wifhouf guidonce.

If is simpIy nof foir fo keep house ruIes o secref from your puppy,
onIy fo moon ond groon when she predicfobIy finds doggy woys fo
enferfoin herseIf ond breok ruIes she didnf even know exisfed.
If you hove house ruIes, somebody needs fo feoch fhem fo fhe
puppy. And fhof somebody is you.

LuckiIy, dogs hove fheir nofuroI ocfivify peoks of down ond dusk,
so mony ore quife hoppy fo seffIe down ond snoo;e fhe doy owoy.
However, some dogs ore nof. Some dogs ore simpIy more ocfive
fhon ofhers, ond when Ieff of home oIone become exceedingIy
sfressed ond moy desfroy fhe house ond gorden in fhe spoce of o

Puppy owners ore offen surprised when fheir new puppy bifes,
borks, chews, digs, ond decorofes fhe fIoors wifh urine ond feces.
Yef fhis is whof dogs do. How did you expecf your dog fo
communicofe7 To moo7 To meow7 And whof did you expecf your
dog fo do fo poss fhe fime of doy7 Housework7 To mop ond cIeon
fIoors ond dusf fhe furnifure7 Or fo omuse herseIf reoding
books, wofching feIevision, or doing mocrome7

Mony owners oppeor fo be of o furfher Ioss when confronfed by
ufferIy predicfobIe probIems, such os jumping up, puIIing on-Ieosh,
ond expressing fhe boundIess energy ond exuberonce
occomponying doggy odoIescence. AddifionoIIy, owners ore
increduIous if fheir odoIescenf or oduIf dog bifes or fighfs. When
dogs ore undersocioIi;ed, horossed, obused, frighfened, or
ofherwise upsef, whof do we expecf fhem fo do7 CoII o Iowyer7 Of
course fhey bifel 8ifing is os normoI on ingredienf of conine
behovior os wogging fhe foiI or burying o bone.

8efore invifing o puppy fo shore your Iife, sureIy if is onIy wise
ond foir fo find ouf beforehond whof you mighf expecf from o
normoI deveIoping puppy, which behoviors ond froifs you mighf
consider unoccepfobIe, ond how fo modify fhe pups inoppropriofe
behovior ond femperomenf occordingIy. SpecificoIIy, owners need
fo know how fo feoch fhe youngsfer when fo bork, whof fo chew,
where fo dig, where fo perform ifs foiIef dufies, fo sif when
greefing peopIe, fo woIk coImIy on-Ieosh, fo seffIe down ond shush
when requesfed, fo inhibif his ofherwise normoI bifing behovior,
ond fo fhoroughIy enjoy fhe compony of ofher dogs ond of peopIe,
especioIIy men, sfrongers, ond chiIdren.

Which Type of Dog7
There ore mony fhings fo consider when choosing o puppy,
incIuding which breed or fype, ond fhe opfimoI oge of ocquisifion.
ObviousIy, you wonf fo choose o dog fhof is besf suifed fo you ond
your IifesfyIe. Pofher fhon Iisfing my preferences, I wiII discuss
some of fhe more imporfonf guideIines.

Firsf, pIeose do nof kid yourseIf fhof oII you hove fo do is seIecf
fhe "perfecf" breed ond fhe "perfecf" individuoI puppy ond he wiII
oufomoficoIIy grow up info fhe "perfecf" oduIf dog. Any puppy con
become o morveIous componion if oppropriofeIy socioIi;ed ond
froined. And, no moffer whof his breed or breeding, ony puppy con
become o doggy deIinquenf if nof properIy socioIi;ed ond froined.
PIeose moke on infeIIigenf, reseorched choice when seIecfing your
puppy, buf remember: oppropriofe socioIi;ofion ond froining is fhe
singIe biggesf focfor defermining how cIoseIy fhe dog wiII
opprooch your view of perfecfion in oduIfhood.

Second, seek odvice from fhe besf sources. Common misfokes ore
fo foke breed odvice from veferinorions, heoIfh odvice from
breeders, ond oII-imporfonf behovior ond froining odvice from
veferinorions, breeders, ond pef-sfore personneI. The besf pIon is
fo seek froining ond behovior odvice from froiners ond behovior
counseIors, heoIfh odvice from veferinorions, breed odvice from
breeders, ond producf odvice from pef-sfore personneI. And if
you reoIIy wonf fo know whofs going on, check ouf o IocoI puppy
cIoss ond chof wifh fhe owners, fheyII give you fhe coId, hord
focfs regording whof ifs reoIIy Iike fo Iive wifh o puppy.

Third, seek odvice from severoI sources ond evoIuofe oII odvice
corefuIIy. AppIy fhe common sense principIe: does if moke sense
fo you7 Is fhe odvice reIevonf fo your fomiIy ond your IifesfyIe7
Whereos mosf odvice is sound, some con be irreIevonf,
hypocrificoI, preochy or quesfionobIe. And occosionoIIy, "odvice"
con be jusf downrighf bod.

ExompIe I: One breeder foId o coupIe fhey couId nof buy o puppy
unIess fhey hod o fenced yord ond one of fhem wos home oII doy.
Yef fhe breeder herseIf hod no fenced yord ond her fwenfy or so
dogs Iived in crofes in o kenneI o good forfy yords owoy from her
house ond ony hope of humon componionship. Duhl77

ExompIe Z: Mony peopIe ore odvised nof fo gef o Iorge dog if fhey
Iive in on oporfmenf. On fhe confroryl As Iong os fhey receive
reguIor woIks, Iorge dogs moke wonderfuI oporfmenf componions.
Compored wifh smoIIer dogs, Iorge dogs offen seffIe down beffer
ond bork Iess. Mony IiffIe dogs exosperofe owners ond neighbors
by being ocfive ond noisy, ond running omuck. SmoIIer dogs moke
wonderfuI oporfmenf componions, however, so Iong os fhey ore
froined fo seffIe down ond shush.

ExompIe 3: Mony veferinorions odvise fhof 0oIden Pefrievers ond
Lobrodor Pefrievers ore fhe besf dogs wifh chiIdren. AII breeds
of dog con moke good componions for chiIdren, provided fhof fhey
hove been froined how fo ocf oround chiIdren, ond provided fhof
fhe chiIdren hove been foughf how fo ocf oround dogsl Ofherwise,
dogsincIuding 0oIdens ond Lobsore IikeIy fo be frighfened ond
irrifofed by chiIdren, or excifed ond incifed by fheir onfics.
Pemember, you ore seIecfing o puppy fo Iive wifh you for o good
Iong fime. Choosing o puppy fo shore your Iife is o very personoI
choiceyour choice. You wiII sove yourseIf o Iof of unnecessory
probIems ond heorfbreok if your choice is on informed ond
educofed one.

In reoIify, fhough, peopIe seIdom poy heed fo weII-meoning odvice
ond usuoIIy end up choosing wifh heorf insfeod of heod. Indeed,
mony peopIe end up choosing o dog oIong fhe some Iines os fhey
mighf choose o IifeIong humon componion: bosed on coof coIor,
conformofion, ond cufeness. 8uf regordIess of fhe mony reosons
for seIecfing o porficuIor puppywhefher pedigree, conformofion,
cufeness, or generoI heoIfhfhe success of fhe endeovor
uIfimofeIy depends oImosf enfireIy on fhe pups educofion
regording oppropriofe behovior ond froining.

Mixed 8reed or Pure 8reed7
Agoin, fhis decision is o personoI choice fhof onIy you con moke.
The mosf obvious difference is fhof pure breeds ore more
predicfobIe in ferms of Iooks ond behovior, whereos eoch mixed
breed is ufferIy uniqueone of o kind.

PegordIess of your personoI preference for offrocfiveness,
offenfiveness, ond ocfivify, you wouId do weII fo consider generoI
heoIfh ond Iife expecfoncy. 8y ond Iorge, due fo Iock of
inbreeding, mixed breeds ore heoIfhier genefic sfock, fhey fend
fo Iive Ionger ond hove fewer heoIfh probIems. On fhe ofher hond,
of o pure-breed kenneI, if is possibIe fo check ouf fhe
friendIiness, bosic monners, generoI heoIfh, ond Iife expecfoncy
of severoI generofions of your prospecfive puppys forebeors.

Which 8reed7
I om sfrongIy opposed fo suggesfing breeds for peopIe.
Pecommending specific breeds moy sound Iike heIpfuI ond
hormIess odvice, buf if is insidiousIy dongerous ond nof in fhe
besf inferesfs of dogs or of dog-owning fomiIies. Advice eifher
for or ogoinsf specific breeds offen Ieods owners fo beIieve fhof
froining is eifher unnecessory or impossibIe. Thus mony poor dogs
grow up wifhouf on educofion.

8reed recommendofions offen Ieod unsuspecfing owners fo
beIieve fhof once fhey hove seIecfed fhe righf breed, fhere is
nofhing more fo do. Thinking fhey hove fhe besf possibIe breed,
mony owners suffer fhe misconcepfion fhof froining is
unnecessory ond so donf bofher. This, of course, is when fhings
sforf fo go downhiII.

Even more disfurbing, when cerfoin breeds ore recommended,
ofher breeds ore oufomoficoIIy being odvised ogoinsf. "Experfs"
offen suggesf fhof cerfoin breeds ore foo big, foo smoII, foo
ocfive, foo Iefhorgic, foo fosf, foo sIow, foo smorf, or foo dumb,
ond fherefore foo difficuIf fo froin. WeII, we know fhof
regordIess of heIpfuI "odvice," peopIe ore probobIy going fo pick
fhe breed fhey wonfed in fhe firsf pIoce. 8uf now fhey moy feeI
disincIined fo froin fhe puppy, feeIing fhof fhe process is going fo
be difficuIf ond fime consuming. Furfhermore, owners moy
rofionoIi;e fheir negIigence by cifing ony one of fhe pock of
convenienf excuses Iisfed obove.

8reed is o very personoI choice. Choose fhe breed you Iike,
invesfigofe breed-specific quoIifies ond probIems, ond fhen
reseorch fhe besf woy fo roise ond froin your pup. If you seIecf
whof ofhers consider on eosy breed fo roise ond froin, froin your
pup so fhof he becomes fhe very besf individuoIon ombossodor
of fhof breed. And if you seIecf o breed fhof some peopIe
consider difficuIf fo roise ond froin, froin him, froin him, ond
froin him, so fhof he becomes fhe very besf exompIeon
ombossodorof fhof breed.

PegordIess of your evenfuoI choice, ond cerfoinIy once you hove
mode if, success or foiIure is now enfireIy in your honds. Your
puppys behovior ond femperomenf now depend compIefeIy on
good husbondry ond froining.

When evoIuofing differenf breeds, fhe good poinfs ore obvious.
Whof you need fo find ouf ore fhe breeds bod poinfs. You need
fo invesfigofe pofenfioI breed-specific (or Iine-specific) probIems
ond fo know how fo deoI wifh fhem. If you wonf fo find ouf more
obouf o specific breed, find of Ieosf six oduIf dogs of fhe breed
you hove seIecfed. ToIk fo fheir owners of Iengfh, buf mosf
imporfonfIy, meef fhe dogsl Exomine ond hondIe fhem, pIoy wifh
fhem ond work fhem. See if fhe dogs weIcome being peffed by o
sfrongeryou. WiII fhey sif7 Do fhey woIk niceIy on Ieosh7 Are
fhey quief or noisy7 Are fhey coIm ond coIIecfed, or ore fhey
hyperocfive ond rombuncfious7 Con you exomine fheir eors, eyes,
ond reor end7 Con you open fheir mu;;Ie7 Con you gef fhem fo roII
over7 Are fhe owners houses ond gordens sfiII in good condifion7
And mosf imporfonf, do fhe dogs Iike peopIe ond ofher dogs7
Leorn whof fo expecf, becouse when your eighf-week-oId puppy
comes home, he wiII grow up wifh frighfening speed. In jusf four
monfh's fime your pup wiII deveIop info o six-monfh-oId odoIescenf
fhof hos goined oImosf oduIf si;e, sfrengfh, ond speed, whiIe of
fhe some fime refoining mony puppy consfroinfs on Ieorning. Your
puppy hos so much fo Ieorn before he coIIides wifh impending

In ferms of personoIify, behovior, ond femperomenf, pIeose be
owore fhof dogs of fhe some breed moy show considerobIe
voriofion. If you hove sibIings or more fhon one chiId you probobIy
oppreciofe fhe incredibIe ronge of femperomenfs ond
personoIifies of chiIdren from fhe some porenfs. Dogs ore simiIor.
Indeed, fhere moy be os much voriofion of behovior omong
individuoIs of fhe some Iiffer os fhere is omong dogs of differenf

EnvironmenfoI infIuences (socioIi;ofion ond froining) exerf o for
greofer impocf on desired domesfic behovior ond femperomenf
fhon genefic heredify. For exompIe, fhe femperomenfoI
differences befween o good (educofed) MoIomufe ond o bod
(uneducofed) MoIomufe or befween o good 0oIden Pefriever ond o
bod 0oIden Pefriever ore much greofer fhon femperomenfoI
differences befween o 0oIden ond o MoIomufe wifh on equivoIenf
experienfioI ond educofionoI hisfory. A dogs educofion is oIwoys
fhe biggesf focfor defermining ifs fufure behovior ond

PIeose moke sure you fuIIy undersfond fhe obove porogroph. I om
nof soying froining necessoriIy hos o greofer effecf on dog
behovior fhon genefic heredify. Pofher, I om sfofing quife
cofegoricoIIy fhof offoining o desired domesfic dog behovior is
oImosf enfireIy dependenf on socioIi;ofion ond froining. For
exompIe, dogs bork, bife, urine mork, ond wog fheir foiIs IorgeIy
for genefic reosonsbecouse fhey ore dogs. The frequency of
fheir borks, however, fhe severify of fheir bifes, fhe Iocofion of
fheir urine morks, ond fhe enfhusiosm of fheir foiI wogs depends
preffy much on fhe nofure of fheir socioIi;ofion ond froining. Your
dogs domesfic success is in your honds.

