Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and An Indomitable Spirit!

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I Shall Observe the Tenets of Taekwondo!! I Shall Respect the Sabum Nim, Sabum and Senior Student!! I Shall Never Misuse Taekwondo or any Other Martial Art!! I Shall be a Champion of Freedom and Justice!! I Shall Build a More Peaceful World!!

Observing the Taekwondo principles or tenets is a great start. Do this and you know how to behave in the Dojang and youll have a great attitude to your training and make great progress. Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and an Indomitable Spirit! Respect is hugely important in Taekwondo and other Martial Arts. By bowing we show respect to our instructors and fellow students and to Taekwondo, and finally to ourselves. It goes without saying that we should never misuse Taekwondo or any Martial Art. Firstly we think its best to try to avoid confrontation by being polite to everyone, by trying to walk away from trouble or talk peacefully when confronted. As a last resort, if we are physically attacked, we can use Martial Arts to defend ourselves or others. What does it mean to be a Champion of Freedom and Justice? By training in Martial Arts you become STRONG. Strong in Body, Mind and Spirit. You then have a choice about how to use your strength. If you see something bad happening, like a bullying at school, you can ignore it or you can stand up for what you think is right. This doesnt mean wading in with your Taekwondo in every fight; this may mean simply going to go speak with a teacher. This might not always make you popular, but choosing to be a Champion of Peace and Justice is not always the popular choice. There will be many times when others around you will ask you to show-off your Taekwondo techniques. DONT! Simply invite them to the Dojang where they will get all the examples they require. Finally, how do you build a more Peaceful World? And whats that got to do with Martial Art principles? By practicing Martial Arts and following the Taekwondo principles you become a more peaceful person. Why? Because you are happier in yourself and confident! Physically fit, stronger, relaxed, balanced, and less stressed, because you are at peace with yourself, you are calmer to be around and the calm energy spreads out from you. Then, things are generally a bit more peaceful around you.

SCREAMING EAGLES MARTIAL ARTS, 645 Wallenberg, Suite A-11, (915) 820-0739

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