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Lesson 6 (Reading) Identifying Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Context Clues

I. Learning Objective II. Identifying meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues.

Subject Matter A. Topic: B. References: Identifying meaning of unfamiliar words through structural analysis (Context clues) PELC 3.3 (Reading) On the Horizon p. 26 Skill Builders pp. 155 162 Childrens Reading Laboratory p/ 171 172 picture , charts

C. Materials:

Value Focus: Forest Conservation


Procedure A. Preparatory Activities Motivation (Using picture of Girl Scout and Boy Scout)

Who are in the pictures? How many of you are like them? What are the common activities of girl scout and boy scout

Motive Questions The story that we are going to read is about the trip and the activities of the girl scouts. Make a guess of their activities.

Developmental Activities Presentation Reading the story using (DRTA) How to do it. The learner formulates his own hypothesis about the story based on the title, pictures and others before reading. The learner reads the text by parts. After every part, the learner answer questions about what might happen next based on the context of the story or as revealed by the author. Confirmation of the hypothesis as the learners read the text, allowing for correction if hypothesis is incorrect Story Last year, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines celebrated their anniversary with a journey. What do you think is the meaning of journey? The purpose or point if this trip was to explore the virgin forests of Palawan (What do you mean by virgin?) Since the forests of Palawan have not yet been touched by loggers. Many of the Girl Scout who went were independent girls and did not need help in doing basic or essential things like cooking and hiking. (What do you think is the meaning of independent? Essential) Learning the meaning of cooperation help to make their trip a success. (guess the meaning of cooperation) By working together well, most of them leaned much and enjoyed the trip. They learned much and enjoyed the trip. They learned the value of preserving or taking care of our forests to avoid floods and soil erosion. (What is the meaning of preserving?) Analysis and Discussion Answer the motive question Who celebrated their anniversary? How did they celebrate their anniversary? What was the purpose of their trip? How can you describe a virgin forest? Where do you think can we find a virgin forest? What value did the Girl Scout learn about the forest? (Taking care or preserving forest)

Value Integration How can you help in preserving forest? During reading I ask you to give the meaning of some words, what are those words. How were you able to identify or give the meaning of these unfamiliar words? (Possible answer: We got the meaning of the words based on how they are or with other words that give clue in the sentences. Application Read the story again and look for the meanings of the underlined words. Circle the word or words that explain meaning. Last year, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines celebrated their anniversary with a journey. What do you think is the meaning of journey? The purpose or point of this trip was to explore the virgin forests of Palawan (What do you mean by virgin?) Since the forests of Palawan have not yet been touched by loggers. Many of the Girl Scout who went were independent girls and did not need help in doing basic or essential things like cooking and hiking. Leaning the meaning of cooperation help to make their trip a success. (guess the meaning of cooperation) By working together well, most of them leaned much and enjoyed the trip. They learned much and enjoyed the trip. They learned the value of preserving or taking care of our forests to avoid floods and soil erosion. Generalization How do we get the meaning of unfamiliar words? To get the meaning of a word, it must be used in a context and there is a clue. When we say, use context clue, it means get the meaning of the word as it is used with other words. Therefore, the words that precede and follow an unfamiliar word will help you get its specific meaning. The word or is a signal that a meaning for a new word will follow

C. Post Activities Application A. Read the sentences below. Box the word within the paragraph that gives the meaning for the underlined word. Do you prefer mangoes to lanzones? If you like mangoes better than lanzones, then go to Cebu and have a fill of the best mangoes in the world! Our town has a small population. The number of people living here is about 300 families. True friends are scarce or hand to find But if you do find one, treasure him/her forever. Do you think we will have sufficient electricity by 2020? Everyone hopes we will have enough electricity by then. We have an abundance of rice this year. When we have plenty of rice, we sell it to other countries. If we really want to attain or reach our goal, we must bring plenty of newspaper to win in the drive. He asked for a pass to go out of the building. His permit was presented to the guard The doe has very sensitive ears. Thus a female deer knows a person is coming even from a distance of thirty meters. B. Use context clues to help you decide which word to use. Choose from the words in parentheses. 1. In the Sinai Desert, there is a mountain with very fine grains of sand. They say that the sand slides, it produces a _________ sound that is very nice to hear. (musical, mechanical, comical) 2. The lady announced that Jose won the grand prize. He became _________ for a while, and wouldnt say a word. (noisy, speechless, disturbed) 3. Dont throw old tires, some people try to _________ them and earn a lot from them. (reduce, recycle, return)

D. Enrichment Activities Read the article paragraph below. Choose from the underlined words the correct word that will match each clue below. Having an after school job can be a useful and worthwhile thing to do. Would you say you are dependable? That is, can people count on you? Will you appear when you are supposed to or will you forget? Can you finish a task or job or do you get bored and leave it? Do you have a feeling of accomplishment when you do something weir? Does that make you feel good? If so, then you are absolutely a good person for a job. That is for sure Job Useful Show up Can be counted on For sure

Underline the word/s that give clues to the meaning of the word inside the box. Maria couldnt sleep. It was so quiet. The shadows looked like ghosts moving in and out of her room. She felt like moving but she couldnt. Maria was feeling frightened Cristine Maria and I played games and had some barbecue and cake. All our classmates were with us. The place was nice and the weather was great. We were all having a good time As a scout, Mark knew what he had to do. So, that he assisted the children cross the street and carried the bags of old ladies who were having a hard time finding a ride. Mark is helpful Maria was not nice that day. She fought with her little sister. Mother gave her a scolding for answering back. She was being very naughty Today had been very good for Ben. He did very well in his Math test. His teacher picked him to recite the poem in next months program. Plus he won the school raffle. Ben was lucky


Evaluation Look for the meaning of the underlined word from the sentence. Write it on the blank. _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. Winnie aggravates and annoys everyone. Fredo is so absentminded, he forgets where things are. The twins work steadily without stopping until they finish. Manufacturing cars is a profitable business. Some men the building cars and engines is a challenging work as well If you swap or exchange your stamps, youll earn more.


Assignment Read each sentence, then choose one of the words from below that best fit the sentence. After this, underline the word in the sentence gives you a clue to the word you chose. vase day 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. knocking light mailing will that

Every ______ I have breakfast. Turn on the _____. It is dark in this room. Bring this letter to the post office for _____. I can hear someone ______ at the door. Father brought some flowers which mother put in a ______.

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