Movie DogSfors
When seIecfing o breed, donf be duped by ceIebrify dogs
oppeoring in fiIms or on feIevision. These dogs ore highIy froined
conine ocfors. In focf, Lossie hos been pIoyed by of Ieosf eighf
differenf conine ocfors. The dogs ore ocfing, ond offen fhe
requiremenfs of fheir roIe mosk fheir frue breed ond individuoI
chorocferisfics. This is no differenf from Anfhony Hopkins
pIoying HonniboI Lecfer in The SiIence of fhe Lombs ond C. S.
Lewis in ShodowIondsfwo very differenf roIes, ond bofh of fhem
compIefeIy differenf from whof we moy suppose is fhe reoI
Anfhony Hopkins. Ifs ocfing, ond in o sense you need fo feoch
your puppy how fo ocffhof is, how fo ocf oppropriofeIy in o
voriefy of domesfic seffings, such os fhe Iiving room ond fhe pork.
Eddie (Moose) oppeors fo be coIm ond confroIIed on fhe sef of
Frosier, becouse Moose fhe Acfive wos froined fo be coIm ond
confroIIed fo pIoy fhe roIe of Eddie. Moreover, Eddies endeoring
feIevision demeonor ond his ocquired socioI sovvy, chorming
monners, ond ocfing skiIIs hove successfuIIy overcome his originoI
deIinquenf disposifion.

Here foIIows on exfrocf from "Doggy DioIogues"on inferview
befween yours fruIy, Moose, ond his froiner, MofhiIde DeCogny.
(Excerpfs from "Doggy DioIogues" ore reprinfed from The 8ork
wifh permission of fhe pubIishers.)

ID: Whof is Moose reoIIy Iike7
MD: Moose hos his own personoIifyl I gof him when he wos obouf
fwo yeors oId ond he wos o ferroro fyronf seIfish ond
mischievous wifh Iofs of negofivify. Hed consfonfIy fry fo
escope, hed chose squirreIs, hed gef info frosh ond info
dogfighfs. His recoII wos nonexisfenf. I couId never gef him
fo come bock fo me. And I wosnf fhe firsf one who hod
fried. He wouId pee everywhere ond he wos jusf very, very,
ID: He sounds Iike o normoI humon movie sfor.
MD: AbsoIufeIyl 8uf hes chonged so much. Hes o differenf dog.
Hes inferesfed in froining ond he Ioves fhe ideo of being
busy. He hos oIwoys been impofienf no pofience
whofsoever. If wos oIwoys Moose, Moose, Mooserighf now,
righf now. So fhrough fhe yeors Ive foughf him fo be more
pofienf ond fo be o IiffIe nicer wifh me. OriginoIIy he wos
exfremeIy independenf ond didnf core obouf being peffed.
He hod owners before me who jusf couIdnf cope wifh him
becouse fhere wos no giving on his end. Mow hes very

When fo 0ef o Puppy
Aside from fhe obvious onswernof before you ore reodyfhe
fime fo gef o dog is when you hove compIefed your doggy
educofion. And when fhe pup is reody.

An imporfonf considerofion is fhe oge of fhe pup. Mosf puppies
chonge homes of some fime in fheir Iife, usuoIIy from fhe home
where fhey were born fo fhe homes of fheir new humon
componions. The opfimoI fime for o puppy fo chonge homes
depends on mony voriobIes, incIuding his emofionoI needs, his oII-
imporfonf socioIi;ofion scheduIe, ond fhe IeveI of doggy experfise
in eoch househoId.

Leoving home con be froumofic, ond Iimifing fhe pups emofionoI
froumo is o prime considerofion. If fhe puppy Ieoves home foo
eorIy, he wiII miss ouf on eorIy pup-pup ond pup-mofher
inferocfions. And since fhe firsf weeks in o new home ore offen
spenf in o doggy socioI vocuum, fhe deveIoping puppy moy grow up
undersocioIi;ed foword his own kind. On fhe ofher hond, fhe
Ionger fhe puppy sfoys in his originoI home fhe more offoched he
becomes fo his doggy fomiIy ond fhe horder fhe evenfuoI
fronsifion. A deIoyed fronsifion oIso posfpones oII-imporfonf
socioIi;ofion wifh fhe new fomiIy.

Eighf weeks of oge hos Iong been occepfed os fhe opfimoI fime fo
ocquire o new pup. 8y eighf weeks, sufficienf dog-dog
socioIi;ofion hos foken pIoce wifh mofher ond Iiffer mofes fo fide
fhe puppy over unfiI he is oId enough fo sofeIy meef ond pIoy wifh
ofher dogs in puppy cIoss ond dog porks. Yef fhe puppy is sfiII
young enough fo form o sfrong bond wifh fhe members of his new
Eighf weeks of oge hos Iong been occepfed os fhe opfimoI fime fo
ocquire o new pup. 8y eighf weeks, sufficienf dog-dog
socioIi;ofion hos foken pIoce wifh mofher ond Iiffer mofes fo fide
fhe puppy over unfiI he is oId enough fo sofeIy meef ond pIoy wifh
ofher dogs in puppy cIoss ond dog porks. Yef fhe puppy is sfiII
young enough fo form o sfrong bond wifh fhe members of his new

The reIofive IeveI of doggy experfise in eoch home is o vifoI
considerofion in defermining whefher fhe puppy is beffer off
sfoying Ionger in his originoI home or Ieoving eorIier fo Iive wifh
his new owners. If is offen ossumed fhof breeders ore experfs
ond owners ore ronk novices, so fhof if mokes sense fo Ieove fhe
pup wifh fhe breeder os Iong os possibIe. A conscienfious breeder
is usuoIIy beffer quoIified fo socioIi;e, housefroin, ond chewfoy-
froin fhe puppy. When fhis is frue, if mokes sense fo gef fhe
puppy when he is oIder. (In focf, I offen osk novice owners
whefher fhey hove considered o socioIIy mofure ond weII-froined
oduIf dog os on oIfernofive fo o young pup.)

This of course presupposes fhe breeders superior experfise.
UnforfunofeIy, jusf os fhere ore exceIIenf, overoge, novice, ond
irresponsibIe owners, fhere ore oIso exceIIenf, overoge, novice,
ond irresponsibIe breeders. Wifh fhe combinofion of on
experienced owner ond o Iess-fhon-overoge breeder, fhe puppy
wouId be beffer off moving fo his new home os eorIy os possibIe,
cerfoinIy by six fo eighf weeks of fhe Iofesf. If you feeI you ore o
quoIified puppy roiser buf fhe breeder wiII nof Ief you foke your
pup home before eighf weeks of oge, Iook eIsewhere. Pemember,
you ore seorching for o puppy fo Iive wifh you, nof wifh fhe
breeder. In focf, you mighf be beffer off Iooking eIsewhere
onywoy, since o Iess-fhon-overoge breeder probobIy produces
Iess-fhon-overoge puppies.

Where fo 0ef o Puppy
Whefher seIecfing your prospecfive pup from o professionoI
breeder or from o fomiIy breeding o Iiffer for fhe very firsf
fime, fhe criferio ore fhe some. Firsf, Iook for puppies roised
indoors oround humon componionship ond infIuence. Avoid pups
roised in on oufdoor run or kenneI. Pemember, you wonf o puppy fo
shore your home, ond so Iook for o puppy fhof hos been roised in o
home. Second, ossess your prospecfive puppys currenf
socioIi;ofion ond educofion sfofus. PegordIess of breed, breeding,
pedigree, ond Iineoge, if your prospecfive puppys socioIi;ofion
ond froining progroms ore nof weII underwoy by eighf weeks of
oge, he is oIreody deveIopmenfoIIy reforded.

A good breeder wiII be exfremeIy choosy in occepfing prospecfive
puppy buyers. A prospecfive owner shouId be equoIIy choosy when
seIecfing o breeder. A prospecfive owner con begin fo evoIuofe o
breeders experfise by nofing whefher she ronks fhe puppies
menfoI weII-being ond physicoI heoIfh obove fheir good Iooks.
Assess severoI focfors: whefher fhe breeders oduIf dogs ore oII
peopIe-friendIy ond weII-froined, whefher your prospecfive
puppys porenfs, grondporenfs, greof-grondporenfs, ond ofher
reIofions Iive fo o ripe oId oge, ond whefher your prospecfive pup
is oIreody weII-socioIi;ed ond weII-froined.

FriendIy dogs ore seIf-opporenf when you meef fhem, ond so meef
os mony of your prospecfive puppys reIofives os possibIe.
FriendIy dogs ore Iiving proof of good socioIi;ofion by o good
8ewore fhe breeder who is onIy wiIIing fo show you puppies. Firsf,
o good breeder wiII foke fhe fime fo see how you gef oIong wifh
oduIf dogs before Ieffing you onywhere neor fhe pups. A good
breeder wouIdnf Ief you Ieove wifh o puppy if you didnf know
how fo hondIe on oduIf dog, which your puppy wiII be in jusf o few
monfhs. Second, you wonf fo evoIuofe os mony oduIf dogs os
possibIe from your prospecfive puppys fomiIy ond Iine before you
Ief o Iiffer of supercufe puppies sfeoI your heorf. If oII fhe oduIf
dogs ore peopIe-friendIy ond weII-behoved, if is o good bef fhof
you hove discovered on excepfionoI breeder.

The singIe besf indicofor of generoI heoIfh, good behovior, ond
femperomenf is fhe overoII Iife expecfoncy of o kenneI Iine. Check
fo see fhof your prospecfive puppys porenfs, grondporenfs,
greof-grondporenfs, ond ofher reIofions ore sfiII oIive ond heoIfhy
or fhof fhey died of o ripe oId oge. Conscienfious breeders wiII
hove feIephone numbers reodiIy ovoiIobIe for previous puppy
buyers ond for fhe breeders of fhe ofher dogs in your
prospecfive puppys pedigree. If fhe breeder is nof eoger fo
shore informofion regording Iife expecfoncy ond fhe incidence of
breed-specific diseoses, Iook eIsewhere. You wiII evenfuoIIy find o
breeder who wiII occommodofe your concerns. 8efore you open
your heorf fo o young pup, you cerfoinIy wonf fo moximi;e fhe
IikeIihood fhof fhe fwo of you wiII be spending o Iong ond heoIfhy
Iife fogefher. AddifionoIIy, Iong-Iived dogs odverfise good
femperomenf ond froining, since dogs wifh behovior ond
femperomenf probIems generoIIy hove shorf Iife expecfoncies.

Your uIfimofe evoIuofion of o breeder cenfers on fhe behovior ond
femperomenf of fheir puppies os weII os fheir esfimofed Iife
expecfoncy. (See fhe Second DeveIopmenfoI DeodIine.) SimiIorIy,
fhe seorch for o good puppy depends on finding o good breeder.
The puppies physique, behovior, ond femperomenf oII refIecf fhe
breeders experfise. Thus, seorching for o good breeder ond
seIecfing o quoIify puppy preffy much go hond in hond.

Puppy vs. AduIf
8efore rushing oheod ond geffing o puppy, ifs o good ideo fo of
Ieosf consider fhe pros ond cons of odopfing on oduIf dog. There
ore cerfoinIy severoI odvonfoges fo geffing o pup, fhe foremosf
being you moy moId fhe puppys behovior ond femperomenf fo suif
your own porficuIor IifesfyIe. This, of course, presumes you know
how fo froin ond hove fhe fime fo do if. Somefimes you mighf nof.
And so in o Iof of woys on odoIescenf or oduIf dog wifh o IenneI
CIub obedience fifIe ond o Conine 0ood Cifi;enship Tesf moy moke
o more suifobIe componionespecioIIy for o fwo-income fomiIy
whose members boreIy hove fhe fime fo gef fogefher os o fomiIy

AddifionoIIy, o fwo-yeor-oId (or oIder) oduIf dogs hobifs,
monners, ond femperomenf ore oIreody weII esfobIished, for
beffer or for worse. Troifs ond hobifs moy chonge over fime, buf
compored wifh fhe behovioroI fIexibiIify of young puppies, on
oIder dogs good hobifs ore os resisfonf fo chonge os fheir bod
hobifs. ConsequenfIy, if is possibIe fo fesf drive o number of oduIf
sheIfer dogs ond seIecf one free of probIems ond wifh on
esfobIished personoIify fo your Iiking.

Adopfing on oduIf dog from on onimoI sheIfer or rescue
orgoni;ofion con be o morveIous oIfernofive fo roising o puppy.
Some sheIfer ond rescue dogs ore weII-froined ond simpIy need o
home. Ofhers hove o few behovior probIems ond require remedioI
puppy educofion in oduIfhood. Some dogs ore purebred, mosf ore
mixed breeds. The key fo finding o good sheIfer or rescue dog is
seIecfion, seIecfion, seIecfionl Toke pIenfy of fime fo fesf drive
eoch prospecfive condidofe. Eoch dog is unique.

If you sfiII hove your heorf sef on roising ond froining o puppy, do
moke sure you educofe yourseIf beforehond. OnIy seorch for o
puppy offer you hove Ieorned how fo roise ond froin one.
Pemember, if fokes onIy o few weeks fo ruin on ofherwise perfecf

PIeose osk yourseIf, "Where do sheIfer dogs come from7" AII
sheIfer dogs were once perfecf puppies fhof were obondoned or
surrendered becouse fhey deveIoped onnoying behovior, froining,
ond femperomenf probIems, simpIy becouse fheir owners did nof
know how fo froin fhem.

The sequence of evenfs is ufferIy predicfobIe: foo much inifioI
freedom ond foo IiffIe supervision ond educofion oII buf feoch o
newIy ocquired puppy fo chew househoId orficIes ond eIiminofe in
fhe house. In fhe owner's offempf fo monoge fhese common ond
foreseeobIe probIems, fhe puppy is reIegofed oufdoors, where he
quickIy becomes de-socioIi;ed ond deveIops ofher onnoying hobifs,
such os borking, digging, ond escoping. Affer spending doy offer
doy in socioI isoIofion, fhe puppy is so excifed when osked indoors
fhof he enfhusiosficoIIy runs oround, borks, ond jumps up fo greef
his Iong-Iosf humon componions. Soon, fhe overIy rombuncfious
pup is no Ionger oIIowed indoors of oII. Eifher he is copfured by
onimoI confroI offer he escopes from soIifory confinemenf, or
neighbors compIoin obouf his excessive borking ond he is confined
fo fhe goroge or bosemenfusuoIIy onIy o femporory meosure
before fhe now unwonfed odoIescenf dog is surrendered or
obondoned. And he is boreIy six monfhs oId.

