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Concept design

There is a world parallel to the human world; the world of Jins. The Jins are creatures created from fire (naari), unlike the humans which are created from earth (khaki). Like humans they operate on free will. The humans are the ashraf-ul-makhluqaat, meaning superior to all the creations. But the Jins are also intelligent beings. The two worlds hardly overlap, other than a few over ambitions Jins and some unconventional humans. Recently however this has not been the case. A certain group of humans have started probing into their world for the control over their world. This group has developed an ability to enter their world and look and behave like them. But they are secretly trying to weaken the authorities of their world. Their aim is take full control over their world and to display their superiority to their fellow creatures. They want to destroy their independence and make them fully dependent on them. They are slowly and surely making their way and moving to success. But in a war, its not the stronger army that wins, its the stronger motive. And an evil motive can never be stronger than a noble one. Leaded by the most inspiring leader of the Jins, they move on the journey to their independence and the disarming the humans from entering into their world again. This entire story is meant to be symbolic of the current situation of the Muslim world and the actions of the Americans and their allies. Therefore all the guidelines for the story will be taken from this symbolism.

Plot Characters

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