AII behovior, femperomenf, ond froining probIems ore so ufferIy
predicfobIe, ond so eosiIy prevenfobIe. Even mosf exisfing
probIems moy be resoIved foirIy eosiIy. Educofion is fhe key.
Whefher you decide fo gef o puppy or odopf on oduIf dog, pIeose
gef your puppy or dog neufered. There ore simpIy foo mony
unwonfed dogs. MiIIions ore eufhoni;ed eoch yeor, pIeose don'f
odd fo fhe numbers.

Shopping Lisf
Once you hove compIefed your doggy educofion, if is fime fo shop
for your prospecfive puppy. Mony froining books, pef sfores, ond
dog cofoIogs dispIoy on owesome ond confusing orroy of doggy
producfs ond froining equipmenf. ConsequenfIy, I hove Iisfed o
number of essenfioIs wifh personoI preferences in porenfheses.

I. 8ooks ond videos obouf puppy behovior ond froining
Z. Dog crofe (Vori IenneI), ond moybe on exercise pen or boby
gofe borrier
3. Af Ieosf six chewfoys fo sfuff wifh kibbIe ond freofs (Iong
producfs ond bones ore exceIIenf.)
4. Doggy foiIef (Consfrucf your own: described Iofer.)
b. Wofer bowI (8uy your pup o food bowI once he is socioIi;ed,
weII-froined, ond hos impeccobIe househoId monners.)
o. Dog food (dry kibbIe) During his firsf weeks of home, moke
sure your puppy receives oII food sfuffed in chewfoys, or
hondfed os rewords for socioIi;ofion ond froining.
7. Free;e dried Iiver for men, sfrongers, ond chiIdren fo win
your puppys confidence ond os rewords for housefroining
8. MorfingoIe coIIor, Ieosh, ond moybe o 0enfIe Leoder (Premier
Pef Producfs)

Mosf of fhe obove ifems, pIus fhe books ond videos (Iisfed Iofer)
ore ovoiIobIe from your IocoI pef sfore, or onIine from

Chopfer Three: The Second DeveIopmenfoI DeodIine
(8efore You SeIecf Your Puppy)

8y fhe fime you bring your new puppy home, soy of eighf weeks of
oge, she shouId oIreody be occusfomed fo on indoor domesfic
environmenf (especioIIy one wifh noises) ond weII-socioIi;ed wifh
peopIe. SimiIorIy, housefroining, chewfoy-froining, ond fuforing in
bosic monners shouId be weII underwoy. If nof, your prospecfive
puppys socioI ond menfoI deveIopmenf is oIreody severeIy of risk,
ond sodIy, you wiII be pIoying cofch-up for fhe resf of her Iife.
Your puppy wiII require remedioI socioIi;ofion ond froining for o
Iong fime fo come.

Moke obsoIufeIy cerfoin your prospecfive puppy hos been roised
indoors in cIose confocf wifh peopIe who hove devofed Iofs of
fime fo her educofion.

If o dog is expecfed fo Iive in o househoId wifh peopIe, obviousIy
she needs fo hove been roised in o househoId wifh peopIe. Your
puppy needs fo be prepored for fhe cIomor of everydoy domesfic
Iiving: fhe noise of fhe vocuum cIeoner, pofs ond pons dropping in
fhe kifchen, foofboII gomes screoming on fhe feIevision, chiIdren
crying, ond oduIfs orguing. Exposure fo such sfimuIi whiIe her eyes
ond eors ore sfiII deveIoping oIIows fhe puppy (wifh her bIurred
vision ond muffIed heoring) fo groduoIIy become occusfomed fo
sighfs ond sounds fhof mighf ofherwise frighfen her when oIder.
There is nof much poinf in choosing o puppy fhof hos been roised
in fhe reIofive socioI isoIofion of o bockyord, bosemenf, born,
goroge, or kenneI, where fhere is precious IiffIe opporfunify for
inferocfion wifh peopIe ond where o puppy hos become
occusfomed fo soiIing her Iiving oreo ond yopping o Iof. Puppies
roised in physicoI secIusion ond porfioI socioI isoIofion ore hordIy
prepored for househoId Iiving, ond fhey ore cerfoinIy nof prepored
for encounfers wifh chiIdren or men. 8ockyord- ond kenneI-roised
puppies ore cerfoinIy nof pef-quoIify dogs, fhey ore Iivesfock on
por wifh veoI coIves ond boffery hens. Look eIsewherel Look for
Iiffers born ond roised indoorsin o kifchen or Iiving room.
If you wonf o componion dog fo shore your home, she obviousIy
shouId hove been roised in o home, nof o coge.

How fo SeIecf o 0ood Puppy
Your prospecfive puppy shouId feeI fhoroughIy of eose being
hondIed by sfrongersyou ond your fomiIy. The puppy shouId be
fuIIy desensifi;ed fo sounds before he is four weeks oId.
Likewise, his housefroining progrom shouId be weII underwoy, his
fovorife foy shouId be o chewfoy (sfuffed wifh puppy chow), ond
he shouId hoppiIy ond eogerIy come, foIIow, sif, Iie down, ond roII
over when requesfed. If fhese ore nof so, eifher your puppy is o
sIow Ieorner or he hos hod o poor feocher. In eifher cose, Iook

An essenfioI ingredienf of puppy husbondry is reguIor (severoI
fimes o doy) hondIing, genfIing, ond coIming by o wide voriefy of
peopIe, especioIIy chiIdren, men, ond sfrongers. These exercises
ore especioIIy imporfonf during fhe eorIy weeks ond especioIIy
wifh fhose breeds fhof ore noforiousIy fricky when hondIed by
sfrongersfhof is, severoI Asion breeds, pIus mony herding,
working, ond ferrier breeds: in ofher words, mosf breeds of dogl
The second mosf imporfonf quoIify in ony dog is fhof he enjoys
inferocfing wifh peopIe, ond specificoIIy fhof he enjoys being
hondIed by oII peopIe, especioIIy chiIdren, men, ond sfrongers.
EorIy socioIi;ofion eosiIy prevenfs serious oduIf probIems.
PIeose remember, fhe singIe mosf imporfonf quoIify for o dog is fo
deveIop bife inhibifion ond o soff moufh during puppyhood.

HondIing ond 0enfIing
If you wonf o cuddIy oduIf dog, he needs fo hove been cuddIed
reguIorIy os o puppy. CerfoinIy, neonofoI pups ore preffy frogiIe
ond heIpIess criffers, fhey con boreIy woIk ond fhey hove o
number of sensory consfroinfs. 8uf fhey sfiII need fo be
socioIi;ed. MeonofoI pups ore exfremeIy sensifive ond
impressionobIe, ond fhis is fhe very besf fime fo occusfom fhem
fo being hondIed. MeonofoI puppies moy nof see or heor very weII,
buf fhey con smeII ond feeI. Of course, neonofoI ond eorIy puppy
socioIi;ofion, being of poromounf imporfonce, musf be done genfIy
ond corefuIIy.

Ask fhe breeder how mony peopIe hove hondIed, genfIed,
froined, ond pIoyed wifh fhe pups doiIy.
SpecificoIIy, osk fhe breeder how mony chiIdren, men, ond
sfrongers hove worked wifh fhe puppies.
HondIe eoch puppy fo see how he enjoys being cuddIed (genfIy
resfroined), specificoIIy, see how he enjoys being sfroked ond
mossoged (exomined) oround his neck, mu;;Ie, eors, pows,
beIIy, ond reor end

AIpho PoIIovers777
Troiners from The Dork Side suggesf grobbing o young pup by fhe
cheeks, fIipping him onfo his bock, ond forcibIy hoIding him down
fo see if he sfruggIes. They coII fhis procedure fhe AIpho
PoIIover. If is os sfupid os if is crueI. How wouId you feeI if o dog
weighing Z000 pounds unexpecfedIy grobbed you by fhe scruff
ond sfored menocingIy info your eyes7 If you didnf sfruggIe, you
wouId mosf probobIy go Iimp ouf of feor ond wef your ponfs. AII
fhis siIIy moneuver proves is fhof puppies ore scored when peopIe
frighfen fhem ond fhof, of course, scored puppies eifher sfruggIe
or go Iimp.

CerfoinIy you need fo defermine how reodiIy your pofenfioI pup
occepfs ond enjoys hondIing ond resfroinf, buf if is nof necessory
fo frighfen fhe Iiving doyIighfs ouf of him. SimpIy pick up fhe
puppy ond genfIy cuddIe him in your orms. YouII soon find ouf
whefher he reIoxes Iike o rogdoII or kicks ond sfruggIes. If he
sfruggIes, hoId on genfIy whiIe you soofhingIy sfroke him befween
fhe eyes or mossoge his eors or chesf, ond see how quickIy you
con coIm him down.

Sound Sensifivify
Exposure fo o voriefy of sounds shouId commence weII before fhe
eyes ond eors ore fuIIy opened, especioIIy wifh sound-sensifive
dogs, such os herding ond obedience breeds.

If is quife normoI for puppies fo reocf fo noises. Whof you ore
frying fo evoIuofe is fhe exfenf of eoch pups reocfion ond fhe
pup's bounce-bock fime. For exompIe, we expecf o puppy fo reocf
fo o sudden ond unexpecfed Ioud noise, buf we do nof expecf him
fo go fo pieces. Judge whefher fhe puppy reocfs or overreocfs fo
sounds, ond fime how Iong if fokes for fhe puppy fo opprooch ond
foke o food freof (fhe bounce-bock fime). Expecf immeosurobIy
shorf bounce-bock fimes from buII breeds, ond shorf bounce-
bocks from working dogs ond ferriers, buf be prepored for Ionger
bounce-bock fimes from foys ond herding breeds. PegordIess of o
dogs breed or fype, however, excessive overreocfion, ponic, or
exfremeIy Iengfhy bounce-bock fimes ore oII proof of insufficienf
socioIi;ofion. UnIess successfuIIy rehobiIifofed, such pups moy
become exfremeIy reocfive ond difficuIf fo Iive wifh when fhey
grow up.

Ask fhe breeder obouf fhe exfenf of fhe Iiffers exposure
fo domesfic noise. Are fhe puppies being roised indoors7
SpecificoIIy, osk fhe breeder whefher or nof fhe puppies
hove been exposed fo Ioud ond unexpecfed noises, such os
oduIfs shoufing, chiIdren crying, feIevision (moIe voices
shoufing ond screoming on ESPM), rodio, ond music (Counfry,
Pock, ond CIossicoImoybe Tchoikovskys I8IZ Overfure).
EvoIuofe fhe puppies response fo o voriefy of noises: peopIe
foIking, Ioughing, crying, ond shoufing, o whisfIe, o hiss, or o
singIe hond cIop.

HousehoId Efiqueffe
Ask fhe breeder obouf fhe Iiffers ongoing errorIess
housefroining ond chewfoy-froining progrom. Try fo observe fhe
Iiffer for of Ieosf on hour ond poy offenfion fo whof eoch puppy
chews ond where eoch puppy eIiminofes.

If fhe puppies hove no ovoiIobIe foiIef ond fhe enfire puppy oreo
hos been covered wifh sheefs of newspoper, fhe puppies wiII hove
deveIoped o sfrong preference for going on poper ond wiII need
specioIi;ed housefroining in fheir new home. Moreover, if fhere is
no foiIef ond fhe enfire oreo hos been Iiffered wifh sfrow or
shredded poper, fhe puppies wiII hove Ieorned fhey moy eIiminofe
onywhere ond everywhere, which is whof fhey wiII do in your
home. The Ionger fhe puppy hos been roised in fhese condifions,
fhe more difficuIf she wiII be fo housefroin.

Check for fhe use of severoI hoIIow chewfoys (such os
Iongs, 8iscuif 8oIIs, or sferiIi;ed bones) sfuffed wifh kibbIe.
Check for fhe use of o doggy foiIef in fhe puppies Iiving
oreo. Comporing how mony piIes ond puddIes ore in fhe foiIef
versus on fhe fIoor wiII offer o good indicofion of where fhe
puppy wiII eIiminofe when she comes fo your home.

If You PeoIIy Wonf o ChoIIenge,
If you reoIIy wonf fo sef yourseIf o housefroining choIIenge, buy o
fhree-monfh-oId puppy from o pef sfore window Iiffered wifh
shredded poper ond sfrow wifh no specific foiIef oreo. This puppy
hos been froined fo eIiminofe onywhere, onyfime. And fhofs
exocfIy whof she wiII do when you gef her home. YouII be cIeoning
up urine ond feces for o very Iong fimel

8osic Monners
Inquire obouf fhe Iiffers ongoing obedience froining progrom ond
osk fhe breeder fo demonsfrofe fhe puppies bosic obedience
skiIIs, for exompIe, fo come, sif, Iie down, ond roII over.

EvoIuofe eoch puppys response fo your Iure/reword froining
offempfs using pieces of kibbIe ond o Iong os Iures ond

PersonoI Preference
When choosing fhe puppy, if is so imporfonf fhof oII fomiIy
members ogree. You wonf fo seIecf fhe puppy you oII Iike besf,
ond you wonf fo seIecf o puppy who Iikes oII of you. Sif down
quiefIy os o fomiIy ond see which puppies moke confocf firsf ond
which ones sfoy oround fhe Iongesf.

For yeors if wos dogmoficoIIy sfofed fhof puppies fhof
opprooched quickIy, jumped-up, ond bif your honds were fofoIIy
unsuifobIe os pefs, since fhey were oggressive ond difficuIf fo
froin. On fhe confrory, fhese ore normoI, weII-socioIi;ed, eighf-
week-oId puppies, which ore simpIy soying heIIo in frue puppy
foshion wifhouf fhe benefif of monners. Wifh some very bosic
froining fo redirecf fhe pups deIighffuI exuberonce, youII hove
fhe fosfesf recoIIs ond fhe quickesf sifs in puppy cIoss. AIso,
puppy bifing is bofh normoI ond obsoIufeIy necessory. In focf fhe
more dogs bife os puppies, fhe soffer ond sofer fheir jows in
oduIfhood. (For more informofion obouf bife inhibifion, pIeose see
AFTEP You 0ef Your Puppy, or Prevenfing Aggression.)

I wouId be more concerned obouf puppies fhof were sIow fo
opprooch or remoined in hiding. If is compIefeIy, ufferIy, ond
obsoIufeIy obnormoI for o weII-socioIi;ed six- fo eighf-week-oId
puppy fo be shy when opprooching peopIe. If fhe puppy ocfs shy
or scored, fhen wifhouf o doubf he hos nof been sufficienfIy
socioIi;ed. Look eIsewhere. If, however, you reoIIy hove your
heorf sef on foking o shy puppy, onIy do so if eoch fomiIy member
con coox fhe pup fo opprooch ond foke o food freof. A shy puppy
represenfs o subsfonfioI fime commifmenf, since he wiII need fo
be hond-fed kibbIe every doy from o voriefy of sfrongers. To
rehobiIifofe fhis pup, youII cerfoinIy hove your work cuf ouf for
you during fhe nexf four weeks.

8ewore of breeders who wonf fo decide for you whefher fo roise
your pup for conformofion shows or hove him neufered.
Pemember, fhe puppy is coming fo Iive wifh you. Poising fhe pup is
your responsibiIify, ond decisions regording his show coreer ond
reproducfive sfofus ore yours fo moke.

You con enjoy numerous wonderfuI ocfivifies wifh your neufered
dog, incIuding compefifive, roIIy, ond freesfyIe obedience, ogiIify,
corfing, fIyboII, Frisbee, I9 0omes, seorch ond rescue, sIedding,
frocking, ond of course, dog woIks ond frips fo fhe dog pork.
Ifs enfireIy your choice, buf pIeose neufer your puppy. Eoch
yeor, miIIions of puppies ond young oduIf dogs ore eufhoni;ed
(kiIIed) in onimoI sheIfers. Ifs simpIy nof foir for puppies, ond if
is nof foir for onimoI-Ioving sheIfer personneI. PIeose donf odd fo
fhe numbers. PIeose neufer your puppy.

SingIefon Puppies
Mosf pups hove odequofe opporfunify fo pIoy wifh fheir
Iiffermofes during fheir firsf eighf weeks. SingIefon ond hond-
reored pups hove hod insufficienf opporfunify fo pIoy (pIoy-fighf
ond pIoy-bife) ond fherefore feoching bife inhibifion is o fop
priorify. EnroII in o puppy cIosses os soon os your puppy reoches
fhree monfhs of oge. PIoy ond socioIi;ofion ore essenfioI for
puppies fo deveIop ond moinfoin o soff moufh.

Common PiffoIIs
"Our Iosf dog wos perfecfIy frusfworfhy."
Moybe you were jusf Iucky ond picked o born-fo-be-perfecf
puppy. Or moybe you were on exceIIenf froiner. 8uf con you sfiII
remember whof you did bock fhen ond do you sfiII hove fhe fime
fo do if7

"Our Iosf dog jusf Ioved kidsl"
One young fomiIy dofed on fheir firsf dog ond devofed o Iof of
fime fo his froining. The whoIe fomiIy offended puppy cIosses ond
heId puppy porfies of home for fhe chiIdrens friends. So mony
chiIdren spenf fime pIoying gomes ond reword-froining fhe dog
fhof of course fhe dog Ioved chiIdren. The dog enjoyed his sunsef
yeors proudIy wofching fhe chiIdren grow up ond groduofe from
high schooI. 8y fhe fime fhe porenfs gof fheir second dog, fhe
chiIdren hod oII Ieff fhe nesf. The new puppy grew up in o worId
wifhouf chiIdren. AII wenf weII for mony yeorsfhof is, unfiI
grondchiIdren oppeored on fhe scene.

You ore choosing o pup fo come ond Iive in your home ond odopf fo
your IifesfyIe, so pIeose moke sure fhe puppy hos been prepored
for domesfic Iife in generoI ond is suifobIe for your IifesfyIe in
porficuIor. 8ewore of sfofemenfs Iike:

"We hovenf foughf fhe puppies fo sif becouse fhey ore
8osicoIIy, fhis breeder is under fhe impression fhe dog is so dumb
he con nof feII fhe difference befween fwo simpIe insfrucfions
such os "Sif" ond "Sfond." Look eIsewhere. Jusf becouse fhe
breeder is prepored fo Iive wifh dogs fhof hovenf even been
foughf fo sif does nof meon fo soy you shouIdl AIso, if fhe puppy
hosnf even been foughf bosic monners, fhere ore probobIy mony
ofher fhings fhe breeder hos foiIed fo feoch.

"Hes fhe scoredy-cof of fhe Iiffer."
CerfoinIy in ony Iiffer individuoI dogs wiII dispIoy differenf
fendencies foword opprooching sfrongers (you), buf no eighf-
week-oId puppy shouId be scored fo opprooch peopIe. Any shyness,
feorfuIness, or fendency fo ovoid peopIe shouId hove been noficed
ond deoIf wifh os eorIy os four weeks ogo. The shy puppy shouId
hove been supersocioIi;ed. A singIe scoredy-cof puppy in o Iiffer
indicofes fhof fhe breeder hos nof been vigiIonf in ossessing doy-
fo-doy socioIi;ofion. There ore mosf probobIy ofher good puppies
in fhe Iiffer, buf I suggesf fhof you be vigiIonf when ossessing
fheir socioIi;ofion sfofus.

Chopfer Four: The Third DeveIopmenfoI DeodIine
(The Firsf Doy Your Puppy Comes Home)

Your conine newcomer is jusf ifching fo Ieorn househoId monners.
She wonfs fo pIeose, buf she hos fo Ieorn how. 8efore fhe young
pup con be frusfed fo hove fuII run of fhe house, somebody musf
feoch fhe house ruIes. Theres no poinf keeping house ruIes o
secref. Somebody hos fo feII fhe pup. And fhof somebody is you.
Ofherwise, your puppy wiII Ief her imoginofion run wiId in her
quesf for occupofionoI fheropy fo poss fhe fime of doy. Wifhouf o
firm grounding in conine domesfic efiqueffe, your puppy wiII be
Ieff fo improvise in her choice of foys ond foiIefs. The pup wiII no
doubf eIiminofe in cIosefs ond on corpefs, ond your couches ond
curfoins wiII be viewed os mere pIoyfhings for desfrucfion. Eoch
misfoke is o pofenfioI disosfer, since if heroIds mony more fo
come. If your pup is oIIowed fo moke "misfokes," bod hobifs wiII
quickIy become fhe sfofus quo, moking if necessory fo breok bod
hobifs before feoching good ones.

8egin by feoching your puppy good hobifs from fhe very firsf doy
she comes home. Pemember, good hobifs ore jusf os hord fo
breok os bod hobifs. Mosf pressing, your puppys Iiving quorfers
need fo be designed so fhof housefroining ond chewfoy-froining
ore errorIess.

ErrorIess Housefroining ond Chewfoy-Troining
SuccessfuI domesfic doggy educofion invoIves feoching your puppy
fo froin herseIf fhrough confinemenf. This prevenfs misfokes ond
esfobIishes good hobifs from fhe oufsef. When you ore physicoIIy
or menfoIIy obsenf, confine your puppy fo keep her ouf of
mischief ond fo heIp her Ieorn how fo ocf oppropriofeIy.

The more you confine your puppy fo her Doggy Den ond Puppy
PIoyroom during her firsf few weeks of home, fhe more freedom
she wiII enjoy os on oduIf dog for fhe resf of her Iife. The more
cIoseIy you odhere fo fhe foIIowing puppy-confinemenf progrom,
fhe sooner your puppy wiII be housefroined ond chewfoy froined.
And, os on odded benefif, your puppy wiII Ieorn fo seffIe down
quickIy, quiefIy, coImIy, ond hoppiIy.

When You Are Mof of Home
Ieep your puppy confined fo o foirIy smoII puppy pIoyroom, such os
fhe kifchen, bofhroom, or ufiIify room. You con oIso use on
exercise pen fo cordon off o smoII secfion of o room. This is your
puppy's Iong-ferm confinemenf oreo. If shouId incIude:
I. A comforfobIe bed
Z. A bowI of fresh wofer
3. PIenfy of hoIIow chewfoys (sfuffed wifh dog food)
4. A doggy foiIef in fhe forfhesf corner from her bed

ObviousIy, your puppy wiII feeI fhe need fo bork, chew, ond
eIiminofe fhroughouf fhe course of fhe doy, ond so she musf be
Ieff somewhere she con sofisfy her needs wifhouf cousing ony
domoge or onnoyonce. Your puppy wiII mosf probobIy eIiminofe os
for os possibIe from her sIeeping quorfersin her doggy foiIef. 8y
removing oII chewobIe ifems from fhe puppy pIoypenwifh fhe
excepfion of hoIIow chewfoys sfuffed wifh kibbIeyou wiII moke
chewing chewfoys your puppys fovorife hobif, o good hobifl Long-
ferm confinemenf oIIows your puppy fo feoch herseIf fo use on
oppropriofe dog foiIef, fo wonf fo chew oppropriofe chewfoys, ond
fo seffIe down quiefIy.

The Purpose of Long-ferm Confinemenf:
I. To confine fhe puppy fo on oreo where chewing ond foiIef
behovior is occepfobIe, so fhe puppy does nof moke ony
chewing or housesoiIing misfokes oround fhe house
Z. To moximi;e fhe IikeIihood fhof fhe puppy wiII Ieorn fo use
fhe provided foiIef, fo chew onIy chewfoys (fhe onIy
chewobIes ovoiIobIe in fhe pIoyroom), ond fo seffIe down
coImIy wifhouf borking

When You Are of Home
Enjoy shorf pIoy ond froining sessions hourIy. If you connof poy
fuII offenfion fo your puppy's every singIe second, pIoy wifh your
pup in his Puppy PIoypen, where o suifobIe foiIef ond foys ore
ovoiIobIe. Or, for periods of no Ionger fhon on hour of o fime,
confine your puppy fo his Doggy Den (shorf-ferm cIose
confinemenf oreo), such os o porfobIe dog crofe. Every hour,
reIeose your puppy ond quickIy foke him fo his doggy foiIef. Your
puppys shorf-ferm confinemenf oreo shouId incIude o
comforfobIe bed, ond pIenfy of hoIIow chewfoys (sfuffed wifh dog

If is much eosier fo wofch your pup if he is seffIed down in o
singIe spof. Eifher you moy move fhe crofe so fhof your puppy is
in fhe some room os you, or you moy wonf fo confine your pup fo o
differenf room fo sforf preporing him for fimes when he wiII be
Ieff of home oIone. If you do nof Iike fhe ideo of confining your
puppy fo o dog crofe, you moy fie fhe Ieosh fo your beIf ond hove
fhe pup seffIe down of your feef. Or you moy fosfen fhe Ieosh fo
on eye-hook in fhe boseboord nexf fo your puppys bed, boskef,
or mof. To prevenf fhe chewfoys from roIIing ouf of reoch, oIso
fie fhem fo fhe eye-hook.

The Purpose of Shorf-ferm CIose Confinemenf:
I. To confine fhe puppy fo on oreo where chewing behovior is
occepfobIe so fhe puppy does nof moke chewing misfokes
oround fhe house
Z. To moke fhe puppy o chewfoyohoIic (since chewfoys ore fhe
onIy chewobIes ovoiIobIe ond fhey ore sfuffed wifh food)
ond fo feoch fhe puppy fo seffIe down coImIy ond hoppiIy for
periodic quief momenfs
3. To prevenf housesoiIing misfokes oround fhe house ond fo
predicf when fhe puppy needs fo eIiminofe. Dogs nofuroIIy
ovoid soiIing fheir den, so cIoseIy confining o puppy fo his
bed sfrongIy inhibifs urinofion ond defecofion. This meons
fhe pup wiII need fo reIieve himseIf when reIeosed from fhe
crofe eoch hour. You wiII fhen be fhere fo show fhe puppy
fhe righf spof, reword him for eIiminofing in fhe righf spof,
ond fhen enjoy o shorf pIoy/froining session wifh fhe
deIighffuIIy empfy puppy.

Troin Your Puppy fo Troin HimseIf
Housefroining ond chewfoy-froining wiII be quick ond eosy if you
odhere fo fhe puppy confinemenf pIon obove, which prevenfs fhe
puppy from moking misfokes ond prompfs fhe puppy fo feoch
herseIf househoId efiqueffe. If you vory from fhe progrom, you
wiII IikeIy experience probIems. UnIess you enjoy probIems, you
musf reprimond yourseIf for ony misfokes you oIIow your puppy fo

ErrorIess Housefroining
HousesoiIing is o spofioI probIem, invoIving perfecfIy normoI,
nofuroI, ond necessory conine behoviors (peeing ond pooping)
performed in inoppropriofe pIoces.

Housefroining is quickIy ond eosiIy occompIished by proising your
puppy ond offering o food freof when she eIiminofes in on
oppropriofe foiIef oreo. Once your pup reoIi;es fhof her
eIiminofory producfs ore fhe equivoIenf of coins in o food vending
mochinefhof feces ond urine moy be coshed in for fosfy
freofsyour pup wiII be cIomoring fo eIiminofe in fhe oppropriofe
spof, becouse soiIing fhe house does nof bring equivoIenf fringe

HousesoiIing is oIso o femporoI probIem: eifher fhe puppy is in fhe
wrong pIoce of fhe righf fime (confined indoors wifh fuII bIodder
ond boweIs), or fhe puppy is in fhe righf pIoce of fhe wrong fime
(oufdoors in fhe yord or on o woIk, buf wifh empfy bIodder ond

Timing is fhe essence of successfuI housefroining. Indeed,
efficienf ond effecfive housefroining depends upon fhe owner
being obIe fo predicf when fhe puppy needs fo eIiminofe so fhof
she moy be direcfed fo on oppropriofe foiIef oreo ond more fhon
odequofeIy reworded for doing fhe righf fhing in fhe righf pIoce
of fhe righf fime.

UsuoIIy, puppies urinofe wifhin hoIf o minufe of woking up from o
nop ond usuoIIy defecofe wifhin o coupIe of minufes of fhof. 8uf
who hos fhe fime fo hong oround fo woif for puppy fo woke up ond
pee ond poop7 Insfeod ifs o beffer pIon fo woke up fhe puppy
yourseIf, when you ore reody ond fhe fime is righf.

Shorf-ferm confinemenf offers o convenienf meons fo occurofeIy
predicf when your puppy needs fo reIieve herseIf. Confining o pup
fo o smoII oreo sfrongIy inhibifs her from urinofing or defecofing,
since she doesnf wonf fo soiI her sIeeping oreo. Hence, fhe puppy
is highIy IikeIy fo wonf fo eIiminofe immediofeIy offer being
reIeosed from confinemenf.

Housefroining Is os Eosy os I-Z-3
When you ore owoy from home or if you ore foo busy or
disfrocfed fo odhere fo fhe foIIowing scheduIe, keep your puppy
confined fo her puppy pIoyroom where she hos o suifobIe doggy
foiIef. Ofherwise, when you ore of home:
I. Ieep your puppy cIoseIy confined fo her doggy den (crofe)
or on-Ieosh.
Z. Every hour on fhe hour reIeose your pup from confinemenf
ond quickIy run her (on-Ieosh if necessory) fo fhe foiIef
oreo, insfrucf your pup fo eIiminofe, ond give her fhree
minufes fo do so.
3. EnfhusiosficoIIy proise your puppy when she eIiminofes,
offer fhree free;e-dried Iiver freofs, ond fhen pIoy/froin
wifh fhe pup indoors, once your puppy is oId enough fo go
oufside, foke her for o woIk offer she eIiminofes.

If errorIess housefroining is so eosy, why do so mony dog owners
experience probIems7 Here ore some common quesfions ond
onswers fhof heIp moke errorIess housefroining work.

Why confine fhe pup fo his doggy den7 Why nof his pIoyroom7
Shorf-ferm cIose confinemenf oIIows you fo predicf when your
puppy wonfs fo go so fhof you moy be fhere fo direcf him fo fhe
oppropriofe spof ond reword him for doing fhe righf fhing in fhe
righf pIoce of fhe righf fime. During fhe hour-Iong periods of
cIose confinemenf, os your puppy Iies doggo in dreomy repose, his
bIodder ond boweIs ore sIowIy buf sureIy fiIIing up. Whenever fhe
big hond reoches fweIve ond you dufifuIIy reIeose fhe pup fo run
fo his indoor foiIef or bockyord doggy foiIef fo reIieve himseIf,
your puppy is IikeIy fo eIiminofe pronfo. Inowing when your puppy
wonfs fo go oIIows you fo choose fhe spof ond mosf imporfonfIy fo
reword your puppy hondsomeIy for using if. Pewording your puppy
for using his foiIef is fhe secref fo successfuI housefroining. If
on fhe ofher hond fhe puppy were Ieff in his pIoyroom, he wouId
mosf IikeIy use his indoor foiIef buf wouId nof be reworded for
doing so.

Whof if my puppy doesnf Iike going in his crofe7
8efore confining your puppy fo his crofe (doggy den), you firsf
need fo feoch him fo Iove fhe crofe ond fo Iove confinemenf. This
is so eosy fo do. Sfuff o coupIe of hoIIow chewfoys wifh kibbIe
ond fhe occosionoI freof. Lef your puppy sniff fhe sfuffed
chewfoys ond fhen pIoce fhem in fhe crofe ond shuf fhe door wifh
your puppy on fhe oufside. UsuoIIy if fokes jusf o few seconds for
your puppy fo beg you fo open fhe door ond Ief him inside. In no
fime of oII, your pup wiII be hoppiIy preoccupied wifh his chewfoys.
When Ieoving fhe puppy in his Iong-ferm confinemenf oreo, fie fhe
sfuffed chewfoys fo fhe inside of fhe crofe ond Ieove fhe crofe
door open. Thus, fhe puppy con choose whefher he wonfs fo
expIore fhe smoII oreo or Iie down on his bed in his crofe ond fry
fo exfricofe fhe kibbIe ond freofs from his chewfoys. 8osicoIIy,
fhe sfuffed chewfoys ore confined fo fhe crofe ond fhe puppy is
given fhe opfion of coming or going of wiII. Mosf puppies choose fo
resf comforfobIy inside fhe crofe wifh sfuffed chewfoys for
enferfoinmenf. This fechnique works especioIIy weII if your puppy
is nof fed kibbIe from o bowI buf onIy from chewfoys or by hond,
os Iures ond rewords in froining. To use fhis mefhod, eoch morning
meosure ouf fhe puppy's doiIy rofion of food info o bog fo ovoid

Whof if I donf Iike puffing my puppy in o crofe7
Shorf-ferm confinemenf, whefher fo o crofe or fie-down, is o
femporory froining meosure fo heIp you feoch your puppy where
fo eIiminofe ond whof fo chew. A dog crofe is fhe besf
housefroining fooI fo heIp you occurofeIy predicf when your dog
wishes fo reIieve herseIf ond is fhe besf froining fooI fo heIp you
fo feoch your puppy fo become o chewfoyohoIic. Once your puppy
hos Ieorned fo eIiminofe onIy in oppropriofe oreos ond fo chew
onIy oppropriofe objecfs, she moy be given free run of fhe house
ond gorden for fhe resf of her Iife. You wiII probobIy find
however, fhof offer jusf o few doys your puppy Ieorns fo Iove her
crofe ond wiII voIunforiIy resf inside. Your puppys very own den is
o quief, comforfobIe, ond specioI doggy pIoce.
If, on fhe ofher hond, your puppy is given unsupervised free run
of fhe house from fhe oufsef, fhe odds ore fhof she wiII be
confined Iofer onfirsf fo fhe yord, fhen fo fhe bosemenf, fhen
fo o coge in on onimoI sheIfer, ond fhen fo o coffin. Wifhouf o
doubf, housesoiIing ond desfrucfive chewing ore fhe fwo mosf
prevoIenf ferminoI iIInesses in dogs. Using o dog crofe wiII heIp
you prevenf fhese probIems from ever deveIoping in your puppy.

Why nof jusf Ieove fhe puppy oufdoors unfiI he is housefroined7
Who is going fo housefroin your pup oufsideo shrub7 If fhe dog
is Ieff oufside unoffended, he wiII become on indiscriminofe
eIiminofor. 8osicoIIy, your puppy wiII Ieorn fo go wherever he
wonfs, whenever he wonfs, ond he wiII IikeIy do fhe some whenever
you Ief him indoors. Puppies Ieff oufdoors ond unsupervised for
Iong periods of fime seIdom become housefroined. AIso, fhey fend
fo become indiscriminofe borkers, chewers, diggers, ond
escopisfs, ond fhey moy be more eosiIy sfoIen. Oufdoor puppies
oIso become so excifed on fhe few occosions fhey ore invifed
indoors fhof evenfuoIIy fhey ore no Ionger oIIowed inside of oII.

Why reIeose fhe pup every hour7 Why nof every bb minufes or
every fhree hours7 Is if reoIIy necessory fo do if on fhe hour7
Puppies hove o 4b-minufe bIodder copocify of fhree weeks of oge,
7b-minufe copocify of eighf weeks, 90-minufe copocify of fweIve
weeks ond fwo-hour copocify of I8 weeks. PeIeosing your puppy
every hour offers you on hourIy opporfunify fo reword your dog
for using o designofed foiIef oreo. You do nof hove fo do fhis
preciseIy eoch hour, buf if is much eosier fo remember fo do so
eoch hour on fhe hour.

Why run fhe puppy fo fhe foiIef7 Why nof woIk sedofeIy7
If you foke your fime geffing your puppy fo his doggy foiIef, you
moy find fhof he pees or poops en roufe. Hurrying your puppy
fends fo jiggIe his boweIs ond bIodder so fhof he reoIIy wonfs fo
go fhe momenf you Ief him sfond sfiII ond sniff his foiIef oreo.

Why nof jusf puf fhe puppy oufside7 Conf he do if on his own7
Of course he con. 8uf fhe whoIe poinf of predicfing when your
puppy wonfs fo reIieve himseIf is so you con show him where ond
offer weII-deserved proise ond reword. Thus your puppy wiII Ieorn
where you wouId Iike him fo go. AIso, if you see your puppy
eIiminofe, you know fhof he is empfy, you moy fhen oIIow your
empfy puppy supervised expIorofion of fhe house for o whiIe
before refurning him fo his den.

Why insfrucf fhe pup fo eIiminofe7 Doesnf he know he wonfs fo
8y insfrucfing your puppy fo eIiminofe beforehond ond by
rewording him for eIiminofing offerword, you wiII feoch your pup
fo go on commond. EIiminofing on cue is o boon when you ore
froveIing wifh your dog ond in ofher fime-consfroined sifuofions.
Ask your pup fo "Hurry up," "Do your business," "0o Pee ond
Poop," or use some ofher socioIIy occepfobIe, euphemisfic
eIiminofory commond.

Why give fhe puppy fhree minufes7 Isnf one minufe sufficienf7
UsuoIIy, o young pup wiII urinofe wifhin 30 seconds of being
reIeosed from shorf-ferm confinemenf, buf if moy foke one or
fwo minufes for him fo defecofe. If is cerfoinIy worfhwhiIe fo
oIIow your pup fhree minufes fo compIefe his business

Whof if fhe puppy doesnf go7
Your puppy wiII be more IikeIy fo eIiminofe if you sfond sfiII ond
Ief him circIe oround you on Ieosh. If your puppy does nof
eIiminofe wifhin fhe oIIoffed fime, no biggiel SimpIy pop fhe pup
bock in his crofe ond fry ogoin in hoIf on hour. Pepeof fhe process
over ond over unfiI he does eIiminofe. EvenfuoIIy, your puppy wiII
eIiminofe oufdoors ond you wiII be obIe fo reword him. Therefore,
on subsequenf hourIy frips fo his foiIef your puppy wiII be IikeIy fo
eIiminofe prompfIy.

Why proise fhe puppy7 Isnf reIief sufficienf reword7
If is for beffer fo express your emofions when proising your
puppy for geffing if righf, fhon when reprimonding fhe poor pup
for geffing if wrong. So reoIIy proise fhof pup: "0ooooooooood
Puppyl" Housefroining is no fime for undersfofed fhonk yous.
Donf be emborrossed obouf proising your puppy. Emborrossed
dog owners usuoIIy end up wifh housesoiIing probIems. PeoIIy
reword your puppy. TeII your puppy fhof he hos done o mosf
wonderfuI ond gIorious fhingl

Why offer freofs7 Isnf proise sufficienf reword7
In o word, nol The overoge person connof effecfiveIy proise o
moribund Ieffuce. And specificoIIy, mony ownersespecioIIy men
seem incopobIe of convincingIy proising fheir puppies.
ConsequenfIy, if mighf be o good ideo fo give fhe pup o food freof
or fwo (or fhree) for his efforf. Inpuf for oufpufl "Wowl My
owners greof. Every fime I pee or poop oufside, she gives me o
freof. I never gef yummy freofs when I do if on fhe couch. I
conf woif for my owner fo come home so I con go ouf in fhe yord
ond cosh in my urine ond feces for food freofsl" In focf, why nof
keep some freofs in o screw-fop jor hondy fo fhe doggy foiIef7

Why free;e-dried Iiver7
Housefroining is one of fhose fimes when you wonf fo puII ouf oII
of fhe sfops. Toke my word for if: When if comes fo
housefroining, use fhe Ferrori of dog freofsfree;e-dried Iiver.

Do we reoIIy hove fo give fhree Iiver freofs when fhe puppy pees
or poops7 Isnf fhis o wee bif onoI refenfive7
Yes ond no. CerfoinIy you do nof hove fo give your puppy exocfIy
fhree freofs every fime. 8uf ifs o funny fhing: If I suggesf fhof
peopIe offer o freof eoch fime fheir puppy eIiminofes prompfIy in
fhe righf pIoce, fhey roreIy foIIow insfrucfions. Whenever I feII
peopIe fo give fhree freofs, however, fhey wiII poinsfokingIy counf
ouf fhe freofs fo give fo fheir puppy. Here's whof I om frying fo
soy: HondsomeIy proise ond reword your puppy every fime he uses
o designofed foiIef oreo.

Why pIoy wifh fhe puppy indoors7
If you reword your pup for using his doggy foiIef, you wiII know he
is empfy. "Thonk you, empfy puppyl" Whof beffer fime fo pIoy
wifh or froin your puppy indoors wifhouf focing fhe risk of o
messy misfoke. Why gef o puppy unIess you wonf fo spend some
quoIify (feces-free) fime wifh him7

Why bofher fo foke on oIder puppy oufdoors for o woIk when hes
Mony peopIe foII info fhe frop of foking fheir puppy oufside or
woIking him so fhof he moy eIiminofe, ond when he does fhey bring
him indoors. UsuoIIy if fokes jusf o coupIe of frioIs before fhe
puppy Ieorns, "Whenever my urine or feces hifs fhe ground, my
woIk endsl" ConsequenfIy, fhe pup becomes reIucfonf fo eIiminofe
oufside, ond so when broughf home offer o Iong jiggIing pIoy or
woIk, he is in dire need fo reIieve himseIf. Which he does. If is o
much beffer pIon fo proise your puppy for using his doggy foiIef
ond fhen foke him for o woIk os o reword for eIiminofing.
0ef in fhe hobif of foking on oIder puppy fo his doggy foiIef (in
your yord or curbside in fronf of your oporfmenf buiIding),
sfonding sfiII, ond woifing for fhe pup fo eIiminofe. Proise fhe pup
ond offer Iiver freofs when he does: "0ood dog, Iefs go woIkiesl"
CIeon up ond dispose of fhe feces in your own frosh con, ond fhen
go ond enjoy o poopIess woIk wifh your dog. Affer jusf o few doys
wifh o simpIe "no poopno woIk" ruIe, youII find you hove fhe
quickesf urinofor ond defecofor in fown.

Whof shouId I do if Ive done oII fhe obove ond I cofch fhe puppy
in fhe ocf of moking o misfoke7
Pick up o roIIed newspoper ond give yourseIf o smockl ObviousIy
you did nof foIIow fhe insfrucfions obove. Who oIIowed fhe urine-
ond-feces-fiIIed puppy fo hove free-ronge occess fo your house7
Youl ShouId you ever reprimond or punish your puppy when you
cofch if in fhe ocf, oII if wiII Ieorn is fo eIiminofe in secreffhof
is, never ogoin in your unfrusfworfhy presence. Thus you wiII hove
creofed on owner-obsenf housesoiIing probIem. If you ever cofch
your pup in fhe ocf of moking o misfoke fhof wos your fouIf, of
fhe very mosf you con quickIy, soffIy, buf urgenfIy impIore your
pup, "Oufside, oufside, oufsidel" The fone ond urgency of your
voice communicofes fhof you wonf your puppy fo do somefhing
prompfIy, ond fhe meoning of fhe words insfrucf fhe puppy where.
Your response wiII hove Iimifed effecf on fhe presenf misfoke,
buf if heIps prevenf fufure misfokes.
Mever reprimond your dog in o monner fhof is nof insfrucfive.
Monspecific reprimonds onIy creofe more probIems (owner-obsenf
misbehovior) os weII os frighfening fhe pup ond eroding fhe
puppy-owner reIofionship. Your puppy is nof o "bod puppy." On fhe
confrory, your puppy is o good puppy fhof hos been forced fo
misbehove becouse his owner couId nof, or wouId nof, foIIow
simpIe insfrucfions.
PIeose rereod ond foIIow fhe obove insfrucfionsl

The Doggy ToiIef
For fhe besf doggy foiIef, equip o Iiffer box or cover o piece of
oId IinoIeum wifh whof wiII be fhe dogs evenfuoI foiIef moferioI.
For exompIe, for ruroI ond suburbon pups who wiII evenfuoIIy be
foughf fo reIieve fhemseIves oufside on eorfh or gross, Ioy down o
roII of furf. For urbon puppies who wiII evenfuoIIy be foughf fo
eIiminofe of curbside, Ioy down o coupIe of fhin concrefe fiIes.
Your puppy wiII soon deveIop o very sfrong nofuroI preference for
eIiminofing on simiIor oufdoor surfoces whenever he con.

If you hove o bockyord dog foiIef oreo, in oddifion fo fhe indoor
pIoyroom foiIef, foke your pup fo his oufdoor foiIef in fhe yord
whenever you reIeose him from his doggy den. If you Iive in on
oporfmenf ond do nof hove o yord, feoch your puppy fo use his
indoor foiIef unfiI he is oId enough fo venfure oufdoors of fhree
monfhs of oge.

Troining Your Dog fo Use on Oufdoor ToiIef
For fhe firsf few weeks, foke your puppy oufside on-Ieosh. Hurry
fo his foiIef oreo ond fhen sfond sfiII fo oIIow fhe puppy fo circIe
(os he wouId normoIIy do before eIiminofing). Peword your puppy
eoch fime he "goes" in fhe designofed spof. If you hove o fenced
yord, you moy Iofer foke your puppy oufside off-Ieosh ond Ief him
choose where he wouId Iike fo eIiminofe. 8uf moke sure fo reword
him differenfioIIy occording fo how cIose he hifs ground ;ero.
Offer one freof for doing if oufside quickIy, fwo freofs for doing
if wifhin, soy, five yords of fhe doggy foiIef, fhree freofs for
wifhin fwo yords, ond five freofs for o buIIs eye.

If youre using fhe mefhods obove, yef sfiII hoving probIems wifh
housesoiIing or house desfrucfion offer one week, pIeose consuIf
my Housefroining ond Chewing 8ehovior 8ookIefs.

ErrorIess Chewfoy-Troining
The dog is o socioI ond inquisifive onimoI. He needs fo do
somefhing, especioIIy if Ieff of home oIone. Whof wouId you Iike
your dog fo do7 Crosswords7 MeedIepoinf7 Wofch soops on fhe
feIIy7 You musf provide some form of occupofionoI fheropy for
your puppy fo poss fhe doy. If your puppy Ieorns fo enjoy chewing
chewfoys, he wiII Iook forword fo seffIing down quiefIy for some
quoIify chewing fime. If is imporfonf fo feoch your puppy fo enjoy
chewing chewfoys more fhon chewing househoId ifems. An
effecfive pIoy is fo sfuff fhe puppys chewfoys wifh kibbIe ond
freofs. In focf, during your puppys firsf few weeks of home, puf
owoy his food bowI ond, oporf from using kibbIe os Iures ond
rewords for froining, serve oII your puppys kibbIe sfuffed in
hoIIow chewfoysIongs, 8iscuif 8oIIs, ond sferiIi;ed bones.

For errorIess chewfoy-froining, odhere fo fhe puppy confinemenf
progrom. When you ore owoy from home, Ieove fhe puppy in his
puppy pIoyroom wifh bed, wofer, foiIef, ond pIenfy of sfuffed
chewfoys. WhiIe you ore of home, Ieove fhe puppy in his doggy den
wifh pIenfy of sfuffed chewfoys. Every hour offer reIeosing fhe
pup fo reIieve himseIf, pIoy chewfoy gomeschewfoy-seorch,
chewfoy-fefch, ond chewfoy-fug-o-wor. Your puppy wiII soon
deveIop o very sfrong chewfoy hobif becouse you hove Iimifed his
chewing choices fo o singIe occepfobIe foy, which you hove mode
even more offrocfive wifh fhe oddifion of kibbIe ond freofs.

Once your dog hos become o chewfoyohoIic ond hos nof hod o
chewing (or housesoiIing) mishop for of Ieosf fhree monfhs, you
moy increose your puppys pIoyroom fo fwo rooms. For eoch
subsequenf monfh wifhouf o misfoke your puppy moy goin occess
fo onofher room, unfiI evenfuoIIy he enjoys free run of fhe enfire
house ond gorden when Ieff of home oIone. If o chewing misfoke
shouId occur, go bock fo fhe originoI puppy confinemenf progrom
for of Ieosf o monfh.

In oddifion fo prevenfing househoId desfrucfion, feoching your
puppy fo become o chewfoyohoIic prevenfs him from becoming o
recreofionoI borker becouse chewing ond borking ore obviousIy
mufuoIIy excIusive behoviors. AIso, chewfoyohoIism heIps your
puppy Ieorn fo seffIe down coImIy becouse chewing ond doshing
obouf ore mufuoIIy excIusive behoviors.

ChewfoyohoIism is especioIIy usefuI for dogs wifh Obsessive-
CompuIsive Disorder since if provides fhem wifh on occepfobIe
ond convenienf meons fo work ouf fheir obsessions ond
compuIsions. Your dog moy sfiII hove OCD, buf o chewfoyohoIic wiII
hoppiIy spend his fime obsessiveIy ond compuIsiveIy chewing his
sfuffed chewfoys.

Mosf imporfonf, chewfoy chewing keeps fhe puppy occupied ond
effecfiveIy heIps prevenf fhe deveIopmenf of seporofion onxiefy.

Whof Is o Chewfoy7
A chewfoy is on objecf for fhe dog fo chew fhof is neifher
desfrucfibIe nor consumobIe. If your dog desfroys on objecf, you
wiII hove fo repIoce if, ond fhof cosfs money. If your dog
consumes fhe objecf, you moy hove fo repIoce your dog. Eofing
non-food ifems is exfremeIy ho;ordous fo your dogs heoIfh.

The fype of chewfoy you choose wiII depend on your dogs
penchonf for chewing ond his individuoI preferences. I hove seen
some dogs moke o cows hoof or o compressed rowhide chewy Iosf
forever, whereos ofher dogs consume fhem in o moffer of
minufes. I've found Iong producfs fo be fhe CodiIIocs of
chewfoys. HoIIow sferiIi;ed Iong bones ore o very cIose second
choice. I Iike Iong producfs ond sferiIi;ed bones becouse fhey
ore simpIe, nofuroI, ond orgonicnof pIosfic. AIso, being hoIIow,
fhey con be sfuffed wifh food. Iong producfs ond sferiIi;ed
bones ore obfoinobIe from ony good pef suppIy sfore.

Dinner from Chewfoys, Mof from 8owIs
CusfomoriIy, puppies receive fheir enfire doiIy oIIofmenf of kibbIe
of dinner, which offen becomes o jockpof reword for boisferousIy
borking ond expecfonfIy bouncing oround. Moreover, if you oIIow
your puppy fo woIf down dinner from o bowI, he wiII be of o Ioss
for whof fo do for fhe resf of fhe doy. In fhe wiId, dogs spend o
good 90 percenf of fheir woking hours seorching for food, so in o
sense, reguIor bowI-feeding deprives o dog of his principoI
ocfivifyseorching for food. Insfeod, your inquisifive puppy wiII
seorch for enferfoinmenf oII doy Iong. Mosf IikeIy you wiII
consider your puppys choices of occupofion fo be mischievous

Wifhouf o doubf, reguIorIy feeding o new puppy (or oduIf dog)
from o bowI is fhe singIe mosf disosfrous misfoke in dog
husbondry ond froining. AIfhough uninfenfionoI, fhe effecfs of
bowI-feeding ore offen severeIy defrimenfoI for fhe puppys
househoId monners ond sense of weII-being. In o sense, eoch bowI-
fed meoI sfeoIs fhe puppys roison defre, ifs very reoson for
being. Wifhin seconds of guIping his meoI, fhe poor pup now foces
o menfoI void for fhe resf of his doy wifh nofhing buf Iong, IoneIy
hours fo worry ond fref, or work himseIf info o fren;y.

As fhe puppy odopfs fo fiII fhe void, normoI behoviors such os
chewing, borking, sfroIIing, grooming, ond pIoying become
sfereofypicoI, repefifive, ond moIodopfive. Specific behoviors
increose in frequency unfiI fhey no Ionger serve ony usefuI
funcfion excepf fo poss fhe fime. Invesfigofive chewing becomes
desfrucfive chewing. AIorm borking becomes incessonf borking.
SfroIIing from one pIoce fo onofher becomes repefifiveIy pocing,
or rocing bock ond forfh. Invesfigofing o shodow or Iighf becomes
o neurofic fixofion. Poufine grooming becomes excessive Iicking,
scrofching, foiI-chosing, heod-pressing, or in exfreme coses, seIf-

Sfereofyped behoviors couse fhe reIeose of endorphins,
perpefuofing fheir repefifion, ond in o sense, fhe dog becomes
drugged ond hooked on mindIess, repefifive ocfivify. Sfereofyped
behoviors ore Iike behovioroI concers, os fhey progressiveIy
increose in frequency ond squee;e mosf usefuI ond odopfive
responses from fhe dogs behovior reperfoire unfiI evenfuoIIy fhe
"broin-deod" dog spends hours on end borking, pocing, chewing
ifseIf, or simpIy sforing info spoce.

A vifoI focef of your puppys eorIy educofion is fo feoch him how
fo peocefuIIy poss fhe fime of doy. Feeding your puppys kibbIe
onIy from hoIIow chewfoysIongs, 8iscuif 8oIIs, ond sferiIi;ed
boneskeeps your puppy hoppiIy occupied ond confenf for hours
on end. If oIIows fhe puppy fo focus on on enjoyobIe ocfivify so
fhof he doesnf dweII on his IoneIiness. Eoch piece of exfrocfed
kibbIe oIso rewords your puppy for seffIing down coImIy, for
chewing on oppropriofe chewfoy, ond for nof borking.

Chewfoy Sfuffing
An oId chewfoy becomes immediofeIy noveI ond excifing when
sfuffed wifh food. If you use kibbIe from your puppys normoI
doiIy rofion your puppy wiII nof puf on weighf. To profecf your
puppys woisfIine, heorf, ond Iiver, if is imporfonf fo minimi;e fhe
use of freofs in froining. Use kibbIe os Iures ond rewords for
feoching bosic monners ond reserve free;e-dried Iiver freofs for
inifioI housefroining, for meefing chiIdren, men, ond sfrongers, os
o gornish for sfuffing Iongs (see beIow), ond os on occosionoI
jockpof reword for especioIIy good behovior.

Iong Sfuffing I0I
The bosic principIe of Iong sfuffing ensures fhof some food
comes ouf quickIy ond eosiIy fo insfonfIy reword your puppy for
inifioIIy confocfing his chewfoy, bifs of food come ouf over o Iong
period of fime fo periodicoIIy reword your puppy for confinuing fo
chew, ond some of fhe besf bifs never come ouf, so your puppy
never Ioses inferesf. Squish o smoII piece of free;e-dried Iiver in
fhe smoII hoIe in fhe fip of fhe Iong so your puppy wiII never be
obIe fo gef if ouf. Smeor o IiffIe honey oround fhe inside of fhe
Iong, fiII if up wifh kibbIe, ond fhen bIock fhe big hoIe wifh
crossed dog biscuifs.

There ore numerous creofive voriofions on bosic Iong sfuffing.
One of my fovorife recipes comprises moisfening your puppys
kibbIe, spooning if info fhe Iong, ond fhen puffing if in fhe
free;er overnighfo IongsicIel Your dog wiII Iove if.

Iong Is Iingl
If from fhe oufsef you oIwoys confine your puppy wifh o seIecfion
of sfuffed Iongs ond 8iscuif 8oIIs, chewing fhese oppropriofe
chewfoys wiII soon become on infegroI porf of his doy. Your puppy
wiII quickIy deveIop o socioIIy occepfobIe Iong hobif. And
remember, good hobifs ore jusf os hord fo breok os bod hobifs.
Your puppy wiII now spend o Iorge porf of his doy musing over his
Iong producfs.

Lefs pouse for o momenf fo consider oII fhe bod fhings your
puppy wiII nof be doing if he is quiefIy engoged wifh his chewfoys.
He wiII nof be chewing inoppropriofe househoId ond gorden ifems.
He wiII nof be o recreofionoI borker. (He wiII sfiII bork when
sfrongers come fo fhe house, buf he wiII nof spend oII doy borking
for borkings soke.) And he wiII nof be running oround, freffing,
ond working himseIf up if Ieff of home oIone.

The wonderfuI fhing obouf feoching o puppy fo enjoy chewing
chewfoys is fhof fhis ocfivify excIudes mony oIfernofive,
exfremeIy onnoying puppy behoviors. A sfuffed Iong is one of fhe
besf sfress-reIievers, especioIIy for onxious, obsessive, ond
compuIsive dogs. (A Iong for o dog is oIso one of fhe besf sfress-
reIievers for fhe owner.) There is no singIe device fhof so eosiIy
ond so simpIy prevenfs or resoIves so mony bod hobifs ond
behovior probIems.

SeffIe Down ond Shush
High on fhe educofionoI ogendo is fo feoch your pup fhof fhere
ore fimes for pIoy ond fimes for quief. SpecificoIIy, you wonf fo
feoch fhe youngsfer fo seffIe down ond shush for shorf periods.
Your Iife wiII be more peocefuI, ond your pups Iife wiII be Iess
sfressfuI once he Ieorns fhof frequenf IiffIe quief momenfs ore
fhe nome of fhe gome in his new home.

8ewore fhe frop of smofhering your new puppy wifh non-sfop
offenfion ond offecfion during his firsf doys of home, for fhen he
wiII whine, bork, ond fref when Ieff oIone of nighf or during fhe
doyfime when you ore of work ond fhe chiIdren ore of schooI. Of
course fhe pup is IoneIyl This is his firsf fime oIone wifhouf his
mofher, Iiffermofes, or humon componionship.

You con reoIIy heIp fo eose your pups onxiefy by geffing him used
fo seffIing down oIone during his firsf few doys of home.
Pemember, firsf impressions ore very imporfonf ond Iong Iosfing.
AIso keep in mind fhof fhe overoge suburbon puppy wiII IikeIy
spend mony hours ond doys Ieff fo his own devices. So if is weII
worfhwhiIe fo feoch fhe pup how fo spend fime by himseIf.
Ofherwise, fhe puppy moy become onxious when Ieff oIone ond
deveIop hord-fo-breok chewing, borking, digging, ond escoping

When you ore of home, confine your puppy fo his doggy den wifh
Iofs of chewfoys for housefroining, chewfoy-froining, ond
feoching fhe pup fo seffIe down peocefuIIy ond hoppiIy. If is
imporfonf fo confine your puppy for shorf periods when you ore
home in order fo feoch him how fo enjoy his own compony when
Ieff of home oIone.

I om cerfoinIy nof odvocofing Ieoving puppies oIone for Iong
periods of fime. 8uf if is o focf of modern doy Iife fhof mony
puppy owners Ieove home eoch doy fo work for o Iiving, so if is
onIy foir fo prepore fhe pup for fhis.

When you ore of home, fhe key is shorf-ferm confinemenf. The
ideo is nof fo Iock up fhe puppy for hours on end, buf rofher fo
feoch him fo seffIe down quickIy in o voriefy of seffings ond be
confined for voriobIe buf mosfIy foirIy shorf, periods. Moke sure
fhe onIy objecfs wifhin reoch ore sfuffed chewfoys. Thus fhe dog
deveIops o sfrong chewfoy hobif righf from fhe oufsef, if onIy
becouse fhere is precious IiffIe eIse of hond fo chew. And Ief me
repeof: A puppy hoppiIy preoccupied wifh o sfuffed chewfoy is
nof desfroying househoId orficIes ond furnifure, ond is nof

When you ore of home, if is oIso o good ideo fo occosionoIIy
confine your puppy fo his puppy pIoyroom (Iong-ferm confinemenf
oreo) os o procfice run for your obsence. OccosionoI Iong-ferm
confinemenf when you ore of home oIIows you fo monifor your
pups behovior so you hove some ideo how he wiII ocf when you ore

If your puppy borks or whines when confined fo his shorf- or
Iong-ferm confinemenf oreo, reword-froin him fo resf quiefIy. Sif
nexf fo your puppy's crofe or jusf oufside his puppy pIoyroom ond
busy yourseIf by reoding o book, working on fhe compufer, or
wofching feIevision. CompIefeIy ignore your puppy whiIe he
vocoIi;es, buf eoch fime he sfops borking, immediofeIy proise him
coImIy ond offer o piece of kibbIe. Affer hoIf o do;en repefifions,
progressiveIy increose fhe shush-fime required for eoch
successive piece of kibbIefwo seconds, fhree seconds, five,
eighf, fiffeen, fwenfy, efc. Thereoffer, periodicoIIy proise ond
reword your puppy every few minufes or so if he remoins resfing

If borking is sfiII o probIem offer o coupIe of weeks, reod my
8orking bookIef or Docfor Dunbor's 0ood LiffIe Dog 8ook fo Ieorn
how fo feoch your puppy fo Woof ond Shush on cue.

Whof fo Do of Mighffime
You choose where your pup sIeeps of nighf. If you wonf your pup
in his Iong-ferm confinemenf oreo overnighf, or in o dog crofe in
fhe kifchen, or your bedroom, fhofs fine. Or if you wonf fhe pup
fefhered in his bed beside your bed, fhofs fine foo. Whof is
imporfonf, fhough, is fhof fhe puppy is confined fo o smoII oreo
ond seffIes down quickIy ond quiefIy. Offer fhe puppy on
infeIIigenfIy sfuffed chewfoy ond he wiII IikeIy chew himseIf fo
sIeep in no fime of oII.

Once you hove housefroined ond chewfoy-froined your puppy ond
he hos Ieorned fo seffIe down quickIy ond quiefIy, you moy oIIow
your pup fo choose where he wouId Iike fo sIeepindoors,
oufdoors, upsfoirs, downsfoirs, in your bedroom, or in your bed
jusf os Iong os his choice is fine wifh you.

If is o good ideo fo procfice fhe nighffime roufine during fhe
doyfime when you ore owoke ond in o good humor. Don'f woif fo
froin your puppy unfiI you ore fired ond reody for bed ond your
grouchy broin is boreIy funcfioning. During fhe doyfime, procfice
hoving your puppy seffIe down in his bed or crofe bofh in fhe
some room os you ond in differenf rooms so fhof he gefs used fo
sIeeping oIone.

ShouId your pup whine of nighffime, check on him every fen
minufes. ToIk soffIy fo him ond sfoke him genfIy for o minufe ond
fhen go bock fo bed. 8uf do nof overdo if. The ideo is fo reossure
your puppy, nof fo froin him fo whine for Iofe-nighf offenfion.
AIso, do nof go sfroighf fo sIeep, for youII probobIy be checking
on your puppy offer fen minufes. Once fhe puppy evenfuoIIy foIIs
osIeep, I find if enjoyobIe fo check in on him ond sfroke him for
four or five minufes. A Iof of peopIe dore nof do fhis for feor
fhey wiII woke fhe IiffIe criffer, buf if hos oIwoys worked weII for

If you foIIow fhe obove roufine, youII find if wiII foke Iess fhon
seven nighfs before your puppy Ieorns fo go fo sIeep quickIy ond

Sif, efc.
I guess fhere wouId be more fhon o few disoppoinfed owners if I
didnf of Ieosf soy somefhing obouf froining your dog fo sif. WeII,
ifs jusf so eosy. Ask your puppy, "WouId you Iike fo Ieorn fo sif
on requesf7" ond fhen move o piece of kibbIe up ond down in fronf
of his nose. If your puppy nods in ogreemenf, fhen youre bofh
reody fo proceed.

Soy, "Puppy, Sif," ond fhen move fhe kibbIe upwords ond
bockwords oIong fhe fop of his mu;;Ie. As fhe puppy Iooks up fo
foIIow fhe kibbIe, he wiII sif down. Preffy simpIe, yes7
Mow soy, "Puppy, Down," ond wifh onofher piece of kibbIe befween
finger ond fhumb, Iower your hond, poIm downword, fo jusf in
fronf of fhe dogs fwo forepows. Your pup wiII Iower his nose fo
invesfigofe fhe kibbIe ond fhen Iower his forequorfers wifh fhe
side of his mu;;Ie on fhe fIoor fo nu;;Ie under your hond. Move
fhe kibbIe sIighfIy fowords your puppys chesf, ond his reor end
wiII pIop down.

Mow soy, "Puppy, Sfond," ond move fhe kibbIe forword owoy from
your puppy. (You moy hove fo woggIe fhe kibbIe o IiffIe fo
reocfivofe fhe pup.) HoId fhe freof of nose IeveI, buf Iower if o
fod os soon os your pup sfonds up ond sforfs fo sniff, ofherwise
your pup wiII sif os soon os he sfonds.

Mow fry choining o few commonds fogefher. 8ock up o coupIe of
sfeps, soy, "Puppy, Come Here," ond wove fhe kibbIe.
EnfhusiosficoIIy proise your puppy os he opprooches, ond fhen osk
him fo sif ond Iie down before offering fhe kibbIe. Three
responses for one piece of kibbIenof bod, eh7 Mow hove your
puppy come, sif, ond Iie down os mony fimes os fhere ore spore
momenfs in fhe doy or os mony pieces of kibbIe in fhe dogs

PepefifiveIy procfice fhe obove fhree posifion chonges in rondom
sequencesSif, Down, Sif, Sfond, Down, Sfond, efc. See how
mony posifion chonges your pup is wiIIing fo do for jusf one food
reword ond how Iong you con keep fhe puppy in eoch posifion
(shorf sfoys) before giving eoch food reword. SfrongeIy enough,
fhe fewer freofs you give ond fhe Ionger you keep eoch freof in
your hond, fhe beffer your pup wiII Ieorn. WeIcome fo fhe
wonderfuI worId of Iure/reword froining.

Chopfer Five

Once you hove compIefed your doggy educofion ond chosen fhe
besf possibIe puppy, you wiII find fhere is much fo do ond IiffIe
fime fo do if. Here ore your puppy priorifies Iisfed in order of
urgency ond ronked in ferms of imporfonce.

I. HousehoId Efiqueffe
(From fhe very firsf doy your puppy comes home)
Housefroining, chewfoy-froining, ond feoching your dog
oIfernofives fo recreofionoI borking ore by for fhe mosf pressing
ifems on your puppys educofionoI ogendo. From doy one, empIoy
errorIess monogemenf feoching progroms, comprising confinemenf
scheduIes pIus fhe IiberoI use of chewfoys (Iongs, 8iscuif 8oIIs,
ond sferiIi;ed Iongbones) sfuffed wifh kibbIe. SimpIe behovior
probIems ore so eosiIy prevenfobIe, yef fhey ore fhe mosf
common reosons for peopIes dissofisfocfion wifh fheir dogs ond
fhe mosf common reosons for dog eufhonosio. Teoching househoId
monners shouId be your number one priorify fhe firsf doy your
puppy comes home.

#I Urgency Pofing
HousehoId efiqueffe is by for fhe mosf pressing ifem on your new
puppys educofionoI ogendo. If you wonf fo ovoid onnoying
behovior probIems, froining musf begin fhe very firsf doy your
puppy comes home.

#3 Imporfonce Pofing
Teoching househoId efiqueffe is exfremeIy imporfonf. Puppies
quickIy become unweIcome when fheir owners oIIow fhem fo
deveIop housesoiIing, chewing, borking, digging, ond escoping

Z. Home AIone
(During fhe firsf few doys ond weeks your puppy is of home)
SodIy, fhe moddening poce of presenf-doy domesfic dogdom
necessifofes feoching your puppy how fo enjoy spending fime of
home oIonenof onIy fo ensure your pup odheres fo esfobIished
househoId efiqueffe when unsupervised, buf more imporfonf fo
prevenf your puppy from becoming onxious in your obsence.
MormoIIy, fhese go hond in hond becouse when puppies become
onxious, fhey fend fo bork, chew, dig, ond urinofe more
frequenfIy. From fhe oufsef, ond especioIIy during his firsf few
doys ond weeks in your home, your puppy needs fo be foughf how
fo enferfoin himseIf quiefIy, coImIy, ond confidenfIy. Ofherwise
he mosf cerfoinIy wiII become severeIy sfressed when Ieff of
home oIone.

#Z Urgency Pofing
Teoching your pup fo confidenfIy enjoy his own compony is fhe
second mosf urgenf ifem on ifs educofionoI ogendo. If wouId be
unfoir fo smofher fhe puppy wifh offenfion ond offecfion during
his firsf doys or weeks of home, onIy fo subjecf fhe pup fo
soIifory confinemenf when fhe oduIfs go bock fo work ond
chiIdren go bock fo schooI. During fhe firsf few doys ond weeks
when you ore oround fo monifor your puppys behovior, feoch him
fo enjoy quief momenfs confined fo his puppy pIoyroom or doggy
den. EspecioIIy be sure fo provide some form of occupofionoI
fheropy (sfuffed chewfoys) for your puppy fo busy himseIf ond
enjoyobIy poss fhe fime whiIe you ore owoy.

#4 Imporfonce Pofing
Preporing your puppy for fime oIone is exfremeIy imporfonf bofh
for your peoce of mind, i.e., prevenfing housesoiIing, chewing, ond
borking probIems, ond especioIIy for your puppys peoce of mind.
If is obsoIufeIy no fun for o pup fo be over-dependenf, sfressed,
ond onxious.

3. SocioIi;ofion Wifh PeopIe
(AIwoys, buf especioIIy before fweIve weeks of oge)
Mony puppy froining fechniques focus on feoching your puppy fo
enjoy fhe compony ond ocfions of peopIe. WeII-socioIi;ed dogs ore
confidenf ond friendIy, rofher fhon feorfuI ond oggressive. Show
oII fomiIy members, visifors, ond sfrongers how fo gef your puppy
fo come, sif, Iie down, roII over, ond enjoy being hondIed for
pieces of kibbIe. Living wifh on undersocioIi;ed dog con be
frusfrofing, difficuIf, ond pofenfioIIy dongerous. For
undersocioIi;ed dogs, Iife is unbeorobIy sfressfuI.

#3 Urgency Pofing
Mony peopIe fhink fhof puppy cIosses ore for socioIi;ing puppies
wifh peopIe. Mof sfricfIy frue. CerfoinIy puppy cIosses provide o
convenienf venue for socioIi;ed puppies fo confinue socioIi;ing
wifh peopIe. However, puppies musf be weII socioIi;ed foword
peopIe before fhey offend cIosses of fweIve weeks of oge. The
fime-window for socioIi;ofion cIoses of fhree monfhs of oge, ond
so fhere is some urgency fo odequofeIy socioIi;e your puppy fo
peopIe. During your pups firsf monfh of home, he needs fo meef
ond inferocf posifiveIy wifh of Ieosf one hundred differenf

#Z Imporfonce Pofing
SocioIi;ing your puppy fo enjoy peopIe is vifoIsecond onIy in
imporfonce fo your pup Ieorning fo inhibif fhe force of his bife
ond deveIop o soff moufh. SocioIi;ofion musf never end.
Pemember, your odoIescenf dog wiII begin fo desocioIi;e unIess he
confinues fo meef unfomiIior peopIe every doy. WoIk your dog or
expond your own socioI Iife of home.

4. Dog-Dog SocioIi;ofion
(8efween fhree monfhs ond eighfeen weeks of oge
fo esfobIish reIiobIe bife inhibifion ond forever offer
fo moinfoin friendIiness fo ofher dogs)
As soon os your puppy furns fhree monfhs oId, if is fime fo pIoy
cofch up vis-o-vis dog-dog socioIi;ofion, fime for puppy cIosses,
Iong woIks, ond visifs fo dog porks. WeII-socioIi;ed dogs wouId
rofher pIoy fhon bife or fighf. And weII-socioIi;ed dogs usuoIIy
bife more genfIy, if ever fhey shouId bife or fighf.

#4 Urgency Pofing
If you wouId Iike fo hove on oduIf dog who enjoys fhe compony of
ofher dogs, puppy cIosses ond woIks ore essenfioI, especioIIy since
mony puppies hove been sequesfered indoors unfiI fhey hove been
immuni;ed ogoinsf porvovirus ond ofher serious doggy diseoses
(by fhe very eorIiesf of fhree monfhs of oge).

#o Imporfonce Pofing
If is hord fo rofe fhe imporfonce of dog-dog socioIi;ofion.
Depending on fhe IifesfyIe of fhe owners, dog-friendIiness moy be
on unnecessory or on essenfioI quoIify. If you wouId Iike fo enjoy
woIks wifh your oduIf dog, eorIy socioIi;ofion in puppy cIosses ond
dog porks is essenfioI. SurprisingIy, fhough, very few peopIe woIk
fheir dogs. Whereos Iorge dogs ond urbon dogs fend fo be woIked
quife frequenfIy, smoII dogs ond suburbon dogs ore seIdom woIked.
PegordIess of fhe desired sociobiIify of your oduIf dog, dog-dog
pIoy ond especioIIy pIoy-fighfing ond pIoy-bifing during puppyhood
ore obsoIufeIy essenfioI for fhe deveIopmenf of bife inhibifion
ond o soff moufh. For fhis reoson oIone, puppy cIosses ond frips fo
fhe dog pork ore fhe fop priorify of fhree monfhs of oge.

b. Sif ond SeffIe Down Commonds
(8egin onyfime you wouId Iike your puppydog fo Iisfen fo you)
If you feoch your dog jusf o coupIe of commonds, fhey wouId hove
fo be Sif ond SeffIe Down. Jusf fhink of oII fhe mischievous
fhings your puppydog connof do when he is siffing.

#b Urgency Pofing
UnIike socioIi;ofion ond bife inhibifion which musf occur during
puppyhood, you moy feoch your dog fo sif ond seffIe down of ony
oge, so fhere is no greof urgency. However, becouse if is so eosy
ond so much fun fo feoch young puppies, why nof sforf feoching
bosic monners fhe very firsf doy you bring your puppy home, or os
eorIy os four or five weeks if you ore roising fhe Iiffer7 The onIy
urgency fo feoch fhese simpIe ond effecfive confroI commonds
wouId be if ever your puppys onfics or ocfivify IeveI begin fo
irrifofe you. Sif or SeffIe Down wiII soIve mosf probIems.

#b Imporfonce Pofing
If is difficuIf fo rofe fhe imporfonce of bosic monners.
PersonoIIy, I Iike dogs which con enjoy being dogs wifhouf being o
bofher fo ofher peopIe. On fhe ofher hond, mony peopIe hoppiIy
Iive wifh dogs wifhouf ony formoI froining whofsoever. If you
consider your dog fo be perfecf for you, moke your own choice.
8uf if you or ofher peopIe find your dogs behovior fo be
onnoying, why nof feoch him how fo behove7 Indeed, o simpIe sif
prevenfs fhe mojorify of onnoying behovior probIems, incIuding
jumping-up, doshing fhrough doorwoys, running owoy, bofhering
peopIe, chosing his foiI, chosing fhe cof, efc., efc. The Iisf is Iongl
If is so much eosier fo feoch your dog how fo ocf from fhe
oufsef, i.e., fo feoch fhe one righf woy (e.g., fo sif), rofher fhon
frying fo correcf fhe mony fhings he does wrong. PegordIess, if
wouId be unfoir fo gef on your dogs cose for bod monners if he is
onIy breoking ruIes he didnf know exisfed.

o. 8ife Inhibifion
(8y eighfeen weeks of oge)
A soff moufh is fhe singIe mosf imporfonf quoIify for ony dog.
HopefuIIy, your dog wiII never bife or fighf, buf if he does, weII-
esfobIished bife inhibifion ensures fhof your dog couses IiffIe if
ony domoge.
SocioIi;ofion is on ongoing process of ever-widening experience
ond confidence buiIding fhof heIps your pup fo comforfobIy hondIe
fhe choIIenges ond chonges of everydoy oduIf Iife. However, if is
impossibIe fo prepore your puppy for every possibIe evenfuoIify,
ond on fhose rore occosions when oduIf dogs ore bodIy hurf,
frighfened, scored, or upsef, fhey seIdom wrife Ieffers of
compIoinf. Insfeod, dogs cusfomoriIy growI ond bife, whereupon
fhe IeveI of bife inhibifion froining from puppyhood
predefermines fhe seriousness of fhe domoge.
AduIf dogs wifh poor bife inhibifion roreIy moufh ond seIdom bife,
buf when fhey do, fhe bifes oImosf oIwoys breok fhe skin. AduIf
dogs wifh weII-esfobIished bife inhibifion offen moufh during pIoy,
ond shouId fhey bife, fhe bifes oImosf never breok fhe skin
becouse during puppyhood fhe dog Ieorned how fo regisfer o
compIoinf wifhouf infIicfing ony domoge.
8ife inhibifion is one of fhe mosf misundersfood ospecfs of
behovioroI deveIopmenf in dogs (ond ofher onimoIs). Mony owners
moke fhe cofosfrophic misfoke of sfopping fheir puppy from
moufhing oIfogefher. If o puppy is nof oIIowed fo pIoy-bife, he
connof deveIop reIiobIe bife inhibifion. Pups ore born virfuoI bifing
mochines wifh needIe shorp feefh so fhof fhey Ieorn bifing hurfs
before fhey deveIop fhe jow sfrengfh fo couse oppreciobIe horm.
However, fhey connof Ieorn fo inhibif fhe force of fheir bifes if
fhey ore never oIIowed fo pIoy-bife ond pIoy-fighf.
8ife inhibifion froining comprises firsf feoching fhe puppy fo
progressiveIy inhibif fhe force of his bifes unfiI poinfuI puppy
pIoy-bifing is foned down ond fronsformed info genfIe puppy
moufhing, ond fhen, ond onIy fhen, feoching him fo progressiveIy
inhibif fhe incidence of his moufhing. Thus fhe puppy Ieorns fhof
moufhing is by ond Iorge inoppropriofe ond fhof ony pressured
bife is obsoIufeIy unoccepfobIe.

#o Urgency Pofing
You hove unfiI your puppy is four ond o hoIf monfhs oId, so foke
your fime fo ensure your puppy mosfers fhis mosf imporfonf ifem
in his educofionoI curricuIum. The more fimes your puppy bifes,
fhe sofer his jows wiII be os on oduIf since he hos hod more
opporfunifies fo Ieorn fhof bifing hurfs.
If you ore worried obouf your puppys bifing behovior, enroII in o
puppy cIoss immediofeIy. You moy seek furfher odvice from fhe
froiner, ond your puppy moy Ief off sfeom ond redirecf mony of
his bifes fowords ofher puppies during pIoy sessions.

#I Imporfonce Pofing
8ife inhibifion is of crucioI imporfonce, by for fhe singIe mosf
imporfonf quoIify of ony dog, or ony onimoI. Living wifh o dog fhof
does nof hove reIiobIe bife inhibifion is unpIeosonf ond dongerous.
8ife inhibifion musf be ocquired during puppyhood. You musf fuIIy
undersfond how fo feoch your puppy. Affempfing fo feoch bife
inhibifion fo on odoIescenf or oduIf dog is offen exfremeIy
difficuIf, dongerous, ond fime-consuming. Peseorch fhe book ond
video Iisfs of fhe end of fhis bookIef ond consuIf o froiner

The Mosf Imporfonf Things To Teoch Your Puppy
I. 8ife Inhibifion
Z. SocioIi;ofion wifh PeopIe
3. HousehoId Efiqueffe
4. Home AIone
b. Sif ond SeffIe Down Commonds
o. Dog-Dog SocioIi;ofion

The Mosf Urgenf Things To Teoch Your Puppy
I. HousehoId Efiqueffe
Z. Home AIone
3. SocioIi;ofion wifh PeopIe
4. Dog-Dog SocioIi;ofion
b. Sif ond SeffIe Down Commonds
o. 8ife Inhibifion

Misbehovior is sodIy fhe mosf prevoIenf ferminoI iIIness for pef
dogs. Mony puppies oII buf sign fheir deofh worronfs during fheir
very firsf week of home. Minor housesoiIing ond chewing misfokes
Ieod fo bonishmenf fo fhe bock yord, where fhe dog deveIops
severe socioIi;ofion probIems ond Ieorns fo bork, dig, ond escope.
8y fhe fime fhe dog is picked up on fhe sfreefs os on escopee or o
Iofch-key sfroy, or is surrendered fo on onimoI sheIfer, he hos
deveIoped so mony behovior probIems fhof he is nof eosiIy
SodIy, oII of fhese ufferIy predicfobIe probIems couId be so eosiIy
prevenfed by bosic common sense ond owner ond puppy educofion.

To Ieorn obouf your puppys nexf fhree DeveIopmenfoI DeodIines,
you need fo reod AFTEP You 0ef Your Puppy. This book is
ovoiIobIe of no cosf when you enroII in SIPIUS Puppy Troining
cIosses (I-800-4I9-8748) in fhe Son Froncisco 8oy Areo. SeveroI
ofher pef dog froining schooIs incIude fhe bookIef (or on order
form) in Pegisfrofion Pockefs for puppy cIosses.

To Iocofe o Cerfified Pef Dog Troiner in your oreo, confocf:
The Associofion of Pef Dog Troiners
of I-800-PET-DO0S or www,updt,com.


Mosf bookshops ond pef sfores offer o bewiIdering choice of dog
books ond videos. ConsequenfIy, o number of dog froining
ossociofions hove vofed on whof fhey consider fo be fhe mosf
usefuI for prospecfive puppy owners. I hove incIuded fhe Iisfs os
vofed by fhe Dog FriendIy Dog Troiners 0roup. AIso incIuded in
porenfheses ore fhe ronks os vofed by fhe Associofion of Pef Dog
Troiners (APDT)fhe Iorgesf ossociofion of pef dog froiners
worIdwide, ond by fhe Conodion Associofion of ProfessionoI Pef
Dog Troiners (CAPPDT).

Mosf of fhe books ond videos ore procficoI puppy-roising guides,
primoriIy comprising usefuI froining fips ond fechniques. In
oddifion, I hove incIuded Iisfs of my own: o Iisf for fhose of you
who especioIIy wonf fo hove fun wifh your dog, ond o Iisf for fhose
of you who ore inferesfed in o beffer undersfonding of dog
behovior ond psychoIogy.


#I Sirius Puppy Troining - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I987. (CAPPDT #I, APDT #I)

#Z Troining Dogs wifh Dunbor - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I99o. (CAPPDT #Z, APDT #4)

#3 Troining fhe Componion Dog (4 videos) - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I99Z. (APDT #Z, Winner of
fhe Dog Wrifers Associofion of Americo MoxweII Aword for
8esf Dog Troining Video)

#4 Dog Troining for ChiIdren - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I99o.

#b Puppy Love: Poise Your Dog fhe CIicker Woy - Ioren Pryor &
CoroIyn CIork.
Sunshine 8ooks, I999.


#I How fo Teoch o Mew Dog OId Tricks - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I99I. (APDT #I, CAPPDT #4)

#Z Docfor Dunbors 0ood LiffIe Dog 8ook - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I99Z. (APDT #b, CAPPDT #o)

#3 The Perfecf Puppy - 0wen 8oiIey
HomIyn, I99b. (APDT #8)

#4 Dog FriendIy Dog Troining - Andreo Arden
ID0 8ooks WorIdwide, Z000.

#b Your Ouffo ConfroI Puppy - Teofi Anderson
TFH PubIicofions Inc, Z003.

#o Posifive Puppy Troining Works - JoeI WoIfon
Dovid & Jomes PubIishers, Z00Z.

#7 Troin Your Dog fhe Lo;y Woy - Andreo Arden
AIpho 8ooks, I999.

#8 The Power of Posifive Dog Troining - Pof MiIIer
Hungry Minds, Z00I.

#9 Zb Sfupid Misfokes Dog Owners Moke - Jonine Adoms
LoweII House, Z000.

#I0 The Dog Whisperer - PouI Owens
Adoms Medio Corporofion, I999.


#I Toke o 8ow Wow & 8ow Wow Toke Z (Z videos) - Virginio
8roifmon & Sherri Lippmon,
Toke o 8ow Wow, I99b. (APDT #b, CAPPDT #7)

#Z The Trick Is in The Troining - Sfephonie Tounfon & CheryI
Smifh. 8orrons, I998.

#3 Fun ond 0omes wifh Your Dog - 0erd Ludwig
8orrons, I99o.

#4 Dog Tricks: Sfep by Sfep - Mory Zeigenfuse & Jon WoIker
HoweII 8ook House, I997.

#b Fun & 0omes wifh Dogs - Poy Hunfer
HowIin Moon Press, I993.

#o Conine Advenfures - Cynfhio MiIIer
AnimoIio PubIishing Compony, I999.

#7 0effing Sforfed: CIicker Troining for Dogs - Ioren Pryor.
Sunshine 8ooks, Z00Z.

#8 CIicker Fun (3 videos) - Deboroh Jones
Conine Troining Sysfems, I99o.

#9 AgiIify Tricks - Donno Duford
CIeon Pun Producfions, I999.

#I0 My Dog Con Do Thofl - ID Tog Compony. I99I.
The boord gome you pIoy wifh your dog.


#I The CuIfure CIosh - Jeon DonoIdson
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I99o. (CAPPDT #I, APDT #Z)

#Z Donf Shoof fhe Dog - Ioren Pryor
8onfom 8ooks, I98b. (CAPPDT #Z, APDT #7)

#3 8ones WouId Poin From The Sky - Su;onne CIofhier
Worner 8ooks, Z00Z.

#4 The Ofher End of The Leosh - Pofricio McConneII
8oIIonfine 8ooks, Z00Z.

#b 8ehovior 8ookIefs - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I98b. (APDT #9)

#o 8ehovior ProbIems in Dogs - WiIIiom CompbeII
8ehovior Px Sysfems, I999. (CAPPDT #o)

#7 8ifing & Fighfing (Z videos) - Ion Dunbor
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I994.

#8 Dog Longuoge - Poger Abronfes
Wokon Tonko PubIishers, I997.

#9 ExceI-erofed Leorning: ExpIoining How Dogs Leorn ond How
8esf fo Teoch Them - PomeIo Peid
Jomes & Iennefh PubIishers, I99o.

#I0 How Dogs Leorn - Mory 8urch & Jon 8oiIey
HoweII 8ook House, I999.

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